namespace folly {
-namespace impl {
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const = false>
+template <typename FunctionType>
class Function;
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
-Function<ReturnType(Args...), true> constCastFunction(
- Function<ReturnType(Args...), false>&&) noexcept;
-} // impl
+Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
+ Function<ReturnType(Args...)>&&) noexcept;
namespace detail {
namespace function {
typename std::aligned_storage<6 * sizeof(void*)>::type small;
-template <bool If, typename T>
-using ConstIf = typename std::conditional<If, const T, T>::type;
template <typename Fun, typename FunT = typename std::decay<Fun>::type>
using IsSmall = std::integral_constant<
using SmallTag = std::true_type;
using HeapTag = std::false_type;
+struct CoerceTag {};
template <typename T>
bool isNullPtrFn(T* p) {
return p == nullptr;
return {};
-template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
-ReturnType uninitCall(Data&, Args&&...) {
- throw std::bad_function_call();
inline bool uninitNoop(Op, Data*, Data*) {
return false;
+template <typename FunctionType>
+struct FunctionTraits;
+template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
+struct FunctionTraits<ReturnType(Args...)> {
+ using Call = ReturnType (*)(Data&, Args&&...);
+ using IsConst = std::false_type;
+ using ConstSignature = ReturnType(Args...) const;
+ using NonConstSignature = ReturnType(Args...);
+ using OtherSignature = ConstSignature;
+ template <typename F, typename G = typename std::decay<F>::type>
+ using ResultOf = decltype(
+ static_cast<ReturnType>(std::declval<G&>()(std::declval<Args>()...)));
+ template <typename Fun>
+ static ReturnType callSmall(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
+ return static_cast<ReturnType>((*static_cast<Fun*>(
+ static_cast<void*>(&p.small)))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
+ }
+ template <typename Fun>
+ static ReturnType callBig(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
+ return static_cast<ReturnType>(
+ (*static_cast<Fun*>(p.big))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
+ }
+ static ReturnType uninitCall(Data&, Args&&...) {
+ throw std::bad_function_call();
+ }
+ ReturnType operator()(Args... args) {
+ auto& fn = *static_cast<Function<ReturnType(Args...)>*>(this);
+ return fn.call_(fn.data_, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
+ }
+ struct SharedFunctionImpl {
+ std::shared_ptr<Function<ReturnType(Args...)>> sp_;
+ ReturnType operator()(Args&&... args) const {
+ return (*sp_)(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
+ }
+ };
+template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
+struct FunctionTraits<ReturnType(Args...) const> {
+ using Call = ReturnType (*)(Data&, Args&&...);
+ using IsConst = std::true_type;
+ using ConstSignature = ReturnType(Args...) const;
+ using NonConstSignature = ReturnType(Args...);
+ using OtherSignature = NonConstSignature;
+ template <typename F, typename G = typename std::decay<F>::type>
+ using ResultOf = decltype(static_cast<ReturnType>(
+ std::declval<const G&>()(std::declval<Args>()...)));
+ template <typename Fun>
+ static ReturnType callSmall(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
+ return static_cast<ReturnType>((*static_cast<const Fun*>(
+ static_cast<void*>(&p.small)))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
+ }
+ template <typename Fun>
+ static ReturnType callBig(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
+ return static_cast<ReturnType>(
+ (*static_cast<const Fun*>(p.big))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
+ }
+ static ReturnType uninitCall(Data&, Args&&...) {
+ throw std::bad_function_call();
+ }
+ ReturnType operator()(Args... args) const {
+ auto& fn = *static_cast<const Function<ReturnType(Args...) const>*>(this);
+ return fn.call_(fn.data_, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
+ }
+ struct SharedFunctionImpl {
+ std::shared_ptr<Function<ReturnType(Args...) const>> sp_;
+ ReturnType operator()(Args&&... args) const {
+ return (*sp_)(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
+ }
+ };
+template <typename Fun>
+bool execSmall(Op o, Data* src, Data* dst) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case Op::MOVE:
+ ::new (static_cast<void*>(&dst->small))
+ Fun(std::move(*static_cast<Fun*>(static_cast<void*>(&src->small))));
+ case Op::NUKE:
+ static_cast<Fun*>(static_cast<void*>(&src->small))->~Fun();
+ break;
+ case Op::FULL:
+ return true;
+ case Op::HEAP:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+template <typename Fun>
+bool execBig(Op o, Data* src, Data* dst) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case Op::MOVE:
+ dst->big = src->big;
+ src->big = nullptr;
+ break;
+ case Op::NUKE:
+ delete static_cast<Fun*>(src->big);
+ break;
+ case Op::FULL:
+ case Op::HEAP:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace function
} // namespace detail
-namespace impl {
-template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args, bool Const>
-class Function<ReturnType(Args...), Const> final {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+class Function final : private detail::function::FunctionTraits<FunctionType> {
// These utility types are defined outside of the template to reduce
// the number of instantiations, and then imported in the class
// namespace for convenience.
using Op = detail::function::Op;
using SmallTag = detail::function::SmallTag;
using HeapTag = detail::function::HeapTag;
- using Call = ReturnType (*)(Data&, Args&&...);
+ using CoerceTag = detail::function::CoerceTag;
+ using Traits = detail::function::FunctionTraits<FunctionType>;
+ using Call = typename Traits::Call;
using Exec = bool (*)(Op, Data*, Data*);
- template <typename T>
- using ConstIf = detail::function::ConstIf<Const, T>;
template <typename Fun>
using IsSmall = detail::function::IsSmall<Fun>;
- /**
- * @Function is const-safe:
- * - @call_ takes @Data as non-const param to avoid code/data duplication.
