--- /dev/null
+#ifdef TASK
+#include "runtime.h"
+#include "runtime_arch.h"
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ errno = 0;
+ int tids[NUMCORES];
+ int rc[NUMCORES];
+ pthread_t threads[NUMCORES];
+ int i = 0;
+ // initialize three arrays and msg queue array
+ char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
+ int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ corestatus[i] = 1;
+ numsendobjs[i] = 0;
+ numreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
+ char corenumstr[3];
+ int sourcelen = 0;
+ if(i < 10) {
+ corenumstr[0] = i + '0';
+ corenumstr[1] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 1;
+ } else if(i < 100) {
+ corenumstr[1] = i %10 + '0';
+ corenumstr[0] = (i / 10) + '0';
+ corenumstr[2] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 2;
+ } else {
+ printf("Error: i >= 100\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
+ strcpy(path, pathhead);
+ strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
+ int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
+ mq_unlink(path);
+ mqd[i]= mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
+ if(mqd[i] == -1) {
+ printf("[Main] mq_open %s fails: %d, error: %s\n", path, mqd[i], strerror(errno));
+ exit(-1);
+ } else {
+ printf("[Main] mq_open %s returns: %d\n", path, mqd[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // create the key
+ pthread_key_create(&key, NULL);
+ // create the lock table and initialize its mutex
+ locktbl = allocateRuntimeHash(20);
+ int rc_locktbl = pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock_tbl, NULL);
+ printf("[Main] initialize the rwlock for lock table: %d error: \n", rc_locktbl, strerror(rc_locktbl));
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ thread_data_array[i].corenum = i;
+ thread_data_array[i].argc = argc;
+ thread_data_array[i].argv = argv;
+ thread_data_array[i].numsendobjs = 0;
+ thread_data_array[i].numreceiveobjs = 0;
+ printf("[main] creating thread %d\n", i);
+ rc[i] = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, run, (void *)&thread_data_array[i]);
+ if (rc[i]) {
+ printf("[main] ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc[i]);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ while(true) {
+ }
+void run(void* arg) {
+ struct thread_data * my_tdata = (struct thread_data *)arg;
+ pthread_setspecific(key, (void *)my_tdata->corenum);
+ int argc = my_tdata->argc;
+ char** argv = my_tdata->argv;
+ printf("[run, %d] Thread %d runs: %x\n", my_tdata->corenum, my_tdata->corenum, (int)pthread_self());
+ fflush(stdout);
+#if 0
+#ifdef BOEHM_GC
+ GC_init(); // Initialize the garbage collector
+ initializemmap();
+ processOptions();
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery and garbage collection
+ initializeexithandler();
+ /* Create table for failed tasks */
+#if 0
+ failedtasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) &hashCodetpd,
+ (int (*)(void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery
+ failedtasks = NULL;
+ /* Create queue of active tasks */
+ activetasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int(*) (void *)) &hashCodetpd,
+ (int(*) (void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
+ /* Process task information */
+ processtasks();
+ if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
+ /* Create startup object */
+ createstartupobject(argc, argv);
+ }
+ /* Start executing the tasks */
+ executetasks();
+ int i = 0;
+ // check if there are new objects coming
+ bool sendStall = false;
+ int numofcore = BAMBOO_GET_NUM_OF_CORE();
+ while(true) {
+ switch(receiveObject()) {
+ case 0: {
+ //printf("[run, %d] receive an object\n", numofcore);
+ sendStall = false;
+ // received an object
+ // check if there are new active tasks can be executed
+ executetasks();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1: {
+ //printf("[run, %d] no msg\n", numofcore);
+ // no msg received
+ if(STARTUPCORE == numofcore) {
+ corestatus[numofcore] = 0;
+ // check the status of all cores
+ bool allStall = true;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ if(corestatus[i] != 0) {
+ allStall = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(allStall) {
+ // check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
+ // yes->terminate
+ // no->go on executing
+ int sumsendobj = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ sumsendobj += numsendobjs[i];
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ sumsendobj -= numreceiveobjs[i];
+ }
+ if(0 == sumsendobj) {
+ // terminate
+ // release all locks
+ int rc_tbl = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[run, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc_tbl, strerror(rc_tbl));
+ struct RuntimeIterator* it_lock = RuntimeHashcreateiterator(locktbl);
+ while(0 != RunhasNext(it_lock)) {
+ int key = Runkey(it_lock);
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = (pthread_rwlock_t*)Runnext(it_lock);
+ int rc_des = pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[run, %d] destroy the rwlock for object: %d error: \n", numofcore, key, strerror(rc_des));
+ RUNFREE(rwlock_obj);
+ }
+ freeRuntimeHash(locktbl);
+ locktbl = NULL;
+ RUNFREE(it_lock);
+ // destroy all message queues
+ char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
+ int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ char corenumstr[3];
+ int sourcelen = 0;
+ if(i < 10) {
+ corenumstr[0] = i + '0';
+ corenumstr[1] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 1;
+ } else if(i < 100) {
+ corenumstr[1] = i %10 + '0';
+ corenumstr[0] = (i / 10) + '0';
+ corenumstr[2] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 2;
+ } else {
+ printf("Error: i >= 100\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
+ strcpy(path, pathhead);
+ strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
+ mq_unlink(path);
+ }
+ printf("[run, %d] terminate!\n", numofcore);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!sendStall) {
+ // send StallMsg to startup core
+ sendStall = transStallMsg(STARTUPCORE);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: {
+ printf("[run, %d] receive a stall msg\n", numofcore);
+ // receive a Stall Msg, do nothing
+ assert(STARTUPCORE == numofcore); // only startup core can receive such msg
+ sendStall = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ printf("[run, %d] Error: invalid message type.\n", numofcore);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Message format:
+ * type + Msgbody
+ * type: 0 -- transfer object
+ * 1 -- transfer stall msg
+ * 2 -- lock request
+ * 3 -- lock grount
+ * 4 -- lock deny
+ * 5 -- lock release
+ * // add for profile info
+ * 6 -- transfer profile output msg
+ * 7 -- transfer profile output finish msg
+ * // add for alias lock strategy
+ * 8 -- redirect lock request
+ * 9 -- lock grant with redirect info
+ * a -- lock deny with redirect info
+ * b -- lock release with redirect info
+ * c -- status confirm request
+ * d -- status report msg
+ *
+ * ObjMsg: 0 + size of msg + obj's address + (task index + param index)+
+ * StallMsg: 1 + corenum + sendobjs + receiveobjs (size is always 4 * sizeof(int))
+ * LockMsg: 2 + lock type + obj pointer + lock + request core (size is always 5 * sizeof(int))
+ * 3/4/5 + lock type + obj pointer + lock (size is always 4 * sizeof(int))
+ * 8 + lock type + obj pointer + redirect lock + root request core + request core (size is always 6 * sizeof(int))
+ * 9/a + lock type + obj pointer + redirect lock (size is always 4 * sizeof(int))
+ * b + lock type + lock + redirect lock (size is always 4 * sizeof(int))
+ * lock type: 0 -- read; 1 -- write
+ * ProfileMsg: 6 + totalexetime (size is always 2 * sizeof(int))
+ * 7 + corenum (size is always 2 * sizeof(int))
+ * StatusMsg: c (size is always 1 * sizeof(int))
+ * d + status + corenum (size is always 3 * sizeof(int))
+ * status: 0 -- stall; 1 -- busy
+ */
+// transfer an object to targetcore
+// format: object
+void transferObject(struct transObjInfo * transObj) {
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ // use POSIX message queue to transfer objects between cores
+ mqd_t mqdnum;
+ char corenumstr[3];
+ int sourcelen = 0;
+ if(targetcore < 10) {
+ corenumstr[0] = targetcore + '0';
+ corenumstr[1] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 1;
+ } else if(targetcore < 100) {
+ corenumstr[1] = targetcore % 10 + '0';
+ corenumstr[0] = (targetcore / 10) + '0';
+ corenumstr[2] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 2;
+ } else {
+ printf("Error: targetcore >= 100\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
+ int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
+ char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
+ strcpy(path, pathhead);
+ strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
+ int oflags = O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK;
+ int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
+ mqdnum = mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
+ if(mqdnum==-1) {
+ printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_open %s fail: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, mqdnum, strerror(errno));
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ struct transObjInfo * tmptransObj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
+ memcpy(tmptransObj, transObj, sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
+ int * tmpqueue = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)*2*tmptransObj->length);
+ memcpy(tmpqueue, tmptransObj->queues, sizeof(int)*2*tmptransObj->length);
+ tmptransObj->queues = tmpqueue;
+ struct ___Object___ * newobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
+ newobj->type = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type;
+ newobj->original = (struct ___Object___ *)tmptransObj;
+ int ret;
+ do {
+ ret=mq_send(mqdnum, (void *)newobj, sizeof(struct ___Object___), 0); // send the object into the queue
+ if(ret != 0) {
+ printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_send to %s returned: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, ret, strerror(errno));
+ }
+ } while(ret!=0);
+ RUNFREE(newobj);
+ if(numofcore == STARTUPCORE) {
+ ++numsendobjs[numofcore];
+ } else {
+ ++(thread_data_array[numofcore].numsendobjs);
+ }
+ printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_send to %s returned: $%x\n", numofcore, path, ret);
+// send terminate message to targetcore
+// format: -1
+bool transStallMsg(int targetcore) {
+ struct ___Object___ *newobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
+ // use the first four int field to hold msgtype/corenum/sendobj/receiveobj
+ newobj->type = -1;
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ newobj->flag = numofcore;
+ newobj->___cachedHash___ = thread_data_array[numofcore].numsendobjs;
+ newobj->___cachedCode___ = thread_data_array[numofcore].numreceiveobjs;
+ // use POSIX message queue to send stall msg to startup core
+ assert(targetcore == STARTUPCORE);
+ mqd_t mqdnum;
+ char corenumstr[3];
+ int sourcelen = 0;
+ if(targetcore < 10) {
+ corenumstr[0] = targetcore + '0';
+ corenumstr[1] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 1;
+ } else if(targetcore < 100) {
+ corenumstr[1] = targetcore % 10 + '0';
+ corenumstr[0] = (targetcore / 10) + '0';
+ corenumstr[2] = '\0';
+ sourcelen = 2;
+ } else {
+ printf("Error: targetcore >= 100\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
+ int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
+ char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
+ strcpy(path, pathhead);
+ strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
+ int oflags = O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK;
+ int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
+ mqdnum = mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
+ if(mqdnum==-1) {
+ printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_open %s fail: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, mqdnum, strerror(errno));
+ fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ int ret;
+ ret=mq_send(mqdnum, (void *)newobj, sizeof(struct ___Object___), 0); // send the object into the queue
+ if(ret != 0) {
+ printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_send to %s returned: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, ret, strerror(errno));
+ RUNFREE(newobj);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_send to %s returned: $%x\n", numofcore, path, ret);
+ printf("<transStallMsg> to %s index: %d, sendobjs: %d, receiveobjs: %d\n", path, newobj->flag, newobj->___cachedHash___, newobj->___cachedCode___);
+ RUNFREE(newobj);
+ return true;
+ }
+void transStatusConfirmMsg(int targetcore) {
+ // TODO
+int receiveObject() {
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ // use POSIX message queue to transfer object
+ int msglen = 0;
+ struct mq_attr mqattr;
+ mq_getattr(mqd[numofcore], &mqattr);
+ void * msgptr =RUNMALLOC(mqattr.mq_msgsize);
+ msglen=mq_receive(mqd[numofcore], msgptr, mqattr.mq_msgsize, NULL); // receive the object into the queue
+ if(-1 == msglen) {
+ // no msg
+ free(msgptr);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //printf("msg: %s\n",msgptr);
+ if(((int*)msgptr)[0] == -1) {
+ // StallMsg
+ struct ___Object___ * tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)msgptr;
+ int index = tmpptr->flag;
+ corestatus[index] = 0;
+ numsendobjs[index] = tmpptr->___cachedHash___;
+ numreceiveobjs[index] = tmpptr->___cachedCode___;
+ printf("<receiveObject> index: %d, sendobjs: %d, reveiveobjs: %d\n", index, numsendobjs[index], numreceiveobjs[index]);
+ free(msgptr);
+ return 2;
+ } else {
+ // an object
+ if(numofcore == STARTUPCORE) {
+ ++(numreceiveobjs[numofcore]);
+ } else {
+ ++(thread_data_array[numofcore].numreceiveobjs);
+ }
+ struct ___Object___ * tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)msgptr;
+ struct transObjInfo * transObj = (struct transObjInfo *)tmpptr->original;
+ tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)(transObj->objptr);
+ int type = tmpptr->type;
+ int size=classsize[type];
+ struct ___Object___ * newobj=RUNMALLOC(size);
+ memcpy(newobj, tmpptr, size);
+ if(0 == newobj->isolate) {
+ newobj->original=tmpptr;
+ }
+ RUNFREE(msgptr);
+ tmpptr = NULL;
+ int k = 0;
+ for(k = 0; k < transObj->length; ++k) {
+ int taskindex = transObj->queues[2 * k];
+ int paramindex = transObj->queues[2 * k + 1];
+ struct parameterwrapper ** queues = &(paramqueues[numofcore][taskindex][paramindex]);
+ enqueueObject(newobj, queues, 1);
+ }
+ RUNFREE(transObj->queues);
+ RUNFREE(transObj);
+ return 0;
+ }
+bool getreadlock(void * ptr) {
+ // TODO : need modification for alias lock
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ int rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ // no locks for this object
+ // first time to operate on this shared object
+ // create a lock for it
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock = (pthread_rwlock_t *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
+ memcpy(rwlock, &rwlock_init, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, NULL);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] initialize the rwlock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ RUNFREE(rwlock);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ // check again
+ RuntimeHashadd(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int)rwlock);
+ } else {
+ RUNFREE(rwlock);
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock);
+ }
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ }
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting read lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting read lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
+ if(0 != rc_obj) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+void releasereadlock(void * ptr) {
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasereadlock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ printf("[releasereadlock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
+ int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[releasereadlock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasereadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+bool getwritelock(void * ptr) {
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ int rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ // no locks for this object
+ // first time to operate on this shared object
+ // create a lock for it
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock = (pthread_rwlock_t *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
