import IR.Tree.DeclarationNode;
import IR.Tree.ExpressionNode;
import IR.Tree.FieldAccessNode;
+import IR.Tree.IfStatementNode;
import IR.Tree.InstanceOfNode;
import IR.Tree.Kind;
import IR.Tree.LiteralNode;
checkDeclarationInBlockNode(md, md.getParameterTable(), bn);
- public void checkDeclarationInBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockNode bn) {
+ private void checkDeclarationInBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockNode bn) {
for (int i = 0; i < bn.size(); i++) {
BlockStatementNode bsn = bn.get(i);
- public void checkMethodBody(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ private void checkMethodBody(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
BlockNode bn = state.getMethodBody(md);
checkBlockNode(md, md.getParameterTable(), bn);
- public void checkBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockNode bn) {
- /* Link in the naming environment */
+ private void checkBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockNode bn) {
for (int i = 0; i < bn.size(); i++) {
BlockStatementNode bsn = bn.get(i);
- public void checkBlockStatementNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ private void checkBlockStatementNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
BlockStatementNode bsn) {
switch (bsn.kind()) {
case Kind.BlockExpressionNode:
- checkBlockExpressionNode(md, nametable, (BlockExpressionNode) bsn);
+ checkLocationFromBlockExpressionNode(md, nametable, (BlockExpressionNode) bsn);
- }
- /*
- * switch (bsn.kind()) { case Kind.BlockExpressionNode:
- * checkBlockExpressionNode(md, nametable, (BlockExpressionNode) bsn);
- * return;
- *
- * case Kind.DeclarationNode: checkDeclarationNode(md, nametable,
- * (DeclarationNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.TagDeclarationNode: checkTagDeclarationNode(md, nametable,
- * (TagDeclarationNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.IfStatementNode: checkIfStatementNode(md, nametable,
- * (IfStatementNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.SwitchStatementNode: checkSwitchStatementNode(md, nametable,
- * (SwitchStatementNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.LoopNode: checkLoopNode(md, nametable, (LoopNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.ReturnNode: checkReturnNode(md, nametable, (ReturnNode) bsn);
- * return;
- *
- * case Kind.TaskExitNode: checkTaskExitNode(md, nametable, (TaskExitNode)
- * bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.SubBlockNode: checkSubBlockNode(md, nametable, (SubBlockNode)
- * bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.AtomicNode: checkAtomicNode(md, nametable, (AtomicNode) bsn);
- * return;
- *
- * case Kind.SynchronizedNode: checkSynchronizedNode(md, nametable,
- * (SynchronizedNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.ContinueBreakNode: checkContinueBreakNode(md, nametable,
- * (ContinueBreakNode) bsn); return;
- *
- * case Kind.SESENode: case Kind.GenReachNode: // do nothing, no semantic
- * check for SESEs return; }
- */
- // throw new Error();
- }
- private void checkDeclarationInSubBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- SubBlockNode sbn) {
- checkDeclarationInBlockNode(md, nametable, sbn.getBlockNode());
- }
- void checkBlockExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, BlockExpressionNode ben) {
- checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, ben.getExpression(), null);
- }
- void checkExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, ExpressionNode en,
- TypeDescriptor td) {
- switch (en.kind()) {
- case Kind.AssignmentNode:
- checkAssignmentNode(md, nametable, (AssignmentNode) en, td);
+ case Kind.DeclarationNode:
+ checkLocationFromDeclarationNode(md, nametable, (DeclarationNode) bsn);
- case Kind.OpNode:
- checkOpNode(md, nametable, (OpNode) en, td);
+ case Kind.IfStatementNode:
+ // checkLocationFromIfStatementNode(md, nametable, (IfStatementNode) bsn);
- case Kind.FieldAccessNode:
- checkFieldAccessNode(md, nametable, (FieldAccessNode) en, td);
+ case Kind.LoopNode:
+ // checkLocationFromLoopNode(md, nametable, (LoopNode) bsn);
- case Kind.NameNode:
- checkNameNode(md, nametable, (NameNode) en, td);
+ case Kind.ReturnNode:
+ // checkLocationFromReturnNode(md, nametable, (ReturnNode) bsn);
- }
- /*
- * switch(en.kind()) { case Kind.AssignmentNode:
- * checkAssignmentNode(md,nametable,(AssignmentNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.CastNode: checkCastNode(md,nametable,(CastNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.CreateObjectNode:
- * checkCreateObjectNode(md,nametable,(CreateObjectNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.FieldAccessNode:
- * checkFieldAccessNode(md,nametable,(FieldAccessNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.ArrayAccessNode:
- * checkArrayAccessNode(md,nametable,(ArrayAccessNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.LiteralNode: checkLiteralNode(md,nametable,(LiteralNode)en,td);
- * return;
- *
- * case Kind.MethodInvokeNode:
