* Determine if the session specified during setSSLSession was reused
* or if the server rejected it and issued a new session.
- bool getSSLSessionReused() const;
+ virtual bool getSSLSessionReused() const;
* true if the session was resumed using session ID
* Returns the cipher used or the constant value "NONE" when no SSL session
* has been established.
- const char *getNegotiatedCipherName() const;
+ virtual const char* getNegotiatedCipherName() const;
* Get the server name for this SSL connection.
* Returns the time taken to complete a handshake.
- std::chrono::nanoseconds getHandshakeTime() const {
+ virtual std::chrono::nanoseconds getHandshakeTime() const {
return handshakeEndTime_ - handshakeStartTime_;
* Returns the peer certificate, or nullptr if no peer certificate received.
- std::unique_ptr<X509, X509_deleter> getPeerCert() const {
+ virtual std::unique_ptr<X509, X509_deleter> getPeerCert() const {
if (!ssl_) {
return nullptr;