* execution trace.
Node::Node(const struct model_params *params, ModelAction *act, Node *par,
- int nthreads, Node *prevfairness) :
- read_from_status(READ_FROM_PAST),
+ int nthreads) :
- num_threads(nthreads),
- explored_children(num_threads),
- backtrack(num_threads),
- fairness(num_threads),
- numBacktracks(0),
- enabled_array(NULL),
- read_from_past(),
- read_from_past_idx(0),
- read_from_promises(),
- read_from_promise_idx(-1),
- future_values(),
- future_index(-1),
- resolve_promise(),
- resolve_promise_idx(-1),
- relseq_break_writes(),
- relseq_break_index(0),
- misc_index(0),
- misc_max(0),
- yield_data(NULL)
+ num_threads(nthreads)
- int currtid = id_to_int(act->get_tid());
- int prevtid = prevfairness ? id_to_int(prevfairness->action->get_tid()) : 0;
- if (get_params()->fairwindow != 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
- ASSERT(i < ((int)fairness.size()));
- struct fairness_info *fi = &fairness[i];
- struct fairness_info *prevfi = (parent && i < parent->get_num_threads()) ? &parent->fairness[i] : NULL;
- if (prevfi) {
- *fi = *prevfi;
- }
- if (parent && parent->is_enabled(int_to_id(i))) {
- fi->enabled_count++;
- }
- if (i == currtid) {
- fi->turns++;
- fi->priority = false;
- }
- /* Do window processing */
- if (prevfairness != NULL) {
- if (prevfairness->parent->is_enabled(int_to_id(i)))
- fi->enabled_count--;
- if (i == prevtid) {
- fi->turns--;
- }
- /* Need full window to start evaluating
- * conditions
- * If we meet the enabled count and have no
- * turns, give us priority */
- if ((fi->enabled_count >= get_params()->enabledcount) &&
- (fi->turns == 0))
- fi->priority = true;
- }
- }
- }
-int Node::get_yield_data(int tid1, int tid2) const {
- if (tid1<num_threads && tid2 < num_threads)
- return yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(tid1,tid2,num_threads)];
- else
- return YIELD_S | YIELD_D;
-void Node::update_yield(Scheduler * scheduler) {
- if (yield_data==NULL)
- yield_data=(int *) model_calloc(1, sizeof(int)*num_threads*num_threads);
- //handle base case
- if (parent == NULL) {
- for(int i = 0; i < num_threads*num_threads; i++) {
- yield_data[i] = YIELD_S | YIELD_D;
- }
- return;
- }
- int curr_tid=id_to_int(action->get_tid());
- for(int u = 0; u < num_threads; u++) {
- for(int v = 0; v < num_threads; v++) {
- int yield_state=parent->get_yield_data(u, v);
- bool next_enabled=scheduler->is_enabled(int_to_id(v));
- bool curr_enabled=parent->is_enabled(int_to_id(v));
- if (!next_enabled) {
- //Compute intersection of ES and E
- yield_state&=~YIELD_E;
- //Check to see if we disabled the thread
- if (u==curr_tid && curr_enabled)
- yield_state|=YIELD_D;
- }
- yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(u, v, num_threads)]=yield_state;
- }
- yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(u, curr_tid, num_threads)]=(yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(u, curr_tid, num_threads)]&~YIELD_P)|YIELD_S;
- }
- //handle curr.yield(t) part of computation
- if (action->is_yield()) {
- for(int v = 0; v < num_threads; v++) {
- int yield_state=yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(curr_tid, v, num_threads)];
- if ((yield_state & (YIELD_E | YIELD_D)) && (!(yield_state & YIELD_S)))
- yield_state |= YIELD_P;
- yield_state &= YIELD_P;
- if (scheduler->is_enabled(int_to_id(v))) {
- yield_state|=YIELD_E;
- }
- yield_data[YIELD_INDEX(curr_tid, v, num_threads)]=yield_state;
- }
- }
/** @brief Node desctructor */
delete action;
if (uninit_action)
delete uninit_action;
- if (enabled_array)
- model_free(enabled_array);
- if (yield_data)
- model_free(yield_data);
/** Prints debugging info for the ModelAction associated with this Node */
void Node::print() const
- model_print(" thread status: ");
- if (enabled_array) {
- for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
- char str[20];
- enabled_type_to_string(enabled_array[i], str);
- model_print("[%d: %s]", i, str);
- }
- model_print("\n");
- } else
- model_print("(info not available)\n");
- model_print(" backtrack: %s", backtrack_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty ");
- for (int i = 0; i < (int)backtrack.size(); i++)
- if (backtrack[i] == true)
- model_print("[%d]", i);
- model_print("\n");
