class not_initialized : public std::runtime_error
- //@cond
: std::runtime_error( "Global Hazard Pointer GarbageCollector is not initialized" )
- //@endcond
/// Not enough Hazard Pointer
class too_many_hazard_ptr : public std::length_error
- //@cond
: std::length_error( "Not enough Hazard Pointer" )
- //@endcond
atomics::atomic<OS::ThreadId> m_idOwner; ///< Owner thread id; 0 - the record is free (not owned)
atomics::atomic<bool> m_bFree; ///< true if record is free (not owned)
- //@cond
explicit hplist_node( const GarbageCollector& HzpMgr )
: hp_record( HzpMgr ),
m_pNextNode( nullptr ),
assert( m_idOwner.load( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == OS::c_NullThreadId );
assert( m_bFree.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed));
- //@endcond
atomics::atomic<hplist_node *> m_pListHead ; ///< Head of GC list
The \p libcds contains several implementations if signal-handling %RCU: \ref signal_buffered,
\ref signal_threaded.
- @note The signal-handled %RCU is defined only for UNIX-like systems, not for Windows.
+ @note The signal-handled %RCU is defined only for UNIX-like systems, not for Windows.
- @anchor cds_urcu_type
- <b>RCU implementation type</b>
+ @anchor cds_urcu_type
+ <b>RCU implementation type</b>
There are several internal implementation of RCU (all declared in \p %cds::urcu namespace):
- \ref general_instant - general purpose RCU with immediate reclamation
and has the reacher interface that combines interfaces of wrapped class i.e. RCU global part like
\p synchronize, and corresponding RCU thread-specific interface like \p access_lock, \p access_unlock and \p retire_ptr.
- @anchor cds_urcu_gc
- There are several wrapper classes (all declared in \p %cds::urcu namespace)
+ @anchor cds_urcu_gc
+ There are several wrapper classes (all declared in \p %cds::urcu namespace)
- \ref cds_urcu_general_instant_gc "gc<general_instant>" - general purpose RCU with immediate reclamation,
include file <tt><cds/urcu/general_instant.h></tt>
- \ref cds_urcu_general_buffered_gc "gc<general_buffered>" - general purpose RCU with deferred (buffered) reclamation,
Any RCU-related container in \p libcds expects that its \p RCU template parameter is one of those wrapper.
- @anchor cds_urcu_tags
+ @anchor cds_urcu_tags
For simplicity, in some algorithms instead of using RCU implementation type
you should specify corresponding RCU tags (all declared in \p %cds::urcu namespace):
- \ref general_instant_tag - for \ref general_instant
- \ref signal_buffered_tag - for \ref signal_buffered
- \ref signal_threaded_tag - for \ref signal_threaded
- @anchor cds_urcu_performance
- <b>Performance</b>
+ @anchor cds_urcu_performance
+ <b>Performance</b>
As a result of our experiments we can range above %RCU implementation in such order,
from high to low performance:
type of payload - mostly read-only (seeking) or read-write (inserting and deleting), -
a hardware, your application, and so on.
- @anchor cds_urcu_howto
- <b>How to use</b>
+ @anchor cds_urcu_howto
+ <b>How to use</b>
Usually, in your application you use only one \ref cds_urcu_gc "type of RCU" that is the best for your needs.
However, the library allows to apply several RCU singleton in one application.