--- /dev/null
+#include "altmlookup.h"
+#include "dsmlock.h"
+#include <sched.h>
+mhashtable_t mlookup; //Global hash table
+// Creates a machine lookup table with size =" size"
+unsigned int mhashCreate(unsigned int size, double loadfactor) {
+ mhashlistnode_t *nodes;
+ // Allocate space for the hash table
+ if((nodes = calloc(size, sizeof(mhashlistnode_t))) == NULL) {
+ printf("Calloc error %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ mlookup.table = nodes;
+ mlookup.size = size;
+ mlookup.threshold=size*loadfactor;
+ mlookup.mask = size -1;
+ mlookup.numelements = 0; // Initial number of elements in the hash
+ mlookup.loadfactor = loadfactor;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS;i++)
+ mlookup.larray[i].lock=RW_LOCK_BIAS;
+ //Initialize the pthread_mutex variable
+ return 0;
+// Assign to keys to bins inside hash table
+unsigned int mhashFunction(unsigned int key) {
+ return( key & mlookup.mask) >>1;
+// Insert value and key mapping into the hash table
+void mhashInsert(unsigned int key, void *val) {
+ mhashlistnode_t *node;
+ if (mlookup.numelements > mlookup.threshold) {
+ //Resize Table
+ unsigned int newsize = mlookup.size << 1;
+ mhashResize(newsize);
+ }
+ unsigned int keyindex=key>>1;
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[keyindex&LOCKMASK].lock;
+ while(!write_trylock(lockptr)) {
+ sched_yield();
+ }
+ mhashlistnode_t * ptr = &mlookup.table[keyindex&mlookup.mask];
+ atomic_inc(&mlookup.numelements);
+ if(ptr->key ==0) {
+ ptr->key=key;
+ ptr->val=val;
+ ptr->next = NULL;
+ } else { // Insert in the beginning of linked list
+ node = calloc(1, sizeof(mhashlistnode_t));
+ node->key = key;
+ node->val = val;
+ node->next = ptr->next;
+ ptr->next=node;
+ }
+ write_unlock(lockptr);
+// Return val for a given key in the hash table
+void *mhashSearch(unsigned int key) {
+ int index;
+ unsigned int keyindex=key>>1;
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[keyindex&LOCKMASK].lock;
+ while(!read_trylock(lockptr)) {
+ sched_yield();
+ }
+ mhashlistnode_t *node = &mlookup.table[keyindex&mlookup.mask];
+ do {
+ if(node->key == key) {
+ void * tmp=node->val;
+ read_unlock(lockptr);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ node = node->next;
+ } while (node!=NULL);
+ read_unlock(lockptr);
+ return NULL;
+// Remove an entry from the hash table
+unsigned int mhashRemove(unsigned int key) {
+ int index;
+ mhashlistnode_t *prev;
+ mhashlistnode_t *ptr, *node;
+ unsigned int keyindex=key>>1;
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[keyindex&LOCKMASK].lock;
+ while(!write_trylock(lockptr)) {
+ sched_yield();
+ }
+ mhashlistnode_t *curr = &mlookup.table[keyindex&mlookup.mask];
+ for (; curr != NULL; curr = curr->next) {
+ if (curr->key == key) {
+ atomic_dec(&(mlookup.numelements));
+ if ((curr == &ptr[index]) && (curr->next == NULL)) {
+ curr->key = 0;
+ curr->val = NULL;
+ } else if ((curr == &ptr[index]) && (curr->next != NULL)) {
+ curr->key = curr->next->key;
+ curr->val = curr->next->val;
+ node = curr->next;
+ curr->next = curr->next->next;
+ free(node);
+ } else {
+ prev->next = curr->next;
+ free(curr);
+ }
+ write_unlock(lockptr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ write_unlock(lockptr);
+ return 1;
+// Resize table
+void mhashResize(unsigned int newsize) {
+ mhashlistnode_t *node, *curr;
+ int isfirst;
+ unsigned int i,index;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS;i++) {
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[i].lock;
+ while(!write_trylock(lockptr)) {
+ sched_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ if (mlookup.numelements < mlookup.threshold) {
+ //release lock and return
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS;i++) {
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[i].lock;
+ write_unlock(lockptr);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ mhashlistnode_t * ptr = mlookup.table;
+ unsigned int oldsize = mlookup.size;
+ if((node = calloc(newsize, sizeof(mhashlistnode_t))) == NULL) {
+ printf("Calloc error %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return;
+ }
+ mlookup.table = node;
+ mlookup.size = newsize;
+ mlookup.threshold=newsize*mlookup.loadfactor;
+ mask=mlookup.mask = newsize -1;
+ for(i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
+ curr = &ptr[i];
+ isfirst = 1;
+ do {
+ unsigned int key;
+ mhashlistnode_t *tmp,*next;
+ if ((key=curr->key) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ next = curr->next;
+ index = (key >> 1) & mask;
+ tmp=&mlookup.table[index];
+ if(tmp->key ==0) {
+ tmp->key=curr->key;
+ tmp->val=curr->val;
+ if (!isfirst)
+ free(curr);
+ } /*
+ NOTE: Add this case if you change this...
