To provide more informative debugging traces, use a placeholder '?' as the "Rf"
value when printing a 'read' ModelAction that has no reads-from value. This
helps, for instance, when manually identifying problem points in an infeasible
printf("(%3d) Thread: %-2d Action: %-13s MO: %7s Loc: %14p Value: %-12" PRIu64,
seq_number, id_to_int(tid), type_str, mo_str, location, valuetoprint);
- if (reads_from)
- printf(" Rf: %d", reads_from->get_seq_number());
+ if (is_read()) {
+ if (reads_from)
+ printf(" Rf: %d", reads_from->get_seq_number());
+ else
+ printf(" Rf: ?");
+ }
if (cv) {