--- /dev/null
+public class GlobalCounter {
+ flag Init;
+ public int counter;
+ public boolean partial;
+ public GlobalCounter() {
+ counter = 0;
+ partial = false;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class SubProblem {
+ flag findingNewFits;
+ flag scored;
+ flag main;
+ flag leaf;
+ public SubProblem(){
+ partial = false;
+ }
+ public Tile[] tilesToFit;
+ public Tile[] tilesFitted;
+ public TileGrid workingGrid;
+ // these indices are into the respective
+ // tile arrays
+ public int indexToFit;
+ public int indexFitted;
+ // this score represents the evaluation
+ // of every arrangement of this sub-problem's
+ // bestArrangements list
+ public int highScore;
+ public boolean partial;
+ public void incrementIndices() {
+ ++indexFitted;
+ if( indexFitted == tilesFitted.length ) {
+ indexFitted = 0;
+ ++indexToFit;
+ }
+ }
+ public void initializeSubProblem( SubProblem nsp, int checkingFits ) {
+ nsp.tilesToFit = new Tile[tilesToFit.length - 1];
+ nsp.indexToFit = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < tilesToFit.length; ++i ) {
+ // copy everything but the tile that
+ // is being moved to the fitted list
+ if( i != indexToFit ) {
+ nsp.tilesToFit[j] = tilesToFit[i].copy();
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ nsp.tilesFitted = new Tile[tilesFitted.length + 1];
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1] = tilesToFit[indexToFit].copy();
+ nsp.indexFitted = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < tilesFitted.length; ++i ) {
+ nsp.tilesFitted[i] = tilesFitted[i].copy();
+ // if((checkingFits == 1) ||
+ // (checkingFits == 3)) {
+ nsp.tilesFitted[i].x = tilesFitted[i].x;
+ nsp.tilesFitted[i].y = tilesFitted[i].y;
+ // }
+ }
+ // set fitted tiles position according to fit type
+ if( checkingFits == 1 ) {
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].x =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].x;
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].y =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].y - 1;
+ } else if( checkingFits == 2 ) {
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].x =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].x;
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].y =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].y + 1;
+ } else if( checkingFits == 3 ) {
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].x =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].x + 1;
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].y =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].y;
+ } else { // ( checkingFits == 4 )
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].x =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].x - 1;
+ nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].y =
+ tilesFitted[indexFitted].y;
+ }
+ // copy grid and place newly fitted tile in sub-problem's
+ // version of the grid
+ nsp.workingGrid = workingGrid.copy();
+ nsp.workingGrid.grid[nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].x]
+ [nsp.tilesFitted[nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1].y] =
+ nsp.tilesFitted.length - 1;
+ nsp.highScore = highScore;
+ /*
+ System.printString( "-----------new sub-problem------------\n" );
+ //System.printString( "raw grid\n" );
+ //nsp.workingGrid.printGridRaw();
+ System.printString( "tiles fitted:\n" );
+ nsp.printTileArray( nsp.tilesFitted );
+ System.printString( "tiles to fit:\n" );
+ nsp.printTileArray( nsp.tilesToFit );
+ //System.printString( "the nice grid:\n" );
+ //nsp.workingGrid.printGrid( nsp.tilesFitted );
+ System.printString( "nsp.indexToFit: " );
+ System.printInt( nsp.indexToFit );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "nsp.indexFitted: " );
+ System.printInt( nsp.indexFitted );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "-----------end sub-problem------------\n" );
+ */
+ }
+ public void scoreWorkingGrid() {
+ highScore = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < tilesFitted.length; ++i ) {
+ Tile tileToScore = tilesFitted[i];
+ // add those face values that are not adjacent to other face
+ // N
