--- /dev/null
+1. Copy SimpleHash.h and .c to the working directory and add
+ include "Simplehash.h"
+2. Create function
+ void assertvalidmemory(int low, int high) {
+ }
+3. Create function
+ void calltool(Type name)
+ * this is equiv to establishing a mapping in the interpreter version
+ * Type should be the type of the variable being mapped
+ * the name of the formal paremater should be the name of the variable
+ used in the specs
+ * multiple parameters for multiple mappings
+ * the body of the function should contain only
+ #include "spec-file.cc",
+ where the files spec-file.* contain the specs
+4. Declare global variables in specs.struct
+5. In RepairCompiler/MCC, generate the .cc file:
+ java -cp ../ MCC.Compiler spec-file,
+ where spec-file.* contain the specs
+6. Compile the program under analysis
+ g++ program.c SimpleHash.cc libchecker.a -o program
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