--- /dev/null
+/* -*-C++-*-
+ ****************************************************************************
+ * File:
+ * SchedGraph.h
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ * Scheduling graph based on SSA graph plus extra dependence edges
+ * capturing dependences due to machine resources (machine registers,
+ * CC registers, and any others).
+ *
+ * Strategy:
+ * This graph tries to leverage the SSA graph as much as possible,
+ * but captures the extra dependences through a common interface.
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 7/20/01 - Vikram Adve - Created
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//************************** System Include Files **************************/
+#include <hash_map>
+#include <vector>
+//*************************** User Include Files ***************************/
+#include "llvm/CFGdecls.h" // just for graph iterators
+#include "llvm/Support/NonCopyable.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/HashExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
+//************************* Opaque Declarations ****************************/
+class Value;
+class Instruction;
+class BasicBlock;
+class Method;
+class MachineInstr;
+class TargetMachine;
+class SchedGraphEdge;
+class SchedGraphNode;
+class SchedGraph;
+class NodeToRegRefMap;
+/******************** Exported Data Types and Constants ********************/
+typedef int ResourceId;
+const ResourceId InvalidResourceId = -1;
+//*********************** Public Class Declarations ************************/
+class SchedGraphEdge: public NonCopyable {
+ enum SchedGraphEdgeDepType {
+ CtrlDep, MemoryDep, DefUseDep, MachineRegister, MachineResource
+ };
+ enum DataDepOrderType {
+ TrueDep, AntiDep, OutputDep, NonDataDep
+ };
+ SchedGraphNode* src;
+ SchedGraphNode* sink;
+ SchedGraphEdgeDepType depType;
+ DataDepOrderType depOrderType;
+ int minDelay; // cached latency (assumes fixed target arch)
+ union {
+ Value* val;
+ int machineRegNum;
+ ResourceId resourceId;
+ };
+ // For all constructors, if minDelay is unspecified, minDelay is
+ // set to _src->getLatency().
+ // constructor for CtrlDep or MemoryDep edges, selected by 3rd argument
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ SchedGraphEdgeDepType _depType,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType =TrueDep,
+ int _minDelay = -1);
+ // constructor for explicit def-use or memory def-use edge
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ Value* _val,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType =TrueDep,
+ int _minDelay = -1);
+ // constructor for machine register dependence
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ unsigned int _regNum,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType =TrueDep,
+ int _minDelay = -1);
+ // constructor for any other machine resource dependences.
+ // DataDepOrderType is always NonDataDep. It it not an argument to
+ // avoid overloading ambiguity with previous constructor.
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ ResourceId _resourceId,
+ int _minDelay = -1);
+ /*dtor*/ ~SchedGraphEdge() {}
+ SchedGraphNode* getSrc () const { return src; }
+ SchedGraphNode* getSink () const { return sink; }
+ int getMinDelay () const { return minDelay; }
+ SchedGraphEdgeDepType getDepType () const { return depType; }
+ const Value* getValue () const {
+ assert(depType == DefUseDep || depType == MemoryDep); return val;
+ }
+ int getMachineReg () const {
+ assert(depType == MachineRegister); return machineRegNum;
+ }
+ int getResourceId () const {
+ assert(depType == MachineResource); return resourceId;
+ }
+ //
+ // Debugging support
+ //
+ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphEdge& edge);
+ void dump (int indent=0) const { printIndent(indent);
+ cout << *this; }
+ // disable default ctor
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphEdge(); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+class SchedGraphNode: public NonCopyable {
+ unsigned int nodeId;
+ const Instruction* instr;
+ const MachineInstr* minstr;
+ vector<SchedGraphEdge*> inEdges;
+ vector<SchedGraphEdge*> outEdges;
+ int latency;
+ typedef vector<SchedGraphEdge*>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef vector<SchedGraphEdge*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //
+ // Accessor methods
+ //
+ unsigned int getNodeId () const { return nodeId; }
+ const Instruction* getInstr () const { return instr; }
+ const MachineInstr* getMachineInstr () const { return minstr; }
+ MachineOpCode getOpCode () const { return minstr->getOpCode();}
+ int getLatency () const { return latency; }
+ unsigned int getNumInEdges () const { return inEdges.size(); }
+ unsigned int getNumOutEdges () const { return outEdges.size(); }
+ bool isDummyNode () const { return (minstr == NULL); }
+ //
+ // Iterators
+ //
+ iterator beginInEdges () { return inEdges.begin(); }
+ iterator endInEdges () { return inEdges.end(); }
+ iterator beginOutEdges () { return outEdges.begin(); }
+ iterator endOutEdges () { return outEdges.end(); }
+ const_iterator beginInEdges () const { return inEdges.begin(); }
+ const_iterator endInEdges () const { return inEdges.end(); }
+ const_iterator beginOutEdges () const { return outEdges.begin(); }
+ const_iterator endOutEdges () const { return outEdges.end(); }
+ //
+ // Limited modifier methods
+ //
+ void eraseAllEdges ();
+ //
+ // Debugging support
+ //
+ friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphNode& node);
+ void dump (int indent=0) const { printIndent(indent);
+ cout << *this; }
+ friend class SchedGraph; // give access for ctor and dtor
+ friend class SchedGraphEdge; // give access for adding edges
+ void addInEdge (SchedGraphEdge* edge);
+ void addOutEdge (SchedGraphEdge* edge);
+ void removeInEdge (const SchedGraphEdge* edge);
+ void removeOutEdge (const SchedGraphEdge* edge);
+ // disable default constructor and provide a ctor for single-block graphs
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphNode(); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphNode (unsigned int _nodeId,
+ const Instruction* _instr,
+ const MachineInstr* _minstr,
+ const TargetMachine& _target);
+ /*dtor*/ ~SchedGraphNode ();
+class SchedGraph :
+ public NonCopyable,
+ private hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>
+ vector<const BasicBlock*> bbVec; // basic blocks included in the graph
+ SchedGraphNode* graphRoot; // the root and leaf are not inserted
+ SchedGraphNode* graphLeaf; // in the hash_map (see getNumNodes())
+ typedef hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ //
+ // Accessor methods
+ //
+ const vector<const BasicBlock*>& getBasicBlocks() const { return bbVec; }
+ const unsigned int getNumNodes() const { return size()+2; }
+ SchedGraphNode* getRoot() const { return graphRoot; }
+ SchedGraphNode* getLeaf() const { return graphLeaf; }
+ SchedGraphNode* getGraphNodeForInstr(const MachineInstr* minstr) const {
+ const_iterator onePair = this->find(minstr);
+ return (onePair != this->end())? (*onePair).second : NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Delete a node from the graph.
