--- /dev/null
+ Junction: Concurrent data structures in C++
+ Copyright (c) 2016 Jeff Preshing
+ Distributed under the Simplified BSD License.
+ Original location: https://github.com/preshing/junction
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ See the LICENSE file for more information.
+#include <junction/Core.h>
+#include <junction/MapTraits.h>
+#include <turf/Util.h>
+#include <turf/Heap.h>
+namespace junction {
+template <typename Key, typename Value, class KeyTraits = DefaultKeyTraits<Key>, class ValueTraits = DefaultValueTraits<Value>>
+class SingleMap_Leapfrog {
+ typedef typename KeyTraits::Hash Hash;
+ static const ureg InitialSize = 8;
+ static const ureg LinearSearchLimit = 128;
+ static const ureg CellsInUseSample = LinearSearchLimit;
+ TURF_STATIC_ASSERT(LinearSearchLimit > 0 && LinearSearchLimit < 256); // Must fit in CellGroup::links
+ TURF_STATIC_ASSERT(CellsInUseSample > 0 && CellsInUseSample <= LinearSearchLimit); // Limit sample to failed search chain
+ struct Cell {
+ Hash hash;
+ Value value;
+ Cell(Hash hash, Value value) : hash(hash), value(value) {
+ }
+ };
+ struct CellGroup {
+ u8 deltas[8];
+ Cell cells[4];
+ };
+ CellGroup* m_cellGroups;
+ ureg m_sizeMask;
+ static CellGroup* createTable(ureg size = InitialSize) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(size >= 4 && turf::util::isPowerOf2(size));
+ CellGroup* cellGroups = (CellGroup*) TURF_HEAP.alloc(sizeof(CellGroup) * (size >> 2));
+ for (ureg i = 0; i < (size >> 2); i++) {
+ CellGroup* group = cellGroups + i;
+ ureg j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ group->deltas[j] = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ new (group->cells + j) Cell(KeyTraits::NullHash, Value(ValueTraits::NullValue));
+ }
+ return cellGroups;
+ }
+ static void destroyTable(CellGroup* cellGroups, ureg size) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(size >= 4 && turf::util::isPowerOf2(size));
+ for (ureg i = 0; i < (size >> 2); i++) {
+ CellGroup* group = cellGroups + i;
+ for (ureg j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ group->cells[i].~Cell();
+ }
+ TURF_HEAP.free(cellGroups);
+ }
+ enum InsertResult { InsertResult_AlreadyFound, InsertResult_InsertedNew, InsertResult_Overflow };
+ InsertResult insertOrFind(Hash hash, Cell*& cell, ureg& overflowIdx) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash);
+ ureg idx = ureg(hash);
+ // Check hashed cell first, though it may not even belong to the bucket.
+ CellGroup* group = m_cellGroups + ((idx & m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (cell->hash == hash)
+ return InsertResult_AlreadyFound; // Key found in table.
+ else if (cell->hash == KeyTraits::NullHash) {
+ // Reserve the first cell.
+ cell->hash = hash;
+ return InsertResult_InsertedNew;
+ }
+ // Follow probe chain for our bucket.
+ ureg maxIdx = idx + m_sizeMask;
+ u8* prevLink = group->deltas + (idx & 3);
+ u8 delta = *prevLink;
+ while (delta) {
+ idx += delta;
+ group = m_cellGroups + ((idx & m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (cell->hash == hash)
+ return InsertResult_AlreadyFound; // Key found in table
+ prevLink = group->deltas + (idx & 3) + 4;
+ delta = *prevLink;
+ }
+ // Reached the end of the link chain for this bucket. Key does not exist in table.
+ // Switch to linear probing to find a free cell.
+ ureg prevLinkIdx = idx;
+ TURF_ASSERT(sreg(maxIdx - idx) >= 0); // Nobody would have linked an idx that's out of range.
+ ureg linearProbesRemaining = turf::util::min(maxIdx - idx, LinearSearchLimit);
+ while (linearProbesRemaining-- > 0) {
+ idx++;
+ group = m_cellGroups + ((idx & m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (cell->hash == KeyTraits::NullHash) {
+ // It's an empty cell. Reserve it.
+ cell->hash = hash;
+ // Link it to previous cell in the same bucket.
+ *prevLink = idx - prevLinkIdx;
+ return InsertResult_InsertedNew;
+ }
+ // In a single-threaded map, it's impossible for a matching hash to appear outside the probe chain.
+ TURF_ASSERT(cell->hash != hash);
+ // Continue linear search...
+ }
+ // Table is too full to insert.