- model_print(" read from past: %s", read_from_past_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty ");
- for (int i = read_from_past_idx + 1; i < (int)read_from_past.size(); i++)
- model_print("[%d]", read_from_past[i]->get_seq_number());
- model_print("\n");
- model_print(" read-from promises: %s", read_from_promise_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty ");
- for (int i = read_from_promise_idx + 1; i < (int)read_from_promises.size(); i++)
- model_print("[%d]", read_from_promises[i]->get_seq_number());
- model_print("\n");
- model_print(" future values: %s", future_value_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty ");
- for (int i = future_index + 1; i < (int)future_values.size(); i++)
- model_print("[%#" PRIx64 "]", future_values[i].value);
- model_print("\n");
- model_print(" promises: %s\n", promise_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty");
- model_print(" misc: %s\n", misc_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty");
- model_print(" rel seq break: %s\n", relseq_break_empty() ? "empty" : "non-empty");
-/****************************** threads backtracking **************************/
- * Checks if the Thread associated with this thread ID has been explored from
- * this Node already.
- * @param tid is the thread ID to check
- * @return true if this thread choice has been explored already, false
- * otherwise
- */
-bool Node::has_been_explored(thread_id_t tid) const
- int id = id_to_int(tid);
- return explored_children[id];
- * Checks if the backtracking set is empty.
- * @return true if the backtracking set is empty
- */
-bool Node::backtrack_empty() const
- return (numBacktracks == 0);
-void Node::explore(thread_id_t tid)
- int i = id_to_int(tid);
- ASSERT(i < ((int)backtrack.size()));
- if (backtrack[i]) {
- backtrack[i] = false;
- numBacktracks--;
- }
- explored_children[i] = true;
- * Mark the appropriate backtracking information for exploring a thread choice.
- * @param act The ModelAction to explore
- */
-void Node::explore_child(ModelAction *act, enabled_type_t *is_enabled)
- if (!enabled_array)
- enabled_array = (enabled_type_t *)model_malloc(sizeof(enabled_type_t) * num_threads);
- if (is_enabled != NULL)
- memcpy(enabled_array, is_enabled, sizeof(enabled_type_t) * num_threads);
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
- enabled_array[i] = THREAD_DISABLED;
- }
- explore(act->get_tid());
- * Records a backtracking reference for a thread choice within this Node.
- * Provides feedback as to whether this thread choice is already set for
- * backtracking.
- * @return false if the thread was already set to be backtracked, true
- * otherwise
- */
-bool Node::set_backtrack(thread_id_t id)
- int i = id_to_int(id);
- ASSERT(i < ((int)backtrack.size()));
- if (backtrack[i])
- return false;
- backtrack[i] = true;
- numBacktracks++;
- return true;
-thread_id_t Node::get_next_backtrack()
- /** @todo Find next backtrack */
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; i < backtrack.size(); i++)
- if (backtrack[i] == true)
- break;
- /* Backtrack set was empty? */
- ASSERT(i != backtrack.size());
- backtrack[i] = false;
- numBacktracks--;
- return int_to_id(i);
-void Node::clear_backtracking()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < backtrack.size(); i++)
- backtrack[i] = false;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < explored_children.size(); i++)
- explored_children[i] = false;
- numBacktracks = 0;
-/************************** end threads backtracking **************************/
-/*********************************** promise **********************************/
- * Sets a promise to explore meeting with the given node.
- * @param i is the promise index.
- */
-void Node::set_promise(unsigned int i)
- if (i >= resolve_promise.size())
- resolve_promise.resize(i + 1, false);
- resolve_promise[i] = true;
- * Looks up whether a given promise should be satisfied by this node.
- * @param i The promise index.
- * @return true if the promise should be satisfied by the given ModelAction.
- */
-bool Node::get_promise(unsigned int i) const
- return (i < resolve_promise.size()) && (int)i == resolve_promise_idx;
- * Increments to the next promise to resolve.
- * @return true if we have a valid combination.