+ memcpy(rwlock, &rwlock_init, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, NULL);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] initialize the rwlock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock);
+ RUNFREE(rwlock);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ // check again
+ RuntimeHashadd(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int)rwlock);
+ } else {
+ pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock);
+ RUNFREE(rwlock);
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock);
+ }
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ }
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting write lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(0 != rc) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting write lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
+ if(0 != rc_obj) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+void releasewritelock(void * ptr) {
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
+ int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error:\n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+void releasewritelock_r(void * lock, void * redirectlock) {
+ // TODO, need modification according to alias lock
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
+ int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error:\n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
+ rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
+ printf("[releasewritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
+void executetasks() {
+ void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS+OFFSET];
+ int numparams=0;
+ int numtotal=0;
+ struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = NULL;
+ struct parameterdescriptor * pd=NULL;
+ struct parameterwrapper *pw=NULL;
+ int j = 0;
+ int x = 0;
+ bool islock = true;
+ struct LockValue * locks[MAXTASKPARAMS];
+ int locklen;
+ int grount = 0;
+ int andmask=0;
+ int checkmask=0;
+ for(j = 0; j < MAXTASKPARAMS; j++) {
+ locks[j] = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
+ locks[j]->redirectlock = 0;
+ locks[j]->value = 0;
+ }
+#if 0
+ /* Set up signal handlers */
+ struct sigaction sig;
+ sig.sa_sigaction=&myhandler;
+ sig.sa_flags=SA_SIGINFO;
+ sigemptyset(&sig.sa_mask);
+ /* Catch bus errors, segmentation faults, and floating point exceptions*/
+ sigaction(SIGBUS,&sig,0);
+ sigaction(SIGSEGV,&sig,0);
+ sigaction(SIGFPE,&sig,0);
+ sigaction(SIGPIPE,&sig,0);
+#endif // #if 0: non-multicore
+#if 0
+ /* Zero fd set */
+ FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+ maxreadfd=0;
+#if 0
+ fdtoobject=allocateRuntimeHash(100);
+#if 0
+ /* Map first block of memory to protected, anonymous page */
+ mmap(0, 0x1000, 0, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANON, -1, 0);
+ while((hashsize(activetasks)>0)||(maxreadfd>0)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe990);
+#if 0
+ /* Check if any filedescriptors have IO pending */
+ if (maxreadfd>0) {
+ int i;
+ struct timeval timeout={0,0};
+ fd_set tmpreadfds;
+ int numselect;
+ tmpreadfds=readfds;
+ numselect=select(maxreadfd, &tmpreadfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
+ if (numselect>0) {
+ /* Process ready fd's */
+ int fd;
+ for(fd=0; fd<maxreadfd; fd++) {
+ if (FD_ISSET(fd, &tmpreadfds)) {
+ /* Set ready flag on object */
+ void * objptr;
+ // printf("Setting fd %d\n",fd);
+ if (RuntimeHashget(fdtoobject, fd,(int *) &objptr)) {
+ if(intflagorand(objptr,1,0xFFFFFFFF)) { /* Set the first flag to 1 */
+ enqueueObject(objptr, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* See if there are any active tasks */
+ if (hashsize(activetasks)>0) {
+ int i;
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ TaskInfo* checkTaskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = checkTaskInfo;
+ checkTaskInfo->taskName = "tpd checking";
+ checkTaskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ checkTaskInfo->endTime = -1;
+ checkTaskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
+ checkTaskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
+ }
+ busystatus = true;
+ currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) getfirstkey(activetasks);
+ genfreekey(activetasks, currtpd);
+ numparams=currtpd->task->numParameters;
+ numtotal=currtpd->task->numTotal;
+ int isolateflags[numparams];
+ // clear the lockRedirectTbl (TODO, this table should be empty after all locks are released)
+ // TODO: need modification according to added alias locks
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe993);
+ /* Make sure that the parameters are still in the queues */
+ for(i=0; i<numparams; i++) {
+ void * parameter=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
+ tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)parameter;
+ if(0 == tmpparam->isolate) {
+ isolateflags[i] = 0;
+ // shared object, need to flush with current value
+ // TODO: need modification according to added alias locks
+ if(!getwritelock(tmpparam->original)) {
+ // fail to get write lock, release all obtained locks and try this task later
+ int j = 0;
+ for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+ if(0 == isolateflags[j]) {
+ releasewritelock(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->original);
+ }
+ }
+ genputtable(activetasks, currtpd, currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ }
+ if(tmpparam->version != tmpparam->original->version) {
+ // release all obtained locks
+ int j = 0;
+ for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
+ if(0 == isolateflags[j]) {
+ releasewritelock(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->original);
+ }
+ }
+ releasewritelock(tmpparam->original);
+ // dequeue this object
+ int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
+ struct parameterwrapper ** queues = objectqueues[numofcore][tmpparam->type];
+ int length = numqueues[numofcore][tmpparam->type];
+ for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
+ struct parameterwrapper * pw = queues[j];
+ if(ObjectHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int)tmpparam)) {
+ int next;
+ int * enterflags;
+ ObjectHashget(pw->objectset, (int) tmpparam, (int *) &next, (int *) &enterflags, &UNUSED, &UNUSED2);
+ ObjectHashremove(pw->objectset, (int)tmpparam);
+ if (enterflags!=NULL)
+ free(enterflags);
+ }
+ }
+ // Free up task parameter descriptor
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ }
+ } else {
+ isolateflags[i] = 1;
+ }
+ pd=currtpd->task->descriptorarray[i];
+ pw=(struct parameterwrapper *) pd->queue;
+ /* Check that object is still in queue */
+ {
+ if (!ObjectHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int) parameter)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe994);
+ // release grabbed locks
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ }
+ }
+ ;
+ /* Check that object still has necessary tags */
+ for(j=0; j<pd->numbertags; j++) {
+ int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*j]+numparams;
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tagd=currtpd->parameterArray[slotid];
+ if (!containstag(parameter, tagd)) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe996);
+ {
+ // release grabbed locks
+ int tmpj = 0;
+ for(tmpj = 0; tmpj < locklen; ++tmpj) {
+ int * lock = (int *)(locks[tmpj]->redirectlock);
+ releasewritelock(lock);
+ }
+ }
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+ goto newtask;
+ }
+ }
+ taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET]=parameter;
+ }
+ /* Copy the tags */
+ for(; i<numtotal; i++) {
+ taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET]=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
+ if(0 == isolateflags[i]) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
+ if(tmpparam != tmpparam->original) {
+ taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET] = tmpparam->original;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+#if 0
+#ifndef RAW
+ /* Checkpoint the state */
+ forward=allocateRuntimeHash(100);
+ reverse=allocateRuntimeHash(100);
+ //void ** checkpoint=makecheckpoint(currtpd->task->numParameters, currtpd->parameterArray, forward, reverse);
+ if (x=setjmp(error_handler)) {
+ int counter;
+ /* Recover */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ PRINTF("Fatal Error=%d, Recovering!\n",x);
+ /*
+ genputtable(failedtasks,currtpd,currtpd);
+ //restorecheckpoint(currtpd->task->numParameters, currtpd->parameterArray, checkpoint, forward, reverse);
+ freeRuntimeHash(forward);
+ freeRuntimeHash(reverse);
+ freemalloc();
+ forward=NULL;
+ reverse=NULL;
+ */
+ //fflush(stdout);
+ exit(-1);
+ } else {
+ /*if (injectfailures) {
+ if ((((double)random())/RAND_MAX)<failurechance) {
+ printf("\nINJECTING TASK FAILURE to %s\n", currtpd->task->name);
+ longjmp(error_handler,10);
+ }
+ }*/
+ /* Actually call task */
+#if 0
+#ifdef PRECISE_GC
+ ((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
+ taskpointerarray[1]=NULL;
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ {
+ // check finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ taskInfoIndex++;
+ if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
+ taskInfoOverflow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ // new a taskInfo for the task execution
+ TaskInfo* taskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = taskInfo;
+ taskInfo->taskName = currtpd->task->name;
+ taskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ taskInfo->endTime = -1;
+ taskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
+ taskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
+ }
+ if(debugtask) {
+ PRINTF("ENTER %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
+ ((void(*) (void **))currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
+ PRINTF("EXIT %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
+ } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe997);
+ ((void(*) (void **))currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
+ }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ // task finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ taskInfoIndex++;
+ if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
+ taskInfoOverflow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // new a PostTaskInfo for the post-task execution
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ TaskInfo* postTaskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = postTaskInfo;
+ postTaskInfo->taskName = "post task execution";
+ postTaskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ postTaskInfo->endTime = -1;
+ postTaskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
+ postTaskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe998);
+ if(islock) {
+ // TODO : need modification for alias lock
+ for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
+ int * lock;
+ if(0 == isolateflags[i]) {
+ struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
+ if(tmpparam->lock == NULL) {
+ lock = (int*)tmpparam;
+ } else {
+ lock = tmpparam->lock;
+ }
+ releasewritelock(lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ // post task execution finish, set the end of the postTaskInfo
+ if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
+ taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ taskInfoIndex++;
+ if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
+ taskInfoOverflow = true;
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ freeRuntimeHash(forward);
+ freeRuntimeHash(reverse);
+ freemalloc();
+ // Free up task parameter descriptor
+ RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
+ RUNFREE(currtpd);
+#if 0
+ forward=NULL;
+ reverse=NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe99a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUGPRINT(0xe99b);
+#endif // #ifdef TASK
#ifdef TASK
#include "runtime.h"
-#ifndef RAW
-#include "structdefs.h"
-#include "mem.h"
-#include "checkpoint.h"
-#include "Queue.h"
-#include "SimpleHash.h"
-#include "GenericHashtable.h"
-#include <sys/select.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifdef RAW
-#ifdef RAWUSEIO
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include <raw.h>
-#include <raw_compiler_defs.h>
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
-// use POSIX message queue
-// for each core, its message queue named as
-// /msgqueue_corenum
-#include <mqueue.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "multicoreruntime.h"
+#include "runtime_arch.h"
extern int injectfailures;
extern float failurechance;
extern int debugtask;
extern int instaccum;
-#ifdef RAW
-#define TOTALCORE raw_get_num_tiles()
+void * curr_heapbase=0;
+void * curr_heaptop=0;
+#if 0
#include "instrument.h"
+#endif // if 0: for recovery
+// data structures for task invocation
struct genhashtable * activetasks;
struct genhashtable * failedtasks;
struct taskparamdescriptor * currtpd;
-#ifndef RAW
+#if 0
struct RuntimeHash * forward;
struct RuntimeHash * reverse;
+#endif // if 0: for recovery
+#ifdef PROFILE
+void outputProfileData();
-int corestatus[NUMCORES]; // records status of each core
- // 1: running tasks
- // 0: stall
-int numsendobjs[NUMCORES]; // records how many objects a core has sent out
-int numreceiveobjs[NUMCORES]; // records how many objects a core has received
-int numconfirm;
-bool waitconfirm;
-bool busystatus;
-#ifdef RAW
-struct RuntimeHash locktable;
-static struct RuntimeHash* locktbl = &locktable;
-struct LockValue {
- int redirectlock;
- int value;
-struct RuntimeHash * objRedirectLockTbl;
-void * curr_heapbase=0;
-void * curr_heaptop=0;
-int self_numsendobjs;
-int self_numreceiveobjs;
-int lockobj;
-int lock2require;
-int lockresult;
-bool lockflag;
-#ifndef INTERRUPT
-bool reside;
-struct Queue objqueue;
-int msgdata[30];
-int msgtype;
-int msgdataindex;
-int msglength;
-int outmsgdata[30];
-int outmsgindex;
-int outmsglast;
-int outmsgleft;
-bool isMsgHanging;
-volatile bool isMsgSending;
-void calCoords(int core_num, int* coordY, int* coordX);
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
-static struct RuntimeHash* locktbl;
-struct thread_data {
- int corenum;
- int argc;
- char** argv;
- int numsendobjs;
- int numreceiveobjs;
-struct thread_data thread_data_array[NUMCORES];
-mqd_t mqd[NUMCORES];
-static pthread_key_t key;
-static pthread_rwlock_t rwlock_tbl;
-static pthread_rwlock_t rwlock_init;
-void run(void * arg);
-bool transStallMsg(int targetcore);
-void transStatusConfirmMsg(int targetcore);
-int receiveObject();
bool getreadlock(void* ptr);
void releasereadlock(void* ptr);
-#ifdef RAW
-bool getreadlock_I_r(void * ptr, void * redirectlock, int core, bool cache);
bool getwritelock(void* ptr);
void releasewritelock(void* ptr);
void releasewritelock_r(void * lock, void * redirectlock);
-#ifdef RAW
+inline void run(void * arg);
+// specific functions used inside critical sections
+void enqueueObject_I(void * ptr, struct parameterwrapper ** queues, int length);
+int enqueuetasks_I(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr, int * enterflags, int numenterflags);
+bool getreadlock_I_r(void * ptr, void * redirectlock, int core, bool cache);
bool getwritelock_I(void* ptr);
bool getwritelock_I_r(void* lock, void* redirectlock, int core, bool cache);
void releasewritelock_I(void * ptr);
-// profiling mode of RAW version
-#define TASKINFOLENGTH 10000
-bool stall;
-//bool isInterrupt;
-int totalexetime;
-typedef struct task_info {
- char* taskName;
- int startTime;
- int endTime;
- int exitIndex;
- struct Queue * newObjs;
-} TaskInfo;
-/*typedef struct interrupt_info {
- int startTime;
- int endTime;
- } InterruptInfo;*/
-TaskInfo * taskInfoArray[TASKINFOLENGTH];
-int taskInfoIndex;
-bool taskInfoOverflow;
-/*InterruptInfo * interruptInfoArray[INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH];
- int interruptInfoIndex;
- bool interruptInfoOverflow;*/
-int profilestatus[NUMCORES]; // records status of each core
- // 1: running tasks
- // 0: stall
-bool transProfileRequestMsg(int targetcore);
-void outputProfileData();
-#ifdef RAW
-#ifdef RAWUSEIO
-int main(void) {
-void begin() {
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-#ifdef RAW
+// main function for each core
+inline void run(void * arg) {
int i = 0;
int argc = 1;
char ** argv = NULL;
bool allStall = true;
int sumsendobj = 0;
- corenum = raw_get_abs_pos_x() + raw_get_array_size_x() * raw_get_abs_pos_y();
+ corenum = BAMBOO_GET_NUM_OF_CORE();
+#ifdef DEBUG
// initialize the arrays
if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
// startup core to initialize corestatus[]
for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
corestatus[i] = 1;
- numsendobjs[i] = 0; // assume all variables in RAW are local variables! MAY BE WRONG!!!
