import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;
public class MCImplSynthesis {
- State state;
- ScheduleAnalysis scheduleAnalysis;
- TaskAnalysis taskAnalysis;
- OwnershipAnalysis ownershipAnalysis;
- ScheduleSimulator scheduleSimulator;
- int coreNum;
- int scheduleThreshold; // # of starting points generated by schedule analysis
- int probThreshold; // the probability to stop when no accelaration achieved
- // in the directed simulated annealing
- int generateThreshold; // how many optimized implementation generated in
- // each iteration of the directed simulated annealing
+ State state;
+ ScheduleAnalysis scheduleAnalysis;
+ TaskAnalysis taskAnalysis;
+ OwnershipAnalysis ownershipAnalysis;
+ ScheduleSimulator scheduleSimulator;
+ int coreNum;
+ int scheduleThreshold; // # of starting points generated by schedule analysis
+ int probThreshold; // the probability to stop when no accelaration achieved
+ // in the directed simulated annealing
+ int generateThreshold; // how many optimized implementation generated in
+ // each iteration of the directed simulated annealing
+ public MCImplSynthesis(State state,
+ TaskAnalysis ta,
+ OwnershipAnalysis oa) {
+ this.state = state;
+ this.coreNum = state.CORENUM;
+ this.taskAnalysis = ta;
+ this.ownershipAnalysis = oa;
+ this.scheduleAnalysis = new ScheduleAnalysis(state,
+ ta);
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.setCoreNum(this.coreNum);
+ this.scheduleSimulator = new ScheduleSimulator(this.coreNum,
+ state,
+ ta);
+ this.scheduleThreshold = 1000;
+ this.probThreshold = 0;
+ this.generateThreshold = 30;
+ }
+ public int getCoreNum() {
+ return this.scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum();
+ }
+ public int getScheduleThreshold() {
+ return scheduleThreshold;
+ }
+ public void setScheduleThreshold(int scheduleThreshold) {
+ this.scheduleThreshold = scheduleThreshold;
+ }
+ public int getProbThreshold() {
+ return probThreshold;
+ }
+ public void setProbThreshold(int probThreshold) {
+ this.probThreshold = probThreshold;
+ }
+ public int getGenerateThreshold() {
+ return generateThreshold;
+ }
+ public void setGenerateThreshold(int generateThreshold) {
+ this.generateThreshold = generateThreshold;
+ }
+ public Vector<Schedule> synthesis() {
+ // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
+ // The stuff printed through the 'origOut' and 'origErr' references
+ // should go to the console on most systems while the messages
+ // printed through the 'System.out' and 'System.err' will end up in
+ // the files we created for them.
+ //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #2");
+ //System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
+ //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
+ // Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
+ // for later restoration.
+ PrintStream origOut = System.out;
+ // Create a new output stream for the stcriticalPathandard output.
+ PrintStream stdout = null;
+ try {
+ stdout = new PrintStream(
+ new FileOutputStream(this.state.outputdir + "SimulatorResult_"
+ + this.coreNum + ".out"));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // Sigh. Couldn't open the file.
+ System.out.println("Redirect: Unable to open output file!");
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
+ // On most systems all of this will end up on your console when you
+ // run this application.
+ //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #1");
+ //System.out.println ("Test output via 'System.out'.");
+ //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
+ // Set the System out and err streams to use our replacements.
+ System.setOut(stdout);
+ Vector<Schedule> scheduling = null;
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulinggraph = null;
+ int gid = 1;
- public MCImplSynthesis(State state,
- TaskAnalysis ta,
- OwnershipAnalysis oa) {
- this.state = state;
- this.coreNum = state.CORENUM;
- this.taskAnalysis = ta;
- this.ownershipAnalysis = oa;
- this.scheduleAnalysis = new ScheduleAnalysis(state,
- ta);
- this.scheduleAnalysis.setCoreNum(this.coreNum);
- this.scheduleSimulator = new ScheduleSimulator(this.coreNum,
- state,
- ta);
- this.scheduleThreshold = 1000;
- this.probThreshold = 0;
- this.generateThreshold = 30;
+ // check all multi-parameter tasks
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
+ Iterator it_tasks =
+ this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ multiparamtds.addElement(td);
+ }
+ }
+ it_tasks = null;
+ // generate multiple schedulings
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(this.scheduleThreshold);
+ boolean tooptimize =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(this.generateThreshold, multiparamtds);
+ if(this.generateThreshold > 5) {
+ this.generateThreshold = 5;
- public int getCoreNum() {
- return this.scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum();
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs = null;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> td2maincd =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getTd2maincd();
+ Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
+ Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> selectedSimExeGraphs =
+ new Vector<SimExecutionNode>();
+ int tryindex = 1;
+ long bestexetime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
+ do {
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ System.out.print("Simulate and optimize round: #" + tryindex + ": \n");
+ gid += newscheduleGraphs.size();
+ if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> tmpgraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpgraph.size(); j++) {
+ ScheduleNode snode = tmpgraph.elementAt(j);
+ snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
+ snode.getClassNodes().clear();
+ }
+ tmpgraph.clear();
+ tmpgraph = null;
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs.clear();
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs = newscheduleGraphs;
+ schedulings.clear();
+ // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
+ for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
+ generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, td2maincd);
+ schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
+ scheduleGraph = null;
+ tmpscheduling = null;
+ }
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
+ selectedSchedulings,
+ selectedSimExeGraphs);
+ boolean remove = false;
+ if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
+ remove = true;
+ bestexetime = tmpexetime;
+ if(scheduling != null) {
+ scheduling.clear();
+ for(int j = 0; j < schedulinggraph.size(); j++) {
+ ScheduleNode snode = schedulinggraph.elementAt(j);
+ snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
+ snode.getClassNodes().clear();
+ }
+ schedulinggraph.clear();
+ }
+ scheduling = schedulings.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ schedulinggraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(
+ selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
+ + bestexetime + ")\n");
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ tryindex++;
+ } else if(tmpexetime == bestexetime) {
+ System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
+ + bestexetime + ")\n");
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ tryindex++;
+ if((Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100) < this.probThreshold) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ //if(tooptimize) {
+ // try to optimize the best one scheduling
+ newscheduleGraphs = optimizeScheduling(scheduleGraphs,
+ selectedSchedulings,
+ selectedSimExeGraphs,
+ gid,
+ this.scheduleThreshold);
+ if(remove) {
+ scheduleGraphs.removeElementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ /*} else {
+ break;
+ }*/
+ }while(newscheduleGraphs != null); // TODO: could it possibly lead to endless loop?
+ if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
+ scheduleGraphs.clear();
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs = null;
+ newscheduleGraphs = null;
+ schedulings.clear();
+ schedulings = null;
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSchedulings = null;
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs = null;
+ multiparamtds.clear();
+ multiparamtds = null;
+ td2maincd.clear();
+ td2maincd = null;
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ System.out.print("selected bestexetime: " + bestexetime + "\n");
+ String path = this.state.outputdir + "";
+ SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(path, schedulinggraph);
+ // Close the streams.
+ try {
+ stdout.close();
+ stdout = null;
+ System.setOut(origOut);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ origOut.println("Redirect: Unable to close files!");
- public int getScheduleThreshold() {
- return scheduleThreshold;
+ schedulinggraph.clear();
+ schedulinggraph = null;
+ return scheduling;
+ }
+ // for test
+ // get the distribution info of new search algorithm
+ public void distribution(boolean isall, int startnum) {
+ // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
+ // The stuff printed through the 'origOut' and 'origErr' references
+ // should go to the console on most systems while the messages
+ // printed through the 'System.out' and 'System.err' will end up in
+ // the files we created for them.
+ //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #2");
+ //System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
+ //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
+ // Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
+ // for later restoration.
+ PrintStream origOut = System.out;
+ // Create a new output stream for the standard output.
+ PrintStream stdout = null;
+ try {
+ stdout = new PrintStream(
+ new FileOutputStream(this.state.outputdir + "SimulatorResult_"
+ + this.coreNum + ".out"));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // Sigh. Couldn't open the file.
+ System.out.println("Redirect: Unable to open output file!");
+ System.exit(1);
- public void setScheduleThreshold(int scheduleThreshold) {
- this.scheduleThreshold = scheduleThreshold;
+ // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
+ // On most systems all of this will end up on your console when you
+ // run this application.
+ //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #1");
+ //System.out.println ("Test output via 'System.out'.");
+ //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
+ // Set the System out and err streams to use our replacements.
+ System.setOut(stdout);
+ if(isall) {
+ // check all multi-parameter tasks
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
+ Iterator it_tasks =
+ this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ multiparamtds.addElement(td);
+ }
+ }
+ it_tasks = null;
+ // Generate all possible schedulings
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(-1, multiparamtds);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> totestscheduleGraphs =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> td2maincd =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getTd2maincd();
+ Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
+ Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> selectedSimExeGraphs =
+ new Vector<SimExecutionNode>();
+ File file=new File(this.state.outputdir+"distributeinfo_s_"+this.coreNum
+ +".out");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream = null;
+ try {
+ dotstream = new FileOutputStream(file,false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ PrintWriter output = new, true);
+ output.println("start time(1,000,000 cycles): "
+ + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
+ for(int ii = 0; ii < totestscheduleGraphs.size(); ii++) {
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
+ new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ newscheduleGraphs.add(totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii));
+ // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
+ schedulings.clear();
+ // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
+ for(int i = 0; i < newscheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = newscheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
+ generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, td2maincd);
+ schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
+ scheduleGraph = null;
+ tmpscheduling = null;
+ }
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
+ selectedSchedulings,
+ selectedSimExeGraphs);
+ output.println(((float)tmpexetime/100000000));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check all multi-parameter tasks
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
+ Iterator it_tasks =
+ this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ multiparamtds.addElement(td);
+ }
+ }
+ it_tasks = null;
+ // generate multiple schedulings
+ this.scheduleThreshold = 20;
+ this.generateThreshold = 30;
+ this.probThreshold = 0;
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(1000);
+ boolean tooptimize =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(this.generateThreshold, multiparamtds);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs = null;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> totestscheduleGraphs =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> td2maincd =
+ this.scheduleAnalysis.getTd2maincd();
+ Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
+ Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> selectedSimExeGraphs =
+ new Vector<SimExecutionNode>();
+ File file=new File(this.state.outputdir + "distributeinfo_s_"
+ + this.coreNum + ".out");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream = null;
+ File file2=new File(this.state.outputdir + "distributeinfo_o_"
+ + this.coreNum + ".out");
+ FileOutputStream dotstream2 = null;
+ try {
+ dotstream = new FileOutputStream(file,false);
+ dotstream2 = new FileOutputStream(file2,false);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ PrintWriter output = new, true);
+ PrintWriter output2 = new, true);
+ output.println("start time(1,000,000 cycles): "
+ + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
+ output2.println("optimized time(1,000,000 cycles): "
+ + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
+ for(int ii = startnum; ii < totestscheduleGraphs.size(); ii++) {
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
+ new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ newscheduleGraphs.add(totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii));
+ int tryindex = 1;
+ long bestexetime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
+ int gid = 1;
+ Vector<Schedule> scheduling = null;
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulinggraph = null;
+ boolean isfirst = true;
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
+ System.out.print("=========================================================\n");
+ System.out.print("# " + ii + ": \n");
+ do {
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ System.out.print("Simulate and optimize round: #" + tryindex + ": \n");
+ gid += newscheduleGraphs.size();
+ if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> tmpgraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpgraph.size(); j++) {
+ ScheduleNode snode = tmpgraph.elementAt(j);
+ snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
+ snode.getClassNodes().clear();
+ }
+ tmpgraph.clear();
+ tmpgraph = null;
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs.clear();
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs = newscheduleGraphs;
+ schedulings.clear();
+ // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
+ for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
+ generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, td2maincd);
+ schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
+ scheduleGraph = null;
+ tmpscheduling = null;
+ }
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
+ selectedSchedulings,
+ selectedSimExeGraphs);
+ if(isfirst) {
+ output.println(((float)tmpexetime/100000000));
+ isfirst = false;
+ }
+ if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
+ bestexetime = tmpexetime;
+ if(scheduling != null) {
+ scheduling.clear();
+ for(int j = 0; j < schedulinggraph.size(); j++) {
+ ScheduleNode snode = schedulinggraph.elementAt(j);
+ snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
+ snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
+ snode.getClassNodes().clear();
+ }
+ schedulinggraph.clear();
+ }
+ scheduling = schedulings.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ schedulinggraph =
+ scheduleGraphs.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ tryindex++;
+ System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
+ + bestexetime + ")\n");
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ } else if(tmpexetime == bestexetime) {
+ System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
+ + bestexetime + ")\n");
+ System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+ tryindex++;
+ if((Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100) < this.probThreshold) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(tooptimize) {
+ // try to optimize theschedulings best one scheduling
+ newscheduleGraphs = optimizeScheduling(scheduleGraphs,
+ selectedSchedulings,
+ selectedSimExeGraphs,
+ gid,
+ this.scheduleThreshold);
+ if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
+ scheduleGraphs.remove(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }while(newscheduleGraphs != null); // TODO: could it possibly lead to endless loop?
+ scheduleGraphs.clear();
+ scheduleGraphs = null;
+ scheduling = null;
+ schedulinggraph = null;
+ if(newscheduleGraphs != null) {
+ newscheduleGraphs.clear();
+ }
+ newscheduleGraphs = null;
+ totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii).clear();
+ for(int i = 0; i < schedulings.size(); i++) {
+ schedulings.elementAt(i).clear();
+ }
+ schedulings.clear();
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ output2.println(((float)bestexetime/100000000));
+ System.out.print("=========================================================\n");
+ }
+ if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
+ scheduleGraphs.clear();
+ }
+ scheduleGraphs = null;
+ totestscheduleGraphs = null;
+ for(int i = 0; i < schedulings.size(); i++) {
+ schedulings.elementAt(i).clear();
+ }
+ schedulings.clear();
+ schedulings = null;
+ selectedSchedulings.clear();
+ selectedSchedulings = null;
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
+ selectedSimExeGraphs = null;
+ multiparamtds.clear();
+ multiparamtds = null;
+ td2maincd.clear();
+ td2maincd = null;
+ // Close the streams.
+ try {
+ output.close();
+ stdout.close();
+ output = null;
+ stdout = null;
+ System.setOut(origOut);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ origOut.println("Redirect: Unable to close files!");
+ }
- public int getProbThreshold() {
- return probThreshold;
+ return;
+ }
+ private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>
+ optimizeScheduling(Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs,
+ Vector<Integer> selectedScheduleGraphs,
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> selectedSimExeGraphs,
+ int gid,
+ int count) {
+ if(this.coreNum == 1) {
+ // single core
+ return null;
- public void setProbThreshold(int probThreshold) {
- this.probThreshold = probThreshold;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
+ int lgid = gid;
+ int left = count;
+ for(int i = 0; i < selectedScheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulegraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(
+ selectedScheduleGraphs.elementAt(i));
+ SimExecutionNode startnode = selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath = analyzeCriticalPath(startnode);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> tmposchedulegraphs =
+ optimizeCriticalPath(schedulegraph,
+ criticalPath,
+ lgid,
+ left);
+ if(tmposchedulegraphs != null) {
+ if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
+ optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(tmposchedulegraphs);
+ lgid += tmposchedulegraphs.size();
+ left -= tmposchedulegraphs.size();
+ if(left == 0) {
+ schedulegraph = null;
+ criticalPath = null;
+ tmposchedulegraphs = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ schedulegraph = null;
+ criticalPath = null;
+ tmposchedulegraphs = null;
- public int getGenerateThreshold() {
- return generateThreshold;
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ }
+ private Vector<SimExecutionEdge>
+ analyzeCriticalPath(SimExecutionNode startnode) {
+ // first figure out the critical path
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath = new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>();
+ getCriticalPath(startnode, criticalPath);
+ computeBestStartPoint(criticalPath);
+ return criticalPath;
+ }
+ // TODO: currently only get one critical path. It's possible that there are
+ // multiple critical paths and some of them can not be optimized while others
+ // can. Need to fix up for this situation.
+ private long getCriticalPath(SimExecutionNode startnode,
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath) {
+ long sum = 0;
+ SimExecutionNode snode = startnode;
+ // go reversely to find the critical path
+ while(snode != null) {
+ SimExecutionNode nsnode = null;
+ Iterator<SimExecutionEdge> it_iedges =
+ (Iterator<SimExecutionEdge>)snode.inedges();
+ while(it_iedges.hasNext()) {
+ SimExecutionEdge sedge =;
+ if(sedge.getWeight() != 0) {
+ SimExecutionNode tsnode = (SimExecutionNode)(sedge.getSource());
+ if(tsnode.getTimepoint() + sedge.getWeight() == snode.getTimepoint()) {
+ nsnode = tsnode;
+ criticalPath.insertElementAt(sedge, 0);
+ sum += sedge.getWeight();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_iedges = null;
+ snode = nsnode;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ }
+ private void computeBestStartPoint(Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath) {
+ // calculate the earliest start time of each task on the critial path
+ for(int i = 0; i < criticalPath.size(); i++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge seedge = criticalPath.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> predicates = seedge.getPredicates();
+ if(predicates != null) {
+ // have predicates
+ long starttime = 0;
+ // check the latest finish time of all the predicates
+ for(int j = 0; j < predicates.size(); j++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge predicate = predicates.elementAt(j);
+ long tmptime = predicate.getBestStartPoint() + predicate.getWeight();
+ if(tmptime > starttime) {
+ starttime = tmptime;
+ seedge.setLastpredicateEdge(predicate);
+ if(predicate.getTd() != null) {
+ seedge.setLastpredicateNode(
+ (SimExecutionNode)predicate.getTarget());
+ } else {
+ // transfer edge
+ seedge.setLastpredicateNode(
+ (SimExecutionNode)predicate.getSource());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seedge.setBestStartPoint(starttime);
+ } else if(seedge.getSource().getInedgeVector().size() > 0) {
+ // should have only one in edge
+ long starttime = ((SimExecutionNode)seedge.getSource()).getTimepoint();
+ seedge.setBestStartPoint(starttime);
+ } else {
+ // no predicates
+ seedge.setBestStartPoint(0);
+ }
+ predicates = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>
+ optimizeCriticalPath(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath,
+ int gid,
+ int count) {
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
+ int lgid = gid;
+ int left = count;
+ // for test, print out the criticalPath
+ if(this.state.PRINTCRITICALPATH) {
+ SchedulingUtil.printCriticalPath(this.state.outputdir + "criticalpath_"
+ + lgid + ".dot", criticalPath);
- public void setGenerateThreshold(int generateThreshold) {
- this.generateThreshold = generateThreshold;
+ // first check all seedges whose real start point is late than predicted
+ // earliest start time and group them
+ long opcheckpoint = Long.MAX_VALUE;
+ Vector<Integer> sparecores = null;
+ // group according to core index
+ Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>> toselects =
+ new Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>>();
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ for(int i = 0; i < criticalPath.size(); i++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge seedge = criticalPath.elementAt(i);
+ long starttime = seedge.getBestStartPoint();
+ if(starttime < ((SimExecutionNode)seedge.getSource()).getTimepoint()) {
+ // no restrictions due to data dependencies
+ // have potential to be parallelled and start execution earlier
+ seedge.setFixedTime(false);
+ // consider to optimize it only when its predicates can NOT
+ // be optimized, otherwise first considering optimize its predicates
+ SimExecutionEdge lastpredicateedge = seedge.getLastpredicateEdge();
+ if(lastpredicateedge.isFixedTime()) {
+ int corenum = seedge.getCoreNum();
+ if(!toselects.containsKey(starttime)) {
+ toselects.put(starttime,
+ new Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>());
+ }
+ if(!toselects.get(starttime).containsKey(corenum)) {
+ toselects.get(starttime).put(corenum,
+ new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>());
+ }
+ toselects.get(starttime).get(corenum).add(seedge);
+ }
+ }
- public Vector<Schedule> synthesis() {
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // The stuff printed through the 'origOut' and 'origErr' references
- // should go to the console on most systems while the messages
- // printed through the 'System.out' and 'System.err' will end up in
- // the files we created for them.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #2");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- // Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
- // for later restoration.
