-obj-y += io.o idle.o irq.o timer.o
+obj-y += io.o idle.o irq.o timer.o iomux.o
obj-y += devices.o
obj-y += proc_comm.o
obj-y += vreg.o
#include <mach/irqs.h>
#include <mach/board.h>
#include <mach/rk2818_iomap.h>
+#include <mach/iomux.h>
#include <linux/mtd/nand.h>
#include <linux/mtd/partitions.h>
iotable_init(rk2818_io_desc, ARRAY_SIZE(rk2818_io_desc));
printk("%s [%d]\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
- //rk2818_iomux_init();
+ rk2818_iomux_init();
MACHINE_START(RK2818, "rk2818midsdk")
--- /dev/null
+ * arch/arm/mach-rk2818/include/mach/iomux.h
+ *
+ *Copyright (C) 2010 ROCKCHIP, Inc.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+ * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef __RK2818_IOMUX_H__
+#define __RK2818_IOMUX_H__
+#define IOMUXA_I2C0 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_A45 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_A67 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_UART1_SIR (1)
+#define IOMUXA_I2C1 (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_B1 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_UART1_SOUT (1)
+#define IOMUXA_CX_TIMER1_PMW (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_B0 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_UART1_SIN (1)
+#define IOMUXA_CX_TIMER0_PWM (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_C237 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_C456 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC1_DATA123 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_A3B7 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SPI1_RXD_TXD (1)
+#define IOMUXA_FLASH_CS67 (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_A12 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_FLASH_CS45 (2) (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO0_B0 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SPI0_CSN1 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC1_PWR_EN (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_C1 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_UART0_SOUT (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_C0 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_UART0_SIN (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_B4 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_PWM2 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_B3 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_PWM1 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO0_B1 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SM_CS1_N (1)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC0_PWR_EN (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_D234 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC0_DATA123 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO1_D015 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO0_B567 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SPI0 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC0_DATA567 (2)
+#define IOMUXA_GPIO0_B4 (0)
+#define IOMUXA_SPI0_CSN0 (1)
+#define IOMUXA_SDMMC0_DATA4 (2)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_B34 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_UART3_IN_OUT (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_B01 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_UART2_IN_OUT (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A23 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_UART2_CTS_RTS (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_22_23 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_HSADC_DATA_Q89 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_SM_WE_SM_OE (2)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_14_TO_21 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_HSADC_DATA_Q7_TO_Q0 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_HOST_DATA15_TO_8 (2)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A1 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_HOST_DATA17 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A0 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_HOST_DATA16 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_A0 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_VIP_DATA0 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_24 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_GPS_CLK (1)
