ifSet "timeOfDay", "time", title: "At a Scheduled Time", required: false
- def hideable = anythingSet || app.installationState == "COMPLETE"
+ def hideable = anythingSet //|| app.installationState == "COMPLETE"
def sectionTitle = anythingSet ? "Select additional triggers" : "Play weather report when..."
section(sectionTitle, hideable: hideable, hidden: true){
section("More options", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
input "resumePlaying", "bool", title: "Resume currently playing music after weather report finishes", required: false, defaultValue: true
- href "chooseTrack", title: "Or play this music or radio station", description: song ? state.selectedSong?.station : "Tap to set", state: song ? "complete" : "incomplete"
+ //href "chooseTrack", title: "Or play this music or radio station", description: song ? state.selectedSong?.station : "Tap to set", state: song ? "complete" : "incomplete"
input "zipCode", "text", title: "Zip Code", required: false
input "volume", "number", title: "Temporarily change volume", description: "0-100%", required: false