- * checkMethodInvokeNode(md,nametable,(MethodInvokeNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.NameNode: checkNameNode(md,nametable,(NameNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.OpNode: checkOpNode(md,nametable,(OpNode)en,td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.OffsetNode: checkOffsetNode(md, nametable, (OffsetNode)en, td);
- * return;
- *
- * case Kind.TertiaryNode: checkTertiaryNode(md, nametable,
- * (TertiaryNode)en, td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.InstanceOfNode: checkInstanceOfNode(md, nametable,
- * (InstanceOfNode) en, td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.ArrayInitializerNode: checkArrayInitializerNode(md, nametable,
- * (ArrayInitializerNode) en, td); return;
- *
- * case Kind.ClassTypeNode: checkClassTypeNode(md, nametable,
- * (ClassTypeNode) en, td); return; }
- */
- }
- void checkNameNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, NameNode nn, TypeDescriptor td) {
- NameDescriptor nd = nn.getName();
- System.out.println("checkNameNode=" + nn);
- System.out.println("nn.expression=" + nn.getExpression().printNode(0));
- if (nd.getBase() != null) {
- /* Big hack */
- /* Rewrite NameNode */
- ExpressionNode en = translateNameDescriptorintoExpression(nd);
- System.out.println("base=" + nd.getBase() + " field=" + nn.getField() + " en="
- + en.printNode(0));
- nn.setExpression(en);
- System.out.println("checking expression node=" + en.printNode(0) + " with td=" + td);
- checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, td);
- } else {
- System.out.println("base=" + nd.getBase() + " field=" + nn.getField());
+ case Kind.SubBlockNode:
+ // checkLocationFromSubBlockNode(md, nametable, (SubBlockNode) bsn);
+ return;
+ case Kind.ContinueBreakNode:
+ // checkLocationFromContinueBreakNode(md, nametable,(ContinueBreakNode)
+ // bsn);
+ return;
- // ExpressionNode en=nn.getExpression();
- // if(en instanceof FieldAccessNode){
- // FieldAccessNode fan=(FieldAccessNode)en;
- // System.out.println("base="+nd.getBase()+" field="+fan.getFieldName());
- // }
- // checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, nn.getExpression(), td);
- // NameDescriptor nd = nn.getName();
- // if (nd.getBase() != null) {
- // System.out.println("nd.getBase()="+nd.getBase());
- // /* Big hack */
- // /* Rewrite NameNode */
- // ExpressionNode en = translateNameDescriptorintoExpression(nd);
- // System.out.println("expressionsNode="+en);
- // nn.setExpression(en);
- // checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, td);
- // }
- ExpressionNode translateNameDescriptorintoExpression(NameDescriptor nd) {
- String id = nd.getIdentifier();
- NameDescriptor base = nd.getBase();
- if (base == null) {
- NameNode nn = new NameNode(nd);
- return nn;
- } else {
- FieldAccessNode fan = new FieldAccessNode(translateNameDescriptorintoExpression(base), id);
- return fan;
- }
- }
+ private void checkLocationFromDeclarationNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ DeclarationNode dn) {
+ VarDescriptor vd = dn.getVarDescriptor();
- void checkFieldAccessNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, FieldAccessNode fan,
- TypeDescriptor td) {
+ Location destLoc = td2loc.get(vd.getType());
- System.out.println("fan=" + fan + " field=" + fan.getFieldName());
- ExpressionNode left = fan.getExpression();
- System.out.println("checking expression from fan=" + left.printNode(0) + " with td=" + td);
- checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, left, null);
- TypeDescriptor ltd = left.getType();
- String fieldname = fan.getFieldName();
+ ClassDescriptor localCD = md.getClassDesc();
+ if (dn.getExpression() != null) {
+ CompositeLocation expressionLoc = new CompositeLocation(localCD);
+ expressionLoc =
+ checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, dn.getExpression(), expressionLoc);
- }
+ if (expressionLoc != null) {
+ System.out.println("expressionLoc=" + expressionLoc + " and destLoc=" + destLoc);
- void checkOpNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, OpNode on, TypeDescriptor td) {
+ // checking location order
- Lattice<String> locOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(md.getClassDesc());
+ if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(expressionLoc, destLoc, localCD)) {
+ throw new Error("The value flow from " + expressionLoc + " to " + destLoc
+ + " does not respect location hierarchy on the assignment " + dn.printNode(0));
+ }
- CompositeLocation leftOpLoc = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
- getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getLeft(), leftOpLoc);
+ }
- CompositeLocation rightOpLoc = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
- if (on.getRight() != null) {
- getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getRight(), rightOpLoc);
- TypeDescriptor ltd = on.getLeft().getType();
- TypeDescriptor rtd = on.getRight() != null ? on.getRight().getType() : null;
- Operation op = on.getOp();
- switch (op.getOp()) {
- case Operation.UNARYPLUS:
- case Operation.UNARYMINUS:
- case Operation.LOGIC_NOT:
- // single operand