+ This case currently never happens because of the way things rehash....
+else if (isfirst) {
+ mhashlistnode_t *newnode = calloc(1, sizeof(mhashlistnode_t));
+ newnode->key = curr->key;
+ newnode->val = curr->val;
+ newnode->next = tmp->next;
+ tmp->next=newnode;
+ } */
+ else {
+ curr->next=tmp->next;
+ tmp->next=curr;
+ }
+ isfirst = 0;
+ curr = next;
+ } while(curr!=NULL);
+ }
+ free(ptr);
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS;i++) {
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[i].lock;
+ write_unlock(lockptr);
+ }
+ return;
+unsigned int *mhashGetKeys(unsigned int *numKeys) {
+ unsigned int *keys;
+ int i, keyindex;
+ mhashlistnode_t *curr;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mlookup.locktable);
+ *numKeys = mlookup.numelements;
+ keys = calloc(*numKeys, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ keyindex = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < mlookup.size; i++) {
+ if (mlookup.table[i].key != 0) {
+ curr = &mlookup.table[i];
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ keys[keyindex++] = curr->key;
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (keyindex != *numKeys)
+ printf("mhashGetKeys(): WARNING: incorrect mlookup.numelements value!\n");
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mlookup.locktable);
+ return keys;
+ }*/
+#ifdef RECOVERY
+void* mhashGetDuplicate(int *dupeSize, int backup) { //how big?
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("%s-> Start\n", __func__);
+ unsigned int numdupe = 0;
+ void* dPtr;
+ int i;
+ unsigned int *oidsdupe;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS;i++) {
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr=&mlookup.larray[i].lock;
+ while(!read_trylock(lockptr)) {
+ sched_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ if((oidsdupe = (unsigned int *) calloc(mlookup.size,sizeof(unsigned int))) == NULL) {
+ printf("%s %s(): %d -> callock error\n",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ int size = 0, tempsize = 0;
+ objheader_t *header;
+ mhashlistnode_t *node;
+// go through object store;
+// track sizes, oids, and num
+// printf("%s -> Before mutex lock\n",__func__);
+// pthread_mutex_lock(&mlookup.locktable);
+// printf("%s -> After mutex lock\n",__func__);
+ size =0;
+ tempsize =0;
+ for(i = 0; i < mlookup.size; i++) {
+ if (mlookup.table[i].key != 0) {
+ node = &mlookup.table[i];
+ while(node != NULL) { // no nodes
+// printf("%s -> node : %d node->val : %d \n",__func__,node,node->val);
+ header = (objheader_t *)node->val;
+ if((header->isBackup && backup) || (!header->isBackup && !backup)) {
+ oidsdupe[numdupe++] = OID(header);
+ GETSIZE(tempsize, header);
+ size += tempsize + sizeof(objheader_t);
+ if(header->notifylist != NULL) {
+ // number of nodes + actual size of array
+ size += (sizeof(unsigned int) + (getListSize(header->notifylist) * sizeof(threadlist_t)));
+ }
+ }
+ node = node->next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// printf("%s -> size = %d\n",__func__,size);
+ for(i=0;i<NUMLOCKS; i++) {
+ volatile unsigned int * lockptr = &mlookup.larray[i].lock;
+ read_unlock(lockptr);
+ }
+ //i got sizes, oids, and num now
+ //
+ if((dPtr =(void*) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)+sizeof(int)+ size)) == NULL) {
+ printf("malloc error for modified objects %s, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return;
+ }
+// for each oid in oiddupe[] get object and format
+ void* ptr = dPtr;
+ *((unsigned int *)(ptr)) = numdupe;
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ *((int *)(ptr)) = size;
+ ptr += sizeof(int);
+ for(i = 0; i < numdupe; i++) {
+ header = mhashSearch(oidsdupe[i]);
+ GETSIZE(tempsize, header);
+ tempsize += sizeof(objheader_t);
+ memcpy(ptr, header, tempsize); //*ptr = header maybe wont work, use memcopy instead probably
+ if(header->isBackup && backup) {
+ ((objheader_t*)ptr)->isBackup = 0;
+ }else if(!(header->isBackup) && !backup) {
+ ((objheader_t*)ptr)->isBackup = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("%s -> ERROR\n",__func__);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ ptr += tempsize;
+ if(header->notifylist != NULL) {
+ unsigned int listSize;
+ /* get duplicate array of threadlist */
+ threadlist_t *threadArray;
+ listSize = convertToArray(header->notifylist,&threadArray);
+ memcpy(ptr, &listSize,sizeof(unsigned int));
+ ptr += sizeof(unsigned int);
+ memcpy(ptr, threadArray, (sizeof(threadlist_t) * listSize));
+ ptr += (sizeof(threadlist_t) * listSize);
+ free(threadArray);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("%s-> End\n", __func__);
+ free(oidsdupe);
+ // number of oid size + data array