- * - @data_ can only be mutated if @constCastFunction is used.
- */
+ using OtherSignature = typename Traits::OtherSignature;
+ // The `data_` member is mutable to allow `constCastFunction` to work without
+ // invoking undefined behavior. Const-correctness is only violated when
+ // `FunctionType` is a const function type (e.g., `int() const`) and `*this`
+ // is the result of calling `constCastFunction`.
mutable Data data_;
- Call call_{&detail::function::uninitCall<ReturnType, Args...>};
+ Call call_{&Traits::uninitCall};
Exec exec_{&detail::function::uninitNoop};
- friend Function<ReturnType(Args...), true> constCastFunction<>(
- Function<ReturnType(Args...), false>&&) noexcept;
- friend class Function<ReturnType(Args...), !Const>;
- template <typename Fun>
- struct OpsSmall {
- using FunT = typename std::decay<Fun>::type;
- static ReturnType call(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
- return static_cast<ReturnType>((*static_cast<ConstIf<FunT>*>(
- static_cast<void*>(&p.small)))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
- }
- static bool exec(Op o, Data* src, Data* dst) {
- switch (o) {
- case Op::MOVE:
- ::new (static_cast<void*>(&dst->small)) FunT(
- std::move(*static_cast<FunT*>(static_cast<void*>(&src->small))));
- case Op::NUKE:
- static_cast<FunT*>(static_cast<void*>(&src->small))->~FunT();
- break;
- case Op::FULL:
- return true;
- case Op::HEAP:
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
+ friend Traits;
+ friend Function<typename Traits::ConstSignature> folly::constCastFunction<>(
+ Function<typename Traits::NonConstSignature>&&) noexcept;
+ friend class Function<OtherSignature>;
template <typename Fun>
Function(Fun&& fun, SmallTag) noexcept {
- using Ops = OpsSmall<Fun>;
+ using FunT = typename std::decay<Fun>::type;
if (!detail::function::isNullPtrFn(fun)) {
- ::new (static_cast<void*>(&data_.small))
- typename Ops::FunT(static_cast<Fun&&>(fun));
- exec_ = &Ops::exec;
- call_ = &Ops::call;
+ ::new (static_cast<void*>(&data_.small)) FunT(static_cast<Fun&&>(fun));
+ call_ = &Traits::template callSmall<FunT>;
+ exec_ = &detail::function::execSmall<FunT>;
- template <typename Fun>
- struct OpsHeap {
- using FunT = typename std::decay<Fun>::type;
- static ReturnType call(Data& p, Args&&... args) {
- return static_cast<ReturnType>(
- (*static_cast<ConstIf<FunT>*>(p.big))(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...));
- }
- static bool exec(Op o, Data* src, Data* dst) {
- switch (o) {
- case Op::MOVE:
- dst->big = src->big;
- src->big = nullptr;
- break;
- case Op::NUKE:
- delete static_cast<FunT*>(src->big);
- break;
- case Op::FULL:
- case Op::HEAP:
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
template <typename Fun>
Function(Fun&& fun, HeapTag) {
- using Ops = OpsHeap<Fun>;
- data_.big = new typename Ops::FunT(static_cast<Fun&&>(fun));
- call_ = &Ops::call;
- exec_ = &Ops::exec;
+ using FunT = typename std::decay<Fun>::type;
+ data_.big = new FunT(static_cast<Fun&&>(fun));
+ call_ = &Traits::template callBig<FunT>;
+ exec_ = &detail::function::execBig<FunT>;
- template <typename F, typename G = typename std::decay<F>::type>
- using ResultOf = decltype(static_cast<ReturnType>(
- std::declval<ConstIf<G>&>()(std::declval<Args>()...)));
+ Function(Function<OtherSignature>&& that, CoerceTag) noexcept {
+ that.exec_(Op::MOVE, &that.data_, &data_);
+ std::swap(call_, that.call_);
+ std::swap(exec_, that.exec_);
+ }
* \note `typename = ResultOf<Fun>` prevents this overload from being
* selected by overload resolution when `fun` is not a compatible function.
