} // if(isMsgSending)
-} // void transferMarkResults()
+} // void transferMarkResults()
+inline bool gc_checkCoreStatus() {
+ bool allStall = true;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
+ allStall = false;
+ break;
+ } // if(gccorestatus[i] != 0)
+ } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
+ return allStall;
inline void checkMarkStatue() {
if((!waitconfirm) ||
gcnumsendobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numsendobjs;
gcnumreceiveobjs[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = gcself_numreceiveobjs;
// check the status of all cores
- bool allStall = true;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- } // if(gccorestatus[i] != 0)
- } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
+ bool allStall = gc_checkCoreStatus();
if(allStall) {
// check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
// yes->check if the info is the latest; no->go on executing
} // if((!waitconfirm) ||
} // bool preGC()
+inline void initGC() {
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ gccorestatus[i] = 1;
+ gcnumsendobjs[i] = 0;
+ gcnumreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
+ gcloads[i] = 0;
+ gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
+ gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
+ gcstopblock[i] = 0;
+ } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
+ gcself_numsendobjs = 0;
+ gcself_numreceiveobjs = 0;
+ gcmarkedptrbound = 0;
+ gcobj2map = 0;
+ gcmappedobj = 0;
+ gcismapped = false;
+ gcnumlobjs = 0;
+ gcheaptop = 0;
+ gctopcore = 0;
+ gcheapdirection = 1;
+ gcreservedsb = 0;
+ gcmovestartaddr = 0;
+ gctomove = false;
+ gcblock2fill = 0;
+ gcmovepending = 0;
+ // initialize queue
+ if (gchead==NULL) {
+ gcheadindex=0;
+ gctailindex=0;
+ gctailindex2 = 0;
+ gchead=gctail=gctail2=malloc(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
+ }
+ // initialize the large obj queues
+ if (gclobjhead==NULL) {
+ gclobjheadindex=0;
+ gclobjtailindex=0;
+ gclobjtailindex2 = 0;
+ gclobjhead=gclobjtail=gclobjtail2=
+ malloc(sizeof(struct lobjpointerblock));
+ }
+} // void initGC()
// compute load balance for all cores
inline int loadbalance(int heaptop) {
// compute load balance
int i;
// get the total loads
- gcloads[0]+=BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*gcreservedsb;//reserved sblocks for sbstartbl
- int tloads = gcloads[0];
+ gcloads[STARTUPCORE]+=
+ BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE*gcreservedsb;//reserved sblocks for sbstartbl
+ int tloads = gcloads[STARTUPCORE];
for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
tloads += gcloads[i];
inline void moveLObjs() {
// find current heap top
+ // flush all gcloads to indicate the real heap top on one core
+ // previous it represents the next available ptr on a core
+ && (gcloads[0] % BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE == 0)) {
+ // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
+ BASEPTR(0, gcfilledblocks[0]-1, &gcloads[0]);
+ gcloads[0]+=(gcfilledblocks[0]>1?BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE:BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L);
+ }
int tmpheaptop = gcloads[0];
for(int i = 1; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
+ && (gcloads[i] % BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE == 0)) {
+ // edge of a block, check if this is exactly the heaptop
+ BASEPTR(0, gcfilledblocks[i]-1, &gcloads[i]);
+ gcloads[i]+=(gcfilledblocks[i]>1?BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE:BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L);
+ }
if(tmpheaptop < gcloads[i]) {
tmpheaptop = gcloads[i];
inline void updateFreeMemList() {
int i = 0;
- int tmptop = gcloads[0];
+ int tmptop = gcloads[0];
struct freeMemItem * tochange = bamboo_free_mem_list->head;
if(tochange == NULL) {
bamboo_free_mem_list->head = tochange =
bamboo_free_mem_list->tail = tochange;
} // void updateFreeMemList()
-inline void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
- // check if do gc
- if(!gcflag) {
- return;
- }
- // core coordinator routine
- if(0 == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
- if(!preGC()) {
- // not ready to do gc
- gcflag = true;
- return;
- }
- gcprocessing = true;
- int i = 0;
- waitconfirm = false;
- waitconfirm = 0;
- gcphase = MARKPHASE;
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES - 1; i++) {
- // send GC start messages to all cores
- send_msg_1(i, GCSTART);
- }
- bool isfirst = true;
- bool allStall = false;
- // mark phase
- while(MARKPHASE == gcphase) {
- mark(isfirst, stackptr);
- if(isfirst) {
- isfirst = false;
- }
- // check gcstatus
- checkMarkStatue();
- } // while(MARKPHASE == gcphase)
