--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for button
+package Button
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+//JPF's Verify API
+import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
+public class Button {
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String button
+ private int numberOfButtons
+ Button(String id, String label, String displayName, String button, int numberOfButtons) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.button = button
+ this.numberOfButtons = numberOfButtons
+ }
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ button = eventDataMap["value"]
+ println("the button is $button!")
+ }
+ def eventsSince() {
+ def evtHeld = [[name: "button", value: "held", deviceId: "buttonID0", descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}']]
+ def evtPushed = [[name: "button", value: "pushed", deviceId: "buttonID0", descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}']]
+ def init = Verify.getInt(0,4)
+ def evtToSend = []
+ if (init == 0) {//return empty set
+ return evtToSend
+ } else if (init == 1) {//send one held event
+ evtHeld.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ return evtToSend
+ } else if (init == 2) {//send two held events
+ evtHeld.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ evtHeld.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ return evtToSend
+ } else if (init == 3) {//send one pushed event
+ evtPushed.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ return evtToSend
+ } else if (init == 4) {//send two pushed events
+ evtPushed.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ evtPushed.each{
+ evtToSend.add(it)
+ }
+ return evtToSend
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for button
+package Button
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+//JPF's Verify API
+import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
+public class Buttons {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List buttons
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "buttonID0"
+ private String label = "button0"
+ private String displayName = "button0"
+ private String button = "pushed"
+ private int numberOfButtons = 4
+ Buttons(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.buttons = []
+ buttons.add(new Button(id, label, displayName, button, numberOfButtons))
+ }
+ //By Model Checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ buttons[0].setValue(eventDataMap)
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ buttons.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ buttons.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ buttons.each(Input)
+ }
+ def sort(Closure Input) {
+ buttons.sort(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ buttons.find(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ buttons.collect(Input)
+ }
+ //methods
+ def eventsSince(Date dateObj) {
+ return buttons[0].eventsSince()
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ buttons[ix]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for color temperature
+package ColorTemperature
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+public class ColorTemperature {
+ def sendEvent
+ private String id
+ private String label
+ private String displayName
+ private String currentSwitch
+ private int level
+ private int currentLevel
+ private int colorTemperature
+ ColorTemperature(Closure sendEvent, String id, String label, String displayName, int level, String currentSwitch, int colorTemperature) {
+ this.id = id
+ this.label = label
+ this.displayName = displayName
+ this.level = level
+ this.currentLevel = level
+ this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
+ this.colorTemperature = colorTemperature
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ }
+ //By model checker
+ def setValue(String value, String name) {
+ if ((name == "level") && (value != this.level)) {
+ this.currentLevel = value.toInteger()
+ this.level = value.toInteger()
+ println("The level of the light is changed to $value!")
+ } else if ((name == "currentSwitch") && (value != this.currentSwitch)) {
+ this.currentSwitch = value
+ println("The light is changed to $value!")
+ } else if ((name == "colorTemperature") && (value != this.colorTemperature)) {
+ this.colorTemperature = value.toInteger()
+ println("The color temperature level of the light is changed to $value!")
+ }
+ }
+ //methods
+ def setLevel(int level) {
+ if (level != this.level) {
+ this.currentLevel = level
+ this.level = level
+ println("The level of the light is changed to $level!")
+ sendEvent([name: "level", value: "$level", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ }
+ }
+ def setColorTemperature(int colorTemperature) {
+ if (colorTemperature != this.colorTemperature) {
+ this.colorTemperature = colorTemperature
+ println("The color temperature level of the light is changed to $colorTemperature!")
+ sendEvent([name: "colorTemperature", value: "$colorTemperature", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ }
+ }
+ def on(String currentSwitch) {
+ if (currentSwitch != this.currentSwitch) {
+ this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
+ println("The light is changed to $currentSwitch!")
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "$currentSwitch", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ sendEvent([name: "switch.on", value: "$currentSwitch", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ }
+ }
+ def off(String currentSwitch) {
+ if (currentSwitch != this.currentSwitch) {
+ this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
+ println("The light is changed to $currentSwitch!")