- */
-bool Node::increment_promise()
- DBG();
- if (resolve_promise.empty())
- return false;
- int prev_idx = resolve_promise_idx;
- resolve_promise_idx++;
- for ( ; resolve_promise_idx < (int)resolve_promise.size(); resolve_promise_idx++)
- if (resolve_promise[resolve_promise_idx])
- return true;
- resolve_promise_idx = prev_idx;
- return false;
- * Returns whether the promise set is empty.
- * @return true if we have explored all promise combinations.
- */
-bool Node::promise_empty() const
- for (int i = resolve_promise_idx + 1; i < (int)resolve_promise.size(); i++)
- if (i >= 0 && resolve_promise[i])
- return false;
- return true;
-/** @brief Clear any promise-resolution information for this Node */
-void Node::clear_promise_resolutions()
- resolve_promise.clear();
- resolve_promise_idx = -1;
-/******************************* end promise **********************************/
-void Node::set_misc_max(int i)
- misc_max = i;
-int Node::get_misc() const
- return misc_index;
-bool Node::increment_misc()
- return (misc_index < misc_max) && ((++misc_index) < misc_max);
-bool Node::misc_empty() const
- return (misc_index + 1) >= misc_max;
-bool Node::is_enabled(Thread *t) const
- int thread_id = id_to_int(t->get_id());
- return thread_id < num_threads && (enabled_array[thread_id] != THREAD_DISABLED);
-enabled_type_t Node::enabled_status(thread_id_t tid) const
- int thread_id = id_to_int(tid);
- if (thread_id < num_threads)
- return enabled_array[thread_id];
- else
-bool Node::is_enabled(thread_id_t tid) const
- int thread_id = id_to_int(tid);
- return thread_id < num_threads && (enabled_array[thread_id] != THREAD_DISABLED);
-bool Node::has_priority(thread_id_t tid) const
- return fairness[id_to_int(tid)].priority;
-bool Node::has_priority_over(thread_id_t tid1, thread_id_t tid2) const
- return get_yield_data(id_to_int(tid1), id_to_int(tid2)) & YIELD_P;
-/*********************************** read from ********************************/
- * Get the current state of the may-read-from set iteration
- * @return The read-from type we should currently be checking (past or future)
- */
-read_from_type_t Node::get_read_from_status()
- if (read_from_status == READ_FROM_PAST && read_from_past.empty())
- increment_read_from();
- return read_from_status;
- * Iterate one step in the may-read-from iteration. This includes a step in
- * reading from the either the past or the future.
- * @return True if there is a new read-from to explore; false otherwise
- */
-bool Node::increment_read_from()
- clear_promise_resolutions();
- if (increment_read_from_past()) {
- read_from_status = READ_FROM_PAST;
- return true;
- } else if (increment_read_from_promise()) {
- read_from_status = READ_FROM_PROMISE;
- return true;
- } else if (increment_future_value()) {
- read_from_status = READ_FROM_FUTURE;
- return true;
- }
- read_from_status = READ_FROM_NONE;
- return false;
- * @return True if there are any new read-froms to explore
- */
-bool Node::read_from_empty() const
- return read_from_past_empty() &&
- read_from_promise_empty() &&
- future_value_empty();
- * Get the total size of the may-read-from set, including both past and future
- * values
- * @return The size of may-read-from
- */
-unsigned int Node::read_from_size() const
- return read_from_past.size() +
- read_from_promises.size() +
- future_values.size();
-/******************************* end read from ********************************/
-/****************************** read from past ********************************/
-/** @brief Prints info about read_from_past set */
-void Node::print_read_from_past()
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < read_from_past.size(); i++)
- read_from_past[i]->print();
- * Add an action to the read_from_past set.
- * @param act is the action to add
- */
-void Node::add_read_from_past(const ModelAction *act)
- read_from_past.push_back(act);
- * Gets the next 'read_from_past' action from this Node. Only valid for a node
- * where this->action is a 'read'.
- * @return The first element in read_from_past
- */
-const ModelAction * Node::get_read_from_past() const
- if (read_from_past_idx < read_from_past.size()) {
- int random_index = rand() % read_from_past.size();
- return read_from_past[random_index];
- }
-// return read_from_past[read_from_past_idx];
- else
- return NULL;
-const ModelAction * Node::get_read_from_past(int i) const
- return read_from_past[i];
-int Node::get_read_from_past_size() const
- return read_from_past.size();
- * Checks whether the readsfrom set for this node is empty.
- * @return true if the readsfrom set is empty.