+ //
+ void eraseNode(SchedGraphNode* node);
+ //
+ // Unordered iterators.
+ // Return values is pair<const MachineIntr*,SchedGraphNode*>.
+ //
+ iterator begin() {
+ return hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::begin();
+ }
+ iterator end() {
+ return hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::end();
+ }
+ const_iterator begin() const {
+ return hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::begin();
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const {
+ return hash_map<const MachineInstr*, SchedGraphNode*>::end();
+ }
+ //
+ // Ordered iterators.
+ // Return values is pair<const MachineIntr*,SchedGraphNode*>.
+ //
+ // void postord_init();
+ // postorder_iterator postord_begin();
+ // postorder_iterator postord_end();
+ // const_postorder_iterator postord_begin() const;
+ // const_postorder_iterator postord_end() const;
+ //
+ // Debugging support
+ //
+ void dump () const;
+ friend class SchedGraphSet; // give access to ctor
+ // disable default constructor and provide a ctor for single-block graphs
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraph (); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraph (const BasicBlock* bb,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ /*dtor*/ ~SchedGraph ();
+ inline void noteGraphNodeForInstr (const MachineInstr* minstr,
+ SchedGraphNode* node)
+ {
+ assert((*this)[minstr] == NULL);
+ (*this)[minstr] = node;
+ }
+ //
+ // Graph builder
+ //
+ void buildGraph (const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addEdgesForInstruction (SchedGraphNode* node,
+ NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addCDEdges (const TerminatorInst* term,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addMemEdges (const vector<const Instruction*>& memVec,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addMachineRegEdges (NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addSSAEdge (SchedGraphNode* node,
+ Value* val,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ void addDummyEdges ();
+class SchedGraphSet :
+ public NonCopyable,
+ private hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>
+ const Method* method;
+ typedef hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::iterator iterator;
+ typedef hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ /*ctor*/ SchedGraphSet (const Method* _method,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+ /*dtor*/ ~SchedGraphSet ();
+ //
+ // Accessors
+ //
+ SchedGraph* getGraphForBasicBlock (const BasicBlock* bb) const {
+ const_iterator onePair = this->find(bb);
+ return (onePair != this->end())? (*onePair).second : NULL;
+ }
+ //
+ // Iterators
+ //
+ iterator begin() {
+ return hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::begin();
+ }
+ iterator end() {
+ return hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::end();
+ }
+ const_iterator begin() const {
+ return hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::begin();
+ }
+ const_iterator end() const {
+ return hash_map<const BasicBlock*, SchedGraph*>::end();
+ }
+ //
+ // Debugging support
+ //
+ void dump () const;
+ inline void noteGraphForBlock(const BasicBlock* bb, SchedGraph* graph) {
+ assert((*this)[bb] == NULL);
+ (*this)[bb] = graph;
+ }
+ //
+ // Graph builder
+ //
+ void buildGraphsForMethod (const Method *method,
+ const TargetMachine& target);
+//********************** Sched Graph Iterators *****************************/
+// Ok to make it a template because it shd get instantiated at most twice:
+// for <SchedGraphNode, SchedGraphNode::iterator> and
+// for <const SchedGraphNode, SchedGraphNode::const_iterator>.
+template <class _NodeType, class _EdgeType, class _EdgeIter>
+class InOutIterator: public std::bidirectional_iterator<_NodeType, ptrdiff_t> {
+ _EdgeIter oi;
+ typedef InOutIterator<_NodeType, _EdgeType, _EdgeIter> _Self;
+ inline InOutIterator(_EdgeIter startEdge) : oi(startEdge) {}
+ inline bool operator==(const _Self& x) const { return oi == x.oi; }
+ inline bool operator!=(const _Self& x) const { return !operator==(x); }
+ // operator*() differs for pred or succ iterator
+ virtual inline _NodeType* operator*() const = 0;
+ inline _NodeType* operator->() const { return operator*(); }
+ inline _EdgeType* getEdge() const { return *(oi); }
+ inline _Self& operator++() { ++oi; return *this; } // Preincrement
+ // inline _Self operator++(int) { // Postincrement
+ // _Self tmp(*this); ++*this; return tmp;
+ // }
+ inline _Self& operator--() { --oi; return *this; } // Predecrement
+ // inline _Self operator--(int) { // Postdecrement
+ // _Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp;
+ // }
+template <class _NodeType, class _EdgeType, class _EdgeIter>
+class PredIterator: public InOutIterator<_NodeType, _EdgeType, _EdgeIter> {
+ inline PredIterator(_EdgeIter startEdge)
+ : InOutIterator<_NodeType, _EdgeType, _EdgeIter>(startEdge) {}
+ virtual inline _NodeType* operator*() const { return (*oi)->getSrc(); }
+template <class _NodeType, class _EdgeType, class _EdgeIter>
+class SuccIterator: public InOutIterator<_NodeType, _EdgeType, _EdgeIter> {
+ inline SuccIterator(_EdgeIter startEdge)
+ : InOutIterator<_NodeType, _EdgeType, _EdgeIter>(startEdge) {}
+ virtual inline _NodeType* operator*() const { return (*oi)->getSink(); }
+// sg_pred_iterator
+// sg_pred_const_iterator
+typedef PredIterator<SchedGraphNode, SchedGraphEdge, SchedGraphNode::iterator>
+ sg_pred_iterator;
+typedef PredIterator<const SchedGraphNode, const SchedGraphEdge,SchedGraphNode::const_iterator>
+ sg_pred_const_iterator;
+inline sg_pred_iterator pred_begin( SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_pred_iterator(N->beginInEdges());
+inline sg_pred_iterator pred_end( SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_pred_iterator(N->endInEdges());
+inline sg_pred_const_iterator pred_begin(const SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_pred_const_iterator(N->beginInEdges());
+inline sg_pred_const_iterator pred_end( const SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_pred_const_iterator(N->endInEdges());
+// sg_succ_iterator
+// sg_succ_const_iterator
+typedef SuccIterator<SchedGraphNode, SchedGraphEdge, SchedGraphNode::iterator>
+ sg_succ_iterator;
+typedef SuccIterator<const SchedGraphNode, const SchedGraphEdge,SchedGraphNode::const_iterator>
+ sg_succ_const_iterator;
+inline sg_succ_iterator succ_begin( SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_succ_iterator(N->beginOutEdges());
+inline sg_succ_iterator succ_end( SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_succ_iterator(N->endOutEdges());
+inline sg_succ_const_iterator succ_begin(const SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_succ_const_iterator(N->beginOutEdges());
+inline sg_succ_const_iterator succ_end( const SchedGraphNode *N) {
+ return sg_succ_const_iterator(N->endOutEdges());
+// po_iterator
+// po_const_iterator
+typedef cfg::POIterator<SchedGraphNode, sg_succ_iterator> sg_po_iterator;
+typedef cfg::POIterator<const SchedGraphNode,
+ sg_succ_const_iterator> sg_po_const_iterator;
+//************************ External Functions *****************************/
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphEdge& edge);
+ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphNode& node);
--- /dev/null
+ ****************************************************************************
+ * File:
+ * SchedGraph.cpp
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ * Scheduling graph based on SSA graph plus extra dependence edges
+ * capturing dependences due to machine resources (machine registers,
+ * CC registers, and any others).