+ numsendobjs[i] = 0; // assume all variables are local variables! MAY BE WRONG!!!
numreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
numconfirm = 0;
- waitconfirm = false;
+ waitconfirm = false;
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ // initialize the profile data arrays
for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
profilestatus[i] = 1;
- }
+ }
busystatus = true;
self_numsendobjs = 0;
self_numreceiveobjs = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
msgdata[i] = -1;
msgtype = -1;
msgdataindex = 0;
msglength = 30;
for(i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
outmsgdata[i] = -1;
lockflag = false;
reside = false;
objqueue.head = NULL;
objqueue.tail = NULL;
lockRedirectTbl = allocateRuntimeHash(20);
objRedirectLockTbl = allocateRuntimeHash(20);
+#ifdef PROFILE
stall = false;
//isInterrupt = true;
totalexetime = -1;
taskInfoIndex = 0;
/*interruptInfoIndex = 0;
- taskInfoOverflow = false;
- interruptInfoOverflow = false;*/
- if (corenum < NUMCORES) {
- // set up interrupts
- setup_ints();
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
+ taskInfoOverflow = false;
+ interruptInfoOverflow = false;*/
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- errno = 0;
- int tids[NUMCORES];
- int rc[NUMCORES];
- pthread_t threads[NUMCORES];
- int i = 0;
- // initialize three arrays and msg queue array
- char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
- int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- corestatus[i] = 1;
- numsendobjs[i] = 0;
- numreceiveobjs[i] = 0;
- char corenumstr[3];
- int sourcelen = 0;
- if(i < 10) {
- corenumstr[0] = i + '0';
- corenumstr[1] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 1;
- } else if(i < 100) {
- corenumstr[1] = i %10 + '0';
- corenumstr[0] = (i / 10) + '0';
- corenumstr[2] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 2;
- } else {
- printf("Error: i >= 100\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
- strcpy(path, pathhead);
- strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
- int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
- mq_unlink(path);
- mqd[i]= mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
- if(mqd[i] == -1) {
- printf("[Main] mq_open %s fails: %d, error: %s\n", path, mqd[i], strerror(errno));
- exit(-1);
- } else {
- printf("[Main] mq_open %s returns: %d\n", path, mqd[i]);
- }
- }
- // create the key
- pthread_key_create(&key, NULL);
- // create the lock table and initialize its mutex
- locktbl = allocateRuntimeHash(20);
- int rc_locktbl = pthread_rwlock_init(&rwlock_tbl, NULL);
- printf("[Main] initialize the rwlock for lock table: %d error: \n", rc_locktbl, strerror(rc_locktbl));
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- thread_data_array[i].corenum = i;
- thread_data_array[i].argc = argc;
- thread_data_array[i].argv = argv;
- thread_data_array[i].numsendobjs = 0;
- thread_data_array[i].numreceiveobjs = 0;
- printf("[main] creating thread %d\n", i);
- rc[i] = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, run, (void *)&thread_data_array[i]);
- if (rc[i]) {
- printf("[main] ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is %d\n", rc[i]);
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- while(true) {
- }
-void run(void* arg) {
- struct thread_data * my_tdata = (struct thread_data *)arg;
- pthread_setspecific(key, (void *)my_tdata->corenum);
- int argc = my_tdata->argc;
- char** argv = my_tdata->argv;
- printf("[run, %d] Thread %d runs: %x\n", my_tdata->corenum, my_tdata->corenum, (int)pthread_self());
- fflush(stdout);
+ // other architecture related initialization
+ initialization();
+ initCommunication();
+#if 0
#ifdef BOEHM_GC
GC_init(); // Initialize the garbage collector
-#ifndef RAW
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery and garbage collection
- /* Create table for failed tasks */
-#ifdef RAW
+ // main process of the execution module
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
+ // non-executing cores, only processing communications
failedtasks = NULL;
activetasks = NULL;
-/*#ifdef RAWPROFILE
- raw_test_pass(0xee01);
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskInfoIndex);
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskInfoOverflow);
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- TaskInfo* taskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = taskInfo;
- taskInfo->taskName = "msg handling";
- taskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfo->endTime = -1;
+/*#ifdef PROFILE
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(taskInfoOverflow);
+ profileTaskStart("msg handling");
+#ifdef PROFILE
//isInterrupt = false;
- while(true) {
- receiveObject();
- }
+ fakeExecution();
} else {
- /*failedtasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) &hashCodetpd,
- (int (*)(void *,void *)) &comparetpd);*/
- failedtasks = NULL;
- /* Create queue of active tasks */
- activetasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int(*) (void *)) &hashCodetpd,
- (int(*) (void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
- /* Process task information */
- processtasks();
- if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
- /* Create startup object */
- createstartupobject(argc, argv);
- }
+ /* Create table for failed tasks */
+#if 0
+ failedtasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int (*)(void *)) &hashCodetpd,
+ (int (*)(void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery
+ failedtasks = NULL;
+ /* Create queue of active tasks */
+ activetasks=genallocatehashtable((unsigned int(*) (void *)) &hashCodetpd,
+ (int(*) (void *,void *)) &comparetpd);
+ /* Process task information */
+ processtasks();
+ if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
+ /* Create startup object */
+ createstartupobject(argc, argv);
+ }
-#ifdef RAW
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee00);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- while(true) {
- // check if there are new active tasks can be executed
- executetasks();
+ while(true) {
+ // check if there are new active tasks can be executed
+ executetasks();
- while(receiveObject() != -1) {
- }
+ while(receiveObject() != -1) {
+ }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee01);
- // check if there are some pending objects, if yes, enqueue them and executetasks again
- tocontinue = false;
- {
- bool isChecking = false;
- if(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- TaskInfo* taskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = taskInfo;
- taskInfo->taskName = "objqueue checking";
- taskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfo->endTime = -1;
- taskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
- taskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
- }
- isChecking = true;
- }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // check if there are some pending objects, if yes, enqueue them and executetasks again
+ tocontinue = false;
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ {
+ bool isChecking = false;
+ if(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
+ profileTaskStart("objqueue checking");
+ isChecking = true;
+ }
- while(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
- void * obj = NULL;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- //isInterrupt = false;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xeee1);
- sendStall = false;
- tocontinue = true;
- objitem = getTail(&objqueue);
- objInfo = (struct transObjInfo *)objitem->objectptr;
- obj = objInfo->objptr;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)obj);
- // grab lock and flush the obj
- grount = 0;
- getwritelock_I(obj);
- while(!lockflag) {
- receiveObject();
- }
- grount = lockresult;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(grount);
+ while(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
+ void * obj = NULL;
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ //isInterrupt = false;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- lockresult = 0;
- lockobj = 0;
- lock2require = 0;
- lockflag = false;
-#ifndef INTERRUPT
- reside = false;
+ sendStall = false;
+ tocontinue = true;
+ objitem = getTail(&objqueue);
+ objInfo = (struct transObjInfo *)objitem->objectptr;
+ obj = objInfo->objptr;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // grab lock and flush the obj
+ grount = 0;
+ getwritelock_I(obj);
+ while(!lockflag) {
+ }
+ grount = lockresult;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- if(grount == 1) {
- int k = 0;
- // flush the object
- raw_invalidate_cache_range((int)obj, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type]);
- // enqueue the object
- for(k = 0; k < objInfo->length; ++k) {
- int taskindex = objInfo->queues[2 * k];
- int paramindex = objInfo->queues[2 * k + 1];
- struct parameterwrapper ** queues = &(paramqueues[corenum][taskindex][paramindex]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskindex);
- raw_test_pass_reg(paramindex);
- enqueueObject_I(obj, queues, 1);
- }
- removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
- releasewritelock_I(obj);
- RUNFREE(objInfo->queues);
- RUNFREE(objInfo);
- } else {
- // can not get lock
- // put it at the end of the queue
- // and try to execute active tasks already enqueued first
- removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
- addNewItem_I(&objqueue, objInfo);
- //isInterrupt = true;
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- break;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ lockresult = 0;
+ lockobj = 0;
+ lock2require = 0;
+ lockflag = false;
+#ifndef INTERRUPT
+ reside = false;
+ if(grount == 1) {
+ int k = 0;
+ // flush the object
+ BAMBOO_CACHE_FLUSH_RANGE((int)obj, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type]);
+ // enqueue the object
+ for(k = 0; k < objInfo->length; ++k) {
+ int taskindex = objInfo->queues[2 * k];
+ int paramindex = objInfo->queues[2 * k + 1];
+ struct parameterwrapper ** queues = &(paramqueues[corenum][taskindex][paramindex]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
- if(isChecking && (!taskInfoOverflow)) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
- }
+ enqueueObject_I(obj, queues, 1);
+ }
+ removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
+ releasewritelock_I(obj);
+ RUNFREE(objInfo->queues);
+ RUNFREE(objInfo);
+ } else {
+ // can not get lock
+ // put it at the end of the queue
+ // and try to execute active tasks already enqueued first
+ removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
+ addNewItem_I(&objqueue, objInfo);
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ //isInterrupt = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ if(isChecking) {
+ profileTaskEnd();
+ }
+ }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee02);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- if(!tocontinue) {
- // check if stop
- if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
- if(isfirst) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee03);
+ if(!tocontinue) {
+ // check if stop
+ if(STARTUPCORE == corenum) {
+ if(isfirst) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
- isfirst = false;
- }
- if((!waitconfirm) ||
- (waitconfirm && (numconfirm == 0))) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee04);
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- corestatus[corenum] = 0;
- numsendobjs[corenum] = self_numsendobjs;
- numreceiveobjs[corenum] = self_numreceiveobjs;
- // check the status of all cores
- allStall = true;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(NUMCORES);
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe000 + corestatus[i]);
- if(corestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(allStall) {
- if(!waitconfirm) {
- // the first time found all cores stall
- // send out status confirm msg to all other cores
- // reset the corestatus array too
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee05);
- corestatus[corenum] = 1;
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- corestatus[i] = 1;
- transStatusConfirmMsg(i);
- }
- waitconfirm = true;
- numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
- } else {
- // all the core status info are the latest
- // check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
- // yes->terminate; for profiling mode, yes->send request to all
- // other cores to pour out profiling data
- // no->go on executing
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee06);
- sumsendobj = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- sumsendobj += numsendobjs[i];
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xf000 + numsendobjs[i]);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- sumsendobj -= numreceiveobjs[i];
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xf000 + numreceiveobjs[i]);
+ isfirst = false;
+ }
+ if((!waitconfirm) ||
+ (waitconfirm && (numconfirm == 0))) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ corestatus[corenum] = 0;
+ numsendobjs[corenum] = self_numsendobjs;
+ numreceiveobjs[corenum] = self_numreceiveobjs;
+ // check the status of all cores
+ allStall = true;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
- if(0 == sumsendobj) {
- // terminate
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee07);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe000 + corestatus[i]);
+ if(corestatus[i] != 0) {
+ allStall = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(allStall) {
+ // check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
+ // yes->check if the info is the latest; no->go on executing
+ sumsendobj = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ sumsendobj += numsendobjs[i];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000 + numsendobjs[i]);
-#ifdef RAWUSEIO
- totalexetime = raw_get_cycle();
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ sumsendobj -= numreceiveobjs[i];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xf000 + numreceiveobjs[i]);
+ }
+ if(0 == sumsendobj) {
+ if(!waitconfirm) {
+ // the first time found all cores stall
+ // send out status confirm msg to all other cores
+ // reset the corestatus array too
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ corestatus[corenum] = 1;
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ corestatus[i] = 1;
+ // send status confirm msg to core i
+ send_msg_1(i, 0xc);
+ }
+ waitconfirm = true;
+ numconfirm = NUMCORES - 1;
+ } else {
+ // all the core status info are the latest
+ // terminate; for profiling mode, send request to all
+ // other cores to pour out profiling data
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#ifdef USEIO
+ totalexetime = BAMBOO_GET_EXE_TIME();
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbbbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(raw_get_cycle());
- // profile mode, send msgs to other cores to request pouring
- // out progiling data
- // reopen gdn_avail interrupts
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- transProfileRequestMsg(i);
- }
- // pour profiling data on startup core
- outputProfileData();
- while(true) {
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- profilestatus[corenum] = 0;
- // check the status of all cores
- allStall = true;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(NUMCORES);
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xbbbbbbbb);
+ // profile mode, send msgs to other cores to request pouring
+ // out progiling data
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ for(i = 1; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+ // send profile request msg to core i
+ send_msg_2(i, 6, totalexetime);
+ }
+ // pour profiling data on startup core
+ outputProfileData();
+ while(true) {
+ profilestatus[corenum] = 0;
+ // check the status of all cores
+ allStall = true;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe000 + profilestatus[i]);
+ for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT(0xe000 + profilestatus[i]);
+ if(profilestatus[i] != 0) {
+ allStall = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!allStall) {
+ int halt = 100;
+ while(halt--) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ terminate(); // All done.