- PrintStream origOut = System.out;
- // Create a new output stream for the stcriticalPathandard output.
- PrintStream stdout = null;
- try {
- stdout = new PrintStream(
- new FileOutputStream(this.state.outputdir + "SimulatorResult_"
- + this.coreNum + ".out"));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Sigh. Couldn't open the file.
- System.out.println("Redirect: Unable to open output file!");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // On most systems all of this will end up on your console when you
- // run this application.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #1");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'System.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- // Set the System out and err streams to use our replacements.
- System.setOut(stdout);
- Vector<Schedule> scheduling = null;
- Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulinggraph = null;
- int gid = 1;
- // generate multiple schedulings
- this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(this.scheduleThreshold);
- this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(this.generateThreshold);
- if(this.generateThreshold > 5) {
- this.generateThreshold = 5;
- }
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs = null;
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
- this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
- Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
- Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
- Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> selectedSimExeGraphs =
- new Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>();
- // check all multi-parameter tasks
- Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
- Iterator it_tasks =
- this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- multiparamtds.addElement(td);
- }
- }
- it_tasks = null;
- int tryindex = 1;
- long bestexetime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- Random rand = new Random();
- // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
- do {
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- System.out.print("Simulate and optimize round: #" + tryindex + ": \n");
- gid += newscheduleGraphs.size();
- if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
- for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> tmpgraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
- for(int j = 0; j < tmpgraph.size(); j++) {
- ScheduleNode snode = tmpgraph.elementAt(j);
- snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
- snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
- snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
- snode.getClassNodes().clear();
- }
- tmpgraph.clear();
- tmpgraph = null;
- }
- scheduleGraphs.clear();
- }
- scheduleGraphs = newscheduleGraphs;
- schedulings.clear();
- // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
- for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
- Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
- generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, multiparamtds);
- schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
- scheduleGraph = null;
- tmpscheduling = null;
- }
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedSimExeGraphs.size(); i++) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
- selectedSchedulings,
- selectedSimExeGraphs);
- boolean remove = false;
- if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
- remove = true;
- bestexetime = tmpexetime;
- if(scheduling != null) {
- scheduling.clear();
- for(int j = 0; j < schedulinggraph.size(); j++) {
- ScheduleNode snode = schedulinggraph.elementAt(j);
- snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
- snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
- snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
- snode.getClassNodes().clear();
- }
- schedulinggraph.clear();
- }
- scheduling = schedulings.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- schedulinggraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(
- selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
- + bestexetime + ")\n");
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- tryindex++;
- } else if(tmpexetime == bestexetime) {
- System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: "
- + bestexetime + ")\n");
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- tryindex++;
- if((Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100) < this.probThreshold) {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- // try to optimize the best one scheduling
- newscheduleGraphs = optimizeScheduling(scheduleGraphs,
- selectedSchedulings,
- selectedSimExeGraphs,
- gid,
- this.scheduleThreshold);
- if(remove) {
- scheduleGraphs.removeElementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- }
- }while(newscheduleGraphs != null); // TODO: could it possibly lead to endless loop?
- if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
- scheduleGraphs.clear();
- }
- scheduleGraphs = null;
- newscheduleGraphs = null;
- schedulings.clear();
- schedulings = null;
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- selectedSchedulings = null;
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedSimExeGraphs.size(); i++) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- selectedSimExeGraphs = null;
- multiparamtds.clear();
- multiparamtds = null;
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- System.out.print("selected bestexetime: " + bestexetime + "\n");
- String path = this.state.outputdir + "";
- SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(path, schedulinggraph);
- // Close the streams.
- try {
- stdout.close();
- stdout = null;
- System.setOut(origOut);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- origOut.println("Redirect: Unable to close files!");
- }
- schedulinggraph.clear();
- schedulinggraph = null;
- return scheduling;
+ // Randomly choose the tasks to optimize(previously only
+ // consider the tasks with smallest best start time)
+ Vector<Long> keys = new Vector<Long>(toselects.keySet());
+ do{
+ int length = keys.size();
+ if(length == 0) {
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ }
+ int tochoose = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % length;
+ opcheckpoint = (keys.elementAt(tochoose)).longValue();
+ keys.removeElementAt(tochoose);
+ Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize =
+ toselects.get(opcheckpoint);
+ SimExecutionEdge seedge =
+ tooptimize.values().iterator().next().elementAt(0);
+ SimExecutionNode lastpredicatenode = seedge.getLastpredicateNode();
+ SimExecutionEdge lastpredicateedge = seedge.getLastpredicateEdge();
+ long timepoint = lastpredicatenode.getTimepoint();
+ if(lastpredicateedge.getTd() == null) {
+ // transfer edge
+ timepoint += lastpredicateedge.getWeight();
+ }
+ // mapping to critical path
+ for(int index = 0; index < criticalPath.size(); index++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = criticalPath.elementAt(index);
+ SimExecutionNode tmpsenode =
+ (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
+ if(tmpsenode.getTimepoint() > timepoint) {
+ // get the spare core info
+ sparecores = tmpsenode.getSpareCores();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(tooptimize.size() > 0) {
+ Iterator<Integer> it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
+ // check if it is possible to optimize these tasks
+ if((sparecores == null) || (sparecores.size() == 0)) {
+ // lack of spare cores
+ while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
+ int corenum =;
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> tmptasks = tooptimize.get(corenum);
+ // group the task instantiations according to whether it
+ // has backward data dependences or not
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> candidatetasks = new Vector();
+ for(int ii= 0; ii < tmptasks.size(); ii++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = tmptasks.elementAt(ii);
+ SimExecutionNode target = (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> children =
+ (Vector<SimExecutionEdge>)target.getEdgeVector();
+ int jj = 0;
+ for(; jj < children.size(); jj++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge tmpedge = children.elementAt(jj);
+ if(tmpedge.getTd() != null) {
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> predicates =
+ tmpedge.getPredicates();
+ if((predicates != null) &&
+ (predicates.contains(tmpseedge))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ predicates = null;
+ } else if(tmpedge.getWeight() != 0) {
+ // transfer edge
+ if(((SimExecutionNode)tmpedge.getTarget()).getTimepoint()
+ == tmpedge.getWeight() + target.getTimepoint()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(jj == children.size()) {
+ candidatetasks.add(tmpseedge);
+ }
+ }
+ if((candidatetasks.size() > 0) &&
+ (candidatetasks.size() < tmptasks.size())) {
+ // there are less important tasks which have no backward
+ // data dependences at this timepoint, try to change
+ // original execution order
+ Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize2 =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>();
+ tooptimize2.put(corenum, candidatetasks);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops =
+ innerOptimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
+ tooptimize2,
+ null,
+ lgid,
+ left);
+ if(ops != null) {
+ if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
+ optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
+ lgid += ops.size();
+ left -= ops.size();
+ }
+ tooptimize2 = null;
+ ops = null;
+ }
+ tmptasks = null;
+ candidatetasks = null;
+ }
+ if(left == 0) {
+ it_cores = null;
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ }
+ // flush the dependences and earliest start time
+ it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
+ int corenum =;
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> edgevec =
+ tooptimize.get(corenum);
+ for(int j = 0; j < edgevec.size(); j++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge edge = edgevec.elementAt(j);
+ lastpredicateedge = edge.getLastpredicateEdge();
+ lastpredicatenode = edge.getLastpredicateNode();
+ // if(edge.getCoreNum() != lastpredicate.getCoreNum()) // should never hit this
+ timepoint = lastpredicatenode.getTimepoint();
+ if(lastpredicateedge.getTd() == null) {
+ // transfer edge
+ timepoint += lastpredicateedge.getWeight();
+ }
+ // mapping to critical path
+ for(int index = 0; index < criticalPath.size(); index++) {
+ SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = criticalPath.elementAt(index);
+ SimExecutionNode tmpsenode =
+ (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
+ if(tmpsenode.getTimepoint() > timepoint) {
+ // update the predicate info
+ if(edge.getPredicates() != null) {
+ edge.getPredicates().remove(lastpredicateedge);
+ }
+ edge.addPredicate(criticalPath.elementAt(index));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ edgevec = null;
+ }
+ it_cores = null;
+ computeBestStartPoint(criticalPath);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops = optimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
+ criticalPath,
+ lgid,
+ left);
+ if(ops != null) {
+ if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
+ optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
+ lgid += ops.size();
+ left -= ops.size();
+ }
+ ops = null;
+ } else {
+ // there are spare cores, try to reorganize the tasks to the spare
+ // cores
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops =
+ innerOptimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
+ tooptimize,
+ sparecores,
+ lgid,
+ left);
+ if(ops != null) {
+ if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
+ optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
+ lgid += ops.size();
+ left -= ops.size();
+ }
+ ops = null;
+ }
+ }
+ sparecores = null;
+ tooptimize.clear();
+ tooptimize = null;
+ }while(left > 0);
+ toselects.clear();
+ toselects = null;
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ }
+ private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>
+ innerOptimizeCriticalPath(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
+ Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize,
+ Vector<Integer> sparecores,
+ int gid,
+ int count) {
+ int lgid = gid;
+ int left = count;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
+ // first clone the whole graph
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> newscheduleGraph =
+ cloneScheduleGraph(scheduleGraph, lgid);
+ // these nodes are root nodes
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> roots = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
+ for(int i = 0; i < newscheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
+ if((sparecores == null) || (sparecores.contains(i))) {
+ roots.add(newscheduleGraph.elementAt(i));
+ }
- // for test
- // get the distribution info of new search algorithm
- public void distribution() {
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // The stuff printed through the 'origOut' and 'origErr' references
- // should go to the console on most systems while the messages
- // printed through the 'System.out' and 'System.err' will end up in
- // the files we created for them.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #2");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- // Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
- // for later restoration.
- PrintStream origOut = System.out;
- // Create a new output stream for the standard output.
- PrintStream stdout = null;
- try {
- stdout = new PrintStream(
- new FileOutputStream(this.state.outputdir + "SimulatorResult_"
- + this.coreNum + ".out"));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Sigh. Couldn't open the file.
- System.out.println("Redirect: Unable to open output file!");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // On most systems all of this will end up on your console when you
- // run this application.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #1");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'System.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- // Set the System out and err streams to use our replacements.
- System.setOut(stdout);
- if(false) {
- // Generate all possible schedulings
- this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
- this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(-1);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> totestscheduleGraphs =
- this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
- Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
- Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
- Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> selectedSimExeGraphs =
- new Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>();
- // check all multi-parameter tasks
- Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
- Iterator it_tasks = this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- multiparamtds.addElement(td);
- }
- }
- it_tasks = null;
- File file=new File(this.state.outputdir + "distributeinfo_s_" + this.coreNum + ".out");
- FileOutputStream dotstream = null;
- try {
- dotstream = new FileOutputStream(file,false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- PrintWriter output = new, true);
- output.println("start time(1,000,000 cycles): " + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
- for(int ii = 0; ii < totestscheduleGraphs.size(); ii++) {
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
- new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- newscheduleGraphs.add(totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii));
- // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
- schedulings.clear();
- // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
- for(int i = 0; i < newscheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = newscheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
- Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
- generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, multiparamtds);
- schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
- scheduleGraph = null;
- tmpscheduling = null;
- }
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedSimExeGraphs.size(); i++) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
- selectedSchedulings,
- selectedSimExeGraphs);
- output.println(((float)tmpexetime/1000000));
- }
- } else {
- // generate multiple schedulings
- this.scheduleThreshold = 20;
- this.generateThreshold = 30;
- this.probThreshold = 0;
- this.scheduleAnalysis.setScheduleThreshold(1000);
- this.scheduleAnalysis.schedule(this.generateThreshold);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs = null;
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> totestscheduleGraphs =
- this.scheduleAnalysis.getScheduleGraphs();
- Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = new Vector<Vector<Schedule>>();
- Vector<Integer> selectedSchedulings = new Vector<Integer>();
- Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> selectedSimExeGraphs =
- new Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>();
- // check all multi-parameter tasks
- Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
- Iterator it_tasks = this.state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_tasks.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor);
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- multiparamtds.addElement(td);
- }
- }
- it_tasks = null;
- File file=new File(this.state.outputdir + "distributeinfo_s_" + this.coreNum + ".out");
- FileOutputStream dotstream = null;
- File file2=new File(this.state.outputdir + "distributeinfo_o_" + this.coreNum + ".out");
- FileOutputStream dotstream2 = null;
- try {
- dotstream = new FileOutputStream(file,false);
- dotstream2 = new FileOutputStream(file2,false);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- PrintWriter output = new, true);
- PrintWriter output2 = new, true);
- output.println("start time(1,000,000 cycles): " + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
- output2.println("optimized time(1,000,000 cycles): " + totestscheduleGraphs.size());
- for(int ii = 0; ii < totestscheduleGraphs.size(); ii++) {
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> newscheduleGraphs =
- new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- newscheduleGraphs.add(totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii));
- int tryindex = 1;
- long bestexetime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- int gid = 1;
- Vector<Schedule> scheduling = null;
- Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulinggraph = null;
- boolean isfirst = true;
- Random rand = new Random();
- // simulate the generated schedulings and try to optimize it
- System.out.print("=========================================================\n");
- System.out.print("# " + ii + ": \n");
- do {
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- System.out.print("Simulate and optimize round: #" + tryindex + ": \n");
- gid += newscheduleGraphs.size();
- if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
- for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> tmpgraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
- for(int j = 0; j < tmpgraph.size(); j++) {
- ScheduleNode snode = tmpgraph.elementAt(j);
- snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
- snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
- snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
- snode.getClassNodes().clear();
- }
- tmpgraph.clear();
- tmpgraph = null;
- }
- scheduleGraphs.clear();
- }
- scheduleGraphs = newscheduleGraphs;
- schedulings.clear();
- // get scheduling layouts from schedule graphs
- for(int i = 0; i < scheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(i);
- Vector<Schedule> tmpscheduling =
- generateScheduling(scheduleGraph, multiparamtds);
- schedulings.add(tmpscheduling);
- scheduleGraph = null;
- tmpscheduling = null;
- }
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedSimExeGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> tmpgraph =
- selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i);
- for(int j = 0; j < tmpgraph.size(); j++) {
- tmpgraph.elementAt(j).destroy();
- }
- tmpgraph.clear();
- }
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- long tmpexetime = this.scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings,
- selectedSchedulings,
- selectedSimExeGraphs);
- if(isfirst) {
- output.println(((float)tmpexetime/1000000));
- isfirst = false;
- }
- if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
- bestexetime = tmpexetime;
- if(scheduling != null) {
- scheduling.clear();
- for(int j = 0; j < schedulinggraph.size(); j++) {
- ScheduleNode snode = schedulinggraph.elementAt(j);
- snode.getEdgeVector().clear();
- snode.getInedgeVector().clear();
- snode.getScheduleEdges().clear();
- snode.getClassNodes().clear();
- }
- schedulinggraph.clear();
- }
- scheduling = schedulings.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- schedulinggraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- tryindex++;
- System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: " + bestexetime + ")\n");
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- } else if(tmpexetime == bestexetime) {
- System.out.print("end of: #" + tryindex + " (bestexetime: " + bestexetime + ")\n");
- System.out.print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
- tryindex++;
- if((Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100) < this.probThreshold) {
- break;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- // try to optimize theschedulings best one scheduling
- newscheduleGraphs = optimizeScheduling(scheduleGraphs,
- selectedSchedulings,
- selectedSimExeGraphs,
- gid,
- this.scheduleThreshold);
- if(tmpexetime < bestexetime) {
- scheduleGraphs.remove(selectedSchedulings.elementAt(0));
- }
- }while(newscheduleGraphs != null); // TODO: could it possibly lead to endless loop?
- scheduleGraphs.clear();
- scheduleGraphs = null;
- scheduling = null;
- schedulinggraph = null;
- if(newscheduleGraphs != null) {
- newscheduleGraphs.clear();
- }
- newscheduleGraphs = null;
- totestscheduleGraphs.elementAt(ii).clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < schedulings.size(); i++) {
- schedulings.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- schedulings.clear();
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedSimExeGraphs.size(); i++) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- output2.println(((float)bestexetime/1000000));
- System.out.print("=========================================================\n");
- }
- if(scheduleGraphs != null) {
- scheduleGraphs.clear();
- }
- scheduleGraphs = null;
- totestscheduleGraphs = null;
- for(int i = 0; i < schedulings.size(); i++) {
- schedulings.elementAt(i).clear();
- }
- schedulings.clear();
- schedulings = null;
- selectedSchedulings.clear();
- selectedSchedulings = null;
- selectedSimExeGraphs.clear();
- selectedSimExeGraphs = null;
- multiparamtds.clear();
- multiparamtds = null;
- // Close the streams.
