VarDescriptor varDesc = (VarDescriptor) srcNodeTuple.get(0);
classDesc = varDesc.getType().getClassDesc();
extractRelationFromFieldFlows(classDesc, srcNode, dstNode, 1);
- } else if (srcNodeTuple.size() == 1 || dstNodeTuple.size() == 1) {
- // for the method lattice, we need to look at the first element of
- // NTuple<Descriptor>
- // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
- addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode, dstNode);
} else {
- if (!srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0).equals(dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0))) {
- // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
- addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode, dstNode);
- } else {
- Descriptor srcDesc = srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
- Descriptor dstDesc = dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
- recursivelyAddCompositeRelation(md, fg, methodInfo, srcNode, dstNode, srcDesc,
- dstDesc);
- // recursiveAddRelationToLattice(1, md, srcNode, dstNode);
- }
+ // value flow between local var - local var or local var - field
+ addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode, dstNode);
+ // else if (srcNodeTuple.size() == 1 || dstNodeTuple.size() == 1) {
+ // // for the method lattice, we need to look at the first element of
+ // // NTuple<Descriptor>
+ // // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
+ // addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode,
+ // dstNode);
+ // } else {
+ // if
+ // (!srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0).equals(dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0)))
+ // {
+ // // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
+ // addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode,
+ // dstNode);
+ // } else {
+ // Descriptor srcDesc = srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
+ // Descriptor dstDesc = dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
+ // recursivelyAddCompositeRelation(md, fg, methodInfo, srcNode,
+ // dstNode, srcDesc,
+ // dstDesc);
+ // // recursiveAddRelationToLattice(1, md, srcNode, dstNode);
+ // }
+ // }
generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, flowGraph.getLocationTuple(srcNode));
CompositeLocation dstInferLoc =
generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, flowGraph.getLocationTuple(dstNode));
addRelation(methodLattice, methodInfo, srcInferLoc, dstInferLoc);
} catch (CyclicFlowException e) {
// there is a cyclic value flow... try to calculate a composite location
throws CyclicFlowException {
Descriptor localVarDesc = flowNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
+ NTuple<Location> flowNodelocTuple = flowGraph.getLocationTuple(flowNode);
if (localVarDesc.equals(methodInfo.getMethodDesc())) {
return false;
SSJavaLattice<String> lattice = getLattice(desc);
LocationInfo locInfo = getLocationInfo(desc);
- CompositeLocation inferLocation = methodInfo.getInferLocation(localVarDesc);
+ CompositeLocation inferLocation =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, flowNodelocTuple);
+ // methodInfo.getInferLocation(localVarDesc);
CompositeLocation newInferLocation = new CompositeLocation();
+ System.out.println("PREV INFER LOCATION=" + inferLocation + " curPrefix="
+ + curPrefix);
if (inferLocation.getTuple().startsWith(curPrefix)) {
// the same infer location is already existed. no need to do
// anything
for (int locIdx = 0; locIdx < curPrefix.size(); locIdx++) {
- Location fieldLoc = new Location(desc, newLocSymbol);
- newInferLocation.addLocation(fieldLoc);
+ Location newLocationElement = new Location(desc, newLocSymbol);
+ newInferLocation.addLocation(newLocationElement);
- if (flowNode.getDescTuple().size() == 1) {
- // maps local variable to location types of the common prefix
- methodInfo.mapDescriptorToLocation(localVarDesc, newInferLocation.clone());
- }
+ // if (flowNode.getDescTuple().size() == 1) {
+ // maps local variable to location types of the common prefix
+ methodInfo.mapDescriptorToLocation(localVarDesc, newInferLocation.clone());
+ // }
// methodInfo.mapDescriptorToLocation(localVarDesc, newInferLocation);
addMapLocSymbolToInferredLocation(methodInfo.getMethodDesc(), localVarDesc,
if (isCompositeLocation(outNodeInferLoc)) {
- // need to make sure that newLocSymbol is higher than the infernode
- // location
System.out.println("--- srcNode=" + flowNode + " dstNode=" + localOutNode);
addRelationToLattice(methodInfo.getMethodDesc(), methodLattice, methodInfo, flowNode,
if (isLHS) {
// need to create an edge from idx to array
for (Iterator<NTuple<Descriptor>> idxIter = idxNodeTupleSet.iterator(); idxIter.hasNext();) {
NTuple<Descriptor> idxTuple =;
for (Iterator<NTuple<Descriptor>> arrIter = expNodeTupleSet.iterator(); arrIter.hasNext();) {
+ NodeTupleSet idxNodeTupleSet = new NodeTupleSet();
if (left instanceof ArrayAccessNode) {
ArrayAccessNode aan = (ArrayAccessNode) left;
left = aan.getExpression();
- analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, aan.getIndex(), nodeSet, base, implicitFlowTupleSet,
- isLHS);
+ analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, aan.getIndex(), idxNodeTupleSet, base,
+ implicitFlowTupleSet, isLHS);
+ nodeSet.addTupleSet(idxNodeTupleSet);
- // fanNodeSet
base =
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, left, nodeSet, base, implicitFlowTupleSet, isLHS);
if (base == null) {
// in this case, field is TOP location
return null;
} else {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> flowFieldTuple = new NTuple<Descriptor>(base.toList());
if (!left.getType().isPrimitive()) {
if (!fd.getSymbol().equals("length")) {
// array.length access, just have the location of the array
- base.add(fd);
+ flowFieldTuple.add(fd);
+ nodeSet.removeTuple(base);
+ getFlowGraph(md).createNewFlowNode(flowFieldTuple);
+ if (isLHS) {
+ for (Iterator<NTuple<Descriptor>> idxIter = idxNodeTupleSet.iterator(); idxIter.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> idxTuple =;
+ getFlowGraph(md).addValueFlowEdge(idxTuple, flowFieldTuple);
+ }
+ }
- getFlowGraph(md).createNewFlowNode(base);
- return base;
+ return flowFieldTuple;