+ if(this.workingGrid.grid[tileToScore.x][tileToScore.y-1] == -1) {
+ highScore += tileToScore.n;
+ }
+ // S
+ if(this.workingGrid.grid[tileToScore.x][tileToScore.y+1] == -1) {
+ highScore += tileToScore.s;
+ }
+ // E
+ if(this.workingGrid.grid[tileToScore.x+1][tileToScore.y] == -1) {
+ highScore += tileToScore.e;
+ }
+ // W
+ if(this.workingGrid.grid[tileToScore.x-1][tileToScore.y] == -1) {
+ highScore += tileToScore.w;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public printTileArray( Tile tiles[] ) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i ) {
+ tiles[i].printRow0();
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i ) {
+ tiles[i].printRow1();
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i ) {
+ tiles[i].printRow2();
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i ) {
+ tiles[i].printRow3();
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i ) {
+ tiles[i].printRow4();
+ System.printString( ", " );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Tile {
+ public Tile( int n, int s, int e, int w ) {
+ this.n = n;
+ this.s = s;
+ this.e = e;
+ this.w = w;
+ }
+ // value of tile faces
+ int n, s, e, w;
+ public Tile copy() {
+ Tile t = new Tile( n, s, e, w );
+ return t;
+ }
+ public void printTile() {
+ printRow0(); System.printString( "\n" );
+ printRow1(); System.printString( "\n" );
+ printRow2(); System.printString( "\n" );
+ printRow3(); System.printString( "\n" );
+ printRow4(); System.printString( "\n" );
+ }
+ public void printRow0() {
+ System.printString ( "+-------+" );
+ }
+ public printRow1() {
+ if( n < 0 ) {
+ System.printString( "| " );
+ } else {
+ System.printString( "| " );
+ }
+ System.printInt( n );
+ System.printString( " |" );
+ }
+ public void printRow2() {
+ if( w < 0 ) {
+ System.printString( "|" );
+ } else {
+ System.printString( "| " );
+ }
+ System.printInt ( w );
+ if( e < 0 ) {
+ System.printString( " " );
+ } else {
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ System.printInt ( e );
+ System.printString ( " |" );
+ }
+ public void printRow3() {
+ if( s < 0 ) {
+ System.printString( "| " );
+ } else {
+ System.printString( "| " );
+ }
+ System.printInt ( s );
+ System.printString ( " |" );
+ }
+ public void printRow4() {
+ System.printString ( "+-------+" );
+ }
+ // position in the grid
+ // this information is also represented by
+ // the indices into a TileGrid, but it is
+ // convenient to duplicate it
+ int x, y;
+public class TileGrid {
+ public TileGrid( int gridSize ) {
+ // make the grid size big enough
+ // such that starting with a tile
+ // in the middle and placing tiles
+ // in one direction, that the grid
+ // is big enough without requiring
+ // bound-checking
+ this.gridSize = gridSize;
+ grid = new int[gridSize][];
+ for( int i = 0; i < gridSize; ++i ) {
+ grid[i] = new int[gridSize];
+ for( int j = 0; j < gridSize; ++j ) {
+ // use -1 to indicate no tile
+ grid[i][j] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public int gridSize;
+ // each element of this grid is an integer
+ // index into a tilesFitted array -- not
+ // very good object-oriented style!
+ public int grid[][];
+ public TileGrid copy() {
+ TileGrid tg = new TileGrid( gridSize );
+ for( int i = 0; i < gridSize; ++i ) {
+ for( int j = 0; j < gridSize; ++j ) {
+ tg.grid[i][j] = grid[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ return tg;
+ }
+ public boolean anyValidFit( Tile tileToFit,
+ Tile tileFitted,
+ Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ //System.printString( "top fo anyValidFit\n" );
+ return validFitNorth( tileToFit, tileFitted, tilesFitted ) ||
+ validFitSouth( tileToFit, tileFitted, tilesFitted ) ||
+ validFitEast ( tileToFit, tileFitted, tilesFitted ) ||
+ validFitWest ( tileToFit, tileFitted, tilesFitted );
+ }
+ public boolean validFitNorth( Tile tileToFit,
+ Tile tileFitted,
+ Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ //System.printString( "top of validFitNorth\n" );
+ //System.printString( "tileToFit.s:" + tileToFit.s + "\n" );
+ //System.printString( "tileFitted.n:" + tileFitted.n + "\n" );
+ // when the tileToFit's S matches fitted N...