- try {
- output.close();
- stdout.close();
- output = null;
- stdout = null;
- System.setOut(origOut);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- origOut.println("Redirect: Unable to close files!");
- }
- }
- return;
+ // map the tasks associated to SimExecutionedges to original
+ // ClassNode in the ScheduleGraph and split them from previous
+ // ScheduleGraph
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> tocombines = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
+ Iterator<Integer> it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
+ int corenum =;
+ Vector<SimExecutionEdge> candidatetasks =
+ tooptimize.get(corenum);
+ for(int i = 0; i < candidatetasks.size(); i++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = candidatetasks.elementAt(i).getTd();
+ // TODO: currently do not consider multi-param tasks
+ if(td.numParameters() == 1) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = td.getParamType(0).getClassDesc();
+ ScheduleNode snode = newscheduleGraph.elementAt(corenum); // corresponding ScheduleNode
+ Iterator<ClassNode> it_cnodes = snode.getClassNodesIterator();
+ ClassNode tosplit = null;
+ while(it_cnodes.hasNext()) {
+ ClassNode cnode =;
+ if(cnode.getClassDescriptor().equals(cd)) {
+ tosplit= cnode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ it_cnodes = null;
+ // split the node
+ ScheduleNode splitnode = snode.spliteClassNode(tosplit);
+ newscheduleGraph.add(splitnode);
+ tocombines.add(splitnode);
+ tosplit = null;
+ }
+ }
+ candidatetasks = null;
+ it_cores = null;
- private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeScheduling(Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs,
- Vector<Integer> selectedScheduleGraphs,
- Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> selectedSimExeGraphs,
- int gid,
- int count) {
- if(this.coreNum == 1) {
- // single core
- return null;
- }
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
- int lgid = gid;
- int left = count;
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedScheduleGraphs.size(); i++) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> schedulegraph = scheduleGraphs.elementAt(
- selectedScheduleGraphs.elementAt(i));
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph = selectedSimExeGraphs.elementAt(i);
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath = analyzeCriticalPath(simexegraph);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> tmposchedulegraphs = optimizeCriticalPath(schedulegraph,
- criticalPath,
- lgid,
- left);
- if(tmposchedulegraphs != null) {
- if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
- optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(tmposchedulegraphs);
- lgid += tmposchedulegraphs.size();
- left -= tmposchedulegraphs.size();
- if(left == 0) {
- schedulegraph = null;
- simexegraph = null;
- criticalPath = null;
- tmposchedulegraphs = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- schedulegraph = null;
- simexegraph = null;
- criticalPath = null;
- tmposchedulegraphs = null;
- }
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ if(tocombines.size() == 0) {
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
- private Vector<SimExecutionEdge> analyzeCriticalPath(Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph) {
- // first figure out the critical path
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath = new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>();
- SimExecutionNode senode = (SimExecutionNode)simexegraph.elementAt(0).getSource();
- getCriticalPath(senode, criticalPath);
- computeBestStartPoint(criticalPath);
- return criticalPath;
+ SchedulingUtil.assignCids(newscheduleGraph);
+ // get all the ScheduleEdge
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ for(int i= 0; i < newscheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
+ scheduleEdges.addAll(
+ (Vector<ScheduleEdge>)newscheduleGraph.elementAt(i).getEdgeVector());
- // TODO: currently only get one critical path. It's possible that there are
- // multiple critical paths and some of them can not be optimized while others
- // can. Need to fix up for this situation.
- private long getCriticalPath(SimExecutionNode senode,
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath) {
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> edges = (Vector<SimExecutionEdge>)senode.getEdgeVector();
- if((edges == null) || (edges.size() == 0)) {
- edges = null;
- return 0;
- }
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> subcriticalpath = new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>();
- SimExecutionEdge edge = edges.elementAt(0);
- long sum = edge.getWeight() + getCriticalPath((SimExecutionNode)edge.getTarget(),
- subcriticalpath);
- criticalPath.clear();
- criticalPath.add(edge);
- criticalPath.addAll(subcriticalpath);
- for(int i = 1; i < edges.size(); i++) {
- edge = edges.elementAt(i);
- subcriticalpath.clear();
- long tmpsum = edge.getWeight()
- + getCriticalPath((SimExecutionNode)edge.getTarget(),
- subcriticalpath);
- if(tmpsum > sum) {
- // find a longer path
- sum = tmpsum;
- criticalPath.clear();
- criticalPath.add(edge);
- criticalPath.addAll(subcriticalpath);
- }
- }
- edges = null;
- subcriticalpath.clear();
- subcriticalpath = null;
- return sum;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> rootNodes =
+ SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(roots);
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> nodes2combine =
+ SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(tocombines);
+ CombinationUtil.CombineGenerator cGen =
+ CombinationUtil.allocateCombineGenerator(rootNodes, nodes2combine);
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ while ((left > 0) && (cGen.nextGen())) {
+ if(Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100 > this.generateThreshold) {
+ Vector<Vector<CombinationUtil.Combine>> combine = cGen.getCombine();
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes =
+ SchedulingUtil.generateScheduleGraph(this.state,
+ newscheduleGraph,
+ scheduleEdges,
+ rootNodes,
+ combine,
+ lgid++);
+ if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
+ optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ optimizeschedulegraphs.add(sNodes);
+ combine = null;
+ sNodes = null;
+ left--;
+ }
- private void computeBestStartPoint(Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath) {
- // calculate the earliest start time of each task on the critial path
- for(int i = 0; i < criticalPath.size(); i++) {
- SimExecutionEdge seedge = criticalPath.elementAt(i);
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> predicates = seedge.getPredicates();
- if(predicates != null) {
- // have predicates
- long starttime = 0;
- // check the latest finish time of all the predicates
- for(int j = 0; j < predicates.size(); j++) {
- SimExecutionEdge predicate = predicates.elementAt(j);
- long tmptime = predicate.getBestStartPoint() + predicate.getWeight();
- if(tmptime > starttime) {
- starttime = tmptime;
- seedge.setLastpredicateEdge(predicate);
- if(predicate.getTd() != null) {
- seedge.setLastpredicateNode((SimExecutionNode)predicate.getTarget());
- } else {
- // transfer edge
- seedge.setLastpredicateNode((SimExecutionNode)predicate.getSource());
- }
- }
- }
- seedge.setBestStartPoint(starttime);
- } else if(seedge.getSource().getInedgeVector().size() > 0) {
- // should have only one in edge
- long starttime = ((SimExecutionNode)seedge.getSource()).getTimepoint();
- seedge.setBestStartPoint(starttime);
- } else {
- // no predicates
- seedge.setBestStartPoint(0);
- }
- predicates = null;
- }
+ cGen.clear();
+ rootNodes = null;
+ nodes2combine = null;
+ newscheduleGraph = null;
+ scheduleEdges.clear();
+ scheduleEdges = null;
+ roots = null;
+ tocombines = null;
+ return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ }
+ private Vector<ScheduleNode>
+ cloneScheduleGraph(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
+ int gid) {
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> result = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
+ // get all the ScheduleEdge
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ for(int i= 0; i < scheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
+ scheduleEdges.addAll(
+ (Vector<ScheduleEdge>)scheduleGraph.elementAt(i).getEdgeVector());
- private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeCriticalPath(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> criticalPath,
- int gid,
- int count) {
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
- int lgid = gid;
- int left = count;
- // for test, print out the criticalPath
- if(this.state.PRINTCRITICALPATH) {
- SchedulingUtil.printCriticalPath(this.state.outputdir + "criticalpath_" + lgid + ".dot",
- criticalPath);
- }
- // first check all seedges whose real start point is late than predicted
- // earliest start time and group them
- long opcheckpoint = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- Vector<Integer> sparecores = null;
- // group according to core index
- Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>> toselects =
- new Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>>();
- Random rand = new Random();
- for(int i = 0; i < criticalPath.size(); i++) {
- SimExecutionEdge seedge = criticalPath.elementAt(i);
- long starttime = seedge.getBestStartPoint();
- if(starttime < ((SimExecutionNode)seedge.getSource()).getTimepoint()) {
- // no restrictions due to data dependencies
- // have potential to be parallelled and start execution earlier
- seedge.setFixedTime(false);
- // consider to optimize it only when its predicates can NOT
- // be optimized, otherwise first considering optimize its predicates
- SimExecutionEdge lastpredicateedge = seedge.getLastpredicateEdge();
- if(lastpredicateedge.isFixedTime()) {
- int corenum = seedge.getCoreNum();
- if(!toselects.containsKey(starttime)) {
- toselects.put(starttime,
- new Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>());
- }
- if(!toselects.get(starttime).containsKey(corenum)) {
- toselects.get(starttime).put(corenum,
- new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>());
- }
- toselects.get(starttime).get(corenum).add(seedge);
- }
- }
- }
- // Randomly choose the tasks to optimize(previously only
- // consider the tasks with smallest best start time)
- Vector<Long> keys = new Vector<Long>(toselects.keySet());
- do{
- int length = keys.size();
- if(length == 0) {
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
- }
- int tochoose = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % length;
- opcheckpoint = (keys.elementAt(tochoose)).longValue();
- keys.removeElementAt(tochoose);
- Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize =
- toselects.get(opcheckpoint);
- SimExecutionEdge seedge = tooptimize.values().iterator().next().elementAt(0);
- SimExecutionNode lastpredicatenode = seedge.getLastpredicateNode();
- SimExecutionEdge lastpredicateedge = seedge.getLastpredicateEdge();
- long timepoint = lastpredicatenode.getTimepoint();
- if(lastpredicateedge.getTd() == null) {
- // transfer edge
- timepoint += lastpredicateedge.getWeight();
- }
- // mapping to critical path
- for(int index = 0; index < criticalPath.size(); index++) {
- SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = criticalPath.elementAt(index);
- SimExecutionNode tmpsenode =
- (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
- if(tmpsenode.getTimepoint() > timepoint) {
- // get the spare core info
- sparecores = tmpsenode.getSpareCores();
- break;
- }
- }
- if(tooptimize.size() > 0) {
- Iterator<Integer> it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
- // check if it is possible to optimize these tasks
- if((sparecores == null) || (sparecores.size() == 0)) {
- // lack of spare cores
- while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
- int corenum =;
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> tmptasks = tooptimize.get(corenum);
- // group the task instantiations according to whether it
- // has backward data dependences or not
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> candidatetasks = new Vector();
- for(int ii= 0; ii < tmptasks.size(); ii++) {
- SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = tmptasks.elementAt(ii);
- SimExecutionNode target = (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> children =
- (Vector<SimExecutionEdge>)target.getEdgeVector();
- int jj = 0;
- for(; jj < children.size(); jj++) {
- SimExecutionEdge tmpedge = children.elementAt(jj);
- if(tmpedge.getTd() != null) {
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> predicates =
- tmpedge.getPredicates();
- if((predicates != null) &&
- (predicates.contains(tmpseedge))) {
- break;
- }
- predicates = null;
- } else if(tmpedge.getWeight() != 0) {
- // transfer edge
- if(((SimExecutionNode)tmpedge.getTarget()).getTimepoint()
- == tmpedge.getWeight() + target.getTimepoint()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(jj == children.size()) {
- candidatetasks.add(tmpseedge);
- }
- }
- if((candidatetasks.size() > 0) &&
- (candidatetasks.size() < tmptasks.size())) {
- // there are less important tasks which have no backward
- // data dependences at this timepoint, try to change
- // original execution order
- Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize2 =
- new Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>>();
- tooptimize2.put(corenum, candidatetasks);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops = innerOptimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
- tooptimize2,
- null,
- lgid,
- left);
- if(ops != null) {
- if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
- optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
- lgid += ops.size();
- left -= ops.size();
- }
- tooptimize2 = null;
- ops = null;
- }
- tmptasks = null;
- candidatetasks = null;
- }
- if(left == 0) {
- it_cores = null;
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
- }
- // flush the dependences and earliest start time
- it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
- while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
- int corenum =;
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> edgevec =
- tooptimize.get(corenum);
- for(int j = 0; j < edgevec.size(); j++) {
- SimExecutionEdge edge = edgevec.elementAt(j);
- lastpredicateedge = edge.getLastpredicateEdge();
- lastpredicatenode = edge.getLastpredicateNode();
- // if(edge.getCoreNum() != lastpredicate.getCoreNum()) // should never hit this
- timepoint = lastpredicatenode.getTimepoint();
- if(lastpredicateedge.getTd() == null) {
- // transfer edge
- timepoint += lastpredicateedge.getWeight();
- }
- // mapping to critical path
- for(int index = 0; index < criticalPath.size(); index++) {
- SimExecutionEdge tmpseedge = criticalPath.elementAt(index);
- SimExecutionNode tmpsenode =
- (SimExecutionNode)tmpseedge.getTarget();
- if(tmpsenode.getTimepoint() > timepoint) {
- // update the predicate info
- if(edge.getPredicates() != null) {
- edge.getPredicates().remove(lastpredicateedge);
- }
- edge.addPredicate(criticalPath.elementAt(index));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- edgevec = null;
- }
- it_cores = null;
- computeBestStartPoint(criticalPath);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops = optimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
- criticalPath,
- lgid,
- left);
- if(ops != null) {
- if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
- optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
- lgid += ops.size();
- left -= ops.size();
- }
- ops = null;
- } else {
- // there are spare cores, try to reorganize the tasks to the spare
- // cores
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> ops = innerOptimizeCriticalPath(scheduleGraph,
- tooptimize,
- sparecores,
- lgid,
- left);
- if(ops != null) {
- if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
- optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- optimizeschedulegraphs.addAll(ops);
- lgid += ops.size();
- left -= ops.size();
- }
- ops = null;
- }
- }
- sparecores = null;
- tooptimize.clear();
- tooptimize = null;
- }while(left > 0);
- toselects.clear();
- toselects = null;
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>> sn2hash =
+ new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>>();
+ Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode> sn2sn =
+ new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode>();
+ SchedulingUtil.cloneScheduleGraph(scheduleGraph,
+ scheduleEdges,
+ sn2hash,
+ sn2sn,
+ result,
+ gid);
+ SchedulingUtil.assignCids(result);
+ scheduleEdges.clear();
+ scheduleEdges = null;
+ sn2hash.clear();
+ sn2hash = null;
+ sn2sn.clear();
+ sn2sn = null;
+ return result;
+ }
+ private Vector<Schedule>
+ generateScheduling(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> td2maincd) {
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>> td2cores =
+ new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>>(); // multiparam tasks reside on which cores
+ Vector<Schedule> scheduling = new Vector<Schedule>(scheduleGraph.size());
+ // for each ScheduleNode create a schedule node representing a core
+ Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Integer> sn2coreNum =
+ new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Integer>();
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Integer> td2maincore =
+ new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Integer>();
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>> td2allycores =
+ new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>>();
+ int j = 0;
+ for(j = 0; j < scheduleGraph.size(); j++) {
+ sn2coreNum.put(scheduleGraph.elementAt(j), j);
- private Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> innerOptimizeCriticalPath(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
- Hashtable<Integer, Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> tooptimize,
- Vector<Integer> sparecores,
- int gid,
- int count) {
- int lgid = gid;
- int left = count;
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> optimizeschedulegraphs = null;
- // first clone the whole graph
- Vector<ScheduleNode> newscheduleGraph =
- cloneScheduleGraph(scheduleGraph, lgid);
- // these nodes are root nodes
- Vector<ScheduleNode> roots = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
- for(int i = 0; i < newscheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
- if((sparecores == null) || (sparecores.contains(i))) {
- roots.add(newscheduleGraph.elementAt(i));
- }
- }
- // map the tasks associated to SimExecutionedges to original
- // ClassNode in the ScheduleGraph and split them from previous
- // ScheduleGraph
- Vector<ScheduleNode> tocombines = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
- Iterator<Integer> it_cores = tooptimize.keySet().iterator();
- while(it_cores.hasNext()) {
- int corenum =;
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> candidatetasks =
- tooptimize.get(corenum);
- for(int i = 0; i < candidatetasks.size(); i++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = candidatetasks.elementAt(i).getTd();
- // TODO: currently do not consider multi-param tasks
- if(td.numParameters() == 1) {
- ClassDescriptor cd = td.getParamType(0).getClassDesc();
- ScheduleNode snode = newscheduleGraph.elementAt(corenum); // corresponding ScheduleNode
- Iterator<ClassNode> it_cnodes = snode.getClassNodesIterator();
- ClassNode tosplit = null;
- while(it_cnodes.hasNext()) {
- ClassNode cnode =;
- if(cnode.getClassDescriptor().equals(cd)) {
- tosplit= cnode;
- break;
- }
- }
- it_cnodes = null;
- // split the node
- ScheduleNode splitnode = snode.spliteClassNode(tosplit);
- newscheduleGraph.add(splitnode);
- tocombines.add(splitnode);
- tosplit = null;
- }
- }
- candidatetasks = null;
- }
- it_cores = null;
- if(tocombines.size() == 0) {
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
- }
- SchedulingUtil.assignCids(newscheduleGraph);
- // get all the ScheduleEdge
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- for(int i= 0; i < newscheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
- scheduleEdges.addAll((Vector<ScheduleEdge>)newscheduleGraph.elementAt(i).getEdgeVector());
- }
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> rootNodes =
- SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(roots);
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> nodes2combine =
- SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(tocombines);
- CombinationUtil.CombineGenerator cGen =
- CombinationUtil.allocateCombineGenerator(rootNodes, nodes2combine);
- Random rand = new Random();
- while ((left > 0) && (cGen.nextGen())) {
- if(Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100 > this.generateThreshold) {
- Vector<Vector<CombinationUtil.Combine>> combine = cGen.getCombine();
- Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes = SchedulingUtil.generateScheduleGraph(this.state,
- newscheduleGraph,
- scheduleEdges,
- rootNodes,
- combine,
- lgid++);
- if(optimizeschedulegraphs == null) {
- optimizeschedulegraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- optimizeschedulegraphs.add(sNodes);
- combine = null;
- sNodes = null;
- left--;
- }
- }
- cGen.clear();
- rootNodes = null;
- nodes2combine = null;
- newscheduleGraph = null;
- scheduleEdges.clear();
- scheduleEdges = null;
- roots = null;
- tocombines = null;
- return optimizeschedulegraphs;
+ int startupcore = 0;
+ boolean setstartupcore = false;
+ Schedule startup = null;
+ int gid = scheduleGraph.elementAt(0).getGid();
+ for(j = 0; j < scheduleGraph.size(); j++) {
+ Schedule tmpSchedule = new Schedule(j, gid);
+ ScheduleNode sn = scheduleGraph.elementAt(j);
+ Vector<ClassNode> cNodes = sn.getClassNodes();
+ for(int k = 0; k < cNodes.size(); k++) {
+ ClassNode cNode = cNodes.elementAt(k);
+ ClassDescriptor cd = cNode.getClassDescriptor();
+ Iterator it_flags = cNode.getFlags();
+ while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState);
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge tmpfe = (FEdge);
+ TaskDescriptor td = (tmpfe).getTask();
+ boolean contain = true;
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ // td is a multi-param task, check if this core contains the
+ // main cd of it
+ if(td2maincd.get(td).equals(cd)) {
+ contain = true;
+ td2maincore.put(td, tmpSchedule.getCoreNum());
+ } else {
+ contain = false;
+ if(!td2allycores.containsKey(td)) {
+ td2allycores.put(td, new Vector<Schedule>());
+ }
+ Vector<Schedule> allycores = td2allycores.get(td);
+ if(!allycores.contains(tmpSchedule)) {
+ allycores.addElement(tmpSchedule);
+ }
+ allycores = null;
+ }
+ // If the FlagState can be fed to some multi-param tasks,
+ // need to record corresponding ally cores later.
+ tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs);
+ }
+ if(contain) {
+ tmpSchedule.addTask(td);
+ if(!td2cores.containsKey(td)) {
+ td2cores.put(td, new Vector<Schedule>());
+ }
+ Vector<Schedule> tmpcores = td2cores.get(td);
+ if(!tmpcores.contains(tmpSchedule)) {
+ tmpcores.add(tmpSchedule);
+ }
+ tmpcores = null;
+ }
+ if(td.getParamType(0).getClassDesc().getSymbol().equals(
+ TypeUtil.StartupClass)) {
+ assert(!setstartupcore);
+ startupcore = j;
+ startup = tmpSchedule;
+ setstartupcore = true;
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ }
+ it_flags = null;
+ }
+ cNodes = null;
+ // For each of the ScheduleEdge out of this ScheduleNode, add the
+ // target ScheduleNode into the queue inside sn
+ Iterator it_edges = sn.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
+ ScheduleNode target = (ScheduleNode)se.getTarget();
+ Integer targetcore = sn2coreNum.get(target);
+ switch(se.getType()) {
+ case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
+ FlagState fs = se.getFstate();
+ // Check if the new obj could be fed to some
+ // multi-parameter task, if so, add for ally cores
+ // checking
+ Iterator it = fs.edges();
+ boolean canTriggerSTask = false; // Flag indicates if fs can trigger
+ // some single-param task
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = ((FEdge);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs); // TODO
+ } else {
+ canTriggerSTask = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int k = 0; k < se.getNewRate(); k++) {
+ if(canTriggerSTask) {
+ // Only transfer the obj when it can trigger some single-parm task
+ // TODO: ensure that multi-param tasks have these objects
+ tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(fs, targetcore);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
+ // 'transmit' edge
+ tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(),
+ targetcore,
+ se.getTargetFState());
+ // check if missed some FlagState associated with some
+ // multi-parameter task, which has been cloned when
+ // splitting a ClassNode
+ FlagState fs = se.getSourceFState();
+ FlagState tfs = se.getTargetFState();
+ Iterator it = tfs.edges();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = ((FEdge);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = sn.getScheduleEdgesIterator();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
+ switch(se.getType()) {
+ case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
+ // TODO, added 09/07/06
+ FlagState fs = se.getFstate();
+ // Check if the new obj could be fed to some
+ // multi-parameter task, if so, add for ally cores
+ // checking
+ Iterator it = fs.edges();
+ boolean canTriggerSTask = false; // Flag indicates if fs can trigger
+ // some single-param task
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = ((FEdge);
+ if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs); // TODO
+ } else {
+ canTriggerSTask = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int k = 0; k < se.getNewRate(); k++) {
+ if(canTriggerSTask) {
+ tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(), j);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
+ // 'transmit' edge
+ tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(),
+ j,
+ se.getTargetFState());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ scheduling.add(tmpSchedule);
- private Vector<ScheduleNode> cloneScheduleGraph(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
- int gid) {
- Vector<ScheduleNode> result = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
- // get all the ScheduleEdge
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- for(int i= 0; i < scheduleGraph.size(); i++) {
- scheduleEdges.addAll((Vector<ScheduleEdge>)scheduleGraph.elementAt(i).getEdgeVector());
- }
- Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>> sn2hash =
- new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>>();
- Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode> sn2sn =
- new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode>();
- SchedulingUtil.cloneScheduleGraph(scheduleGraph,
- scheduleEdges,
- sn2hash,
- sn2sn,
- result,
- gid);
- SchedulingUtil.assignCids(result);
- scheduleEdges.clear();
- scheduleEdges = null;
- sn2hash.clear();
- sn2hash = null;
- sn2sn.clear();
- sn2sn = null;
- return result;
+ int number = this.coreNum;
+ if(scheduling.size() < number) {
+ number = scheduling.size();
- private Vector<Schedule> generateScheduling(Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleGraph,
- Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds) {
- Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>> td2cores =
- new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Vector<Schedule>>(); // multiparam tasks reside on which cores
- Vector<Schedule> scheduling = new Vector<Schedule>(scheduleGraph.size());
- // for each ScheduleNode create a schedule node representing a core
- Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Integer> sn2coreNum =
- new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Integer>();
- int j = 0;
- for(j = 0; j < scheduleGraph.size(); j++) {
- sn2coreNum.put(scheduleGraph.elementAt(j), j);
- }
- int startupcore = 0;
- boolean setstartupcore = false;
- Schedule startup = null;
- int gid = scheduleGraph.elementAt(0).getGid();
- for(j = 0; j < scheduleGraph.size(); j++) {
- Schedule tmpSchedule = new Schedule(j, gid);
- ScheduleNode sn = scheduleGraph.elementAt(j);
- Vector<ClassNode> cNodes = sn.getClassNodes();
- for(int k = 0; k < cNodes.size(); k++) {
- Iterator it_flags = cNodes.elementAt(k).getFlags();
- Vector rootnodes = this.taskAnalysis.getRootNodes(
- cNodes.elementAt(k).getClassDescriptor());
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge tmpfe = (FEdge);
- TaskDescriptor td = (tmpfe).getTask();
- tmpSchedule.addTask(td);
- if(!td2cores.containsKey(td)) {
- td2cores.put(td, new Vector<Schedule>());
- }
- Vector<Schedule> tmpcores = td2cores.get(td);
- if(!tmpcores.contains(tmpSchedule)) {
- tmpcores.add(tmpSchedule);
- }
- tmpcores = null;
- // If the FlagState can be fed to some multi-param tasks,
- // need to record corresponding ally cores later.
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs);
- }
- if(td.getParamType(0).getClassDesc().getSymbol().equals(
- TypeUtil.StartupClass)) {
- assert(!setstartupcore);
- startupcore = j;
- startup = tmpSchedule;
- setstartupcore = true;
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- it_flags = null;
- }
- cNodes = null;
- // For each of the ScheduleEdge out of this ScheduleNode, add the
- // target ScheduleNode into the queue inside sn
- Iterator it_edges = sn.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
- ScheduleNode target = (ScheduleNode)se.getTarget();
- Integer targetcore = sn2coreNum.get(target);
- switch(se.getType()) {
- case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
- for(int k = 0; k < se.getNewRate(); k++) {
- FlagState fs = se.getFstate();
- tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(fs, targetcore);
- // Check if the new obj could be fed to some
- // multi-parameter task, if so, add for ally cores
- // checking
- Iterator it = fs.edges();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor td = ((FEdge);
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
- // 'transmit' edge
- tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(),
- targetcore,
- se.getTargetFState());
- // check if missed some FlagState associated with some
- // multi-parameter task, which has been cloned when
- // splitting a ClassNode
- FlagState fs = se.getSourceFState();
- FlagState tfs = se.getTargetFState();
- Iterator it = tfs.edges();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor td = ((FEdge);
- if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
- tmpSchedule.addFState4TD(td, fs);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- it_edges = sn.getScheduleEdgesIterator();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge);
- switch(se.getType()) {
- case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
- for(int k = 0; k < se.getNewRate(); k++) {
- tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(), j);
- }
- break;
- }
- case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
- // 'transmit' edge
- tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(se.getFstate(),
- j,
- se.getTargetFState());
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- scheduling.add(tmpSchedule);
- }
- int number = this.coreNum;
- if(scheduling.size() < number) {
- number = scheduling.size();
- }
- // set up all the associate ally cores
- if(multiparamtds.size() > 0) {
- for(j = 0; j < multiparamtds.size(); ++j) {
- TaskDescriptor td = multiparamtds.elementAt(j);
- Vector<FEdge> fes =
- (Vector<FEdge>) this.taskAnalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- Vector<Schedule> cores = td2cores.get(td);
- for(int k = 0; k < cores.size(); ++k) {
- Schedule tmpSchedule = cores.elementAt(k);
- // Make sure all the parameter objs of a multi-parameter
- // task would be send to right place
- for(int h = 0; h < fes.size(); ++h) {
- FEdge tmpfe = fes.elementAt(h);
- FlagState tmpfs = (FlagState)tmpfe.getTarget();
- Vector<TaskDescriptor> tmptds =
- new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
- if((tmpSchedule.getTargetCoreTable() == null)
- || (!tmpSchedule.getTargetCoreTable().containsKey(tmpfs))) {
- // add up all possible cores' info
- Iterator it_edges = tmpfs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- TaskDescriptor tmptd = ((FEdge);
- if(!tmptds.contains(tmptd)) {
- tmptds.add(tmptd);
- Vector<Schedule> tmpcores = td2cores.get(tmptd);
- for(int m = 0; m < tmpcores.size(); ++m) {
- if(m != tmpSchedule.getCoreNum()) {
- // if the FlagState can be fed to some multi-param tasks,
- // need to record corresponding ally cores later
- if(tmptd.numParameters() > 1) {
- tmpSchedule.addAllyCore(tmpfs,
- tmpcores.elementAt(m).getCoreNum());
- } else {
- tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(tmpfs,
- tmpcores.elementAt(m).getCoreNum());
- }
- }
- }
- tmpcores = null;
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- tmptds = null;
- }
- // Make sure all objs which could be feed to a multi-parameter
- // task would be send to all the possible task instances
- if(cores.size() > 1) {
- Vector<FlagState> tmpfss = tmpSchedule.getFStates4TD(td);
- for(int h = 0; h < tmpfss.size(); ++h) {
- for(int l = 0; l < cores.size(); ++l) {
- if(l != k) {
- tmpSchedule.addAllyCore(tmpfss.elementAt(h),
- cores.elementAt(l).getCoreNum());
- }
- }
- }
- tmpfss = null;
- }
- }
- fes = null;
- cores = null;
- }
- }
- td2cores = null;
- sn2coreNum = null;
- return scheduling;
+ Iterator<TaskDescriptor> it_mptds = td2maincd.keySet().iterator();
+ // set up all the associate ally cores
+ while(it_mptds.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td =;
+ Vector<FEdge> fes = (Vector<FEdge>) this.taskAnalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ Vector<Schedule> cores = td2cores.get(td);
+ assert(cores.size() == 1); // should have only one core
+ for(int k = 0; k < cores.size(); ++k) {
+ Schedule tmpSchedule = cores.elementAt(k);
+ // Make sure all the parameter objs of a multi-parameter
+ // task would be send to right place after the task finished
+ for(int h = 0; h < fes.size(); ++h) {
+ FEdge tmpfe = fes.elementAt(h);
+ FlagState tmpfs = (FlagState)tmpfe.getTarget();
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> tmptds = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
+ if((tmpSchedule.getTargetCoreTable() == null)
+ || (!tmpSchedule.getTargetCoreTable().containsKey(tmpfs))) {
+ // add up all possible cores' info
+ Iterator it_edges = tmpfs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor tmptd = ((FEdge);
+ if(!tmptds.contains(tmptd)) {
+ tmptds.add(tmptd);
+ Vector<Schedule> tmpcores = td2cores.get(tmptd);
+ for(int m = 0; m < tmpcores.size(); ++m) {
+ Schedule target = tmpcores.elementAt(m);
+ int targetcore = target.getCoreNum();
+ int num = target.getTaskNum(tmptd);
+ for(int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
+ tmpSchedule.addTargetCore(tmpfs, targetcore);
+ }
+ }
+ tmpcores = null;
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ }
+ tmptds = null;
+ }
+ }
+ fes = null;
+ cores = null;
+ }
+ // Make sure all objs which could be feed to a multi-parameter
+ // task would be send to all the possible task instances
+ it_mptds = td2allycores.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it_mptds.hasNext()) {
+ TaskDescriptor td =;
+ Vector<Schedule> allycores = td2allycores.get(td);
+ for(int i = 0; i < allycores.size(); i++) {
+ Schedule tSchedule = allycores.elementAt(i);
+ Vector<FlagState> tmpfss = tSchedule.getFStates4TD(td);
+ int targetcore = td2maincore.get(td).intValue();
+ for(int h = 0; h < tmpfss.size(); ++h) {
+ tSchedule.addAllyCore(tmpfss.elementAt(h), targetcore);
+ }
+ tmpfss = null;
+ }
+ it_mptds = null;
+ td2cores = null;
+ sn2coreNum = null;
+ td2maincore = null;
+ td2allycores = null;
+ return scheduling;
+ }
boolean shared;
boolean hold;
int version;
+ // TODO, crack for KMeans
+ int counter;
public ObjectSimulator(ClassDescriptor cd,
FlagState currentFS) {
this.shared = false;
this.hold = false;
this.version = 0;
+ if("Cluster")) {
+ this.counter = 83 * 2 + 1; //102 * 2 + 1; //83 * 2 + 1;
+ } else {
+ this.counter = -1;
+ }
public void applyEdge(FEdge fedge) {
if(!currentFS.equals((FlagState)fedge.getTarget())) {
this.changed = true;
currentFS = (FlagState)fedge.getTarget();
+ if(this.counter > 0) {
+ //System.err.println(this.counter);
+ this.counter--;
+ }
+ if(("Cluster")) && (this.counter == 0)) {
+ // go to end state
+ this.currentFS = new FlagState(;
+ }
} else {
this.changed = false;
public void increaseVersion() {
\ No newline at end of file
private int gid;
private int coreNum;
private Vector<TaskDescriptor> tasks;
+ private Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Integer> td2num;
private Hashtable<FlagState, Queue<Integer>> targetCores;
private Hashtable<FlagState, FlagState> targetFState; // only affected by transimit edges
private Hashtable<FlagState, Vector<Integer>> allyCores;
this.gid = gid;
this.coreNum = coreNum;
this.tasks = null;
+ this.td2num = null;
this.targetCores = null;
this.targetFState = null;
this.allyCores = null;
public void addTask(TaskDescriptor task) {
if(this.tasks == null) {
this.tasks = new Vector<TaskDescriptor>();
+ this.td2num = new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, Integer>();
if(!this.tasks.contains(task)) {
+ this.td2num.put(task, 1);
+ } else {
+ this.td2num.put(task, this.td2num.get(task).intValue()+1);
+ public int getTaskNum(TaskDescriptor task) {
+ return this.td2num.get(task);
+ }
public class ScheduleAnalysis {
- State state;
- TaskAnalysis taskanalysis;
- Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleNodes;
- Vector<ClassNode> classNodes;
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges;
- Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode> cd2ClassNode;
- boolean sorted = false;
- int transThreshold;
- int scheduleThreshold;
- int coreNum;
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs;
- public ScheduleAnalysis(State state,
- TaskAnalysis taskanalysis) {
- this.state = state;
- this.taskanalysis = taskanalysis;
- this.scheduleNodes = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
- this.classNodes = new Vector<ClassNode>();
- this.scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- this.cd2ClassNode = new Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode>();
- this.transThreshold = 45; // defaultly 45
- this.scheduleThreshold = 1000; // defaultly 1000
- this.coreNum = -1;
- this.scheduleGraphs = null;
+ State state;
+ TaskAnalysis taskanalysis;
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> scheduleNodes;
+ Vector<ClassNode> classNodes;
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> scheduleEdges;
+ Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode> cd2ClassNode;
+ boolean sorted = false;
+ int transThreshold;
+ int scheduleThreshold;
+ int coreNum;
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> scheduleGraphs;
+ // Main CD table for multi-param tasks
+ Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> td2maincd;
+ public ScheduleAnalysis(State state,
+ TaskAnalysis taskanalysis) {
+ this.state = state;
+ this.taskanalysis = taskanalysis;
+ this.scheduleNodes = new Vector<ScheduleNode>();
+ this.classNodes = new Vector<ClassNode>();
+ this.scheduleEdges = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ this.cd2ClassNode = new Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode>();
+ this.transThreshold = 45; // defaultly 45
+ this.scheduleThreshold = 1000; // defaultly 1000
+ this.coreNum = -1;
+ this.scheduleGraphs = null;
+ this.td2maincd = null;
+ }
+ public void setTransThreshold(int tt) {
+ this.transThreshold = tt;
+ }
+ public void setScheduleThreshold(int stt) {
+ this.scheduleThreshold = stt;
+ }
+ public int getCoreNum() {
+ return coreNum;
+ }
+ public void setCoreNum(int coreNum) {
+ this.coreNum = coreNum;
+ }
+ public Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> getScheduleGraphs() {
+ return this.scheduleGraphs;
+ }
+ // for test
+ public Vector<ScheduleEdge> getSEdges4Test() {
+ return scheduleEdges;
+ }
+ public Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor> getTd2maincd() {
+ return td2maincd;
+ }
+ public boolean schedule(int generateThreshold,
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds) {
+ boolean tooptimize = true;
+ try {
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ ScheduleNode startupNode = null;
+ if((multiparamtds != null) || (multiparamtds.size() > 0)) {
+ this.td2maincd = new Hashtable<TaskDescriptor, ClassDescriptor>();
+ }
+ // necessary preparation such as read profile info etc.