- // send msgs to all cores requiring large objs info
- numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- send_msg_1(i, GCLOBJREQUEST);
- }
- while(numconfirm != 0) {} // wait for responses
- if(!cacheLObjs()) {
- // no enough space to cache large objs
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xd001);
- }
- int numpbc = loadbalance();
- if((gcheapdirection) && (0 <= gctopcore)
- || ((!gcheapdirection) && (0 == gctopcore))) {
- gcstopblock = numpbc + 1;
- } else {
- gcstopblock = numpbc;
- }
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- //send start compact messages to all cores
- if((gcheapdirection) && (i <= gctopcore)
- || ((!gcheapdirection) && (i >= gctopcore))) {
- send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc+1);
- } else {
- send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc);
- }
- }
- // compact phase
- compact();
- gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
- while(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) {
- // check the status of all cores
- allStall = true;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(allStall) {
- // restore the gcstatus of all cores
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- gccorestatus[i] = 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- } // while(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase)
- // move largeObjs
- moveLObjs();
- gcphase = FLUSHPHASE;
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- // send start flush messages to all cores
- send_msg_1(i, GCSTARTFLUSH);
- }
- // flush phase
- flush();
- gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
- while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase) {
- // check the status of all cores
- allStall = true;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(allStall) {
- break;
- }
- } // while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase)
- gcphase = FINISHPHASE;
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- // send gc finish messages to all cores
- send_msg_1(i, GCFINISH);
- }
- // need to create free memory list
- updateFreeMemList();
- } else {
- gcprocessing = true;
- gc_collect(stackptr);
- }
- // invalidate all shared mem pointers
- bamboo_cur_msp = NULL;
- bamboo_smem_size = 0;
- gcflag = false;
- gcprocessing = false;
-} // void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
// enqueue root objs
inline void tomark(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
if(MARKPHASE != gcphase) {
} // while(MARKPHASE == gcphase)
} // mark()
+inline void compact2Heaptop() {
+ // no cores with spare mem and some cores are blocked with pending move
+ // find the current heap top and make them move to the heap top
+ int p;
+ if(gcheapdirection) {
+ gctopcore++;
+ } else {
+ gctopcore--;
+ }
+ int numblocks = gcfilledblocks[gctopcore];
+ BASEPTR(gctopcore, numblocks, &p);
+ int b;
+ BLOCKINDEX(p, &b);
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++) {
+ if((gccorestatus[i] != 0) && (gcrequiredmems[i] > 0)) {
+ int memneed = gcrequiredmems[i] + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ if(STARTUPCORE == i) {
+ gctomove = true;
+ gcmovestartaddr = p;
+ gcdstcore = gctopcore;
+ gcblock2fill = numblocks + 1;
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4(i, GCMOVESTART, gctopcore, p, numblocks + 1);
+ }
+ if(memneed < remain) {
+ p += memneed;
+ gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
+ gcmovepending--;
+ gcloads[gctopcore] += memneed;
+ } else {
+ // next available block
+ p += remain;
+ gcfilledblocks[gctopcore] += 1;
+ int newbase = 0;
+ BASEPTR(gctopcore, gcfilledblocks[gctopcore], &newbase);
+ gcloads[gctopcore] = newbase;
+ gcrequiredmems[i] -= remain - BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ gcstopblock[gctopcore]++;
+ if(gcheapdirection) {
+ gctopcore++;
+ } else {
+ gctopcore--;
+ }
+ numblocks = gcstopblock[gctopcore];
+ BASEPTR(gctopcore, numblocks, &p);
+ BLOCKINDEX(p, &p);
+ } // if(memneed < remain)
+ } // if((gccorestatus[i] != 0) && (gcrequiredmems[i] > 0))
+ } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++)
+} // void compact2Heaptop()
+inline void resolvePendingMoveRequest() {
+ int i;
+ int j;
+ bool nosparemem = true;
+ bool haspending = false;
+ bool hasrunning = false;
+ bool noblock = false;
+ int dstcore = 0;
+ int sourcecore = 0;
+ for(i = j = 0; (i < NUMCORES) && (j < NUMCORES);) {
+ if(nosparemem) {
+ // check if there are cores with spare mem
+ if(gccorestatus[i] == 0) {
+ // finished working, check if it still have spare mem
+ if(gcfilledblocks[i] < gcstopblock[i]) {
+ // still have spare mem
+ nosparemem = false;
+ dstcore = i;
+ } else {
+ i++;
+ } // if(gcfilledblocks[i] < gcstopblock[i]) else ...