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 7/20/01 - Vikram Adve - Created
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//************************** System Include Files **************************/
+#include <algorithm>
+//*************************** User Include Files ***************************/
+#include "llvm/InstrTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
+#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/Method.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/SchedGraph.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetMachine.h"
+//************************* Class Implementations **************************/
+// class SchedGraphEdge
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ SchedGraphEdgeDepType _depType,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(_depType),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ val(NULL),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency())
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ Value* _val,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(DefUseDep),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ val(_val),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency())
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ unsigned int _regNum,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(MachineRegister),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency()),
+ machineRegNum(_regNum)
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ ResourceId _resourceId,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(MachineResource),
+ depOrderType(NonDataDep),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency()),
+ resourceId(_resourceId)
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+// class SchedGraphNode
+SchedGraphNode::SchedGraphNode(unsigned int _nodeId,
+ const Instruction* _instr,
+ const MachineInstr* _minstr,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ : nodeId(_nodeId),
+ instr(_instr),
+ minstr(_minstr),
+ latency(0)
+ if (minstr)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode mopCode = minstr->getOpCode();
+ latency = target.getInstrInfo().hasResultInterlock(mopCode)
+ ? target.getInstrInfo().minLatency(mopCode)
+ : target.getInstrInfo().maxLatency(mopCode);
+ }
+ // a node deletes its outgoing edges only
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ delete outEdges[i];
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::addInEdge(SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ inEdges.push_back(edge);
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::addOutEdge(SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ outEdges.push_back(edge);
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::removeInEdge(const SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ assert(edge->getSink() == this);
+ for (iterator I = beginInEdges(); I != endInEdges(); ++I)
+ if ((*I) == edge)
+ {
+ inEdges.erase(I);
+ break;
+ }
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::removeOutEdge(const SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ assert(edge->getSrc() == this);
+ for (iterator I = beginOutEdges(); I != endOutEdges(); ++I)
+ if ((*I) == edge)
+ {
+ outEdges.erase(I);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Disconnect and delete all in-edges and out-edges for the node.
+ // Note that we delete the in-edges too since they have been
+ // disconnected from the source node and will not be deleted there.
+ for (iterator I = beginInEdges(); I != endInEdges(); ++I)
+ {
+ (*I)->getSrc()->removeOutEdge(*I);
+ delete *I;
+ }
+ for (iterator I = beginOutEdges(); I != endOutEdges(); ++I)
+ {
+ (*I)->getSink()->removeInEdge(*I);
+ delete *I;
+ }
+ inEdges.clear();
+ outEdges.clear();
+// class SchedGraph
+SchedGraph::SchedGraph(const BasicBlock* bb,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ bbVec.push_back(bb);
+ this->buildGraph(target);
+ // delete all the nodes. each node deletes its out-edges.
+ for (iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ delete (*I).second;
+SchedGraph::dump() const
+ cout << " Sched Graph for Basic Blocks: ";
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=bbVec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ cout << (bbVec[i]->hasName()? bbVec[i]->getName() : "block")
+ << " (" << bbVec[i] << ")"
+ << ((i == N-1)? "" : ", ");
+ }
+ cout << endl << endl << " Actual Root nodes : ";
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=graphRoot->outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ cout << graphRoot->outEdges[i]->getSink()->getNodeId()
+ << ((i == N-1)? "" : ", ");
+ cout << endl << " Graph Nodes:" << endl;
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ cout << endl << * (*I).second;
+ cout << endl;
+ assert(graphRoot->outEdges.size() == 0);
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = (*I).second;
+ assert(node != graphRoot && node != graphLeaf);
+ if (node->beginInEdges() == node->endInEdges())
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(graphRoot, node, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ if (node->beginOutEdges() == node->endOutEdges())
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(node, graphLeaf, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+SchedGraph::addCDEdges(const TerminatorInst* term,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& termMvec = term->getMachineInstrVec();
+ // Find the first branch instr in the sequence of machine instrs for term
+ //
+ unsigned first = 0;
+ while (! mii.isBranch(termMvec[first]->getOpCode()))
+ ++first;
+ assert(first < termMvec.size() &&
+ "No branch instructions for BR? Ok, but weird! Delete assertion.");
+ if (first == termMvec.size())
+ return;
+ SchedGraphNode* firstBrNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[first]);
+ // Add CD edges from each instruction in the sequence to the
+ // *last preceding* branch instr. in the sequence
+ //
+ for (int i = (int) termMvec.size()-1; i > (int) first; i--)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[i]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)
+ if (mii.isBranch(termMvec[j]->getOpCode()))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* brNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[j]);
+ assert(brNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(brNode, toNode, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ break; // only one incoming edge is enough
+ }
+ }
+ // Add CD edges from each instruction preceding the first branch
+ // to the first branch
+ //
+ for (int i = first-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[i]);
+ assert(fromNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, firstBrNode, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+ // Now add CD edges to the first branch instruction in the sequence
+ // from all preceding instructions in the basic block.