+ overflowIdx = idx + 1;
+ return InsertResult_Overflow;
+ }
+ bool tryMigrateToNewTableWithSize(ureg desiredSize) {
+ CellGroup* srcCellGroups = m_cellGroups;
+ ureg srcSize = m_sizeMask + 1;
+ m_cellGroups = createTable(desiredSize);
+ m_sizeMask = desiredSize - 1;
+ for (ureg srcIdx = 0; srcIdx < srcSize; srcIdx++) {
+ CellGroup* srcGroup = srcCellGroups + (srcIdx >> 2);
+ Cell* srcCell = srcGroup->cells + (srcIdx & 3);
+ if (srcCell->value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)) {
+ Cell* dstCell;
+ ureg overflowIdx;
+ InsertResult result = insertOrFind(srcCell->hash, dstCell, overflowIdx);
+ TURF_ASSERT(result != InsertResult_AlreadyFound);
+ if (result == InsertResult_Overflow) {
+ // Migration failed; destination table too small
+ destroyTable(m_cellGroups, m_sizeMask + 1);
+ m_cellGroups = srcCellGroups;
+ m_sizeMask = srcSize - 1;
+ return false;
+ }
+ dstCell->value = srcCell->value;
+ }
+ }
+ destroyTable(srcCellGroups, srcSize);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void migrateToNewTable(ureg overflowIdx) {
+ // Estimate number of cells in use based on a small sample.
+ ureg idx = overflowIdx - CellsInUseSample;
+ ureg inUseCells = 0;
+ for (ureg linearProbesRemaining = CellsInUseSample; linearProbesRemaining > 0; linearProbesRemaining--) {
+ CellGroup* group = m_cellGroups + ((idx & m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ Cell* cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (cell->value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue))
+ inUseCells++;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ float inUseRatio = float(inUseCells) / CellsInUseSample;
+ float estimatedInUse = (m_sizeMask + 1) * inUseRatio;
+ // Periodically underestimate the number of cells in use.
+ // This exercises the code that handles overflow during migration.
+ static ureg counter = 1;
+ if ((++counter & 3) == 0) {
+ estimatedInUse /= 4;
+ }
+ ureg nextTableSize = turf::util::max(InitialSize, turf::util::roundUpPowerOf2(ureg(estimatedInUse * 2)));
+ for (;;) {
+ if (tryMigrateToNewTableWithSize(nextTableSize))
+ break; // Success
+ // Failed; try a larger table
+ nextTableSize *= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ SingleMap_Leapfrog(ureg initialSize = 8) : m_cellGroups(createTable(initialSize)), m_sizeMask(initialSize - 1) {
+ }
+ ~SingleMap_Leapfrog() {
+ destroyTable(m_cellGroups, m_sizeMask + 1);
+ }
+ class Mutator {
+ private:
+ friend class SingleMap_Leapfrog;
+ SingleMap_Leapfrog& m_map;
+ Cell* m_cell;
+ // Constructor: Find without insert
+ Mutator(SingleMap_Leapfrog& map, Key key, bool) : m_map(map) {
+ Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key);
+ TURF_ASSERT(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash);
+ // Optimistically check hashed cell even though it might belong to another bucket
+ ureg idx = ureg(hash);
+ CellGroup* group = map.m_cellGroups + ((idx & map.m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ m_cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (m_cell->hash == hash)
+ return; // Key found in table.
+ // Follow probe chain for our bucket.
+ u8 delta = group->deltas[idx & 3];
+ while (delta) {
+ idx += delta;
+ group = map.m_cellGroups + ((idx & map.m_sizeMask) >> 2);
+ m_cell = group->cells + (idx & 3);
+ if (m_cell->hash == hash)
+ return; // Key found in table
+ delta = group->deltas[(idx & 3) + 4];
+ }
+ // End of probe chain, not found
+ m_cell = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Constructor: Find with insert
+ Mutator(SingleMap_Leapfrog& map, Key key) : m_map(map) {
+ Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key);
+ for (;;) {
+ ureg overflowIdx;
+ if (map.insertOrFind(hash, m_cell, overflowIdx) != InsertResult_Overflow)
+ return;
+ // Insert overflow. Migrate and try again.
+ // On the first iteration of this loop, deleted cells will be purged.
+ // The second iteration (if any) will always double in size.
+ // On the third iteration (if any), the insert will succeed.
+ map.migrateToNewTable(overflowIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ bool isValid() const {
+ return !!m_cell;
+ }
+ Value getValue() const {
+ TURF_ASSERT(m_cell);
+ return m_cell->value;
+ }
+ Value exchangeValue(Value desired) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(m_cell);
+ TURF_ASSERT(desired != NULL); // Use eraseValue()
+ Value oldValue = m_cell->value;
+ m_cell->value = desired;
+ return oldValue;
+ }
+ Value erase() {
+ TURF_ASSERT(m_cell);
+ // Since this map is single-threaded, we could conceivably shuffle existing cells around to safely fill
+ // gaps, much like SingleMap_Linear currently does.
+ // Instead, we'll just leave them as deleted entries and let them get purged on the next migration.