+ }
+ } // if(nosparemem)
+ if(!haspending) {
+ if(gccorestatus[j] != 0) {
+ // not finished, check if it has pending move requests
+ if((gcfilledblocks[j]==gcstopblock[j])&&(gcrequiredmems[j]>0)) {
+ sourcecore = j;
+ haspending = true;
+ } else {
+ j++;
+ hasrunning = true;
+ } // if((gcfilledblocks[i] == gcstopblock[i])...) else ...
+ } // if(gccorestatus[i] == 0) else ...
+ } // if(!haspending)
+ if(!nosparemem && haspending) {
+ // find match
+ int tomove = 0;
+ int startaddr = 0;
+ gcrequiredmems[dstcore] = assignSpareMem(sourcecore,
+ gcrequiredmems[dstcore],
+ &tomove,
+ &startaddr);
+ if(STARTUPCORE == dstcore) {
+ gcdstcore = sourcecore;
+ gctomove = true;
+ gcmovestartaddr = startaddr;
+ gcblock2fill = tomove;
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4(dstcore, GCMOVESTART, sourcecore, startaddr, tomove);
+ }
+ if(gcrequiredmems[dstcore] == 0) {
+ gcmovepending--;
+ }
+ nosparemem = true;
+ haspending = false;
+ noblock = true;
+ }
+ } // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; i++)
+ if(!hasrunning && !noblock) {
+ compact2Heaptop();
+ }
+} // void resovePendingMoveRequest()
struct moveHelper {
int numblocks; // block num for heap
INTPTR base; // base virtual address of current heap block
return false;
} //bool moveobj(struct moveHelper* orig,struct moveHelper* to,int* endaddr)
+inline int assignSpareMem(int sourcecore,
+ int * requiredmem,
+ int * tomove,
+ int * startaddr) {
+ int b = 0;
+ BLOCKINDEX(gcloads[sourcecore], &b);
+ int boundptr = b<NUMCORES?(b+1)*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L
+ int remain = boundptr - gcloads[sourcecore];
+ int memneed = requiredmem + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ *startaddr = gcloads[sourcecore];
+ *tomove = gcfilledblocks[sourcecore] + 1;
+ if(memneed < remain) {
+ gcloads[sourcecore] += memneed;
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ // next available block
+ gcfilledblocks[sourcecore] += 1;
+ int newbase = 0;
+ BASEPTR(sourcecore, gcfilledblocks[sourcecore], &newbase);
+ gcloads[sourcecore] = newbase;
+ return requiredmem-remain;
+ }
inline bool findSpareMem(int * startaddr,
int * tomove,
- int requiredmem) {
+ int * dstcore,
+ int requiredmem,
+ int requiredcore) {
for(int k = 0; k < NUMCORES; k++) {
- if((gccorestatus[k] == 0) && (gcnumblocks[k] < gcstopblock)) {
+ if((gccorestatus[k] == 0) && (gcfilledblocks[k] < gcstopblock[k])) {
// check if this stopped core has enough mem
- int b = 0;
- BLOCKINDEX(gcloads[k], &b);
- int boundptr = b<NUMCORES?(b+1)*BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE_L
- int remain = boundptr - gcloads[k];
- *tomove = requiredmem + BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
- *startaddr = gcloads[k];
- if(*tomove < remain) {
- gcloads[k] += *tomove;
- } else {
- // next available block
- gcnumblocks[k] += 1;
- int newbase = 0;
- BASEPTR(k, gcnumblocks[k], &newbase);
- gcloads[k] = newbase;
- *tomove = remain;
- }
+ assignSpareMem(k, requiredmem, tomove, startaddr);
+ *dstcore = k;
return true;
- // TODO if can not find spare mem right now, hold the request
+ // if can not find spare mem right now, hold the request
+ gcrequiredmems[requiredcore] = requiredmem;
+ gcmovepending++;
return false;
-inline void compact() {
- if(COMPACTPHASE != gcphase) {
- BAMBOO_EXIT(0xb003);
- }
- INTPTR heaptopptr = 0;
+} //bool findSpareMem(int* startaddr,int* tomove,int mem,int core)
- // initialize pointers for comapcting
- struct moveHelper * orig =
- (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
- struct moveHelper * to =
- (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
- initOrig_Dst(orig, to);
+inline bool compacthelper(struct moveHelper * orig,
+ struct moveHelper * to,
+ int * filledblocks,
+ int * heaptopptr,
+ bool * localcompact) {
// scan over all objs in this block, compact the marked objs
// loop stop when finishing either scanning all active objs or
// fulfilled the gcstopblock
do {
- bool stop = moveobj(orig, to, gcstopblock);
+ bool stop = moveobj(orig, to, gcblock2fill);
if(stop) {
} while(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound);
// fill the header of this block
(*((int*)(to->base))) = to->offset;
- heaptopptr = to->ptr;
+ if(*localcompact) {
+ *heaptopptr = to->ptr;
+ *filledblocks = to->numblocks;
+ }
// send msgs to core coordinator indicating that the compact is finishing
// send compact finish message to core coordinator
- gcnumblocks[0] = to->numblocks;
+ gcfilledblocks[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *filledblocks;
+ gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = *heaptopptr;
if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
// ask for more mem
gctomove = false;
- if(findSpareMem(&gcmovestartaddr, &gcstopblock, curr_heaptop)) {
