--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#include "GenericHashtable.h"
+//#include "dmalloc.h"
+int genputtable(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key, void * object) {
+ unsigned int bin=genhashfunction(ht,key);
+ struct genpointerlist * newptrlist=(struct genpointerlist *) calloc(1,sizeof(struct genpointerlist));
+ newptrlist->src=key;
+ newptrlist->object=object;
+ newptrlist->next=ht->bins[bin];
+ newptrlist->inext=NULL;
+ /* maintain linked list of ht entries for iteration*/
+ if (ht->last==NULL) {
+ ht->last=newptrlist;
+ ht->list=newptrlist;
+ newptrlist->iprev=NULL;
+ } else {
+ ht->last->inext=newptrlist;
+ newptrlist->iprev=ht->last;
+ ht->last=newptrlist;
+ }
+ ht->bins[bin]=newptrlist;
+ ht->counter++;
+ if(ht->counter>ht->currentsize&&ht->currentsize!=MAXINT) {
+ /* Expand hashtable */
+ long newcurrentsize=(ht->currentsize<(MAXINT/2))?ht->currentsize*2:MAXINT;
+ long oldcurrentsize=ht->currentsize;
+ struct genpointerlist **newbins=(struct genpointerlist **) calloc(1,sizeof (struct genpointerlist *)*newcurrentsize);
+ struct genpointerlist **oldbins=ht->bins;
+ long j,i;
+ for(j=0;j<newcurrentsize;j++) newbins[j]=NULL;
+ ht->currentsize=newcurrentsize;
+ for(i=0;i<oldcurrentsize;i++) {
+ struct genpointerlist * tmpptr=oldbins[i];
+ while(tmpptr!=NULL) {
+ int hashcode=genhashfunction(ht, tmpptr->src);
+ struct genpointerlist *nextptr=tmpptr->next;
+ tmpptr->next=newbins[hashcode];
+ newbins[hashcode]=tmpptr;
+ tmpptr=nextptr;
+ }
+ }
+ ht->bins=newbins;
+ free(oldbins);
+ }
+ return 1;
+int hashsize(struct genhashtable *ht) {
+ return ht->counter;
+void * gengettable(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key) {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=ht->bins[genhashfunction(ht,key)];
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ if (((ht->comp_function==NULL)&&(ptr->src==key))||((ht->comp_function!=NULL)&&(*ht->comp_function)(ptr->src,key)))
+ return ptr->object;
+ ptr=ptr->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void * getnext(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key) {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=ht->bins[genhashfunction(ht,key)];
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ if (((ht->comp_function==NULL)&&(ptr->src==key))||((ht->comp_function!=NULL)&&(*ht->comp_function)(ptr->src,key)))
+ if (ptr->inext!=NULL) {
+ return ptr->inext->src;
+ } else
+ return NULL;
+ ptr=ptr->next;
+ }
+ printf("XXXXXXXXX: COULDN'T FIND ENTRY FOR KEY %p...\n Likely concurrent removal--bad user!!!\n",key);
+ return NULL;
+int gencontains(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key) {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=ht->bins[genhashfunction(ht,key)];
+ //printf("In gencontains2\n");fflush(NULL);
+ while(ptr!=NULL) {
+ if (((ht->comp_function==NULL)&&(ptr->src==key))||((ht->comp_function!=NULL)&&(*ht->comp_function)(ptr->src,key)))
+ return 1;
+ ptr=ptr->next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void genfreekey(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key) {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr=ht->bins[genhashfunction(ht,key)];
+ if (((ht->comp_function==NULL)&&(ptr->src==key))||((ht->comp_function!=NULL)&&(*ht->comp_function)(ptr->src,key))) {
+ ht->bins[genhashfunction(ht,key)]=ptr->next;
+ if (ptr==ht->last)
+ ht->last=ptr->iprev;
+ if (ptr==ht->list)
+ ht->list=ptr->inext;
+ if (ptr->iprev!=NULL)
+ ptr->iprev->inext=ptr->inext;
+ if (ptr->inext!=NULL)
+ ptr->inext->iprev=ptr->iprev;
+ free(ptr);
+ ht->counter--;
+ return;
+ }
+ while(ptr->next!=NULL) {
+ if (((ht->comp_function==NULL)&&(ptr->next->src==key))||((ht->comp_function!=NULL)&&(*ht->comp_function)(ptr->next->src,key))) {