+ }
+ } else {
+ // still some objects on the fly on the network
+ // reset the waitconfirm and numconfirm
+#ifdef DEBUG
- if(profilestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(!allStall) {
- int halt = 100;
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ waitconfirm = false;
+ numconfirm = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // not all cores are stall, keep on waiting
+#ifdef DEBUG
- while(halt--) {
- }
- } else {
- break;
+ waitconfirm = false;
+ numconfirm = 0;
+ }
- }
- raw_test_done(1); // All done.
} else {
- // still some objects on the fly on the network
- // reset the waitconfirm and numconfirm
- waitconfirm = false;
- numconfirm = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
- } else {
- if(!sendStall) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee08);
+ if(!sendStall) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
- if(!stall) {
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ if(!stall) {
- if(isfirst) {
- // wait for some time
- int halt = 10000;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee09);
+ if(isfirst) {
+ // wait for some time
+ int halt = 10000;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- while(halt--) {
- }
- isfirst = false;
- } else {
- // send StallMsg to startup core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee0a);
+ while(halt--) {
+ }
+ isfirst = false;
+ } else {
+ // send StallMsg to startup core
+#ifdef DEBUG
- sendStall = transStallMsg(STARTUPCORE);
- isfirst = true;
- busystatus = false;
- }
- }
+ // send stall msg
+ send_msg_4(STARTUPCORE, 1, corenum, self_numsendobjs, self_numreceiveobjs);
+ sendStall = true;
+ isfirst = true;
+ busystatus = false;
+ }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ }
- } else {
- isfirst = true;
- busystatus = false;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xee0b);
+ } else {
+ isfirst = true;
+ busystatus = false;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // right-bracket for if-else of line 380
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- /* Start executing the tasks */
- executetasks();
- int i = 0;
- // check if there are new objects coming
- bool sendStall = false;
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- while(true) {
- switch(receiveObject()) {
- case 0: {
- //printf("[run, %d] receive an object\n", numofcore);
- sendStall = false;
- // received an object
- // check if there are new active tasks can be executed
- executetasks();
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- //printf("[run, %d] no msg\n", numofcore);
- // no msg received
- if(STARTUPCORE == numofcore) {
- corestatus[numofcore] = 0;
- // check the status of all cores
- bool allStall = true;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- if(corestatus[i] != 0) {
- allStall = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(allStall) {
- // check if the sum of send objs and receive obj are the same
- // yes->terminate
- // no->go on executing
- int sumsendobj = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- sumsendobj += numsendobjs[i];
- }
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- sumsendobj -= numreceiveobjs[i];
- }
- if(0 == sumsendobj) {
- // terminate
- // release all locks
- int rc_tbl = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[run, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc_tbl, strerror(rc_tbl));
- struct RuntimeIterator* it_lock = RuntimeHashcreateiterator(locktbl);
- while(0 != RunhasNext(it_lock)) {
- int key = Runkey(it_lock);
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = (pthread_rwlock_t*)Runnext(it_lock);
- int rc_des = pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[run, %d] destroy the rwlock for object: %d error: \n", numofcore, key, strerror(rc_des));
- RUNFREE(rwlock_obj);
- }
- freeRuntimeHash(locktbl);
- locktbl = NULL;
- RUNFREE(it_lock);
- // destroy all message queues
- char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
- int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
- for(i = 0; i < NUMCORES; ++i) {
- char corenumstr[3];
- int sourcelen = 0;
- if(i < 10) {
- corenumstr[0] = i + '0';
- corenumstr[1] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 1;
- } else if(i < 100) {
- corenumstr[1] = i %10 + '0';
- corenumstr[0] = (i / 10) + '0';
- corenumstr[2] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 2;
- } else {
- printf("Error: i >= 100\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
- strcpy(path, pathhead);
- strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
- mq_unlink(path);
- }
- printf("[run, %d] terminate!\n", numofcore);
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- }
- } else {
- if(!sendStall) {
- // send StallMsg to startup core
- sendStall = transStallMsg(STARTUPCORE);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- printf("[run, %d] receive a stall msg\n", numofcore);
- // receive a Stall Msg, do nothing
- assert(STARTUPCORE == numofcore); // only startup core can receive such msg
- sendStall = false;
- break;
- }
+ } // right-bracket for if-else of line 220
- default: {
- printf("[run, %d] Error: invalid message type.\n", numofcore);
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+} // run()
void createstartupobject(int argc, char ** argv) {
int i;
/* Allocate startup object */
+#if 0
struct ___StartupObject___ *startupobject=(struct ___StartupObject___*) allocate_new(NULL, STARTUPTYPE);
struct ArrayObject * stringarray=allocate_newarray(NULL, STRINGARRAYTYPE, argc-1);
struct ___StartupObject___ *startupobject=(struct ___StartupObject___*) allocate_new(STARTUPTYPE);
struct ArrayObject * stringarray=allocate_newarray(STRINGARRAYTYPE, argc-1);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+ struct ___StartupObject___ *startupobject=(struct ___StartupObject___*) allocate_new(STARTUPTYPE);
+ struct ArrayObject * stringarray=allocate_newarray(STRINGARRAYTYPE, argc-1);
/* Build array of strings */
for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
int length=strlen(argv[i]);
+#if 0
struct ___String___ *newstring=NewString(NULL, argv[i],length);
struct ___String___ *newstring=NewString(argv[i],length);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+ struct ___String___ *newstring=NewString(argv[i],length);
((void **)(((char *)&stringarray->___length___)+sizeof(int)))[i-1]=newstring;
/* Set initialized flag for startup object */
enqueueObject(startupobject, NULL, 0);
- raw_flush_entire_cache();
/* This function sets a tag. */
+#if 0
void tagset(void *ptr, struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
void tagset(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+void tagset(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
struct ArrayObject * ao=NULL;
struct ___Object___ * tagptr=obj->___tags___;
if (tagptr==NULL) {
if (td==tagd) {
+#if 0
int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, 0, td);
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, 1, tagd);
obj->___tags___=(struct ___Object___ *) ao;
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___ *, ao->___cachedCode___, tagd);
} else {
+#if 0
int ptrarray[]={2,(int) ptr, (int) obj, (int) tagd};
struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(TAGARRAYTYPE,TAGARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
for(i=0; i<ao->___length___; i++) {
ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, i));
if(tagset==NULL) {
} else if (tagset->type!=OBJECTARRAYTYPE) {
+#if 0
int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, 0, tagd->flagptr);
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___ *, 1, obj);
ARRAYSET(ao, struct ___Object___*, ao->___cachedCode___++, obj);
} else {
int i;
+#if 0
int ptrarray[]={2, (int) ptr, (int) obj, (int)tagd};
struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(&ptrarray,OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL+ao->___length___);
struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+ struct ArrayObject * aonew=allocate_newarray(OBJECTARRAYTYPE,OBJECTARRAYINTERVAL);
for(i=0; i<ao->___length___; i++) {
ARRAYSET(aonew, struct ___Object___*, i, ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___Object___*, i));
/* This function clears a tag. */
+#if 0
void tagclear(void *ptr, struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
void tagclear(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+void tagclear(struct ___Object___ * obj, struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tagd) {
/* We'll assume that tag is alway there.
Need to statically check for this of course. */
struct ___Object___ * tagptr=obj->___tags___;
#ifndef RAW
printf("ERROR 1 in tagclear\n");
+ ;
- ;
} else {
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
int i;
#ifndef RAW
printf("ERROR 2 in tagclear\n");
- ;
#ifndef RAW
printf("ERROR 3 in tagclear\n");
+ ;
- ;
} else {
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagset;
int i;
+#if 0
/* This function allocates a new tag. */
struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(void *ptr, int index) {
struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(int index) {
struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=FREEMALLOC(classsize[TAGTYPE]);
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
+struct ___TagDescriptor___ * allocate_tag(int index) {
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * v=FREEMALLOC(classsize[TAGTYPE]);
return v;
int * enterflags = NULL;
if((!isnew) && (queues == NULL)) {
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- queues = objectqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
-#ifdef RAW
if(corenum < NUMCORES) {
- queues = objectqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
-#ifdef RAW
- } else {
- return;
- }
+ queues = objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ length = numqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
void enqueueObject(void * vptr, struct parameterwrapper ** vqueues, int vlength) {
- struct ___Object___ *ptr = (struct ___Object___ *)vptr;
- {
- struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
- struct parameterwrapper * parameter=NULL;
- int j;
- int i;
- struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
- struct ___Object___ *tagptr=NULL;
- struct parameterwrapper ** queues = vqueues;
- int length = vlength;
-#ifdef RAW
- if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- return;
- }
- if(queues == NULL) {
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- queues = objectqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
- queues = objectqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
- }
- tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
- /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
- this type could be in. */
- for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
- parameter = queues[j];
- /* Check tags */
- if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
- if (tagptr==NULL)
- goto nextloop; //that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
- else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) { //one tag
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
- goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
- }
- } else { //multiple tags
- struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- int j;
- for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
- if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, j)->flag)
- goto foundtag;
- }
- goto nextloop;
+ struct ___Object___ *ptr = (struct ___Object___ *)vptr;
+ {
+ struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
+ struct parameterwrapper * parameter=NULL;
+ int j;
+ int i;
+ struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=NULL;
+ struct parameterwrapper ** queues = vqueues;
+ int length = vlength;
+ if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(queues == NULL) {
+ queues = objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ length = numqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ }
+ tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
+ /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
+ this type could be in. */
+ for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
+ parameter = queues[j];
+ /* Check tags */
+ if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
+ if (tagptr==NULL)
+ goto nextloop; //that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
+ else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) { //one tag
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
+ goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
+ }
+ } else { //multiple tags
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
+ if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, j)->flag)
+ goto foundtag;
+ }
+ goto nextloop;
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check flags */
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numberofterms; i++) {
- int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
- int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
- if ((ptr->flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
- enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, ptr, NULL, 0);
- prevptr=parameter;
- break;
- }
- }
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check flags */
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numberofterms; i++) {
+ int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
+ int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
+ if ((ptr->flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
+ enqueuetasks(parameter, prevptr, ptr, NULL, 0);
+ prevptr=parameter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- ;
- }
- }
+ ;
+ }
+ }
-#ifdef RAW
void enqueueObject_I(void * vptr, struct parameterwrapper ** vqueues, int vlength) {
- struct ___Object___ *ptr = (struct ___Object___ *)vptr;
- {
- struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
- struct parameterwrapper * parameter=NULL;
- int j;
- int i;
- struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
- struct ___Object___ *tagptr=NULL;
- struct parameterwrapper ** queues = vqueues;
- int length = vlength;
-#ifdef RAW
- if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- return;
- }
- if(queues == NULL) {
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- queues = objectqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[numofcore][ptr->type];
- queues = objectqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
- length = numqueues[corenum][ptr->type];
- }
- tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
- /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
- this type could be in. */
- for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
- parameter = queues[j];
- /* Check tags */
- if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
- if (tagptr==NULL)
- goto nextloop; //that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
- else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) { //one tag
- struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- if (tagid!=tagptr->flag) {
- goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
- }
- }
- } else { //multiple tags
- struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
- //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
- int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
- int j;
- for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
- if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, j)->flag) {
- goto foundtag;
- }
- }
- goto nextloop;
+ struct ___Object___ *ptr = (struct ___Object___ *)vptr;
+ {
+ struct QueueItem *tmpptr;
+ struct parameterwrapper * parameter=NULL;
+ int j;
+ int i;
+ struct parameterwrapper * prevptr=NULL;
+ struct ___Object___ *tagptr=NULL;
+ struct parameterwrapper ** queues = vqueues;
+ int length = vlength;
+ if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(queues == NULL) {
+ queues = objectqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ length = numqueues[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][ptr->type];
+ }
+ tagptr=ptr->___tags___;
+ /* Outer loop iterates through all parameter queues an object of
+ this type could be in. */
+ for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
+ parameter = queues[j];
+ /* Check tags */
+ if (parameter->numbertags>0) {
+ if (tagptr==NULL)
+ goto nextloop; //that means the object has no tag but that param needs tag
+ else if(tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) { //one tag
+ struct ___TagDescriptor___ * tag=(struct ___TagDescriptor___*) tagptr;
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ if (tagid!=tagptr->flag)
+ goto nextloop; /*We don't have this tag */
+ }
+ } else { //multiple tags
+ struct ArrayObject * ao=(struct ArrayObject *) tagptr;
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numbertags; i++) {
+ //slotid is parameter->tagarray[2*i];
+ int tagid=parameter->tagarray[2*i+1];
+ int j;
+ for(j=0; j<ao->___cachedCode___; j++) {
+ if (tagid==ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, j)->flag)
+ goto foundtag;
+ }
+ goto nextloop;
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check flags */
- for(i=0; i<parameter->numberofterms; i++) {
- int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
- int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
- if ((ptr->flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
- enqueuetasks_I(parameter, prevptr, ptr, NULL, 0);
- prevptr=parameter;
- break;
- }
- }
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check flags */
+ for(i=0; i<parameter->numberofterms; i++) {
+ int andmask=parameter->intarray[i*2];
+ int checkmask=parameter->intarray[i*2+1];
+ if ((ptr->flag&andmask)==checkmask) {
+ enqueuetasks_I(parameter, prevptr, ptr, NULL, 0);
+ prevptr=parameter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- ;
- }
- }
+ ;
+ }
+ }
-// helper function to compute the coordinates of a core from the core number
-void calCoords(int core_num, int* coordY, int* coordX) {
- *coordX = core_num % raw_get_array_size_x();
- *coordY = core_num / raw_get_array_size_x();
int * getAliasLock(void ** ptrs, int length, struct RuntimeHash * tbl) {
if(length == 0) {
-/* Message format for RAW version:
+/* Message format:
* type + Msgbody
* type: 0 -- transfer object
* 1 -- transfer stall msg
* status: 0 -- stall; 1 -- busy
-// transfer an object to targetcore
-// format: object
-void transferObject(struct transObjInfo * transObj) {
- void * obj = transObj->objptr;
- int type=((int *)obj)[0];
- int size=classsize[type];
- int targetcore = transObj->targetcore;
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size of fixed part is always 3 words
- int msgsize = 3 + transObj->length * 2;
- int i = 0;
- struct ___Object___ * newobj = (struct ___Object___ *)obj;
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending msg, set sand msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(0);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- gdn_send(msgsize);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgsize);
- gdn_send((int)obj);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(obj);
- for(i = 0; i < transObj->length; ++i) {
- int taskindex = transObj->queues[2*i];
- int paramindex = transObj->queues[2*i+1];
- gdn_send(taskindex);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskindex);
- gdn_send(paramindex);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(paramindex);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- ++(self_numsendobjs);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- // use POSIX message queue to transfer objects between cores
- mqd_t mqdnum;
- char corenumstr[3];
- int sourcelen = 0;
- if(targetcore < 10) {
- corenumstr[0] = targetcore + '0';
- corenumstr[1] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 1;
- } else if(targetcore < 100) {
- corenumstr[1] = targetcore % 10 + '0';
- corenumstr[0] = (targetcore / 10) + '0';
- corenumstr[2] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 2;
- } else {
- printf("Error: targetcore >= 100\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
- int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
- char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
- strcpy(path, pathhead);
- strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
- int oflags = O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK;
- int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
- mqdnum = mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
- if(mqdnum==-1) {
- printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_open %s fail: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, mqdnum, strerror(errno));
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- struct transObjInfo * tmptransObj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
- memcpy(tmptransObj, transObj, sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
- int * tmpqueue = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)*2*tmptransObj->length);
- memcpy(tmpqueue, tmptransObj->queues, sizeof(int)*2*tmptransObj->length);
- tmptransObj->queues = tmpqueue;
- struct ___Object___ * newobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