+ //
+ const BasicBlock* bb = term->getParent();
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = bb->begin(); II != bb->end(); ++II)
+ {
+ if ((*II) == (const Instruction*) term) // special case, handled above
+ continue;
+ assert(! (*II)->isTerminator() && "Two terminators in basic block?");
+ const MachineCodeForVMInstr& mvec = (*II)->getMachineInstrVec();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=mvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i]);
+ if (fromNode == NULL)
+ continue; // dummy instruction, e.g., PHI
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, firstBrNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ // If we find any other machine instructions (other than due to
+ // the terminator) that also have delay slots, add an outgoing edge
+ // from the instruction to the instructions in the delay slots.
+ //
+ unsigned d = mii.getNumDelaySlots(mvec[i]->getOpCode());
+ assert(i+d < N && "Insufficient delay slots for instruction?");
+ for (unsigned j=1; j <= d; j++)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i+j]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for machine instr in delay slot?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, toNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addMemEdges(const vector<const Instruction*>& memVec,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ for (unsigned im=0, NM=memVec.size(); im < NM; im++)
+ {
+ const Instruction* fromInstr = memVec[im];
+ bool fromIsLoad = fromInstr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load;
+ for (unsigned jm=im+1; jm < NM; jm++)
+ {
+ const Instruction* toInstr = memVec[jm];
+ bool toIsLoad = toInstr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load;
+ SchedGraphEdge::DataDepOrderType depOrderType;
+ if (fromIsLoad)
+ {
+ if (toIsLoad) continue; // both instructions are loads
+ depOrderType = SchedGraphEdge::AntiDep;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ depOrderType = (toIsLoad)? SchedGraphEdge::TrueDep
+ : SchedGraphEdge::OutputDep;
+ }
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& fromInstrMvec=fromInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& toInstrMvec = toInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ // We have two VM memory instructions, and at least one is a store.
+ // Add edges between all machine load/store instructions.
+ //
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=fromInstrMvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode fromOpCode = fromInstrMvec[i]->getOpCode();
+ if (mii.isLoad(fromOpCode) || mii.isStore(fromOpCode))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode =
+ this->getGraphNodeForInstr(fromInstrMvec[i]);
+ assert(fromNode && "No node for memory instr?");
+ for (unsigned j=0, M=toInstrMvec.size(); j < M; j++)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode toOpCode = toInstrMvec[j]->getOpCode();
+ if (mii.isLoad(toOpCode) || mii.isStore(toOpCode))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode =
+ this->getGraphNodeForInstr(toInstrMvec[j]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for memory instr?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, toNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::MemoryDep,
+ depOrderType, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+typedef vector< pair<SchedGraphNode*, unsigned int> > RegRefVec;
+// The following needs to be a class, not a typedef, so we can use
+// an opaque declaration in SchedGraph.h
+class NodeToRegRefMap: public hash_map<int, RegRefVec> {
+ typedef hash_map<int, RegRefVec>:: iterator iterator;
+ typedef hash_map<int, RegRefVec>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+SchedGraph::addMachineRegEdges(NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ assert(bbVec.size() == 1 && "Only handling a single basic block here");
+ // This assumes that such hardwired registers are never allocated
+ // to any LLVM value (since register allocation happens later), i.e.,
+ // any uses or defs of this register have been made explicit!
+ // Also assumes that two registers with different numbers are
+ // not aliased!
+ //
+ for (NodeToRegRefMap::iterator I = regToRefVecMap.begin();
+ I != regToRefVecMap.end(); ++I)
+ {
+ int regNum = (*I).first;
+ RegRefVec& regRefVec = (*I).second;
+ // regRefVec is ordered by control flow order in the basic block
+ int lastDefIdx = -1;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i < regRefVec.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = regRefVec[i].first;
+ bool isDef = regRefVec[i].second;
+ if (isDef)
+ { // Each def gets an output edge from the last def
+ if (lastDefIdx > 0)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[lastDefIdx].first, node, regNum,
+ SchedGraphEdge::OutputDep);
+ // Also, an anti edge from all uses *since* the last def,
+ // But don't add edge from an instruction to itself!
+ for (int u = 1 + lastDefIdx; u < (int) i; u++)
+ if (regRefVec[u].first != node)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[u].first, node, regNum,
+ SchedGraphEdge::AntiDep);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Each use gets a true edge from the last def
+ if (lastDefIdx > 0)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[lastDefIdx].first, node, regNum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addSSAEdge(SchedGraphNode* node,
+ Value* val,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ if (val->getValueType() != Value::InstructionVal)
+ return;
+ const Instruction* thisVMInstr = node->getInstr();
+ const Instruction* defVMInstr = (const Instruction*) val;
+ // Phi instructions are the only ones that produce a value but don't get
+ // any non-dummy machine instructions. Return here as an optimization.
+ //
+ if (defVMInstr->isPHINode())
+ return;
+ // Now add the graph edge for the appropriate machine instruction(s).
+ // Note that multiple machine instructions generated for the
+ // def VM instruction may modify the register for the def value.
+ //
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& defMvec = defVMInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=defMvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ for (int o=0, N = mii.getNumOperands(defMvec[i]->getOpCode()); o < N; o++)
+ {
+ const MachineOperand& defOp = defMvec[i]->getOperand(o);
+ if (defOp.opIsDef()
+ && (defOp.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister
+ || defOp.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister)
+ && (defOp.getVRegValue() == val))
+ {
+ // this instruction does define value `val'.
+ // if there is a node for it in the same graph, add an edge.
+ SchedGraphNode* defNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(defMvec[i]);
+ if (defNode != NULL)
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(defNode, node, val);
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addEdgesForInstruction(SchedGraphNode* node,
+ NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const Instruction& instr = * node->getInstr(); // No dummy nodes here!