+ struct genpointerlist *tmpptr=ptr->next;
+ ptr->next=tmpptr->next;
+ if (tmpptr==ht->list)
+ ht->list=tmpptr->inext;
+ if (tmpptr==ht->last)
+ ht->last=tmpptr->iprev;
+ if (tmpptr->iprev!=NULL)
+ tmpptr->iprev->inext=tmpptr->inext;
+ if (tmpptr->inext!=NULL)
+ tmpptr->inext->iprev=tmpptr->iprev;
+ free(tmpptr);
+ ht->counter--;
+ return;
+ }
+ ptr=ptr->next;
+ }
+unsigned int genhashfunction(struct genhashtable *ht, void * key) {
+ if (ht->hash_function==NULL)
+ return ((long unsigned int)key) % ht->currentsize;
+ else
+ return ((*ht->hash_function)(key)) % ht->currentsize;
+struct genhashtable * genallocatehashtable(unsigned int (*hash_function)(void *),int (*comp_function)(void *, void *)) {
+ struct genhashtable *ght=(struct genhashtable *) calloc(1,sizeof(struct genhashtable));
+ struct genpointerlist **gpl=(struct genpointerlist **) calloc(1,sizeof(struct genpointerlist *)*geninitialnumbins);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<geninitialnumbins;i++)
+ gpl[i]=NULL;
+ ght->hash_function=hash_function;
+ ght->comp_function=comp_function;
+ ght->currentsize=geninitialnumbins;
+ ght->bins=gpl;
+ ght->counter=0;
+ ght->list=NULL;
+ ght->last=NULL;
+ return ght;
+void genfreehashtable(struct genhashtable * ht) {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<ht->currentsize;i++) {
+ if (ht->bins[i]!=NULL) {
+ struct genpointerlist *genptr=ht->bins[i];
+ while(genptr!=NULL) {
+ struct genpointerlist *tmpptr=genptr->next;
+ free(genptr);
+ genptr=tmpptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free(ht->bins);
+ free(ht);
+struct geniterator * gengetiterator(struct genhashtable *ht) {
+ struct geniterator *gi=(struct geniterator*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct geniterator));
+ gi->ptr=ht->list;
+ return gi;
+void * gennext(struct geniterator *it) {
+ struct genpointerlist *curr=it->ptr;
+ if (curr==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ if (it->finished&&(curr->inext==NULL))
+ return NULL;
+ if (it->finished) {
+ it->ptr=curr->inext;
+ return it->ptr->src;
+ }
+ if(curr->inext!=NULL)
+ it->ptr=curr->inext;
+ else
+ it->finished=1; /* change offsetting scheme */
+ return curr->src;
+void genfreeiterator(struct geniterator *it) {
+ free(it);
--- /dev/null
+// implements a generic hash table
+#define geninitialnumbins 10
+#define bool int
+struct genhashtable {
+ unsigned int (*hash_function)(void *);
+ int (*comp_function)(void *,void *);
+ struct genpointerlist ** bins;
+ long counter;
+ int currentsize;
+ struct genpointerlist *list;
+ struct genpointerlist *last;
+struct genpointerlist {
+ void * src;
+ void * object;
+ struct genpointerlist * next;
+ struct genpointerlist * inext;
+ struct genpointerlist * iprev;
+struct geniterator {
+ struct genpointerlist * ptr;
+ bool finished;
+struct genhashtable * genallocatehashtable(unsigned int (*hash_function)(void *),int (*comp_function)(void *,void *));
+void genfreehashtable(struct genhashtable * ht);
+void * getnext(struct genhashtable *,void *);
+int genputtable(struct genhashtable *, void *, void *);
+void * gengettable(struct genhashtable *, void *);
+int gencontains(struct genhashtable *, void *);
+unsigned int genhashfunction(struct genhashtable *,void *);
+int hashsize(struct genhashtable * ht);
+void genfreekey(struct genhashtable *ht, void *);
+struct geniterator * gengetiterator(struct genhashtable *ht);
+void * gennext(struct geniterator *it);
+void genfreeiterator(struct geniterator *it);
gcc -gdwarf-2 -c readelf.c -Iinclude
gcc -gdwarf-2 -c unwind-ia64.c -Iinclude
gcc -gdwarf-2 -c typedata.c -Iinclude
+gcc -gdwarf-2 -c GenericHashtable.c
+gcc -gdwarf-2 -c common.c
gcc -gdwarf-2 dumpstructures.c *.o -Iinclude -o dumpstructures