- */
-bool Node::read_from_past_empty() const
- return ((read_from_past_idx + 1) >= read_from_past.size());
- * Increments the index into the readsfrom set to explore the next item.
- * @return Returns false if we have explored all items.
- */
-bool Node::increment_read_from_past()
- DBG();
- if (read_from_past_idx < read_from_past.size()) {
- read_from_past_idx++;
- return read_from_past_idx < read_from_past.size();
- }
- return false;
-/************************** end read from past ********************************/
-/***************************** read_from_promises *****************************/
- * Add an action to the read_from_promises set.
- * @param reader The read which generated the Promise; we use the ModelAction
- * instead of the Promise because the Promise does not last across executions
- */
-void Node::add_read_from_promise(const ModelAction *reader)
- read_from_promises.push_back(reader);
- * Gets the next 'read-from-promise' from this Node. Only valid for a node
- * where this->action is a 'read'.
- * @return The current element in read_from_promises
- */
-Promise * Node::get_read_from_promise() const
- ASSERT(read_from_promise_idx >= 0 && read_from_promise_idx < ((int)read_from_promises.size()));
- return read_from_promises[read_from_promise_idx]->get_reads_from_promise();
- * Gets a particular 'read-from-promise' form this Node. Only vlaid for a node
- * where this->action is a 'read'.
- * @param i The index of the Promise to get
- * @return The Promise at index i, if the Promise is still available; NULL
- * otherwise
- */
-Promise * Node::get_read_from_promise(int i) const
- return read_from_promises[i]->get_reads_from_promise();
-/** @return The size of the read-from-promise set */
-int Node::get_read_from_promise_size() const
- return read_from_promises.size();
- * Checks whether the read_from_promises set for this node is empty.
- * @return true if the read_from_promises set is empty.
- */
-bool Node::read_from_promise_empty() const
- return ((read_from_promise_idx + 1) >= ((int)read_from_promises.size()));
- * Increments the index into the read_from_promises set to explore the next item.
- * @return Returns false if we have explored all promises.
- */
-bool Node::increment_read_from_promise()
- DBG();
- if (read_from_promise_idx < ((int)read_from_promises.size())) {
- read_from_promise_idx++;
- return (read_from_promise_idx < ((int)read_from_promises.size()));
- }
- return false;
-/************************* end read_from_promises *****************************/
-/****************************** future values *********************************/
- * Adds a value from a weakly ordered future write to backtrack to. This
- * operation may "fail" if the future value has already been run (within some
- * sloppiness window of this expiration), or if the futurevalues set has
- * reached its maximum.
- * @see model_params.maxfuturevalues
- *
- * @param value is the value to backtrack to.
- * @return True if the future value was successully added; false otherwise
- */
-bool Node::add_future_value(struct future_value fv)
- uint64_t value = fv.value;
- modelclock_t expiration = fv.expiration;
- thread_id_t tid = fv.tid;
- int idx = -1; /* Highest index where value is found */
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < future_values.size(); i++) {
- if (future_values[i].value == value && future_values[i].tid == tid) {
- if (expiration <= future_values[i].expiration)
- return false;
- idx = i;
- }
- }
- if (idx > future_index) {
- /* Future value hasn't been explored; update expiration */
- future_values[idx].expiration = expiration;
- return true;
- } else if (idx >= 0 && expiration <= future_values[idx].expiration + get_params()->expireslop) {
- /* Future value has been explored and is within the "sloppy" window */
- return false;
- }
- /* Limit the size of the future-values set */
- if (get_params()->maxfuturevalues > 0 &&
- (int)future_values.size() >= get_params()->maxfuturevalues)
- return false;
- future_values.push_back(fv);
- return true;
- * Gets the next 'future_value' from this Node. Only valid for a node where
- * this->action is a 'read'.
- * @return The first element in future_values
- */
-struct future_value Node::get_future_value() const
- ASSERT(future_index >= 0 && future_index < ((int)future_values.size()));
- return future_values[future_index];
- * Checks whether the future_values set for this node is empty.
- * @return true if the future_values set is empty.
- */
-bool Node::future_value_empty() const
- return ((future_index + 1) >= ((int)future_values.size()));
- * Increments the index into the future_values set to explore the next item.
- * @return Returns false if we have explored all values.