+#define IOMUXB_HSADC_DATA_I98 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A7 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_FLASH_CS3 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A6 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_FLASH_CS2 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_A5 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_FLASH_CS1 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_B5 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_PWM3 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_B3 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_UART0_RTS_N (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_B2 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_UART0_CTS_N (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_B2 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_PWM0 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_D0_7 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_LCDC_DATA8_15 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_C2_7 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_LCDC_DATA18_23 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO0_C01 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_LCDC_DATA16_17 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_26 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_25 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_LCDC_VSYNC (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_14_23 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_HSADC_DATA9_0 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_0_13 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_D7 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_D6 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_EXT_IQ_INDEX (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO2_27_31 (1)
+#define IOMUXB_GPIO1_B6 (0)
+#define IOMUXB_VIP_CLKOUT (1)
+#define DEFAULT 0
+#define INITIAL 1
+#define GPIOE_I2C0_SEL_NAME "gpioe_i2c0_sel"
+#define GPIOE_U1IR_I2C1_NAME "gpioe_u1ir_i2c1"
+#define GPIOF1_UART1_CPWM1_NAME "gpiof1_uart1_cpwm1"
+#define GPIOF0_UART1_CPWM0_NAME "gpiof0_uart1_cpwm0"
+#define GPIOG_MMC1_SEL_NAME "gpiog_mmc1_sel"
+#define GPIOG_MMC1D_SEL_NAME "gpiog_mmc1d_sel"
+#define GPIOE_SPI1_FLASH_SEL_NAME "gpioe_spi1_flash2"
+#define GPIOE_SPI1_FLASH_SEL1_NAME "gpioe_spi1_flash1"
+#define GPIOB0_SPI0CSN1_MMC1PCA_NAME "gpiob0_spi0csn1_mmc1pca"
+#define GPIOG1_UART0_MMC1WPT_NAME "gpiog1_uart0_mmc1wpt"
+#define GPIOG0_UART0_MMC1DET_NAME "gpiog0_uart0_mmc1det"
+#define GPIOF4_APWM2_MMC0WPT_NAME "gpiof4_apwm2_mmc0wpt"
+#define GPIOF3_APWM1_MMC0DETN_NAME "gpiof3_apwm1_mmc0detn"
+#define GPIOB1_SMCS1_MMC0PCA_NAME "gpiob1_smcs1_mmc0pca"
+#define GPIOH_MMC0D_SEL_NAME "gpioh_mmc0d_sel"
+#define GPIOH_MMC0_SEL_NAME "gpioh_mmc0_sel"
+#define GPIOB_SPI0_MMC0_NAME "gpiob_spi0_mmc0"
+#define GPIOB4_SPI0CS0_MMC0D4_NAME "gpiob4_spi0cs0_mmc0d4"
+#define GPIOF34_UART3_SEL_NAME "gpiof34_uart3"
+#define GPIOF01_UART2_SEL_NAME "gpiof01_uart2"
+#define GPIOA23_UART2_SEL_NAME "gpioa23_uart2"
+#define CXGPIO_HSADC_NORFLASH_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_hsadc_norflash"
+#define CXGPIO_HSADC_HIF_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_hsadc_hif"
+#define GPIOA1_HOSTDATA17_SEL_NAME "gpioa1_hostdata17"
+#define GPIOA0_HOSTDATA16_SEL_NAME "gpioa0_hostdata16"
+#define GPIOE0_VIPDATA0_SEL_NAME "gpioe0_vipdata0"
+#define CXGPIO_GPSCLK_HSADCCLKOUT_NAME "cxgpio_gpsclk_hsadcclkout"
+#define HSADCDATA_TSCON_SEL_NAME "hsadcdata_tscon_sel"
+#define GPIOA7_FLASHCS3_SEL_NAME "gpioa7_flashcs3_sel"
+#define GPIOA6_FLASHCS2_SEL_NAME "gpioa6_flashcs2_sel"
+#define GPIOA5_FLASHCS1_SEL_NAME "gpioa5_flashcs1_sel"
+#define GPIOF5_APWM3_DPWM3_NAME "gpiof5_apwm3_dpwm"
+#define GPIOB3_U0RTSN_SEL_NAME "gpiob3_u0rtsn_sel"
+#define GPIOB2_U0CTSN_SEL_NAME "gpiob2_u0ctsn_sel"
+#define GPIOF2_APWM0_SEL_NAME "gpiof2_apwm0_sel"
+#define GPIOC_LCDC16BIT_SEL_NAME "gpiod_lcdc16bit_sel"
+#define GPIOC_LCDC24BIT_SEL_NAME "gpioc_lcdc24bit_sel"
+#define GPIOC_LCDC18BIT_SEL_NAME "gpioc_lcdc18bit_sel"
+#define CXGPIO_LCDDEN_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_lcdden_sel"
+#define CXGPIO_LCDVSYNC_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_lcdvsync_sel"
+#define CXGPIO_HSADC_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_hsadc_sel"
+#define CXGPIO_HOST_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_host_sel"
+#define GPIOH7_HSADCCLK_SEL_NAME "gpioh7_hsadcclk_sel"
+#define GPIOH6_IQ_SEL_NAME "gpioh6_iq_sel"
+#define CXGPIO_I2S_SEL_NAME "cxgpio_i2s_sel"
+#define GPIOF6_VIPCLK_SEL_NAME "gpiof6_vipclk_sel"
+#define CPU_APB_REG0 0x00
+#define CPU_APB_REG1 0x04
+#define CPU_APB_REG2 0x08
+#define CPU_APB_REG3 0x0c
+#define CPU_APB_REG4 0x10
+#define CPU_APB_REG5 0x14
+#define CPU_APB_REG6 0x18
+#define CPU_APB_REG7 0x1c
+#define IOMUX_A_CON 0x20
+#define IOMUX_B_CON 0x24
+#define GPIO0_AB_PU_CON 0x28
+#define GPIO0_CD_PU_CON 0x2c
+#define GPIO1_AB_PU_CON 0x30
+#define GPIO1_CD_PU_CON 0x34
+#define OTGPHY_CON0 0x38
+#define OTGPHY_CON1 0x3c
+#define MUX_CFG(desc,reg,off,interl,mux_mode,bflags) \
+{ \
+ .name = desc, \
+ .offset = off, \
+ .interleave = interl, \
+ .mux_reg = RK2818_IOMUX_##reg##_CON, \
+ .mode = mux_mode, \
+ .flags = bflags, \
+struct mux_config {
+ char *name;
+ const unsigned int offset;
+ unsigned int mode;
+ const unsigned int mux_reg;
+ const unsigned int interleave;
+ unsigned int flags;
+extern int rk2818_iomux_init(void);
+extern void rk2818_mux_api_set(char *name, unsigned int mode);
--- /dev/null
