Map<TripleItem, String> mapIntermediateLoc = new HashMap<TripleItem, String>();
for (Iterator iterator = nodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
HNode node = (HNode);
+ System.out.println("-node=" + node);
if (node.isSkeleton() && (!visited.contains(node))) {
if (!outNode.isSkeleton()) {
if (outNode.isCombinationNode()) {
// expand the combination node 'outNode'
- System.out.println("-COMBINATION NODE=" + outNode);
// here we need to expand the corresponding combination location in the lattice
HNode combinationNodeInSCGraph = getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, outNode);
Set<HNode> combineSkeletonNodeSet =
- System.out.println("combineSkeletonNodeSet=" + combineSkeletonNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("combineSkeletonNodeSet=" + combineSkeletonNodeSet);
Set<HNode> combinationNodeSet =
- System.out.println("combinationNodeSet=" + combinationNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("combinationNodeSet=" + combinationNodeSet);
Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
- System.out.println("-endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
+ // System.out.println("-endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph);
Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
HNode endNode = (HNode);
endCombNodeSet.add(getCombinationNodeInSCGraph(desc, endNode));
- System.out.println("-endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("-endCombNodeSet=" + endCombNodeSet);
// follows the straight line up to another skeleton/combination node
} else {
// we have a node that is neither combination or skeleton node
- System.out.println("skeleton node=" + node + " outNode=" + outNode);
+ // System.out.println("skeleton node=" + node + " outNode=" + outNode);
HNode startNode = scGraph.getCurrentHNode(node);
// if (node.getDescriptor() != null) {
Set<HNode> endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph =
simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(outNode, null);
- System.out.println("endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph
- + " from=" + outNode);
+ // System.out.println("endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph=" + endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph
+ // + " from=" + outNode);
Set<HNode> endCombNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
for (Iterator iterator3 = endNodeSetFromSimpleGraph.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
HNode endNode = (HNode);
} else if (!node.isSkeleton() && !node.isCombinationNode() && !node.isMergeNode()
&& !visited.contains(node)) {
// an intermediate node 'node' may be located between "TOP" location and a skeleton node
- // but there is no such a case.
+ Set<HNode> outNodeSet =
+ simpleGraph.getDirectlyReachableSkeletonCombinationNodeFrom(node, null);
// Set<HNode> outNodeSet = simpleGraph.getOutgoingNodeSet(node);
- // Set<String> belowSkeletonLocNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
- // for (Iterator iterator2 = outNodeSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- // HNode outNode = (HNode);
- // if (outNode.isSkeleton()) {
- // belowSkeletonLocNameSet.add(scGraph.getCurrentHNode(outNode).getName());
- // }
+ System.out.println("this case? node=" + node + " outNodeSet=" + outNodeSet);
+ Set<String> belowSkeletonLocNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
+ Set<HNode> belowSCNodeSet = new HashSet<HNode>();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = outNodeSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ HNode outNode = (HNode);
+ if (outNode.isSkeleton()) {
+ belowSCNodeSet.add(scGraph.getCurrentHNode(outNode));
+ belowSkeletonLocNameSet.add(scGraph.getCurrentHNode(outNode).getName());
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("-belowSkeletonLocNameSet=" + belowSkeletonLocNameSet);
+ if (belowSkeletonLocNameSet.size() > 0) {
+ int count = simpleGraph.countHopFromTopLocation(node);