- */
-bool Node::increment_future_value()
- DBG();
- if (future_index < ((int)future_values.size())) {
- future_index++;
- return (future_index < ((int)future_values.size()));
- }
- return false;
-/************************** end future values *********************************/
-/*********************** breaking release sequences ***************************/
- * Add a write ModelAction to the set of writes that may break the release
- * sequence. This is used during replay exploration of pending release
- * sequences. This Node must correspond to a release sequence fixup action.
- *
- * @param write The write that may break the release sequence. NULL means we
- * allow the release sequence to synchronize.
- */
-void Node::add_relseq_break(const ModelAction *write)
- relseq_break_writes.push_back(write);
- * Get the write that may break the current pending release sequence,
- * according to the replay / divergence pattern.
- *
- * @return A write that may break the release sequence. If NULL, that means
- * the release sequence should not be broken.
- */
-const ModelAction * Node::get_relseq_break() const
- if (relseq_break_index < (int)relseq_break_writes.size())
- return relseq_break_writes[relseq_break_index];
- else
- return NULL;
- * Increments the index into the relseq_break_writes set to explore the next
- * item.
- * @return Returns false if we have explored all values.
- */
-bool Node::increment_relseq_break()
- DBG();
- if (relseq_break_index < ((int)relseq_break_writes.size())) {
- relseq_break_index++;
- return (relseq_break_index < ((int)relseq_break_writes.size()));
- }
- return false;
- * @return True if all writes that may break the release sequence have been
- * explored
- */
-bool Node::relseq_break_empty() const
- return ((relseq_break_index + 1) >= ((int)relseq_break_writes.size()));
-/******************* end breaking release sequences ***************************/
- * Increments some behavior's index, if a new behavior is available
- * @return True if there is a new behavior available; otherwise false
- */
-bool Node::increment_behaviors()
- /* satisfy a different misc_index values */
- if (increment_misc())
- return true;
- /* satisfy a different set of promises */
- if (increment_promise())
- return true;
- /* read from a different value */
- if (increment_read_from())
- return true;
- /* resolve a release sequence differently */
- if (increment_relseq_break())
- return true;
- return false;
NodeStack::NodeStack() :
- if ((head_idx + 1) < (int)node_list.size()) {
- head_idx++;
- return node_list[head_idx]->get_action();
- }
/* Record action */
Node *head = get_head();
- Node *prevfairness = NULL;
- if (head) {
- head->explore_child(act, is_enabled);
- if (get_params()->fairwindow != 0 && head_idx > (int)get_params()->fairwindow)
- prevfairness = node_list[head_idx - get_params()->fairwindow];
- }
int next_threads = execution->get_num_threads();
if (act->get_type() == THREAD_CREATE || act->get_type() == PTHREAD_CREATE ) // may need to be changed
- node_list.push_back(new Node(get_params(), act, head, next_threads, prevfairness));
+ node_list.push_back(new Node(get_params(), act, head, next_threads));
return NULL;
- * Empties the stack of all trailing nodes after a given position and calls the
- * destructor for each. This function is provided an offset which determines
- * how many nodes (relative to the current replay state) to save before popping
- * the stack.
- * @param numAhead gives the number of Nodes (including this Node) to skip over
- * before removing nodes.
- */
-void NodeStack::pop_restofstack(int numAhead)
- /* Diverging from previous execution; clear out remainder of list */
- unsigned int it = head_idx + numAhead;
- for (unsigned int i = it; i < node_list.size(); i++)
- delete node_list[i];
- node_list.resize(it);
- node_list.back()->clear_backtracking();
/** Reset the node stack. */
void NodeStack::full_reset()
#include "mymemory.h"
#include "schedule.h"
-#include "promise.h"
#include "stl-model.h"
class ModelAction;
bool priority;
- * @brief Types of read-from relations
- *
- * Our "may-read-from" set is composed of multiple types of reads, and we have
- * to iterate through all of them in the backtracking search. This enumeration
- * helps to identify which type of read-from we are currently observing.
