outputStructs.println(" INTPTR size;");
outputStructs.println(" void * next;");
- // in-set source pointers
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> itrInSet = fsen.getInVarSet().iterator();
- while( itrInSet.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor temp = itrInSet.next();
- outputStructs.println(" INTPTR "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"__srcAddr_;");
+ // in-set source tracking
+ // in-vars that are READY come from parent, don't need anything
+ // stuff STATIC needs a custom SESE pointer for each age pair
+ Iterator<SESEandAgePair> itrStaticInVarSrcs = fsen.getStaticInVarSrcs().iterator();
+ while( itrStaticInVarSrcs.hasNext() ) {
+ SESEandAgePair srcPair = itrStaticInVarSrcs.next();
+ outputStructs.println(" "+srcPair.getSESE().getSESErecordName()+"* "+srcPair+";");
- // all in and out set primitives
+ // space for all in and out set primitives
Iterator<TempDescriptor> itrPrims = inSetAndOutSetPrims.iterator();
while( itrPrims.hasNext() ) {
TempDescriptor temp = itrPrims.next();
output.println(" void* "+p+";");
- // declare local temps for in-set primitives
+ // declare local temps for in-set primitives, and if it is
+ // a ready-source variable, get the value from the record
Iterator<TempDescriptor> itrInSet = fsen.getInVarSet().iterator();
while( itrInSet.hasNext() ) {
TempDescriptor temp = itrInSet.next();
TypeDescriptor type = temp.getType();
if( !type.isPtr() ) {
- output.println(" "+type+" "+temp+";");
+ if( fsen.getReadyInVarSet().contains( temp ) ) {
+ output.println(" "+type+" "+temp+" = "+paramsprefix+"->"+temp+";");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" "+type+" "+temp+";");
+ }
- // copy in-set into place
- itrInSet = fsen.getInVarSet().iterator();
- while( itrInSet.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor temp = itrInSet.next();
- TypeDescriptor type = temp.getType();
+ // copy in-set into place, ready vars were already
+ // copied when the SESE was issued
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> tempItr;
- // TODO !! make a deep copy of objects !
+ // static vars are from a known SESE
+ tempItr = fsen.getStaticInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( tempItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor temp = tempItr.next();
+ TypeDescriptor type = temp.getType();
+ VariableSourceToken vst = fsen.getStaticInVarSrc( temp );
+ String to;
+ String size;
if( type.isPtr() ) {
- output.println(" memcpy( "+
- "(void*) &("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"), "+ // to
- "(void*) ("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"__srcAddr_),"+ // from
- " sizeof( "+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" ) );"); // size
+ to = "(void*) ";
+ size = "sizeof ";
} else {
- output.println(" memcpy( "+
- "(void*) &("+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"), "+ // to
- "(void*) ("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"__srcAddr_),"+ // from
- " sizeof( "+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" ) );"); // size
- }
+ //to = "(void*) &("+temp.getSafeSymbol()+")";
+ to = temp.getSafeSymbol();
+ size = "sizeof( "+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" )";
+ }
+ SESEandAgePair srcPair = new SESEandAgePair( vst.getSESE(), vst.getAge() );
+ //String from = "(void*) &("+paramsprefix+"->"+srcPair+"->"+vst.getAddrVar()+")";
+ String from = paramsprefix+"->"+srcPair+"->"+vst.getAddrVar();
+ //output.println(" memcpy( "+to+", "+from+", "+size+" );");
+ output.println(" "+to+" = "+from+";");
// Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
// multi-threaded program...
