public class ConflictTracker extends ListenerAdapter {
- // Public graph: to allow the StateReducer class to access it
- public static final HashMap<Integer, Node> nodes = new HashMap<Integer, Node>(); // Nodes of a graph
- // Private
private final PrintWriter out;
+ private final HashMap<Integer, Node> nodes = new HashMap<Integer, Node>(); // Nodes of a graph
private final HashSet<String> conflictSet = new HashSet<String>(); // Variables we want to track
private final HashSet<String> appSet = new HashSet<String>(); // Apps we want to find their conflicts
private final HashSet<String> manualSet = new HashSet<String>(); // Writer classes with manual inputs to detect direct-direct(No Conflict) interactions
// HashSet that stores references to unused CGs
private HashSet<IntChoiceFromSet> unusedCG;
- // Reference to the state graph in the ConflictTracker class
- // TODO: The following is a full-blown graph traversal that we can do if we need to in the future
//private HashMap<Integer, ConflictTracker.Node> stateGraph;
private HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> stateToEventMap;
// Map state to event
backtrackSet = new HashSet<>();
conflictPairMap = new HashMap<>();
unusedCG = new HashSet<>();
- // TODO: The following is a full-blown graph traversal that we can do if we need to in the future
- //stateGraph = ConflictTracker.nodes;
stateToEventMap = new HashMap<>();
prevVisitedStates = new HashSet<>();
currVisitedStates = new HashSet<>();
return containsCyclesWithAllEvts;
- // TODO: The following is a full-blown graph traversal that we can do if we need to in the future
- // Detect cycles in the current execution/trace
- // We terminate the execution iff:
- // (1) the state has been visited in the current execution
- // (2) the state has one or more cycles that involve all the events
-// private boolean containsCyclesWithAllEvents(int stId) {
-// HashSet<ConflictTracker.Node> visitingStates = new HashSet<>();
-// HashSet<Integer> visitedEvents = new HashSet<>();
-// boolean containsCyclesWithAllEvts = false;
-// ConflictTracker.Node currNode = stateGraph.get(stId);
-// dfsFindCycles(currNode, visitingStates, visitedEvents, new HashSet<>());
-// if (checkIfAllEventsInvolved(visitedEvents)) {
-// containsCyclesWithAllEvts = true;
-// }
-// return containsCyclesWithAllEvts;
-// }
-// private void dfsFindCycles(ConflictTracker.Node currNode, HashSet<ConflictTracker.Node> visitingStates,
-// HashSet<Integer> visitedEvents, HashSet<Integer> visitingEvents) {
-// // Stop when there is a cycle and record all the events
-// if (visitingStates.contains(currNode)) {
-// visitedEvents.addAll(visitingEvents);
-// } else {
-// visitingStates.add(currNode);
-// for(ConflictTracker.Edge edge : currNode.getOutEdges()) {
-// visitingEvents.add(edge.getEventNumber());
-// dfsFindCycles(edge.getDst(), visitingStates, visitedEvents, visitingEvents);
-// visitingEvents.remove(edge.getEventNumber());
-// }
-// visitingStates.remove(currNode);
-// }
-// }
private boolean checkIfAllEventsInvolved(HashSet<Integer> visitedEvents) {
// Check if this set contains all the event choices