return false;
+ /** This method checks whether a modify relation abstract repair
+ * to satisfy ar may violate dp. It returns true if there is no
+ * interference. */
+ private boolean interferemodifies(DNFPredicate ar,DNFPredicate dp) {
+ boolean neg1=ar.isNegated();
+ Opcode op1=((ExprPredicate)ar.getPredicate()).getOp();
+ Expr rexpr1=((OpExpr)((ExprPredicate)ar.getPredicate()).expr).right;
+ Expr lexpr1=((OpExpr)((ExprPredicate)ar.getPredicate()).expr).left;
+ RelationDescriptor updated_des=(RelationDescriptor)((ExprPredicate)ar.getPredicate()).getDescriptor();
+ boolean neg2=dp.isNegated();
+ Opcode op2=((ExprPredicate)dp.getPredicate()).getOp();
+ Expr rexpr2=((OpExpr)((ExprPredicate)dp.getPredicate()).expr).right;
+ Expr lexpr2=((OpExpr)((ExprPredicate)dp.getPredicate()).expr).left;
+ /* Translate the opcodes */
+ op1=Opcode.translateOpcode(neg1,op1);
+ op2=Opcode.translateOpcode(neg2,op2);
+ if (((op1==Opcode.EQ)||(op1==Opcode.GE)||(op1==Opcode.LE))&&
+ ((op2==Opcode.EQ)||(op2==Opcode.GE)||(op2==Opcode.LE))&&
+ !rexpr2.usesDescriptor(updated_des)) {
+ Hashtable varmap=new Hashtable();
+ Expr l1=lexpr1;
+ Expr l2=lexpr2;
+ boolean initialrelation=true;
+ boolean onetoone=true;
+ while(true) {
+ if ((l1 instanceof VarExpr)&&
+ (l2 instanceof VarExpr)) {
+ VarDescriptor vd1=((VarExpr)l1).getVar();
+ VarDescriptor vd2=((VarExpr)l2).getVar();
+ varmap.put(vd1,vd2);
+ break;
+ } else if ((l1 instanceof RelationExpr)&&
+ (l2 instanceof RelationExpr)) {
+ RelationExpr re1=(RelationExpr)l1;
+ RelationExpr re2=(RelationExpr)l2;
+ if (re1.getRelation()!=re2.getRelation()||
+ re1.inverted()!=re2.inverted())
+ return false;
+ if (!initialrelation) {
+ if (!(
+ ConstraintDependence.rulesensurefunction(termination.state, re1.getRelation(),re1.getExpr().getSet(),!re1.inverted(),true)||
+ ConstraintDependence.constraintsensurefunction(termination.state, re1.getRelation(),re1.getExpr().getSet(),!re1.inverted(),true)))
+ onetoone=false;
+ //need check one-to-one property here
+ } else initialrelation=false;
+ l1=re1.getExpr();
+ l2=re2.getExpr();
+ } else return false; // bad match
+ }
+ Set freevars=rexpr1.freeVars();
+ for(Iterator it=freevars.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ VarDescriptor vd=(VarDescriptor);
+ if (vd.isGlobal())
+ continue; //globals are fine
+ else if (varmap.containsKey(vd)&&onetoone) //the mapped variable is fine if we have a 1-1 mapping
+ continue;
+ else if (termination.maxsize.getsize(vd.getSet())==1)
+ continue;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return rexpr1.equals(varmap,rexpr2);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
/** Does performing the AbstractRepair ar falsify the predicate dp */
public boolean interfereswithpredicate(AbstractRepair ar, DNFPredicate dp) {
return false;
- // FIXME
- if (((op1==Opcode.EQ)||(op1==Opcode.GE)||(op1==Opcode.LE))&&
- ((op2==Opcode.EQ)||(op2==Opcode.GE)||(op2==Opcode.LE))&&
- expr1.equals(null,expr2)) {
- // Need to check free variables...
+ if (interferemodifies(ar.getPredicate(),dp))
return false;
- }
if (isInt1&&isInt2) {
if (((op1==Opcode.EQ)||(op1==Opcode.GE)||(op1==Opcode.LE))&&
static private Set providesfunction(State state, Function f) {
+ return providesfunction(state,f,false);
+ }
+ static private Set providesfunction(State state, Function f, boolean isPartial) {
HashSet set=new HashSet();
for(int i=0;i<state.vConstraints.size();i++) {
Constraint c=(Constraint)state.vConstraints.get(i);
ExprPredicate ep=(ExprPredicate)dpred.getPredicate();
if (ep.isRightInt()&&
- ep.getOp()==Opcode.EQ&&
+ (ep.getOp()==Opcode.EQ||(ep.getOp()==Opcode.LE&&isPartial))&&
ep.getDescriptor()==f.getRelation()) {
ImageSetExpr se=(ImageSetExpr) ((SizeofExpr) ((OpExpr)ep.expr).left).getSetExpr();
* evaluated on the domain sd is either a function (if
* isPartial=false) or a partial function (if isPartial=true). */
- static public boolean constraintsensurefunction(State state,RelationDescriptor r, SetDescriptor sd,boolean inverse) {
- Set constraints=providesfunction(state, new Function(r,sd,inverse,null));
+ static public boolean constraintsensurefunction(State state,RelationDescriptor r, SetDescriptor sd,boolean inverse,boolean isPartial) {
+ Set constraints=providesfunction(state, new Function(r,sd,inverse,null),isPartial);
return (!constraints.isEmpty());