- on.setType(new TypeDescriptor(TypeDescriptor.BOOLEAN));
- break;
- case Operation.LOGIC_OR:
- case Operation.LOGIC_AND:
- case Operation.COMP:
- case Operation.BIT_OR:
- case Operation.BIT_XOR:
- case Operation.BIT_AND:
- case Operation.ISAVAILABLE:
- case Operation.EQUAL:
- case Operation.NOTEQUAL:
- case Operation.LT:
- case Operation.GT:
- case Operation.LTE:
- case Operation.GTE:
- case Operation.ADD:
- case Operation.SUB:
- case Operation.MULT:
- case Operation.DIV:
- case Operation.MOD:
- case Operation.LEFTSHIFT:
- case Operation.RIGHTSHIFT:
- case Operation.URIGHTSHIFT:
- Set<String> operandSet = new HashSet<String>();
- String leftLoc = ltd.getAnnotationMarkers().get(0).getMarker();
- String rightLoc = rtd.getAnnotationMarkers().get(0).getMarker();
- operandSet.add(leftLoc);
- operandSet.add(rightLoc);
- // TODO
- // String glbLoc = locOrder.getGLB(operandSet);
- // on.getType().addAnnotationMarker(new AnnotationDescriptor(glbLoc));
- // System.out.println(glbLoc + "<-" + leftLoc + " " + rightLoc);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(op.toString());
- }
+ }
- if (td != null) {
- String lhsLoc = td.getAnnotationMarkers().get(0).getMarker();
- if (locOrder.isGreaterThan(lhsLoc, on.getType().getAnnotationMarkers().get(0).getMarker())) {
- throw new Error("The location of LHS is higher than RHS: " + on.printNode(0));
- }
- }
+ private void checkDeclarationInSubBlockNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ SubBlockNode sbn) {
+ checkDeclarationInBlockNode(md, nametable, sbn.getBlockNode());
+ }
+ private void checkLocationFromBlockExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ BlockExpressionNode ben) {
+ checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, ben.getExpression(), null);
- protected CompositeLocation getLocationFromExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md,
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromExpressionNode(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, ExpressionNode en, CompositeLocation loc) {
switch (en.kind()) {
case Kind.AssignmentNode:
- return getLocationFromAssignmentNode(md, nametable, (AssignmentNode) en, loc);
+ return checkLocationFromAssignmentNode(md, nametable, (AssignmentNode) en, loc);
case Kind.FieldAccessNode:
- return getLocationFromFieldAccessNode(md, nametable, (FieldAccessNode) en, loc);
+ return checkLocationFromFieldAccessNode(md, nametable, (FieldAccessNode) en, loc);
case Kind.NameNode:
- return getLocationFromNameNode(md, nametable, (NameNode) en, loc);
+ return checkLocationFromNameNode(md, nametable, (NameNode) en, loc);
case Kind.OpNode:
- return getLocationFromOpNode(md, nametable, (OpNode) en);
- // checkOpNode(md,nametable,(OpNode)en,td);
- case Kind.CastNode:
- // checkCastNode(md,nametable,(CastNode)en,td);
- return null;
+ return checkLocationFromOpNode(md, nametable, (OpNode) en);
case Kind.CreateObjectNode:
// checkCreateObjectNode(md, nametable, (CreateObjectNode) en, td);
return null;
case Kind.LiteralNode:
- getLocationFromLiteralNode(md, nametable, (LiteralNode) en, loc);
- return null;
+ return checkLocationFromLiteralNode(md, nametable, (LiteralNode) en, loc);
case Kind.MethodInvokeNode:
// checkMethodInvokeNode(md,nametable,(MethodInvokeNode)en,td);
- private CompositeLocation getLocationFromOpNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromOpNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
OpNode on) {
Lattice<String> locOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(md.getClassDesc());
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
CompositeLocation leftLoc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
- leftLoc = getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getLeft(), leftLoc);
+ leftLoc = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getLeft(), leftLoc);
CompositeLocation rightLoc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
if (on.getRight() != null) {
- rightLoc = getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getRight(), rightLoc);
+ rightLoc = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, on.getRight(), rightLoc);
System.out.println("checking op node");
CompositeLocation glbCompLoc = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(cd, inputSet, cd);
- System.out.println("### GLB=" + glbCompLoc);
return glbCompLoc;
- private void getLocationFromLiteralNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- LiteralNode en, CompositeLocation loc) {
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromLiteralNode(MethodDescriptor md,
+ SymbolTable nametable, LiteralNode en, CompositeLocation loc) {
// literal value has the top location so that value can be flowed into any
// location
Location literalLoc = Location.createTopLocation(md.getClassDesc());
+ return loc;
- private CompositeLocation getLocationFromNameNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromNameNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
NameNode nn, CompositeLocation loc) {
NameDescriptor nd = nn.getName();
if (nd.getBase() != null) {
- getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, nn.getExpression(), loc);
+ loc = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, nn.getExpression(), loc);
} else {
String varname = nd.toString();
return loc;
- private CompositeLocation getLocationFromFieldAccessNode(MethodDescriptor md,
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromFieldAccessNode(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, FieldAccessNode fan, CompositeLocation loc) {
FieldDescriptor fd = fan.getField();
Location fieldLoc = td2loc.get(fd.getType());
ExpressionNode left = fan.getExpression();
- return getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, left, loc);
+ return checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, left, loc);
- private CompositeLocation getLocationFromAssignmentNode(Descriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
- AssignmentNode en, CompositeLocation loc) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
+ private CompositeLocation checkLocationFromAssignmentNode(MethodDescriptor md,
+ SymbolTable nametable, AssignmentNode an, CompositeLocation loc) {
+ System.out.println("checkAssignmentNode=" + an.printNode(0));
- return null;
+ ClassDescriptor localCD = md.getClassDesc();
+ CompositeLocation srcLocation = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
+ CompositeLocation destLocation = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
+ boolean postinc = true;
+ if (an.getOperation().getBaseOp() == null
+ || (an.getOperation().getBaseOp().getOp() != Operation.POSTINC && an.getOperation()
+ .getBaseOp().getOp() != Operation.POSTDEC))
+ postinc = false;
+ if (!postinc) {
+ srcLocation = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, an.getSrc(), srcLocation);
+ }
+ destLocation = checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, an.getDest(), destLocation);
+ if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(srcLocation, destLocation, localCD)) {
+ throw new Error("The value flow from " + srcLocation + " to " + destLocation
+ + " does not respect location hierarchy on the assignment " + an.printNode(0));
+ }
+ return destLocation;
private Location createCompositeLocation(FieldAccessNode fan, Location loc) {
return loc;
- void checkAssignmentNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, AssignmentNode an,
- TypeDescriptor td) {
- System.out.println("checkAssignmentNode=" + an.printNode(0));
+ private void checkDeclarationNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, DeclarationNode dn) {
- CompositeLocation srcLocation = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
- CompositeLocation destLocation = new CompositeLocation(md.getClassDesc());
+ System.out.println("*** Check declarationNode=" + dn.printNode(0));
- boolean postinc = true;
- if (an.getOperation().getBaseOp() == null
- || (an.getOperation().getBaseOp().getOp() != Operation.POSTINC && an.getOperation()
- .getBaseOp().getOp() != Operation.POSTDEC))
- postinc = false;
- if (!postinc) {
- srcLocation = getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, an.getSrc(), srcLocation);
- }
- destLocation = getLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, an.getDest(), destLocation);
- if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(srcLocation, destLocation)) {
- throw new Error("The value flow from " + srcLocation + " to " + destLocation
- + " does not respect location hierarchy on the assignment " + an.printNode(0));
- }
- }
- void checkDeclarationNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, DeclarationNode dn) {
ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
VarDescriptor vd = dn.getVarDescriptor();
Vector<AnnotationDescriptor> annotationVec = vd.getType().getAnnotationMarkers();
AnnotationDescriptor ad = annotationVec.elementAt(0);
+ System.out.println("its ad=" + ad);
if (ad.getType() == AnnotationDescriptor.MARKER_ANNOTATION) {
if (d instanceof VarDescriptor) {
VarDescriptor varDescriptor = (VarDescriptor) d;
DeltaLocation deltaLoc = new DeltaLocation(cd, varDescriptor.getType());
- td2loc.put(vd.getType(), compLoc);
+ // td2loc.put(vd.getType(), compLoc);
} else if (d instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
throw new Error("Applying delta operation to the field " + locationOperand
td2loc.put(vd.getType(), compLoc);
+ System.out.println("vd=" + vd + " is assigned by " + compLoc);
private void checkMethodDeclaration(ClassDescriptor cd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ // TODO
private void checkFieldDeclaration(ClassDescriptor cd, FieldDescriptor fd) {
static class CompositeLattice {
- public static boolean isGreaterThan(Location loc1, Location loc2) {
+ public static boolean isGreaterThan(Location loc1, Location loc2, ClassDescriptor priorityCD) {
System.out.println("isGreaterThan=" + loc1 + " ? " + loc2);
CompositeLocation compLoc1;
public static CompositeLocation calculateGLB(ClassDescriptor cd,
- Set<CompositeLocation> inputSet, ClassDescriptor enclosingCD) {
- // calcualte each GLB per each local hiearchy then create new composite
- // location composed by GLB element.