generateCode(fsen.getNext(0), fm, null, exitset, output, true);
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.classID = "+fsen.getIdentifier()+";");
output.println(" psem_init( &(seseToIssue->common.stallSem) );");
- // give pointers to in-set variables, when this SESE is ready to
- // execute it should copy values from the pointers because they
- // will be guaranteed to be ready for consumption then
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> itr = fsen.getInVarSet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor temp = itr.next();
- output.print(" seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+"__srcAddr_ = ");
- // if we are root (no parent) or the temp is in the in or out
- // out set, we know it is in the params structure, otherwise its
- // a method local variable
- if( fsen.getParent() == null ||
- fsen.getParent().getInVarSet().contains( temp ) ||
- fsen.getParent().getOutVarSet().contains( temp )
- ) {
- output.println("(INTPTR) &("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+");");
- } else {
- output.println("(INTPTR) &("+temp.getSafeSymbol()+");");
- }
- }
// before potentially adding this SESE to other forwarding lists,
// create it's lock and take it immediately
output.println(" pthread_mutex_init( &(seseToIssue->common.lock), NULL );");
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.unresolvedDependencies = 0;");
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.doneExecuting = FALSE;");
+ // all READY in-vars should be copied now and be done with it
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> tempItr = fsen.getReadyInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( tempItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor temp = tempItr.next();
+ TypeDescriptor type = temp.getType();
+ // if we are root (no parent) or the source of the in-var is in
+ // the in or out set, we know it is in the params structure,
+ // otherwise its a method-local variable
+ String from;
+ if( fsen.getParent() == null ||
+ fsen.getParent().getInVarSet().contains( temp ) ||
+ fsen.getParent().getOutVarSet().contains( temp )
+ ) {
+ //from = "(void*) &("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+")";
+ from = paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
+ } else {
+ from = temp.getSafeSymbol();
+ }
+ //String to = "(void*) &(seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+")";
+ String to = "seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
+ String size = "sizeof( seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" )";
+ //output.println(" memcpy( "+to+", "+from+", "+size+" );");
+ output.println(" "+to+" = "+from+";");
+ }
if( fsen != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
// count up outstanding dependencies, static first, then dynamic
output.println(" {");
output.println(" SESEcommon* src = (SESEcommon*)"+srcPair+";");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &(src->lock) );");
- output.println(" if( seseToIssue == peekItem( src->forwardList ) ) {");
+ output.println(" if( !isEmpty( src->forwardList ) &&");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue == peekItem( src->forwardList ) ) {");
output.println(" printf( \"This shouldnt already be here\\n\");");
output.println(" exit( -1 );");
output.println(" }");
output.println(" ++(seseToIssue->common.unresolvedDependencies);");
output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &(src->lock) );");
output.println(" }");
- }
- /*
+ // whether or not it is an outstanding dependency, make sure
+ // to pass the static name to the child's record
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->"+srcPair+" = "+srcPair+";");
+ }
// maintain pointers for for finding dynamic SESE
// instances from static names
+ for( int i = fsen.getOldestAgeToTrack(); i > 0; --i ) {
+ SESEandAgePair p1 = new SESEandAgePair( fsen, i );
+ SESEandAgePair p2 = new SESEandAgePair( fsen, i-1 );
+ output.println(" "+p1+" = "+p2+";");
+ }
SESEandAgePair p = new SESEandAgePair( fsen, 0 );
output.println(" "+p+" = seseToIssue;");
- */
// if there were no outstanding dependencies, issue here
ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(lb!=null ? locality.getBinding(lb, fc) : md);
ClassDescriptor cn=md.getClassDesc();
+ if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
if (lb!=null) {
LocalityBinding fclb=locality.getBinding(lb, fc);
output.print(" struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+fclb.getSignature()+md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+md.getSafeMethodDescriptor()+"_params __parameterlist__={");
protected FlatSESEExitNode exit;
protected SESENode treeNode;
protected FlatSESEEnterNode parent;
+ protected Integer oldestAgeToTrack;
protected Set<FlatSESEEnterNode> children;
protected Set<TempDescriptor> inVars;
protected Set<TempDescriptor> outVars;
protected Set<SESEandAgePair> needStaticNameInCode;
protected Set<SESEandAgePair> staticInVarSrcs;
- protected Set<TempDescriptor> dynamicInVars;
+ protected Set<TempDescriptor> readyInVars;
+ protected Set<TempDescriptor> staticInVars;
+ protected Set<TempDescriptor> dynamicInVars;
+ protected Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VariableSourceToken> staticInVar2src;
// scope info for this SESE
protected FlatMethod fmEnclosing;
this.id = identifier++;
treeNode = sn;
parent = null;
+ oldestAgeToTrack = new Integer( 0 );
children = new HashSet<FlatSESEEnterNode>();
inVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
outVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
needStaticNameInCode = new HashSet<SESEandAgePair>();
staticInVarSrcs = new HashSet<SESEandAgePair>();
+ readyInVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ staticInVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
dynamicInVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ staticInVar2src = new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VariableSourceToken>();
public void rewriteUse() {
return staticInVarSrcs;
- /*
+ public void addReadyInVar( TempDescriptor td ) {
+ readyInVars.add( td );
+ }
+ public Set<TempDescriptor> getReadyInVarSet() {
+ return readyInVars;
+ }
+ public void addStaticInVar( TempDescriptor td ) {
+ staticInVars.add( td );
+ }
+ public Set<TempDescriptor> getStaticInVarSet() {
+ return staticInVars;
+ }
+ public void putStaticInVar2src( TempDescriptor staticInVar,
+ VariableSourceToken vst ) {
+ staticInVar2src.put( staticInVar, vst );
+ }
+ public VariableSourceToken getStaticInVarSrc( TempDescriptor staticInVar ) {
+ return staticInVar2src.get( staticInVar );
+ }
public void addDynamicInVar( TempDescriptor td ) {
dynamicInVars.add( td );
public Set<TempDescriptor> getDynamicInVarSet() {
return dynamicInVars;
- */
+ public void mustTrackAtLeastAge( Integer age ) {
+ if( age > oldestAgeToTrack ) {
+ oldestAgeToTrack = new Integer( age );
+ }
+ }
+ public Integer getOldestAgeToTrack() {
+ return oldestAgeToTrack;
+ }
public void setfmEnclosing( FlatMethod fm ) { fmEnclosing = fm; }
public FlatMethod getfmEnclosing() { return fmEnclosing; }