+ const MachineInstr& minstr = * node->getMachineInstr();
+ // Add incoming edges for the following:
+ // (1) operands of the machine instruction, including hidden operands
+ // (2) machine register dependences
+ // (3) other resource dependences for the machine instruction, if any
+ // Also, note any uses or defs of machine registers.
+ //
+ for (unsigned i=0, numOps=minstr.getNumOperands(); i < numOps; i++)
+ {
+ const MachineOperand& mop = minstr.getOperand(i);
+ // if this writes to a machine register other than the hardwired
+ // "zero" register used on many processors, record the reference.
+ if (mop.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister
+ && (! (target.zeroRegNum >= 0
+ && mop.getMachineRegNum()==(unsigned) target.zeroRegNum)))
+ {
+ regToRefVecMap[mop.getMachineRegNum()].
+ push_back(make_pair(node, i));
+ }
+ // ignore all other def operands
+ if (minstr.operandIsDefined(i))
+ continue;
+ switch(mop.getOperandType())
+ {
+ case MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister:
+ if (mop.getVRegValue())
+ addSSAEdge(node, mop.getVRegValue(), target);
+ break;
+ case MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister:
+ break;
+ case MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_UnextendedImmed:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_PCRelativeDisp:
+ break; // nothing to do for immediate fields
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "Unknown machine operand type in SchedGraph builder");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add all true, anti,
+ // and output dependences for this register. but ignore
+SchedGraph::buildGraph(const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ const BasicBlock* bb = bbVec[0];
+ assert(bbVec.size() == 1 && "Only handling a single basic block here");
+ // Use this data structures to note all LLVM memory instructions.
+ // We use this to add memory dependence edges without a second full walk.
+ //
+ vector<const Instruction*> memVec;
+ // Use this data structures to note any uses or definitions of
+ // machine registers so we can add edges for those later without
+ // extra passes over the nodes.
+ // The vector holds an ordered list of references to the machine reg,
+ // ordered according to control-flow order. This only works for a
+ // single basic block, hence the assertion. Each reference is identified
+ // by the pair: <node, operand-number>.
+ //
+ NodeToRegRefMap regToRefVecMap;
+ // Make a dummy root node. We'll add edges to the real roots later.
+ graphRoot = new SchedGraphNode(0, NULL, NULL, target);
+ graphLeaf = new SchedGraphNode(1, NULL, NULL, target);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // First add nodes for all the machine instructions in the basic block.
+ // This greatly simplifies identifing which edges to add.
+ // Also, remember the load/store instructions to add memory deps later.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = bb->begin(); II != bb->end(); ++II)
+ {
+ const Instruction *instr = *II;
+ const MachineCodeForVMInstr& mvec = instr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=mvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ if (! mii.isDummyPhiInstr(mvec[i]->getOpCode()))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = new SchedGraphNode(getNumNodes(),
+ instr, mvec[i], target);
+ this->noteGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i], node);
+ }
+ if (instr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load ||
+ instr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Store)
+ memVec.push_back(instr);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Now add the edges.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // First, add edges to the terminator instruction of the basic block.
+ this->addCDEdges(bb->getTerminator(), target);
+ // Then add memory dep edges: store->load, load->store, and store->store
+ this->addMemEdges(memVec, target);
+ // Then add other edges for all instructions in the block.
+ for (SchedGraph::iterator GI = this->begin(); GI != this->end(); ++GI)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = (*GI).second;
+ addEdgesForInstruction(node, regToRefVecMap, target);
+ }
+ // Then add edges for dependences on machine registers
+ this->addMachineRegEdges(regToRefVecMap, target);
+ // Finally, add edges from the dummy root and to dummy leaf
+ this->addDummyEdges();
+// class SchedGraphSet
+SchedGraphSet::SchedGraphSet(const Method* _method,
+ const TargetMachine& target) :
+ method(_method)
+ buildGraphsForMethod(method, target);
+ // delete all the graphs
+ for (iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ delete (*I).second;
+SchedGraphSet::dump() const
+ cout << "======== Sched graphs for method `"
+ << (method->hasName()? method->getName() : "???")
+ << "' ========" << endl << endl;
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ (*I).second->dump();
+ cout << endl << "====== End graphs for method `"
+ << (method->hasName()? method->getName() : "")
+ << "' ========" << endl << endl;
+SchedGraphSet::buildGraphsForMethod(const Method *method,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ for (Method::const_iterator BI = method->begin(); BI != method->end(); ++BI)
+ {
+ SchedGraph* graph = new SchedGraph(*BI, target);
+ this->noteGraphForBlock(*BI, graph);
+ }
+operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphEdge& edge)
+ os << "edge [" << edge.src->getNodeId() << "] -> ["
+ << edge.sink->getNodeId() << "] : ";
+ switch(edge.depType) {
+ case SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep: os<< "Control Dep"; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::DefUseDep: os<< "Reg Value " << edge.val; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MemoryDep: os<< "Mem Value " << edge.val; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MachineRegister: os<< "Reg " <<edge.machineRegNum;break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MachineResource: os<<"Resource "<<edge.resourceId;break;
+ default: assert(0); break;
+ }
+ os << " : delay = " << edge.minDelay << endl;
+ return os;
+operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphNode& node)
+ printIndent(4, os);
+ os << "Node " << node.nodeId << " : "
+ << "latency = " << node.latency << endl;
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ if (node.getMachineInstr() == NULL)
+ os << "(Dummy node)" << endl;
+ else
+ {
+ os << *node.getMachineInstr() << endl;
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ os << node.inEdges.size() << " Incoming Edges:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=node.inEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ printIndent(8, os);
+ os << * node.inEdges[i];
+ }
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ os << node.outEdges.size() << " Outgoing Edges:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=node.outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ printIndent(8, os);
+ os << * node.outEdges[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return os;
--- /dev/null
+ ****************************************************************************
+ * File:
+ * SchedGraph.cpp
+ *
+ * Purpose:
+ * Scheduling graph based on SSA graph plus extra dependence edges
+ * capturing dependences due to machine resources (machine registers,
+ * CC registers, and any others).