+ * arch/arm/mach-rk2818/iomux.c
+ *
+ *Copyright (C) 2010 ROCKCHIP, Inc.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+ * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <asm/system.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <mach/rk2818_iomap.h>
+#include <mach/iomux.h>
+static struct mux_config __initdata_or_module rk2818_muxs[] = {
+ * description mux mode mux mux
+ * reg offset inter mode
+ */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOE_I2C0_SEL_NAME, A, 30, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0: i2c0_sda/scl gpioe_u1ir_i2c1 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOE_U1IR_I2C1_NAME, A, 28, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_e6/e7 01 gpiof1_uart1_cpwm1_out_n 10 : i2c1_sda/scl */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF1_UART1_CPWM1_NAME, A, 26, 2, 1, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_f1 01 : uart1_sout 10 : cx_timer1_pwm */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF0_UART1_CPWM0_NAME, A, 24, 2, 1, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_f0 01 : uart1_sin 10 : cx_timer0_pwm */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOG_MMC1_SEL_NAME, A, 23, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_g2/g3/g7 1: sdmmc1_cmd/data0/clkout */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOG_MMC1D_SEL_NAME, A, 22, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_g4/g5/g6 1 : sdmmc1_data1/data2/data3 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOE_SPI1_FLASH_SEL_NAME, A, 20, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_e1/e2/e3/f7 01 : spi1_clkin/spi1_ss_in_n/spi1_rxd/spi1_txd 10 :flash_cs6 / flash_cs7*/
+MUX_CFG(GPIOE_SPI1_FLASH_SEL1_NAME, A, 18, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /*00 : gpio1_a1/a2 01 : spi1_clkin/spi1_ss_in_n 10 : flash_cs4 / flash_cs5 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB0_SPI0CSN1_MMC1PCA_NAME, A, 16, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_b0 01 : spi0_csn1 10 : sdmmc1_pwr_en */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOG1_UART0_MMC1WPT_NAME, A, 14, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_g1 01 : uart0_sout 10 : sdmmc1_write_prt */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOG0_UART0_MMC1DET_NAME, A, 12, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_g0 01 : uart0_sin 10 : sdmmc1_detect_n */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF4_APWM2_MMC0WPT_NAME, A, 10, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_f4 01 : pwm2 10 : sdmmc0_write_prt */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF3_APWM1_MMC0DETN_NAME, A, 8, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_f3 01 : pwm1 10 : sdmmc0_detect_n */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB1_SMCS1_MMC0PCA_NAME, A, 6, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_b1 01 : sm_cs1_n 10 : sdmmc0_pwr_en */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOH_MMC0D_SEL_NAME, A, 5, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_h2/h3/h4 1 : sdmm0_data1/data2/data3 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOH_MMC0_SEL_NAME, A, 4, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_h0/h1/h5 1 : sdmmc0_cmd/data0/clkout */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB_SPI0_MMC0_NAME, A, 2, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_b5/b6/b7 01 : spi0_clkout/spi0_txd/spi0_rxd 10 : sdmmc0_data5/data6/data7 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB4_SPI0CS0_MMC0D4_NAME, A, 0, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_b4 01 : spi0_csn0 10 : sdmmc0_data4 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF34_UART3_SEL_NAME, B, 31, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0 : gpio1_b3 / gpio1_b4 function is decided by gpio1b3_apwm1_mmc0detn(IOMUX_A_CON[9:8]) and gpio1b4_apwm2_mmc0wpt(IOMUX_A_CON[11:10] separately 1 : uart3_sin / uart3_sout*/
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF01_UART2_SEL_NAME, B, 30, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0 : gpio0_b0 / gpio0_b1 function is decided by gpio0b0_spi0csn1_mmc1pca(IOMUX_A_CON [17:16]) and gpio0b1_smcs1_mmc0pca(IOMUX_A_CON [7:6] separately 1 : uart2_sin / uart2_sout */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA23_UART2_SEL_NAME, B, 29, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0 : gpio0_a2/gpio0_a3 1 : uart2_cts_n / uart2_rts_n */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_HSADC_NORFLASH_SEL_NAME, B, 27, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /*00 : gpio2_22 ~ gpio2_23 01 : hsadc_data_q[9:8] 10 : sm_we_n/sm_oe_n */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_HSADC_HIF_SEL_NAME, B, 25, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /*00 : gpio2_14 ~ gpio2_21 01 : hsadc_data_q[7:0] 10 : host_data[15:8]*/