+ System.out.println("---count=" + count);
+ TripleItem item = new TripleItem(null, belowSCNodeSet, count);
+ if (!mapIntermediateLoc.containsKey(item)) {
+ String newLocName = "ILOC" + (seed++);
+ mapIntermediateLoc.put(item, newLocName);
+ lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(lattice.getTopItem(), belowSkeletonLocNameSet,
+ newLocName);
+ locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(node.getName(), newLocName);
+ } else {
+ String locName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
+ locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(node.getName(), locName);
+ }
+ // if (!mapBelowNameSetToILOCName.containsKey(belowSkeletonLocNameSet)) {
+ // String newLocName = "ILOC" + (seed++);
+ // mapBelowNameSetToILOCName.put(belowSkeletonLocNameSet, newLocName);
+ // lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(lattice.getTopItem(), belowSkeletonLocNameSet,
+ // newLocName);
+ // locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(node.getName(), newLocName);
+ // } else {
+ // String ilocName = mapBelowNameSetToILOCName.get(belowSkeletonLocNameSet);
+ // locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(node.getName(), ilocName);
+ // }
+ }
+ // else {
+ // System.out.println("---LocName=" + newLocName);
+ // lattice.put(newLocName);
// }
- // String newLocName = "ILOC" + (seed++);
- // lattice.insertNewLocationBetween(lattice.getTopItem(), belowSkeletonLocNameSet,
- // newLocName);
- // locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(node.getName(), newLocName);
} else {
HNode newEndNode =
getDirectlyReachableNodeFromStartNodeReachToEndNode(scGraph, startNode, endNode);
- System.out.println("#### old END NODE=" + endNode + " --->" + newEndNode);
+ // System.out.println("#### old END NODE=" + endNode + " --->" + newEndNode);
- System.out.println("removeTransitivelyReachToNode=" + endNodeSet + " newSet=" + newEndNodeSet);
+ // System.out.println("removeTransitivelyReachToNode=" + endNodeSet + " newSet=" +
+ // newEndNodeSet);
return newEndNodeSet;
if (inNode.equals(startNode)) {
} else {
- System.out.println("inNode=" + inNode);
+ // System.out.println("inNode=" + inNode);
recurDirectlyReachableNodeFromStartNodeReachToEndNode(scGraph, startNode, inNode, connected);
int idx, LocationSummary locSummary, HNode curNode) {
TripleItem item = new TripleItem(startNode, endNodeSet, idx);
- System.out.println("item=" + item);
+ // System.out.println("item=" + item);
if (!mapIntermediateLoc.containsKey(item)) {
// need to create a new intermediate location in the lattice
String newLocName = "ILOC" + (seed++);
String locName = mapIntermediateLoc.get(item);
locSummary.addMapHNodeNameToLocationName(curNode.getName(), locName);
- System.out.println("-TripleItem=" + item);
- System.out.println("-curNode=" + curNode.getName() + " locName=" + locName);
+ // System.out.println("-TripleItem=" + item);
+ // System.out.println("-curNode=" + curNode.getName() + " locName=" + locName);
HierarchyGraph graph = infer.getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
Set<HNode> outSet = graph.getOutgoingNodeSet(curNode);
resetCount(mapFtoCount, family);
- System.out.println("mapImSucc=" + mapImSucc);
+ // System.out.println("mapImSucc=" + mapImSucc);
return mapImSucc;
private void debug_print(HierarchyGraph inputGraph) {
System.out.println("\nBuild Lattice:" + inputGraph.getName());
- System.out.println("Node2Index:\n" + inputGraph.getMapHNodeToUniqueIndex());
- System.out.println("Node2Basis:\n" + inputGraph.getMapHNodeToBasis());
+ // System.out.println("Node2Index:\n" + inputGraph.getMapHNodeToUniqueIndex());
+ // System.out.println("Node2Basis:\n" + inputGraph.getMapHNodeToBasis());
public int hashCode() {
- return higherNode.hashCode() + lowerNodeSet.hashCode() + idx;
+ int h = 0;
+ if (higherNode != null) {
+ h = higherNode.hashCode();
+ }
+ return h + lowerNodeSet.hashCode() + idx;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof TripleItem) {