- newobj->type = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type;
- newobj->original = (struct ___Object___ *)tmptransObj;
- int ret;
- do {
- ret=mq_send(mqdnum, (void *)newobj, sizeof(struct ___Object___), 0); // send the object into the queue
- if(ret != 0) {
- printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_send to %s returned: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, ret, strerror(errno));
- }
- } while(ret!=0);
- RUNFREE(newobj);
- if(numofcore == STARTUPCORE) {
- ++numsendobjs[numofcore];
- } else {
- ++(thread_data_array[numofcore].numsendobjs);
- }
- printf("[transferObject, %d] mq_send to %s returned: $%x\n", numofcore, path, ret);
-// send terminate message to targetcore
-// format: -1
-bool transStallMsg(int targetcore) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
- int msgsize = 4;
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending msgs, set msg sending flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(1);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send(corenum);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- gdn_send(self_numsendobjs);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(self_numsendobjs);
- gdn_send(self_numreceiveobjs);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(self_numreceiveobjs);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
- return true;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- struct ___Object___ *newobj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct ___Object___));
- // use the first four int field to hold msgtype/corenum/sendobj/receiveobj
- newobj->type = -1;
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- newobj->flag = numofcore;
- newobj->___cachedHash___ = thread_data_array[numofcore].numsendobjs;
- newobj->___cachedCode___ = thread_data_array[numofcore].numreceiveobjs;
- // use POSIX message queue to send stall msg to startup core
- assert(targetcore == STARTUPCORE);
- mqd_t mqdnum;
- char corenumstr[3];
- int sourcelen = 0;
- if(targetcore < 10) {
- corenumstr[0] = targetcore + '0';
- corenumstr[1] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 1;
- } else if(targetcore < 100) {
- corenumstr[1] = targetcore % 10 + '0';
- corenumstr[0] = (targetcore / 10) + '0';
- corenumstr[2] = '\0';
- sourcelen = 2;
- } else {
- printf("Error: targetcore >= 100\n");
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- char * pathhead = "/msgqueue_";
- int targetlen = strlen(pathhead);
- char path[targetlen + sourcelen + 1];
- strcpy(path, pathhead);
- strncat(path, corenumstr, sourcelen);
- int oflags = O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK;
- int omodes = S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO;
- mqdnum = mq_open(path, oflags, omodes, NULL);
- if(mqdnum==-1) {
- printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_open %s fail: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, mqdnum, strerror(errno));
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(-1);
- }
- int ret;
- ret=mq_send(mqdnum, (void *)newobj, sizeof(struct ___Object___), 0); // send the object into the queue
- if(ret != 0) {
- printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_send to %s returned: %d, error: %s\n", numofcore, path, ret, strerror(errno));
- RUNFREE(newobj);
- return false;
- } else {
- printf("[transStallMsg, %d] mq_send to %s returned: $%x\n", numofcore, path, ret);
- printf("<transStallMsg> to %s index: %d, sendobjs: %d, receiveobjs: %d\n", path, newobj->flag, newobj->___cachedHash___, newobj->___cachedCode___);
- RUNFREE(newobj);
- return true;
- }
-void transStatusConfirmMsg(int targetcore) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 1 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 1;
- int msgsize = 1;
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending msgs, set msg sending flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(0xc);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xc);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
-// TODO
-// send profile request message to targetcore
-// format: 6
-bool transProfileRequestMsg(int targetcore) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 2;
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending msgs, set msg sending flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(6);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(6);
- gdn_send(totalexetime);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(totalexetime);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
- return true;
+#ifdef PROFILE
// output the profiling data
void outputProfileData() {
-#ifdef RAWUSEIO
+#ifdef USEIO
FILE * fp;
char fn[50];
int self_y, self_x;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
- raw_test_pass(0xdddd);
// output task related info
for(i= 0; i < taskInfoIndex; i++) {
TaskInfo* tmpTInfo = taskInfoArray[i];
char* tmpName = tmpTInfo->taskName;
int nameLen = strlen(tmpName);
- raw_test_pass(0xddda);
for(j = 0; j < nameLen; j++) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpName[j]);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddb);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->startTime);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->endTime);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->exitIndex);
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpTInfo->startTime);
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpTInfo->exitIndex);
if(tmpTInfo->newObjs != NULL) {
struct RuntimeHash * nobjtbl = allocateRuntimeHash(5);
struct RuntimeIterator * iter = NULL;
char * objtype = (char *)Runkey(iter);
int num = Runnext(iter);
int nameLen = strlen(objtype);
- raw_test_pass(0xddda);
for(j = 0; j < nameLen; j++) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(objtype[j]);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddb);
- raw_test_pass_reg(num);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddc);
if(taskInfoOverflow) {
- raw_test_pass(0xefee);
// output interrupt related info
/*for(i = 0; i < interruptInfoIndex; i++) {
InterruptInfo* tmpIInfo = interruptInfoArray[i];
- raw_test_pass(0xddde);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->startTime);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->endTime);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddf);
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(tmpIInfo->startTime);
if(interruptInfoOverflow) {
- raw_test_pass(0xefef);
- raw_test_pass(0xeeee);
+/* this function is to process lock requests.
+ * can only be invoked in receiveObject() */
+// if return -1: the lock request is redirected
+// 0: the lock request is approved
+// 1: the lock request is denied
+int processlockrequest(int locktype, int lock, int obj, int requestcore, int rootrequestcore, bool cache);
// receive object transferred from other cores
// or the terminate message from other cores
+// Should be invoked in critical sections!!
// NOTICE: following format is for threadsimulate version only
// RAW version please see previous description
// format: type + object
// RAW version: -1 -- received nothing
// otherwise -- received msg type
int receiveObject() {
-#ifdef RAW
- bool deny = false;
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
+ int deny = 0;
int targetcore = 0;
- if(gdn_input_avail() == 0) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- if(corenum < NUMCORES) {
- raw_test_pass(0xd001);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*if(isInterrupt && (!interruptInfoOverflow)) {
- // raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex] = RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct interrupt_info));
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = -1;
- }*/
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xcccc);
- while((gdn_input_avail() != 0) && (msgdataindex < msglength)) {
- msgdata[msgdataindex] = gdn_receive();
- if(msgdataindex == 0) {
- if(msgdata[0] > 0xc) {
- msglength = 3;
- } else if (msgdata[0] == 0xc) {
- msglength = 1;
- } else if(msgdata[0] > 8) {
- msglength = 4;
- } else if(msgdata[0] == 8) {
- msglength = 6;
- } else if(msgdata[0] > 5) {
- msglength = 2;
- } else if (msgdata[0] > 2) {
- msglength = 4;
- } else if (msgdata[0] == 2) {
- msglength = 5;
- } else if (msgdata[0] > 0) {
- msglength = 4;
- }
- } else if((msgdataindex == 1) && (msgdata[0] == 0)) {
- msglength = msgdata[msgdataindex];
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[msgdataindex]);
- msgdataindex++;
+ if(receiveMsg() == -1) {
+ return -1;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
if(msgdataindex == msglength) {
// received a whole msg
int type, data1; // will receive at least 2 words including type
// receive a object transfer msg
struct transObjInfo * transObj = RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
int k = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe880);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa001);
- } else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa005);
+ } /*else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
// store the object and its corresponding queue info, enqueue it later
transObj->objptr = (void *)msgdata[2]; // data1 is now size of the msg
transObj->length = (msglength - 3) / 2;
transObj->queues = RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(int)*(msglength - 3));
for(k = 0; k < transObj->length; ++k) {
- transObj->queues[2*k] = msgdata[3+2*k];
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(transObj->queues[2*k]);
+ transObj->queues[2*k] = msgdata[3+2*k];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(transObj->queues[2*k]);
- transObj->queues[2*k+1] = msgdata[3+2*k+1];
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(transObj->queues[2*k+1]);
+ transObj->queues[2*k+1] = msgdata[3+2*k+1];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(transObj->queues[2*k+1]);
// check if there is an existing duplicate item
- struct QueueItem * qitem = getTail(&objqueue);
- struct QueueItem * prev = NULL;
- while(qitem != NULL) {
- struct transObjInfo * tmpinfo = (struct transObjInfo *)(qitem->objectptr);
- if(tmpinfo->objptr == transObj->objptr) {
- // the same object, remove outdate one
- removeItem(&objqueue, qitem);
- } else {
- prev = qitem;
- }
- if(prev == NULL) {
- qitem = getTail(&objqueue);
- } else {
- qitem = getNextQueueItem(prev);
+ struct QueueItem * qitem = getTail(&objqueue);
+ struct QueueItem * prev = NULL;
+ while(qitem != NULL) {
+ struct transObjInfo * tmpinfo = (struct transObjInfo *)(qitem->objectptr);
+ if(tmpinfo->objptr == transObj->objptr) {
+ // the same object, remove outdate one
+ removeItem(&objqueue, qitem);
+ } else {
+ prev = qitem;
+ }
+ if(prev == NULL) {
+ qitem = getTail(&objqueue);
+ } else {
+ qitem = getNextQueueItem(prev);
+ }
+ }
+ addNewItem_I(&objqueue, (void *)transObj);
- }
- addNewItem_I(&objqueue, (void *)transObj);
- }
case 1: {
// receive a stall msg
if(corenum != STARTUPCORE) {
- // non startup core can not receive stall msg
- // return -1
- raw_test_pass_reg(data1);
- raw_test_done(0xa002);
- } else if(waitconfirm) {
+ // non startup core can not receive stall msg
+ // return -1
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa006);
+ } /*else if(waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if(data1 < NUMCORES) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe881);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- corestatus[data1] = 0;
- numsendobjs[data1] = msgdata[2];
- numreceiveobjs[data1] = msgdata[3];
+ corestatus[data1] = 0;
+ numsendobjs[data1] = msgdata[2];
+ numreceiveobjs[data1] = msgdata[3];
case 2: {
- // receive lock request msg
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
- int msgsize = 4;
- // lock request msg, handle it right now
+ // receive lock request msg, handle it right now
// check to see if there is a lock exist in locktbl for the required obj
// data1 -> lock type
int data2 = msgdata[2]; // obj pointer
int data3 = msgdata[3]; // lock
int data4 = msgdata[4]; // request core
- deny = false;
- if( ((data3 >> 5) % TOTALCORE) != corenum ) {
- // the lock should not be on this core
- raw_test_pass_reg(data4);
- raw_test_done(0xa003);
- }
- if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
- waitconfirm = false;
- numconfirm = 0;
- }
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, data3)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe882);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- }
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, data3, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe883);
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, data3, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(rwlock_obj);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->redirectlock);
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // this lock is redirected
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe884);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- getreadlock_I_r((void *)data2, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, data4, true);
- } else {
- getwritelock_I_r((void *)data2, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, data4, true);
- }
- break;
- } else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- }
- } else if((lockvalue->value > 0) && (data1 == 0)) {
- // read lock request and there are only read locks
- lockvalue->value++;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- }
+ deny = processlockrequest(data1, data3, data2, data4, data4, true); // -1: redirected, 0: approved, 1: denied
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // this lock request is redirected
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // send response msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ int tmp = deny==1?4:3;
+ if(isMsgSending) {
+ cache_msg_4(data4, tmp, data1, data2, data3);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4(data4, tmp, data1, data2, data3);
+ }
- targetcore = data4;
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- if(isMsgSending) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe885);
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = targetcore;
- if(deny == true) {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 4;
- } else {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 3;
- }
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data2;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data3;
- } else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe886);
- // no msg on sending, send it out
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- if(deny == true) {
- // deny the lock request
- gdn_send(4); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(4);
- } else {
- // grount the lock request
- gdn_send(3); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(3);
- }
- gdn_send(data1); // lock type
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data1);
- gdn_send(data2); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data2);
- gdn_send(data3); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data3);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- }
case 3: {
// receive lock grount msg
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa004);
- } else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa007);
+ } /*else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if((lockobj == msgdata[2]) && (lock2require == msgdata[3])) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe887);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- lockresult = 1;
- lockflag = true;
+ lockresult = 1;
+ lockflag = true;
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa005);
+ } else {
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa008);
case 4: {
// receive lock grount/deny msg
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa006);
- } else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa009);
+ } /*else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if((lockobj == msgdata[2]) && (lock2require == msgdata[3])) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe888);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- lockresult = 0;
- lockflag = true;
+ lockresult = 0;
+ lockflag = true;
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
} else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa007);
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00a);
case 5: {
// receive lock release msg
- if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ /*if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, msgdata[3])) {
- // no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[3]);
- raw_test_done(0xa008);
+ // no locks for this object, something is wrong
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00b);
} else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, msgdata[3], &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)(rwlock_obj);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe889);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value--;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value++;
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+ int rwlock_obj = 0;
+ struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, msgdata[3], &rwlock_obj);
+ lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)(rwlock_obj);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ if(data1 == 0) {
+ lockvalue->value--;
+ } else {
+ lockvalue->value++;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+#ifdef PROFILE
case 6: {
- // receive an output request msg
+ // receive an output profile data request msg
if(corenum == STARTUPCORE) {
- // startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
- raw_test_done(0xa009);
+ // startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00c);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88a);
- {
- int msgsize = 2;
- stall = true;
- totalexetime = data1;
- outputProfileData();
- /*if(data1 >= NUMCORES) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskInfoIndex);
- raw_test_pass_reg(taskInfoOverflow);
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
- }*/
- // no msg on sending, send it out
- targetcore = STARTUPCORE;
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(7);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(7);
- gdn_send(corenum);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
+ stall = true;
+ totalexetime = data1;
+ outputProfileData();
+ if(isMsgSending) {
+ cache_msg_2(STARTUPCORE, 7, corenum);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_2(STARTUPCORE, 7, corenum);
+ }
case 7: {
// receive a profile output finish msg
if(corenum != STARTUPCORE) {
- // non startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
- raw_test_pass_reg(data1);
- raw_test_done(0xa00a);
+ // non startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00d);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88b);
+#ifdef DEBUG
profilestatus[data1] = 0;
case 8: {
- // receive a redirect lock request msg
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
- int msgsize = 4;
- // lock request msg, handle it right now
+ // receive a redirect lock request msg, handle it right now
// check to see if there is a lock exist in locktbl for the required obj
// data1 -> lock type
int data2 = msgdata[2]; // obj pointer
int data3 = msgdata[3]; // redirect lock
int data4 = msgdata[4]; // root request core
int data5 = msgdata[5]; // request core
- if( ((data3 >> 5) % TOTALCORE) != corenum ) {
- // the lock should not be on this core
- raw_test_pass_reg(data5);
- raw_test_done(0xa00b);
- } if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
- waitconfirm = false;
- numconfirm = 0;
- }
- deny = false;
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, data3)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88c);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- }
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, data3, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88d);
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, data3, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(rwlock_obj);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->redirectlock);
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // this lock is redirected
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88e);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- getreadlock_I_r((void *)data2, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, data4, true);
- } else {
- getwritelock_I_r((void *)data2, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, data4, true);
- }
- break;
- } else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- }
- } else if((lockvalue->value > 0) && (data1 == 0)) {
- // read lock request and there are only read locks
- lockvalue->value++;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- }
+ deny = processlockrequest(data1, data3, data2, data5, data4, true);
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // this lock request is redirected
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // send response msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ if(isMsgSending) {
