// reduced by visiting a descriptor during analysis. When dependents
// must be scheduled, only those contained in descriptorsToAnalyze
// should be re-added to this set
- private HashSet<MethodContext> methodContextsToVisit;
+ private HashSet <MethodContext> methodContextsToVisit;
+ // used in conjunction with the methodContextsToVisit set, fill with
+ // a topological sort of methodContextsToVisit and then empty that set
+ // algorithm should analyze something in the linked list until it is
+ // empty, and then work on the set as normal. The sorted linked list
+ // is just another, specially sorted bucket that is part of the
+ // methodContextsToVisit set
+ private LinkedList<MethodContext> sortedMethodContextsToVisit;
// a special field descriptor for all array elements
private static FieldDescriptor fdElement = new FieldDescriptor(new Modifiers(Modifiers.PUBLIC),
setGraphForMethodContext(mc, og);
- //System.out.println("");
// as mentioned above, analyze methods one-by-one, possibly revisiting
// a method if the methods that it calls are updated
- //System.out.println("");
double timeEndAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
double dt = (timeEndAnalysis - timeStartAnalysis)/(Math.pow( 10.0, 9.0 ) );
String treport = String.format( "The analysis took %.3f sec.", dt );
System.out.println( treport );
+ if( writeDOTs && !writeAllDOTs ) {
+ writeFinalContextGraphs();
+ }
if( aliasFile != null ) {
if( state.TASK ) {
// they call are updated
private void analyzeMethods() throws java.io.IOException {
- methodContextsToVisit = new HashSet<MethodContext>();
+ methodContextsToVisit = new HashSet <MethodContext>();
+ sortedMethodContextsToVisit = new LinkedList<MethodContext>();
Iterator<Descriptor> itrd2a = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
while( itrd2a.hasNext() ) {
HashSet<MethodContext> mcs = mapDescriptorToAllMethodContexts.get( itrd2a.next() );
- while( !methodContextsToVisit.isEmpty() ) {
- MethodContext mc = methodContextsToVisit.iterator().next();
- methodContextsToVisit.remove(mc);
+ sortedMethodContextsToVisit = topologicalSort( methodContextsToVisit );
+ methodContextsToVisit.clear();
+ while( !methodContextsToVisit.isEmpty() ||
+ !sortedMethodContextsToVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ MethodContext mc = null;
+ if( !sortedMethodContextsToVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ mc = sortedMethodContextsToVisit.removeFirst();
+ } else {
+ mc = methodContextsToVisit.iterator().next();
+ methodContextsToVisit.remove(mc);
+ }
// because the task or method descriptor just extracted
- private void setGraphForMethodContext(MethodContext mc, OwnershipGraph og)
- throws IOException {
+ private void setGraphForMethodContext(MethodContext mc, OwnershipGraph og) {
mapMethodContextToCompleteOwnershipGraph.put(mc, og);
+ if( writeDOTs && writeAllDOTs ) {
+ if( !mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.containsKey(mc) ) {
+ mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.put(mc, new Integer(0) );
+ }
+ Integer n = mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.get(mc);
+ try {
+ og.writeGraph(mc, n, true, true, true, false, false);
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.put(mc, n + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ private void writeFinalContextGraphs() {
// arguments to writeGraph are:
// boolean writeLabels,
// boolean labelSelect,
// boolean writeReferencers
// boolean writeParamMappings
- if( writeDOTs ) {
+ Set entrySet = mapMethodContextToCompleteOwnershipGraph.entrySet();
+ Iterator itr = entrySet.iterator();
+ while( itr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
+ MethodContext mc = (MethodContext) me.getKey();
+ OwnershipGraph og = (OwnershipGraph) me.getValue();
- if( !writeAllDOTs ) {
+ try {
og.writeGraph(mc, true, true, true, false, false);
- } else {
- if( !mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.containsKey(mc) ) {
- mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.put(mc, new Integer(0) );
- }
- Integer n = mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.get(mc);
- og.writeGraph(mc, n, true, true, true, false, false);
- mapMethodContextToNumUpdates.put(mc, n + 1);
- }
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
// return just the allocation site associated with one FlatNew node
private AllocationSite getAllocationSiteFromFlatNewPRIVATE(FlatNew fn) {
return asSetTotal;
+ private LinkedList<MethodContext> topologicalSort( HashSet<MethodContext> set ) {
+ HashSet <MethodContext> discovered = new HashSet <MethodContext>();
+ LinkedList<MethodContext> sorted = new LinkedList<MethodContext>();
+ Iterator<MethodContext> itr = set.iterator();
+ while( itr.hasNext() ) {
+ MethodContext mc = itr.next();
+ if( !discovered.contains( mc ) ) {
+ dfsVisit( set, mc, sorted, discovered );
+ }
+ }
+ return sorted;
+ }
+ private void dfsVisit( HashSet<MethodContext> set,
+ MethodContext mc,
+ LinkedList<MethodContext> sorted,
+ HashSet <MethodContext> discovered ) {
+ discovered.add( mc );
+ Descriptor d = mc.getDescriptor();
+ if( d instanceof MethodDescriptor ) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) d;
+ Iterator itr = callGraph.getCallerSet( md ).iterator();
+ while( itr.hasNext() ) {
+ Descriptor dCaller = (Descriptor) itr.next();
+ // only consider the callers in the original set to analyze
+ Set<MethodContext> callerContexts = mapDescriptorToAllMethodContexts.get( dCaller );
+ if( callerContexts == null )
+ continue;
+ // since the analysis hasn't started, there should be exactly one
+ // context if there are any at all
+ assert callerContexts.size() == 1;
+ MethodContext mcCaller = callerContexts.iterator().next();
+ assert set.contains( mcCaller );
+ if( !discovered.contains( mcCaller ) ) {
+ dfsVisit( set, mcCaller, sorted, discovered );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sorted.addFirst( mc );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file