TripleItem in = (TripleItem) obj;
- if (higherNode.equals(in.higherNode) && lowerNodeSet.equals(in.lowerNodeSet) && idx == in.idx) {
+ if ((higherNode == null || (higherNode != null && higherNode.equals(in.higherNode)))
+ && lowerNodeSet.equals(in.lowerNodeSet) && idx == in.idx) {
return true;
public static final String INTERLOC = "INTERLOC";
+ public static final String PCLOC = "PCLOC";
public static final Descriptor GLOBALDESC = new NameDescriptor(GLOBALLOC);
public static final Descriptor TOPDESC = new NameDescriptor(TOPLOC);
+ // calculate RETURNLOC,PCLOC
+ calculateExtraLocations();
+ // System.exit(0);
+ updateCompositeLocationAssignments();
// 2) construct lattices
- inferLattices();
+ // inferLattices();
// simplifyLattices();
// 3) check properties
- checkLattices();
+ // checkLattices();
// calculate RETURNLOC,PCLOC
private void assignCompositeLocation() {
- _debug_printGraph();
private void translateCompositeLocationAssignmentToFlowGraph() {
MethodDescriptor methodEventLoopDesc = ssjava.getMethodContainingSSJavaLoop();
+ _debug_printGraph();
+ }
+ private void updateCompositeLocationAssignments() {
+ LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> methodDescList =
+ (LinkedList<MethodDescriptor>) toanalyze_methodDescList.clone();
+ while (!methodDescList.isEmpty()) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = methodDescList.removeLast();
+ GlobalFlowGraph globalFlowGraph = getSubGlobalFlowGraph(md);
+ FlowGraph flowGraph = getFlowGraph(md);
+ Set<FlowNode> nodeSet = flowGraph.getNodeSet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = nodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode node = (FlowNode);
+ if (node.getCompositeLocation() != null) {
+ CompositeLocation compLoc = node.getCompositeLocation();
+ CompositeLocation updatedCompLoc = updateCompositeLocation(compLoc);
+ node.setCompositeLocation(updatedCompLoc);
+ } else {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> descTuple = node.getDescTuple();
+ CompositeLocation compLoc = convertToCompositeLocation(md, descTuple);
+ node.setCompositeLocation(compLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private CompositeLocation updateCompositeLocation(CompositeLocation compLoc) {
+ CompositeLocation updatedCompLoc = new CompositeLocation();
+ for (int i = 0; i < compLoc.getSize(); i++) {
+ Location loc = compLoc.get(i);
+ String nodeIdentifier = loc.getLocIdentifier();
+ Descriptor enclosingDesc = loc.getDescriptor();
+ LocationSummary locSummary = getLocationSummary(enclosingDesc);
+ String locName = locSummary.getLocationName(nodeIdentifier);
+ Location updatedLoc = new Location(enclosingDesc, locName);
+ updatedCompLoc.addLocation(updatedLoc);
+ }
+ return updatedCompLoc;
private void translateCompositeLocationAssignmentToFlowGraph(MethodDescriptor mdCaller) {
for (int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < flowGraph.getNumParameters(); paramIdx++) {
FlowNode flowNode = flowGraph.getParamFlowNode(paramIdx);
- NTuple<Descriptor> descTuple = flowNode.getDescTuple();
- CompositeLocation assignedCompLoc = flowNode.getCompositeLocation();
- CompositeLocation inferredCompLoc;
- if (assignedCompLoc != null) {
- inferredCompLoc = translateCompositeLocation(assignedCompLoc);
- } else {
- Descriptor locDesc = descTuple.get(0);
- Location loc = new Location(md, locDesc.getSymbol());
- loc.setLocDescriptor(locDesc);
- inferredCompLoc = new CompositeLocation(loc);
- }
+ CompositeLocation inferredCompLoc = flowNode.getCompositeLocation();
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> descTuple = flowNode.getDescTuple();
+ //
+ // CompositeLocation assignedCompLoc = flowNode.getCompositeLocation();
+ // CompositeLocation inferredCompLoc;
+ // if (assignedCompLoc != null) {
+ // inferredCompLoc = translateCompositeLocation(assignedCompLoc);
+ // } else {
+ // Descriptor locDesc = descTuple.get(0);
