abstract public class Canonical {
+ // for generating unique canonical values
private static int canonicalCount = 1;
// the canon of objects
public static Canonical makeCanonical( Canonical c ) {
- if( canon.containsKey( c ) ) {
+ if( c.isCanonical() ) {
+ assert canon.containsKey( c );
return canon.get( c );
c.canonicalValue = canonicalCount;
canon.put( c, c );
--- /dev/null
+import IR.*;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.io.*;
+import Analysis.Disjoint.*;
+public class test {
+ static public void main( String[] args ) {
+ test t = new test();
+ t.execTests();
+ }
+ void execTests() {
+ System.out.println( "Testing components of disjoint reachability analysis..." );
+ t1();
+ t2();
+ System.out.println( "Testing completed successfully." );
+ }
+ void t1() {
+ ReachTuple rt11a = ReachTuple.factory( 11, true, ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ ReachTuple rt11b = ReachTuple.factory( 11, true, ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ ReachTuple rt12 = ReachTuple.factory( 12, true, ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ ReachTuple rt12z = ReachTuple.factory( 12, true, ReachTuple.ARITY_ZEROORMORE );
+ ReachTuple rt13 = ReachTuple.factory( 13, false, ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ assert rt11a.equals( rt11b );
+ assert rt11b.equals( rt11a );
+ assert rt11a == rt11b;
+ assert !rt11a.equals( rt12 );
+ assert !rt12.equals( rt11b );
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt11a, rt11b ).isCanonical();
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt11a, rt11b ).getArity() == ReachTuple.ARITY_ZEROORMORE;
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt12, rt12z ).isCanonical();
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt12, rt12z ).getArity() == ReachTuple.ARITY_ZEROORMORE;
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt13, rt13 ).isCanonical();
+ assert Canonical.unionArity( rt13, rt13 ).getArity() == ReachTuple.ARITY_ONE;
+ }
+ void t2() {
+ }