+ if( tileToFit.s == tileFitted.n ) {
+ tileToFit.x = tileFitted.x;
+ tileToFit.y = tileFitted.y - 1;
+ /*
+ System.printString( "Check if can put it here\n" );
+ System.printString( "x: " + tileToFit.x + "; y: " + tileToFit.y + "\n" );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y] );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] );
+ if(grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] != -1) {
+ System.printString( " s:" + tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1]].s );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] );
+ if(grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] != -1) {
+ System.printString( " w:" + tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y]].w );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y] );
+ if(grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y] != -1) {
+ System.printString( " e:" + tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y]].e );
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ */
+ // check that the place to fit is empty AND
+ // (place to fit + N is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + E is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + W is empty or matches)
+ if( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y] == -1 &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1]].s == tileToFit.n) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y]].w == tileToFit.e) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y]].e == tileToFit.w) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean validFitSouth( Tile tileToFit,
+ Tile tileFitted,
+ Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ //System.printString( "top of validFitSouth\n" );
+ // when the tileToFit's N matches fitted S...
+ if( tileToFit.n == tileFitted.s ) {
+ tileToFit.x = tileFitted.x;
+ tileToFit.y = tileFitted.y + 1;
+ // check that the place to fit is empty AND
+ // (place to fit + S is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + E is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + W is empty or matches)
+ if( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y] == -1 &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1]].n == tileToFit.s) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y]].w == tileToFit.e) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y]].e == tileToFit.w) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean validFitEast( Tile tileToFit,
+ Tile tileFitted,
+ Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ //System.printString( "top of validFitEast\n" );
+ // when the tileToFit's W matches fitted E...
+ if( tileToFit.w == tileFitted.e ) {
+ tileToFit.x = tileFitted.x + 1;
+ tileToFit.y = tileFitted.y;
+ /*
+ System.printString( "raw grid:\n" );
+ printGridRaw();
+ System.printString( "x: " );
+ System.printInt( tileToFit.x );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "y: " );
+ System.printInt( tileToFit.y );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "tile index 1: " );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "tile index 2: " );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1] );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ System.printString( "tile index 3: " );
+ System.printInt( grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] );
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ */
+ // check that the place to fit is empty AND
+ // (place to fit + N is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + S is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + E is empty or matches)
+ if( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y] == -1 &&
+ ( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1]].s == tileToFit.n) &&
+ ( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1]].n == tileToFit.s) &&
+ ( grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x+1][tileToFit.y]].w == tileToFit.e) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean validFitWest( Tile tileToFit,
+ Tile tileFitted,
+ Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ //System.printString( "top of validFitWest\n" );
+ // when the tileToFit's E matches fitted W...
+ if( tileToFit.e == tileFitted.w ) {
+ tileToFit.x = tileFitted.x - 1;
+ tileToFit.y = tileFitted.y;
+ // check that the place to fit is empty AND
+ // (place to fit + N is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + S is empty or matches) AND
+ // (place to fit + W is empty or matches)
+ if( grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y] == -1 &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y-1]].s == tileToFit.n) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x][tileToFit.y+1]].n == tileToFit.s) &&
+ (grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y] == -1 ||
