import edu.uci.iotproject.Conversation;
import edu.uci.iotproject.TcpReassembler;
import edu.uci.iotproject.analysis.TcpConversationUtils;
-import org.pcap4j.core.PacketListener;
-import org.pcap4j.core.PcapPacket;
+import edu.uci.iotproject.util.PrintUtils;
+import org.pcap4j.core.*;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.*;
import static edu.uci.iotproject.util.PcapPacketUtils.*;
public class SignatureDetector implements PacketListener {
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws PcapNativeException, NotOpenException {
+ // Test client
+// String path = "/scratch/July-2018"; // Rahmadi
+ String path = "/Users/varmarken/temp/UCI IoT Project/experiments"; // Janus
+ final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/dlink/dlink.wlan1.local.pcap";
+ final String signatureFile = path + "/2018-07/dlink/offSignature1.sig";
+// final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/dlink/dlink-processed.pcap";
+// final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-07/dlink/dlink-july-26-2018.timestamps";
+// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .199 == dlink plug?
+ List<List<PcapPacket>> signature = PrintUtils.serializeClustersFromFile(signatureFile);
+ SignatureDetector signatureDetector = new SignatureDetector(signature, null,
+ (sig, match) -> System.out.println(
+ String.format("[ !!! SIGNATURE DETECTED AT %s !!! ]", match.get(0).getTimestamp().toString())
+ )
+ );
+ PcapHandle handle;
+ try {
+ handle = Pcaps.openOffline(inputPcapFile, PcapHandle.TimestampPrecision.NANO);
+ } catch (PcapNativeException pne) {
+ handle = Pcaps.openOffline(inputPcapFile);
+ }
+ PcapHandleReader reader = new PcapHandleReader(handle, p -> true, signatureDetector);
+ reader.readFromHandle();
+ signatureDetector.performDetection();
+ }
* The signature that this {@link SignatureDetector} is trying to detect in the observed traffic.
private final List<List<PcapPacket>> mSignature;
- * The directions of packets in the sequence that make up {@link #mSignature}.
+ * The directions of packets in the sequences that make up {@link #mSignature}.
private final Conversation.Direction[] mSignatureDirections;
private final String mRouterWanIp;
- public SignatureDetector(List<List<PcapPacket>> signature, String routerWanIp) {
- Objects.requireNonNull(signature, "signature cannot be null");
- if (signature.isEmpty() || -> inner.isEmpty())) {
+ private final Observer[] mObservers;
+ public SignatureDetector(List<List<PcapPacket>> signature, String routerWanIp, Observer... detectionObservers) {
+ mSignature = Collections.unmodifiableList(Objects.requireNonNull(signature, "signature cannot be null"));
+ mObservers = Objects.requireNonNull(detectionObservers, "detectionObservers cannot be null");
+ if (mSignature.isEmpty() || -> inner.isEmpty())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("signature is empty (or contains empty inner List)");
- mSignature = signature;
+ if (mObservers.length == 0) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("no detectionObservers provided");
+ }
mRouterWanIp = routerWanIp;
- // Build the direction sequence.
+ // Build the signature's direction sequence.
// Note: assumes that the provided signature was captured within the local network (routerWanIp is set to null).
mSignatureDirections = getPacketDirections(mSignature.get(0), null);
public void gotPacket(PcapPacket packet) {
// Present packet to TCP reassembler so that it can be mapped to a connection (if it is a TCP packet).
- private void performDetection() {
- // Let's start out simple by building a version that only works for signatures that do not span across multiple
- // TCP conversations...
+// public void performDetection() {
+// // Let's start out simple by building a version that only works for signatures that do not span across multiple
+// // TCP conversations...
+// for (Conversation c : mTcpReassembler.getTcpConversations()) {
+// for (List<PcapPacket> sequence : mSignature) {
+// boolean matchFound = isSequenceInConversation(sequence, c);
+// if (matchFound) {
+// for (Observer obs : mObservers) {
+// obs.onSequenceDetected(sequence, c);
+// }
+// // Found signature in current conversation, so break inner loop and continue with next conversation.
+// // TODO: signature can be present more than once in Conversation...
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// /*
+// * TODO:
+// * if no item in cluster matches, also perform a distance-based matching to cover those cases where we did
+// * not manage to capture every single mutation of the sequence during training.