+ // Location loc = new Location(md, locDesc.getSymbol());
+ // loc.setLocDescriptor(locDesc);
+ // inferredCompLoc = new CompositeLocation(loc);
+ // }
System.out.println("-paramIdx=" + paramIdx + " infer=" + inferredCompLoc);
+ System.out.println("-flowNode inferLoc=" + flowNode.getCompositeLocation());
methodSummary.addMapParamIdxToInferLoc(paramIdx, inferredCompLoc);
+ private boolean hasOrderingRelation(NTuple<Location> locTuple1, NTuple<Location> locTuple2) {
+ int size = locTuple1.size() >= locTuple2.size() ? locTuple2.size() : locTuple1.size();
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
+ Location loc1 = locTuple1.get(idx);
+ Location loc2 = locTuple2.get(idx);
+ Descriptor desc1 = loc1.getDescriptor();
+ Descriptor desc2 = loc2.getDescriptor();
+ if (!desc1.equals(desc2)) {
+ throw new Error("Fail to compare " + locTuple1 + " and " + locTuple2);
+ }
+ Descriptor locDesc1 = loc1.getLocDescriptor();
+ Descriptor locDesc2 = loc2.getLocDescriptor();
+ HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = getHierarchyGraph(desc1);
+ HNode node1 = hierarchyGraph.getHNode(locDesc1);
+ HNode node2 = hierarchyGraph.getHNode(locDesc2);
+ System.out.println("---node1=" + node1 + " node2=" + node2);
+ System.out.println("---hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2)="
+ + hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2));
+ if (locDesc1.equals(locDesc2)) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (!hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2).contains(node1)
+ && !hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node1).contains(node2)) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private boolean isHigherThan(NTuple<Location> locTuple1, NTuple<Location> locTuple2) {
+ int size = locTuple1.size() >= locTuple2.size() ? locTuple2.size() : locTuple1.size();
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++) {
+ Location loc1 = locTuple1.get(idx);
+ Location loc2 = locTuple2.get(idx);
+ Descriptor desc1 = loc1.getDescriptor();
+ Descriptor desc2 = loc2.getDescriptor();
+ if (!desc1.equals(desc2)) {
+ throw new Error("Fail to compare " + locTuple1 + " and " + locTuple2);
+ }
+ Descriptor locDesc1 = loc1.getLocDescriptor();
+ Descriptor locDesc2 = loc2.getLocDescriptor();
+ HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = getHierarchyGraph(desc1);
+ HNode node1 = hierarchyGraph.getHNode(locDesc1);
+ HNode node2 = hierarchyGraph.getHNode(locDesc2);
+ System.out.println("---node1=" + node1 + " node2=" + node2);
+ System.out.println("---hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2)="
+ + hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2));
+ if (locDesc1.equals(locDesc2)) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (hierarchyGraph.getIncomingNodeSet(node2).contains(node1)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
private CompositeLocation translateCompositeLocation(CompositeLocation compLoc) {
CompositeLocation newCompLoc = new CompositeLocation();
addMapDescToSimpleLattice(desc, simpleLattice);
HierarchyGraph simpleHierarchyGraph = getSimpleHierarchyGraph(desc);
- System.out.println("## insertIntermediateNodesToStraightLine:"
+ System.out.println("\n## insertIntermediateNodesToStraightLine:"
+ simpleHierarchyGraph.getName());
SSJavaLattice<String> lattice =
buildLattice.insertIntermediateNodesToStraightLine(desc, simpleLattice);
+ private void calculateExtraLocations2() {
+ LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> descriptorListToAnalyze = ssjava.getSortedDescriptors();
+ for (Iterator iterator = descriptorListToAnalyze.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor);
+ calculateExtraLocations(md);
+ }
+ }
private void setMethodLocInfo(MethodDescriptor md, MethodLocationInfo methodInfo) {
mapMethodDescToMethodLocationInfo.put(md, methodInfo);
private void calculateExtraLocations(MethodDescriptor md) {
// calcualte pcloc, returnloc,...
