+++ /dev/null
-package Analysis.OoOJava;
-import IR.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-// a code plan contains information based on analysis results
-// for injecting code before and/or after a flat node
-public class CodePlan {
- private Hashtable< VariableSourceToken, Set<TempDescriptor> > stall2copySet;
- private Set<TempDescriptor> dynamicStallSet;
- private Hashtable<TempDescriptor, TempDescriptor> dynAssign_lhs2rhs;
- private Set<TempDescriptor> dynAssign_lhs2curr;
- private FlatSESEEnterNode currentSESE;
- public CodePlan( FlatSESEEnterNode fsen ) {
- stall2copySet = new Hashtable< VariableSourceToken, Set<TempDescriptor> >();
- dynamicStallSet = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- dynAssign_lhs2rhs = new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, TempDescriptor>();
- dynAssign_lhs2curr = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- currentSESE = fsen;
- }
- public FlatSESEEnterNode getCurrentSESE() {
- return currentSESE;
- }
- public void addStall2CopySet( VariableSourceToken stallToken,
- Set<TempDescriptor> copySet ) {
- if( stall2copySet.containsKey( stallToken ) ) {
- Set<TempDescriptor> priorCopySet = stall2copySet.get( stallToken );
- priorCopySet.addAll( copySet );
- } else {
- stall2copySet.put( stallToken, copySet );
- }
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> getStallTokens() {
- return stall2copySet.keySet();
- }
- public Set<TempDescriptor> getCopySet( VariableSourceToken stallToken ) {
- return stall2copySet.get( stallToken );
- }
- public void addDynamicStall( TempDescriptor var ) {
- dynamicStallSet.add( var );
- }
- public Set<TempDescriptor> getDynamicStallSet() {
- return dynamicStallSet;
- }
- public void addDynAssign( TempDescriptor lhs,
- TempDescriptor rhs ) {
- dynAssign_lhs2rhs.put( lhs, rhs );
- }
- public Hashtable<TempDescriptor, TempDescriptor> getDynAssigns() {
- return dynAssign_lhs2rhs;
- }
- public void addDynAssign( TempDescriptor lhs ) {
- dynAssign_lhs2curr.add( lhs );
- }
- public Set<TempDescriptor> getDynAssignCurr() {
- return dynAssign_lhs2curr;
- }
- public String toString() {
- String s = " PLAN: ";
- if( !stall2copySet.entrySet().isEmpty() ) {
- s += "[STATIC STALLS:";
- }
- Iterator cpsItr = stall2copySet.entrySet().iterator();
- while( cpsItr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) cpsItr.next();
- VariableSourceToken stallToken = (VariableSourceToken) me.getKey();
- Set<TempDescriptor> copySet = (Set<TempDescriptor>) me.getValue();
- s += "("+stallToken+"->"+copySet+")";
- }
- if( !stall2copySet.entrySet().isEmpty() ) {
- s += "]";
- }
- if( !dynamicStallSet.isEmpty() ) {
- s += "[DYN STALLS:"+dynamicStallSet+"]";
- }
- if( !dynAssign_lhs2rhs.isEmpty() ) {
- s += "[DYN ASSIGNS:"+dynAssign_lhs2rhs+"]";
- }
- if( !dynAssign_lhs2curr.isEmpty() ) {
- s += "[DYN ASS2CURR:"+dynAssign_lhs2curr+"]";
- }
- return s;
- }
String entryNodeID = entry.getKey();
ConflictNode entryNode = entry.getValue();
+ if(currentNode.isStallSiteNode() && entryNode.isStallSiteNode()){
+ continue;
+ }
if ((!currentNode.getID().equals(entryNodeID))
&& !(analyzedIDSet.contains(currentNode.getID() + entryNodeID) || analyzedIDSet
.contains(entryNodeID + currentNode.getID()))) {
conflictType = calculateConflictType(currentNode, entryNode, useReachInfo);
if (conflictType > ConflictGraph.NON_WRITE_CONFLICT) {
addConflictEdge(conflictType, currentNode, entryNode);
public SESEWaitingQueue getWaitingElementSetBySESEID(int seseID,
- HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet) {
+ Set<SESELock> seseLockSet) {
HashSet<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet = new HashSet<WaitingElement>();
public Set<WaitingElement> getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(FlatNode stallSite,
- HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet) {
+ Set<SESELock> seseLockSet) {
HashSet<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet = new HashSet<WaitingElement>();
Iterator iter = id2cn.entrySet().iterator();
return str;
+ public String toString(){
+ return id;
+ }
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import Analysis.Disjoint.Effect;
import Analysis.Disjoint.EffectsAnalysis;
import Analysis.Disjoint.Taint;
+import Analysis.MLP.CodePlan;
+import Analysis.MLP.SESEandAgePair;
+import Analysis.MLP.VSTWrapper;
+import Analysis.MLP.VarSrcTokTable;
+import Analysis.MLP.VariableSourceToken;
import IR.Descriptor;
import IR.MethodDescriptor;
import IR.Operation;
import IR.TypeUtil;
import IR.Flat.FKind;
import IR.Flat.FlatEdge;
+import IR.Flat.FlatElementNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatFieldNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatMethod;
+import IR.Flat.FlatNew;
import IR.Flat.FlatNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatOpNode;
-import IR.Flat.FlatNew;
import IR.Flat.FlatSESEEnterNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatSESEExitNode;
+import IR.Flat.FlatSetElementNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatSetFieldNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatWriteDynamicVarNode;
import IR.Flat.TempDescriptor;
// mapping of a sese block to its conflict graph
private Hashtable<FlatNode, ConflictGraph> sese2conflictGraph;
- // private Hashtable<FlatNode, ParentChildConflictsMap> conflictsResults;
- // private Hashtable<FlatMethod, MethodSummary> methodSummaryResults;
- // private OwnershipAnalysis ownAnalysisForSESEConflicts;
- // static private int uniqueLockSetId = 0;
public static int maxSESEage = -1;
public int getMaxSESEage() {
- // conflictsResults = new Hashtable<FlatNode, ParentChildConflictsMap>();
- // methodSummaryResults = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, MethodSummary>();
- // conflictGraphResults = new Hashtable<FlatNode, ConflictGraph>();
- // seseSummaryMap = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SESESummary>();
- // isAfterChildSESEIndicatorMap = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
- // conflictGraphLockMap = new Hashtable<ConflictGraph, HashSet<SESELock>>();
- // 1st pass, find basic rblock relations
- rblockRel = new RBlockRelationAnalysis(state, typeUtil, callGraph);
+ // 1st pass, find basic rblock relations & status
+ rblockRel = new RBlockRelationAnalysis(state, typeUtil, callGraph);
rblockStatus = new RBlockStatusAnalysis(state, typeUtil, callGraph, rblockRel);
// point, in a forward fixed-point pass
// 7th pass, make conflict graph
// conflict graph is maintained by each parent sese,
Iterator descItr=disjointAnalysisTaints.getDescriptorsToAnalyze().iterator();
// debug routine
+ /*
Iterator iter = sese2conflictGraph.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Entry e = (Entry) iter.next();
System.out.println("key=" + key + " \n" + node.toStringAllEffects());
+ */
// 8th pass, calculate all possible conflicts without using reachability info
// and identify set of FlatNew that next disjoint reach. analysis should flag
null, // don't do effects analysis again!
null // don't do effects analysis again!