+ preSchedule();
+ // build the CFSTG
+ startupNode = buildCFSTG(toBreakDown, multiparamtds);
+ // do Tree transform
+ treeTransform(toBreakDown, startupNode);
+ // do CFSTG transform to explore the potential parallelism as much
+ // as possible
+ CFSTGTransform();
+ // mappint to real multi-core processor
+ tooptimize = coreMapping(generateThreshold);
+ toBreakDown = null;
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ return tooptimize;
+ }
+ private void preSchedule() {
+ this.checkBackEdge();
- public void setTransThreshold(int tt) {
- this.transThreshold = tt;
+ // set up profiling data
+ if(state.USEPROFILE) {
+ java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo> taskinfos =
+ new java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo>();
+ this.readProfileInfo(taskinfos);
+ long tint = 0;
+ Iterator it_classes = state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor);
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Vector rootnodes = this.taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
+ if(rootnodes!=null) {
+ Iterator it_rootnodes = rootnodes.iterator();
+ while(it_rootnodes.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState root = (FlagState);
+ Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
+ if(allocatingTasks != null) {
+ for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td =
+ (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
+ Vector<FEdge> fev = this.taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ int numEdges = fev.size();
+ for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
+ FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
+ TaskInfo taskinfo = taskinfos.get(td.getSymbol());
+ tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
+ pfe.setExeTime(tint);
+ double idouble =
+ taskinfo.m_probability[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
+ pfe.setProbability(idouble);
+ int newRate = 0;
+ int tindex = pfe.getTaskExitIndex();
+ if((taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(tindex) != null)
+ && (taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(tindex).containsKey(
+ cd.getSymbol()))) {
+ newRate = taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(tindex).get(
+ cd.getSymbol());
+ }
+ pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, idouble);
+ if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
+ ((FlagState)pfe.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
+ }
+ }
+ fev = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_rootnodes = null;
+ }
+ Iterator it_flags = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
+ while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState);
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge);
+ TaskInfo taskinfo = taskinfos.get(edge.getTask().getSymbol());
+ tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
+ edge.setExeTime(tint);
+ double idouble = taskinfo.m_probability[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
+ edge.setProbability(idouble);
+ if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
+ ((FlagState)edge.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ }
+ it_flags = null;
+ }
+ }
+ taskinfos = null;
+ it_classes = null;
+ } else {
+ randomProfileSetting();
- public void setScheduleThreshold(int stt) {
- this.scheduleThreshold = stt;
+ }
+ private void checkBackEdge() {
+ // Indentify backedges
+ Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor);
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Set<FlagState> fss = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd);
+ SCC scc=GraphNode.DFS.computeSCC(fss);
+ if (scc.hasCycles()) {
+ for(int i=0; i<scc.numSCC(); i++) {
+ if (scc.hasCycle(i)) {
+ Set cycleset = scc.getSCC(i);
+ Iterator it_fs = cycleset.iterator();
+ while(it_fs.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState);
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge);
+ if(cycleset.contains(edge.getTarget())) {
+ // a backedge
+ edge.setisbackedge(true);
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ }
+ it_fs = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fss = null;
+ }
+ it_classes = null;
+ }
+ private void readProfileInfo(java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo> taskinfos){
+ try {
+ // read in profile data and set
+ //FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("/scratch/profile.rst");
+ FileInputStream inStream =
+ new FileInputStream("/scratch/" + this.state.profilename);
+ byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 100];
+ int length =;
+ if(length < 0) {
+ System.out.print("No content in input file: /scratch/"
+ + this.state.profilename + "\n");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ String profiledata = new String(b, 0, length);
+ // profile data format:
+ // taskname, numoftaskexits(; exetime, probability, numofnewobjtypes(,
+ // newobj type, num of objs)+)+
+ int inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
+ while((inindex != -1) ) {
+ String inline = profiledata.substring(0, inindex);
+ profiledata = profiledata.substring(inindex + 1);
+ //System.printString(inline + "\n");
+ int tmpinindex = inline.indexOf(',');
+ if(tmpinindex == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ String inname = inline.substring(0, tmpinindex);
+ String inint = inline.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
+ inint = inint.substring(1);
+ }
+ tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(',');
+ if(tmpinindex == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int numofexits = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
+ TaskInfo tinfo = new TaskInfo(numofexits);
+ inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
+ inint = inint.substring(1);
+ }
+ tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
+ int byObj = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
+ if(byObj != -1) {
+ tinfo.m_byObj = byObj;
+ }
+ inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
+ inint = inint.substring(1);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < numofexits; i++) {
+ String tmpinfo = null;
+ if(i < numofexits - 1) {
+ tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
+ tmpinfo = inint.substring(0, tmpinindex);
+ inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
+ inint = inint.substring(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmpinfo = inint;
+ }
- public int getCoreNum() {
- return coreNum;
+ tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
+ tinfo.m_exetime[i] = Long.parseLong(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
+ }
+ tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
+ tinfo.m_probability[i] = Double.parseDouble(
+ tmpinfo.substring(0,tmpinindex));
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
+ }
+ tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
+ int numofnobjs = 0;
+ if(tmpinindex == -1) {
+ numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
+ if(numofnobjs != 0) {
+ System.err.println("Error profile data format!");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tinfo.m_newobjinfo.setElementAt(new Hashtable<String,Integer>(), i);
+ numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
+ }
+ for(int j = 0; j < numofnobjs; j++) {
+ tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
+ String nobjtype = tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex);
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
+ }
+ int objnum = 0;
+ if(j < numofnobjs - 1) {
+ tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
+ objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
+ tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
+ }
+ tinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(i).put(nobjtype, objnum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ taskinfos.put(inname, tinfo);
+ inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
+ }
+ inStream.close();
+ inStream = null;
+ b = null;
+ } catch(Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
- public void setCoreNum(int coreNum) {
- this.coreNum = coreNum;
+ // for test
+ private void randomProfileSetting() {
+ // Randomly set the newRate and probability of FEdges
+ java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
+ int tint = 0;
+ Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ for(; it_classes.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor);
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Vector rootnodes=this.taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
+ if(rootnodes!=null) {
+ Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator();
+ for(; it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState root=(FlagState);
+ Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
+ if(allocatingTasks != null) {
+ for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
+ Vector<FEdge> fev =
+ (Vector<FEdge>)this.taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ int numEdges = fev.size();
+ int total = 100;
+ for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
+ FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
+ if(numEdges - j == 1) {
+ pfe.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ pfe.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ //int newRate = tint;
+ //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
+ int newRate = 1;
+ String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
+ if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("Grid")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("Fractal")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("KMeans")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("ZTransform"))) {
+ newRate = this.coreNum;
+ } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
+ newRate = 4;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ // int probability = tint;
+ int probability = 100;
+ pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
+ }
+ fev = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_rootnodes = null;
+ }
+ Iterator it_flags = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
+ while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState);
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ int total = 100;
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ tint = 3;
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge);
+ edge.setExeTime(tint);
+ if((fs.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals("MD"))
+ && (edge.getTask().getSymbol().equals("t6"))) {
+ if(edge.isbackedge()) {
+ if(edge.getTarget().equals(edge.getSource())) {
+ edge.setProbability(93.75);
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ edge.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ edge.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
+ }
+ it_flags = null;
+ }
+ it_classes = null;
+ }
+ private ScheduleNode buildCFSTG(Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown,
+ Vector<TaskDescriptor> multiparamtds) {
+ Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode> cdToCNodes =
+ new Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode>();
+ // Build the combined flag transition diagram
+ // First, for each class create a ClassNode
+ Iterator it_classes = state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor);
+ Set<FlagState> fStates = taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd);
- public Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> getScheduleGraphs() {
- return this.scheduleGraphs;
+ //Sort flagState nodes inside this ClassNode
+ Vector<FlagState> sFStates = FlagState.DFS.topology(fStates, null);
+ Vector rootnodes = taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
+ if(((rootnodes != null) && (rootnodes.size() > 0))
+ || (cd.getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.StartupClass))) {
+ ClassNode cNode = new ClassNode(cd, sFStates);
+ cNode.setSorted(true);
+ classNodes.add(cNode);
+ cd2ClassNode.put(cd, cNode);
+ cdToCNodes.put(cd, cNode);
+ cNode.calExeTime();
+ }
+ rootnodes = null;
+ fStates = null;
+ sFStates = null;
+ }
+ it_classes = null;
+ ScheduleNode startupNode = null;
+ // For each ClassNode create a ScheduleNode containing it
+ int i = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < classNodes.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode cn = classNodes.elementAt(i);
+ ScheduleNode sn = new ScheduleNode(cn, 0);
+ if(cn.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.StartupClass)) {
+ startupNode = sn;
+ }
+ cn.setScheduleNode(sn);
+ scheduleNodes.add(sn);
+ try {
+ sn.calExeTime();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
- // for test
- public Vector<ScheduleEdge> getSEdges4Test() {
- return scheduleEdges;
+ // Create 'new' edges between the ScheduleNodes.
+ Vector<ClassDescriptor> singleCDs = new Vector<ClassDescriptor>();
+ for(i = 0; i < classNodes.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode cNode = classNodes.elementAt(i);
+ ClassDescriptor cd = cNode.getClassDescriptor();
+ Vector rootnodes = taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
+ boolean isSingle = false;
+ if(rootnodes != null) {
+ for(int h = 0; h < rootnodes.size(); h++) {
+ FlagState root=(FlagState)rootnodes.elementAt(h);
+ Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
+ if(allocatingTasks != null) {
+ for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
+ Vector<FEdge> fev =
+ (Vector<FEdge>)taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ int numEdges = fev.size();
+ ScheduleNode sNode = cNode.getScheduleNode();
+ for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
+ FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
+ FEdge.NewObjInfo noi = pfe.getNewObjInfo(cd);
+ if ((noi == null) || (noi.getNewRate() == 0)
+ || (noi.getProbability() == 0)) {
+ // fake creating edge, do not need to create corresponding
+ // 'new' edge
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(noi.getNewRate() == 1) {
+ isSingle = true;
+ }
+ if(noi.getRoot() == null) {
+ // set root FlagState
+ noi.setRoot(root);
+ }
+ FlagState pfs = (FlagState)pfe.getTarget();
+ ClassDescriptor pcd = pfs.getClassDescriptor();
+ ClassNode pcNode = cdToCNodes.get(pcd);
+ ScheduleEdge sEdge = new ScheduleEdge(sNode,
+ "new",
+ root,
+ ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE,
+ 0);
+ sEdge.setFEdge(pfe);
+ sEdge.setSourceCNode(pcNode);
+ sEdge.setTargetCNode(cNode);
+ sEdge.setTargetFState(root);
+ sEdge.setNewRate(noi.getNewRate());
+ sEdge.setProbability(noi.getProbability());
+ pcNode.getScheduleNode().addEdge(sEdge);
+ scheduleEdges.add(sEdge);
+ if((j !=0 ) || (k != 0) || (h != 0)) {
+ toBreakDown.add(sEdge);
+ }
+ }
+ fev = null;
+ }
+ allocatingTasks = null;
+ }
+ if(isSingle) {
+ singleCDs.add(cd);
+ }
+ }
+ rootnodes = null;
+ }
+ cdToCNodes = null;
- public void schedule(int generateThreshold) {
- try {
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- ScheduleNode startupNode = null;
- // necessary preparation such as read profile info etc.
- preSchedule();
- // build the CFSTG
- startupNode = buildCFSTG(toBreakDown);
- // do Tree transform
- treeTransform(toBreakDown, startupNode);
- // do CFSTG transform to explore the potential parallelism as much
- // as possible
- CFSTGTransform();
- // mappint to real multi-core processor
- coreMapping(generateThreshold);
- toBreakDown = null;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
+ for(i = 0; i < multiparamtds.size(); i++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = multiparamtds.elementAt(i);
+ for(int j = 0; j < td.numParameters(); j++) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = td.getParamType(j).getClassDesc();
+ if(singleCDs.contains(cd)) {
+ // set the first parameter which has single creation rate as main cd
+ // TODO: may have bug when cd has multiple new flag states
+ this.td2maincd.put(td, cd);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- private void preSchedule() {
- this.checkBackEdge();
- // set up profiling data
- if(state.USEPROFILE) {
- java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo> taskinfos =
- new java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo>();
- this.readProfileInfo(taskinfos);
- long tint = 0;
- Iterator it_classes =
- state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
- ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor);
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes = this.taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- Iterator it_rootnodes = rootnodes.iterator();
- while(it_rootnodes.hasNext()) {
- FlagState root = (FlagState);
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td =
- (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev =
- this.taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- TaskInfo taskinfo =
- taskinfos.get(td.getSymbol());
- tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
- pfe.setExeTime(tint);
- double idouble =
- taskinfo.m_probability[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
- pfe.setProbability(idouble);
- int newRate = 0;
- if((taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()) != null)
- && (taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()).containsKey(cd.getSymbol()))) {
- newRate = taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()).get(cd.getSymbol());
- }
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, idouble);
- if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
- ((FlagState)pfe.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
- }
- }
- fev = null;
- }
- }
- }
- it_rootnodes = null;
- }
- Iterator it_flags = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge edge = (FEdge);
- TaskInfo taskinfo = taskinfos.get(edge.getTask().getSymbol());
- tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- double idouble = taskinfo.m_probability[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
- edge.setProbability(idouble);
- if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
- ((FlagState)edge.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- it_flags = null;
- }
- }
- taskinfos = null;
- it_classes = null;
- } else {
- randomProfileSetting();
- }
+ return startupNode;
+ }
+ private void treeTransform(Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown,
+ ScheduleNode startupNode) {
+ int i = 0;
+ // Break down the 'cycle's
+ try {
+ for(i = 0; i < toBreakDown.size(); i++ ) {
+ cloneSNodeList(toBreakDown.elementAt(i), false);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
- private void checkBackEdge() {
- // Indentify backedges
- Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor);
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Set<FlagState> fss = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd);
- SCC scc=GraphNode.DFS.computeSCC(fss);
- if (scc.hasCycles()) {
- for(int i=0; i<scc.numSCC(); i++) {
- if (scc.hasCycle(i)) {
- Set cycleset = scc.getSCC(i);
- Iterator it_fs = cycleset.iterator();
- while(it_fs.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge edge = (FEdge);
- if(cycleset.contains(edge.getTarget())) {
- // a backedge
- edge.setisbackedge(true);
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- it_fs = null;
- }
- }
- }
- fss = null;
- }
- }
- it_classes = null;
+ // Remove fake 'new' edges
+ for(i = 0; i < scheduleEdges.size(); i++) {
+ ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge)scheduleEdges.elementAt(i);
+ if((0 == se.getNewRate()) || (0 == se.getProbability())) {
+ scheduleEdges.removeElement(se);
+ scheduleNodes.removeElement(se.getTarget());
+ }
- private void readProfileInfo(java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo> taskinfos) {
- try {
- // read in profile data and set
- FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("/scratch/profile.rst");
- byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 100];
- int length =;
- if(length < 0) {
- System.out.print("No content in input file: /scratch/profile.rst\n");
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- String profiledata = new String(b, 0, length);
- // profile data format:
- // taskname, numoftaskexits(; exetime, probability, numofnewobjtypes(, newobj type, num of objs)+)+
- int inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- while((inindex != -1) ) {
- String inline = profiledata.substring(0, inindex);
- profiledata = profiledata.substring(inindex + 1);
- //System.printString(inline + "\n");
- int tmpinindex = inline.indexOf(',');
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- break;
- }
- String inname = inline.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- String inint = inline.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(',');
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- break;
- }
- int numofexits = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- TaskInfo tinfo = new TaskInfo(numofexits);
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
- int byObj = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- if(byObj != -1) {
- tinfo.m_byObj = byObj;
- }
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < numofexits; i++) {
- String tmpinfo = null;
- if(i < numofexits - 1) {
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
- tmpinfo = inint.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- } else {
- tmpinfo = inint;
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- tinfo.m_exetime[i] = Long.parseLong(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- tinfo.m_probability[i] = Double.parseDouble(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- int numofnobjs = 0;
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
- if(numofnobjs != 0) {
- System.err.println("Error profile data format!");
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- } else {
- tinfo.m_newobjinfo.setElementAt(new Hashtable<String,Integer>(), i);
- numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- for(int j = 0; j < numofnobjs; j++) {
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- String nobjtype = tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- int objnum = 0;
- if(j < numofnobjs - 1) {
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- } else {
- objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
- }
- tinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(i).put(nobjtype, objnum);
- }
- }
- }
- taskinfos.put(inname, tinfo);
- inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- }
- inStream.close();
- inStream = null;
- b = null;
- } catch(Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
+ // Do topology sort of the ClassNodes and ScheduleEdges.
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> ssev = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> tempSNodes =
+ ClassNode.DFS.topology(scheduleNodes, ssev);
+ scheduleNodes.removeAllElements();
+ scheduleNodes = tempSNodes;
+ tempSNodes = null;
+ scheduleEdges.removeAllElements();
+ scheduleEdges = ssev;
+ ssev = null;
+ sorted = true;
+ // Set the cid of these ScheduleNode
+ Queue<ScheduleNode> toVisit = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>();
+ toVisit.add(startupNode);
+ while(!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
+ ScheduleNode sn = toVisit.poll();
+ if(sn.getCid() == -1) {
+ // not visited before
+ sn.setCid(ScheduleNode.colorID++);
+ Iterator it_edge = sn.edges();
+ while(it_edge.hasNext()) {
+ toVisit.add((ScheduleNode)((ScheduleEdge);
+ }
+ it_edge = null;
+ }
+ toVisit = null;
- // for test
- private void randomProfileSetting() {
- // Randomly set the newRate and probability of FEdges
- java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
- int tint = 0;
- Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- for(; it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor);
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes=this.taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator();
- for(; it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState);
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)this.taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- int total = 100;
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- if(numEdges - j == 1) {
- pfe.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- pfe.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- //int newRate = tint;
- //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
- int newRate = 1;
- String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
- if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
- (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Grid")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Fractal"))) {
- newRate = this.coreNum;
- } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
- newRate = 4;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- // int probability = tint;
- int probability = 100;
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
- }
- fev = null;
- }
- }
- }
- it_rootnodes = null;
- }
- Iterator it_flags = this.taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState);
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- int total = 100;
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- tint = 3;
- FEdge edge = (FEdge);
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- if((fs.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals("MD"))
- && (edge.getTask().getSymbol().equals("t6"))) {
- if(edge.isbackedge()) {
- if(edge.getTarget().equals(edge.getSource())) {
- edge.setProbability(93.75);
- } else {
- edge.setProbability(3.125);
- }
- } else {
- edge.setProbability(3.125);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
- edge.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- edge.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- it_flags = null;
- }
- }
- it_classes = null;
+ if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
+ SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(
+ this.state.outputdir + "", this.scheduleNodes);
+ }
+ private void CFSTGTransform() {
+ // First iteration
+ int i = 0;
+ //Access the ScheduleEdges in reverse topology order
+ Hashtable<FEdge, Vector<ScheduleEdge>> fe2ses =
+ new Hashtable<FEdge, Vector<ScheduleEdge>>();
+ Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Vector<FEdge>> sn2fes =
+ new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Vector<FEdge>>();
+ ScheduleNode preSNode = null;
+ for(i = scheduleEdges.size(); i > 0; i--) {
+ ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge)scheduleEdges.elementAt(i-1);
+ if(ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE == se.getType()) {
+ if(preSNode == null) {
+ preSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
+ }
- private ScheduleNode buildCFSTG(Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown) {
- Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode> cdToCNodes =
- new Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, ClassNode>();
- // Build the combined flag transition diagram
- // First, for each class create a ClassNode
- Iterator it_classes = state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(it_classes.hasNext()) {
- ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor);
- Set<FlagState> fStates = taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd);
- //Sort flagState nodes inside this ClassNode
- Vector<FlagState> sFStates = FlagState.DFS.topology(fStates, null);
- Vector rootnodes = taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(((rootnodes != null) && (rootnodes.size() > 0))
- || (cd.getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.StartupClass))) {
- ClassNode cNode = new ClassNode(cd, sFStates);
- cNode.setSorted(true);
- classNodes.add(cNode);
- cd2ClassNode.put(cd, cNode);
- cdToCNodes.put(cd, cNode);
- cNode.calExeTime();
- // for test
- if(cd.getSymbol().equals("C")) {
- cNode.setTransTime(45);
- }
- }
- rootnodes = null;
- fStates = null;
- sFStates = null;
- }
- it_classes = null;
- ScheduleNode startupNode = null;
- // For each ClassNode create a ScheduleNode containing it
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < classNodes.size(); i++) {
- ClassNode cn = classNodes.elementAt(i);
- ScheduleNode sn = new ScheduleNode(cn, 0);
- if(cn.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals(TypeUtil.StartupClass)) {
- startupNode = sn;
- }
- cn.setScheduleNode(sn);
- scheduleNodes.add(sn);
- try {
- sn.calExeTime();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Create 'new' edges between the ScheduleNodes.