+ System.out.println("\nSSJAVA:Calculate extra locations: " + md);
+ SSJavaLattice<String> methodLattice = getMethodLattice(md);
+ MethodSummary methodSummary = getMethodSummary(md);
+ FlowGraph fg = getFlowGraph(md);
+ Set<FlowNode> nodeSet = fg.getNodeSet();
+ // for (Iterator iterator = nodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ // FlowNode flowNode = (FlowNode);
+ // if (flowNode.isDeclaratonNode()) {
+ // CompositeLocation inferLoc = methodInfo.getInferLocation(flowNode.getDescTuple().get(0));
+ // String locIdentifier = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
+ // if (!methodLattice.containsKey(locIdentifier)) {
+ // methodLattice.put(locIdentifier);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ MethodLocationInfo methodInfo = getMethodLocationInfo(md);
+ Map<Integer, CompositeLocation> mapParamToLoc = methodSummary.getMapParamIdxToInferLoc();
+ Set<Integer> paramIdxSet = mapParamToLoc.keySet();
+ if (!ssjava.getMethodContainingSSJavaLoop().equals(md)) {
+ // calculate the initial program counter location
+ // PC location is higher than location types of parameters which has incoming flows.
+ String pcLocSymbol = "PCLOC";
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Location>>();
+ int numParams = fg.getNumParameters();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
+ FlowNode paramFlowNode = fg.getParamFlowNode(i);
+ Descriptor prefix = paramFlowNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
+ // if (fg.getIncomingFlowNodeSet(paramFlowNode).size() > 0) {
+ if (fg.getIncomingNodeSetByPrefix(prefix).size() > 0) {
+ // parameter has in-value flows
+ NTuple<Descriptor> paramDescTuple = paramFlowNode.getCurrentDescTuple();
+ NTuple<Location> paramLocTuple = translateToLocTuple(md, paramDescTuple);
+ paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.add(paramLocTuple);
+ // CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
+ // paramInFlowSet.add(inferLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet=" + paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet);
+ int numParamsWithIncomingValue = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.size();
+ if (paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.size() > 0
+ && numParamsWithIncomingValue == fg.getNumParameters()) {
+ // If the PC loc is going to be higher than all paramters, we dont' need to do anything
+ // Generates a location in the method lattice that is higher than the
+ // paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet
+ NTuple<Location> pcLocTuple = generateLocTupleHigherThan(md, paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet);
+ int pcLocTupleIdx = pcLocTuple.size() - 1;
+ Location pcLoc = pcLocTuple.get(pcLocTupleIdx);
+ Descriptor pcDesc = pcLoc.getLocDescriptor();
+ Descriptor enclosingDesc = pcLocTuple.get(pcLocTupleIdx).getDescriptor();
+ HierarchyGraph hierarchyGraph = getHierarchyGraph(enclosingDesc);
+ HNode pcNode = hierarchyGraph.getHNode(pcDesc);
+ pcNode.setSkeleton(true);
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> paramLocTuple = (NTuple<Location>);
+ Descriptor lowerDesc = paramLocTuple.get(pcLocTupleIdx).getLocDescriptor();
+ hierarchyGraph.addEdge(pcDesc, lowerDesc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // calculate a return location
+ // the return location type is lower than all parameters and location
+ // types of return values
+ if (!md.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
+ // first, generate the set of return value location types that starts
+ // with 'this' reference
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inferFieldReturnLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ Set<FlowNode> paramFlowNodeFlowingToReturnValueSet = getParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(md);
