--- /dev/null
+package MCC.IR;
+import java.util.*;
+public class MetaInclusion extends Inclusion {
+ Inclusion inclusion;
+ Vector rules;
+ Vector constraints;
+ public MetaInclusion() {
+ inclusion = null;
+ rules = new Vector();
+ constraints = new Vector();
+ }
+ public Set getTargetDescriptors() {
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ }
+ public Set getRequiredDescriptors() {
+ return inclusion.getRequiredDescriptors();
+ }
+ public boolean typecheck(SemanticAnalyzer sa) {
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ }
+ public void setInclusion(Inclusion in) {
+ assert (in instanceof SetInclusion); // we only support setinclusion meta inclusions
+ this.inclusion = in;
+ }
+ public Inclusion getInclusion() {
+ return inclusion;
+ }
+ public void addRules(Collection newrules) {
+ rules.addAll(newrules);
+ }
+ public void addConstraint(Constraint c) {
+ constraints.add(c);
+ }
+ public void generate(CodeWriter cr) {
+ this.inclusion.generate(cr);
+ // for each of the rules, since they are guaranteed to be single quantifiers, and in fact,
+ // even stricter, there only quantifier is the same quantifier just generated by
+ // the inclusion constraint, we only need to bind each of there vardescriptors in there
+ // own blocks (to avoid name space clashes) to the newly quantified variable.
+ // we know that the inclusion is a setinlusion
+ SetInclusion setinclusion = (SetInclusion) inclusion;
+ String addeditem = setinclusion.generatedaddeditem; // boolean : new item or not
+ String result = setinclusion.generatedresult; // item added to set... what we must bind
+ cr.outputline("if (" + addeditem + ")");
+ cr.startblock();
+ ListIterator allrules = rules.listIterator();
+ while (allrules.hasNext()) {
+ Rule rule = (Rule) allrules.next();
+ // we need to grab the vardescriptor of the first quantifeir (which is a setquantifier)
+ // and we need to instantiate it inside a new block scope and set it equal to the value
+ // in "result" .... we then need to generate the guard and inclusion inside of inner rule
+ cr.startblock();{
+ cr.outputline("// embedding " + rule.getLabel() );
+ SetQuantifier sq = (SetQuantifier) rule.quantifiers().next(); // get first qunatifier
+ VarDescriptor vd = sq.getVar();
+ cr.outputline("int " + vd.getSafeSymbol() + " = " + result + ";");
+ cr.pushSymbolTable(rule.getSymbolTable());
+ VarDescriptor guardval = VarDescriptor.makeNew();
+ rule.getGuardExpr().generate(cr, guardval);
+ cr.outputline("if (" + guardval.getSafeSymbol() + ")");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ rule.getInclusion().generate(cr);
+ } cr.endblock();
+ cr.popSymbolTable();
+ } cr.endblock();
+ }
+ cr.endblock();
+ // constraints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ ListIterator allconstraints = constraints.listIterator();
+ while (allconstraints.hasNext()) {
+ Constraint constraint = (Constraint) allconstraints.next();
+ // ok... um... we need to grab teh vardescripntor of the first quantifier which is guaranteed
+ // to be a setquantifier... we then need to bind it to variable, generatedresult.
+ // once this is done we can generated the logicstatement and we can then test for pass/fail
+ // and emit an error
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ cr.outputline("// checking embedded " + constraint.getLabel() );
+ SetQuantifier sq = (SetQuantifier) constraint.quantifiers().next(); // get first qunatifier
+ VarDescriptor vd = sq.getVar();
+ cr.outputline("int " + vd.getSafeSymbol() + " = " + result + ";");
+ cr.pushSymbolTable(constraint.getSymbolTable());
+ cr.outputline("int maybe = 0;");
+ /* now we have to generate the guard test */
+ VarDescriptor constraintboolean = VarDescriptor.makeNew("constraintboolean");
+ constraint.getLogicStatement().generate(cr, constraintboolean);
+ cr.outputline("if (maybe)");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ cr.outputline("__Success = 0;");
+ cr.outputline("printf(\"maybe fail " + constraint.getNum() + ". \");");
+ cr.outputline("exit(1);");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ cr.outputline("else if (!" + constraintboolean.getSafeSymbol() + ")");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ cr.outputline("__Success = 0;");
+ cr.outputline("printf(\"fail " + constraint.getNum() + ". \");");
+ cr.outputline("exit(1);");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ cr.popSymbolTable();
+ } cr.endblock();
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package MCC.IR;
+import java.util.*;
+public class RelationFunctionExpr extends Expr {
+ // #WHAT I WAS DOING: about to define relationfunctionexpr thich should take a expr, relation and rule and generated
+ // the functional value or "maybe" if not there!
+ Expr expr;
+ RelationDescriptor relation;
+ Rule rule;
+ public RelationFunctionExpr(Expr expr, RelationDescriptor relation, Rule rule) {
+ this.expr = expr;
+ this.relation = relation;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ }
+ public RelationDescriptor getRelation() {
+ return relation;
+ }
+ public Set getInversedRelations() {
+ return expr.getInversedRelations();
+ }
+ public Set getRequiredDescriptors() {
+ Set v = expr.getRequiredDescriptors();
+ v.add(relation);
+ return v;
+ }
+ public void generate(CodeWriter cr, VarDescriptor dest) {
+ String destname = dest.getSafeSymbol();
+ cr.outputline("int " + destname + ";");
+ // ok... destination is declared... we gotta expand this rule inplace... and instead of the inclusion we
+ // set the destination in the guard ... otherwise maybe!