+ cache_msg_4(data4, deny==1?0xa:9, data1, data2, data3);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_4(data4, deny==1?0xa:9, data1, data2, data3);
+ }
- targetcore = data4;
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- if(isMsgSending) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe88f);
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = targetcore;
- if(deny == true) {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0xa;
- } else {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 9;
- }
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data2;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = data3;
- } else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe890);
- // no msg on sending, send it out
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- if(deny == true) {
- // deny the lock request
- gdn_send(0xa); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xa);
- } else {
- // grount the lock request
- gdn_send(9); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(9);
- }
- gdn_send(data1); // lock type
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data1);
- gdn_send(data2); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data2);
- gdn_send(data3); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(data3);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- }
- break;
+ break;
case 9: {
// receive a lock grant msg with redirect info
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa00c);
- } if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00e);
+ }/* else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if(lockobj == msgdata[2]) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe891);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- lockresult = 1;
- lockflag = true;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, lockobj, msgdata[3]);
+ lockresult = 1;
+ lockflag = true;
+ RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, lockobj, msgdata[3]);
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
} else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa00d);
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa00f);
case 0xa: {
- // receive a lock deny msg with redirect info
- if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa00e);
- } if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ // receive a lock deny msg with redirect info
+ if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa010);
+ }/* else if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
+ }*/
if(lockobj == msgdata[2]) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe892);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- lockresult = 0;
- lockflag = true;
- //RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, lockobj, msgdata[3]);
+ lockresult = 0;
+ lockflag = true;
+ //RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, lockobj, msgdata[3]);
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
} else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa00f);
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa011);
case 0xb: {
- // receive a lock release msg with redirect info
- if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ // receive a lock release msg with redirect info
+ /*if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
waitconfirm = false;
numconfirm = 0;
- }
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, msgdata[2])) {
- // no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa010);
+ }*/
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, msgdata[2])) {
+ // no locks for this object, something is wrong
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa012);
} else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, msgdata[2], &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)(rwlock_obj);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe893);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(data1 == 0) {
- lockvalue->value--;
- } else {
- lockvalue->value++;
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+ int rwlock_obj = 0;
+ struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, msgdata[2], &rwlock_obj);
+ lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)(rwlock_obj);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
- lockvalue->redirectlock = msgdata[3];
- }
- break;
+ if(data1 == 0) {
+ lockvalue->value--;
+ } else {
+ lockvalue->value++;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ lockvalue->redirectlock = msgdata[3];
+ }
+ break;
case 0xc: {
- // receive a status confirm info
- if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) || (corenum > NUMCORES - 1)) {
- // wrong core to receive such msg
- raw_test_done(0xa011);
+ // receive a status confirm info
+ if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) || (corenum > NUMCORES - 1)) {
+ // wrong core to receive such msg
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa013);
} else {
- int msgsize = 3;
- int targetcore = STARTUPCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe888);
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- if(isMsgSending) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe888);
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = targetcore;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0xd;
- if(busystatus) {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 1;
- } else {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0;
- }
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = corenum;
- } else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe888);
- // no msg on sending, send it out
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore);
- gdn_send(0xd); // status report
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xd);
- if(busystatus == true) {
- // busy
- gdn_send(1);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- } else {
- // stall
- gdn_send(0);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- }
- gdn_send(corenum); // corenum
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
+ // send response msg
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
+ if(isMsgSending) {
+ cache_msg_3(STARTUPCORE, 0xd, busystatus?1:0, corenum);
+ } else {
+ send_msg_3(STARTUPCORE, 0xd, busystatus?1:0, corenum);
+ }
- break;
+ break;
case 0xd: {
- // receive a status confirm info
- if(corenum != STARTUPCORE) {
- // wrong core to receive such msg
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[2]);
- raw_test_done(0xa012);
+ // receive a status confirm info
+ if(corenum != STARTUPCORE) {
+ // wrong core to receive such msg
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa014);
} else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe888);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(waitconfirm) {
corestatus[msgdata[2]] = msgdata[1];
- break;
+ break;
msgtype = -1;
msglength = 30;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe894);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- if(gdn_input_avail() != 0) {
+ if(BAMBOO_MSG_AVAIL() != 0) {
goto msg;
-/* if(isInterrupt && (!interruptInfoOverflow)) {
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- interruptInfoIndex++;
- if(interruptInfoIndex == INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH) {
- interruptInfoOverflow = true;
- }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ /*if(isInterrupt) {
+ profileTaskEnd();
return type;
} else {
// not a whole msg
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe895);
-/* if(isInterrupt && (!interruptInfoOverflow)) {
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- interruptInfoIndex++;
- if(interruptInfoIndex == INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH) {
- interruptInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }*/
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#ifdef PROFILE
+/* if(isInterrupt) {
+ profileTaskEnd();
+ }*/
return -2;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- // use POSIX message queue to transfer object
- int msglen = 0;
- struct mq_attr mqattr;
- mq_getattr(mqd[numofcore], &mqattr);
- void * msgptr =RUNMALLOC(mqattr.mq_msgsize);
- msglen=mq_receive(mqd[numofcore], msgptr, mqattr.mq_msgsize, NULL); // receive the object into the queue
- if(-1 == msglen) {
- // no msg
- free(msgptr);
- return 1;
- }
- //printf("msg: %s\n",msgptr);
- if(((int*)msgptr)[0] == -1) {
- // StallMsg
- struct ___Object___ * tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)msgptr;
- int index = tmpptr->flag;
- corestatus[index] = 0;
- numsendobjs[index] = tmpptr->___cachedHash___;
- numreceiveobjs[index] = tmpptr->___cachedCode___;
- printf("<receiveObject> index: %d, sendobjs: %d, reveiveobjs: %d\n", index, numsendobjs[index], numreceiveobjs[index]);
- free(msgptr);
- return 2;
+/* this function is to process lock requests.
+ * can only be invoked in receiveObject() */
+// if return -1: the lock request is redirected
+// 0: the lock request is approved
+// 1: the lock request is denied
+int processlockrequest(int locktype, int lock, int obj, int requestcore, int rootrequestcore, bool cache) {
+ int deny = 0;
+ if( ((lock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE) != corenum ) {
+ // the lock should not be on this core
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa015);
+ }
+ /*if((corenum == STARTUPCORE) && waitconfirm) {
+ waitconfirm = false;
+ numconfirm = 0;
+ }*/
+ if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, lock)) {
+ // no locks for this object
+ // first time to operate on this shared object
+ // create a lock for it
+ // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
+ struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
+ lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if(locktype == 0) {
+ lockvalue->value = 1;
+ } else {
+ lockvalue->value = -1;
+ }
+ RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, lock, (int)lockvalue);
} else {
- // an object
- if(numofcore == STARTUPCORE) {
- ++(numreceiveobjs[numofcore]);
- } else {
- ++(thread_data_array[numofcore].numreceiveobjs);
- }
- struct ___Object___ * tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)msgptr;
- struct transObjInfo * transObj = (struct transObjInfo *)tmpptr->original;
- tmpptr = (struct ___Object___ *)(transObj->objptr);
- int type = tmpptr->type;
- int size=classsize[type];
- struct ___Object___ * newobj=RUNMALLOC(size);
- memcpy(newobj, tmpptr, size);
- if(0 == newobj->isolate) {
- newobj->original=tmpptr;
- }
- RUNFREE(msgptr);
- tmpptr = NULL;
- int k = 0;
- for(k = 0; k < transObj->length; ++k) {
- int taskindex = transObj->queues[2 * k];
- int paramindex = transObj->queues[2 * k + 1];
- struct parameterwrapper ** queues = &(paramqueues[numofcore][taskindex][paramindex]);
- enqueueObject(newobj, queues, 1);
- }
- RUNFREE(transObj->queues);
- RUNFREE(transObj);
- return 0;
- }
+ int rwlock_obj = 0;
+ struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ RuntimeHashget(locktbl, lock, &rwlock_obj);
+ lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(rwlock_obj);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->redirectlock);
+ if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
+ // this lock is redirected
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if(locktype == 0) {
+ getreadlock_I_r((void *)obj, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, rootrequestcore, cache);
+ } else {
+ getwritelock_I_r((void *)obj, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, rootrequestcore, cache);
+ }
+ return -1; // redirected
+ } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
+ if(locktype == 0) {
+ lockvalue->value = 1;
+ } else {
+ lockvalue->value = -1;
+ }
+ } else if((lockvalue->value > 0) && (locktype == 0)) {
+ // read lock request and there are only read locks
+ lockvalue->value++;
+ } else {
+ deny = 1;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ }
+ }
+ return deny;
bool getreadlock(void * ptr) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
- int msgsize = 5;
lockobj = (int)ptr;
if(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock == NULL) {
lock2require = lockobj;
} else {
lock2require = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
lockflag = false;
reside = false;
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
- bool deny = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, lock2require)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, lock2require, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue* lockvalue;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, lock2require, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)rwlock_obj;
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // the lock is redirected
- getreadlock_I_r(ptr, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, corenum, false);
- return true;
- } else {
- if(-1 != lockvalue->value) {
- lockvalue->value++;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
- }
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
- if(deny) {
- lockresult = 0;
- } else {
- lockresult = 1;
- }
- lockflag = true;
+ int deny = 0;
+ deny = processlockrequest(0, lock2require, (int)ptr, corenum, corenum, false);
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // redirected
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
+ if(deny) {
+ lockresult = 0;
+ } else {
+ lockresult = 1;
+ }
+ lockflag = true;
- reside = true;
+ reside = true;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_done(0xa013);
- }
+ } else {
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa016);
+ }
+ }
return true;
- }
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(2); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(2);
- gdn_send(0); // read lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(lock2require); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- gdn_send(corenum); // request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
- return true;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- // TODO : need modification for alias lock
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- int rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- return false;
- }
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock = (pthread_rwlock_t *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
- memcpy(rwlock, &rwlock_init, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, NULL);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] initialize the rwlock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- RUNFREE(rwlock);
- return false;
- } else {
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- // check again
- RuntimeHashadd(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int)rwlock);
- } else {
- RUNFREE(rwlock);
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock);
- }
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- }
- rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting read lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
} else {
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[getreadlock, %d] getting read lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
- if(0 != rc_obj) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
+ // send lock request msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
+ send_msg_5(targetcore, 2, 0, (int)ptr, lock2require, corenum);
+ return true;
void releasereadlock(void * ptr) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 4;
int reallock = 0;
if(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock == NULL) {
reallock = (int)ptr;
} else {
reallock = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
if(targetcore == corenum) {
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_done(0xa014);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa017);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)rwlock_obj;
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ } else {
+ // send lock release msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, 5, 0, (int)ptr, reallock);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(5); // lock release
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(5);
- gdn_send(0); // read lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(reallock); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasereadlock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- printf("[releasereadlock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
- exit(-1);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
- int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[releasereadlock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasereadlock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
-#ifdef RAW
// redirected lock request
bool getreadlock_I_r(void * ptr, void * redirectlock, int core, bool cache) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 6 words
- int msgsize = 6;
if(core == corenum) {
lockobj = (int)ptr;
lock2require = (int)redirectlock;
lockresult = 0;
- targetcore = ((int)redirectlock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = ((int)redirectlock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
- bool deny = false;
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)redirectlock)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
- lockvalue->value = 1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, (int)redirectlock, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue* lockvalue;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)redirectlock, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)rwlock_obj;
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // the lock is redirected
- getreadlock_I_r(ptr, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, core, cache);
- return true;
- } else {
- if(-1 != lockvalue->value) {
- lockvalue->value++;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(core == corenum) {
- if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
- if(deny) {
- lockresult = 0;
- } else {
- lockresult = 1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
- }
- lockflag = true;
-#ifndef INTERRUPT
- reside = true;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_done(0xa015);
- }
- return true;
+ int deny = processlockrequest(0, (int)redirectlock, (int)ptr, corenum, core, cache);
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // redirected
+ return true;
} else {
- // send lock grant/deny request to the root requiring core
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- int msgsize1 = 4;
- if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(core, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize1, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + core); // targetcore
- if(deny) {
- // deny
- gdn_send(0xa); // lock deny with redirected info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xa);
+ if(core == corenum) {
+ if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
+ if(deny) {
+ lockresult = 0;
+ } else {
+ lockresult = 1;
+ RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
+ }
+ lockflag = true;
+#ifndef INTERRUPT
+ reside = true;
} else {
- // grant
- gdn_send(9); // lock grant with redirected info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(9);
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa018);
- gdn_send(0); // read lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send((int)redirectlock); // redirected lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)redirectlock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- } else if(cache && isMsgSending) {
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = core;
- if(deny) {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0xa; // deny
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // send lock grant/deny request to the root requiring core
+ // check if there is still some msg on sending
+ if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
+ send_msg_4(core, deny==1?0xa:9, 0, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
} else {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 9; // grant
+ cache_msg_4(core, deny==1?0xa:9, 0, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)ptr;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)redirectlock;
- }
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(8); // redirected lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(8);
- gdn_send(0); // read lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(lock2require); // redirected lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- gdn_send(core); // root request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(core);
- gdn_send(corenum); // request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- } else if(cache && isMsgSending) {
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = targetcore;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 8;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)ptr;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = lock2require;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = core;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = corenum;
+ } else {
+ // redirect the lock request
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 6 words