+ *
+ * History:
+ * 7/20/01 - Vikram Adve - Created
+ ***************************************************************************/
+//************************** System Include Files **************************/
+#include <algorithm>
+//*************************** User Include Files ***************************/
+#include "llvm/InstrTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/Instruction.h"
+#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/Method.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/SchedGraph.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetMachine.h"
+//************************* Class Implementations **************************/
+// class SchedGraphEdge
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ SchedGraphEdgeDepType _depType,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(_depType),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ val(NULL),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency())
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ Value* _val,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(DefUseDep),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ val(_val),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency())
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ unsigned int _regNum,
+ DataDepOrderType _depOrderType,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(MachineRegister),
+ depOrderType(_depOrderType),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency()),
+ machineRegNum(_regNum)
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+SchedGraphEdge::SchedGraphEdge(SchedGraphNode* _src,
+ SchedGraphNode* _sink,
+ ResourceId _resourceId,
+ int _minDelay)
+ : src(_src),
+ sink(_sink),
+ depType(MachineResource),
+ depOrderType(NonDataDep),
+ minDelay((_minDelay >= 0)? _minDelay : _src->getLatency()),
+ resourceId(_resourceId)
+ src->addOutEdge(this);
+ sink->addInEdge(this);
+// class SchedGraphNode
+SchedGraphNode::SchedGraphNode(unsigned int _nodeId,
+ const Instruction* _instr,
+ const MachineInstr* _minstr,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ : nodeId(_nodeId),
+ instr(_instr),
+ minstr(_minstr),
+ latency(0)
+ if (minstr)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode mopCode = minstr->getOpCode();
+ latency = target.getInstrInfo().hasResultInterlock(mopCode)
+ ? target.getInstrInfo().minLatency(mopCode)
+ : target.getInstrInfo().maxLatency(mopCode);
+ }
+ // a node deletes its outgoing edges only
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ delete outEdges[i];
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::addInEdge(SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ inEdges.push_back(edge);
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::addOutEdge(SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ outEdges.push_back(edge);
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::removeInEdge(const SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ assert(edge->getSink() == this);
+ for (iterator I = beginInEdges(); I != endInEdges(); ++I)
+ if ((*I) == edge)
+ {
+ inEdges.erase(I);
+ break;
+ }
+inline void
+SchedGraphNode::removeOutEdge(const SchedGraphEdge* edge)
+ assert(edge->getSrc() == this);
+ for (iterator I = beginOutEdges(); I != endOutEdges(); ++I)
+ if ((*I) == edge)
+ {
+ outEdges.erase(I);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Disconnect and delete all in-edges and out-edges for the node.
+ // Note that we delete the in-edges too since they have been
+ // disconnected from the source node and will not be deleted there.
+ for (iterator I = beginInEdges(); I != endInEdges(); ++I)
+ {
+ (*I)->getSrc()->removeOutEdge(*I);
+ delete *I;
+ }
+ for (iterator I = beginOutEdges(); I != endOutEdges(); ++I)
+ {
+ (*I)->getSink()->removeInEdge(*I);
+ delete *I;
+ }
+ inEdges.clear();
+ outEdges.clear();
+// class SchedGraph
+SchedGraph::SchedGraph(const BasicBlock* bb,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ bbVec.push_back(bb);
+ this->buildGraph(target);
+ // delete all the nodes. each node deletes its out-edges.
+ for (iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ delete (*I).second;
+SchedGraph::dump() const
+ cout << " Sched Graph for Basic Blocks: ";
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=bbVec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ cout << (bbVec[i]->hasName()? bbVec[i]->getName() : "block")
+ << " (" << bbVec[i] << ")"
+ << ((i == N-1)? "" : ", ");
+ }
+ cout << endl << endl << " Actual Root nodes : ";
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=graphRoot->outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ cout << graphRoot->outEdges[i]->getSink()->getNodeId()
+ << ((i == N-1)? "" : ", ");
+ cout << endl << " Graph Nodes:" << endl;
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ cout << endl << * (*I).second;
+ cout << endl;
+ assert(graphRoot->outEdges.size() == 0);
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = (*I).second;
+ assert(node != graphRoot && node != graphLeaf);
+ if (node->beginInEdges() == node->endInEdges())
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(graphRoot, node, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ if (node->beginOutEdges() == node->endOutEdges())
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(node, graphLeaf, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+SchedGraph::addCDEdges(const TerminatorInst* term,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& termMvec = term->getMachineInstrVec();
+ // Find the first branch instr in the sequence of machine instrs for term
+ //
+ unsigned first = 0;
+ while (! mii.isBranch(termMvec[first]->getOpCode()))
+ ++first;
+ assert(first < termMvec.size() &&
+ "No branch instructions for BR? Ok, but weird! Delete assertion.");
+ if (first == termMvec.size())
+ return;
+ SchedGraphNode* firstBrNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[first]);
+ // Add CD edges from each instruction in the sequence to the
+ // *last preceding* branch instr. in the sequence
+ //
+ for (int i = (int) termMvec.size()-1; i > (int) first; i--)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[i]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ for (int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--)
+ if (mii.isBranch(termMvec[j]->getOpCode()))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* brNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[j]);
+ assert(brNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(brNode, toNode, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ break; // only one incoming edge is enough
+ }
+ }
+ // Add CD edges from each instruction preceding the first branch
+ // to the first branch
+ //
+ for (int i = first-1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(termMvec[i]);
+ assert(fromNode && "No node for instr generated for branch?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, firstBrNode, SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+ // Now add CD edges to the first branch instruction in the sequence
+ // from all preceding instructions in the basic block.
+ //
+ const BasicBlock* bb = term->getParent();
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = bb->begin(); II != bb->end(); ++II)
+ {
+ if ((*II) == (const Instruction*) term) // special case, handled above
+ continue;
+ assert(! (*II)->isTerminator() && "Two terminators in basic block?");
+ const MachineCodeForVMInstr& mvec = (*II)->getMachineInstrVec();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=mvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i]);
+ if (fromNode == NULL)
+ continue; // dummy instruction, e.g., PHI
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, firstBrNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ // If we find any other machine instructions (other than due to
+ // the terminator) that also have delay slots, add an outgoing edge
+ // from the instruction to the instructions in the delay slots.