+ VarDescriptor domain = VarDescriptor.makeNew("domain");
+ expr.generate(cr, domain);
+ cr.pushSymbolTable(rule.getSymbolTable());
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ // ok... symbol table is set up... lets bind that initial vardescriptor of the quantifier
+ SetQuantifier sq = ((SetQuantifier) rule.quantifiers().next());
+ VarDescriptor rulebinding = sq.getVar();
+ String tempvar = (VarDescriptor.makeNew("tempvar")).getSafeSymbol();
+ // this is to be safe about name overlap because int t = t; sets t to 0!
+ cr.outputline("int " + tempvar + " = " + domain.getSafeSymbol() + ";");
+ cr.outputline("int " + rulebinding.getSafeSymbol() + " = " + tempvar + ";");
+ /* pretty print! */
+ cr.outputline("// about to inbed relational function");
+ cr.output("// ");
+ rule.getGuardExpr().prettyPrint(cr);
+ cr.outputline("");
+ /* now we have to generate the guard test */
+ VarDescriptor guardval = VarDescriptor.makeNew();
+ rule.getGuardExpr().generate(cr, guardval);
+ cr.outputline("if (" + guardval.getSafeSymbol() + ")");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ /* now we have to generate the inclusion code */
+ RelationInclusion ri = (RelationInclusion) rule.getInclusion();
+ // basically, destname = righthandside<r, r.field>
+ VarDescriptor tempdest = VarDescriptor.makeNew("tempdest");
+ Expr rhs = ri.getRightExpr();
+ rhs.generate(cr, tempdest);
+ cr.outputline(destname + " = " + tempdest.getSafeSymbol() + ";");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ cr.outputline("else");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ // three valued logic. if the relation (which is a partial function)
+ // fails its guard, then we have a "maybe" condition, which must
+ // propagate
+ cr.outputline("maybe = 1;");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ } cr.endblock();
+ }
+ public void prettyPrint(PrettyPrinter pp) {
+ expr.prettyPrint(pp);
+ pp.output(".");
+ pp.output(relation.getSafeSymbol());
+ }
+ public TypeDescriptor typecheck(SemanticAnalyzer sa) {
+ throw new IRException();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package MCC.IR;
+import java.util.*;
+public class SizeofFunction extends Expr {
+ public VarDescriptor vd;
+ public RelationDescriptor rd;
+ public Rule rule;
+ public SizeofFunction(VarDescriptor vd, RelationDescriptor rd, Rule rule) {
+ this.vd = vd;
+ this.rd = rd;
+ this.rule = rule;
+ }
+ public Set getInversedRelations() {
+ return new HashSet();
+ }
+ public Set getRequiredDescriptors() {
+ // because we don't actually use rd for any generation, we return the empty set
+ return new HashSet();
+ }
+ public TypeDescriptor getType() {
+ throw new IRException("unsupported");
+ }
+ public void generate(CodeWriter cr, VarDescriptor dest) {
+ // basically a sizeoffunction can have two values ... zero or one... so what we need to do
+ // is expand the guard of the rule and if its true then its 1 otherwise 0
+ String destname = dest.getSafeSymbol();
+ cr.outputline("int " + destname + ";");
+ // ok... destination is declared... we gotta expand this rule inplace... and instead of the inclusion we
+ // set the destination in the guard ... otherwise maybe!
+ VarDescriptor domain = vd;
+ cr.pushSymbolTable(rule.getSymbolTable());
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ // ok... symbol table is set up... lets bind that initial vardescriptor of the quantifier
+ SetQuantifier sq = ((SetQuantifier) rule.quantifiers().next());
+ VarDescriptor rulebinding = sq.getVar();
+ String tempvar = (VarDescriptor.makeNew("tempvar")).getSafeSymbol();
+ // this is to be safe about name overlap because int t = t; sets t to 0!
+ cr.outputline("int " + tempvar + " = " + domain.getSafeSymbol() + ";");
+ cr.outputline("int " + rulebinding.getSafeSymbol() + " = " + tempvar + ";");
+ /* pretty print! */
+ cr.outputline("// about to inbed relational function");
+ cr.output("// ");
+ rule.getGuardExpr().prettyPrint(cr);
+ cr.outputline("");
+ /* now we have to generate the guard test */
+ VarDescriptor guardval = VarDescriptor.makeNew();
+ rule.getGuardExpr().generate(cr, guardval);
+ cr.outputline("if (" + guardval.getSafeSymbol() + ")");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ cr.outputline(destname + " = 1;");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ cr.outputline("else");
+ cr.startblock(); {
+ cr.outputline(destname + " = 0;");
+ } cr.endblock();
+ } cr.endblock();
+ }
+ public void prettyPrint(PrettyPrinter pp) {
+ pp.output("sizeoffunction(");
+ pp.output(vd.toString() + "." + rd.toString());
+ pp.output(")");
+ }
+ public TypeDescriptor typecheck(SemanticAnalyzer sa) {
+ throw new IRException();
+ }