+ sendEvent([name: "switch", value: "$currentSwitch", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ sendEvent([name: "switch.off", value: "$currentSwitch", deviceId: this.id, descriptionText: "",
+ displayed: true, linkText: "", isStateChange: false, unit: "", data: '{"info": "info"}'])
+ }
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "level") {
+ return level
+ } else if (deviceFeature == "colorTemperature") {
+ return colorTemperature
+ } else if (deviceFeature == "switch") {
+ return currentSwitch
+ }
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ if (deviceFeature == "level") {
+ return level
+ } else if (deviceFeature == "colorTemperature") {
+ return colorTemperature
+ } else if (deviceFeature == "switch") {
+ return currentSwitch
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+//Create a class for color temperature
+package ColorTemperature
+import Timer.SimulatedTimer
+//JPF's Verify API
+import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
+public class ColorTemperatures {
+ private int deviceNumbers
+ private List colorTemperatues
+ def sendEvent
+ //For one device(We cannot have obj.id)-> We should have obj[0].id
+ private String id = "colorTemperatureID0"
+ private String label = "colorTemperature0"
+ private String displayName = "colorTemperature0"
+ private String currentSwitch = "off"
+ private int level = 50
+ private int currentLevel = 50
+ private int colorTemperature = 15000
+ ColorTemperatures(Closure sendEvent, int deviceNumbers) {
+ this.sendEvent = sendEvent
+ this.deviceNumbers = deviceNumbers
+ this.colorTemperatues = []
+ colorTemperatues.add(new ColorTemperature(sendEvent, id, label, displayName, this.level, this.currentSwitch, this.colorTemperature))
+ }
+ //Methods for closures
+ def count(Closure Input) {
+ colorTemperatues.count(Input)
+ }
+ def size() {
+ colorTemperatues.size()
+ }
+ def each(Closure Input) {
+ colorTemperatues.each(Input)
+ }
+ def find(Closure Input) {
+ colorTemperatues.find(Input)
+ }
+ def sort(Closure Input) {
+ colorTemperatues.sort(Input)
+ }
+ def collect(Closure Input) {
+ colorTemperatues.collect(Input)
+ }
+ //By model checker
+ def setValue(LinkedHashMap eventDataMap) {
+ if (eventDataMap["name"] == "switch") {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"] != colorTemperatues[0].currentSwitch) {
+ this.currentSwitch = eventDataMap["value"]
+ colorTemperatues[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"], "switch")
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ } else if (eventDataMap["name"] == "colorTemperature") {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"].toInteger() != colorTemperatues[0].colorTemperature) {
+ this.colorTemperature = eventDataMap["value"].toInteger()
+ colorTemperatues[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"], "colorTemperature")
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ } else if (eventDataMap["name"] == "level") {
+ if (eventDataMap["value"].toInteger() != colorTemperatues[0].level) {
+ this.currentLevel = eventDataMap["value"].toInteger()
+ this.level = eventDataMap["value"].toInteger()
+ colorTemperatues[0].setValue(eventDataMap["value"], "level")
+ sendEvent(eventDataMap)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //methods
+ def setLevel(int level) {
+ if (level != this.level) {
+ this.currentLevel = level
+ this.level = level
+ colorTemperatues[0].setLevel(level)
+ }
+ }
+ def setColorTemperature(String colorTemperature) {
+ if (colorTemperature != this.colorTemperature) {
+ this.colorTemperature = colorTemperature
+ colorTemperatues[0].setColorTemperature(colorTemperature)
+ }
+ }
+ def on(String currentSwitch) {
+ if (currentSwitch != this.currentSwitch) {
+ this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
+ colorTemperatues[0].on(currentSwitch)
+ }
+ }
+ def off(String currentSwitch) {
+ if (currentSwitch != this.currentSwitch) {
+ this.currentSwitch = currentSwitch
+ colorTemperatues[0].off(currentSwitch)
+ }
+ }
+ def currentValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ colorTemperatues[0].currentValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def latestValue(String deviceFeature) {
+ colorTemperatues[0].latestValue(deviceFeature)
+ }
+ def getAt(int ix) {
+ colorTemperatues[ix]
+ }
--- /dev/null
+def parseJson(String data) {
+ return new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(data)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+def unsubscribe() {
+ objectList.clear()
+ eventList.clear()
+ functionList.clear()
\ No newline at end of file
canSchedule = open("Methods/"+"canSchedule.groovy", "r")
createAccessToken = open("Methods/"+"createAccessToken.groovy", "r")
runOnce = open("Methods/"+"runOnce.groovy", "r")
+parseJson = open("Methods/"+"parseJson.groovy", "r")
+unsubscribe = open("Methods/"+"unsubscribe.groovy", "r")
App1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/App1.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsApp1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/extractedObjectsApp1.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsConstructorApp1 = open("Extractor/"+"App1/extractedObjectsConstructorApp1.groovy", "r")
Out.write("import Valve.Valves\n")
Out.write("import MobilePresence.MobilePresence\n")
Out.write("import MobilePresence.MobilePresences\n")
+Out.write("import ColorTemperature.ColorTemperature\n")
+Out.write("import ColorTemperature.ColorTemperatures\n")
+Out.write("import Button.Button\n")
+Out.write("import Button.Buttons\n")
Out.write("import Event.Event\n")
Out.write("import Timer.SimulatedTimer\n")
for line in runOnce:
+for line in parseJson:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
+for line in unsubscribe:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
Start = 0
for line in App1:
canSchedule = open("Methods/"+"canSchedule.groovy", "r")
createAccessToken = open("Methods/"+"createAccessToken.groovy", "r")
runOnce = open("Methods/"+"runOnce.groovy", "r")
+parseJson = open("Methods/"+"parseJson.groovy", "r")
+unsubscribe = open("Methods/"+"unsubscribe.groovy", "r")
App2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/App2.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsApp2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/extractedObjectsApp2.groovy", "r")
extractedObjectsConstructorApp2 = open("Extractor/"+"App2/extractedObjectsConstructorApp2.groovy", "r")
for line in runOnce:
+for line in parseJson:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
+for line in unsubscribe:
+ Out.write("\t"+line)
Start = 0
for line in App2: