CDS (Concurrent Data Structures) C++ library\r
CDS library is (mostly) header-only template library. The shared library contains only garbage collector's core implementation.\r
-CDS contains implementation of some well-known lock-free and fine-grained data structures:\r
+Download the latest release from\r
+The library contains implementation of some well-known lock-free and fine-grained data structures:\r
[1986] R. K. Treiber. Systems programming: Coping with parallelism. Technical Report RJ 5118, IBM Almaden Research Center, April 1986.\r
- Elimination back-off implementation is based on idea from\r
+ Elimination back-off implementation is based on idea from\r
[2004] Danny Hendler, Nir Shavit, Lena Yerushalmi "A Scalable Lock-free Stack Algorithm"\r