- // then apply the same number of delta function to the composite location.
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inputSet, ClassDescriptor priorityCD) {
CompositeLocation glbCompLoc = new CompositeLocation(cd);
+ int maxDeltaFunction = 0;
+ // calculate GLB of priority element first
Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, Set<Location>> cd2locSet =
new Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, Set<Location>>();
- int maxDeltaFunction = 0;
- // creating mapping from class -> set of locations
+ // creating mapping from class to set of locations
for (Iterator iterator = inputSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
CompositeLocation compLoc = (CompositeLocation);
- // calculating GLB element for each class
+ Set<Location> locSetofClass = cd2locSet.get(priorityCD);
+ Set<String> locIdentifierSet = new HashSet<String>();
- Set<Location> glbElementSet = new HashSet<Location>();
- for (Iterator<ClassDescriptor> iterator = cd2locSet.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor localCD =;
+ for (Iterator<Location> locIterator = locSetofClass.iterator(); locIterator.hasNext();) {
+ Location locElement =;
+ locIdentifierSet.add(locElement.getLocIdentifier());
+ }
- Set<Location> locSetofClass = cd2locSet.get(localCD);
+ Lattice<String> locOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(priorityCD);
+ String glbLocIdentifer = locOrder.getGLB(locIdentifierSet);
- Set<String> locIdentifierSet = new HashSet<String>();
+ Location priorityGLB = new Location(priorityCD, glbLocIdentifer);
- for (Iterator<Location> locIterator = locSetofClass.iterator(); locIterator.hasNext();) {
- Location locElement =;
- locIdentifierSet.add(locElement.getLocIdentifier());
- }
+ Set<CompositeLocation> sameGLBLoc = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- Lattice<String> locOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(localCD);
- String glbLocIdentifer = locOrder.getGLB(locIdentifierSet);
+ for (Iterator<CompositeLocation> iterator = inputSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ CompositeLocation inputComploc =;
+ Location locElement = inputComploc.getLocation(priorityCD);
- Location localGLB = new Location(localCD, glbLocIdentifer);
- glbElementSet.add(localGLB);
+ if (locElement.equals(priorityGLB)) {
+ sameGLBLoc.add(inputComploc);
+ }
+ glbCompLoc.addLocation(priorityGLB);
+ if (sameGLBLoc.size() > 0) {
+ // if more than one location shares the same priority GLB
+ // need to calculate the rest of GLB loc
+ Set<Location> glbElementSet = new HashSet<Location>();
+ for (Iterator<ClassDescriptor> iterator = cd2locSet.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor localCD =;
+ if (!localCD.equals(priorityCD)) {
+ Set<Location> localLocSet = cd2locSet.get(localCD);
+ Set<String> LocalLocIdSet = new HashSet<String>();
+ for (Iterator<Location> locIterator = localLocSet.iterator(); locIterator.hasNext();) {
+ Location locElement =;
+ LocalLocIdSet.add(locElement.getLocIdentifier());
+ }
- // applying delta function to the new composite GLB lcoation
- if (maxDeltaFunction > 0) {
+ Lattice<String> localOrder = (Lattice<String>) state.getCd2LocationOrder().get(localCD);
+ Location localGLBLoc = new Location(localCD, localOrder.getGLB(LocalLocIdSet));
+ glbCompLoc.addLocation(localGLBLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if priority glb loc is lower than all of input loc
+ // assign top location to the rest of loc element
+ for (Iterator<ClassDescriptor> iterator = cd2locSet.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor localCD =;
+ if (!localCD.equals(priorityCD)) {
+ Location localGLBLoc = Location.createTopLocation(localCD);
+ glbCompLoc.addLocation(localGLBLoc);
+ }
- // first create delta location
- DeltaLocation delta = new DeltaLocation(cd, glbElementSet);
+ }
- } else {
- glbCompLoc.addLocationSet(glbElementSet);
return glbCompLoc;