#include <fcntl.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <dirent.h>
+#include <time.h>
namespace llvm {
using namespace sys;
ThrowErrno(unverified_path + ": path is not valid");
+Path::isValid() const {
+ if (path.empty())
+ return false;
+ else if (path.length() >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ return false;
+#if defined(HAVE_REALPATH)
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if (0 == realpath(path.c_str(), pathname))
+ if (errno != EACCES && errno != EIO && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR)
+ return false;
+ return true;
Path::GetRootDirectory() {
Path result;
return result;
+Path::GetTemporaryDirectory() {
+#if defined(HAVE_MKDTEMP)
+ // The best way is with mkdtemp but that's not available on many systems,
+ // Linux and FreeBSD have it. Others probably won't.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname,"/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ if (0 == mkdtemp(pathname))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkdtemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+#elif defined(HAVE_MKSTEMP)
+ // If no mkdtemp is available, mkstemp can be used to create a temporary file
+ // which is then removed and created as a directory. We prefer this over
+ // mktemp because of mktemp's inherent security and threading risks. We still
+ // have a slight race condition from the time the temporary file is created to
+ // the time it is re-created as a directoy.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ int fd = 0;
+ if (-1 == (fd = mkstemp(pathname)))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ ::close(fd);
+ ::unlink(pathname); // start race condition, ignore errors
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(pathname, S_IRWXU)) // end race condition
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkstemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+#elif defined(HAVE_MKTEMP)
+ // If a system doesn't have mkdtemp(3) or mkstemp(3) but it does have
+ // mktemp(3) then we'll assume that system (e.g. AIX) has a reasonable
+ // implementation of mktemp(3) and doesn't follow BSD 4.3's lead of replacing
+ // the XXXXXX with the pid of the process and a letter. That leads to only
+ // twenty six temporary files that can be generated.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ char *TmpName = ::mktemp(pathname);
+ if (TmpName == 0)
+ throw std::string(TmpName) + ": Can't create unique directory name";
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(TmpName, S_IRWXU))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(TmpName) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(TmpName);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mktemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+ // This is the worst case implementation. tempnam(3) leaks memory unless its
+ // on an SVID2 (or later) system. On BSD 4.3 it leaks. tmpnam(3) has thread
+ // issues. The mktemp(3) function doesn't have enough variability in the
+ // temporary name generated. So, we provide our own implementation that
+ // increments an integer from a random number seeded by the current time. This
+ // should be sufficiently unique that we don't have many collisions between
+ // processes. Generally LLVM processes don't run very long and don't use very
+ // many temporary files so this shouldn't be a big issue for LLVM.
+ static time_t num = ::time(0);
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ do {
+ num++;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_%010u", unsigned(num));
+ } while ( 0 == access(pathname, F_OK ) );
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(pathname, S_IRWXU))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkstemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
static void getPathList(const char*path, std::vector<sys::Path>& Paths) {
const char* at = path;
const char* delim = strchr(at, ':');
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <dirent.h>
+#include <time.h>
namespace llvm {
using namespace sys;
ThrowErrno(unverified_path + ": path is not valid");
+Path::isValid() const {
+ if (path.empty())
+ return false;
+ else if (path.length() >= MAXPATHLEN)
+ return false;
+#if defined(HAVE_REALPATH)
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ if (0 == realpath(path.c_str(), pathname))
+ if (errno != EACCES && errno != EIO && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR)
+ return false;
+ return true;
Path::GetRootDirectory() {
Path result;
return result;
+Path::GetTemporaryDirectory() {
+#if defined(HAVE_MKDTEMP)
+ // The best way is with mkdtemp but that's not available on many systems,
+ // Linux and FreeBSD have it. Others probably won't.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname,"/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ if (0 == mkdtemp(pathname))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkdtemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+#elif defined(HAVE_MKSTEMP)
+ // If no mkdtemp is available, mkstemp can be used to create a temporary file
+ // which is then removed and created as a directory. We prefer this over
+ // mktemp because of mktemp's inherent security and threading risks. We still
+ // have a slight race condition from the time the temporary file is created to
+ // the time it is re-created as a directoy.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ int fd = 0;
+ if (-1 == (fd = mkstemp(pathname)))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ ::close(fd);
+ ::unlink(pathname); // start race condition, ignore errors
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(pathname, S_IRWXU)) // end race condition
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkstemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+#elif defined(HAVE_MKTEMP)
+ // If a system doesn't have mkdtemp(3) or mkstemp(3) but it does have
+ // mktemp(3) then we'll assume that system (e.g. AIX) has a reasonable
+ // implementation of mktemp(3) and doesn't follow BSD 4.3's lead of replacing
+ // the XXXXXX with the pid of the process and a letter. That leads to only
+ // twenty six temporary files that can be generated.
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ strcpy(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_XXXXXX");
+ char *TmpName = ::mktemp(pathname);
+ if (TmpName == 0)
+ throw std::string(TmpName) + ": Can't create unique directory name";
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(TmpName, S_IRWXU))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(TmpName) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(TmpName);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mktemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
+ // This is the worst case implementation. tempnam(3) leaks memory unless its
+ // on an SVID2 (or later) system. On BSD 4.3 it leaks. tmpnam(3) has thread
+ // issues. The mktemp(3) function doesn't have enough variability in the
+ // temporary name generated. So, we provide our own implementation that
+ // increments an integer from a random number seeded by the current time. This
+ // should be sufficiently unique that we don't have many collisions between
+ // processes. Generally LLVM processes don't run very long and don't use very
+ // many temporary files so this shouldn't be a big issue for LLVM.
+ static time_t num = ::time(0);
+ char pathname[MAXPATHLEN];
+ do {
+ num++;
+ sprintf(pathname, "/tmp/llvm_%010u", unsigned(num));
+ } while ( 0 == access(pathname, F_OK ) );
+ if (-1 == ::mkdir(pathname, S_IRWXU))
+ ThrowErrno(std::string(pathname) + ": Can't create temporary directory");
+ Path result;
+ result.setDirectory(pathname);
+ assert(result.isValid() && "mkstemp didn't create a valid pathname!");
+ return result;
static void getPathList(const char*path, std::vector<sys::Path>& Paths) {
const char* at = path;
const char* delim = strchr(at, ':');