+// *
+// * Need to compute average/centroid of cluster to do so...? Compute within-cluster variance, then check if
+// * distance between input conversation and cluster average/centroid is smaller than or equal to the computed
+// * variance?
+// */
+// }
+// }
+ public void performDetection() {
+ /*
+ * Let's start out simple by building a version that only works for signatures that do not span across multiple
+ * TCP conversations...
+ */
for (Conversation c : mTcpReassembler.getTcpConversations()) {
- for (List<PcapPacket> sequence : mSignature) {
- boolean matchFound = isSequenceInConversation(sequence, c);
- if (matchFound) {
- onSequenceDetected(sequence, c);
- // Found signature in current conversation, so break inner loop and continue with next conversation.
+ if (c.isTls() && c.getTlsApplicationDataPackets().isEmpty() || !c.isTls() && c.getPackets().isEmpty()) {
+ // Skip empty conversations.
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (List<PcapPacket> signatureSequence : mSignature) {
+ if (isTlsSequence(signatureSequence) != c.isTls()) {
+ // We consider it a mismatch if one is a TLS application data sequence and the other is not.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Fetch set of packets to examine based on TLS or not.
+ List<PcapPacket> cPkts = c.isTls() ? c.getTlsApplicationDataPackets() : c.getPackets();
+ /*
+ * Note: since we expect all sequences that together make up the signature to exhibit the same direction
+ * pattern, we can simply pass the precomputed direction array for the signature sequence so that it
+ * won't have to be recomputed internally in each call to findSubsequenceInSequence().
+ */
+ Optional<List<PcapPacket>> match =
+ findSubsequenceInSequence(signatureSequence, cPkts, mSignatureDirections, null);
+ match.ifPresent(ps -> -> o.onSignatureDetected(mSignature, ps)));
+ if (match.isPresent()) {
+ /*
+ * We found an element in the signature cluster that was present in conversation, so no need to scan
+ * conversation for remaining members of signature cluster (in fact, we'd be getting duplicate
+ * output in those cases where the cluster is made up of identical sequences if we did not stop the
+ * search here).
+ *
+ * TODO:
+ * How do we handle those cases where the conversation matches the signature more than once (for
+ * example, the long-lived connections used for sending the trigger from the cloud)?
+ */
- /*
- * TODO:
- * if no item in cluster matches, also perform a distance-based matching to cover those cases where we did
- * not manage to capture every single mutation of the sequence during training.
- *
- * Need to compute average/centroid of cluster to do so...? Compute within-cluster variance, then check if
- * distance between input conversation and cluster average/centroid is smaller than or equal to the computed
- * variance?
- */
- private void onSequenceDetected(List<PcapPacket> sequence, Conversation c) {
- // TODO implement whatever output we want, e.g., print to std.out or notify observer objects
+// /**
+// * Examine if a {@link Conversation} contains a given sequence of packets. Note: the current implementation actually
+// * searches for a substring as it does not allow for interleaved packets in {@code c} that are not in
+// * {@code sequence}; for example, if {@code sequence} consists of packet lengths [2, 3, 5] and {@code c} consists of
+// * packet lengths [2, 3, 4, 5], the result will be {@code false}. If we are to allow interleaved packets, we need
+// * a modified version of <a href="">this</a>.
+// * @param sequence The sequence to look for.
+// * @param c The {@link Conversation} to search for {@code sequence} in.
+// * @return {@code true} if {@code c} contains {@code sequence}, {@code false} otherwise.
+// */
+// private boolean isSequenceInConversation(List<PcapPacket> sequence, Conversation c) {
+// // TODO add offset argument to allow looking for sequence starting later in Conversation.
+// // The packets we match against differ depending on whether the signature is a TLS or non-TLS signature.
+// boolean tlsSequence = isTlsSequence(sequence);
+// if (tlsSequence && !c.isTls()) {
+// // If we're looking for a TLS signature and this conversation does not appear to be a TLS conversation, we
+// // are done. Note: this assumes that they do NOT start performing TLS on new ports that are not captured in
+// // Conversation.isTls()
+// return false;
+// }
+// // Based on TLS or non-TLS signature, fetch the corresponding list of packets to match against.
+// List<PcapPacket> packets = tlsSequence ? c.getTlsApplicationDataPackets() : c.getPackets();
+// // If sequence is longer than the conversation, it can obviously not be contained in the conversation.