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inferParamLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramFlowNodeFlowingToReturnValueSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode fn = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, getFlowGraph(md).getLocationTuple(fn));
+ inferParamLocSet.add(inferLoc);
+ }
+ Set<FlowNode> returnNodeSet = fg.getReturnNodeSet();
+ skip: for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferReturnLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
+ if (inferReturnLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier().equals("this")) {
+ // if the location type of the return value matches "this" reference
+ // then, check whether this return value is equal to/lower than all
+ // of parameters that possibly flow into the return values
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = inferParamLocSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ CompositeLocation paramInferLoc = (CompositeLocation);
+ if ((!paramInferLoc.equals(inferReturnLoc))
+ && !isGreaterThan(methodLattice, paramInferLoc, inferReturnLoc)) {
+ continue skip;
+ }
+ }
+ inferFieldReturnLocSet.add(inferReturnLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ if (inferFieldReturnLocSet.size() > 0) {
+ CompositeLocation returnLoc = getLowest(methodLattice, inferFieldReturnLocSet);
+ if (returnLoc == null) {
+ // in this case, assign <'this',bottom> to the RETURNLOC
+ returnLoc = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, md.getThis().getSymbol()));
+ returnLoc.addLocation(new Location(md.getClassDesc(), getLattice(md.getClassDesc())
+ .getBottomItem()));
+ }
+ methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLoc);
+ } else {
+ String returnLocSymbol = "RETURNLOC";
+ CompositeLocation returnLocInferLoc =
+ new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, returnLocSymbol));
+ methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLocInferLoc);
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramIdxSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Integer paramIdx = (Integer);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
+ String paramLocLocalSymbol = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
+ if (!methodLattice.isGreaterThan(paramLocLocalSymbol, returnLocSymbol)) {
+ // TODO
+ // addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo,
+ // paramLocLocalSymbol,
+ // returnLocSymbol);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
+ if (!isGreaterThan(methodLattice, inferLoc, returnLocInferLoc)) {
+ // TODO
+ // addRelation(methodLattice, methodInfo, inferLoc,
+ // returnLocInferLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private NTuple<Location> generateLocTupleHigherThan(MethodDescriptor md,
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet) {
+ System.out.println("-generateLocTupleHigherThan=" + paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet);
+ NTuple<Location> higherLocTuple = new NTuple<Location>();
+ VarDescriptor thisVarDesc = md.getThis();
+ // check if all paramter loc tuple is started with 'this' reference
+ boolean hasParamNotStartedWithThisRef = false;
+ int maxSize = 0;
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> paramLocTupleStartedWithThis = new HashSet<NTuple<Location>>();
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> paramLocTuple = (NTuple<Location>);
+ if (!paramLocTuple.get(0).getLocDescriptor().equals(thisVarDesc)) {
+ hasParamNotStartedWithThisRef = true;
+ } else if (paramLocTuple.size() > 1) {
+ paramLocTupleStartedWithThis.add(paramLocTuple);
+ if (maxSize < paramLocTuple.size()) {
+ maxSize = paramLocTuple.size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Descriptor enclosingDesc = md;
+ if (hasParamNotStartedWithThisRef) {
+ // in this case, PCLOC will be the local location
+ } else {
+ // all parameter is started with 'this', so PCLOC will be set relative to the composite
+ // location started with 'this'.
