--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# The only prerequisite should be homebrew. If something doesn't work out of
+# the box with just homebrew, let's fix it.
+# fail fast
+set -e
+brewget() {
+ brew install $@ || brew upgrade $@
+# tool dependencies: autotools, scons (for double-conversion), and gcc 4.9
+brewget autoconf automake libtool scons gcc
+# dependencies
+brewget glog gflags boost libevent
+# Install the double-conversion library.
+# NB their install target installs the libs but not the headers, hence the
+# CPPFLAGS and link shenanigans.
+test -d double-conversion || {
+ git clone https://github.com/floitsch/double-conversion.git
+ pushd double-conversion/src
+ ln -s . double-conversion
+ popd
+pushd double-conversion
+# fool libtool into using static linkage
+# (this won't work if you've already installed libdouble-conversion into a
+# default search path)
+rm -f libdouble-conversion*dylib
+autoreconf -i
+./configure CPPFLAGS="-I./double-conversion/src" LDFLAGS="-L./double-conversion" CXX=g++-4.9