- //writeConflictGraph();
// 10th pass, calculate conflicts with reachability info
- calculateConflicts(null, true);
- /*
+ calculateConflicts(null, true);
// 11th pass, compiling locks
- // #th pass, writing conflict graph
- writeConflictGraph();
- */
+ // 12th pass, compute a plan for code injections
+ methItr =descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
+ while( methItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Descriptor d = methItr.next();
+ FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat( d );
+ codePlansForward( fm );
+ }
+ // 13th pass,
+ // splice new IR nodes into graph after all
+ // analysis passes are complete
+ Iterator spliceItr = wdvNodesToSpliceIn.entrySet().iterator();
+ while( spliceItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) spliceItr.next();
+ FlatWriteDynamicVarNode fwdvn = (FlatWriteDynamicVarNode) me.getValue();
+ fwdvn.spliceIntoIR();
+ }
if( state.OOODEBUG ) {
try {
} // end switch
+private void codePlansForward( FlatMethod fm ) {
+ // start from flat method top, visit every node in
+ // method exactly once
+ Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ flatNodesToVisit.add( fm );
+ Set<FlatNode> visited = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ while( !flatNodesToVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ Iterator<FlatNode> fnItr = flatNodesToVisit.iterator();
+ FlatNode fn = fnItr.next();
+ flatNodesToVisit.remove( fn );
+ visited.add( fn );
+ Stack<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseStack = rblockRel.getRBlockStacks(fm, fn);
+ assert seseStack != null;
+ // use incoming results as "dot statement" or just
+ // before the current statement
+ VarSrcTokTable dotSTtable = new VarSrcTokTable();
+ for( int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++ ) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getPrev( i );
+ dotSTtable.merge( variableResults.get( nn ) );
+ }
+ // find dt-st notAvailableSet also
+ Set<TempDescriptor> dotSTnotAvailSet = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ for( int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++ ) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getPrev( i );
+ Set<TempDescriptor> notAvailIn = notAvailableResults.get( nn );
+ if( notAvailIn != null ) {
+ dotSTnotAvailSet.addAll( notAvailIn );
+ }
+ }
+ Set<TempDescriptor> dotSTlive = livenessRootView.get( fn );
+ if( !seseStack.empty() ) {
+ codePlans_nodeActions( fn,
+ dotSTlive,
+ dotSTtable,
+ dotSTnotAvailSet,
+ seseStack.peek()
+ );
+ }
+ for( int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++ ) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext( i );
+ if( !visited.contains( nn ) ) {
+ flatNodesToVisit.add( nn );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void codePlans_nodeActions( FlatNode fn,
+ Set<TempDescriptor> liveSetIn,
+ VarSrcTokTable vstTableIn,
+ Set<TempDescriptor> notAvailSetIn,
+ FlatSESEEnterNode currentSESE ) {
+ CodePlan plan = new CodePlan( currentSESE);
+ switch( fn.kind() ) {
+ case FKind.FlatSESEEnterNode: {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fn;
+ assert fsen.equals( currentSESE );
+ // track the source types of the in-var set so generated
+ // code at this SESE issue can compute the number of
+ // dependencies properly
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> inVarItr = fsen.getInVarSet().iterator();
+ while( inVarItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor inVar = inVarItr.next();
+ // when we get to an SESE enter node we change the
+ // currentSESE variable of this analysis to the
+ // child that is declared by the enter node, so
+ // in order to classify in-vars correctly, pass
+ // the parent SESE in--at other FlatNode types just
+ // use the currentSESE
+ VSTWrapper vstIfStatic = new VSTWrapper();
+ Integer srcType =
+ vstTableIn.getRefVarSrcType( inVar,
+ fsen.getParent(),
+ vstIfStatic
+ );
+ // the current SESE needs a local space to track the dynamic
+ // variable and the child needs space in its SESE record
+ if( srcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_DYNAMIC ) ) {
+ fsen.addDynamicInVar( inVar );
+ fsen.getParent().addDynamicVar( inVar );
+ } else if( srcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_STATIC ) ) {
+ fsen.addStaticInVar( inVar );
+ VariableSourceToken vst = vstIfStatic.vst;
+ fsen.putStaticInVar2src( inVar, vst );
+ fsen.addStaticInVarSrc( new SESEandAgePair( vst.getSESE(),
+ vst.getAge()
+ )
+ );
+ } else {
+ assert srcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_READY );
+ fsen.addReadyInVar( inVar );
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case FKind.FlatSESEExitNode: {
+ FlatSESEExitNode fsexn = (FlatSESEExitNode) fn;
+ } break;
+ case FKind.FlatOpNode: {
+ FlatOpNode fon = (FlatOpNode) fn;
+ if( fon.getOp().getOp() == Operation.ASSIGN ) {
+ TempDescriptor lhs = fon.getDest();
+ TempDescriptor rhs = fon.getLeft();
+ // if this is an op node, don't stall, copy
+ // source and delay until we need to use value
+ // ask whether lhs and rhs sources are dynamic, static, etc.
+ VSTWrapper vstIfStatic = new VSTWrapper();
+ Integer lhsSrcType
+ = vstTableIn.getRefVarSrcType( lhs,
+ currentSESE,
+ vstIfStatic
+ );
+ Integer rhsSrcType
+ = vstTableIn.getRefVarSrcType( rhs,
+ currentSESE,
+ vstIfStatic
+ );
+ if( rhsSrcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_DYNAMIC ) ) {
+ // if rhs is dynamic going in, lhs will definitely be dynamic
+ // going out of this node, so track that here
+ plan.addDynAssign( lhs, rhs );
+ currentSESE.addDynamicVar( lhs );
+ currentSESE.addDynamicVar( rhs );
+ } else if( lhsSrcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_DYNAMIC ) ) {
+ // otherwise, if the lhs is dynamic, but the rhs is not, we
+ // need to update the variable's dynamic source as "current SESE"
+ plan.addDynAssign( lhs );
+ }
+ // only break if this is an ASSIGN op node,
+ // otherwise fall through to default case
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // note that FlatOpNode's that aren't ASSIGN
+ // fall through to this default case
+ default: {
+ // a node with no live set has nothing to stall for
+ if( liveSetIn == null ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ TempDescriptor[] readarray = fn.readsTemps();
+ for( int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++ ) {
+ TempDescriptor readtmp = readarray[i];
+ // ignore temps that are definitely available
+ // when considering to stall on it
+ if( !notAvailSetIn.contains( readtmp ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check the source type of this variable
+ VSTWrapper vstIfStatic = new VSTWrapper();
+ Integer srcType
+ = vstTableIn.getRefVarSrcType( readtmp,
+ currentSESE,
+ vstIfStatic
+ );
+ if( srcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_DYNAMIC ) ) {
+ // 1) It is not clear statically where this variable will
+ // come from, so dynamically we must keep track
+ // along various control paths, and therefore when we stall,
+ // just stall for the exact thing we need and move on
+ plan.addDynamicStall( readtmp );
+ currentSESE.addDynamicVar( readtmp );
+ } else if( srcType.equals( VarSrcTokTable.SrcType_STATIC ) ) {
+ // 2) Single token/age pair: Stall for token/age pair, and copy
+ // all live variables with same token/age pair at the same
+ // time. This is the same stuff that the notavaialable analysis
+ // marks as now available.
+ VariableSourceToken vst = vstIfStatic.vst;
+ Iterator<VariableSourceToken> availItr =
+ vstTableIn.get( vst.getSESE(), vst.getAge() ).iterator();
+ while( availItr.hasNext() ) {
+ VariableSourceToken vstAlsoAvail = availItr.next();
+ // only grab additional stuff that is live
+ Set<TempDescriptor> copySet = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ Iterator<TempDescriptor> refVarItr = vstAlsoAvail.getRefVars().iterator();
+ while( refVarItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TempDescriptor refVar = refVarItr.next();
+ if( liveSetIn.contains( refVar ) ) {
+ copySet.add( refVar );
+ }
+ }
+ if( !copySet.isEmpty() ) {
+ plan.addStall2CopySet( vstAlsoAvail, copySet );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // the other case for srcs is READY, so do nothing
+ }
+ // assert that everything being stalled for is in the
+ // "not available" set coming into this flat node and
+ // that every VST identified is in the possible "stall set"
+ // that represents VST's from children SESE's
+ }
+ } break;
+ } // end switch
+ // identify sese-age pairs that are statically useful
+ // and should have an associated SESE variable in code
+ Set<VariableSourceToken> staticSet = vstTableIn.get();
+ Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = staticSet.iterator();
+ while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
+ VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
+ // placeholder source tokens are useful results, but
+ // the placeholder static name is never needed
+ if( vst.getSESE().getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ FlatSESEEnterNode sese = currentSESE;
+ while( sese != null ) {
+ sese.addNeededStaticName(
+ new SESEandAgePair( vst.getSESE(), vst.getAge() )
+ );
+ sese.mustTrackAtLeastAge( vst.getAge() );
+ sese = sese.getParent();
+ }
+ }
+ codePlans.put( fn, plan );
+ // if any variables at this-node-*dot* have a static source (exactly one vst)
+ // but go to a dynamic source at next-node-*dot*, create a new IR graph
+ // node on that edge to track the sources dynamically
+ VarSrcTokTable thisVstTable = variableResults.get( fn );
+ for( int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++ ) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext( i );
+ VarSrcTokTable nextVstTable = variableResults.get( nn );
+ Set<TempDescriptor> nextLiveIn = livenessRootView.get( nn );
+ // the table can be null if it is one of the few IR nodes
+ // completely outside of the root SESE scope
+ if( nextVstTable != null && nextLiveIn != null ) {
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VSTWrapper> readyOrStatic2dynamicSet =
+ thisVstTable.getReadyOrStatic2DynamicSet( nextVstTable,
+ nextLiveIn,
+ currentSESE
+ );
+ if( !readyOrStatic2dynamicSet.isEmpty() ) {
+ // either add these results to partial fixed-point result
+ // or make a new one if we haven't made any here yet
+ FlatEdge fe = new FlatEdge( fn, nn );
+ FlatWriteDynamicVarNode fwdvn = wdvNodesToSpliceIn.get( fe );
+ if( fwdvn == null ) {
+ fwdvn = new FlatWriteDynamicVarNode( fn,
+ nn,
+ readyOrStatic2dynamicSet,
+ currentSESE
+ );
+ wdvNodesToSpliceIn.put( fe, fwdvn );
+ } else {
+ fwdvn.addMoreVar2Src( readyOrStatic2dynamicSet );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
private void makeConflictGraph(FlatMethod fm) {
Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
private void conflictGraph_nodeAction(FlatNode fn, FlatSESEEnterNode currentSESE) {
ConflictGraph conflictGraph;
+ TempDescriptor lhs;
+ TempDescriptor rhs;
EffectsAnalysis effectsAnalysis = disjointAnalysisTaints.getEffectsAnalysis();
switch (fn.kind()) {
conflictGraph = new ConflictGraph();
- FlatFieldNode ffn = (FlatFieldNode) fn;
- TempDescriptor rhs = ffn.getSrc();
+ if( fn instanceof FlatFieldNode){
+ FlatFieldNode ffn = (FlatFieldNode)fn;
+ rhs = ffn.getSrc();
+ }else{
+ FlatElementNode fen = (FlatElementNode)fn;
+ rhs = fen.getSrc();
+ }
// add stall site
Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> taint2Effects = effectsAnalysis.get(fn);
conflictGraph = new ConflictGraph();
- FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
- TempDescriptor lhs = fsfn.getDst();
- TempDescriptor rhs = fsfn.getSrc();
+ if( fn instanceof FlatSetFieldNode){
+ FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
+ lhs = fsfn.getDst();
+ rhs = fsfn.getSrc();
+ }else{
+ FlatSetElementNode fsen = (FlatSetElementNode) fn;
+ lhs = fsen.getDst();
+ rhs = fsen.getSrc();
+ }
// collects effects of stall site and generates stall site node
Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> taint2Effects = effectsAnalysis.get(fn);
conflictGraph.addStallSite(taint2Effects, rhs);
conflictGraph2SESELock.put(conflictGraph, lockSet);
+ public ConflictGraph getConflictGraph(FlatNode sese){
+ return sese2conflictGraph.get(sese);
+ }
+ public Set<SESELock> getLockMappings(ConflictGraph graph){
+ return conflictGraph2SESELock.get(graph);
+ }
+ public Set<FlatSESEEnterNode> getAllSESEs() {
+ return rblockRel.getAllSESEs();
+ }
+ public FlatSESEEnterNode getMainSESE() {
+ return rblockRel.getMainSESE();
+ }
public void writeReports( String timeReport ) throws java.io.IOException {
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( "mlpReport_summary.txt" ) );
+++ /dev/null
-package Analysis.OoOJava;
-import IR.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-public class SVKey {
- private FlatSESEEnterNode sese;
- private TempDescriptor var;
- public SVKey( FlatSESEEnterNode sese,
- TempDescriptor var ) {
- this.sese = sese;
- this.var = var;
- }
- public FlatSESEEnterNode getSESE() {
- return sese;
- }
- public TempDescriptor getVar() {
- return var;
- }
- public boolean equals( Object o ) {
- if( o == null ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( !(o instanceof SVKey) ) {
- return false;
- }
- SVKey k = (SVKey) o;
- return var.equals( k.var ) &&
- sese.equals( k.sese );
- }
- public int hashCode() {
- return (sese.hashCode() << 2)*(var.hashCode() << 5);
- }
- public String toString() {
- return "key["+sese.getPrettyIdentifier()+", "+var+"]";
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package Analysis.OoOJava;
-import IR.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-// the reason for this class is to allow a VariableSourceToken
-// to be null in some circumstances
-public class VSTWrapper {
- public VariableSourceToken vst;
- public VSTWrapper() {
- vst = null;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package Analysis.OoOJava;
-import IR.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-// This class formerly had lazy consistency properties, but
-// it is being changed so that the full set and the extra
-// hash tables to access the full set efficiently by different
-// elements will be consistent after EVERY operation. Also,
-// a consistent assert method allows a debugger to ask whether
-// an operation has produced an inconsistent VarSrcTokTable.
