/* Build the virtual dispatch tables */
+ /* Tag the methods that are invoked by static blocks */
+ tagMethodInvokedByStaticBlock();
/* Output includes */
outmethodheader.println("#ifndef METHODHEADERS_H");
outmethodheader.println("#define METHODHEADERS_H");
+ /* This method goes though the call graph and tag those methods that are
+ * invoked inside static blocks
+ */
+ protected void tagMethodInvokedByStaticBlock() {
+ Iterator it_sclasses = this.state.getSClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ MethodDescriptor current_md=null;
+ HashSet tovisit=new HashSet();
+ HashSet visited=new HashSet();
+ while(it_sclasses.hasNext()) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor)it_sclasses.next();
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor)cd.getMethodTable().get("staticblocks");
+ tovisit.add(md);
+ }
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ current_md=(MethodDescriptor)tovisit.iterator().next();
+ tovisit.remove(current_md);
+ visited.add(current_md);
+ Iterator it_callee = this.callgraph.getCalleeSet(current_md).iterator();
+ while(it_callee.hasNext()) {
+ Descriptor d = (Descriptor)it_callee.next();
+ if(d instanceof MethodDescriptor) {
+ if(!visited.contains(d)) {
+ ((MethodDescriptor)d).setIsInvokedByStatic(true);
+ tovisit.add(d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* This code generates code for each static block and static field
+ * initialization.*/
+ protected void outputStaticBlocks(PrintWriter outmethod) {
+ // execute all the static blocks and all the static field initializations
+ // TODO
+ }
/* This code just generates the main C method for java programs.
* The main C method packs up the arguments into a string array
protected void outputMainMethod(PrintWriter outmethod) {
outmethod.println("int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {");
outmethod.println(" int i;");
+ outputStaticBlocks(outmethod);
if (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) {
Vector fields=(Vector)fieldorder.get(cn);
+ if((cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) || (cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0)) {
+ // this class has static fields/blocks, need to add a global flag to
+ // indicate if its static fields have been initialized and/or if its
+ // static blocks have been executed
+ globaldefout.println(" int "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag;");
+ }
for(int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {
FieldDescriptor fd=(FieldDescriptor)fields.get(i);
if(fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock()) {
- // a static block
- } else if((fm.getMethod().getReturnType() == null) && (cn != null)){
+ // a static block, check if it has been executed
+ output.println(" if(global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag != 0) {");
+ output.println(" return;");
+ output.println(" }");
+ output.println("");
+ }
+ if((!fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock()) && (fm.getMethod().getReturnType() == null) && (cn != null)){
// is a constructor, check and output initialization of the static fields
+ // here does not initialize the static fields of the class, instead it
+ // redirect the corresponding fields in the object to the global_defs_p
Vector fields=(Vector)fieldorder.get(cn);
for(int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {
protected void generateCode(FlatNode first,
FlatMethod fm,
LocalityBinding lb,
- Set<FlatNode> stopset,
- PrintWriter output, boolean firstpass) {
+ Set<FlatNode> stopset,
+ PrintWriter output,
+ boolean firstpass) {
/* Assign labels to FlatNode's if necessary.*/
assert fsxn.getFlatEnter().equals( fsen );
if (current_node.kind()!=FKind.FlatReturnNode) {
+ if((fm.getMethod() != null) && (fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock())) {
+ // a static block, check if it has been executed
+ output.println(" global_defs_p->" + fm.getMethod().getClassDesc().getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag = 1;");
+ output.println("");
+ }
output.println(" return;");
MethodDescriptor md=fc.getMethod();
ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(lb!=null ? locality.getBinding(lb, fc) : md);
ClassDescriptor cn=md.getClassDesc();
+ // if the called method is a static block or a static method or a constructor
+ // need to check if it can be invoked inside some static block
+ if((md.isStatic() || md.isStaticBlock() || md.isConstructor()) &&
+ ((fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock()) || (fm.getMethod().isInvokedByStatic()))) {
+ if(!md.isInvokedByStatic()) {
+ System.err.println("Error: a method that is invoked inside a static block is not tagged!");
+ }
+ // is a static block or is invoked in some static block
+ ClassDescriptor cd = fm.getMethod().getClassDesc();
+ if(cd == cn) {
+ // the same class, do nothing
+ // TODO may want to invoke static field initialization here
+ } else {
+ if((cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) || (cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0)) {
+ // need to check if the class' static fields have been initialized and/or
+ // its static blocks have been executed
+ output.println("#ifdef MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ output.println("if(global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag == 0) {");
+ if(cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) {
+ // TODO add static field initialization here
+ }
+ if(cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0) {
+ MethodDescriptor t_md = (MethodDescriptor)cn.getMethodTable().get("staticblocks");
+ output.println(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"();");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag = 1;");
+ }
+ output.println("}");
+ output.println("#endif // MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (lb!=null) {
// DEBUG output.println("within((void*)"+generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc(),lb)+"->"+ ffn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+");");
// DEBUG }
if(ffn.getField().isStatic()) {
- // static field, redirect to the global_defs_p structure
+ // static field
+ if((fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock()) || (fm.getMethod().isInvokedByStatic())) {
+ // is a static block or is invoked in some static block
+ ClassDescriptor cd = fm.getMethod().getClassDesc();
+ ClassDescriptor cn = ffn.getSrc().getType().getClassDesc();