- template <class Fun, typename = ResultOf<Fun>>
+ template <class Fun, typename = typename Traits::template ResultOf<Fun>>
/* implicit */ Function(Fun&& fun) noexcept(IsSmall<Fun>::value)
: Function(static_cast<Fun&&>(fun), IsSmall<Fun>{}) {}
* For moving a `Function<X(Ys..) const>` into a `Function<X(Ys...)>`.
template <
- bool OtherConst,
- typename std::enable_if<!Const && OtherConst, int>::type = 0>
- Function(Function<ReturnType(Args...), OtherConst>&& that) noexcept {
- that.exec_(Op::MOVE, &that.data_, &data_);
- std::swap(call_, that.call_);
- std::swap(exec_, that.exec_);
- }
+ bool Const = Traits::IsConst::value,
+ typename std::enable_if<!Const, int>::type = 0>
+ Function(Function<OtherSignature>&& that) noexcept
+ : Function(std::move(that), CoerceTag{}) {}
* If `ptr` is null, constructs an empty `Function`. Otherwise,
* \note `typename = ResultOf<Fun>` prevents this overload from being
* selected by overload resolution when `fun` is not a compatible function.
- template <class Fun, typename = ResultOf<Fun>>
+ template <class Fun, typename = typename Traits::template ResultOf<Fun>>
Function& operator=(Fun&& fun) noexcept(
noexcept(/* implicit */ Function(std::declval<Fun>()))) {
// Doing this in place is more efficient when we can do so safely.
* Call the wrapped callable object with the specified arguments.
- * If this `Function` object is a const `folly::Function` object,
- * this overload shall not participate in overload resolution.
- template <
- // `True` makes `operator()` a template so we can SFINAE on `Const`,
- // which is non-deduced here.
- bool True = true,
- typename std::enable_if<True && !Const, int>::type = 0>
- ReturnType operator()(Args... args) {
- return call_(data_, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
- }
- /**
- * Call the wrapped callable object with the specified arguments.
- * If this `Function` object is not a const `folly::Function` object,
- * this overload shall not participate in overload resolution.
- */
- template <
- // `True` makes `operator()` a template so we can SFINAE on `Const`,
- // which is non-deduced here.
- bool True = true,
- typename std::enable_if<True && Const, int>::type = 0>
- ReturnType operator()(Args... args) const {
- return call_(data_, static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
- }
+ using Traits::operator();
* Exchanges the callable objects of `*this` and `that`.
* Note that the returned `std::function` will share its state (i.e. captured
* data) across all copies you make of it, so be very careful when copying.
- std::function<ReturnType(Args...)> asStdFunction() && {
- struct Impl {
- std::shared_ptr<Function> sp_;
- ReturnType operator()(Args&&... args) const {
- return (*sp_)(static_cast<Args&&>(args)...);
- }
- };
+ std::function<typename Traits::NonConstSignature> asStdFunction() && {
+ using Impl = typename Traits::SharedFunctionImpl;
return Impl{std::make_shared<Function>(std::move(*this))};
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const>
-void swap(
- Function<FunctionType, Const>& lhs,
- Function<FunctionType, Const>& rhs) noexcept {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+void swap(Function<FunctionType>& lhs, Function<FunctionType>& rhs) noexcept {
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const>
-bool operator==(const Function<FunctionType, Const>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+bool operator==(const Function<FunctionType>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {
return !fn;
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const>
-bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType, Const>& fn) {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+bool operator==(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType>& fn) {
return !fn;
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const>
-bool operator!=(const Function<FunctionType, Const>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+bool operator!=(const Function<FunctionType>& fn, std::nullptr_t) {
return !(fn == nullptr);
-template <typename FunctionType, bool Const>
-bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType, Const>& fn) {
+template <typename FunctionType>
+bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t, const Function<FunctionType>& fn) {
return !(nullptr == fn);
- * NOTE: See detailed note about @constCastFunction at the top of the file.
+ * NOTE: See detailed note about `constCastFunction` at the top of the file.
* This is potentially dangerous and requires the equivalent of a `const_cast`.
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
-Function<ReturnType(Args...), true> constCastFunction(
- Function<ReturnType(Args...), false>&& that) noexcept {
- Function<ReturnType(Args...), true> fn{};
- that.exec_(detail::function::Op::MOVE, &that.data_, &fn.data_);
- std::swap(fn.call_, that.call_);
- std::swap(fn.exec_, that.exec_);
- return fn;
+Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
+ Function<ReturnType(Args...)>&& that) noexcept {
+ return Function<ReturnType(Args...) const>{std::move(that),
+ detail::function::CoerceTag{}};
-template <typename FunctionType>
-Function<FunctionType, true> constCastFunction(
- Function<FunctionType, true>&& that) noexcept {
- return std::move(that);
-template <typename FunctionType>
-struct MakeFunction {};
-template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
-struct MakeFunction<ReturnType(Args...)> {
- using type = Function<ReturnType(Args...), false>;
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
-struct MakeFunction<ReturnType(Args...) const> {
- using type = Function<ReturnType(Args...), true>;
-} // namespace impl
-/* using override */ using impl::constCastFunction;
-template <typename FunctionType>
-using Function = typename impl::MakeFunction<FunctionType>::type;
+Function<ReturnType(Args...) const> constCastFunction(
+ Function<ReturnType(Args...) const>&& that) noexcept {
+ return std::move(that);
+} // namespace folly