-// in an effort to make sure operations keep the table consistent,
-// all public methods that are also used by other methods for
-// intermediate results (add and remove are used in other methods)
-// there should be a public version that calls the private version
-// so consistency is checked after public ops, but not private ops
-public class VarSrcTokTable {
- // a set of every token in the table
- private HashSet<VariableSourceToken> trueSet;
- // these hashtables provide an efficient retreival from the true set
- private Hashtable< TempDescriptor, Set<VariableSourceToken> > var2vst;
- private Hashtable< FlatSESEEnterNode, Set<VariableSourceToken> > sese2vst;
- private Hashtable< SVKey, Set<VariableSourceToken> > sv2vst;
- // maximum age from aging operation
- private static final Integer MAX_AGE = new Integer( 2 );
- public static final Integer SrcType_READY = new Integer( 34 );
- public static final Integer SrcType_STATIC = new Integer( 35 );
- public static final Integer SrcType_DYNAMIC = new Integer( 36 );
- public VarSrcTokTable() {
- trueSet = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- sese2vst = new Hashtable< FlatSESEEnterNode, Set<VariableSourceToken> >();
- var2vst = new Hashtable< TempDescriptor, Set<VariableSourceToken> >();
- sv2vst = new Hashtable< SVKey, Set<VariableSourceToken> >();
- assertConsistency();
- }
- // make a deep copy of the in table
- public VarSrcTokTable( VarSrcTokTable in ) {
- this();
- merge( in );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- public void add( VariableSourceToken vst ) {
- addPrivate( vst );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- private void addPrivate( VariableSourceToken vst ) {
- // make sure we aren't clobbering anything!
- if( trueSet.contains( vst ) ) {
- // if something with the same hashcode is in the true set, they might
- // have different reference variable sets because that set is not considered
- // in a token's equality, so make sure we smooth that out right here
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = trueSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vstAlready = vstItr.next();
- if( vstAlready.equals( vst ) ) {
- // take out the one that is in (we dont' want collisions in
- // any of the other hash map sets either)
- removePrivate( vstAlready );
- // combine reference variable sets
- vst.getRefVars().addAll( vstAlready.getRefVars() );
- // now jump back as we are adding in a brand new token
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- trueSet.add( vst );
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s;
- s = sese2vst.get( vst.getSESE() );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- }
- s.add( vst );
- sese2vst.put( vst.getSESE(), s );
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> refVarItr = vst.getRefVars().iterator();
- while( refVarItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor refVar = refVarItr.next();
- s = var2vst.get( refVar );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- }
- s.add( vst );
- var2vst.put( refVar, s );
- SVKey key = new SVKey( vst.getSESE(), refVar );
- s = sv2vst.get( key );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- }
- s.add( vst );
- sv2vst.put( key, s );
- }
- }
- public void addAll( Set<VariableSourceToken> s ) {
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> itr = s.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- addPrivate( itr.next() );
- }
- assertConsistency();
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> get() {
- return trueSet;
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> get( FlatSESEEnterNode sese ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = sese2vst.get( sese );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- sese2vst.put( sese, s );
- }
- return s;
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> get( TempDescriptor refVar ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = var2vst.get( refVar );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- var2vst.put( refVar, s );
- }
- return s;
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> get( FlatSESEEnterNode sese,
- TempDescriptor refVar ) {
- SVKey key = new SVKey( sese, refVar );
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = sv2vst.get( key );
- if( s == null ) {
- s = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- sv2vst.put( key, s );
- }
- return s;
- }
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> get( FlatSESEEnterNode sese,
- Integer age ) {
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s0 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) sese2vst.get( sese );
- if( s0 == null ) {
- s0 = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- sese2vst.put( sese, s0 );
- }
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) s0.clone();
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> sItr = s.iterator();
- while( sItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = sItr.next();
- if( !vst.getAge().equals( age ) ) {
- s.remove( vst );
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- // merge now makes a deep copy of incoming stuff because tokens may
- // be modified (reference var sets) by later ops that change more
- // than one table, causing inconsistency
- public void merge( VarSrcTokTable in ) {
- if( in == null ) {
- return;
- }
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = in.trueSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- this.addPrivate( vst.copy() );
- }
- assertConsistency();
- }
- // remove operations must leave the trueSet
- // and the hash maps consistent
- public void remove( VariableSourceToken vst ) {
- removePrivate( vst );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- private void removePrivate( VariableSourceToken vst ) {
- trueSet.remove( vst );
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s;
- s = get( vst.getSESE() );
- if( s != null ) { s.remove( vst ); }
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> refVarItr = vst.getRefVars().iterator();
- while( refVarItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor refVar = refVarItr.next();
- s = get( refVar );
- if( s != null ) {
- s.remove( vst );
- if( s.isEmpty() ) {
- var2vst.remove( refVar );
- }
- }
- s = get( vst.getSESE(), refVar );
- if( s != null ) {
- s.remove( vst );
- if( s.isEmpty() ) {
- sv2vst.remove( new SVKey( vst.getSESE(), refVar ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void remove( FlatSESEEnterNode sese ) {
- removePrivate( sese );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- public void removePrivate( FlatSESEEnterNode sese ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = sese2vst.get( sese );
- if( s == null ) {
- return;
- }
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> itr = s.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- removePrivate( vst );
- }
- sese2vst.remove( sese );
- }
- public void remove( TempDescriptor refVar ) {
- removePrivate( refVar );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- private void removePrivate( TempDescriptor refVar ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s = var2vst.get( refVar );
- if( s == null ) {
- return;
- }
- Set<VariableSourceToken> forRemoval = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- // iterate over tokens that this temp can reference, make a set
- // of tokens that need this temp stripped out of them
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> itr = s.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- Set<TempDescriptor> refVars = vst.getRefVars();
- assert refVars.contains( refVar );
- forRemoval.add( vst );
- }
- itr = forRemoval.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- // here's a token marked for removal
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- Set<TempDescriptor> refVars = vst.getRefVars();
- // if there was only one one variable
- // referencing this token, just take it
- // out of the table all together
- if( refVars.size() == 1 ) {
- removePrivate( vst );
- }
- sv2vst.remove( new SVKey( vst.getSESE(), refVar ) );
- refVars.remove( refVar );
- }
- var2vst.remove( refVar );
- }
- public void remove( FlatSESEEnterNode sese,
- TempDescriptor var ) {
- // don't seem to need this, don't bother maintaining
- // until its clear we need it
- assert false;
- }
- // age tokens with respect to SESE curr, where
- // any curr tokens increase age by 1
- public void age( FlatSESEEnterNode curr ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> forRemoval =
- new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- Set<VariableSourceToken> forAddition =
- new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> itr = trueSet.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- if( vst.getSESE().equals( curr ) ) {
- // only age if the token isn't already the maximum age
- if( vst.getAge() < MAX_AGE ) {
- forRemoval.add( vst );
- forAddition.add( new VariableSourceToken( vst.getRefVars(),
- curr,
- vst.getAge() + 1,
- vst.getAddrVar()
- )
- );
- }
- }
- }
- itr = forRemoval.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- remove( vst );
- }
- itr = forRemoval.iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itr.next();
- add( vst );
- }
- assertConsistency();
- }
- // at an SESE enter node, all ref vars in the SESE's in-set will
- // be copied into the SESE's local scope, change source to itself
- public void ownInSet( FlatSESEEnterNode curr ) {
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> inVarItr = curr.getInVarSet().iterator();
- while( inVarItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor inVar = inVarItr.next();
- remove( inVar );
- assertConsistency();
- Set<TempDescriptor> refVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- refVars.add( inVar );
- add( new VariableSourceToken( refVars,
- curr,
- new Integer( 0 ),
- inVar
- )
- );
- assertConsistency();
- }
- }
- // for the given SESE, change child tokens into this parent
- public void remapChildTokens( FlatSESEEnterNode curr ) {
- Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> childItr = curr.getChildren().iterator();
- if( childItr.hasNext() ) {
- FlatSESEEnterNode child = childItr.next();
- // set of VSTs for removal
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> removalSet=new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- // set of VSTs for additon
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> additionSet=new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = get( child ).iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- removalSet.add(vst);
- additionSet.add(new VariableSourceToken( vst.getRefVars(),
- curr,
- new Integer( 0 ),
- vst.getAddrVar()
- ));
- }
- // remove( eah item in forremoval )
- vstItr = removalSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- remove( vst );
- }
- // add( each ite inm for additon _
- vstItr = additionSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- add( vst );
- }
- }
- assertConsistency();
- }
- // this method is called at the SESE exit of SESE 'curr'
- // if the sources for a variable written by curr can also
- // come from curr's parent or curr's siblings then we're not
- // sure that curr will actually modify the variable. There are
- // many ways to handle this, but for now, mark the variable as
- // virtually read so curr insists on having ownership of it
- // whether it ends up writing to it or not. It will always, then,
- // appear in curr's out-set.