+ if(cd == cn) {
+ // the same class, do nothing
+ // TODO may want to invoke static field initialization here
+ } else {
+ if((cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) || (cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0)) {
+ // need to check if the class' static fields have been initialized and/or
+ // its static blocks have been executed
+ output.println("#ifdef MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ output.println("if(global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag == 0) {");
+ if(cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) {
+ // TODO add static field initialization here
+ }
+ if(cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0) {
+ MethodDescriptor t_md = (MethodDescriptor)cn.getMethodTable().get("staticblocks");
+ output.println(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"();");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag = 1;");
+ }
+ output.println("}");
+ output.println("#endif // MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // redirect to the global_defs_p structure
if(ffn.getSrc().getType().isStatic()) {
// reference to the static field with Class name
output.println(generateTemp(fm, ffn.getDst(),lb)+"=global_defs_p->"+ ffn.getSrc().getType().getClassDesc().getSafeSymbol()+ffn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+";");
// DEBUG output.println("within((void*)"+generateTemp(fm,fsfn.getSrc(),lb)+");");
// DEBUG }
if(fsfn.getField().isStatic()) {
- // static field, redirect to the global_defs_p structure
+ // static field
+ if((fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock()) || (fm.getMethod().isInvokedByStatic())) {
+ // is a static block or is invoked in some static block
+ ClassDescriptor cd = fm.getMethod().getClassDesc();
+ ClassDescriptor cn = fsfn.getDst().getType().getClassDesc();
+ if(cd == cn) {
+ // the same class, do nothing
+ // TODO may want to invoke static field initialization here
+ } else {
+ if((cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) || (cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0)) {
+ // need to check if the class' static fields have been initialized and/or
+ // its static blocks have been executed
+ output.println("#ifdef MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ output.println("if(global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag == 0) {");
+ if(cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) {
+ // TODO add static field initialization here
+ }
+ if(cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0) {
+ MethodDescriptor t_md = (MethodDescriptor)cn.getMethodTable().get("staticblocks");
+ output.println(" "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"();");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" global_defs_p->" + cn.getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag = 1;");
+ }
+ output.println("}");
+ output.println("#endif // MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // redirect to the global_defs_p structure
if(fsfn.getDst().getType().isStatic()) {
// reference to the static field with Class name
output.println("global_defs_p->" + fsfn.getDst().getType().getClassDesc().getSafeSymbol() + fsfn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+"="+ generateTemp(fm,fsfn.getSrc(),lb)+";");
protected void generateFlatReturnNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatReturnNode frn, PrintWriter output) {
+ if((fm.getMethod() != null) && (fm.getMethod().isStaticBlock())) {
+ // a static block, check if it has been executed
+ output.println(" global_defs_p->" + fm.getMethod().getClassDesc().getSafeSymbol()+"static_block_exe_flag = 1;");
+ output.println("");
+ }
if (frn.getReturnTemp()!=null) {
if (frn.getReturnTemp().getType().isPtr())
output.println("return (struct "+fm.getMethod().getReturnType().getSafeSymbol()+"*)"+generateTemp(fm, frn.getReturnTemp(), lb)+";");
/* Build the virtual dispatch tables */
+ /* Tag the methods that are invoked by static blocks */
+ super.tagMethodInvokedByStaticBlock();
/* Output includes */
outmethodheader.println("#ifndef METHODHEADERS_H");
outmethod.println("int mgc_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {");
outmethod.println(" int i;");
- // execute all the static blocks in random order
- // TODO may need more careful about the execution order
- SymbolTable sbt = this.state.getStaticBlockSymbolTable();
- Iterator it_staticblocks = state.getStaticBlockSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_staticblocks.hasNext()) {
- MethodDescriptor t_md = (MethodDescriptor) it_staticblocks.next();
- ClassDescriptor t_cd = t_md.getClassDesc();
- outmethod.println(" {");
- if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
- outmethod.print(" struct "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_params __parameterlist__={");
- outmethod.println("1, NULL};");
- outmethod.println(" "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"(& __parameterlist__);");
- } else {
- outmethod.println(" "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"();");
- }
- outmethod.println(" }");
- }
+ outputStaticBlocks(outmethod);
outmethod.println(" struct ArrayObject * stringarray=allocate_newarray(NULL, STRINGARRAYTYPE, argc-1);");
+ protected void outputStaticBlocks(PrintWriter outmethod) {
+ outmethod.println("#define MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ // execute all the static blocks and all the static field initializations
+ SymbolTable sctbl = this.state.getSClassSymbolTable();
+ Iterator it_sclasses = sctbl.getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_sclasses.hasNext()) {
+ ClassDescriptor t_cd = (ClassDescriptor)it_sclasses.next();
+ MethodDescriptor t_md = (MethodDescriptor)t_cd.getMethodTable().get("staticblocks");
+ outmethod.println(" {");
+ if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
+ outmethod.print(" struct "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_params __parameterlist__={");
+ outmethod.println("1, NULL};");
+ outmethod.println(" "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"(& __parameterlist__);");
+ } else {
+ outmethod.println(" "+t_cd.getSafeSymbol()+t_md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+t_md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"();");
+ }
+ outmethod.println(" }");
+ }
+ outmethod.println("#undef MGC_STATIC_INIT_CHECK");
+ }