+// if (packets.size() < sequence.size()) {
+// return false;
+// }
+// /*
+// * Generate packet direction array for c. We have already generated the packet direction array for sequence as
+// * part of the constructor (mSignatureDirections).
+// */
+// Conversation.Direction[] cDirections = getPacketDirections(packets, mRouterWanIp);
+// int seqIdx = 0;
+// int convIdx = 0;
+// while (convIdx < packets.size()) {
+// PcapPacket seqPkt = sequence.get(seqIdx);
+// PcapPacket convPkt = packets.get(convIdx);
+// // We only have a match if packet lengths and directions match.
+// if (convPkt.getOriginalLength() == seqPkt.getOriginalLength() &&
+// mSignatureDirections[seqIdx] == cDirections[convIdx]) {
+// // A match, advance both indices to consider next packet in sequence vs. next packet in conversation
+// seqIdx++;
+// convIdx++;
+// if (seqIdx == sequence.size()) {
+// // we managed to match the full sequence in the conversation.
+// return true;
+// }
+// } else {
+// // Mismatch.
+// if (seqIdx > 0) {
+// /*
+// * If we managed to match parts of sequence, we restart the search for sequence in c at the index of
+// * c where the current mismatch occurred. I.e., we must reset seqIdx, but leave convIdx untouched.
+// */
+// seqIdx = 0;
+// } else {
+// /*
+// * First packet of sequence didn't match packet at convIdx of conversation, so we move forward in
+// * conversation, i.e., we continue the search for sequence in c starting at index convIdx+1 of c.
+// */
+// convIdx++;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// return false;
+// }
+ private boolean isTlsSequence(List<PcapPacket> sequence) {
+ // NOTE: Assumes ALL packets in sequence pertain to the same TCP connection!
+ PcapPacket firstPkt = sequence.get(0);
+ int srcPort = getSourcePort(firstPkt);
+ int dstPort = getDestinationPort(firstPkt);
+ return TcpConversationUtils.isTlsPort(srcPort) || TcpConversationUtils.isTlsPort(dstPort);
- /**
- * Examine if a {@link Conversation} contains a given sequence of packets. Note: the current implementation actually
- * searches for a substring as it does not allow for interleaved packets in {@code c} that are not in
- * {@code sequence}; for example, if {@code sequence} consists of packet lengths [2, 3, 5] and {@code c} consists of
- * packet lengths [2, 3, 4, 5], the result will be {@code false}. If we are to allow interleaved packets, we need
- * a modified version of <a href="">this</a>.
- * @param sequence The sequence to look for.
- * @param c The {@link Conversation} to search for {@code sequence} in.
- * @return {@code true} if {@code c} contains {@code sequence}, {@code false} otherwise.
- */
- private boolean isSequenceInConversation(List<PcapPacket> sequence, Conversation c) {
- // The packets we match against differ depending on whether the signature is a TLS or non-TLS signature.
- boolean tlsSequence = isTlsSequence(sequence);
- if (tlsSequence && !c.isTls()) {
- // If we're looking for a TLS signature and this conversation does not appear to be a TLS conversation, we
- // are done. Note: this assumes that they do NOT start performing TLS on new ports that are not captured in
- // Conversation.isTls()
- return false;
+// private List<PcapPacket> findeSequenceInConversation(List<PcapPacket> sequence, Conversation conv, int offset) {
+// if (isTlsSequence(sequence) != conv.isTls()) {
+// // We consider it a mismatch if one is a TLS Application Data sequence and the other is not.
+// return null;
+// }
+// List<PcapPacket> convPackets = conv.isTls() ? conv.getTlsApplicationDataPackets() : conv.getPackets();
+// }
+ private Optional<List<PcapPacket>> findSubsequenceInSequence(List<PcapPacket> subsequence,
+ List<PcapPacket> sequence,
+ Conversation.Direction[] subsequenceDirections,
+ Conversation.Direction[] sequenceDirections) {
+ if (isTlsSequence(subsequence) != isTlsSequence(sequence)) {
+ // We consider it a mismatch if one is a TLS application data sequence and the other is not.
+ return Optional.empty();
- // Based on TLS or non-TLS signature, fetch the corresponding list of packets to match against.
- List<PcapPacket> packets = tlsSequence ? c.getTlsApplicationDataPackets() : c.getPackets();
- // If sequence is longer than the conversation, it can obviously not be contained in the conversation.