- //Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- for(i = 0; i < classNodes.size(); i++) {
- ClassNode cNode = classNodes.elementAt(i);
- ClassDescriptor cd = cNode.getClassDescriptor();
- Vector rootnodes = taskanalysis.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes != null) {
- for(int h = 0; h < rootnodes.size(); h++) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState)rootnodes.elementAt(h);
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)taskanalysis.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- ScheduleNode sNode = cNode.getScheduleNode();
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- FEdge.NewObjInfo noi = pfe.getNewObjInfo(cd);
- if ((noi == null) || (noi.getNewRate() == 0) || (noi.getProbability() == 0)) {
- // fake creating edge, do not need to create corresponding 'new' edge
- continue;
- }
- if(noi.getRoot() == null) {
- // set root FlagState
- noi.setRoot(root);
- }
- FlagState pfs = (FlagState)pfe.getTarget();
- ClassDescriptor pcd = pfs.getClassDescriptor();
- ClassNode pcNode = cdToCNodes.get(pcd);
- ScheduleEdge sEdge = new ScheduleEdge(sNode,
- "new",
- root,
- ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE,
- 0);
- sEdge.setFEdge(pfe);
- sEdge.setSourceCNode(pcNode);
- sEdge.setTargetCNode(cNode);
- sEdge.setTargetFState(root);
- sEdge.setNewRate(noi.getNewRate());
- sEdge.setProbability(noi.getProbability());
- pcNode.getScheduleNode().addEdge(sEdge);
- scheduleEdges.add(sEdge);
- if((j !=0 ) || (k != 0) || (h != 0)) {
- toBreakDown.add(sEdge);
- }
- }
- fev = null;
- }
- allocatingTasks = null;
- }
- }
- rootnodes = null;
- }
- }
- cdToCNodes = null;
- return startupNode;
+ boolean split = false;
+ FEdge fe = se.getFEdge();
+ if(fe.getSource() == fe.getTarget()) {
+ // back edge
+ try {
+ int repeat = (int)Math.ceil(se.getNewRate()*se.getProbability()/100);
+ int rate = 0;
+ if(repeat > 1) {
+ for(int j = 1; j< repeat; j++ ) {
+ cloneSNodeList(se, true);
+ }
+ se.setNewRate(1);
+ se.setProbability(100);
+ }
+ try {
+ rate = (int)Math.ceil(
+ se.getListExeTime()/calInExeTime(se.getSourceFState()));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ for(int j = rate - 1; j > 0; j--) {
+ for(int k = repeat; k > 0; k--) {
+ cloneSNodeList(se, true);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if preSNode is not the same as se's source ScheduleNode
+ // handle any ScheduleEdges previously put into fe2ses whose source
+ // ScheduleNode is preSNode
+ boolean same = (preSNode == se.getSource());
+ if(!same) {
+ // check the topology sort, only process those after se.getSource()
+ if(preSNode.getFinishingTime() < se.getSource().getFinishingTime()){
+ if(sn2fes.containsKey(preSNode)) {
+ Vector<FEdge> fes = sn2fes.remove(preSNode);
+ for(int j = 0; j < fes.size(); j++) {
+ FEdge tempfe = fes.elementAt(j);
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
+ ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
+ long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
+ // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
+ for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
+ if(ttemp < temptime) {
+ tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
+ temptime = ttemp;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle the tempse
+ handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
+ ses.removeElement(tempse);
+ // handle other ScheduleEdges
+ for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
+ }
+ ses = null;
+ fe2ses.remove(tempfe);
+ }
+ fes = null;
+ }
+ }
+ preSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
+ }
+ // if fe is the last task inside this ClassNode, delay the expanding
+ // and merging until we find all such 'new' edges
+ // associated with a last task inside this ClassNode
+ if(!fe.getTarget().edges().hasNext()) {
+ if(fe2ses.get(fe) == null) {
+ fe2ses.put(fe, new Vector<ScheduleEdge>());
+ }
+ if(sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()) == null) {
+ sn2fes.put((ScheduleNode)se.getSource(), new Vector<FEdge>());
+ }
+ if(!fe2ses.get(fe).contains(se)) {
+ fe2ses.get(fe).add(se);
+ }
+ if(!sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).contains(fe)) {
+ sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).add(fe);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // As this is not a last task, first handle available ScheduleEdges
+ // previously put into fe2ses
+ if((same) && (sn2fes.containsKey(preSNode))) {
+ Vector<FEdge> fes = sn2fes.remove(preSNode);
+ for(int j = 0; j < fes.size(); j++) {
+ FEdge tempfe = fes.elementAt(j);
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
+ ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
+ long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
+ // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
+ for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
+ if(ttemp < temptime) {
+ tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
+ temptime = ttemp;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle the tempse
+ handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
+ ses.removeElement(tempse);
+ // handle other ScheduleEdges
+ for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
+ }
+ ses = null;
+ fe2ses.remove(tempfe);
+ }
+ fes = null;
+ }
+ if((!(se.getTransTime() < this.transThreshold))
+ && (se.getSourceCNode().getTransTime() < se.getTransTime())) {
+ split = true;
+ splitSNode(se, true);
+ } else {
+ // handle this ScheduleEdge
+ handleScheduleEdge(se, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- private void treeTransform(Vector<ScheduleEdge> toBreakDown,
- ScheduleNode startupNode) {
- int i = 0;
- // Break down the 'cycle's
- try {
- for(i = 0; i < toBreakDown.size(); i++ ) {
- cloneSNodeList(toBreakDown.elementAt(i), false);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- // Remove fake 'new' edges
- for(i = 0; i < scheduleEdges.size(); i++) {
- ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge)scheduleEdges.elementAt(i);
- if((0 == se.getNewRate()) || (0 == se.getProbability())) {
- scheduleEdges.removeElement(se);
- scheduleNodes.removeElement(se.getTarget());
- }
- }
- // Do topology sort of the ClassNodes and ScheduleEdges.
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> ssev = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- Vector<ScheduleNode> tempSNodes = ClassNode.DFS.topology(scheduleNodes, ssev);
- scheduleNodes.removeAllElements();
- scheduleNodes = tempSNodes;
- tempSNodes = null;
- scheduleEdges.removeAllElements();
- scheduleEdges = ssev;
- ssev = null;
- sorted = true;
- // Set the cid of these ScheduleNode
- Queue<ScheduleNode> toVisit = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>();
- toVisit.add(startupNode);
- while(!toVisit.isEmpty()) {
- ScheduleNode sn = toVisit.poll();
- if(sn.getCid() == -1) {
- // not visited before
- sn.setCid(ScheduleNode.colorID++);
- Iterator it_edge = sn.edges();
- while(it_edge.hasNext()) {
- toVisit.add((ScheduleNode)((ScheduleEdge);
- }
- it_edge = null;
- }
- }
- toVisit = null;
- if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
- SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(this.state.outputdir + "",
- this.scheduleNodes);
- }
+ if(!fe2ses.isEmpty()) {
+ Set<FEdge> keys = fe2ses.keySet();
+ Iterator it_keys = keys.iterator();
+ while(it_keys.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge tempfe = (FEdge);
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
+ ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
+ long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
+ // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
+ for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
+ if(ttemp < temptime) {
+ tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
+ temptime = ttemp;
+ }
+ }
+ // handle the tempse
+ handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
+ ses.removeElement(tempse);
+ // handle other ScheduleEdges
+ for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
+ handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
+ }
+ ses = null;
+ }
+ keys = null;
+ it_keys = null;
+ fe2ses.clear();
+ sn2fes.clear();
+ fe2ses = null;
+ sn2fes = null;
- private void CFSTGTransform() {
- // First iteration
- int i = 0;
- //Access the ScheduleEdges in reverse topology order
- Hashtable<FEdge, Vector<ScheduleEdge>> fe2ses = new Hashtable<FEdge, Vector<ScheduleEdge>>();
- Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Vector<FEdge>> sn2fes = new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, Vector<FEdge>>();
- ScheduleNode preSNode = null;
- for(i = scheduleEdges.size(); i > 0; i--) {
- ScheduleEdge se = (ScheduleEdge)scheduleEdges.elementAt(i-1);
- if(ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE == se.getType()) {
- if(preSNode == null) {
- preSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
- }
- boolean split = false;
- FEdge fe = se.getFEdge();
- if(fe.getSource() == fe.getTarget()) {
- // back edge
- try {
- int repeat = (int)Math.ceil(se.getNewRate() * se.getProbability() / 100);
- int rate = 0;
- if(repeat > 1) {
- for(int j = 1; j< repeat; j++ ) {
- cloneSNodeList(se, true);
- }
- se.setNewRate(1);
- se.setProbability(100);
- }
- try {
- rate = (int)Math.ceil(se.getListExeTime()/ calInExeTime(se.getSourceFState()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- for(int j = rate - 1; j > 0; j--) {
- for(int k = repeat; k > 0; k--) {
- cloneSNodeList(se, true);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- } else {
- // if preSNode is not the same as se's source ScheduleNode
- // handle any ScheduleEdges previously put into fe2ses whose source ScheduleNode is preSNode
- boolean same = (preSNode == se.getSource());
- if(!same) {
- // check the topology sort, only process those after se.getSource()
- if(preSNode.getFinishingTime() < se.getSource().getFinishingTime()) {
- if(sn2fes.containsKey(preSNode)) {
- Vector<FEdge> fes = sn2fes.remove(preSNode);
- for(int j = 0; j < fes.size(); j++) {
- FEdge tempfe = fes.elementAt(j);
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
- ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
- long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
- // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
- for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
- if(ttemp < temptime) {
- tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
- temptime = ttemp;
- }
- }
- // handle the tempse
- handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
- ses.removeElement(tempse);
- // handle other ScheduleEdges
- for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
- }
- ses = null;
- fe2ses.remove(tempfe);
- }
- fes = null;
- }
- }
- preSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
- }
- // if fe is the last task inside this ClassNode, delay the expanding and merging until we find all such 'new' edges
- // associated with a last task inside this ClassNode
- if(!fe.getTarget().edges().hasNext()) {
- if(fe2ses.get(fe) == null) {
- fe2ses.put(fe, new Vector<ScheduleEdge>());
- }
- if(sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()) == null) {
- sn2fes.put((ScheduleNode)se.getSource(), new Vector<FEdge>());
- }
- if(!fe2ses.get(fe).contains(se)) {
- fe2ses.get(fe).add(se);
- }
- if(!sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).contains(fe)) {
- sn2fes.get((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).add(fe);
- }
- } else {
- // As this is not a last task, first handle available ScheduleEdges previously put into fe2ses
- if((same) && (sn2fes.containsKey(preSNode))) {
- Vector<FEdge> fes = sn2fes.remove(preSNode);
- for(int j = 0; j < fes.size(); j++) {
- FEdge tempfe = fes.elementAt(j);
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
- ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
- long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
- // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
- for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
- if(ttemp < temptime) {
- tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
- temptime = ttemp;
- }
- }
- // handle the tempse
- handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
- ses.removeElement(tempse);
- // handle other ScheduleEdges
- for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
- }
- ses = null;
- fe2ses.remove(tempfe);
- }
- fes = null;
- }
- if((!(se.getTransTime() < this.transThreshold)) && (se.getSourceCNode().getTransTime() < se.getTransTime())) {
- split = true;
- splitSNode(se, true);
- } else {
- // handle this ScheduleEdge
- handleScheduleEdge(se, true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!fe2ses.isEmpty()) {
- Set<FEdge> keys = fe2ses.keySet();
- Iterator it_keys = keys.iterator();
- while(it_keys.hasNext()) {
- FEdge tempfe = (FEdge);
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> ses = fe2ses.get(tempfe);
- ScheduleEdge tempse = ses.elementAt(0);
- long temptime = tempse.getListExeTime();
- // find out the ScheduleEdge with least exeTime
- for(int k = 1; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- long ttemp = ses.elementAt(k).getListExeTime();
- if(ttemp < temptime) {
- tempse = ses.elementAt(k);
- temptime = ttemp;
- }
- }
- // handle the tempse
- handleScheduleEdge(tempse, true);
- ses.removeElement(tempse);
- // handle other ScheduleEdges
- for(int k = 0; k < ses.size(); k++) {
- handleScheduleEdge(ses.elementAt(k), false);
- }
- ses = null;
- }
- keys = null;
- it_keys = null;
- }
- fe2ses.clear();
- sn2fes.clear();
- fe2ses = null;
- sn2fes = null;
- if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
- SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(this.state.outputdir + "",
- this.scheduleNodes);
- }
+ if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
+ SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(
+ this.state.outputdir + "", this.scheduleNodes);
+ }
- private void handleScheduleEdge(ScheduleEdge se,
- boolean merge) {
- try {
- int rate = 0;
- int repeat = (int)Math.ceil(se.getNewRate() * se.getProbability() / 100);
- if(merge) {
- try {
- if(se.getListExeTime() == 0) {
- rate = repeat;
- } else {
- rate = (int)Math.ceil((se.getTransTime() - calInExeTime(se.getSourceFState()))/ se.getListExeTime());
- }
- if(rate < 0 ) {
- rate = 0;
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- if(0 == rate) {
- // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
- for(int j = 1; j < repeat; j++ ) {
- cloneSNodeList(se, true);
- }
- se.setNewRate(1);
- se.setProbability(100);
- } else {
- repeat -= rate;
- if(repeat > 0) {
- // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
- for(int j = 0; j < repeat; j++ ) {
- cloneSNodeList(se, true);
- }
- se.setNewRate(rate);
- se.setProbability(100);
- }
- }
- // merge the original ScheduleNode to the source ScheduleNode
- ((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).mergeSEdge(se);
- scheduleNodes.remove(se.getTarget());
- scheduleEdges.remove(se);
- // As se has been changed into an internal edge inside a ScheduleNode,
- // change the source and target of se from original ScheduleNodes
- // into ClassNodes.
- if(se.getType() == ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE) {
- se.setTarget(se.getTargetCNode());
- //se.setSource(se.getSourceCNode());
- //se.getTargetCNode().addEdge(se);
- se.getSourceCNode().addEdge(se);
- }
- } else {
- // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
- for(int j = 1; j < repeat; j++ ) {
- cloneSNodeList(se, true);
- }
- se.setNewRate(1);
- se.setProbability(100);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
+ private void handleScheduleEdge(ScheduleEdge se,
+ boolean merge) {
+ try {
+ int rate = 0;
+ int repeat = (int)Math.ceil(se.getNewRate() * se.getProbability() / 100);
+ if(merge) {
+ try {
+ if(se.getListExeTime() == 0) {
+ rate = repeat;
+ } else {
+ rate = (int)Math.ceil(
+ (se.getTransTime()-calInExeTime(se.getSourceFState()))
+ /se.getListExeTime());
+ }
+ if(rate < 0 ) {
+ rate = 0;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if(0 == rate) {
+ // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
+ for(int j = 1; j < repeat; j++ ) {
+ cloneSNodeList(se, true);
+ }
+ se.setNewRate(1);
+ se.setProbability(100);
+ } else {
+ repeat -= rate;
+ if(repeat > 0) {
+ // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
+ for(int j = 0; j < repeat; j++ ) {
+ cloneSNodeList(se, true);
+ }
+ se.setNewRate(rate);
+ se.setProbability(100);
+ }
+ }
+ // merge the original ScheduleNode to the source ScheduleNode
+ ((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).mergeSEdge(se);
+ scheduleNodes.remove(se.getTarget());
+ scheduleEdges.remove(se);
+ // As se has been changed into an internal edge inside a ScheduleNode,
+ // change the source and target of se from original ScheduleNodes
+ // into ClassNodes.