+ if(findSpareMem(&gcmovestartaddr, &gcblock2fill, &gcdstcore,
+ curr_heaptop, BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE)) {
gctomove = true;
} else {
- // TODO hold the request
+ return false;
} else {
gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
- gcloads[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = to->ptr;
+ return true;
} else {
if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
// ask for more mem
gctomove = false;
- to->numblocks, 0, curr_heaptop);
+ *filledblocks, *heaptopptr, curr_heaptop);
} else {
// finish compacting
- to->numblocks, 1, to->ptr);
+ *filledblocks, *heaptopptr, 0);
if(orig->ptr < gcmarkedptrbound) {
// still have unpacked obj
while(!gctomove) {};
+ gctomove = false;
to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
- to->numblocks = gcstopblock - 1;
+ to->numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
to->bound = (to->numblocks==0)?
to->ptr += to->offset; // for header
to->top += to->offset;
+ if(gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
+ *localcompact = true;
+ } else {
+ *localcompact = false;
+ }
goto innercompact;
- // TODO finish?
+ return true;
+} // void compacthelper()
+inline void compact() {
+ if(COMPACTPHASE != gcphase) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xb003);
+ }
+ // initialize pointers for comapcting
+ struct moveHelper * orig =
+ (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
+ struct moveHelper * to =
+ (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
+ initOrig_Dst(orig, to);
+ int filledblocks = 0;
+ INTPTR heaptopptr = 0;
+ bool localcompact = true;
+ compacthelper(orig, to, &filledblocks, &heaptopptr, &localcompact);
while(FINISHPHASE != gcphase) {}
} // void gc_collect(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
+inline void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr) {
+ // check if do gc
+ if(!gcflag) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // core coordinator routine
+ if(0 == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
+ if(!preGC()) {
+ // not ready to do gc
+ gcflag = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ initGC();
+ gcprocessing = true;
+ int i = 0;
+ waitconfirm = false;
+ waitconfirm = 0;
+ gcphase = MARKPHASE;
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES - 1; i++) {
+ // send GC start messages to all cores
+ send_msg_1(i, GCSTART);
+ }
+ bool isfirst = true;
+ bool allStall = false;
+ // mark phase
+ while(MARKPHASE == gcphase) {
+ mark(isfirst, stackptr);
+ if(isfirst) {
+ isfirst = false;
+ }
+ // check gcstatus
+ checkMarkStatue();
+ } // while(MARKPHASE == gcphase)
+ // send msgs to all cores requiring large objs info
+ numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ send_msg_1(i, GCLOBJREQUEST);
+ }
+ while(numconfirm != 0) {} // wait for responses
+ // cache all large objs
+ if(!cacheLObjs()) {
+ // no enough space to cache large objs
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xd001);
+ }
+ // predict number of blocks to fill for each core
+ int numpbc = loadbalance();
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ //send start compact messages to all cores
+ if((gcheapdirection) && (i < gctopcore)
+ || ((!gcheapdirection) && (i > gctopcore))) {
+ gcstopblock[i] =numpbc + 1;
+ if(i != STARTUPCORE) {
+ send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc+1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gcstopblock[i] = numpbc;
+ if(i != STARTUPCORE) {
+ send_msg_2(i, GCSTARTCOMPACT, numpbc);
+ }
+ }
+ // init some data strutures for compact phase
+ gcloads[i] = 0;
+ gcfilledblocks[i] = 0;
+ gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
+ }
+ // compact phase
+ bool finalcompact = false;
+ // initialize pointers for comapcting
+ struct moveHelper * orig =
+ (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
+ struct moveHelper * to =
+ (struct moveHelper *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct moveHelper));
+ initOrig_Dst(orig, to);
+ int filledblocks = 0;
+ INTPTR heaptopptr = 0;
+ bool finishcompact = false;
+ bool iscontinue = true;
+ while((COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) || (SUBTLECOMPACTPHASE == gcphase)) {
+ if((!finishcompact) && iscontinue) {
+ finishcompact = compacthelper(orig, to, &filledblocks,
+ &heaptopptr, &localcompact);
+ }
+ if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) {
+ // all cores have finished compacting
+ // restore the gcstatus of all cores
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ gccorestatus[i] = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // check if there are spare mem for pending move requires
+ if(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) {
+ resolvePendingMoveRequest();
+ } else {
+ compact2Heaptop();
+ }
+ } // if(gc_checkCoreStatus()) else ...
