public Hashtable<Integer, HeapRegionNode> id2hrn;
public Hashtable<TempDescriptor, LabelNode > td2ln;
- public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > idPrimary2paramIndex;
- public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > idSecondary2paramIndex;
+ public Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> > idPrimary2paramIndexSet;
public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > paramIndex2idPrimary;
+ public Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> > idSecondary2paramIndexSet;
public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > paramIndex2idSecondary;
- public Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> > id2aliasedParamIndexSet;
public Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> paramIndex2tdQ;
public HashSet<AllocationSite> allocationSites;
this.allocationDepth = allocationDepth;
this.typeUtil = typeUtil;
- id2hrn = new Hashtable<Integer, HeapRegionNode>();
- td2ln = new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, LabelNode >();
- idPrimary2paramIndex = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
- idSecondary2paramIndex = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
- paramIndex2idPrimary = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
- paramIndex2idSecondary = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
- id2aliasedParamIndexSet = new Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> >();
- paramIndex2tdQ = new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
+ id2hrn = new Hashtable<Integer, HeapRegionNode>();
+ td2ln = new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, LabelNode >();
+ idPrimary2paramIndexSet = new Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> >();
+ paramIndex2idPrimary = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
+ idSecondary2paramIndexSet = new Hashtable<Integer, Set<Integer> >();
+ paramIndex2idSecondary = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
+ paramIndex2tdQ = new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
allocationSites = new HashSet <AllocationSite>();
protected HeapRegionNode
createNewHeapRegionNode(Integer id,
boolean isSingleObject,
- boolean isTaskParameter,
boolean isNewSummary,
+ boolean isFlagged,
boolean isParameter,
TypeDescriptor type,
AllocationSite allocSite,
ReachabilitySet alpha,
String description) {
- boolean markForAnalysis = isTaskParameter || isParameter;
+ boolean markForAnalysis = isFlagged || isParameter;
TypeDescriptor typeToUse = null;
if( allocSite != null ) {
// now build everything we need
LabelNode lnParam = getLabelNodeFromTemp( td );
- HeapRegionNode hrnPrimary = createNewHeapRegionNode( null,
- true,
- isTask,
- false,
- true,
- typeParam,
- null,
- null,
+ HeapRegionNode hrnPrimary = createNewHeapRegionNode( null, // id or null to generate a new one
+ true, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ false, // flagged?
+ true, // is a parameter?
+ typeParam, // type
+ null, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
"param"+paramIndex+" obj" );
// this is a non-program-accessible label that picks up beta
// parameter labels, the index of the parameter they
// are for is important when resolving method calls
Integer newPrimaryID = hrnPrimary.getID();
- assert !idPrimary2paramIndex.containsKey( newPrimaryID );
- idPrimary2paramIndex.put( newPrimaryID, paramIndex );
+ //assert !idPrimary2paramIndex.containsKey( newPrimaryID );
+ //idPrimary2paramIndex.put( newPrimaryID, paramIndex );
TokenTuple ttPrimary = new TokenTuple( newPrimaryID,
false, // multi-object
TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE ).makeCanonical();
HeapRegionNode hrnSecondary = null;
Integer newSecondaryID = null;
TokenTuple ttSecondary = null;
if( createSecondaryRegion ) {
- hrnSecondary = createNewHeapRegionNode( null,
- false,
- isTask,
- false,
- true,
- null,
- null,
- null,
+ hrnSecondary = createNewHeapRegionNode( null, // id or null to generate a new one
+ false, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ false, // flagged?
+ true, // is a parameter?