+ Value oldValue = m_cell->value;
+ m_cell->value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue);
+ return oldValue;
+ }
+ };
+ Mutator insertOrFindKey(const Key& key) {
+ return Mutator(*this, key);
+ }
+ Value get(const Key& key) {
+ Mutator iter(*this, key, false);
+ return iter.isValid() ? iter.getValue() : NULL;
+ }
+ Value set(const Key& key, Value desired) {
+ Mutator iter(*this, key);
+ return iter.exchangeValue(desired);
+ }
+ Value erase(const Key& key) {
+ Mutator iter(*this, key, false);
+ if (iter.isValid())
+ return iter.erase();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+} // namespace junction
Cell* m_cells;
- u32 m_sizeMask;
- u32 m_population;
+ ureg m_sizeMask;
+ ureg m_population;
static Cell* createTable(ureg size) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(turf::util::isPowerOf2(size));
Cell* cells = (Cell*) TURF_HEAP.alloc(sizeof(Cell) * size);
for (ureg i = 0; i < size; i++)
new (cells + i) Cell(KeyTraits::NullHash, Value(ValueTraits::NullValue));
static void destroyTable(Cell* cells, ureg size) {
+ TURF_ASSERT(turf::util::isPowerOf2(size));
for (ureg i = 0; i < size; i++)
return (population * 4) >= (sizeMask * 3);
- void migrateToNewTable(size_t desiredSize) {
- TURF_ASSERT(turf::util::isPowerOf2(desiredSize));
+ void migrateToNewTable(ureg desiredSize) {
Cell* srcCells = m_cells;
ureg srcSize = m_sizeMask + 1;
m_cells = createTable(desiredSize);
- SingleMap_Linear(size_t initialSize = 8) : m_cells(createTable(initialSize)), m_sizeMask(initialSize - 1), m_population(0) {
- TURF_ASSERT(turf::util::isPowerOf2(initialSize));
+ SingleMap_Linear(ureg initialSize = 8) : m_cells(createTable(initialSize)), m_sizeMask(initialSize - 1), m_population(0) {
~SingleMap_Linear() {
destroyTable(m_cells, m_sizeMask + 1);
- class Iterator {
+ class Mutator {
friend class SingleMap_Linear;
SingleMap_Linear& m_map;
Cell* m_cell;
// Constructor: Find without insert
- Iterator(SingleMap_Linear& map, Key key, bool) : m_map(map) {
+ Mutator(SingleMap_Linear& map, Key key, bool) : m_map(map) {
Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key);
TURF_ASSERT(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash);
for (ureg idx = hash;; idx++) {
// Constructor: Find with insert
- Iterator(SingleMap_Linear& map, Key key) : m_map(map) {
+ Mutator(SingleMap_Linear& map, Key key) : m_map(map) {
Hash hash = KeyTraits::hash(key);
TURF_ASSERT(hash != KeyTraits::NullHash);
for (;;) {
m_cell->hash = hash;
- TURF_ASSERT(m_cell->value == NULL);
+ TURF_ASSERT(m_cell->value == Value(ValueTraits::NullValue));
- ~Iterator() {
- TURF_ASSERT(!m_cell || m_cell->value != NULL); // Forbid leaving a cell half-inserted.
+ ~Mutator() {
+ TURF_ASSERT(!m_cell || m_cell->value != NULL); // In SingleMap_Linear, there are no deleted cells.
Value erase() {
- TURF_ASSERT(m_cell->value != NULL); // Forbid erasing a cell that's not actually used.
+ TURF_ASSERT(m_cell->value != Value(ValueTraits::NullValue)); // SingleMap_Linear never contains "deleted" cells.
Value oldValue = m_cell->value;
// Remove this cell by shuffling neighboring cells so there are no gaps in anyone's probe chain
ureg cellIdx = m_cell - m_map.m_cells;
if (neighbor->hash == KeyTraits::NullHash) {
// Go ahead and clear this cell. It won't break anyone else's probe chain.
m_cell->hash = KeyTraits::NullHash;
- m_cell->value = NULL;
+ m_cell->value = Value(ValueTraits::NullValue);
m_cell = NULL;
return oldValue;
- Iterator insertOrFindKey(const Key& key) {
- return Iterator(*this, key);
+ Mutator insertOrFindKey(const Key& key) {
+ return Mutator(*this, key);
Value get(const Key& key) {
- Iterator iter(*this, key, false);
+ Mutator iter(*this, key, false);
return iter.isValid() ? iter.getValue() : NULL;
Value set(const Key& key, Value desired) {
- Iterator iter(*this, key);
+ Mutator iter(*this, key);
return iter.exchangeValue(desired);
Value erase(const Key& key) {
- Iterator iter(*this, key, false);
+ Mutator iter(*this, key, false);
if (iter.isValid())
return iter.erase();
return NULL;