+ if(gctomove) {
+ to->ptr = gcmovestartaddr;
+ to->numblocks = gcblock2fill - 1;
+ to->bound = (to->numblocks==0)?
+ BASEPTR(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE, to->numblocks, &(to->base));
+ to->offset = to->ptr - to->base;
+ to->top = (to->numblocks==0)?
+ (to->offset):(to->bound-BAMBOO_SMEM_SIZE+to->offset);
+ to->base = to->ptr;
+ to->offset = BAMBOO_CACHE_LINE_SIZE;
+ to->ptr += to->offset; // for header
+ to->top += to->offset;
+ if(gcdstcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
+ *localcompact = true;
+ } else {
+ *localcompact = false;
+ }
+ gctomove = false;
+ iscontinue = true;
+ } else if(!finishcompact) {
+ // still pending
+ iscontinue = false;
+ } // if(gctomove)
+ } // while(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase)
+ // move largeObjs
+ moveLObjs();
+ gcphase = FLUSHPHASE;
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ // send start flush messages to all cores
+ send_msg_1(i, GCSTARTFLUSH);
+ }
+ // flush phase
+ flush();
+ gccorestatus[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE] = 0;
+ while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase) {
+ // check the status of all cores
+ allStall = true;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ if(gccorestatus[i] != 0) {
+ allStall = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(allStall) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } // while(FLUSHPHASE == gcphase)
+ gcphase = FINISHPHASE;
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ // send gc finish messages to all cores
+ send_msg_1(i, GCFINISH);
+ }
+ // need to create free memory list
+ updateFreeMemList();
+ } else {
+ gcprocessing = true;
+ gc_collect(stackptr);
+ }
+ // invalidate all shared mem pointers
+ bamboo_cur_msp = NULL;
+ bamboo_smem_size = 0;
+ gcflag = false;
+ gcprocessing = false;
+} // void gc(struct garbagelist * stackptr)
int numenterflags);
inline void initruntimedata() {
+ int i;
// initialize the arrays
// startup core to initialize corestatus[]
gcnumsendobjs[i] = 0;
gcnumreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
gcloads[i] = 0;
+ gcrequiredmems[i] = 0;
+ gcstopblock[i] = 0;
} // for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i)
numconfirm = 0;
gcheaptop = 0;
gctopcore = 0;
gcheapdirection = 1;
- gcstopblock = 0;
gcreservedsb = 0;
gcmovestartaddr = 0;
gctomove = false;
gcstopblock = 0;
- // initialize queue
- if (gchead==NULL) {
- gcheadindex=0;
- gctailindex=0;
- gctailindex2 = 0;
- gchead=gctail=gctail2=malloc(sizeof(struct pointerblock));
- }
- // initialize the large obj queues
- if (gclobjhead==NULL) {
- gclobjheadindex=0;
- gclobjtailindex=0;
- gclobjtailindex2 = 0;
- gclobjhead=gclobjtail=gclobjtail2=
- malloc(sizeof(struct lobjpointerblock));
- }
+ gchead = gctail = gctail2 = NULL;
+ gclobjhead = gclobjtail = gclobjtail2 = NULL;
+ gcheadindex=0;
+ gctailindex=0;
+ gctailindex2 = 0;
+ gclobjheadindex=0;
+ gclobjtailindex=0;
+ gclobjtailindex2 = 0;
+ gcmovepending = 0;
+ gcblocks2fill = 0;
// create the lock table, lockresult table and obj queue
locktable.size = 20;
return rflag;
-inline void checkCoreStatue() {
+inline void checkCoreStatus() {
bool allStall = false;
int i = 0;
int sumsendobj = 0;
struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(int index) {
struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=FREEMALLOC(classsize[TAGTYPE]);
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=FREEMALLOC(classsize[TAGTYPE]);
return v;
if(freemem != NULL) {
void * mem = (void *)(freemem->ptr);