+ if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
+ send_msg_6(targetcore, 8, 0, (int)ptr, lock2require, core, corenum);
+ } else {
+ cache_msg_6(targetcore, 8, 0, (int)ptr, lock2require, core, corenum);
+ }
return true;
// not reentrant
bool getwritelock(void * ptr) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
int msgsize = 5;
} else {
lock2require = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
lockflag = false;
reside = false;
lockresult = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe551);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockobj);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lock2require);
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
- bool deny = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, lock2require)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe552);
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, lock2require, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue* lockvalue;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)rwlock_obj;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe553);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // the lock is redirected
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe554);
- getwritelock_I_r(ptr, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, corenum, false);
- return true;
- } else {
- if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
- }
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe555);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockresult);
- if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
- if(deny) {
- lockresult = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
- } else {
- lockresult = 1;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- }
- lockflag = true;
-#ifndef INTERRUPT
- reside = true;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_done(0xa016);
- }
- return true;
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe556);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(self_y);
- raw_test_pass_reg(self_x);
- raw_test_pass_reg(target_y);
- raw_test_pass_reg(target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(2); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(2);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(lock2require); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- gdn_send(corenum); // request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe557);
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
+ int deny = 0;
+ deny = processlockrequest(1, lock2require, (int)ptr, corenum, corenum, false);
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // redirected
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
+ if(deny) {
+ lockresult = 0;
+ } else {
+ lockresult = 1;
+ }
+ lockflag = true;
+#ifndef INTERRUPT
+ reside = true;
- }
- return true;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- int rc = pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- return false;
- }
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock = (pthread_rwlock_t *)RUNMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
- memcpy(rwlock, &rwlock_init, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_init(rwlock, NULL);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] initialize the rwlock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock);
- RUNFREE(rwlock);
- return false;
- } else {
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- // check again
- RuntimeHashadd(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int)rwlock);
- } else {
- pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock);
- RUNFREE(rwlock);
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock);
- }
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the write lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- }
- rc = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting write lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(0 != rc) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
+ } else {
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa019);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
} else {
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[getwritelock, %d] getting write lock for object %d: %d error: \n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
- if(0 != rc_obj) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
+ // send lock request msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
+ send_msg_5(targetcore, 2, 1, (int)ptr, lock2require, corenum);
+ return true;
void releasewritelock(void * ptr) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 4;
int reallock = 0;
if(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock == NULL) {
reallock = (int)ptr;
} else {
reallock = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe661);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)ptr);
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(targetcore == corenum) {
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_done(0xa017);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01a);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe662);
RuntimeHashget(locktbl, reallock, &rwlock_obj);
lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)rwlock_obj;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ } else {
+ // send lock release msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, 5, 1, (int)ptr, reallock);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe663);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore);
- gdn_send(5); // lock release
- #ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(5);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(reallock); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
- exit(-1);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
- int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error:\n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
void releasewritelock_r(void * lock, void * redirectlock) {
-#ifdef RAW
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 4;
int reallock = (int)lock;
- targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe671);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)lock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(targetcore == corenum) {
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_done(0xa018);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01b);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe672);
+#ifdef DEBUG
RuntimeHashget(locktbl, reallock, &rwlock_obj);
lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)rwlock_obj;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
lockvalue->redirectlock = (int)redirectlock;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ } else {
+ // send lock release with redirect info msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, 0xb, 1, (int)lock, (int)redirectlock);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe673);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore);
- gdn_send(0xb); // lock release with redirect info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xb);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)lock); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock);
- gdn_send((int)redirectlock); // redirect lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(redirectlock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- // end of sending this msg, set sand msg flag false
- isMsgSending = false;
- // check if there are pending msgs
- while(isMsgHanging) {
- // get the msg from outmsgdata[]
- // length + target + msg
- outmsgleft = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- targetcore = outmsgdata[outmsgindex++];
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- isMsgSending = true;
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, outmsgleft, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- //isMsgSending = true;
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- while(outmsgleft-- > 0) {
- gdn_send(outmsgdata[outmsgindex++]);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(outmsgdata[outmsgindex - 1]);
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- isMsgSending = false;
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- // check if there are still msg hanging
- if(outmsgindex == outmsglast) {
- // no more msgs
- outmsgindex = outmsglast = 0;
- isMsgHanging = false;
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- }
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- // TODO, need modification according to alias lock
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- int rc = pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] getting the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)ptr)) {
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] Error: try to release a lock without previously grab it\n", numofcore);
- exit(-1);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_obj = NULL;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, (int*)&rwlock_obj);
- int rc_obj = pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock_obj);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] unlocked object %d: %d error:\n", numofcore, (int)ptr, rc_obj, strerror(rc_obj));
- rc = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&rwlock_tbl);
- printf("[releasewritelock, %d] release the read lock for locktbl: %d error: \n", numofcore, rc, strerror(rc));
-#ifdef RAW
bool getwritelock_I(void * ptr) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
- int msgsize = 5;
lockobj = (int)ptr;
if(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock == NULL) {
lock2require = lockobj;
} else {
lock2require = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (lock2require >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
lockflag = false;
reside = false;
lockresult = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe561);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockobj);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lock2require);
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
- bool deny = false;
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, lock2require)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe562);
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, lock2require, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue* lockvalue;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)ptr, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)rwlock_obj;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe563);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // the lock is redirected
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe564);
- getwritelock_I_r(ptr, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, corenum, false);
- return true;
- } else {
- if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe565);
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockresult);
- if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
- if(deny) {
- lockresult = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0);
+ int deny = processlockrequest(1, (int)lock2require, (int)ptr, corenum, corenum, false);
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // redirected
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
+ if(deny) {
+ lockresult = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- } else {
- lockresult = 1;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
+ } else {
+ lockresult = 1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
- }
- lockflag = true;
+ }
+ lockflag = true;
- reside = true;
+ reside = true;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_done(0xa019);
- }
- return true;
+ } else {
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01c);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // send lock request msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 5 words
+ send_msg_5(targetcore, 2, 1, (int)ptr, lock2require, corenum);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe566);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(2); // lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(2);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(lock2require); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock2require);
- gdn_send(corenum); // request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
return true;
// redirected lock request
bool getwritelock_I_r(void * ptr, void * redirectlock, int core, bool cache) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 6 words
- int msgsize = 6;
if(core == corenum) {
lockobj = (int)ptr;
lockresult = 0;
- targetcore = ((int)redirectlock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = ((int)redirectlock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe571);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)ptr);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)redirectlock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(core);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)cache);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG((int)redirectlock);
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
- bool deny = false;
- if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, (int)redirectlock)) {
- // no locks for this object
- // first time to operate on this shared object
- // create a lock for it
- // the lock is an integer: 0 -- stall, >0 -- read lock, -1 -- write lock
- struct LockValue * lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)(RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct LockValue)));
- lockvalue->redirectlock = 0;
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(locktbl, (int)redirectlock, (int)lockvalue);
- } else {
- int rwlock_obj = 0;
- struct LockValue* lockvalue;
- RuntimeHashget(locktbl, (int)redirectlock, &rwlock_obj);
- lockvalue = (struct LockValue*)rwlock_obj;
- if(lockvalue->redirectlock != 0) {
- // the lock is redirected
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe572);
- getwritelock_I_r(ptr, (void *)lockvalue->redirectlock, core, cache);
- return true;
- } else {
- if(0 == lockvalue->value) {
- lockvalue->value = -1;
- } else {
- deny = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(core == corenum) {
- if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
- if(deny) {
- lockresult = 0;
- } else {
- lockresult = 1;
- RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
- }
- lockflag = true;
-#ifndef INTERRUPT
- reside = true;
- } else {
- // conflicts on lockresults
- raw_test_done(0xa01a);
- }
- return true;
+ int deny = processlockrequest(1, (int)redirectlock, (int)ptr, corenum, core, cache);
+ if(deny == -1) {
+ // redirected
+ return true;
} else {
- // send lock grant/deny request to the root requiring core
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- int msgsize1 = 4;
- if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(core, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize1, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + core); // targetcore
- if(deny) {
- // deny
- gdn_send(0xa); // lock deny with redirected info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xa);
+ if(core == corenum) {
+ if(lockobj == (int)ptr) {
+ if(deny) {
+ lockresult = 0;
+ } else {
+ lockresult = 1;
+ RuntimeHashadd_I(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
+ }
+ lockflag = true;
+#ifndef INTERRUPT
+ reside = true;
} else {
- // grant
- gdn_send(9); // lock grant with redirected info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(9);
+ // conflicts on lockresults
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01d);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send((int)redirectlock); // redirected lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)redirectlock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- } else if(cache && isMsgSending) {
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = core;
- if(deny) {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 0xa; // deny
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // send lock grant/deny request to the root requiring core
+ // check if there is still some msg on sending
+ if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
+ send_msg_4(core, deny==1?0xa:9, 1, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
} else {
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 9; // grant
+ cache_msg_4(core, deny==1?0xa:9, 1, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock);
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)ptr;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)redirectlock;
- }
- // check if there is still some msg on sending
- if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(8); // redirected lock request
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(8);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send((int)redirectlock); // redirected lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)redirectlock);
- gdn_send(core); // root request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(core);
- gdn_send(corenum); // request core
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(corenum);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- } else if(cache && isMsgSending) {
- isMsgHanging = true;
- // cache the msg in outmsgdata and send it later
- // msglength + target core + msg
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = msgsize;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = targetcore;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 8;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = 1;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)ptr;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = (int)redirectlock;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = core;
- outmsgdata[outmsglast++] = corenum;
+ } else {
+ // redirect the lock request
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 6 words
+ if((!cache) || (cache && !isMsgSending)) {
+ send_msg_6(targetcore, 8, 1, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock, core, corenum);
+ } else {
+ cache_msg_6(targetcore, 8, 1, (int)ptr, (int)redirectlock, core, corenum);
+ }
return true;
void releasewritelock_I(void * ptr) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 4;
int reallock = 0;
if(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock == NULL) {
reallock = (int)ptr;
} else {
reallock = (int)(((struct ___Object___ *)ptr)->lock);
- targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe681);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)ptr);
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_done(0xa01b);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01e);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
+ } else {
+ // send lock release msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, 5, 1, (int)ptr, reallock);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- gdn_send(msgHdr); // Send the message header to EAST to handle fab(n - 1).
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore); // targetcore
- gdn_send(5); // lock release
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(5);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)ptr); // obj pointer
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(ptr);
- gdn_send(reallock); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
void releasewritelock_I_r(void * lock, void * redirectlock) {
- unsigned msgHdr;
- int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0;
- // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- int msgsize = 4;
int reallock = (int)lock;
- targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
+ targetcore = (reallock >> 5) % BAMBOO_TOTALCORE;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe691);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)lock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(reallock);
- raw_test_pass_reg(targetcore);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(targetcore == corenum) {
// reside on this core
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, reallock)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
- raw_test_done(0xa01c);
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa01f);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
struct LockValue * lockvalue = NULL;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe692);
+#ifdef DEBUG
RuntimeHashget(locktbl, reallock, &rwlock_obj);
lockvalue = (struct LockValue *)rwlock_obj;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
lockvalue->redirectlock = (int)redirectlock;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lockvalue->value);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG(lockvalue->value);
+ } else {
+ // send lock release msg
+ // for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
+ send_msg_4(targetcore, 0xb, 1, (int)lock, (int)redirectlock);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe693);
- calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- // Build the message header
- msgHdr = construct_dyn_hdr(0, msgsize, 0, // msgsize word sent.