- public Set<TempDescriptor>
- calcVirtReadsAndPruneParentAndSiblingTokens( FlatSESEEnterNode exiter,
- Set<TempDescriptor> liveVars ) {
- Set<TempDescriptor> virtReadSet = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- FlatSESEEnterNode parent = exiter.getParent();
- if( parent == null ) {
- // having no parent means no siblings, too
- return virtReadSet;
- }
- Set<FlatSESEEnterNode> alternateSESEs = new HashSet<FlatSESEEnterNode>();
- alternateSESEs.add( parent );
- Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> childItr = parent.getChildren().iterator();
- while( childItr.hasNext() ) {
- FlatSESEEnterNode sibling = childItr.next();
- if( !sibling.equals( exiter ) ) {
- alternateSESEs.add( sibling );
- }
- }
- // VSTs to remove if they are alternate sources for exiter VSTs
- // whose variables will become virtual reads
- Set<VariableSourceToken> forRemoval = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- // look at all of this SESE's VSTs at exit...
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = get( exiter ).iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vstExiterSrc = vstItr.next();
- // only interested in tokens that come from our current instance
- if( vstExiterSrc.getAge() != 0 ) {
- continue;
- }
- // for each variable that might come from those sources...
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> refVarItr = vstExiterSrc.getRefVars().iterator();
- while( refVarItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor refVar = refVarItr.next();
- // only matters for live variables at SESE exit program point
- if( !liveVars.contains( refVar ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- // examine other sources for a variable...
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> srcItr = get( refVar ).iterator();
- while( srcItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vstPossibleOtherSrc = srcItr.next();
- if( vstPossibleOtherSrc.getSESE().equals( exiter ) &&
- vstPossibleOtherSrc.getAge() > 0
- ) {
- // this is an alternate source if its
- // an older instance of this SESE
- virtReadSet.add( refVar );
- forRemoval.add( vstPossibleOtherSrc );
- } else if( alternateSESEs.contains( vstPossibleOtherSrc.getSESE() ) ) {
- // this is an alternate source from parent or sibling
- virtReadSet.add( refVar );
- forRemoval.add( vstPossibleOtherSrc );
- } else {
- assert vstPossibleOtherSrc.getSESE().equals( exiter );
- assert vstPossibleOtherSrc.getAge().equals( 0 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- vstItr = forRemoval.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- remove( vst );
- }
- assertConsistency();
- return virtReadSet;
- }
- // get the set of VST's that come from a child
- public Set<VariableSourceToken> getChildrenVSTs( FlatSESEEnterNode curr ) {
- Set<VariableSourceToken> out = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> cItr = curr.getChildren().iterator();
- while( cItr.hasNext() ) {
- FlatSESEEnterNode child = cItr.next();
- out.addAll( get( child ) );
- }
- return out;
- }
- // given a table from a subsequent program point, decide
- // which variables are going from a non-dynamic to a
- // dynamic source and return them
- public Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VSTWrapper>
- getReadyOrStatic2DynamicSet( VarSrcTokTable nextTable,
- Set<TempDescriptor> nextLiveIn,
- FlatSESEEnterNode current
- ) {
- Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VSTWrapper> out =
- new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, VSTWrapper>();
- Iterator itr = var2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- // only worth tracking if live
- if( nextLiveIn.contains( var ) ) {
- VSTWrapper vstIfStaticBefore = new VSTWrapper();
- VSTWrapper vstIfStaticAfter = new VSTWrapper();
- Integer srcTypeBefore = this.getRefVarSrcType( var, current, vstIfStaticBefore );
- Integer srcTypeAfter = nextTable.getRefVarSrcType( var, current, vstIfStaticAfter );
- if( !srcTypeBefore.equals( SrcType_DYNAMIC ) &&
- srcTypeAfter.equals( SrcType_DYNAMIC )
- ) {
- // remember the variable and a source
- // it had before crossing the transition
- // 1) if it was ready, vstIfStatic.vst is null
- // 2) if is was static, use vstIfStatic.vst
- out.put( var, vstIfStaticBefore );
- }
- }
- }
- return out;
- }
- // for some reference variable, return the type of source
- // it might have in this table, which might be:
- // 1. Ready -- this variable is
- // definitely available when you are issued.
- // 2. Static -- there is definitely one child SESE with
- // a known age that will produce the value
- // 3. Dynamic -- we don't know where the value will come
- // from statically, so we'll track it dynamically
- public Integer getRefVarSrcType( TempDescriptor refVar,
- FlatSESEEnterNode current,
- VSTWrapper vstIfStatic ) {
- assert refVar != null;
- assert vstIfStatic != null;
- vstIfStatic.vst = null;
- // when the current SESE is null, that simply means it is
- // an unknown placeholder, in which case the system will
- // ensure that any variables are READY
- if( current == null ) {
- return SrcType_READY;
- }
- // if there appear to be no sources, it means this variable
- // comes from outside of any statically-known SESE scope,
- // which means the system guarantees its READY, so jump over
- // while loop
- Set<VariableSourceToken> srcs = get( refVar );
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> itrSrcs = srcs.iterator();
- while( itrSrcs.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = itrSrcs.next();
- // to make the refVar non-READY we have to find at least
- // one child token
- if( current.getChildren().contains( vst.getSESE() ) ) {
- // if we ever have at least one child source with an
- // unknown age, have to treat var as dynamic
- if( vst.getAge().equals( OoOJavaAnalysis.maxSESEage ) ) {
- return SrcType_DYNAMIC;
- }
- // if we have a known-age child source, this var is
- // either static or dynamic now: it's static if this
- // source is the only source, otherwise dynamic
- if( srcs.size() > 1 ) {
- return SrcType_DYNAMIC;
- }
- vstIfStatic.vst = vst;
- return SrcType_STATIC;
- }
- }
- // if we never found a child source, all other
- // sources must be READY before we could even
- // begin executing!