+ if(se.getType() == ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE) {
+ se.setTarget(se.getTargetCNode());
+ //se.setSource(se.getSourceCNode());
+ //se.getTargetCNode().addEdge(se);
+ se.getSourceCNode().addEdge(se);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // clone the whole ScheduleNode lists starting with se's target
+ for(int j = 1; j < repeat; j++ ) {
+ cloneSNodeList(se, true);
+ }
+ se.setNewRate(1);
+ se.setProbability(100);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ private void cloneSNodeList(ScheduleEdge sEdge,
+ boolean copyIE) throws Exception {
+ Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode> cn2cn =
+ new Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>(); // hashtable from classnode in
+ // orignal se's targe to cloned one
+ ScheduleNode csNode =
+ (ScheduleNode)((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget()).clone(cn2cn, 0);
+ scheduleNodes.add(csNode);
+ // Clone all the external in ScheduleEdges
+ int i;
+ if(copyIE) {
+ Vector inedges = sEdge.getTarget().getInedgeVector();
+ for(i = 0; i < inedges.size(); i++) {
+ ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge)inedges.elementAt(i);
+ ScheduleEdge se;
+ switch(tse.getType()) {
+ case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
+ se = new ScheduleEdge(csNode,"new",tse.getFstate(),tse.getType(),0);
+ se.setProbability(100);
+ se.setNewRate(1);
+ break;
+ }
- private void cloneSNodeList(ScheduleEdge sEdge,
- boolean copyIE) throws Exception {
- Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode> cn2cn = new Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>(); // hashtable from classnode in orignal se's targe to cloned one
- ScheduleNode csNode = (ScheduleNode)((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget()).clone(cn2cn, 0);
- scheduleNodes.add(csNode);
- // Clone all the external in ScheduleEdges
- int i;
- if(copyIE) {
- Vector inedges = sEdge.getTarget().getInedgeVector();
- for(i = 0; i < inedges.size(); i++) {
- ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge)inedges.elementAt(i);
- ScheduleEdge se;
- switch(tse.getType()) {
- case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
- se = new ScheduleEdge(csNode, "new", tse.getFstate(), tse.getType(), 0);
- se.setProbability(100);
- se.setNewRate(1);
- break;
- }
- case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
- se = new ScheduleEdge(csNode, "transmit", tse.getFstate(), tse.getType(), 0);
- se.setProbability(tse.getProbability());
- se.setNewRate(tse.getNewRate());
- break;
- }
- default: {
- throw new Exception("Error: not valid ScheduleEdge here");
- }
- }
- se.setSourceCNode(tse.getSourceCNode());
- se.setTargetCNode(cn2cn.get(tse.getTargetCNode()));
- se.setFEdge(tse.getFEdge());
- se.setTargetFState(tse.getTargetFState());
- se.setIsclone(true);
- tse.getSource().addEdge(se);
- scheduleEdges.add(se);
- }
- inedges = null;
- } else {
- sEdge.getTarget().removeInedge(sEdge);
- sEdge.setTarget(csNode);
- csNode.getInedgeVector().add(sEdge);
- sEdge.setTargetCNode(cn2cn.get(sEdge.getTargetCNode()));
- sEdge.setIsclone(true);
- }
- Queue<ScheduleNode> toClone = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>(); // all nodes to be cloned
- Queue<ScheduleNode> clone = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>(); //clone nodes
- Queue<Hashtable> qcn2cn = new LinkedList<Hashtable>(); // queue of the mappings of classnodes inside cloned ScheduleNode
- Vector<ScheduleNode> origins = new Vector<ScheduleNode>(); // queue of source ScheduleNode cloned
- Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode> sn2sn = new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode>(); // mapping from cloned ScheduleNode to clone ScheduleNode
- clone.add(csNode);
- toClone.add((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget());
- origins.addElement((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget());
- sn2sn.put((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget(), csNode);
- qcn2cn.add(cn2cn);
- while(!toClone.isEmpty()) {
- Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode> tocn2cn = new Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>();
- csNode = clone.poll();
- ScheduleNode osNode = toClone.poll();
- cn2cn = qcn2cn.poll();
- // Clone all the external ScheduleEdges and the following ScheduleNodes
- Vector edges = osNode.getEdgeVector();
- for(i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
- ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge)edges.elementAt(i);
- ScheduleNode tSNode = (ScheduleNode)((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget()).clone(tocn2cn, 0);
- scheduleNodes.add(tSNode);
- clone.add(tSNode);
- toClone.add((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget());
- origins.addElement((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget());
- sn2sn.put((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget(), tSNode);
- qcn2cn.add(tocn2cn);
- ScheduleEdge se = null;
- switch(tse.getType()) {
- case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
- se = new ScheduleEdge(tSNode, "new", tse.getFstate(), tse.getType(), 0);
- break;
- }
- case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
- se = new ScheduleEdge(tSNode, "transmit", tse.getFstate(), tse.getType(), 0);
- break;
- }
- default: {
- throw new Exception("Error: not valid ScheduleEdge here");
- }
- }
- se.setSourceCNode(cn2cn.get(tse.getSourceCNode()));
- se.setTargetCNode(tocn2cn.get(tse.getTargetCNode()));
- se.setFEdge(tse.getFEdge());
- se.setTargetFState(tse.getTargetFState());
- se.setProbability(tse.getProbability());
- se.setNewRate(tse.getNewRate());
- se.setIsclone(true);
- csNode.addEdge(se);
- scheduleEdges.add(se);
- }
- tocn2cn = null;
- edges = null;
- }
- toClone = null;
- clone = null;
- qcn2cn = null;
- cn2cn.clear();
- cn2cn = null;
- origins = null;
- sn2sn = null;
+ case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
+ se = new ScheduleEdge(csNode,"transmit",tse.getFstate(),tse.getType(),0);
+ se.setProbability(tse.getProbability());
+ se.setNewRate(tse.getNewRate());
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ throw new Exception("Error: not valid ScheduleEdge here");
+ }
+ }
+ se.setSourceCNode(tse.getSourceCNode());
+ se.setTargetCNode(cn2cn.get(tse.getTargetCNode()));
+ se.setFEdge(tse.getFEdge());
+ se.setTargetFState(tse.getTargetFState());
+ se.setIsclone(true);
+ tse.getSource().addEdge(se);
+ scheduleEdges.add(se);
+ }
+ inedges = null;
+ } else {
+ sEdge.getTarget().removeInedge(sEdge);
+ sEdge.setTarget(csNode);
+ csNode.getInedgeVector().add(sEdge);
+ sEdge.setTargetCNode(cn2cn.get(sEdge.getTargetCNode()));
+ sEdge.setIsclone(true);
- private long calInExeTime(FlagState fs) throws Exception {
- long exeTime = 0;
- ClassDescriptor cd = fs.getClassDescriptor();
- ClassNode cNode = cd2ClassNode.get(cd);
- exeTime = cNode.getFlagStates().elementAt(0).getExeTime() - fs.getExeTime();
- while(true) {
- Vector inedges = cNode.getInedgeVector();
- // Now that there are associate ScheduleEdges, there may be multiple inedges of a ClassNode
- if(inedges.size() > 1) {
- throw new Exception("Error: ClassNode's inedges more than one!");
- }
- if(inedges.size() > 0) {
- ScheduleEdge sEdge = (ScheduleEdge)inedges.elementAt(0);
- cNode = (ClassNode)sEdge.getSource();
- exeTime += cNode.getFlagStates().elementAt(0).getExeTime();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- inedges = null;
- }
- exeTime = cNode.getScheduleNode().getExeTime() - exeTime;
- return exeTime;
+ Queue<ScheduleNode> toClone = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>(); // all nodes to be cloned
+ Queue<ScheduleNode> clone = new LinkedList<ScheduleNode>(); //clone nodes
+ Queue<Hashtable> qcn2cn = new LinkedList<Hashtable>(); // queue of the mappings of classnodes inside cloned ScheduleNode
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> origins = new Vector<ScheduleNode>(); // queue of source ScheduleNode cloned
+ Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode> sn2sn =
+ new Hashtable<ScheduleNode, ScheduleNode>(); // mapping from cloned ScheduleNode to clone ScheduleNode
+ clone.add(csNode);
+ toClone.add((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget());
+ origins.addElement((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget());
+ sn2sn.put((ScheduleNode)sEdge.getTarget(), csNode);
+ qcn2cn.add(cn2cn);
+ while(!toClone.isEmpty()) {
+ Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode> tocn2cn =
+ new Hashtable<ClassNode, ClassNode>();
+ csNode = clone.poll();
+ ScheduleNode osNode = toClone.poll();
+ cn2cn = qcn2cn.poll();
+ // Clone all the external ScheduleEdges and the following ScheduleNodes
+ Vector edges = osNode.getEdgeVector();
+ for(i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
+ ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge)edges.elementAt(i);
+ ScheduleNode tSNode =
+ (ScheduleNode)((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget()).clone(tocn2cn, 0);
+ scheduleNodes.add(tSNode);
+ clone.add(tSNode);
+ toClone.add((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget());
+ origins.addElement((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget());
+ sn2sn.put((ScheduleNode)tse.getTarget(), tSNode);
+ qcn2cn.add(tocn2cn);
+ ScheduleEdge se = null;
+ switch(tse.getType()) {
+ case ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE: {
+ se = new ScheduleEdge(tSNode,"new",tse.getFstate(),tse.getType(),0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE: {
+ se = new ScheduleEdge(tSNode,"transmit",tse.getFstate(),tse.getType(),0);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ throw new Exception("Error: not valid ScheduleEdge here");
+ }
+ }
+ se.setSourceCNode(cn2cn.get(tse.getSourceCNode()));
+ se.setTargetCNode(tocn2cn.get(tse.getTargetCNode()));
+ se.setFEdge(tse.getFEdge());
+ se.setTargetFState(tse.getTargetFState());
+ se.setProbability(tse.getProbability());
+ se.setNewRate(tse.getNewRate());
+ se.setIsclone(true);
+ csNode.addEdge(se);
+ scheduleEdges.add(se);
+ }
+ tocn2cn = null;
+ edges = null;
- private ScheduleNode splitSNode(ScheduleEdge se,
- boolean copy) {
- assert(ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE == se.getType());
- FEdge fe = se.getFEdge();
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)fe.getTarget();
- FlagState nfs = (FlagState)fs.clone();
- fs.getEdgeVector().removeAllElements();
- nfs.getInedgeVector().removeAllElements();
- ClassNode sCNode = se.getSourceCNode();
- // split the subtree whose root is nfs from the whole flag transition tree
- Vector<FlagState> sfss = sCNode.getFlagStates();
- Vector<FlagState> fStates = new Vector<FlagState>();
- Queue<FlagState> toiterate = new LinkedList<FlagState>();
- toiterate.add(nfs);
- fStates.add(nfs);
- while(!toiterate.isEmpty()) {
- FlagState tfs = toiterate.poll();
- Iterator it_edges = tfs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FlagState temp = (FlagState)((FEdge);
- if(!fStates.contains(temp)) {
- fStates.add(temp);
- toiterate.add(temp);
- sfss.removeElement(temp);
- }
- }
- it_edges = null;
- }
- sfss = null;
- Vector<FlagState> sFStates = FlagState.DFS.topology(fStates, null);
- fStates = null;
- // create a ClassNode and ScheduleNode for this subtree
- ClassNode cNode = new ClassNode(sCNode.getClassDescriptor(), sFStates);
- ScheduleNode sNode = new ScheduleNode(cNode, 0);
- cNode.setScheduleNode(sNode);
- cNode.setSorted(true);
- cNode.setTransTime(sCNode.getTransTime());
- classNodes.add(cNode);
- scheduleNodes.add(sNode);
- try {
- sNode.calExeTime();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // flush the exeTime of fs and its ancestors
- fs.setExeTime(0);
- toiterate.add(fs);
- while(!toiterate.isEmpty()) {
- FlagState tfs = toiterate.poll();
- long ttime = tfs.getExeTime();
- Iterator it_inedges = tfs.inedges();
- while(it_inedges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge fEdge = (FEdge);
- FlagState temp = (FlagState)fEdge.getSource();
- long time = fEdge.getExeTime() + ttime;
- if(temp.getExeTime() > time) {
- temp.setExeTime(time);
- toiterate.add(temp);
- }
- }
- it_inedges = null;
- }
- toiterate = null;
- // create a 'trans' ScheudleEdge between this new ScheduleNode and se's source ScheduleNode
- ScheduleEdge sEdge = new ScheduleEdge(sNode, "transmit", fs, ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE, 0); //new ScheduleEdge(sNode, "transmit", cNode.getClassDescriptor(), false, 0);
- sEdge.setFEdge(fe);
- sEdge.setSourceCNode(sCNode);
- sEdge.setTargetCNode(cNode);
- sEdge.setTargetFState(nfs);
- // TODO
- // Add calculation codes for calculating transmit time of an object
- sEdge.setTransTime(cNode.getTransTime());
- se.getSource().addEdge(sEdge);
- scheduleEdges.add(sEdge);
- // remove the ClassNodes and internal ScheduleEdges out of this subtree
- // to the new ScheduleNode
- ScheduleNode oldSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
- Iterator it_isEdges = oldSNode.getScheduleEdgesIterator();
- Vector<ScheduleEdge> toremove = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
- Vector<ClassNode> rCNodes = new Vector<ClassNode>();
- rCNodes.addElement(sCNode);
- if(it_isEdges != null) {
- while(it_isEdges.hasNext()) {
- ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge);
- if(rCNodes.contains(tse.getSourceCNode())) {
- if(sCNode.equals(tse.getSourceCNode())) {
- if (!(tse.getSourceFState().equals(fs))
- && (sFStates.contains(tse.getSourceFState()))) {
- tse.setSource(cNode);
- tse.setSourceCNode(cNode);
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- sNode.getScheduleEdges().addElement(tse);
- sNode.getClassNodes().addElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
- rCNodes.addElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
- oldSNode.getClassNodes().removeElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
- toremove.addElement(tse);
- }
- }
- }
- it_isEdges = null;
- oldSNode.getScheduleEdges().removeAll(toremove);
- toremove.clear();
- // redirect ScheudleEdges out of this subtree to the new ScheduleNode
- Iterator it_sEdges = se.getSource().edges();
- while(it_sEdges.hasNext()) {
- ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge);
- if(!(tse.equals(se)) && !(tse.equals(sEdge))
- && (tse.getSourceCNode().equals(sCNode))) {
- if(!(tse.getSourceFState().equals(fs))
- && (sFStates.contains(tse.getSourceFState()))) {
- tse.setSource(sNode);
- tse.setSourceCNode(cNode);
- sNode.getEdgeVector().addElement(tse);
- toremove.add(tse);
- }
- }
- }
- it_sEdges = null;
- se.getSource().getEdgeVector().removeAll(toremove);
- toremove = null;
- rCNodes = null;
- sFStates = null;
- try {
- if(!copy) {
- //merge se into its source ScheduleNode
- sNode.setCid(((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).getCid());
- ((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).mergeSEdge(se);
- scheduleNodes.remove(se.getTarget());
- scheduleEdges.removeElement(se);
- // As se has been changed into an internal edge inside a ScheduleNode,
- // change the source and target of se from original ScheduleNodes
- // into ClassNodes.
- if(se.getType() == ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE) {
- se.setTarget(se.getTargetCNode());
- //se.setSource(se.getSourceCNode());
- //se.getTargetCNode().addEdge(se);
- se.getSourceCNode().addEdge(se);
- }
- } else {
- sNode.setCid(ScheduleNode.colorID++);
- handleScheduleEdge(se, true);
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- return sNode;
+ toClone = null;
+ clone = null;
+ qcn2cn = null;
+ cn2cn.clear();
+ cn2cn = null;
+ origins = null;
+ sn2sn = null;
+ }
+ private long calInExeTime(FlagState fs) throws Exception {
+ long exeTime = 0;
+ ClassDescriptor cd = fs.getClassDescriptor();
+ ClassNode cNode = cd2ClassNode.get(cd);
+ exeTime = cNode.getFlagStates().elementAt(0).getExeTime() - fs.getExeTime();
+ while(true) {
+ Vector inedges = cNode.getInedgeVector();
+ // Now that there are associate ScheduleEdges, there may be
+ // multiple inedges of a ClassNode
+ if(inedges.size() > 1) {
+ throw new Exception("Error: ClassNode's inedges more than one!");
+ }
+ if(inedges.size() > 0) {
+ ScheduleEdge sEdge = (ScheduleEdge)inedges.elementAt(0);
+ cNode = (ClassNode)sEdge.getSource();
+ exeTime += cNode.getFlagStates().elementAt(0).getExeTime();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ inedges = null;
+ exeTime = cNode.getScheduleNode().getExeTime() - exeTime;
+ return exeTime;
+ }
- // TODO: restrict the number of generated scheduling according to the setted
- // scheduleThreshold
- private void coreMapping(int generateThreshold) throws Exception {
- if(this.coreNum == -1) {
- throw new Exception("Error: un-initialized coreNum when doing scheduling.");
- }
- if(this.scheduleGraphs == null) {
- this.scheduleGraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
- }
- int reduceNum = this.scheduleNodes.size() - this.coreNum;
- // Combine some ScheduleNode if necessary
- // May generate multiple graphs suggesting candidate schedulings
- if(!(reduceNum > 0)) {
- // Enough cores, no need to combine any ScheduleNode
- this.scheduleGraphs.addElement(this.scheduleNodes);
- int gid = 1;
- if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
- String path = this.state.outputdir + "scheduling_" + gid + ".dot";
- SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(path, this.scheduleNodes);
- }
- } else {
- SchedulingUtil.assignCids(this.scheduleNodes);
- // Go through all the Schedule Nodes, organize them in order of their cid
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> sNodeVecs =
- SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(this.scheduleNodes);
- CombinationUtil.RootsGenerator rGen =
- CombinationUtil.allocateRootsGenerator(sNodeVecs,
- this.coreNum);
- int gid = 1;
- Random rand = new Random();
- while((gid <= this.scheduleThreshold) && (rGen.nextGen())) {
- // first get the chosen rootNodes
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> rootNodes = rGen.getRootNodes();
- Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> nodes2combine = rGen.getNode2Combine();
- CombinationUtil.CombineGenerator cGen =
- CombinationUtil.allocateCombineGenerator(rootNodes,
- nodes2combine);
- while((gid <= this.scheduleThreshold) && cGen.nextGen()) {
- if(Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100 > generateThreshold) {
- Vector<Vector<CombinationUtil.Combine>> combine = cGen.getCombine();
- Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes =
- SchedulingUtil.generateScheduleGraph(this.state,
- this.scheduleNodes,
- this.scheduleEdges,
- rootNodes,
- combine,
- gid++);
- this.scheduleGraphs.add(sNodes);
- combine = null;
- sNodes = null;
- }
- }
- cGen.clear();
- rootNodes = null;
- nodes2combine = null;
- }
- rGen.clear();
- sNodeVecs = null;
- }
+ private ScheduleNode splitSNode(ScheduleEdge se,
+ boolean copy) {
+ assert(ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE == se.getType());
+ FEdge fe = se.getFEdge();
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)fe.getTarget();
+ FlagState nfs = (FlagState)fs.clone();
+ fs.getEdgeVector().removeAllElements();
+ nfs.getInedgeVector().removeAllElements();
+ ClassNode sCNode = se.getSourceCNode();
+ // split the subtree whose root is nfs from the whole flag transition tree
+ Vector<FlagState> sfss = sCNode.getFlagStates();
+ Vector<FlagState> fStates = new Vector<FlagState>();
+ Queue<FlagState> toiterate = new LinkedList<FlagState>();
+ toiterate.add(nfs);
+ fStates.add(nfs);
+ while(!toiterate.isEmpty()) {
+ FlagState tfs = toiterate.poll();
+ Iterator it_edges = tfs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState temp = (FlagState)((FEdge);
+ if(!fStates.contains(temp)) {
+ fStates.add(temp);
+ toiterate.add(temp);
+ sfss.removeElement(temp);
+ }
+ }
+ it_edges = null;
- static class TaskInfo {
- public int m_numofexits;
- public long[] m_exetime;
- public double[] m_probability;
- public Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>> m_newobjinfo;
- public int m_byObj;
- public TaskInfo(int numofexits) {
- this.m_numofexits = numofexits;
- this.m_exetime = new long[this.m_numofexits];
- this.m_probability = new double[this.m_numofexits];
- this.m_newobjinfo = new Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>>();
- for(int i = 0; i < this.m_numofexits; i++) {
- this.m_newobjinfo.add(null);
- }
- this.m_byObj = -1;
- }
+ sfss = null;
+ Vector<FlagState> sFStates = FlagState.DFS.topology(fStates, null);
+ fStates = null;
+ // create a ClassNode and ScheduleNode for this subtree
+ ClassNode cNode = new ClassNode(sCNode.getClassDescriptor(), sFStates);
+ ScheduleNode sNode = new ScheduleNode(cNode, 0);
+ cNode.setScheduleNode(sNode);
+ cNode.setSorted(true);
+ cNode.setTransTime(sCNode.getTransTime());
+ classNodes.add(cNode);
+ scheduleNodes.add(sNode);
+ try {
+ sNode.calExeTime();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ // flush the exeTime of fs and its ancestors
+ fs.setExeTime(0);
+ toiterate.add(fs);
+ while(!toiterate.isEmpty()) {
+ FlagState tfs = toiterate.poll();
+ long ttime = tfs.getExeTime();
+ Iterator it_inedges = tfs.inedges();
+ while(it_inedges.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge fEdge = (FEdge);
+ FlagState temp = (FlagState)fEdge.getSource();
+ long time = fEdge.getExeTime() + ttime;
+ if(temp.getExeTime() > time) {
+ temp.setExeTime(time);
+ toiterate.add(temp);
+ }
+ }
+ it_inedges = null;
+ }
+ toiterate = null;
+ // create a 'trans' ScheudleEdge between this new ScheduleNode and se's
+ // source ScheduleNode
+ ScheduleEdge sEdge =
+ new ScheduleEdge(sNode, "transmit", fs, ScheduleEdge.TRANSEDGE, 0);
+ sEdge.setFEdge(fe);
+ sEdge.setSourceCNode(sCNode);
+ sEdge.setTargetCNode(cNode);
+ sEdge.setTargetFState(nfs);
+ // TODO
+ // Add calculation codes for calculating transmit time of an object
+ sEdge.setTransTime(cNode.getTransTime());
+ se.getSource().addEdge(sEdge);
+ scheduleEdges.add(sEdge);
+ // remove the ClassNodes and internal ScheduleEdges out of this subtree
+ // to the new ScheduleNode
+ ScheduleNode oldSNode = (ScheduleNode)se.getSource();
+ Iterator it_isEdges = oldSNode.getScheduleEdgesIterator();
+ Vector<ScheduleEdge> toremove = new Vector<ScheduleEdge>();
+ Vector<ClassNode> rCNodes = new Vector<ClassNode>();
+ rCNodes.addElement(sCNode);
+ if(it_isEdges != null) {
+ while(it_isEdges.hasNext()) {
+ ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge);
+ if(rCNodes.contains(tse.getSourceCNode())) {
+ if(sCNode.equals(tse.getSourceCNode())) {
+ if (!(tse.getSourceFState().equals(fs))
+ && (sFStates.contains(tse.getSourceFState()))) {
+ tse.setSource(cNode);
+ tse.setSourceCNode(cNode);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ sNode.getScheduleEdges().addElement(tse);
+ sNode.getClassNodes().addElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
+ rCNodes.addElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
+ oldSNode.getClassNodes().removeElement(tse.getTargetCNode());
+ toremove.addElement(tse);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_isEdges = null;
+ oldSNode.getScheduleEdges().removeAll(toremove);
+ toremove.clear();
+ // redirect ScheudleEdges out of this subtree to the new ScheduleNode
+ Iterator it_sEdges = se.getSource().edges();
+ while(it_sEdges.hasNext()) {
+ ScheduleEdge tse = (ScheduleEdge);
+ if(!(tse.equals(se)) && !(tse.equals(sEdge))
+ && (tse.getSourceCNode().equals(sCNode))) {
+ if(!(tse.getSourceFState().equals(fs))
+ && (sFStates.contains(tse.getSourceFState()))) {
+ tse.setSource(sNode);
+ tse.setSourceCNode(cNode);
+ sNode.getEdgeVector().addElement(tse);
+ toremove.add(tse);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ it_sEdges = null;
+ se.getSource().getEdgeVector().removeAll(toremove);
+ toremove = null;
+ rCNodes = null;
+ sFStates = null;
+ try {
+ if(!copy) {
+ //merge se into its source ScheduleNode
+ sNode.setCid(((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).getCid());
+ ((ScheduleNode)se.getSource()).mergeSEdge(se);
+ scheduleNodes.remove(se.getTarget());
+ scheduleEdges.removeElement(se);
+ // As se has been changed into an internal edge inside a ScheduleNode,
+ // change the source and target of se from original ScheduleNodes
+ // into ClassNodes.