- self_y, self_x,
- target_y, target_x);
- // start sending the msg, set send msg flag
- gdn_send(msgHdr);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xbbbb);
- raw_test_pass(0xb000 + targetcore);
- gdn_send(0xb); // lock release with redirect info
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xb);
- gdn_send(1); // write lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(1);
- gdn_send((int)lock); // lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(lock);
- gdn_send((int)redirectlock); // redirect lock
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(redirectlock);
- raw_test_pass(0xffff);
int enqueuetasks(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr, int * enterflags, int numenterflags) {
void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
struct taskdescriptor * task=parameter->task;
- ObjectHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, 0, (int) enterflags, numenterflags, enterflags==NULL); //this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ //this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ ObjectHashadd(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, 0, (int) enterflags, numenterflags, enterflags==NULL);
/* Add enqueued object to parameter vector */
while(1) {
/* Enqueue current state */
int launch = 0;
tpd->parameterArray=RUNMALLOC(sizeof(void *)*(numiterators+1));
for(j=0; j<=numiterators; j++) {
tpd->parameterArray[j]=taskpointerarray[j]; //store the actual parameters
/* Enqueue task */
if ((/*!gencontains(failedtasks, tpd)&&*/ !gencontains(activetasks,tpd))) {
- genputtable(activetasks, tpd, tpd);
+ genputtable(activetasks, tpd, tpd);
} else {
return retval;
-#ifdef RAW
int enqueuetasks_I(struct parameterwrapper *parameter, struct parameterwrapper *prevptr, struct ___Object___ *ptr, int * enterflags, int numenterflags) {
void * taskpointerarray[MAXTASKPARAMS];
int j;
struct taskdescriptor * task=parameter->task;
- ObjectHashadd_I(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, 0, (int) enterflags, numenterflags, enterflags==NULL); //this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ //this add the object to parameterwrapper
+ ObjectHashadd_I(parameter->objectset, (int) ptr, 0, (int) enterflags, numenterflags, enterflags==NULL);
/* Add enqueued object to parameter vector */
tpd->parameterArray=RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(void *)*(numiterators+1));
for(j=0; j<=numiterators; j++) {
tpd->parameterArray[j]=taskpointerarray[j]; //store the actual parameters
/* Enqueue task */
if ((/*!gencontains(failedtasks, tpd)&&*/ !gencontains(activetasks,tpd))) {
- genputtable_I(activetasks, tpd, tpd);
+ genputtable_I(activetasks, tpd, tpd);
} else {
return retval;
/* Handler for signals. The signals catch null pointer errors and
arithmatic errors. */
-#ifndef RAW
+#ifndef MULTICORE
void myhandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *uap) {
sigset_t toclear;
#ifdef DEBUG
int x = 0;
bool islock = true;
-#ifdef RAW
struct LockValue * locks[MAXTASKPARAMS];
int locklen;
int grount = 0;
locks[j]->redirectlock = 0;
locks[j]->value = 0;
-#ifndef RAW
+#if 0
/* Set up signal handlers */
struct sigaction sig;
+#endif // #if 0: non-multicore
-#ifndef RAW
+#if 0
/* Zero fd set */
-#ifndef RAW
+#if 0
-#ifndef RAW
+#if 0
/* Map first block of memory to protected, anonymous page */
mmap(0, 0x1000, 0, MAP_SHARED|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANON, -1, 0);
while((hashsize(activetasks)>0)||(maxreadfd>0)) {
-#ifdef RAW
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe990);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#if 0
/* Check if any filedescriptors have IO pending */
if (maxreadfd>0) {
int i;
/* See if there are any active tasks */
if (hashsize(activetasks)>0) {
int i;
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- TaskInfo* checkTaskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = checkTaskInfo;
- checkTaskInfo->taskName = "tpd checking";
- checkTaskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- checkTaskInfo->endTime = -1;
- checkTaskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
- checkTaskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
- }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ profileTaskStart("tpd checking");
busystatus = true;
currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) getfirstkey(activetasks);
- int isolateflags[numparams];
// clear the lockRedirectTbl (TODO, this table should be empty after all locks are released)
-#ifdef RAW
// get all required locks
locklen = 0;
// check which locks are needed
// grab these required locks
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe991);
+#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < locklen; i++) {
int * lock = (int *)(locks[i]->redirectlock);
islock = true;
// require locks for this parameter if it is not a startup object
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)lock);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)(locks[i]->value));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ BAMBOO_DEBUGPRINT_REG((int)(locks[i]->value));
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
+#ifdef PROFILE
//isInterrupt = false;
while(!lockflag) {
- receiveObject();
if(reside) {
- while(receiveObject() != -1) {
+ while(BAMBOO_WAITING_FOR_LOCK() != -1) {
reside = false;
+#ifdef PROFILE
//isInterrupt = true;
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
if(grount == 0) {
int j = 0;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe992);
+#ifdef DEBUG
// can not get the lock, try later
// releas all grabbed locks for previous parameters
while(halt--) {
+#ifdef PROFILE
// fail, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
+ profileTaskEnd();
goto newtask;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- // TODO: need modification according to added alias locks
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe993);
+#ifdef DEBUG
/* Make sure that the parameters are still in the queues */
for(i=0; i<numparams; i++) {
void * parameter=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
-#ifdef RAW
// flush the object
- {
- raw_invalidate_cache_range((int)parameter, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->type]);
- }
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
- /*if(RuntimeHashcontainskey(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)parameter)) {
+ BAMBOO_CACHE_FLUSH_RANGE((int)parameter, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->type]);
+ /*
+ if(RuntimeHashcontainskey(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)parameter)) {
int redirectlock_r = 0;
RuntimeHashget(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)parameter, &redirectlock_r);
((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->lock = redirectlock_r;
RuntimeHashremovekey(objRedirectLockTbl, (int)parameter);
- }*/
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
- tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)parameter;
- if(0 == tmpparam->isolate) {
- isolateflags[i] = 0;
- // shared object, need to flush with current value
- // TODO: need modification according to added alias locks
- if(!getwritelock(tmpparam->original)) {
- // fail to get write lock, release all obtained locks and try this task later
- int j = 0;
- for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- if(0 == isolateflags[j]) {
- releasewritelock(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->original);
- }
- }
- genputtable(activetasks, currtpd, currtpd);
- goto newtask;
- }
- if(tmpparam->version != tmpparam->original->version) {
- // release all obtained locks
- int j = 0;
- for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- if(0 == isolateflags[j]) {
- releasewritelock(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->original);
- }
- }
- releasewritelock(tmpparam->original);
- // dequeue this object
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- struct parameterwrapper ** queues = objectqueues[numofcore][tmpparam->type];
- int length = numqueues[numofcore][tmpparam->type];
- for(j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
- struct parameterwrapper * pw = queues[j];
- if(ObjectHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int)tmpparam)) {
- int next;
- int * enterflags;
- ObjectHashget(pw->objectset, (int) tmpparam, (int *) &next, (int *) &enterflags, &UNUSED, &UNUSED2);
- ObjectHashremove(pw->objectset, (int)tmpparam);
- if (enterflags!=NULL)
- free(enterflags);
- }
- }
- // Free up task parameter descriptor
- RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
- RUNFREE(currtpd);
- goto newtask;
- }
- } else {
- isolateflags[i] = 1;
+ tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)parameter;
pw=(struct parameterwrapper *) pd->queue;
/* Check that object is still in queue */
if (!ObjectHashcontainskey(pw->objectset, (int) parameter)) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe994);
+#ifdef DEBUG
// release grabbed locks
-#ifdef RAW
for(j = 0; j < locklen; ++j) {
int * lock = (int *)(locks[j]->redirectlock);
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
goto newtask;
-#ifdef RAW
/* Check if the object's flags still meets requirements */
int tmpi = 0;
int next;
int * enterflags;
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe995);
+#ifdef DEBUG
ObjectHashget(pw->objectset, (int) parameter, (int *) &next, (int *) &enterflags, &UNUSED, &UNUSED2);
ObjectHashremove(pw->objectset, (int)parameter);
+#ifdef PROFILE
// fail, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
+ profileTaskEnd();
goto newtask;
/* Check that object still has necessary tags */
int slotid=pd->tagarray[2*j]+numparams;
struct ___TagDescriptor___ *tagd=currtpd->parameterArray[slotid];
if (!containstag(parameter, tagd)) {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe996);
+#ifdef DEBUG
// release grabbed locks
- for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
- if(0 == isolateflags[i]) {
- struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
- if(tmpparam != tmpparam->original) {
- taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET] = tmpparam->original;
- }
- }
- }
#if 0
#ifndef RAW
//void ** checkpoint=makecheckpoint(currtpd->task->numParameters, currtpd->parameterArray, forward, reverse);
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery
if (x=setjmp(error_handler)) {
int counter;
/* Recover */
-#ifndef RAW
#ifdef DEBUG
+#ifndef RAW
printf("Fatal Error=%d, Recovering!\n",x);
- /*
+#if 0
//restorecheckpoint(currtpd->task->numParameters, currtpd->parameterArray, checkpoint, forward, reverse);
- */
- //fflush(stdout);
-#ifdef RAW
- raw_test_pass_reg(x);
- raw_test_done(0xa01d);
- exit(-1);
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery
+ BAMBOO_EXIT(0xa020);
} else {
- /*if (injectfailures) {
+#if 0
+ if (injectfailures) {
if ((((double)random())/RAND_MAX)<failurechance) {
printf("\nINJECTING TASK FAILURE to %s\n", currtpd->task->name);
- }*/
+ }
+#endif // #if 0: for recovery
/* Actually call task */
+#if 0
((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
+#endif // #if 0: for garbage collection
- {
- // check finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- // new a taskInfo for the task execution
- TaskInfo* taskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = taskInfo;
- taskInfo->taskName = currtpd->task->name;
- taskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfo->endTime = -1;
- taskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
- taskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
- }
+#ifdef PROFILE
+ // check finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
+ profileTaskEnd();
+ profileTaskStart(currtpd->task->name);
if(debugtask) {
#ifndef RAW
- printf("ENTER %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
+ printf("ENTER %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
((void(*) (void **))currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
#ifndef RAW
printf("EXIT %s count=%d\n",currtpd->task->name, (instaccum-instructioncount));
} else {
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe997);
+#ifdef DEBUG
((void(*) (void **))currtpd->task->taskptr)(taskpointerarray);
+#ifdef PROFILE
// task finish, set the end of the checkTaskInfo
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
+ profileTaskEnd();
// new a PostTaskInfo for the post-task execution
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- TaskInfo* postTaskInfo = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct task_info));
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex] = postTaskInfo;
- postTaskInfo->taskName = "post task execution";
- postTaskInfo->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- postTaskInfo->endTime = -1;
- postTaskInfo->exitIndex = -1;
- postTaskInfo->newObjs = NULL;
- }
+ profileTaskStart("post task execution");
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe998);
- raw_test_pass_reg(islock);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(islock) {
-#ifdef RAW
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe999);
+#ifdef DEBUG
for(i = 0; i < locklen; ++i) {
void * ptr = (void *)(locks[i]->redirectlock);
int * lock = (int *)(locks[i]->value);
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)ptr);
- raw_test_pass_reg((int)lock);
+#ifdef DEBUG
if(RuntimeHashcontainskey(lockRedirectTbl, (int)lock)) {
int redirectlock;
-#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
- // TODO : need modification for alias lock
- for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
- int * lock;
- if(0 == isolateflags[i]) {
- struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
- if(tmpparam->lock == NULL) {
- lock = (int*)tmpparam;
- } else {
- lock = tmpparam->lock;
- }
- releasewritelock(lock);
- }
- }
+#ifdef PROFILE
// post task execution finish, set the end of the postTaskInfo
- if(!taskInfoOverflow) {
- taskInfoArray[taskInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
- taskInfoIndex++;
- if(taskInfoIndex == TASKINFOLENGTH) {
- taskInfoOverflow = true;
- }
- }
+ profileTaskEnd();
#if 0
-#ifndef RAW
// Free up task parameter descriptor
#if 0
-#ifndef RAW
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe99a);
+#ifdef DEBUG
-#ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe99b);
+#ifdef DEBUG
void printdebug() {
int i;
int j;
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- for(i=0; i<numtasks[numofcore]; i++) {
- struct taskdescriptor * task=taskarray[numofcore][i];
-#ifdef RAW
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
for(i=0; i<numtasks[corenum]; i++) {
- struct taskdescriptor * task=taskarray[corenum][i];
+ struct taskdescriptor * task=taskarray[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
#ifndef RAW
- printf("%s\n", task->name);
+ printf("%s\n", task->name);
for(j=0; j<task->numParameters; j++) {
struct parameterdescriptor *param=task->descriptorarray[j];
struct ObjectHash * set=parameter->objectset;
struct ObjectIterator objit;
#ifndef RAW
- printf(" Parameter %d\n", j);
+ printf(" Parameter %d\n", j);
ObjectHashiterator(set, &objit);
while(ObjhasNext(&objit)) {
} else if (tagptr->type==TAGTYPE) {
#ifndef RAW
printf(" tag=%lx\n",tagptr);
} else {
int tagindex=0;
struct ArrayObject *ao=(struct ArrayObject *)tagptr;
for(; tagindex<ao->___cachedCode___; tagindex++) {
#ifndef RAW
- printf(" tag=%lx\n",ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, tagindex));
+ printf(" tag=%lx\n",ARRAYGET(ao, struct ___TagDescriptor___*, tagindex));
+ ;
void processtasks() {
int i;
-#ifdef RAW
if(corenum > NUMCORES - 1) {
- int numofcore = pthread_getspecific(key);
- for(i=0; i<numtasks[numofcore]; i++) {
- struct taskdescriptor *task=taskarray[numofcore][i];
for(i=0; i<numtasks[corenum]; i++) {
- struct taskdescriptor * task=taskarray[corenum][i];
+ struct taskdescriptor * task=taskarray[BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE][i];
int j;
/* Build objectsets */