- return SrcType_READY;
- }
- // any reference variables that are not live can be pruned
- // from the table, and if any VSTs are then no longer
- // referenced, they can be dropped as well
- public void pruneByLiveness( Set<TempDescriptor> rootLiveSet ) {
- // the set of reference variables in the table minus the
- // live set gives the set of reference variables to remove
- Set<TempDescriptor> deadRefVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- deadRefVars.addAll( var2vst.keySet() );
- if( rootLiveSet != null ) {
- deadRefVars.removeAll( rootLiveSet );
- }
- // just use the remove operation to prune the table now
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> deadItr = deadRefVars.iterator();
- while( deadItr.hasNext() ) {
- TempDescriptor dead = deadItr.next();
- removePrivate( dead );
- }
- assertConsistency();
- }
- // use as an aid for debugging, where true-set is checked
- // against the alternate mappings: assert that nothing is
- // missing or extra in the alternates
- public void assertConsistency() {
- Iterator itr;
- Set s;
- Set<VariableSourceToken> trueSetByAlts = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- itr = sese2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- FlatSESEEnterNode sese = (FlatSESEEnterNode) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- // the trueSet should have all entries in s1
- assert trueSet.containsAll( s1 );
- // s1 should not have anything that doesn't appear in trueset
- Set<VariableSourceToken> sInt = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) s1.clone();
- sInt.removeAll( trueSet );
- assert sInt.isEmpty();
- // add s1 to a running union--at the end check if trueSet has extra
- trueSetByAlts.addAll( s1 );
- }
- // make sure trueSet isn't too big
- assert trueSetByAlts.containsAll( trueSet );
- trueSetByAlts = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- itr = var2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- // the trueSet should have all entries in s1
- assert trueSet.containsAll( s1 );
- // s1 should not have anything that doesn't appear in trueset
- Set<VariableSourceToken> sInt = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) s1.clone();
- sInt.removeAll( trueSet );
- assert sInt.isEmpty();
- // add s1 to a running union--at the end check if trueSet has extra
- trueSetByAlts.addAll( s1 );
- }
- // make sure trueSet isn't too big
- assert trueSetByAlts.containsAll( trueSet );
- trueSetByAlts = new HashSet<VariableSourceToken>();
- itr = sv2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- SVKey key = (SVKey) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- // the trueSet should have all entries in s1
- assert trueSet.containsAll( s1 );
- // s1 should not have anything that doesn't appear in trueset
- Set<VariableSourceToken> sInt = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) s1.clone();
- sInt.removeAll( trueSet );
- assert sInt.isEmpty();
- // add s1 to a running union--at the end check if trueSet has extra
- trueSetByAlts.addAll( s1 );
- }
- // make sure trueSet isn't too big
- assert trueSetByAlts.containsAll( trueSet );
- // also check that the reference var sets are consistent
- Hashtable<VariableSourceToken, Set<TempDescriptor> > vst2refVars =
- new Hashtable<VariableSourceToken, Set<TempDescriptor> >();
- itr = var2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- TempDescriptor refVar = (TempDescriptor) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = s1.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- VariableSourceToken vst = vstItr.next();
- assert vst.getRefVars().contains( refVar );
- Set<TempDescriptor> refVarsPart = vst2refVars.get( vst );
- if( refVarsPart == null ) {
- refVarsPart = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- }
- refVarsPart.add( refVar );
- vst2refVars.put( vst, refVarsPart );
- }
- }
- itr = vst2refVars.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- VariableSourceToken vst = (VariableSourceToken) me.getKey();
- Set<TempDescriptor> s1 = (Set<TempDescriptor>) me.getValue();
- assert vst.getRefVars().equals( s1 );
- }
- }
- public boolean equals( Object o ) {
- if( o == null ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( !(o instanceof VarSrcTokTable) ) {
- return false;
- }
- VarSrcTokTable table = (VarSrcTokTable) o;
- return trueSet.equals( table.trueSet );
- }
- public int hashCode() {
- return trueSet.hashCode();
- }
- public Iterator<VariableSourceToken> iterator() {
- return trueSet.iterator();
- }
- public String toString() {
- return toStringPretty();
- }
- public String toStringVerbose() {
- return "trueSet ="+trueSet.toString()+"\n"+
- "sese2vst="+sese2vst.toString()+"\n"+
- "var2vst ="+var2vst.toString()+"\n"+
- "sv2vst ="+sv2vst.toString();
- }
- public String toStringPretty() {
- String tokHighlighter = "o";
- String str = "VarSrcTokTable\n";
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr = trueSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- str += " "+tokHighlighter+" "+vstItr.next()+"\n";
- }
- return str;
- }
- public String toStringPrettyVerbose() {
- String tokHighlighter = "o";
- String str = "VarSrcTokTable\n";
- Set s;
- Iterator itr;
- Iterator<VariableSourceToken> vstItr;
- str += " trueSet\n";
- vstItr = trueSet.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- str += " "+tokHighlighter+" "+vstItr.next()+"\n";
- }
- str += " sese2vst\n";
- itr = sese2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- FlatSESEEnterNode sese = (FlatSESEEnterNode) me.getKey();
- HashSet<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (HashSet<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- str += " "+sese.getPrettyIdentifier()+" -> \n";
- vstItr = s1.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- str += " "+tokHighlighter+" "+vstItr.next()+"\n";
- }
- }
- str += " var2vst\n";
- itr = var2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) me.getKey();
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- str += " "+var+" -> \n";
- vstItr = s1.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- str += " "+tokHighlighter+" "+vstItr.next()+"\n";
- }
- }
- str += " sv2vst\n";
- itr = sv2vst.entrySet().iterator();
- while( itr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
- SVKey key = (SVKey) me.getKey();
- Set<VariableSourceToken> s1 = (Set<VariableSourceToken>) me.getValue();
- assert s1 != null;
- str += " "+key+" -> \n";
- vstItr = s1.iterator();
- while( vstItr.hasNext() ) {
- str += " "+tokHighlighter+" "+vstItr.next()+"\n";
- }
- }
- return str;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package Analysis.OoOJava;
-import IR.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.io.*;
-public class VariableSourceToken {
- private Set<TempDescriptor> refVars;
- private FlatSESEEnterNode sese;
- private Integer seseAge;
- private TempDescriptor addrVar;
- public VariableSourceToken( Set<TempDescriptor> refVars,
- FlatSESEEnterNode sese,
- Integer seseAge,
- TempDescriptor addrVar
- ) {
- this.refVars = refVars;
- this.sese = sese;
- this.seseAge = seseAge;
- this.addrVar = addrVar;
- }
- public Set<TempDescriptor> getRefVars() {
- return refVars;
- }
- public FlatSESEEnterNode getSESE() {
- return sese;
- }
- public Integer getAge() {
- return seseAge;
- }
- public TempDescriptor getAddrVar() {
- return addrVar;
- }
- public VariableSourceToken copy() {
- Set<TempDescriptor> refVarsCopy = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- Iterator<TempDescriptor> rvItr = refVars.iterator();
- while( rvItr.hasNext() ) {
- refVarsCopy.add( rvItr.next() );
- }
- return new VariableSourceToken( refVarsCopy,
- sese,
- new Integer( seseAge ),
- addrVar );
- }
- public boolean equals( Object o ) {
- if( o == null ) {
- return false;
- }
- if( !(o instanceof VariableSourceToken) ) {
- return false;
- }
- VariableSourceToken vst = (VariableSourceToken) o;
- // the reference vars have no bearing on equality
- return sese.equals( vst.sese ) &&
- addrVar.equals( vst.addrVar ) &&
- seseAge.equals( vst.seseAge );
- }
- public int hashCode() {
- // the reference vars have no bearing on hashCode
- return (sese.hashCode() << 3) * (addrVar.hashCode() << 4) ^ seseAge.intValue();
- }
- public String toString() {
- return refVars+"\tref "+addrVar+"\t@"+sese.toPrettyString()+"("+seseAge+")";
- }
import Analysis.Locality.DelayComputation;
import Analysis.Locality.BranchAnalysis;
import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
+import Analysis.OoOJava.OoOJavaAnalysis;
import Analysis.Prefetch.*;
import Analysis.Loops.WriteBarrier;
import Analysis.Loops.GlobalFieldType;
SafetyAnalysis sa;
PrefetchAnalysis pa;
MLPAnalysis mlpa;
+ OoOJavaAnalysis oooa;
String mlperrstr = "if(status != 0) { "+
"sprintf(errmsg, \"MLP error at %s:%d\", __FILE__, __LINE__); "+
"perror(errmsg); exit(-1); }";
public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, SafetyAnalysis sa, PrefetchAnalysis pa) {
- this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null, sa, pa, null);
+ this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null, sa, pa, null, null);
- public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, SafetyAnalysis sa, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa) {
- this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null, sa, pa, mlpa);
+ public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, SafetyAnalysis sa, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa, OoOJavaAnalysis oooa) {
+ this(st, temptovar, typeutil, null, sa, pa, mlpa, oooa);
- public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa) {
- this(st, temptovar, typeutil, locality, null, pa, mlpa);
+ public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa, OoOJavaAnalysis oooa) {
+ this(st, temptovar, typeutil, locality, null, pa, mlpa, oooa);
- public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality, SafetyAnalysis sa, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa) {
+ public BuildCode(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, LocalityAnalysis locality, SafetyAnalysis sa, PrefetchAnalysis pa, MLPAnalysis mlpa, OoOJavaAnalysis oooa) {
+ this.oooa=oooa;
callgraph=new CallGraph(state);
if (state.SINGLETM)
outmethodheader.println("#include \"abortreaders.h\"");
outmethodheader.println("#include <setjmp.h>");
- if (state.MLP) {
+ if (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) {
outmethodheader.println("#include <stdlib.h>");
outmethodheader.println("#include <stdio.h>");
outmethodheader.println("#include <string.h>");
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ if( state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) {
// have to initialize some SESE compiler data before
// analyzing normal methods, which must happen before
// generating SESE internal code
- for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
- FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = seseit.next();
- initializeSESE( fsen );
+ Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit;
+ if(state.MLP){
+ seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }else{
+ seseit=oooa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }
+ while(seseit.hasNext()){
+ FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = seseit.next();
+ initializeSESE( fsen );
/* Build the actual methods */
// Output function prototypes and structures for SESE's and code
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ if( state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ) {
// used to differentiate, during code generation, whether we are
// passing over SESE body code, or non-SESE code
nonSESEpass = false;
- // first generate code for each sese's internals
- for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
