assert edge.getSrc() == referencer;
assert edge.getDst() == referencee;
- if( referencer.getReferenceTo( referencee,
- edge.getType(),
- edge.getField()
- ) != null
- ) {
- System.out.println( " edge being added again: "+edge );
- }
// edges are getting added twice to graphs now, the
// kind that should have abstract facts merged--use
// this check to prevent that
+ protected void clearNonVarRefEdgesTo( HeapRegionNode referencee ) {
+ assert referencee != null;
+ // get a copy of the set to iterate over, otherwise
+ // we will be trying to take apart the set as we
+ // are iterating over it, which won't work
+ Iterator<RefEdge> i = referencee.iteratorToReferencersClone();
+ while( i.hasNext() ) {
+ RefEdge edge =;
+ RefSrcNode referencer = edge.getSrc();
+ if( !(referencer instanceof VariableNode) ) {
+ removeRefEdge( referencer,
+ referencee,
+ edge.getType(),
+ edge.getField() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
// to and from i-1 to node i.
for( int i = allocationDepth - 1; i > 0; --i ) {
- /*
- // if the target (ith) node exists, clobber it
- // whether the i-1 node exists or not
- Integer idIth = as.getIthOldest( i );
- if( id2hrn.containsKey( idIth ) ) {
- HeapRegionNode hrnI = id2hrn.get( idIth );
- // clear all references in and out
- wipeOut( hrnI );
- }
- */
// only do the transfer if the i-1 node exists
Integer idImin1th = as.getIthOldest( i - 1 );
if( id2hrn.containsKey( idImin1th ) ) {
// references moved over to the second oldest, so we wipe newest
// in preparation for being the new object to assign something to
HeapRegionNode hrn0 = getIthNode( as, 0, false );
- wipeOut( hrn0 );
+ wipeOut( hrn0, true );
// now tokens in reachability sets need to "age" also
Iterator itrAllVariableNodes = td2vn.entrySet().iterator();
if( edgeSummary == null ) {
// the merge is trivial, nothing to be done
+ addRefEdge( hrnSummary, hrnReferencee, edgeMerged );
} else {
// otherwise an edge from the referencer to hrnSummary exists already
// and the edge referencer->hrn should be merged with it
- edgeMerged.setBeta(
- Canonical.union( edgeMerged.getBeta(),
- edgeSummary.getBeta()
- )
- );
- edgeMerged.setPreds(
- Canonical.join( edgeMerged.getPreds(),
- edgeSummary.getPreds()
- )
+ edgeSummary.setBeta(
+ Canonical.union( edgeMerged.getBeta(),
+ edgeSummary.getBeta()
+ )
+ edgeSummary.setPreds(
+ Canonical.join( edgeMerged.getPreds(),
+ edgeSummary.getPreds()
+ )
+ );
- addRefEdge( hrnSummary, hrnReferencee, edgeMerged );
// next transfer references _to_ hrn over to hrnSummary
if( edgeSummary == null ) {
// the merge is trivial, nothing to be done
+ addRefEdge( onReferencer, hrnSummary, edgeMerged );
} else {
// otherwise an edge from the referencer to alpha_S exists already
// and the edge referencer->alpha_K should be merged with it
- edgeMerged.setBeta(
- Canonical.union( edgeMerged.getBeta(),
- edgeSummary.getBeta()
- )
- );
- edgeMerged.setPreds(
- Canonical.join( edgeMerged.getPreds(),
- edgeSummary.getPreds()
- )
+ edgeSummary.setBeta(
+ Canonical.union( edgeMerged.getBeta(),
+ edgeSummary.getBeta()
+ )
+ edgeSummary.setPreds(
+ Canonical.join( edgeMerged.getPreds(),
+ edgeSummary.getPreds()
+ )
+ );
- addRefEdge( onReferencer, hrnSummary, edgeMerged );
// then merge hrn reachability into hrnSummary
+ hrnSummary.setPreds(
+ Canonical.join( hrnSummary.getPreds(),
+ hrn.getPreds()
+ )
+ );
// and afterward, this node is gone
- wipeOut( hrn );
+ wipeOut( hrn, true );
hrnB.setPreds( hrnA.getPreds() );
// after transfer, wipe out source
- wipeOut( hrnA );
+ wipeOut( hrnA, true );
// because the node is still hanging around in the graph, just
// not mechanically connected or have any reach or predicate
// information on it anymore--lots of ops can use this
- protected void wipeOut( HeapRegionNode hrn ) {
+ protected void wipeOut( HeapRegionNode hrn,
+ boolean wipeVariableReferences ) {
assert belongsToThis( hrn );
clearRefEdgesFrom( hrn, null, null, true );
- clearRefEdgesTo ( hrn, null, null, true );
+ if( wipeVariableReferences ) {
+ clearRefEdgesTo( hrn, null, null, true );
+ } else {
+ clearNonVarRefEdgesTo( hrn );
+ }
hrn.setAlpha( rsetEmpty );
hrn.setPreds( predsEmpty );
if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
try {
- this.writeGraph( "caller",
- true, false, false, false, true, true,
- callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee );
rgCallee.writeGraph( "callee",
true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ writeGraph( "caller00In",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true,
+ callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
// a) bring in nodes
// b) bring in callee -> callee edges
// c) resolve out-of-context -> callee edges
- // 4. Global sweep it.
