package Analysis.SSJava;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
ReturnNode rn) {
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
CompositeLocation loc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
- // TODO: by default, return node has "bottom" location no matter what it is
- // going to return
- // but definitely I need to consider it more!!!
- loc.addLocation(Location.createBottomLocation(cd));
- /*
- * ExpressionNode returnExp = rn.getReturnExpression(); if
- * (rn.getReturnExpression() != null) { loc =
- * checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, returnExp, loc); }
- */
- // System.out.println(rn.printNode(0) + " has loc=" + loc);
+ ExpressionNode returnExp = rn.getReturnExpression();
+ if (rn == null || hasOnlyLiteralValue(returnExp)) {
+ // when it returns literal value, return node has "bottom" location no
+ // matter what it is going to return.
+ loc.addLocation(Location.createBottomLocation(cd));
+ } else {
+ loc = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, returnExp, loc);
+ }
return loc;
+ private boolean hasOnlyLiteralValue(ExpressionNode returnExp) {
+ if (returnExp.kind() == Kind.LiteralNode) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromLoopNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
LoopNode ln) {
return CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(cd, glbInputSet, cd);
+ private CompositeLocation convertCompositeLocation(Location l, ClassDescriptor c) {
+ if (l instanceof CompositeLocation) {
+ return (CompositeLocation) l;
+ } else {
+ CompositeLocation returnLoc = new CompositeLocation(c);
+ returnLoc.addLocation(l);
+ return returnLoc;
+ }
+ }
private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromMethodInvokeNode(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, MethodInvokeNode min) {
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
+ CompositeLocation baseLoc = null;
+ if (min.getBaseName() != null) {
+ if (nametable.contains(min.getBaseName().getSymbol())) {
+ Location loc = td2loc.get(nametable.get(min.getBaseName().getSymbol()));
+ if (loc != null) {
+ baseLoc = convertCompositeLocation(loc, cd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inputGLBSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < min.numArgs(); i++) {
+ ExpressionNode en = min.getArg(i);
+ CompositeLocation callerArg =
+ checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, new CompositeLocation(cd));
+ inputGLBSet.add(callerArg);
+ }
+ // ex) base.method(arg1,arg2,arg3) -> the location of base should be lower
+ // than
+ // GLB(arg1,arg2,arg3)
+ CompositeLocation argGLBLoc = null;
+ if (inputGLBSet.size() > 0) {
+ argGLBLoc = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(cd, inputGLBSet, cd);
+ if (baseLoc != null) {
+ if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(argGLBLoc, baseLoc, cd)) {
+ throw new Error("The base location of method invocation " + min.printNode(0)
+ + " is higher than its argument's location at " + cd.getSourceFileName() + "::"
+ + min.getNumLine());
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (min.numArgs() > 1) {
// caller needs to guarantee that it passes arguments in regarding to
// all arguments should be higher than the location of return value
- // first, calculate glb of arguments
- Set<CompositeLocation> argLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- for (int i = 0; i < min.numArgs(); i++) {
- ExpressionNode en = min.getArg(i);
- CompositeLocation argLoc =
- checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, new CompositeLocation(cd));
- addTypeLocation(en.getType(), argLoc);
- argLocSet.add(argLoc);
- }
- if (argLocSet.size() > 0) {
- CompositeLocation argGLBLoc = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(cd, argLocSet, cd);
- return argGLBLoc;
+ if (inputGLBSet.size() > 0) {
+ if (baseLoc != null) {
+ inputGLBSet.add(baseLoc);
+ return CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(cd, inputGLBSet, cd);
+ } else {
+ return argGLBLoc;
+ }
} else {
// if there are no arguments,
- CompositeLocation returnLoc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
- returnLoc.addLocation(Location.createTopLocation(cd));
- return returnLoc;
+ if (baseLoc != null) {
+ return baseLoc;
+ } else {
+ // method invocation from the same class
+ CompositeLocation returnLoc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
+ returnLoc.addLocation(Location.createTopLocation(cd));
+ return returnLoc;
+ }
private void addTypeLocation(TypeDescriptor type, Location loc) {