+ // first generate code for each sese's internals
+ Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit;
+ if(state.MLP){
+ seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }else{
+ seseit=oooa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }
+ while(seseit.hasNext()) {
FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = seseit.next();
generateMethodSESE(fsen, null, outstructs, outmethodheader, outmethod);
outmethod.println("int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {");
outmethod.println(" int i;");
- if (state.MLP) {
+ if (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) {
//outmethod.println(" pthread_once( &mlpOnceObj, mlpInitOncePerThread );");
outmethod.println(" workScheduleInit( "+state.MLP_NUMCORES+", invokeSESEmethod );");
if (state.THREAD||state.SINGLETM)
- if (state.MLP) {
+ if (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ) {
outmethod.println(" workScheduleBegin();");
if (state.CONSCHECK) {
outmethod.println("#include \"checkers.h\"");
- if (state.MLP) {
+ if (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ) {
outmethod.println("#include <stdlib.h>");
outmethod.println("#include <stdio.h>");
outmethod.println("#include \"mlp_runtime.h\"");
outstructs.println("#define INTPTR int");
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ if( state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ) {
outstructs.println("#include \"mlp_runtime.h\"");
outstructs.println("#include \"psemaphore.h\"");
//Print out definition for array type
outclassdefs.println("struct "+arraytype+" {");
outclassdefs.println(" int type;");
- if(state.MLP){
+ if(state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ){
outclassdefs.println(" int oid;");
if (state.EVENTMONITOR) {
outclassdefs.print("int numprefetchsites = " + pa.prefetchsiteid + ";\n");
- if(this.state.MLP){
+ if(this.state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ){
outclassdefs.print("extern __thread int oid;\n");
outclassdefs.print("extern int numWorkers;\n");
/* Output class structure */
classdefout.println("struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+" {");
classdefout.println(" int type;");
- if(state.MLP){
+ if(state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA){
classdefout.println(" int oid;");
if (state.EVENTMONITOR) {
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ if( state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA ) {
if( fm.getNext(0) instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode ) {
FlatSESEEnterNode callerSESEplaceholder = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fm.getNext( 0 );
- if( callerSESEplaceholder != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && callerSESEplaceholder != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && callerSESEplaceholder != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
// declare variables for naming static SESE's
output.println(" /* static SESE names */");
Iterator<SESEandAgePair> pItr = callerSESEplaceholder.getNeededStaticNames().iterator();
// set up related allocation sites's waiting queues
// eom
- ConflictGraph graph = null;
- graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(fm);
- if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
- output.println(" /* set up waiting queues */");
- output.println(" int numMemoryQueue=0;");
- output.println(" int memoryQueueItemID=0;");
- HashSet<SESELock> lockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(
- graph);
- System.out.println("#lockSet="+lockSet.hashCode());
- System.out.println("lockset="+lockSet);
- for (Iterator iterator = lockSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- SESELock seseLock = (SESELock) iterator.next();
- System.out.println("id="+seseLock.getID());
- System.out.println("#="+seseLock);
- }
- System.out.println("size="+lockSet.size());
- if (lockSet.size() > 0) {
- output.println(" numMemoryQueue=" + lockSet.size() + ";");
- output
- .println(" seseCaller->numMemoryQueue=numMemoryQueue;");
- output
- .println(" seseCaller->memoryQueueArray=mlpCreateMemoryQueueArray(numMemoryQueue);");
- output.println();
- }
- }
+ if(state.MLP){
+ ConflictGraph graph = null;
+ graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(fm);
+ if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
+ output.println(" /* set up waiting queues */");
+ output.println(" int numMemoryQueue=0;");
+ output.println(" int memoryQueueItemID=0;");
+ HashSet<SESELock> lockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(
+ graph);
+ System.out.println("#lockSet="+lockSet.hashCode());
+ System.out.println("lockset="+lockSet);
+ for (Iterator iterator = lockSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ SESELock seseLock = (SESELock) iterator.next();
+ System.out.println("id="+seseLock.getID());
+ System.out.println("#="+seseLock);
+ }
+ System.out.println("size="+lockSet.size());
+ if (lockSet.size() > 0) {
+ output.println(" numMemoryQueue=" + lockSet.size() + ";");
+ output
+ .println(" seseCaller->numMemoryQueue=numMemoryQueue;");
+ output
+ .println(" seseCaller->memoryQueueArray=mlpCreateMemoryQueueArray(numMemoryQueue);");
+ output.println();
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ FlatSESEEnterNode callerSESEplaceholder = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fm.getNext( 0 );
+ Analysis.OoOJava.ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(callerSESEplaceholder);
+ if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
+ output.println(" /* set up waiting queues */");
+ output.println(" int numMemoryQueue=0;");
+ output.println(" int memoryQueueItemID=0;");
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock> lockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(graph);
+ System.out.println("#lockSet="+lockSet.hashCode());
+ System.out.println("lockset="+lockSet);
+ for (Iterator iterator = lockSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock seseLock = (Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock) iterator.next();
+ System.out.println("id="+seseLock.getID());
+ System.out.println("#="+seseLock);
+ }
+ System.out.println("size="+lockSet.size());
+ if (lockSet.size() > 0) {
+ output.println(" numMemoryQueue=" + lockSet.size() + ";");
+ output
+ .println(" seseCaller->numMemoryQueue=numMemoryQueue;");
+ output
+ .println(" seseCaller->memoryQueueArray=mlpCreateMemoryQueueArray(numMemoryQueue);");
+ output.println();
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
* multi-threaded program...*/
- if (((state.MLP||state.THREAD||state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)&&GENERATEPRECISEGC)
+ if (((state.MLP||state.OOOJAVA||state.THREAD||state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)&&GENERATEPRECISEGC)
|| this.state.MULTICOREGC) {
//Don't bother if we aren't in recursive methods...The loops case will catch it
if (callgraph.getAllMethods(md).contains(md)) {
// setup memory queue
// eom
+ if(state.OOOJAVA){
output.println(" // set up memory queues ");
output.println(" int numMemoryQueue=0;");
output.println(" int memoryQueueItemID=0;");
- ConflictGraph graph = null;
- graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(fsen);
+ Analysis.OoOJava.ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(fsen);
if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
output.println(" {");
.println(" SESEcommon* parentCommon = &(___params___->common);");
- HashSet<SESELock> lockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(
- graph);
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock> lockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(graph);
if (lockSet.size() > 0) {
output.println(" numMemoryQueue=" + lockSet.size() + ";");
output.println(" }");
+ }else{
+ output.println(" // set up memory queues ");
+ output.println(" int numMemoryQueue=0;");
+ output.println(" int memoryQueueItemID=0;");
+ ConflictGraph graph = null;
+ graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(fsen);
+ if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
+ output.println(" {");
+ output
+ .println(" SESEcommon* parentCommon = &(___params___->common);");
+ HashSet<SESELock> lockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(
+ graph);
+ System.out.println("#lockSet="+lockSet);
+ if (lockSet.size() > 0) {
+ output.println(" numMemoryQueue=" + lockSet.size() + ";");
+ output
+ .println(" parentCommon->numMemoryQueue=numMemoryQueue;");
+ output
+ .println(" parentCommon->memoryQueueArray=mlpCreateMemoryQueueArray(numMemoryQueue);");
+ output.println();
+ }
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
+ }
// copy in-set into place, ready vars were already
// generate a case for each SESE class that can be invoked
outmethod.println( " switch( *((int*)seseRecord) ) {");
outmethod.println( " ");
- for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
+ Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit;
+ if(state.MLP){
+ seseit=mlpa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }else{
+ seseit=oooa.getAllSESEs().iterator();
+ }
+ while(seseit.hasNext()){
FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = seseit.next();
outmethod.println( " /* "+fsen.getPrettyIdentifier()+" */");
outmethod.println( " case "+fsen.getIdentifier()+":");
outmethod.println( " "+fsen.getSESEmethodName()+"( seseRecord );");
- if( fsen.equals( mlpa.getMainSESE() ) ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen.equals( mlpa.getMainSESE() )) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen.equals( oooa.getMainSESE() ))
+ ) {
outmethod.println( " /* work scheduler works forever, explicitly exit */");
outmethod.println( " exit( 0 );");
- if (state.MLP && stopset!=null) {
+ if ((state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) && stopset!=null) {
assert first.getPrev( 0 ) instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode;
assert current_node instanceof FlatSESEExitNode;
FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = (FlatSESEEnterNode) first.getPrev( 0 );
} else if(current_node.numNext()==1) {
FlatNode nextnode;
- if (state.MLP &&
+ if ((state.MLP|| state.OOOJAVA) &&
current_node.kind()==FKind.FlatSESEEnterNode &&
) {
protected void generateFlatNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatNode fn, PrintWriter output) {
// insert pre-node actions from the code plan
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ if( state.MLP|| state.OOOJAVA ) {
- CodePlan cp = mlpa.getCodePlan( fn );
+ CodePlan cp;
+ if(state.MLP){
+ cp = mlpa.getCodePlan( fn );
+ }else{
+ cp = oooa.getCodePlan(fn);
+ }
if( cp != null ) {
FlatSESEEnterNode currentSESE = cp.getCurrentSESE();
output.println(" "+dynVar+"_srcSESE = NULL;");
- // eom
+ // eom
// handling stall site
- ParentChildConflictsMap conflictsMap = mlpa.getConflictsResults().get(fn);
- if (conflictsMap != null) {
- Set<Long> allocSet = conflictsMap.getAllocationSiteIDSetofStallSite();
- if (allocSet.size() > 0) {
- FlatNode enclosingFlatNode=null;
- if( currentSESE.getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() && currentSESE.getParent()==null){
- enclosingFlatNode=currentSESE.getfmEnclosing();
- }else{
- enclosingFlatNode=currentSESE;
- }
- ConflictGraph graph=mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(enclosingFlatNode);
- HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet=mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(graph);
- Set<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet=graph.getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(conflictsMap, seseLockSet);
- if(waitingElementSet.size()>0){
- output.println("// stall on parent's stall sites ");
- output.println(" {");
- output.println(" REntry* rentry;");
- for (Iterator iterator = waitingElementSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator.next();