- if (packets.size() < sequence.size()) {
- return false;
+ if (sequence.size() < subsequence.size()) {
+ // If subsequence is longer, it cannot be contained in sequence.
+ return Optional.empty();
- /*
- * Generate packet direction array for c. We have already generated the packet direction array for sequence as
- * part of the constructor (mSignatureDirections).
- */
- Conversation.Direction[] cDirections = getPacketDirections(packets, mRouterWanIp);
+ // If packet directions have not been precomputed by calling code, we need to construct them.
+ if (subsequenceDirections == null) {
+ subsequenceDirections = getPacketDirections(subsequence, mRouterWanIp);
+ }
+ if (sequenceDirections == null) {
+ sequenceDirections = getPacketDirections(sequence, mRouterWanIp);
+ }
+ int subseqIdx = 0;
int seqIdx = 0;
- int convIdx = 0;
- while (convIdx < packets.size()) {
+ while (seqIdx < sequence.size()) {
+ PcapPacket subseqPkt = subsequence.get(subseqIdx);
PcapPacket seqPkt = sequence.get(seqIdx);
- PcapPacket convPkt = packets.get(convIdx);
// We only have a match if packet lengths and directions match.
- if (convPkt.getOriginalLength() == seqPkt.getOriginalLength() &&
- mSignatureDirections[seqIdx] == cDirections[convIdx]) {
- // A match, advance both indices to consider next packet in sequence vs. next packet in conversation
+ if (subseqPkt.getOriginalLength() == seqPkt.getOriginalLength() &&
+ subsequenceDirections[subseqIdx] == sequenceDirections[seqIdx]) {
+ // A match; advance both indices to consider next packet in subsequence vs. next packet in sequence.
+ subseqIdx++;
- convIdx++;
- if (seqIdx == sequence.size()) {
- // we managed to match the full sequence in the conversation.
- return true;
+ if (subseqIdx == subsequence.size()) {
+ // We managed to match the entire subsequence in sequence.
+ // Return the sublist of sequence that matches subsequence.
+ /*
+ * TODO:
+ * ASSUMES THE BACKING LIST (i.e., 'sequence') IS _NOT_ STRUCTURALLY MODIFIED, hence may not work
+ * for live traces!
+ */
+ return Optional.of(sequence.subList(seqIdx - subsequence.size(), seqIdx));
} else {
// Mismatch.
- if (seqIdx > 0) {
+ if (subseqIdx > 0) {
- * If we managed to match parts of sequence, we restart the search for sequence in c at the index of
- * c where the current mismatch occurred. I.e., we must reset seqIdx, but leave convIdx untouched.
+ * If we managed to match parts of subsequence, we restart the search for subsequence in sequence at
+ * the index of sequence where the current mismatch occurred. I.e., we must reset subseqIdx, but
+ * leave seqIdx untouched.
- seqIdx = 0;
+ subseqIdx = 0;
} else {
- * First packet of sequence didn't match packet at convIdx of conversation, so we move forward in
- * conversation, i.e., we continue the search for sequence in c starting at index convIdx+1 of c.
+ * First packet of subsequence didn't match packet at seqIdx of sequence, so we move forward in
+ * sequence, i.e., we continue the search for subsequence in sequence starting at index seqIdx+1 of
+ * sequence.
- convIdx++;
+ seqIdx++;
- return false;
- }
- private boolean isTlsSequence(List<PcapPacket> sequence) {
- // NOTE: Assumes ALL packets in sequence pertain to the same TCP connection!
- PcapPacket firstPkt = sequence.get(0);
- int srcPort = getSourcePort(firstPkt);
- int dstPort = getDestinationPort(firstPkt);
- return TcpConversationUtils.isTlsPort(srcPort) || TcpConversationUtils.isTlsPort(dstPort);
+ return Optional.empty();
return directions;
+ interface Observer {
+// /**
+// * Callback that is invoked when a sequence associated with the signature/cluster (i.e., the sequence is a
+// * member of the cluster that makes up the signature) is detected in a {@link Conversation}.
+// * @param sequence The sequence that was detected in {@code conversation}.
+// * @param conversation The {@link Conversation} that {@code sequence} was detected in.
+// */
+// void onSequenceDetected(List<PcapPacket> sequence, Conversation conversation);
+ void onSignatureDetected(List<List<PcapPacket>> signature, List<PcapPacket> match);
+ }