+ //
+ unsigned d = mii.getNumDelaySlots(mvec[i]->getOpCode());
+ assert(i+d < N && "Insufficient delay slots for instruction?");
+ for (unsigned j=1; j <= d; j++)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i+j]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for machine instr in delay slot?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, toNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep,
+ SchedGraphEdge::NonDataDep, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addMemEdges(const vector<const Instruction*>& memVec,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ for (unsigned im=0, NM=memVec.size(); im < NM; im++)
+ {
+ const Instruction* fromInstr = memVec[im];
+ bool fromIsLoad = fromInstr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load;
+ for (unsigned jm=im+1; jm < NM; jm++)
+ {
+ const Instruction* toInstr = memVec[jm];
+ bool toIsLoad = toInstr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load;
+ SchedGraphEdge::DataDepOrderType depOrderType;
+ if (fromIsLoad)
+ {
+ if (toIsLoad) continue; // both instructions are loads
+ depOrderType = SchedGraphEdge::AntiDep;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ depOrderType = (toIsLoad)? SchedGraphEdge::TrueDep
+ : SchedGraphEdge::OutputDep;
+ }
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& fromInstrMvec=fromInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& toInstrMvec = toInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ // We have two VM memory instructions, and at least one is a store.
+ // Add edges between all machine load/store instructions.
+ //
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=fromInstrMvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode fromOpCode = fromInstrMvec[i]->getOpCode();
+ if (mii.isLoad(fromOpCode) || mii.isStore(fromOpCode))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* fromNode =
+ this->getGraphNodeForInstr(fromInstrMvec[i]);
+ assert(fromNode && "No node for memory instr?");
+ for (unsigned j=0, M=toInstrMvec.size(); j < M; j++)
+ {
+ MachineOpCode toOpCode = toInstrMvec[j]->getOpCode();
+ if (mii.isLoad(toOpCode) || mii.isStore(toOpCode))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* toNode =
+ this->getGraphNodeForInstr(toInstrMvec[j]);
+ assert(toNode && "No node for memory instr?");
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(fromNode, toNode,
+ SchedGraphEdge::MemoryDep,
+ depOrderType, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+typedef vector< pair<SchedGraphNode*, unsigned int> > RegRefVec;
+// The following needs to be a class, not a typedef, so we can use
+// an opaque declaration in SchedGraph.h
+class NodeToRegRefMap: public hash_map<int, RegRefVec> {
+ typedef hash_map<int, RegRefVec>:: iterator iterator;
+ typedef hash_map<int, RegRefVec>::const_iterator const_iterator;
+SchedGraph::addMachineRegEdges(NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ assert(bbVec.size() == 1 && "Only handling a single basic block here");
+ // This assumes that such hardwired registers are never allocated
+ // to any LLVM value (since register allocation happens later), i.e.,
+ // any uses or defs of this register have been made explicit!
+ // Also assumes that two registers with different numbers are
+ // not aliased!
+ //
+ for (NodeToRegRefMap::iterator I = regToRefVecMap.begin();
+ I != regToRefVecMap.end(); ++I)
+ {
+ int regNum = (*I).first;
+ RegRefVec& regRefVec = (*I).second;
+ // regRefVec is ordered by control flow order in the basic block
+ int lastDefIdx = -1;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i < regRefVec.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = regRefVec[i].first;
+ bool isDef = regRefVec[i].second;
+ if (isDef)
+ { // Each def gets an output edge from the last def
+ if (lastDefIdx > 0)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[lastDefIdx].first, node, regNum,
+ SchedGraphEdge::OutputDep);
+ // Also, an anti edge from all uses *since* the last def,
+ // But don't add edge from an instruction to itself!
+ for (int u = 1 + lastDefIdx; u < (int) i; u++)
+ if (regRefVec[u].first != node)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[u].first, node, regNum,
+ SchedGraphEdge::AntiDep);
+ }
+ else
+ { // Each use gets a true edge from the last def
+ if (lastDefIdx > 0)
+ new SchedGraphEdge(regRefVec[lastDefIdx].first, node, regNum);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addSSAEdge(SchedGraphNode* node,
+ Value* val,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ if (val->getValueType() != Value::InstructionVal)
+ return;
+ const Instruction* thisVMInstr = node->getInstr();
+ const Instruction* defVMInstr = (const Instruction*) val;
+ // Phi instructions are the only ones that produce a value but don't get
+ // any non-dummy machine instructions. Return here as an optimization.
+ //
+ if (defVMInstr->isPHINode())
+ return;
+ // Now add the graph edge for the appropriate machine instruction(s).
+ // Note that multiple machine instructions generated for the
+ // def VM instruction may modify the register for the def value.
+ //
+ MachineCodeForVMInstr& defMvec = defVMInstr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=defMvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ for (int o=0, N = mii.getNumOperands(defMvec[i]->getOpCode()); o < N; o++)
+ {
+ const MachineOperand& defOp = defMvec[i]->getOperand(o);
+ if (defOp.opIsDef()
+ && (defOp.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister
+ || defOp.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister)
+ && (defOp.getVRegValue() == val))
+ {
+ // this instruction does define value `val'.
+ // if there is a node for it in the same graph, add an edge.
+ SchedGraphNode* defNode = this->getGraphNodeForInstr(defMvec[i]);
+ if (defNode != NULL)
+ (void) new SchedGraphEdge(defNode, node, val);
+ }
+ }
+SchedGraph::addEdgesForInstruction(SchedGraphNode* node,
+ NodeToRegRefMap& regToRefVecMap,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ const Instruction& instr = * node->getInstr(); // No dummy nodes here!
+ const MachineInstr& minstr = * node->getMachineInstr();
+ // Add incoming edges for the following:
+ // (1) operands of the machine instruction, including hidden operands
+ // (2) machine register dependences
+ // (3) other resource dependences for the machine instruction, if any
+ // Also, note any uses or defs of machine registers.