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "common.h"
+char * copystr(const char *buf) {
+ int i;
+ if (buf==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ for(i=0;;i++)
+ if (buf[i]==0) {
+ char *ptr=(char*)malloc(i+1);
+ memcpy(ptr,buf,i+1);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+unsigned int hashstring(char *strptr) {
+ unsigned int hashcode=0;
+ int *intptr=(int *) strptr;
+ if(intptr==NULL)
+ return 0;
+ while(1) {
+ int copy1=*intptr;
+ if((copy1&0xFF000000)&&
+ (copy1&0xFF0000)&&
+ (copy1&0xFF00)&&
+ (copy1&0xFF)) {
+ hashcode^=*intptr;
+ intptr++;
+ } else {
+ if (!copy1&0xFF000000)
+ hashcode^=copy1&0xFF000000;
+ else if (!copy1&0xFF0000)
+ hashcode^=copy1&0xFF0000;
+ else if (!copy1&0xFF00)
+ hashcode^=copy1&0xFF00;
+ else if (!copy1&0xFF)
+ hashcode^=copy1&0xFF;
+ return hashcode;
+ }
+ }
+int equivalentstrings(char *str1, char *str2) {
+ if ((str1!=NULL)&&(str2!=NULL)) {
+ if (strcmp(str1,str2)!=0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ } else if ((str1==NULL)&&(str2==NULL))
+ return 1;
+ else return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef COMMON_H
+#define COMMON_H
+char * copystr(const char *buf);
+unsigned int hashstring(char *strptr);
+int equivalentstrings(char *str1, char *str2);
#include "dumpstructures.h"
#include "typedata.h"
#include "elf/dwarf2.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "GenericHashtable.h"
#define GETTYPE 1
#define POSTNAME 2
int typecount=0;
+int assigntype=0;
int entry_is_type(dwarf_entry *entry) {
if (entry->tag_name==DW_TAG_structure_type||
entry->tag_name==DW_TAG_union_type) {
collection_type* collection_ptr = (collection_type*)(entry->entry_ptr);
- if (collection_ptr->name==0) {
+ /* if (collection_ptr->name==0&&assigntype) {
- }
+ }*/
return 1;
return 0;
return 0;
-// Finds the number of function entries in the dwarf_entry_array
-// and creates the DaikonFunctionInfo array to match that size
+struct valuepair {
+ int index;
+ int value;
void initializeTypeArray()
int i;
dwarf_entry * cur_entry;
+ struct genhashtable * ght=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) & hashstring,(int (*)(void *,void *)) &equivalentstrings);
+ for (i = 0; i < dwarf_entry_array_size; i++)
+ {
+ cur_entry = &dwarf_entry_array[i];
+ if (entry_is_type(cur_entry))
+ {
+ collection_type* collection_ptr = (collection_type*)(cur_entry->entry_ptr);
+ int j=0;
+ int offset=0;
+ int value=0;
+ for(j=0;j<collection_ptr->num_members;j++) {
+ dwarf_entry *entry=collection_ptr->members[j];
+ member * member_ptr=(member *)entry->entry_ptr;
+ char *name=member_ptr->name;
+ dwarf_entry *type=member_ptr->type_ptr;
+ char *typestr=printname(type,GETTYPE);
+ char *poststr=printname(type,POSTNAME);
+ if (typestr!=NULL)
+ value++;
+ }
+ if (collection_ptr->name!=NULL) {
+ struct valuepair *vp=NULL;
+ if (gencontains(ght,collection_ptr->name))
+ vp=(struct valuepair *)gengettable(ght,collection_ptr->name);
+ if (vp==NULL||vp->value<value) {
+ vp=(struct valuepair*)calloc(1,sizeof(struct valuepair));
+ vp->value=value;
+ vp->index=i;
+ genputtable(ght,collection_ptr->name,vp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assigntype=1;
for (i = 0; i < dwarf_entry_array_size; i++)
cur_entry = &dwarf_entry_array[i];
collection_type* collection_ptr = (collection_type*)(cur_entry->entry_ptr);
int j=0;
int offset=0;
+ if (collection_ptr->name==NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (gencontains(ght,collection_ptr->name)) {
+ struct valuepair *vp=(struct valuepair*)gengettable(ght,collection_ptr->name);
+ if (vp->index!=i)
+ continue;
+ }
printf("structure %s {\n",collection_ptr->name);
for(j=0;j<collection_ptr->num_members;j++) {
+ case DW_TAG_const_type:
+ {