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA1_HOSTDATA17_SEL_NAME, B, 24, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0 : gpio0_a1 1: host data 17 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA0_HOSTDATA16_SEL_NAME, B, 23, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0 : gpio0_a0 1: host data 16 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOE0_VIPDATA0_SEL_NAME, B, 22, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /*0: gpio1_a0 1: vip_data0 */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_GPSCLK_HSADCCLKOUT_NAME, B, 20, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio2_24 01 : gps clk 10 : hsadc_clkout */
+MUX_CFG(HSADCDATA_TSCON_SEL_NAME, B, 19, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0: hsadc_data_i[9:8] 1: ts_fail / ts_valid */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA7_FLASHCS3_SEL_NAME, B, 18, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_a7 1 : flash_cs3 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA6_FLASHCS2_SEL_NAME, B, 17, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_a6 1 : flash_cs2 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOA5_FLASHCS1_SEL_NAME, B, 16, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_a5 1 : flash_cs1 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF5_APWM3_DPWM3_NAME, B, 14, 2, 0, DEFAULT) /* 00 : gpio_f5 01 : pwm3 10 : demod pwm out */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB3_U0RTSN_SEL_NAME, B, 13, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_b3 1 : uart0_rts_n */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOB2_U0CTSN_SEL_NAME, B, 12, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_b2 1 : uart0_cts_n */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF2_APWM0_SEL_NAME, B, 11, 1, 0, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio_f2 1 : pwm0 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOC_LCDC16BIT_SEL_NAME, B, 10, 1, 1, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio_d0 ~ gpio_d7 1 : lcdc_data8 ~ lcdc_data15 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOC_LCDC24BIT_SEL_NAME, B, 9, 1, 1, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio_c2 ~ gpio_c7 1 : lcdc_data18 ~ lcdc_data23 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOC_LCDC18BIT_SEL_NAME, B, 8, 1, 1, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio_c0/c1 1 : lcdc_data16 ~ lcdc_data17 */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_LCDDEN_SEL_NAME, B, 7, 1, 1, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio2_26 1 : lcdc_denable */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_LCDVSYNC_SEL_NAME, B, 6, 1, 1, INITIAL) /* 0 : gpio2_25 1 : lcdc_vsync */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_HSADC_SEL_NAME, B, 5, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio2_14 ~ gpio2_23 1 : hsadc_data_q[9:0] */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_HOST_SEL_NAME, B, 4, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio2_0 ~ gpio2_13 1 : host interface */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOH7_HSADCCLK_SEL_NAME, B, 3, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_h7 1 : hsadc_clkin */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOH6_IQ_SEL_NAME, B, 2, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_h6 1 : ext_iq_index */
+MUX_CFG(CXGPIO_I2S_SEL_NAME, B, 1, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : i2s interface 1 : gpio2_27 ~ gpio2_31 */
+MUX_CFG(GPIOF6_VIPCLK_SEL_NAME, B, 0, 1, 0, DEFAULT) /* 0 : gpio_f6 1 : vip clkout */
+void rk2818_mux_set(struct mux_config *cfg)
+ int regValue;
+ int mask;
+ mask = ((1<<(cfg->interleave))-1)<<cfg->offset;
+ regValue = readl(cfg->mux_reg);
+ regValue &=~mask;
+ regValue |=(cfg->mode<<cfg->offset);
+ #ifdef DEBUG_LHH
+ printk("%s::regValue is %x,mask is %x\n",__FUNCTION__,regValue,mask);
+ #endif
+ writel(regValue,cfg->mux_reg);
+ return;
+int rk2818_iomux_init(void)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(rk2818_muxs);i++)
+ {
+ if(rk2818_muxs[i].flags != DEFAULT)
+ rk2818_mux_set(&rk2818_muxs[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ *config iomux : input iomux name and iomux flags
+ */
+void rk2818_mux_api_set(char *name, unsigned int mode)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(rk2818_muxs);i++)
+ {
+ //if(rockchip_muxs[i].name == cfg->name)
+ if (!strcmp(rk2818_muxs[i].name, name))
+ {
+ rk2818_muxs[i].mode = mode;
+ rk2818_mux_set(&rk2818_muxs[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
#include <linux/serial.h>
#include <linux/clk.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <mach/iomux.h>
#include "rk2818_serial.h"
if(termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS)
- //rk2818_mux_api_set(GPIOB2_U0CTSN_SEL_NAME, IOMUXB_UART0_CTS_N);
- //rk2818_mux_api_set(GPIOB3_U0RTSN_SEL_NAME, IOMUXB_UART0_RTS_N);
+ rk2818_mux_api_set(GPIOB2_U0CTSN_SEL_NAME, IOMUXB_UART0_CTS_N);
+ rk2818_mux_api_set(GPIOB3_U0RTSN_SEL_NAME, IOMUXB_UART0_RTS_N);
printk("start CRTSCTS control and baudrate is %d\n",baud);
printk("UART_GET_MCR umcon=0x%x\n",umcon);