+ tilesFitted[grid[tileToFit.x-1][tileToFit.y]].e == tileToFit.w) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // indices to represent the bounding
+ // box of tiles placed in the grid
+ public int x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ public void printGridRaw() {
+ for( int j = 0; j < gridSize; ++j ) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < gridSize; ++i ) {
+ System.printInt( grid[i][j] );
+ if( grid[i][j] < 0 ) {
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ else {
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ public void printGrid( Tile[] tilesFitted ) {
+ /*
+ System.printString( "Printing a grid...\n" );
+ printGridRaw();
+ computeBoundingBox();
+ for( int j = y0; j <= y1; ++j )
+ {
+ for( int i = x0; i <= x1; ++i )
+ {
+ System.printString( "i=" );
+ System.printInt( i );
+ System.printString( ", j=" );
+ System.printInt( j );
+ //System.printString( "\n" );
+ if( grid[i][j] == -1 ) {
+ printEmptyTileRow();
+ } else {
+ tilesFitted[grid[i][j]].printRow0();
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = x0; i <= x1; ++i )
+ {
+ System.printString( "i=" );
+ System.printInt( i );
+ System.printString( ", j=" );
+ System.printInt( j );
+ //System.printString( "\n" );
+ if( grid[i][j] == -1 ) {
+ printEmptyTileRow();
+ } else {
+ tilesFitted[grid[i][j]].printRow1();
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = x0; i <= x1; ++i )
+ {
+ System.printString( "i=" );
+ System.printInt( i );
+ System.printString( ", j=" );
+ System.printInt( j );
+ //System.printString( "\n" );
+ if( grid[i][j] == -1 ) {
+ printEmptyTileRow();
+ } else {
+ tilesFitted[grid[i][j]].printRow2();
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = x0; i <= x1; ++i )
+ {
+ System.printString( "i=" );
+ System.printInt( i );
+ System.printString( ", j=" );
+ System.printInt( j );
+ //System.printString( "\n" );
+ if( grid[i][j] == -1 ) {
+ printEmptyTileRow();
+ } else {
+ tilesFitted[grid[i][j]].printRow3();
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ for( int i = x0; i <= x1; ++i )
+ {
+ System.printString( "i=" );
+ System.printInt( i );
+ System.printString( ", j=" );
+ System.printInt( j );
+ //System.printString( "\n" );
+ if( grid[i][j] == -1 ) {
+ printEmptyTileRow();
+ } else {
+ tilesFitted[grid[i][j]].printRow4();
+ }
+ }
+ System.printString( "\n" );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ public void printEmptyTileRow() {
+ System.printString( " " );
+ }
+ public void computeBoundingBox() {
+ System.printString( "Starting computeBoundingBox\n" );
+ int i = 0;
+ while( i < gridSize*gridSize ) {
+ int a = i % gridSize;
+ int b = i / gridSize;
+ if( grid[b][a] != -1 ) {
+ x0 = b;
+ // this statement is like "break"
+ i = gridSize*gridSize;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < gridSize*gridSize ) {
+ int a = i % gridSize;
+ int b = i / gridSize;
+ if( grid[a][b] != -1 ) {
+ y0 = b;
+ // this statement is like "break"
+ i = gridSize*gridSize;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < gridSize*gridSize ) {
+ int a = i % gridSize;
+ int b = i / gridSize;
+ int c = gridSize - 1 - b;
+ if( grid[c][a] != -1 ) {
+ x1 = c;
+ // this statement is like "break"
+ i = gridSize*gridSize;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < gridSize*gridSize ) {
+ int a = i % gridSize;
+ int b = i / gridSize;
+ int c = gridSize - 1 - b;
+ if( grid[a][c] != -1 ) {
+ y1 = c;
+ // this statement is like "break"
+ i = gridSize*gridSize;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ System.printString( "Ending computeBoundingBox\n" );
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// tileSearch is a program to solve the
+// following problem:
+// Find all arrangements of N square tiles
+// that evaluate to the highest possible score.
+// Each tile has an integer on its north, south
+// east and west faces. Tiles faces may only
+// be adjacent to other tile faces with the
+// same number.
+// Tiles may not be rotated.
+// All tiles in the final arrangement must
+// be adjacent to at least one other tile.
+// The score of an arrangement is the sum of
+// all tile face values that are not adjacent
+// to another face.
+// Example input:
+// +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
+// | 3 | | 4 | | 9 | | 3 |
+// |2 1| |5 5| |1 1| |5 2|
+// | 4 | | 3 | | 4 | | 9 |
+// +-----+, +-----+, +-----+, +-----+
+// A valid arrangement could be:
+// +-----++-----+
+// | 3 || 9 |
+// |2 1||1 1|
+// | 4 || 4 |
+// +-----++-----+
+// +-----++-----+
+// | 4 || 3 |
+// |5 5||5 2|
+// | 3 || 9 |
+// +-----++-----+
+// Which scores:
+// 3 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 41
+// What is the highest possible score for a
+// given tile input?
+task Startup( StartupObject s{ initialstate } )
+ //System.printString("Top of task Startup\n");
+ SubProblem top = new SubProblem(){ findingNewFits, main };
+ // use this initialization to solve the above example
+ // +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
+ // | 3 | | 4 | | 9 | | 3 |
+ // |2 1| |5 5| |1 1| |5 2|
+ // | 4 | | 3 | | 4 | | 9 |
+ // +-----+, +-----+, +-----+, +-----+
+ top.tilesToFit = new Tile[3];
+ top.tilesToFit[0] = new Tile( 3, 4, 1, 2 );
+ top.tilesToFit[1] = new Tile( 4, 3, 5, 5 );
+ top.tilesToFit[2] = new Tile( 9, 4, 1, 1 );
+ top.tilesFitted = new Tile[1];
+ top.tilesFitted[0] = new Tile( 3, 9, 2, 5 );
+ /*
+ top.tilesToFit = new Tile[2];
+ top.tilesToFit[0] = new Tile( 3, 2, 3, 1 );
+ top.tilesToFit[1] = new Tile( 2, -4, -4, -4 );
+ top.tilesFitted = new Tile[1];
+ top.tilesFitted[0] = new Tile( -1, -1, 1, -1 );
+ */
+ /*
+ top.tilesToFit = new Tile[3];
+ top.tilesToFit[0] = new Tile( 2, 1, -1, 0 );
+ top.tilesToFit[1] = new Tile( 1, 3, 0, -1 );
+ top.tilesToFit[2] = new Tile( -1, 1, -1, 0 );
+ */
+ //top.tilesToFit[3] = new Tile( 1, 2, 2, -1 );
+ //top.tilesToFit[4] = new Tile( 2, 2, 1, 2 );
+ //top.tilesToFit[5] = new Tile( -1, 1, 0, 1 );
+ /*
+ top.tilesFitted = new Tile[1];
+ top.tilesFitted[0] = new Tile( 1, -1, 0, 2 );
+ */
+ top.indexToFit = 0;
+ top.indexFitted = 0;
+ top.workingGrid =
+// new TileGrid( (top.tilesToFit.length+1)*2 + 1 );
+ new TileGrid( (top.tilesToFit.length+5)*2 + 4 );
+ // put first fitted tile in the middle of the grid
+ top.tilesFitted[0].x = top.workingGrid.gridSize/2;
+ top.tilesFitted[0].y = top.workingGrid.gridSize/2;
+ top.workingGrid.grid[top.tilesFitted[0].x]
+ [top.tilesFitted[0].y] = 0;
+ top.highScore = 0;
+ GlobalCounter counter = new GlobalCounter() {Init};
+ taskexit( s{ !initialstate } );
+task findNewFits(/*optional*/ SubProblem sp{ findingNewFits }, GlobalCounter counter{ Init })
+ /*
+ if(!isavailable(sp)) {
+ counter.partial = true;
+ taskexit( sp{ !findingNewFits } );
+ }
+ */
+ //System.printString("Top of task findNewFits\n");
+ // if we have run out of iterations of the
+ // findNewFits task, mark waitingForSubProblems
+ if( sp.indexToFit == sp.tilesToFit.length )
+ {
+ //System.printString( "****************************************\nFinish iterating intermediate subproblem\n*********************************\n");
+ taskexit( sp{ !findingNewFits } );
+ }
+ //System.printString( "###################################\n" );
+ //sp.workingGrid.printGrid( sp.tilesFitted );
+ //System.printString( "Want to add this tile:\n" );
+ //sp.tilesToFit[sp.indexToFit].printTile();
+ //System.printString( "to this tile:\n" );
+ //sp.tilesFitted[sp.indexFitted].printTile();
+ //System.printString( "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\nchecking if there is a fit:\n" );
+ if( sp.workingGrid.validFitNorth(
+ sp.tilesToFit [sp.indexToFit],
+ sp.tilesFitted[sp.indexFitted],
+ sp.tilesFitted ) )
+ {
+ //System.printString( "North: \n" );
+ SubProblem newSP = null;
+ if(sp.tilesToFit.length == 1 ) {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { !scored, leaf };
+ ++counter.counter;
+ } else {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { findingNewFits };
+ }
+ sp.initializeSubProblem( newSP, 1 );
+ //System.printString( "match! new a SubProblem\n" );
+ }
+ if( sp.workingGrid.validFitSouth(
+ sp.tilesToFit [sp.indexToFit],
+ sp.tilesFitted[sp.indexFitted],
+ sp.tilesFitted ) )
+ {
+ //System.printString( "South: \n" );
+ SubProblem newSP = null;
+ if(sp.tilesToFit.length == 1) {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { !scored, leaf };
+ ++counter.counter;
+ } else {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { findingNewFits };
+ }
+ sp.initializeSubProblem( newSP, 2 );
+ //System.printString( "match! new a SubProblem\n" );
+ }
+ if( sp.workingGrid.validFitEast(
+ sp.tilesToFit [sp.indexToFit],
+ sp.tilesFitted[sp.indexFitted],
+ sp.tilesFitted ) )
+ {
+ //System.printString( "East: \n" );
+ SubProblem newSP = null;
+ if(sp.tilesToFit.length == 1) {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { !scored, leaf };
+ ++counter.counter;
+ } else {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { findingNewFits };
+ }
+ sp.initializeSubProblem( newSP, 3 );
+ //System.printString( "match! new a SubProblem\n" );
+ }
+ if( sp.workingGrid.validFitWest(
+ sp.tilesToFit [sp.indexToFit],
+ sp.tilesFitted[sp.indexFitted],
+ sp.tilesFitted ) )
+ {
+ //System.printString( "West:\n" );
+ SubProblem newSP = null;
+ if(sp.tilesToFit.length == 1) {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { !scored, leaf };
+ ++counter.counter;
+ } else {
+ newSP = new SubProblem() { findingNewFits };
+ }
+ sp.initializeSubProblem( newSP, 4 );
+ //System.printString( "match! new a SubProblem\nSpawn finished! Go on find new fits.\n" );
+ }
+ //System.printString( "Spawn finished! Go on find new fits.\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n" );
+ // otherwise perform another iteration of
+ // the findNewFits task
+ sp.incrementIndices();
+ taskexit( sp{ findingNewFits } );
+task scoreSubProbleam(SubProblem sp{ !scored && leaf }) {
+ //System.printString("Top of task scoreSubProblem\n");
+ sp.scoreWorkingGrid();
+ taskexit(sp { scored });
+//check the highest score
+task findHighestScore(SubProblem pSp{ !scored && main }, /*optional*/ SubProblem cSp{ scored && leaf }, GlobalCounter counter{ Init } ) {
+ //System.printString("Top of task findHighestScore\n");
+ --counter.counter;
+ //System.printString( "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" );
+ //System.printString( "find highest score:\n" + counter.counter + "\n" );
+ //System.printString( "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" );
+ /*
+ if(isavailable(cSp)) {
+ if(pSp.highScore < cSp.highScore) {
+ pSp.highScore = cSp.highScore;
+ }
+ if((counter.partial == true) || (cSp.partial == true)) {
+ pSp.partial = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pSp.partial = true;
+ }
+ */
+ if(counter.counter == 0) {
+ taskexit(pSp{ scored }, cSp{ !leaf });
+ } else {
+ taskexit(cSp{ !leaf });
+ }
+task printHighestScore(SubProblem sp{ scored && main }) {
+ //System.printString("Top of task printHighestScore\n");
+ // if(isavailable(sp)) {
+ if(sp.partial == true) {
+ System.printString ( "Result may not be the best one due to some failure during execution!\n" );
+ }
+ System.printString( "Found highest score: " + sp.highScore + "\n" );
+ /* } else {
+ System.printString( "Fail to process\n" );
+ }*/
+ taskexit(sp{ !scored });