--- /dev/null
+package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.codeGenerator;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.CPDefineCheckConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ConditionalInterface;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.Construct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.GlobalConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecConstruct;
+public class SemanticsChecker {
+ public final ArrayList<SpecConstruct> constructs;
+ public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> label2Construct;
+ public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> interfaceName2Construct;
+ public SemanticsChecker(ArrayList<SpecConstruct> constructs) {
+ this.constructs = constructs;
+ this.label2Construct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
+ this.interfaceName2Construct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
+ }
+ private void checkHBLabelConsistency(String interfaceName, String label)
+ throws SemanticsCheckerException {
+ if (!interfaceName2Construct.containsKey(interfaceName)) {
+ throw new SemanticsCheckerException(
+ "In global construct, no interface \""
+ + interfaceName + "\"!");
+ } else {
+ InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) interfaceName2Construct
+ .get(interfaceName).construct;
+ if (!iConstruct.hbConditions.containsKey(label)) {
+ throw new SemanticsCheckerException("Interface "
+ + interfaceName
+ + " doesn't contain HB_codition: " + label
+ + "!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void check() throws SemanticsCheckerException {
+ boolean hasGlobalConstruct = false;
+ // First grab the information from the interface
+ for (int i = 0; i < constructs.size(); i++) {
+ Construct inst = constructs.get(i).construct;
+ if (inst instanceof InterfaceConstruct) {
+ InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) inst;
+ interfaceName2Construct.put(iConstruct.name, constructs.get(i));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < constructs.size(); i++) {
+ SpecConstruct inst = constructs.get(i);
+ Construct construct = inst.construct;
+ if (construct instanceof GlobalConstruct) {
+ GlobalConstruct theConstruct = (GlobalConstruct) construct;
+ if (!hasGlobalConstruct)
+ hasGlobalConstruct = true;
+ else {
+ throw new SemanticsCheckerException(
+ "More than one global construct!");
+ }
+ HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>> hbConditions = theConstruct.hbRelations;
+ for (ConditionalInterface left : hbConditions.keySet()) {
+ HashSet<ConditionalInterface> set = hbConditions.get(left);
+ checkHBLabelConsistency(left.interfaceName, left.hbConditionLabel);
+ for (ConditionalInterface right : set) {
+ checkHBLabelConsistency(right.interfaceName, right.hbConditionLabel);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (construct instanceof PotentialCPDefineConstruct) {
+ PotentialCPDefineConstruct theConstruct = (PotentialCPDefineConstruct) construct;
+ label2Construct.put(theConstruct.label, inst);
+ } else if (construct instanceof CPDefineCheckConstruct) {
+ CPDefineCheckConstruct theConstruct = (CPDefineCheckConstruct) construct;
+ label2Construct.put(theConstruct.label, inst);
+ }
+ }
+ }