+ *dupeSize = (sizeof(unsigned int) + sizeof(int) + size);
+ return dPtr;
+int mhashGetThreadObjects(unsigned int** oidArray,unsigned int** midArray,unsigned int** threadidArray)
+ printf("%s-> Start\n", __func__);
+ unsigned int oidArr[mlookup.numelements];
+ unsigned int midArr[mlookup.numelements];
+ unsigned int threadidArr[mlookup.numelements];
+ unsigned int* hashkeys;
+ unsigned int numKeys;
+ objheader_t *header;
+ int i;
+ int size =0;
+ mhashlistnode_t *node;
+// go through object store;
+// track sizes, oids, and num
+ hashkeys = mhashGetKeys(&numKeys);
+ printf("%s -> numKeys : %d\n",__func__,numKeys);
+ threadlist_t* t;
+ threadlist_t* tmp;
+ for(i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) {
+ header = (objheader_t*)mhashSearch(hashkeys[i]);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&mlookup.locktable);
+ if(header->isBackup && header->notifylist != NULL) {
+ t = header->notifylist;
+ while(t) {
+ oidArr[size] = OID(header);
+ midArr[size] = t->mid;
+ threadidArr[size++] = t->threadid;
+ tmp = t;
+ t = t->next;
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ header->notifylist = NULL;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mlookup.locktable);
+ }
+ free(hashkeys);
+ printf("%s -> end copying Size : %d\n",__func__,size);
+ if(size > 0) {
+ *oidArray = (unsigned int*) calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ *midArray = (unsigned int*) calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ *threadidArray = (unsigned int*) calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned int));
+ for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ (*oidArray)[i] = oidArr[i];
+ (*midArray)[i] = midArr[i];
+ (*threadidArray)[i] = threadidArr[i];
+ }
+ }
+ printf("%s -> End\n",__func__);
+ return size;
#include "dsmlock.h"
#include <stdio.h>
-inline void initdsmlocks(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
+inline void initdsmlocks(volatile int *addr) {
(*addr) = RW_LOCK_BIAS;
-inline void readLock(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("" " subl $1,(%0)\n\t"
- "jns 1f\n"
- "1:\n"
- :: "a" (addr) : "memory");
-inline void writeLock(volatile unsigned int *addr) {
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("" " subl %1,(%0)\n\t"
- "jz 1f\n"
- "1:\n"
- :: "a" (addr), "i" (RW_LOCK_BIAS) : "memory");
-static inline void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v) {
+inline void atomic_dec(volatile int *v) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "decl %0"
- : "+m" (v->counter));
+ : "+m" (*v));
-static inline void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v) {
+inline void atomic_inc(volatile int *v) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0"
- : "+m" (v->counter));
+ : "+m" (*v));
-static inline int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v) {
+static inline int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, volatile int *v) {
unsigned char c;
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "subl %2,%0; sete %1"
- : "+m" (v->counter), "=qm" (c)
+ : "+m" (*v), "=qm" (c)
: "ir" (i) : "memory");
return c;
* Atomically adds @i to @v.
-static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v) {
+static inline void atomic_add(int i, volatile int *v) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
- : "+m" (v->counter)
+ : "+m" (*v)
: "ir" (i));
-inline int read_trylock(volatile unsigned int *lock) {
- atomic_t *count = (atomic_t *)lock;
- atomic_dec(count);
- if (atomic_read(count) >= 0)
+inline int read_trylock(volatile int *lock) {
+ atomic_dec(lock);
+ if (atomic_read(lock) >= 0)
return 1; //can aquire a new read lock
- atomic_inc(count);
+ atomic_inc(lock);
return 0; //failure
-inline int write_trylock(volatile unsigned int *lock) {
- atomic_t *count = (atomic_t *)lock;
- if (atomic_sub_and_test(RW_LOCK_BIAS, count)) {
+inline int write_trylock(volatile int *lock) {
+ if (atomic_sub_and_test(RW_LOCK_BIAS, lock)) {
return 1; // get a write lock
- atomic_add(RW_LOCK_BIAS, count);
+ atomic_add(RW_LOCK_BIAS, lock);
return 0; // failed to acquire a write lock
-inline void read_unlock(volatile unsigned int *rw) {
+inline void read_unlock(volatile int *rw) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0" : "+m" (*rw) : : "memory");
-inline void write_unlock(volatile unsigned int *rw) {
+inline void write_unlock(volatile int *rw) {
__asm__ __volatile__ (LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1, %0"
: "+m" (*rw) : "i" (RW_LOCK_BIAS) : "memory");
+inline int is_write_locked(volatile int *lock) {
+ return lock < 0;
+inline int is_read_locked(volatile int *lock) {
+ return lock > 0;