+ if(se.getType() == ScheduleEdge.NEWEDGE) {
+ se.setTarget(se.getTargetCNode());
+ //se.setSource(se.getSourceCNode());
+ //se.getTargetCNode().addEdge(se);
+ se.getSourceCNode().addEdge(se);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sNode.setCid(ScheduleNode.colorID++);
+ handleScheduleEdge(se, true);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ return sNode;
+ }
+ // TODO: restrict the number of generated scheduling according to the setted
+ // scheduleThreshold
+ private boolean coreMapping(int generateThreshold) throws Exception {
+ if(this.coreNum == -1) {
+ throw new Exception("Error: un-initialized coreNum when doing scheduling.");
+ }
+ if(this.scheduleGraphs == null) {
+ this.scheduleGraphs = new Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>>();
+ }
+ int reduceNum = this.scheduleNodes.size() - this.coreNum;
+ // Combine some ScheduleNode if necessary
+ // May generate multiple graphs suggesting candidate schedulings
+ if(!(reduceNum > 0)) {
+ // Enough cores, no need to combine any ScheduleNode
+ this.scheduleGraphs.addElement(this.scheduleNodes);
+ int gid = 1;
+ if(this.state.PRINTSCHEDULING) {
+ String path = this.state.outputdir + "scheduling_" + gid + ".dot";
+ SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph(path, this.scheduleNodes);
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ SchedulingUtil.assignCids(this.scheduleNodes);
+ // Go through all the Schedule Nodes, organize them in order of their cid
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> sNodeVecs =
+ SchedulingUtil.rangeScheduleNodes(this.scheduleNodes);
+ CombinationUtil.RootsGenerator rGen =
+ CombinationUtil.allocateRootsGenerator(sNodeVecs,
+ this.coreNum);
+ int gid = 1;
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ boolean isBig = Math.pow(this.coreNum, reduceNum) > 1000;
+ while((!isBig || (gid <= this.scheduleThreshold)) && (rGen.nextGen())) {
+ // first get the chosen rootNodes
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> rootNodes = rGen.getRootNodes();
+ Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> nodes2combine = rGen.getNode2Combine();
+ CombinationUtil.CombineGenerator cGen =
+ CombinationUtil.allocateCombineGenerator(rootNodes,
+ nodes2combine);
+ while((!isBig || (gid <= this.scheduleThreshold)) && (cGen.nextGen())) {
+ boolean implement = true;
+ if(isBig) {
+ implement = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 100 > generateThreshold;
+ }
+ if(implement) {
+ Vector<Vector<CombinationUtil.Combine>> combine = cGen.getCombine();
+ Vector<ScheduleNode> sNodes =
+ SchedulingUtil.generateScheduleGraph(this.state,
+ this.scheduleNodes,
+ this.scheduleEdges,
+ rootNodes,
+ combine,
+ gid++);
+ this.scheduleGraphs.add(sNodes);
+ combine = null;
+ sNodes = null;
+ }
+ }
+ cGen.clear();
+ rootNodes = null;
+ nodes2combine = null;
+ }
+ rGen.clear();
+ sNodeVecs = null;
+ return isBig;
+ }
+ }
+ static class TaskInfo {
+ public int m_numofexits;
+ public long[] m_exetime;
+ public double[] m_probability;
+ public Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>> m_newobjinfo;
+ public int m_byObj;
+ public TaskInfo(int numofexits) {
+ this.m_numofexits = numofexits;
+ this.m_exetime = new long[this.m_numofexits];
+ this.m_probability = new double[this.m_numofexits];
+ this.m_newobjinfo = new Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>>();
+ for(int i = 0; i < this.m_numofexits; i++) {
+ this.m_newobjinfo.add(null);
+ }
+ this.m_byObj = -1;
+ }
public long simulate(Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings,
Vector<Integer> selectedScheduling,
- Vector<Vector<SimExecutionEdge>> selectedSimExeGraphs) {
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> selectedSimExeGraphs) {
long processTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
/*if(schedulings.size() > 1500) {
int index = 0;
System.out.println("Scheduling index:" + scheduling.elementAt(0).getGid());
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph = new Vector<SimExecutionEdge>();
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> simexegraph = new Vector<SimExecutionNode>();
Vector<CheckPoint> checkpoints = new Vector<CheckPoint>();
long tmpTime = process(checkpoints, simexegraph);
if(tmpTime < processTime) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.add(simexegraph);
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.add(simexegraph.elementAt(0));
processTime = tmpTime;
} else if(tmpTime == processTime) {
if(!selectedScheduling.contains(index)) {
- selectedSimExeGraphs.add(simexegraph);
+ selectedSimExeGraphs.add(simexegraph.elementAt(0));
scheduling = null;
public long process(Vector<CheckPoint> checkpoints,
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph) {
+ Vector<SimExecutionNode> simexegraph) {
assert(this.scheduling != null);
// handle TransTaskSimulator task's completion
- simexegraph,
- simexegraph,
// add the end node into the SimExecutionGraph
SimExecutionNode seNode = new SimExecutionNode(this.coreNum, this.processTime);
+ simexegraph.addElement(seNode);
for(int j = 0; j < lastseNodes.length; j++) {
SimExecutionNode lastsenode = lastseNodes[j];
// create edges between previous senode on this core to this node
- simexegraph.add(transseEdge);
} else {
taskparams = null;
- simexegraph.add(seEdge); // add the seEdge afger all corresponding transfer edges
lastseNodes[j] = null;
private void finishTransTaskSimulator(TaskSimulator task,
CheckPoint cp,
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph,
Hashtable<SimExecutionNode, Action> senode2action,
SimExecutionNode[] lastseNodes,
Hashtable<Action, Long> action2exetime,
- simexegraph.add(seEdge);
lastseNodes[targetCoreNum] = seNode;
CheckPoint cp,
Vector<ObjectSimulator> nobjs,
Vector<TransTaskSimulator> tttasks,
- Vector<SimExecutionEdge> simexegraph,
Hashtable<SimExecutionNode, Action> senode2action,
SimExecutionNode[] lastseNodes,
Hashtable<Action, Long> action2exetime,
- simexegraph.add(transseEdge);
} else {
taskparams = null;
- simexegraph.add(seEdge); // add the seEdge afger all corresponding transfer edges
// set seEdge as the last execution edge for all newly created objs
if(nobjs != null) {
protected void generateObjectDistribute(FlatFlagActionNode ffan,
- FlatMethod fm,
- LocalityBinding lb,
- TempDescriptor temp,
+ FlatMethod fm,
+ LocalityBinding lb,
+ TempDescriptor temp,
PrintWriter output) {
ClassDescriptor cd = temp.getType().getClassDesc();
Vector<FlagState> initfstates = null;
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", " + qinfo.qname +
", " + qinfo.length + ");");
- } else {
+ } /*else {
// really needed?
- output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*/");
+ output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*//*");
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", NULL, 0);");
- }
+ }*/ // deleted 09/07/06, multi-param tasks are pinned to one core now
} else {
- if(!isolate) {
+ /*if(!isolate) {
// Is it possible to decide the actual queues?
- output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*/");
+ output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*//*");
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", NULL, 0);");
- }
+ }*/ // deleted 09/07/06, multi-param tasks are pinned to one core now
output.println("/* transfer to core " + targetcore.toString() + "*/");
// enqueue this object and its destinations for later process
} else {
- if(!isolate) {
+ /*if(!isolate) {
// Is it possible to decide the actual queues?
- output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*/");
+ output.println("/* possibly needed by multi-parameter tasks on this core*//*");
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", NULL, 0);");
- }
+ }*/ // deleted 09/07/06, multi-param tasks are pinned to one core now
output.println("/* transfer to core " + targetcore.toString() + "*/");
// enqueue this object and its destinations for later process
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", " + qinfo.qname +
", " + qinfo.length + ");");
- } else {
+ } /*else {
// really needed?
output.println("enqueueObject("+super.generateTemp(fm, temp, lb)+", NULL, 0);");
- }
+ }*/ // deleted 09/07/06, multi-param tasks are pinned to one core now
// codes for multi-params tasks
public boolean ARRAYPAD=false;
public boolean SCHEDULING=false;
public boolean USEPROFILE=false;
+ public String profilename = null;
public boolean THREAD=false;
public boolean CONSCHECK=false;
public boolean INSTRUCTIONFAILURE=false;
String outputdir = null;
boolean isDistributeInfo = false;
+ boolean isDisAll = false;
+ int startnum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
String option=args[i];
else if (option.equals("-distributioninfo"))
- else if (option.equals("-useprofile"))
+ else if (option.equals("-disall"))
+ isDisAll=true;
+ else if (option.equals("-disstart"))
+ startnum = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
+ else if (option.equals("-useprofile")) {
+ state.profilename = args[++i];
+ }
else if (option.equals("-thread"))
else if (option.equals("-dsm"))
if(isDistributeInfo) {
- mcImplSynthesis.distribution();
+ mcImplSynthesis.distribution(isDisAll, startnum);
} else {
- //double timeStartAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
+ double timeStartAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
Vector<Schedule> scheduling = mcImplSynthesis.synthesis();
- //double timeEndAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
- //double dt = (timeEndAnalysis - timeStartAnalysis)/(Math.pow( 10.0, 9.0 ) );
- //System.err.println("The analysis took" + dt + "sec.");
+ double timeEndAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
+ double dt = (timeEndAnalysis - timeStartAnalysis)/(Math.pow( 10.0, 9.0 ) );
+ System.err.println("The analysis took" + dt + "sec.");
+ System.exit(0);
// generate multicore codes
if(state.MULTICORE) {
void * mycalloc(int m, int size) {
void * p = NULL;
- int isize = 2*BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-4+(size-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK);
+ int isize = size; //2*BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-4+(size-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK);
p = BAMBOO_LOCAL_MEM_CALLOC(m, isize); // calloc(m, isize);
if(p == NULL) {
- exit(0xa024);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa024);
- return (void *)(BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE+((int)p-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK));
+ //return (void *)(BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE+((int)p-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK));
+ return p;
void * mycalloc_share(int m, int size) {
p = BAMBOO_SHARE_MEM_CALLOC_I(m, isize); // calloc(m, isize);
if(p == NULL) {
- exit(0xa025);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa025);
return (void *)(BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE+((int)p-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK));
void * mycalloc_i(int m, int size) {
void * p = NULL;
- int isize = 2*BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-4+(size-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK);
+ int isize = size; //2*BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE-4+(size-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK);
p = BAMBOO_LOCAL_MEM_CALLOC(m, isize); // calloc(m, isize);
if(p == NULL) {
- exit(0xa026);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa026);
- return (void *)(BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE+((int)p-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK));
+ return p;
+ //return (void *)(BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE+((int)p-1)&(~BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_MASK));
void myfree(void * ptr) {
#define FREEMALLOC(x) mycalloc_share(1,x)
#define RUNMALLOC(x) mycalloc(1,x) // handle interruption inside
#define RUNMALLOC_I(x) mycalloc_i(1,x) // with interruption blocked beforehand
-#define RUNFREE(x) myfree(x);
+#define RUNFREE(x) myfree(x)
//#define PTR(x) (32+(x-1)&~31)
#endif // #ifdef THREADSIMULATE
#endif // #ifdef MULTICORE
bool smemflag;
-struct bamboo_shared_mem {
- mspace msp;
- struct bamboo_shared_mem * next;
-struct bamboo_smem_list {
- struct bamboo_shared_mem * head;
- struct bamboo_shared_mem * tail;
-struct bamboo_smem_list * bamboo_free_msps;
+mspace bamboo_free_msp;
mspace bamboo_cur_msp;
int bamboo_smem_size;
+// for test TODO
+int total_num_t6;
// data structures for profile mode
#ifdef PROFILE
-#define TASKINFOLENGTH 10000
+#define TASKINFOLENGTH 30000
bool stall;
// BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(x): print out value of variable x //
// BAMBOO_LOCAL_MEM_CALLOC(x, y): allocate an array of x elements each of whose //
// size in bytes is y on local memory //
+// BAMBOO_LOCAL_MEM_FREE(x): free space with ptr x on local memory //
// BAMBOO_SHARE_MEM_CALLOC(x, y): allocate an array of x elements each of whose //
// size in bytes is y on shared memory //
profilestatus[i] = 1;
+ // TODO for test
+ total_num_t6 = 0;
busystatus = true;
self_numsendobjs = 0;
//isInterrupt = true;
totalexetime = -1;
taskInfoIndex = 0;
- /*interruptInfoIndex = 0;
taskInfoOverflow = false;
+ /*interruptInfoIndex = 0;
interruptInfoOverflow = false;*/
// check if there are some pending objects, if yes, enqueue them and executetasks again
tocontinue = false;
#ifdef PROFILE
bool isChecking = false;
if(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
profileTaskStart("objqueue checking");
isChecking = true;
while(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
void * obj = NULL;
#ifdef PROFILE
if(isChecking) {
#ifdef DEBUG
totalexetime = BAMBOO_GET_EXE_TIME();
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(total_num_t6); // TODO for test
// profile mode, send msgs to other cores to request pouring
- struct bamboo_shared_mem * cur_mem = bamboo_free_msps->head;
- void * mem = mspace_calloc(cur_mem->msp, 1, msgdata[1]);
- struct bamboo_shared_mem * failmem = cur_mem;
- while(mem == NULL) {
- if(msgdata[1] > BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE) {
- // move current head to the tail
- bamboo_free_msps->tail->next = cur_mem;
- bamboo_free_msps->tail = cur_mem;
- bamboo_free_msps->head = cur_mem->next;
- cur_mem->next = NULL;
- cur_mem = bamboo_free_msps->head;
- if(cur_mem == failmem) {
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa016);
- }
- } else {
- // remove the head
- bamboo_free_msps->head = cur_mem->next;
- RUNFREE(cur_mem);
- cur_mem = bamboo_free_msps->head;
- if(cur_mem == NULL) {
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa017);
- }
- }
- mem = mspace_calloc(cur_mem->msp, 1, msgdata[1]);
+ void * mem = mspace_calloc(bamboo_free_msp, 1, msgdata[1]);
+ if(mem == NULL) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa016);
// send the start_va to request core
if(isMsgSending) {
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa018);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa017);
/*if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
} else {
// conflicts on lockresults
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa019);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa018);
return true;
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01a);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa019);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
} else {
// conflicts on lockresults
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01b);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01a);
return true;
} else {
} else {
// conflicts on lockresults
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01c);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01b);
return true;
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01d);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01c);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01e);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01d);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
} else {
// conflicts on lockresults
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01f);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01e);
return true;
} else {
// conflicts on lockresults
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa020);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01f);
return true;
} else {
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa021);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa020);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa022);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa021);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
if (hashsize(activetasks)>0) {
int i;
#ifdef PROFILE
profileTaskStart("tpd checking");
busystatus = true;
currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) getfirstkey(activetasks);
#ifdef PROFILE
// fail, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
goto newtask;
} // line 2794: if(grount == 0)
#ifdef PROFILE
// fail, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
goto newtask;
} // line 2878: if (!ismet)
#endif // #if 0: for recovery
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa023);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa022);
} else {
#endif // #ifndef MULTICORE
#if 0
#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
#ifdef PROFILE
// check finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
((void(*) (void **))currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
} // line 2990: if(debugtask)
#ifdef PROFILE
// task finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
// new a PostTaskInfo for the post-task execution
profileTaskStart("post task execution");
#ifdef DEBUG
echo -nojava do not run bristlecone compiler
echo -instructionfailures inject code for instructionfailures
echo -profile build with profile options
+echo -accurateprofile build with accurate profile information including pre/post task processing info
echo "-useio use standard io to output profiling data (should be used together with -raw and -profile), it only works with single core version"
echo "-enable-assertions execute assert statements during compilation"
echo -justanalyze exit after compiler analyses complete
+echo "-distributioninfo execute to collect distribution info for simulated annealing in multi-core version"
+echo "-disall execute to collect whole distribution"
+echo "-disstart specify the start number of distribution information collection"
echo -assembly generate assembly
echo -help help
+elif [[ $1 = '-accurateprofile' ]]
elif [[ $1 = '-useio' ]]
elif [[ $1 = '-useprofile' ]]
-JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -useprofile"
+JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -useprofile $2"
elif [[ $1 = '-webinterface' ]]
JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -webinterface"
elif [[ $1 = '-distributioninfo' ]]
JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -distributioninfo"
+elif [[ $1 = '-disall' ]]
+elif [[ $1 = '-disstart' ]]
+JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -disstart $2"
+elif [[ $1 = '-noc' ]]
elif [[ $1 = '-curdir' ]]
-if ! ${ROBUSTROOT}/ourjava -Xms50m -Xmx800m $JAVAFORWARDOPTS -classpath $ROBUSTROOT/../cup/:$ROBUSTROOT Main.Main -classlibrary \
+if ! ${ROBUSTROOT}/ourjava -Xms50m -Xmx1500m $JAVAFORWARDOPTS -classpath $ROBUSTROOT/../cup/:$ROBUSTROOT Main.Main -classlibrary \
$ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/ -classlibrary $ROBUSTROOT/ClassLibrary/gnu/ \
then exit $?
+then # accurateprofile version
then # useio version
+then # accurateprofile version
then # useio version