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxSize - 1; idx++) {
+ Set<Descriptor> locDescSet = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
+ Location curLoc = null;
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> paramLocTuple = (NTuple<Location>);
+ curLoc = paramLocTuple.get(idx);
+ Descriptor locDesc = curLoc.getLocDescriptor();
+ locDescSet.add(locDesc);
+ }
+ System.out.println("locDescSet=" + locDescSet + " idx=" + idx);
+ if (locDescSet.size() != 1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Location newLocElement = new Location(curLoc.getDescriptor(), curLoc.getLocDescriptor());
+ higherLocTuple.add(newLocElement);
+ enclosingDesc = getClassTypeDescriptor(curLoc.getLocDescriptor());
+ }
+ }
+ String pcLocIdentifier = PCLOC + (locSeed++);
+ NameDescriptor pcLocDesc = new NameDescriptor(pcLocIdentifier);
+ Location newLoc = new Location(enclosingDesc, pcLocDesc);
+ higherLocTuple.add(newLoc);
+ System.out.println("---higherLocTuple=" + higherLocTuple);
+ return higherLocTuple;
+ }
+ public ClassDescriptor getClassTypeDescriptor(Descriptor in) {
+ if (in instanceof VarDescriptor) {
+ return ((VarDescriptor) in).getType().getClassDesc();
+ } else {/* if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) { */
+ return ((FieldDescriptor) in).getType().getClassDesc();
+ }
+ }
+ private Set<NTuple<Location>> calculateHighestLocTupleSet(
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet) {
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> highestSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Location>>();
+ Iterator<NTuple<Location>> iterator = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.iterator();
+ NTuple<Location> highest =;
+ for (; iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> curLocTuple = (NTuple<Location>);
+ if (isHigherThan(curLocTuple, highest)) {
+ System.out.println(curLocTuple + " is greater than " + highest);
+ highest = curLocTuple;
+ }
+ }
+ highestSet.add(highest);
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) highest.get(0).getDescriptor();
+ VarDescriptor thisVarDesc = md.getThis();
+ System.out.println("highest=" + highest);
+ for (Iterator<NTuple<Location>> iter = paramLocTupleHavingInFlowSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> curLocTuple =;
+ if (!curLocTuple.equals(highest) && !hasOrderingRelation(highest, curLocTuple)) {
+ System.out.println("add it to the highest set=" + curLocTuple);
+ highestSet.add(curLocTuple);
+ }
+ }
+ return highestSet;
+ }
+ private void calculateExtraLocations2(MethodDescriptor md) {
+ // calcualte pcloc, returnloc,...
SSJavaLattice<String> methodLattice = getMethodLattice(md);
MethodLocationInfo methodInfo = getMethodLocationInfo(md);
FlowGraph fg = getFlowGraph(md);
} else if (curDescriptor instanceof NameDescriptor) {
// it is "GLOBAL LOC" case!
enclosingDescriptor = GLOBALDESC;
+ } else if (curDescriptor instanceof InterDescriptor) {
+ enclosingDescriptor = null;
} else {
enclosingDescriptor = ((FieldDescriptor) curDescriptor).getClassDescriptor();
- System.out.println("-convertToCompositeLocation from=" + tuple + " to " + compLoc);
return compLoc;
NTuple<Descriptor> srcCurTuple = srcNode.getCurrentDescTuple();
NTuple<Descriptor> dstCurTuple = dstNode.getCurrentDescTuple();
- System.out.println("srcCurTuple=" + srcCurTuple + " dstCurTuple=" + dstCurTuple);
if (srcCurTuple.get(idx).equals(dstCurTuple.get(idx)) && srcCurTuple.size() > (idx + 1)
&& dstCurTuple.size() > (idx + 1)) {
// value flow between fields: we don't need to add a binary relation
if (idx == 0) {
classDesc = ((VarDescriptor) desc).getType().getClassDesc();
} else {
if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
classDesc = ((FieldDescriptor) desc).getType().getClassDesc();
} else {
- // TODO: need to handle a location descriptor case
- classDesc = null;
+ // this case is that the local variable has a composite location assignment
+ // the following element after the composite location to the local variable
+ // has the enclosing descriptor of the local variable
+ Descriptor localDesc = srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
+ classDesc = ((VarDescriptor) localDesc).getType().getClassDesc();
extractFlowsBetweenFields(classDesc, srcNode, dstNode, idx + 1);
private Set<FlowNode> getParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(MethodDescriptor md) {
+ if (!mapMethodDescToParamNodeFlowsToReturnValue.containsKey(md)) {
+ mapMethodDescToParamNodeFlowsToReturnValue.put(md, new HashSet<FlowNode>());
+ }
return mapMethodDescToParamNodeFlowsToReturnValue.get(md);