- */
-typedef enum {
- READ_FROM_PAST, /**< @brief Read from a prior, existing store */
- READ_FROM_PROMISE, /**< @brief Read from an existing promised future value */
- READ_FROM_FUTURE, /**< @brief Read from a newly-asserted future value */
- READ_FROM_NONE, /**< @brief A NULL state, which should not be reached */
-} read_from_type_t;
-#define YIELD_E 1
-#define YIELD_D 2
-#define YIELD_S 4
-#define YIELD_P 8
-#define YIELD_INDEX(tid1, tid2, num_threads) (tid1*num_threads+tid2)
* @brief A single node in a NodeStack
class Node {
Node(const struct model_params *params, ModelAction *act, Node *par,
- int nthreads, Node *prevfairness);
+ int nthreads);
- /* return true = thread choice has already been explored */
- bool has_been_explored(thread_id_t tid) const;
- /* return true = backtrack set is empty */
- bool backtrack_empty() const;
- void clear_backtracking();
- void explore_child(ModelAction *act, enabled_type_t *is_enabled);
- /* return false = thread was already in backtrack */
- bool set_backtrack(thread_id_t id);
- thread_id_t get_next_backtrack();
bool is_enabled(Thread *t) const;
bool is_enabled(thread_id_t tid) const;
enabled_type_t enabled_status(thread_id_t tid) const;
* occurred previously in the stack. */
Node * get_parent() const { return parent; }
- read_from_type_t get_read_from_status();
- bool increment_read_from();
- bool read_from_empty() const;
- unsigned int read_from_size() const;
- void print_read_from_past();
- void add_read_from_past(const ModelAction *act);
- const ModelAction * get_read_from_past() const;
- const ModelAction * get_read_from_past(int i) const;
- int get_read_from_past_size() const;
- void add_read_from_promise(const ModelAction *reader);
- Promise * get_read_from_promise() const;
- Promise * get_read_from_promise(int i) const;
- int get_read_from_promise_size() const;
- bool add_future_value(struct future_value fv);
- struct future_value get_future_value() const;
- void set_promise(unsigned int i);
- bool get_promise(unsigned int i) const;
- bool increment_promise();
- bool promise_empty() const;
- void clear_promise_resolutions();
- enabled_type_t *get_enabled_array() {return enabled_array;}
- void set_misc_max(int i);
- int get_misc() const;
- bool increment_misc();
- bool misc_empty() const;
- void add_relseq_break(const ModelAction *write);
- const ModelAction * get_relseq_break() const;
- bool increment_relseq_break();
- bool relseq_break_empty() const;
- bool increment_behaviors();
void print() const;
- void explore(thread_id_t tid);
- int get_yield_data(int tid1, int tid2) const;
- bool read_from_past_empty() const;
- bool increment_read_from_past();
- bool read_from_promise_empty() const;
- bool increment_read_from_promise();
- bool future_value_empty() const;
- bool increment_future_value();
- read_from_type_t read_from_status;
const struct model_params * get_params() const { return params; }
ModelAction * const action;
const struct model_params * const params;
/** @brief ATOMIC_UNINIT action which was created at this Node */
ModelAction *uninit_action;
Node * const parent;
const int num_threads;
- ModelVector<bool> explored_children;
- ModelVector<bool> backtrack;
- ModelVector<struct fairness_info> fairness;
- int numBacktracks;
- enabled_type_t *enabled_array;
- /**
- * The set of past ModelActions that this the action at this Node may
- * read from. Only meaningful if this Node represents a 'read' action.
- */
- ModelVector<const ModelAction *> read_from_past;
- unsigned int read_from_past_idx;
- ModelVector<const ModelAction *> read_from_promises;
- int read_from_promise_idx;
- ModelVector<struct future_value> future_values;
- int future_index;
- ModelVector<bool> resolve_promise;
- int resolve_promise_idx;
- ModelVector<const ModelAction *> relseq_break_writes;
- int relseq_break_index;
- int misc_index;
- int misc_max;
- int * yield_data;
typedef ModelVector<Node *> node_list_t;
Node * get_head() const;
Node * get_next() const;
void reset_execution();
- void pop_restofstack(int numAhead);
void full_reset();
int get_total_nodes() { return total_nodes; }
+++ /dev/null
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "promise.h"
-#include "execution.h"
-#include "schedule.h"
-#include "action.h"
-#include "threads-model.h"
- * @brief Promise constructor
- * @param execution The execution which is creating this Promise
- * @param read The read which reads from a promised future value
- * @param fv The future value that is promised
- */
-Promise::Promise(const ModelExecution *execution, ModelAction *read, struct future_value fv) :
- execution(execution),
- num_available_threads(0),
- num_was_available_threads(0),
- fv(fv),
- readers(1, read),
- write(NULL)
- add_thread(fv.tid);
- eliminate_thread(read->get_tid());
- * Add a reader that reads from this Promise. Must be added in an order
- * consistent with execution order.