+ consttype * ctype_ptr=(consttype*)type->entry_ptr;
+ if (op==GETTYPE) {
+ char *typename=printname(ctype_ptr->target_ptr,op);
+ return typename;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case DW_TAG_subroutine_type: {
+ return "void";
+ }
+ case DW_TAG_typedef:
+ {
+ tdef * tdef_ptr=(tdef*)type->entry_ptr;
+ if (op==GETTYPE) {
+ char *typename=printname(tdef_ptr->target_ptr,op);
+ return typename;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case DW_TAG_base_type: {
base_type *base=(base_type*)type->entry_ptr;
if (op==GETTYPE)
+ case DW_TAG_union_type:
case DW_TAG_structure_type: {
collection_type *ctype=(collection_type*)type->entry_ptr;
- if (op==GETTYPE&&ctype->name==NULL) {
+ if (op==GETTYPE&&ctype->name==NULL&&assigntype) {
- if (op==GETTYPE)
- return "unknown";
+ if (op==GETTYPE) {
+ if (!assigntype)
+ return NULL;
+ else {
+ char * p=(char *)malloc(100);
+ sprintf(p,"0x%x",type->tag_name);
+ return p;
+ }
+ }
if (op==POSTNAME)
return "";
case DW_TAG_structure_type:
case DW_TAG_union_type:
case DW_TAG_base_type:
+ case DW_TAG_typedef:
case DW_TAG_const_type:
case DW_TAG_enumerator:
case DW_TAG_subprogram:
tag_is_member(tag) ||
tag_is_function(tag) ||
tag_is_formal_parameter(tag) ||
- tag_is_function_type(tag));
+ tag_is_function_type(tag)||
+ tag==DW_TAG_typedef||
+ tag==DW_TAG_const_type);
case DW_AT_upper_bound:
return (tag==DW_TAG_subrange_type);
case DW_AT_encoding:
if (tag ==DW_TAG_subrange_type) {
((array_bound*)e->entry_ptr)->target_ID = value;
return 1;
+ } else if (tag==DW_TAG_typedef) {
+ ((tdef*)e->entry_ptr)->target_ID = value;
+ return 1;
+ } else if (tag==DW_TAG_const_type) {
+ ((consttype*)e->entry_ptr)->target_ID = value;
+ return 1;
} else if (tag_is_modifier_type(tag))
((modifier_type*)e->entry_ptr)->target_ID = value;
+ else if (tag==DW_TAG_typedef) {
+ char success = 0;
+ unsigned long target_index = 0;
+ tdef* bound_ptr = (tdef*)(cur_entry->entry_ptr);
+ unsigned long target_ID = bound_ptr->target_ID;
+ // Use a binary search to try to find the index of the entry in the
+ // array with the corresponding target_ID
+ success = binary_search_dwarf_entry_array(target_ID, &target_index);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ bound_ptr->target_ptr=&dwarf_entry_array[target_index];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tag==DW_TAG_const_type) {
+ char success = 0;
+ unsigned long target_index = 0;
+ consttype* bound_ptr = (consttype*)(cur_entry->entry_ptr);
+ unsigned long target_ID = bound_ptr->target_ID;
+ // Use a binary search to try to find the index of the entry in the
+ // array with the corresponding target_ID
+ success = binary_search_dwarf_entry_array(target_ID, &target_index);
+ if (success)
+ {
+ bound_ptr->target_ptr=&dwarf_entry_array[target_index];
+ }
+ }
else if (tag_is_function(tag))
char success = 0;
else if (e->tag_name==DW_TAG_subrange_type) {
+ else if (e->tag_name==DW_TAG_typedef) {
+ e->entry_ptr=calloc(1,sizeof(tdef));
+ }
+ else if (e->tag_name==DW_TAG_const_type) {
+ e->entry_ptr=calloc(1,sizeof(consttype));
+ }
else if (tag_is_modifier_type(e->tag_name))
e->entry_ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(modifier_type));
dwarf_entry* target_ptr; // Type that this entry modifies (DW_AT_type)
} array_bound;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned long target_ID; // ID of the entry that contains the type that this modifies
+ dwarf_entry* target_ptr; // Type that this entry modifies (DW_AT_type)
+} tdef;
+typedef struct
+ unsigned long target_ID; // ID of the entry that contains the type that this modifies
+ dwarf_entry* target_ptr; // Type that this entry modifies (DW_AT_type)
+} consttype;
// collection_type = {structure_type, union_type, enumeration_type}
typedef struct