+ //
+ for (unsigned i=0, numOps=minstr.getNumOperands(); i < numOps; i++)
+ {
+ const MachineOperand& mop = minstr.getOperand(i);
+ // if this writes to a machine register other than the hardwired
+ // "zero" register used on many processors, record the reference.
+ if (mop.getOperandType() == MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister
+ && (! (target.zeroRegNum >= 0
+ && mop.getMachineRegNum()==(unsigned) target.zeroRegNum)))
+ {
+ regToRefVecMap[mop.getMachineRegNum()].
+ push_back(make_pair(node, i));
+ }
+ // ignore all other def operands
+ if (minstr.operandIsDefined(i))
+ continue;
+ switch(mop.getOperandType())
+ {
+ case MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister:
+ if (mop.getVRegValue())
+ addSSAEdge(node, mop.getVRegValue(), target);
+ break;
+ case MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister:
+ break;
+ case MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_UnextendedImmed:
+ case MachineOperand::MO_PCRelativeDisp:
+ break; // nothing to do for immediate fields
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "Unknown machine operand type in SchedGraph builder");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add all true, anti,
+ // and output dependences for this register. but ignore
+SchedGraph::buildGraph(const TargetMachine& target)
+ const MachineInstrInfo& mii = target.getInstrInfo();
+ const BasicBlock* bb = bbVec[0];
+ assert(bbVec.size() == 1 && "Only handling a single basic block here");
+ // Use this data structures to note all LLVM memory instructions.
+ // We use this to add memory dependence edges without a second full walk.
+ //
+ vector<const Instruction*> memVec;
+ // Use this data structures to note any uses or definitions of
+ // machine registers so we can add edges for those later without
+ // extra passes over the nodes.
+ // The vector holds an ordered list of references to the machine reg,
+ // ordered according to control-flow order. This only works for a
+ // single basic block, hence the assertion. Each reference is identified
+ // by the pair: <node, operand-number>.
+ //
+ NodeToRegRefMap regToRefVecMap;
+ // Make a dummy root node. We'll add edges to the real roots later.
+ graphRoot = new SchedGraphNode(0, NULL, NULL, target);
+ graphLeaf = new SchedGraphNode(1, NULL, NULL, target);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // First add nodes for all the machine instructions in the basic block.
+ // This greatly simplifies identifing which edges to add.
+ // Also, remember the load/store instructions to add memory deps later.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ for (BasicBlock::const_iterator II = bb->begin(); II != bb->end(); ++II)
+ {
+ const Instruction *instr = *II;
+ const MachineCodeForVMInstr& mvec = instr->getMachineInstrVec();
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=mvec.size(); i < N; i++)
+ if (! mii.isDummyPhiInstr(mvec[i]->getOpCode()))
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = new SchedGraphNode(getNumNodes(),
+ instr, mvec[i], target);
+ this->noteGraphNodeForInstr(mvec[i], node);
+ }
+ if (instr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Load ||
+ instr->getOpcode() == Instruction::Store)
+ memVec.push_back(instr);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Now add the edges.
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // First, add edges to the terminator instruction of the basic block.
+ this->addCDEdges(bb->getTerminator(), target);
+ // Then add memory dep edges: store->load, load->store, and store->store
+ this->addMemEdges(memVec, target);
+ // Then add other edges for all instructions in the block.
+ for (SchedGraph::iterator GI = this->begin(); GI != this->end(); ++GI)
+ {
+ SchedGraphNode* node = (*GI).second;
+ addEdgesForInstruction(node, regToRefVecMap, target);
+ }
+ // Then add edges for dependences on machine registers
+ this->addMachineRegEdges(regToRefVecMap, target);
+ // Finally, add edges from the dummy root and to dummy leaf
+ this->addDummyEdges();
+// class SchedGraphSet
+SchedGraphSet::SchedGraphSet(const Method* _method,
+ const TargetMachine& target) :
+ method(_method)
+ buildGraphsForMethod(method, target);
+ // delete all the graphs
+ for (iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ delete (*I).second;
+SchedGraphSet::dump() const
+ cout << "======== Sched graphs for method `"
+ << (method->hasName()? method->getName() : "???")
+ << "' ========" << endl << endl;
+ for (const_iterator I=begin(); I != end(); ++I)
+ (*I).second->dump();
+ cout << endl << "====== End graphs for method `"
+ << (method->hasName()? method->getName() : "")
+ << "' ========" << endl << endl;
+SchedGraphSet::buildGraphsForMethod(const Method *method,
+ const TargetMachine& target)
+ for (Method::const_iterator BI = method->begin(); BI != method->end(); ++BI)
+ {
+ SchedGraph* graph = new SchedGraph(*BI, target);
+ this->noteGraphForBlock(*BI, graph);
+ }
+operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphEdge& edge)
+ os << "edge [" << edge.src->getNodeId() << "] -> ["
+ << edge.sink->getNodeId() << "] : ";
+ switch(edge.depType) {
+ case SchedGraphEdge::CtrlDep: os<< "Control Dep"; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::DefUseDep: os<< "Reg Value " << edge.val; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MemoryDep: os<< "Mem Value " << edge.val; break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MachineRegister: os<< "Reg " <<edge.machineRegNum;break;
+ case SchedGraphEdge::MachineResource: os<<"Resource "<<edge.resourceId;break;
+ default: assert(0); break;
+ }
+ os << " : delay = " << edge.minDelay << endl;
+ return os;
+operator<<(ostream& os, const SchedGraphNode& node)
+ printIndent(4, os);
+ os << "Node " << node.nodeId << " : "
+ << "latency = " << node.latency << endl;
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ if (node.getMachineInstr() == NULL)
+ os << "(Dummy node)" << endl;
+ else
+ {
+ os << *node.getMachineInstr() << endl;
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ os << node.inEdges.size() << " Incoming Edges:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=node.inEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ printIndent(8, os);
+ os << * node.inEdges[i];
+ }
+ printIndent(6, os);
+ os << node.outEdges.size() << " Outgoing Edges:" << endl;
+ for (unsigned i=0, N=node.outEdges.size(); i < N; i++)
+ {
+ printIndent(8, os);
+ os << * node.outEdges[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return os;