+ // d) assign return value
+ // 4. Collapse shadow nodes down
+ // 5. Global sweep it.
+ if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller20BeforeWipe",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
// 2. predicates tested, ok to wipe out caller part
Iterator<Integer> hrnItr = callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee.iterator();
while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
Integer hrnID =;
HeapRegionNode hrnCaller = id2hrn.get( hrnID );
assert hrnCaller != null;
- wipeOut( hrnCaller );
+ // when clearing off nodes, don't eliminate variable
+ // references
+ wipeOut( hrnCaller, false );
if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
try {
- writeGraph( "callerWiped",
+ writeGraph( "caller30BeforeAddingNodes",
true, false, false, false, true, true );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
// 3. callee elements with satisfied preds come in, note that
// the mapping of elements satisfied to preds is like this:
// A callee element EE has preds EEp that are satisfied by
+ if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller31BeforeAddingEdges",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
// 3.b) callee -> callee edges
satisItr = calleeEdgesSatisfied.entrySet().iterator();
while( satisItr.hasNext() ) {
RefSrcNode rsnCaller;
if( rsnCallee instanceof VariableNode ) {
+ continue;
+ /*
VariableNode vnCallee = (VariableNode) rsnCallee;
TempDescriptor tdParam = vnCallee.getTempDescriptor();
TempDescriptor tdArg = fc.getArgMatchingParam( fm,
+ System.out.println( "going with "+tdParam+" to "+tdArg );
rsnCaller = this.getVariableNodeFromTemp( tdArg );
+ */
} else {
HeapRegionNode hrnSrcCallee = (HeapRegionNode) reCallee.getSrc();
+ if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller33BeforeResolveOutOfContextEdges",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
// 3.c) resolve out-of-context -> callee edges
if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
try {
- writeGraph( "callerBeforeCollapseShadow",
+ writeGraph( "caller35BeforeAssignReturnValue",
true, false, false, false, true, true );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
+ // 3.d) handle return value assignment if needed
+ TempDescriptor returnTemp = fc.getReturnTemp();
+ if( returnTemp != null && !returnTemp.getType().isImmutable() ) {
+ VariableNode vnLhsCaller = getVariableNodeFromTemp( returnTemp );
+ clearRefEdgesFrom( vnLhsCaller, null, null, true );
+ VariableNode vnReturnCallee = rgCallee.getVariableNodeFromTemp( tdReturn );
+ Iterator<RefEdge> reCalleeItr = vnReturnCallee.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while( reCalleeItr.hasNext() ) {
+ RefEdge reCallee =;
+ HeapRegionNode hrnDstCallee = reCallee.getDst();
+ // some edge types are not possible return values when we can
+ // see what type variable we are assigning it to
+ if( !isSuperiorType( returnTemp.getType(), reCallee.getType() ) ) {
+ System.out.println( "*** NOT EXPECTING TO SEE THIS: Throwing out "+
+ reCallee+" for return temp "+returnTemp );
+ // prune
+ continue;
+ }
+ AllocSite asDst = hrnDstCallee.getAllocSite();
+ allocSites.add( asDst );
- // 3.d) merge shadow nodes so alloc sites are back to k
+ Integer hrnIDDstShadow = asDst.getShadowIDfromID( hrnDstCallee.getID() );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnDstCaller = id2hrn.get( hrnIDDstShadow );
+ assert hrnDstCaller != null;
+ TypeDescriptor tdNewEdge =
+ mostSpecificType( reCallee.getType(),
+ hrnDstCallee.getType(),
+ hrnDstCaller.getType()
+ );
+ RefEdge reCaller = new RefEdge( vnLhsCaller,
+ hrnDstCaller,
+ tdNewEdge,
+ null,
+ rsetEmpty,
+ predsTrue
+ );
+ addRefEdge( vnLhsCaller, hrnDstCaller, reCaller );
+ }
+ }
+ if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller40BeforeShadowMerge",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
+ // 4) merge shadow nodes so alloc sites are back to k
Iterator<AllocSite> asItr = rgCallee.allocSites.iterator();
while( asItr.hasNext() ) {
// for each allocation site do the following to merge
// yes, a normal node exists, is there an empty shadow
// "slot" to transfer it onto?
- HeapRegionNode hrnShad = getIthNode( as, ageShad, true );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnShad = getIthNode( as, ageShad, true );
if( !hrnShad.isWiped() ) {
// no, this age of shadow node is not empty
HeapRegionNode summShad = id2hrn.get( idShad );
if( summShad != null ) {
summNorm = getSummaryNode( as, false );
- transferOnto( summNorm, summShad );
+ transferOnto( summShad, summNorm );
- // 4.
+ if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller50BeforeGlobalSweep",
+ true, false, false, false, true, true );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
+ // 5.
if( writeDebugDOTs ) {
try {
- writeGraph( "callerAfterTransfer",
+ writeGraph( "caller90AfterTransfer",
true, false, false, false, true, true );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
// nodes, so when a node is identified as garbage,
// actively clear references to and from it so
// live nodes won't have dangling RefEdge's
- wipeOut( hrn );
+ wipeOut( hrn, true );
// if we just removed the last node from an allocation
// site, it should be taken out of the ReachGraph's list