- *
- * @param reader The ModelAction that reads from this promise. Must be a read.
- * @return True if this new reader has invalidated the promise; false otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::add_reader(ModelAction *reader)
- readers.push_back(reader);
- return eliminate_thread(reader->get_tid());
- * Access a reader that read from this Promise. Readers must be inserted in
- * order by execution order, so they can be returned in this order.
- *
- * @param i The index of the reader to return
- * @return The i'th reader of this Promise
- */
-ModelAction * Promise::get_reader(unsigned int i) const
- return i < readers.size() ? readers[i] : NULL;
- * Eliminate a thread which no longer can satisfy this promise. Once all
- * enabled threads have been eliminated, this promise is unresolvable.
- *
- * @param tid The thread ID of the thread to eliminate
- * @return True, if this elimination has invalidated the promise; false
- * otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::eliminate_thread(thread_id_t tid)
- unsigned int id = id_to_int(tid);
- if (!thread_is_available(tid))
- return false;
- available_thread[id] = false;
- num_available_threads--;
- return has_failed();
- * Add a thread which may resolve this promise
- *
- * @param tid The thread ID
- */
-void Promise::add_thread(thread_id_t tid)
- unsigned int id = id_to_int(tid);
- if (id >= available_thread.size())
- available_thread.resize(id + 1, false);
- if (!available_thread[id]) {
- available_thread[id] = true;
- num_available_threads++;
- }
- if (id >= was_available_thread.size())
- was_available_thread.resize(id + 1, false);
- if (!was_available_thread[id]) {
- was_available_thread[id] = true;
- num_was_available_threads++;
- }
- * Check if a thread is available for resolving this promise. That is, the
- * thread must have been previously marked for resolving this promise, and it
- * cannot have been eliminated due to synchronization, etc.
- *
- * @param tid Thread ID of the thread to check
- * @return True if the thread is available; false otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::thread_is_available(thread_id_t tid) const
- unsigned int id = id_to_int(tid);
- if (id >= available_thread.size())
- return false;
- return available_thread[id];
-bool Promise::thread_was_available(thread_id_t tid) const
- unsigned int id = id_to_int(tid);
- if (id >= was_available_thread.size())
- return false;
- return was_available_thread[id];
- * @brief Get an upper bound on the number of available threads
- *
- * Gets an upper bound on the number of threads in the available threads set,
- * useful for iterating over "thread_is_available()".
- *
- * @return The upper bound
- */
-unsigned int Promise::max_available_thread_idx() const
- return available_thread.size();
-/** @brief Print debug info about the Promise */
-void Promise::print() const
- model_print("Promised value %#" PRIx64 ", first read from thread %d, available threads to resolve: ",
- fv.value, id_to_int(get_reader(0)->get_tid()));
- bool failed = true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < available_thread.size(); i++)
- if (available_thread[i]) {
- model_print("[%d]", i);
- failed = false;
- }
- if (failed)
- model_print("(none)");
- model_print("\n");
- * Check if this promise has failed. A promise can fail when all threads which
- * could possibly satisfy the promise have been eliminated.
- *
- * @return True, if this promise has failed; false otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::has_failed() const
- return num_available_threads == 0;
- * @brief Check if an action's thread and location are compatible for resolving
- * this promise
- * @param act The action to check against
- * @return True if we are compatible; false otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::is_compatible(const ModelAction *act) const
- return thread_is_available(act->get_tid()) && get_reader(0)->same_var(act);
- * @brief Check if an action's thread and location are compatible for resolving
- * this promise, and that the promise is thread-exclusive
- * @param act The action to check against
- * @return True if we are compatible and exclusive; false otherwise
- */
-bool Promise::is_compatible_exclusive(const ModelAction *act) const
- return get_num_available_threads() == 1 && is_compatible(act);
- * @brief Check if a store's value matches this Promise
- * @param write The store to check
- * @return True if the store's written value matches this Promise
- */
-bool Promise::same_value(const ModelAction *write) const
- return get_value() == write->get_write_value();
- * @brief Check if a ModelAction's location matches this Promise
- * @param act The ModelAction to check
- * @return True if the action's location matches this Promise
- */
-bool Promise::same_location(const ModelAction *act) const
- return get_reader(0)->same_var(act);
-/** @brief Get this Promise's index within the execution's promise array */
-int Promise::get_index() const
- return execution->get_promise_number(this);