- if( waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE ){
- output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller);");
- }else{
- output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, (void*)&___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + ");");
-// output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, ___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + "->oid);");
- }
- output.println(" psem_init( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
- output.println(" rentry->queue=seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()+ "];");
- output
- .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()
- + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
- output.println(" psem_take( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
- output.println(" } ");
- }
- output.println(" }");
- }
- }
- }
+ if (state.OOOJAVA) {
+ Analysis.OoOJava.ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(currentSESE);
+ if(graph!=null){
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock> seseLockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(graph);
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement> waitingElementSet =
+ graph.getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(fn, seseLockSet);
+ if(waitingElementSet.size()>0){
+ output.println("// stall on parent's stall sites ");
+ output.println(" {");
+ output.println(" REntry* rentry;");
+ for (Iterator iterator = waitingElementSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement waitingElement = (Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement) iterator.next();
+ if( waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE ){
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller);");
+ }else{
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, (void*)&___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + ");");
+ // output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, ___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + "->oid);");
+ }
+ output.println(" psem_init( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
+ output.println(" rentry->queue=seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()+ "];");
+ output
+ .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
+ output.println(" psem_take( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
+ output.println(" } ");
+ }
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ ParentChildConflictsMap conflictsMap = mlpa.getConflictsResults().get(fn);
+ if (conflictsMap != null) {
+ Set<Long> allocSet = conflictsMap.getAllocationSiteIDSetofStallSite();
+ if (allocSet.size() > 0) {
+ FlatNode enclosingFlatNode=null;
+ if( currentSESE.getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() && currentSESE.getParent()==null){
+ enclosingFlatNode=currentSESE.getfmEnclosing();
+ }else{
+ enclosingFlatNode=currentSESE;
+ }
+ ConflictGraph graph=mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(enclosingFlatNode);
+ HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet=mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap().get(graph);
+ Set<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet=graph.getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(conflictsMap, seseLockSet);
+ if(waitingElementSet.size()>0){
+ output.println("// stall on parent's stall sites ");
+ output.println(" {");
+ output.println(" REntry* rentry;");
+ for (Iterator iterator = waitingElementSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator.next();
+ if( waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE ){
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller);");
+ }else{
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, (void*)&___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + ");");
+ // output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("+ waitingElement.getStatus()+ ", seseCaller, ___locals___."+ waitingElement.getDynID() + "->oid);");
+ }
+ output.println(" psem_init( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
+ output.println(" rentry->queue=seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()+ "];");
+ output
+ .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(seseCaller->memoryQueueArray["+ waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
+ output.println(" psem_take( &(rentry->parentStallSem) );");
+ output.println(" } ");
+ }
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
if(state.DSM&&state.SANDBOX&&(locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fn).intValue()>0)) {
output.println("if (unlikely((--transaction_check_counter)<=0)) checkObjects();");
- if (((state.MLP||state.THREAD||state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)&&GENERATEPRECISEGC)
+ if (((state.MLP|| state.OOOJAVA||state.THREAD||state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)&&GENERATEPRECISEGC)
|| (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
if(state.DSM&&locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fn).intValue()>0) {
output.println("if (needtocollect) checkcollect2("+localsprefixaddr+");");
throw new Error();
- // insert post-node actions from the code-plan
- if( state.MLP ) {
+ // insert post-node actions from the code-plan
+ /*
+ if( state.MLP) {
CodePlan cp = mlpa.getCodePlan( fn );
if( cp != null ) {
- }
+ }
+ */
public void generateFlatOffsetNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatOffsetNode fofn, PrintWriter output) {
FlatSESEEnterNode fsen,
PrintWriter output
) {
// if MLP flag is off, okay that SESE nodes are in IR graph,
// just skip over them and code generates exactly the same
- if( !state.MLP ) {
+ if( !(state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) ) {
// there may be an SESE in an unreachable method, skip over
- if( !mlpa.getAllSESEs().contains( fsen ) ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && !mlpa.getAllSESEs().contains( fsen )) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && !oooa.getAllSESEs().contains(fsen))
+ ) {
output.println(" {");
// set up the parent
- if( fsen == mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen == mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen == oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
output.println(" SESEcommon* parentCommon = NULL;");
} else {
if( fsen.getParent() == null ) {
// before doing anything, lock your own record and increment the running children
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
output.println(" atomic_inc(&parentCommon->numRunningChildren);");
// otherwise use the parent's enclosing method as the context
boolean useParentContext = false;
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
assert fsen.getParent() != null;
if( !fsen.getParent().getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() ) {
useParentContext = true;
output.println(" pthread_mutex_init( &(seseToIssue->common.lock), NULL );");
// output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &(seseToIssue->common.lock) );");
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
// count up outstanding dependencies, static first, then dynamic
Iterator<SESEandAgePair> staticSrcsItr = fsen.getStaticInVarSrcs().iterator();
while( staticSrcsItr.hasNext() ) {
output.println(" } else {");
boolean useParentContext = false;
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
assert fsen.getParent() != null;
if( !fsen.getParent().getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() ) {
useParentContext = true;
// count up memory conflict dependencies,
// eom
- ConflictGraph graph = null;
- FlatSESEEnterNode parent = fsen.getParent();
- if (parent != null) {
- if (parent.isCallerSESEplaceholder) {
- graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(parent.getfmEnclosing());
- } else {
- graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(parent);
- }
- }
- if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
- HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap()
- .get(graph);
- output.println();
- output.println(" //add memory queue element");
- SESEWaitingQueue seseWaitingQueue=graph.getWaitingElementSetBySESEID(fsen.getIdentifier(),
- seseLockSet);
- if(seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSize()>0){
- output.println(" {");
- output.println(" REntry* rentry=NULL;");
- output.println(" INTPTR* pointer=NULL;");
- output.println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx=0;");
- Set<Integer> queueIDSet=seseWaitingQueue.getQueueIDSet();
- for (Iterator iterator = queueIDSet.iterator(); iterator
- .hasNext();) {
- Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
- int queueID=key.intValue();
- Set<WaitingElement> waitingQueueSet = seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSet(queueID);
- int enqueueType=seseWaitingQueue.getType(queueID);
- if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.EXCEPTION){
- output.println(" INITIALIZEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
- + queueID+ "]);");
- }
- for (Iterator iterator2 = waitingQueueSet.iterator(); iterator2
- .hasNext();) {
- WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator2
- .next();
- if (waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE) {
- output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("
- + waitingElement.getStatus()
- + ", seseToIssue);");
- } else {
- TempDescriptor td = waitingElement
- .getTempDesc();
- // decide whether waiting element is dynamic or
- // static
- if (fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().contains(td)) {
- // dynamic in-var case
- output.println(" pointer=seseToIssue->"
- + waitingElement.getDynID()
- + "_srcSESE+seseToIssue->"
- + waitingElement.getDynID()
- + "_srcOffset;");
- output
- .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
- + waitingElement
- .getStatus()
- + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
- } else if (fsen.getStaticInVarSet()
- .contains(td)) {
- // static in-var case
- VariableSourceToken vst = fsen
- .getStaticInVarSrc(td);
- if (vst != null) {
- String srcId = "SESE_"
- + vst.getSESE()
- .getPrettyIdentifier()
- + vst.getSESE().getIdentifier()
- + "_" + vst.getAge();
- output
- .println(" pointer=(void*)&seseToIssue->"
- + srcId
- + "->"
- + waitingElement
- .getDynID()
- + ";");
- output
- .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
- + waitingElement
- .getStatus()
- + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
- }
- } else {
- output
- .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
- + waitingElement
- .getStatus()
- + ", seseToIssue, (void*)&seseToIssue->"
- + waitingElement.getDynID()
- + ");");
- }
- }
- output
- .println(" rentry->queue=parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
- + waitingElement.getQueueID()
- + "];");
- if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
- output
- .println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryArray[seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx++]=rentry;");
- output
- .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
- + waitingElement.getQueueID()
- + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
- output.println(" ++(localCount);");
- output.println(" } ");
- }else{
- output
- .println(" ADDRENTRYTOBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
- + waitingElement.getQueueID()
- + "],rentry);");
- }
- }
- if(enqueueType!=SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
- output.println(" localCount+=RESOLVEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
- + queueID+ "],&seseToIssue->common);");
- }
- }
- output.println(" }");
- }
- output.println();
- }
+ if(state.OOOJAVA){
+ FlatSESEEnterNode parent = fsen.getParent();