*allocsize = size;
- freemem->ptr += size;
+ freemem->ptr = ((void*)freemem->ptr) + size;
freemem->size -= size;
// check how many blocks it acrosses
int b = 0;
// a compact phase start msg
- gcstopblock = msgdata[1];
+ gcblocks2fill = msgdata[1];
- }
- if(msgdata[1] < NUMCORES) {
- gcnumblocks[msgdata[1]] = msgdata[2];
- if(msgdata[3] == 0) {
+ }
+ int cnum = msgdata[1];
+ int filledblocks = msgdata[2];
+ int heaptop = msgdata[3];
+ int data4 = msgdata[4];
+ if(cnum < NUMCORES) {
+ if(COMPACTPHASE == gcphase) {
+ gcfilledblocks[cnum] = filledblocks;
+ gcloads[cnum] = heaptop;
+ }
+ if(data4 > 0) {
// ask for more mem
int startaddr = 0;
int tomove = 0;
- if(findSpareMem(&startaddr, &tomove, msgdata[2])) {
- send_msg_4(msgdata[1], GCMOVESTART, k, startaddr, tomove);
- } else {
- // TODO if not success
+ int dstcore = 0;
+ if(findSpareMem(&startaddr, &tomove, &dstcore, data4, cnum)) {
+ send_msg_4(cnum, GCMOVESTART, dstcore, startaddr, tomove);
} else {
- gccorestatus[msgdata[1]] = 0;
- gcloads[msgdata[1]] = msgdata[4];
- }
- }
+ gccorestatus[cnum] = 0;
+ // check if there is pending move request
+ if(gcmovepending > 0) {
+ int j;
+ for(j = 0; j < NUMCORES; j++) {
+ if(gcrequiredmems[j]>0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(j < NUMCORES) {
+ // find match
+ int tomove = 0;
+ int startaddr = 0;
+ gcrequiredmems[j] = assignSpareMem(cnum,
+ gcrequiredmems[j],
+ &tomove,
+ &startaddr);
+ if(STARTUPCORE == j) {
+ gcdstcore = cnum;
+ gctomove = true;
+ gcmovestartaddr = startaddr;
+ gcblock2fill = tomove;
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4(j, GCMOVESTART, cnum, startaddr, tomove);
+ } // if(STARTUPCORE == j)
+ if(gcrequiredmems[j] == 0) {
+ gcmovepending--;
+ }
+ } // if(j < NUMCORES)
+ } // if(gcmovepending > 0)
+ } // if(flag == 0)
+ } // if(cnum < NUMCORES)
// received a start moving objs msg
gctomove = true;
+ gcdstcore = msgdata[1];
gcmovestartaddr = msgdata[2];
- gcstopblock = msgdata[3];
+ gcblock2fill = msgdata[3];
int containstag(struct ___Object___ *ptr,
struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tag);
+void releasewritelock_r(void * lock, void * redirectlock) {
+ int targetcore = 0;
+ int reallock = (int)lock;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if(targetcore == BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // reside on this core
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
+ // no locks for this object, something is wrong
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01d);
+ } else {
+ int rwlock_obj = 0;
+ struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, reallock, &rwlock_obj);
+ lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)rwlock_obj;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ lockvalue->value++;
+ lockvalue->redirectlock = (int)redirectlock;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // send lock release with redirect info msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, REDIRECTRELEASE, 1, (int)lock, (int)redirectlock);
+ }
void executetasks() {
void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS+OFFSET];
int numparams=0;
for(i = 0; i < locklen; ++i) {
- void * ptr = (void *)(locks[i].redirectlock);
+ void * ptr = (void *)(locks[i].redirectlock);
int * lock = (int *)(locks[i].value);
#ifdef DEBUG
if(RuntimeHashcontainskey(lockRedirectTbl, (int)lock)) {
int redirectlock;
RuntimeHashget(lockRedirectTbl, (int)lock, &redirectlock);
RuntimeHashremovekey(lockRedirectTbl, (int)lock);
releasewritelock_r(lock, (int *)redirectlock);
} else {
+ {