+ null, // type
+ null, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
"param"+paramIndex+" reachable" );
newSecondaryID = hrnSecondary.getID();
- assert !idSecondary2paramIndex.containsKey( newSecondaryID );
- idSecondary2paramIndex.put( newSecondaryID, paramIndex );
+ //assert !idSecondary2paramIndex.containsKey( newSecondaryID );
+ //idSecondary2paramIndex.put( newSecondaryID, paramIndex );
ttSecondary = new TokenTuple( newSecondaryID,
true, // multi-object
// use a beta that has everything and put it all over the
// parameter model, then use a global sweep later to fix
// it up, since parameters can have different shapes
- TokenTupleSet tts0 = new TokenTupleSet( ttPrimary ).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTupleSet tts0 = new TokenTupleSet( ttPrimary ).makeCanonical();
ReachabilitySet betaSoup;
if( createSecondaryRegion ) {
TokenTupleSet tts1 = new TokenTupleSet( ttSecondary ).makeCanonical();
- public void makeAliasedParamHeapRegionNode(TempDescriptor td) {
- /*
+ public void makeAliasedParamHeapRegionNode( TempDescriptor td ) {
assert td != null;
- LabelNode lnParam = getLabelNodeFromTemp(td);
- HeapRegionNode hrn = createNewHeapRegionNode(null,
- false,
- false,
- false,
- true,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- "aliasedParams");
- ReachabilitySet beta = new ReachabilitySet(new TokenTuple(hrn.getID(),
- true,
- TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical()
- ).makeCanonical();
- // heap regions for parameters are always multiple object (see above)
- // and have a reference to themselves, because we can't know the
- // structure of memory that is passed into the method. We're assuming
- // the worst here.
+ LabelNode lnParam = getLabelNodeFromTemp( td );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = createNewHeapRegionNode( null, // id or null to generate a new one
+ false, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ false, // flagged?
+ true, // is a parameter?
+ null, // type
+ null, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
+ "aliasedParams" );
+ ReachabilitySet beta = new ReachabilitySet( new TokenTuple( hrn.getID(),
+ true,
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical()
+ ).makeCanonical();
ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabel =
- new ReferenceEdge(lnParam, hrn, null, null, false, beta);
+ new ReferenceEdge( lnParam, hrn, null, null, false, beta );
ReferenceEdge edgeReflexive =
- new ReferenceEdge(hrn, hrn, null, null, true, beta);
+ new ReferenceEdge( hrn, hrn, null, null, true, beta );
- addReferenceEdge(lnParam, hrn, edgeFromLabel);
- addReferenceEdge(hrn, hrn, edgeReflexive);
- */
+ addReferenceEdge( lnParam, hrn, edgeFromLabel );
+ addReferenceEdge( hrn, hrn, edgeReflexive );
public void assignTempEqualToAliasedParam(TempDescriptor tdParam,
TempDescriptor tdAliased,
- Integer paramIndex ) {
- /*
+ Integer paramIndex,
+ boolean aliasedPiIsSuperOfPj ) {
assert tdParam != null;
assert tdAliased != null;
- LabelNode lnParam = getLabelNodeFromTemp(tdParam);
+ TypeDescriptor typeParam = tdParam.getType();
+ assert typeParam != null;
+ LabelNode lnParam = getLabelNodeFromTemp(tdParam);
LabelNode lnAliased = getLabelNodeFromTemp(tdAliased);
// this is a non-program-accessible label that picks up beta
// info to be used for fixing a caller of this method
- TempDescriptor tdParamQ = new TempDescriptor(tdParam+"specialQ");
- LabelNode lnParamQ = getLabelNodeFromTemp(tdParamQ);
+ TempDescriptor tdParamQ = new TempDescriptor( tdParam+"specialQ" );
+ LabelNode lnParamQ = getLabelNodeFromTemp( tdParamQ );
// the lnAliased should always only reference one node, and that
// heap region node is the aliased param blob
assert lnAliased.getNumReferencees() == 1;
HeapRegionNode hrnAliasBlob = lnAliased.iteratorToReferencees().next().getDst();
- // keep track of heap regions that were created for
- // parameter labels, the index of the parameter they
- // are for is important when resolving method calls
Integer idAliased = hrnAliasBlob.getID();
- Set s = id2paramIndexSet.get( idAliased );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ TokenTuple ttAliased = new TokenTuple( idAliased,
+ false, // multi-object
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE ).makeCanonical();
+ if( aliasedPiIsSuperOfPj ) {
+ // we point parameter labels directly at the alias blob
+ // and just have to live with bad precision
+ /*
+ Set s = id2paramIndexSet.get( idAliased );
+ if( s == null ) {
+ s = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ }
+ s.add( paramIndex );
+ id2paramIndexSet.put(idAliased, s);
+ paramIndex2id.put(paramIndex, idAliased);
+ paramIndex2tdQ.put(paramIndex, tdParamQ);
+ */
+ ReachabilitySet beta = new ReachabilitySet( ttAliased ).makeCanonical();
+ ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabel =
+ new ReferenceEdge( lnParam, hrnAliasBlob, typeParam, null, false, beta );
+ ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabelQ =
+ new ReferenceEdge( lnParamQ, hrnAliasBlob, typeParam, null, false, beta );
+ addReferenceEdge( lnParam, hrnAliasBlob, edgeFromLabel );
+ addReferenceEdge( lnParamQ, hrnAliasBlob, edgeFromLabelQ );
+ return;
- s.add( paramIndex );
- id2paramIndexSet.put(idAliased, s);
- paramIndex2id.put(paramIndex, idAliased);
- paramIndex2tdQ.put(paramIndex, tdParamQ);
+ // otherwise there is no problem with bringing out each
+ // parameter's primary object with the necessary edges
+ Set<FieldDescriptor> primary2primaryFields = new HashSet<FieldDescriptor>();
+ Set<FieldDescriptor> primary2secondaryFields = new HashSet<FieldDescriptor>();
- ReachabilitySet beta = new ReachabilitySet(new TokenTuple(idAliased,
- true,
- TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE).makeCanonical()
- ).makeCanonical();
+ // there might be an element reference for array types
+ if( typeParam.isArray() ) {
+ // only bother with this if the dereferenced type can
+ // affect reachability
+ TypeDescriptor typeDeref = typeParam.dereference();
+ // for this parameter to be aliased the following must be true
+ assert !typeDeref.isImmutable() || typeDeref.isArray();
+ primary2secondaryFields.add(
+ OwnershipAnalysis.getArrayField( typeDeref )
+ );
+ }
+ // there might be member references for class types
+ if( typeParam.isClass() ) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = typeParam.getClassDesc();
+ Iterator fieldItr = cd.getFields();
+ while( fieldItr.hasNext() ) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor);
+ TypeDescriptor typeField = fd.getType();
+ assert typeField != null;
+ if( !typeField.isImmutable() || typeField.isArray() ) {
+ primary2secondaryFields.add( fd );
+ }
+ if( typeUtil.isSuperorType( typeField, typeParam ) ) {
+ primary2primaryFields.add( fd );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for aliased parameters with separate primary objects,
+ // there must be at least one edge into the blob
+ assert primary2secondaryFields.size() > 0;
+ HeapRegionNode hrnPrimary = createNewHeapRegionNode( null, // id or null to generate a new one
+ true, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ false, // flagged?
+ true, // is a parameter?
+ typeParam, // type
+ null, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
+ "param"+paramIndex+" obj" );
+ Integer newPrimaryID = hrnPrimary.getID();
+ TokenTuple ttPrimary = new TokenTuple( newPrimaryID,
+ false, // multi-object
+ TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE ).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTupleSet tts0 = new TokenTupleSet( ttPrimary ).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTupleSet tts1 = new TokenTupleSet( ttAliased ).makeCanonical();
+ TokenTupleSet tts2 = new TokenTupleSet( ttPrimary ).union( ttAliased );
+ ReachabilitySet betaSoup = new ReachabilitySet().union( tts0 ).union( tts1 ).union( tts2 );
- // heap regions for parameters are always multiple object (see above)
- // and have a reference to themselves, because we can't know the
- // structure of memory that is passed into the method. We're assuming
- // the worst here.
ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabel =
- new ReferenceEdge(lnParam, hrnAliasBlob, null, null, false, beta);
+ new ReferenceEdge( lnParam, // src
+ hrnPrimary, // dst
+ typeParam, // type
+ null, // field
+ false, // special param initial (not needed on label->node)
+ betaSoup ); // reachability
+ addReferenceEdge( lnParam, hrnPrimary, edgeFromLabel );
ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabelQ =
- new ReferenceEdge(lnParamQ, hrnAliasBlob, null, null, false, beta);
+ new ReferenceEdge( lnParamQ, // src
+ hrnPrimary, // dst
+ typeParam, // type
+ null, // field
+ false, // special param initial (not needed on label->node)
+ betaSoup ); // reachability
+ addReferenceEdge( lnParamQ, hrnPrimary, edgeFromLabelQ );
+ ReferenceEdge edgeAliased2Primary =
+ new ReferenceEdge( hrnAliasBlob, // src
+ hrnPrimary, // dst
+ null, // match all types
+ null, // match all fields
+ true, // special param initial
+ betaSoup ); // reachability
+ addReferenceEdge( hrnAliasBlob, hrnPrimary, edgeAliased2Primary );
+ Iterator<FieldDescriptor> fieldItr = primary2primaryFields.iterator();
+ while( fieldItr.hasNext() ) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd =;
- addReferenceEdge(lnParam, hrnAliasBlob, edgeFromLabel);
- addReferenceEdge(lnParamQ, hrnAliasBlob, edgeFromLabelQ);
- */
+ ReferenceEdge edgePrimaryReflexive =
+ new ReferenceEdge( hrnPrimary, // src
+ hrnPrimary, // dst
+ fd.getType(), // type
+ fd.getSymbol(), // field
+ true, // special param initial
+ betaSoup ); // reachability
+ addReferenceEdge( hrnPrimary, hrnPrimary, edgePrimaryReflexive );
+ }
+ fieldItr = primary2secondaryFields.iterator();
+ while( fieldItr.hasNext() ) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd =;
+ ReferenceEdge edgePrimary2Secondary =
+ new ReferenceEdge( hrnPrimary, // src
+ hrnAliasBlob, // dst
+ fd.getType(), // type
+ fd.getSymbol(), // field
+ true, // special param initial
+ betaSoup ); // reachability
+ addReferenceEdge( hrnPrimary, hrnAliasBlob, edgePrimary2Secondary );
+ }
hasFlags = as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags();
- hrnSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode(idSummary,
- false,
- hasFlags,
- true,
- false,
- null,
- as,
- null,
+ hrnSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode(idSummary, // id or null to generate a new one
+ false, // single object?
+ true, // summary?
+ hasFlags, // flagged?
+ false, // is a parameter?
+ as.getType(), // type
+ as, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
as.toStringForDOT() + "\\nsummary");
for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
Integer idIth = as.getIthOldest(i);
assert !id2hrn.containsKey(idIth);
- createNewHeapRegionNode(idIth,
- true,
- hasFlags,
- false,
- false,
- null,
- as,
- null,
+ createNewHeapRegionNode(idIth, // id or null to generate a new one
+ true, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ hasFlags, // flagged?
+ false, // is a parameter?
+ as.getType(), // type
+ as, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
as.toStringForDOT() + "\\n" + i + " oldest");
hasFlags = as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags();
- hrnShadowSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode(idShadowSummary,
- false,
- hasFlags,
- true,
- false,
- null,
- as,
- null,
+ hrnShadowSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode(idShadowSummary, // id or null to generate a new one
+ false, // single object?
+ true, // summary?
+ hasFlags, // flagged?
+ false, // is a parameter?
+ as.getType(), // type
+ as, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
as + "\\n" + as.getType() + "\\nshadowSum");
for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
Integer idShadowIth = as.getIthOldestShadow(i);
assert !id2hrn.containsKey(idShadowIth);
- createNewHeapRegionNode(idShadowIth,
- true,
- hasFlags,
- false,
- false,
- null,
- as,
- null,
+ createNewHeapRegionNode(idShadowIth, // id or null to generate a new one
+ true, // single object?
+ false, // summary?
+ hasFlags, // flagged?
+ false, // is a parameter?
+ as.getType(), // type
+ as, // allocation site
+ null, // reachability set
as + "\\n" + as.getType() + "\\n" + i + " shadow");
public Set<Integer> calculateAliasedParamSet(FlatCall fc,
boolean isStatic,
FlatMethod fm) {
- /*
Hashtable<Integer, LabelNode> paramIndex2ln =
new Hashtable<Integer, LabelNode>();
return aliasedIndices;
- */
- return new HashSet<Integer>();