+ Analysis.OoOJava.ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parent);
+ if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.SESELock> seseLockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(graph);
+ output.println();
+ output.println(" //add memory queue element");
+ Analysis.OoOJava.SESEWaitingQueue seseWaitingQueue=
+ graph.getWaitingElementSetBySESEID(fsen.getIdentifier(), seseLockSet);
+ if(seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSize()>0){
+ output.println(" {");
+ output.println(" REntry* rentry=NULL;");
+ output.println(" INTPTR* pointer=NULL;");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx=0;");
+ Set<Integer> queueIDSet=seseWaitingQueue.getQueueIDSet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = queueIDSet.iterator(); iterator
+ .hasNext();) {
+ Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
+ int queueID=key.intValue();
+ Set<Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement> waitingQueueSet =
+ seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSet(queueID);
+ int enqueueType=seseWaitingQueue.getType(queueID);
+ if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.EXCEPTION){
+ output.println(" INITIALIZEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + queueID+ "]);");
+ }
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = waitingQueueSet.iterator(); iterator2
+ .hasNext();) {
+ Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement waitingElement
+ = (Analysis.OoOJava.WaitingElement) iterator2.next();
+ if (waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE) {
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("
+ + waitingElement.getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue);");
+ } else {
+ TempDescriptor td = waitingElement
+ .getTempDesc();
+ // decide whether waiting element is dynamic or static
+ if (fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().contains(td)) {
+ // dynamic in-var case
+ output.println(" pointer=seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + "_srcSESE+seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + "_srcOffset;");
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
+ } else if (fsen.getStaticInVarSet()
+ .contains(td)) {
+ // static in-var case
+ VariableSourceToken vst = fsen
+ .getStaticInVarSrc(td);
+ if (vst != null) {
+ String srcId = "SESE_"
+ + vst.getSESE()
+ .getPrettyIdentifier()
+ + vst.getSESE().getIdentifier()
+ + "_" + vst.getAge();
+ output
+ .println(" pointer=(void*)&seseToIssue->"
+ + srcId
+ + "->"
+ + waitingElement
+ .getDynID()
+ + ";");
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
+ }
+ } else {
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, (void*)&seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + ");");
+ }
+ }
+ output
+ .println(" rentry->queue=parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "];");
+ if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
+ output
+ .println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryArray[seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx++]=rentry;");
+ output
+ .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
+ output.println(" ++(localCount);");
+ output.println(" }");
+ }else{
+ output
+ .println(" ADDRENTRYTOBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry);");
+ }
+ }
+ if(enqueueType!=SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
+ output.println(" localCount+=RESOLVEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + queueID+ "],&seseToIssue->common);");
+ }
+ }
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
+ output.println();
+ }
+ }else{
+ ConflictGraph graph = null;
+ FlatSESEEnterNode parent = fsen.getParent();
+ if (parent != null) {
+ if (parent.isCallerSESEplaceholder) {
+ graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(parent.getfmEnclosing());
+ } else {
+ graph = mlpa.getConflictGraphResults().get(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (graph != null && graph.hasConflictEdge()) {
+ HashSet<SESELock> seseLockSet = mlpa.getConflictGraphLockMap()
+ .get(graph);
+ output.println();
+ output.println(" //add memory queue element");
+ SESEWaitingQueue seseWaitingQueue=graph.getWaitingElementSetBySESEID(fsen.getIdentifier(),
+ seseLockSet);
+ if(seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSize()>0){
+ output.println(" {");
+ output.println(" REntry* rentry=NULL;");
+ output.println(" INTPTR* pointer=NULL;");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx=0;");
+ Set<Integer> queueIDSet=seseWaitingQueue.getQueueIDSet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = queueIDSet.iterator(); iterator
+ .hasNext();) {
+ Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
+ int queueID=key.intValue();
+ Set<WaitingElement> waitingQueueSet = seseWaitingQueue.getWaitingElementSet(queueID);
+ int enqueueType=seseWaitingQueue.getType(queueID);
+ if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.EXCEPTION){
+ output.println(" INITIALIZEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + queueID+ "]);");
+ }
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = waitingQueueSet.iterator(); iterator2
+ .hasNext();) {
+ WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator2
+ .next();
+ if (waitingElement.getStatus() >= ConflictNode.COARSE) {
+ output.println(" rentry=mlpCreateREntry("
+ + waitingElement.getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue);");
+ } else {
+ TempDescriptor td = waitingElement
+ .getTempDesc();
+ // decide whether waiting element is dynamic or
+ // static
+ if (fsen.getDynamicInVarSet().contains(td)) {
+ // dynamic in-var case
+ output.println(" pointer=seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + "_srcSESE+seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + "_srcOffset;");
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
+ } else if (fsen.getStaticInVarSet()
+ .contains(td)) {
+ // static in-var case
+ VariableSourceToken vst = fsen
+ .getStaticInVarSrc(td);
+ if (vst != null) {
+ String srcId = "SESE_"
+ + vst.getSESE()
+ .getPrettyIdentifier()
+ + vst.getSESE().getIdentifier()
+ + "_" + vst.getAge();
+ output
+ .println(" pointer=(void*)&seseToIssue->"
+ + srcId
+ + "->"
+ + waitingElement
+ .getDynID()
+ + ";");
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, pointer );");
+ }
+ } else {
+ output
+ .println(" rentry=mlpCreateFineREntry("
+ + waitingElement
+ .getStatus()
+ + ", seseToIssue, (void*)&seseToIssue->"
+ + waitingElement.getDynID()
+ + ");");
+ }
+ }
+ output
+ .println(" rentry->queue=parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "];");
+ if(enqueueType==SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
+ output
+ .println(" seseToIssue->common.rentryArray[seseToIssue->common.rentryIdx++]=rentry;");
+ output
+ .println(" if(ADDRENTRY(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry)==NOTREADY){");
+ output.println(" ++(localCount);");
+ output.println(" } ");
+ }else{
+ output
+ .println(" ADDRENTRYTOBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + waitingElement.getQueueID()
+ + "],rentry);");
+ }
+ }
+ if(enqueueType!=SESEWaitingQueue.NORMAL){
+ output.println(" localCount+=RESOLVEBUF(parentCommon->memoryQueueArray["
+ + queueID+ "],&seseToIssue->common);");
+ }
+ }
+ output.println(" }");
+ }
+ output.println();
+ }
+ }
// if MLP flag is off, okay that SESE nodes are in IR graph,
// just skip over them and code generates exactly the same
- if( !state.MLP ) {
+ if( ! (state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) ) {
FlatSESEEnterNode fsen = fsexn.getFlatEnter();
// there may be an SESE in an unreachable method, skip over
- if( !mlpa.getAllSESEs().contains( fsen ) ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && !mlpa.getAllSESEs().contains( fsen )) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && !oooa.getAllSESEs().contains( fsen ))
+ ) {
// have to determine the context enclosing this sese
boolean useParentContext = false;
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP &&fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA &&fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
assert fsen.getParent() != null;
if( !fsen.getParent().getIsCallerSESEplaceholder() ) {
useParentContext = true;
// eom
// clean up its lock element from waiting queue, and decrement dependency count for next SESE block
- if( fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsen != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsen != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
output.println(" /* check memory dependency*/");
// if parent is stalling on you, let them know you're done
- if( fsexn.getFlatEnter() != mlpa.getMainSESE() ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && fsexn.getFlatEnter() != mlpa.getMainSESE()) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && fsexn.getFlatEnter() != oooa.getMainSESE())
+ ) {
output.println(" psem_give( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.stallSem) );");
FlatWriteDynamicVarNode fwdvn,
PrintWriter output
) {
- if( !state.MLP ) {
+ if( !(state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA) ) {
// should node should not be in an IR graph if the
// MLP flag is not set
throw new Error("Unexpected presence of FlatWriteDynamicVarNode");
private void generateFlatCall(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatCall fc, PrintWriter output) {
- if( state.MLP && !nonSESEpass ) {
+ if( (state.MLP && !nonSESEpass) ||
+ (state.OOOJAVA && !nonSESEpass)
+ ) {
output.println(" seseCaller = (SESEcommon*)"+paramsprefix+";");
if (fn.isGlobal()&&(state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)) {
output.println(generateTemp(fm,fn.getDst(),lb)+"=allocate_newarrayglobal("+arrayid+", "+generateTemp(fm, fn.getSize(),lb)+");");
} else if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
- if(this.state.MLP){
+ if(this.state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA){
output.println(generateTemp(fm,fn.getDst(),lb)+"=allocate_newarray_oid("+localsprefixaddr+", "+arrayid+", "+generateTemp(fm, fn.getSize(),lb)+", oid);");
output.println(" oid += numWorkers;");
if (fn.isGlobal()&&(state.DSM||state.SINGLETM)) {
} else if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
- if (this.state.MLP){
+ if (this.state.MLP || state.OOOJAVA){
output.println(generateTemp(fm,fn.getDst(),lb)+"=allocate_new_oid("+localsprefixaddr+", "+fn.getType().getClassDesc().getId()+", oid);");
output.println(" oid += numWorkers;");
} else {
} else if (option.equals("-ooojava")) {
state.OOOJAVA = true;
state.DISJOINT = true;
+ state.MLP_NUMCORES = Integer.parseInt( args[++i] );
+ state.MLP_MAXSESEAGE = Integer.parseInt( args[++i] );
} else if (option.equals("-ooodebug") ){
state.OOODEBUG = true;
SafetyAnalysis sa=null;
PrefetchAnalysis pa=null;
MLPAnalysis mlpa=null;
+ OoOJavaAnalysis oooa=null;
if (state.INLINEATOMIC) {
Iterator classit=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
while(classit.hasNext()) {
CallGraph cg = new CallGraph(state);
Liveness l = new Liveness();
ArrayReferencees ar = new ArrayReferencees(state);
- OoOJavaAnalysis oa = new OoOJavaAnalysis(state, tu, cg, l, ar);
+ oooa = new OoOJavaAnalysis(state, tu, cg, l, ar);
LocalityAnalysis la=new LocalityAnalysis(state, callgraph, tu);
GenerateConversions gc=new GenerateConversions(la, state);
- BuildCode bc=new BuildCode(state, bf.getMap(), tu, la, pa, mlpa);
+ BuildCode bc=new BuildCode(state, bf.getMap(), tu, la, pa, mlpa,oooa);
} else {
- BuildCode bc=new BuildCode(state, bf.getMap(), tu, sa, pa, mlpa);
+ BuildCode bc=new BuildCode(state, bf.getMap(), tu, sa, pa, mlpa,oooa);
+elif [[ $1 = '-ooojava' ]]
+JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -ooojava $2 $3"
elif [[ $1 = '-mlp' ]]