if (state.SCHEDULING) {
- // Indentify backedges
- for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Set<FlagState> fss = ta.getFlagStates(cd);
- SCC scc=GraphNode.DFS.computeSCC(fss);
- if (scc.hasCycles()) {
- for(int i=0; i<scc.numSCC(); i++) {
- if (scc.hasCycle(i)) {
- Set cycleset = scc.getSCC(i);
- Iterator it_fs = cycleset.iterator();
- while(it_fs.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_fs.next();
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
- if(cycleset.contains(edge.getTarget())) {
- // a backedge
- edge.setisbackedge(true);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fss = null;
- }
- }
- // set up profiling data
- if(state.USEPROFILE) {
- // read in profile data and set
- FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("/scratch/profile.rst");
- byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 100];
- int length = inStream.read(b);
- if(length < 0) {
- System.out.print("No content in input file: /scratch/profile.rst\n");
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- String profiledata = new String(b, 0, length);
- java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo> taskinfos = new java.util.Hashtable<String, TaskInfo>();
- // profile data format:
- // taskname, numoftaskexits(; exetime, probability, numofnewobjtypes(, newobj type, num of objs)+)+
- int inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- while((inindex != -1) ) {
- String inline = profiledata.substring(0, inindex);
- profiledata = profiledata.substring(inindex + 1);
- //System.printString(inline + "\n");
- int tmpinindex = inline.indexOf(',');
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- break;
- }
- String inname = inline.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- String inint = inline.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(',');
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- break;
- }
- int numofexits = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- TaskInfo tinfo = new TaskInfo(numofexits);
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
- int byObj = Integer.parseInt(inint.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- if(byObj != -1) {
- tinfo.m_byObj = byObj;
- }
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < numofexits; i++) {
- String tmpinfo = null;
- if(i < numofexits - 1) {
- tmpinindex = inint.indexOf(';');
- tmpinfo = inint.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- inint = inint.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- } else {
- tmpinfo = inint;
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- tinfo.m_exetime[i] = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- tinfo.m_probability[i] = Double.parseDouble(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- int numofnobjs = 0;
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
- if(numofnobjs != 0) {
- System.err.println("Error profile data format!");
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- } else {
- tinfo.m_newobjinfo.setElementAt(new Hashtable<String,Integer>(), i);
- numofnobjs = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- for(int j = 0; j < numofnobjs; j++) {
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- String nobjtype = tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- int objnum = 0;
- if(j < numofnobjs - 1) {
- tmpinindex = tmpinfo.indexOf(',');
- objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo.substring(0, tmpinindex));
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(tmpinfo.startsWith(" ")) {
- tmpinfo = tmpinfo.substring(1);
- }
- } else {
- objnum = Integer.parseInt(tmpinfo);
- }
- tinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(i).put(nobjtype, objnum);
- }
- }
- }
- taskinfos.put(inname, tinfo);
- inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- }
- java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
- int tint = 0;
- for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- int total = 100;
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- TaskInfo taskinfo = taskinfos.get(td.getSymbol());
- tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
- pfe.setExeTime(tint);
- double idouble = taskinfo.m_probability[pfe.getTaskExitIndex()];
- pfe.setProbability(idouble);
- int newRate = 0;
- if((taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()) != null)
- && (taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()).containsKey(cd.getSymbol()))) {
- newRate = taskinfo.m_newobjinfo.elementAt(pfe.getTaskExitIndex()).get(cd.getSymbol());
- }
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, idouble);
- if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
- ((FlagState)pfe.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
- }
- }
- fev = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- int total = 100;
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
- TaskInfo taskinfo = taskinfos.get(edge.getTask().getSymbol());
- tint = taskinfo.m_exetime[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- double idouble = taskinfo.m_probability[edge.getTaskExitIndex()];
- edge.setProbability(idouble);
- if(taskinfo.m_byObj != -1) {
- ((FlagState)edge.getSource()).setByObj(taskinfo.m_byObj);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- taskinfos = null;
- } else {
- // for test
- // Randomly set the newRate and probability of FEdges
- java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
- int tint = 0;
- for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- int total = 100;
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- if(numEdges - j == 1) {
- pfe.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- pfe.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- //int newRate = tint;
- //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
- int newRate = 1;
- String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
- if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
- (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Grid"))) {
- newRate = 16;
- } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
- newRate = 4;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- // int probability = tint;
- int probability = 100;
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
- }
- fev = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- int total = 100;
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- tint = 3;
- FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- if((fs.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals("MD")) && (edge.getTask().getSymbol().equals("t6"))) {
- if(edge.isbackedge()) {
- if(edge.getTarget().equals(edge.getSource())) {
- edge.setProbability(93.75);
- } else {
- edge.setProbability(3.125);
- }
- } else {
- edge.setProbability(3.125);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
- edge.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- edge.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
// Use ownership analysis to get alias information
CallGraph callGraph = new CallGraph(state);
OwnershipAnalysis oa = new OwnershipAnalysis(state,
- // Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
- // for later restoration.
- PrintStream origOut = System.out;
- // Create a new output stream for the standard output.
- PrintStream stdout = null;
- try {
- stdout = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("/scratch/SimulatorResult.out"));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // Sigh. Couldn't open the file.
- System.out.println("Redirect: Unable to open output file!");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // On most systems all of this will end up on your console when you
- // run this application.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #1");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'System.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- // Set the System out and err streams to use our replacements.
- System.setOut(stdout);
- // Print stuff to the original output and error streams.
- // The stuff printed through the 'origOut' and 'origErr' references
- // should go to the console on most systems while the messages
- // printed through the 'System.out' and 'System.err' will end up in
- // the files we created for them.
- //origOut.println ("\nRedirect: Round #2");
- //System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
- //origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
// generate multiple schedulings
- ScheduleAnalysis scheduleAnalysis = new ScheduleAnalysis(state, ta);
+ ScheduleAnalysis scheduleAnalysis = new ScheduleAnalysis(state,
+ ta);
+ // necessary preparation such as read profile info etc.
+ scheduleAnalysis.preparation();
//simulate these schedulings
- ScheduleSimulator scheduleSimulator = new ScheduleSimulator(scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum(), state, ta);
+ ScheduleSimulator scheduleSimulator = new ScheduleSimulator(scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum(),
+ state,
+ ta);
Vector<Vector<Schedule>> schedulings = scheduleAnalysis.getSchedulings();
- Vector<Integer> selectedScheduling = new Vector<Integer>();
- int processTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- if(schedulings.size() > 1500) {
- int index = 0;
- int upperbound = schedulings.size();
- long seed = 0;
- java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random(seed);
- for(int ii = 0; ii < 1500; ii++) {
- index = (int)((Math.abs((double)r.nextInt() / (double)Integer.MAX_VALUE)) * upperbound);
- System.out.println("Scheduling index:" + index);
- //System.err.println("Scheduling index:" + index);
- Vector<Schedule> scheduling = schedulings.elementAt(index);
- scheduleSimulator.setScheduling(scheduling);
- int tmpTime = scheduleSimulator.process();
- if(tmpTime < processTime) {
- selectedScheduling.clear();
- selectedScheduling.add(index);
- processTime = tmpTime;
- } else if(tmpTime == processTime) {
- selectedScheduling.add(index);
- }
- scheduling = null;
- }
- } else {
- Iterator it_scheduling = scheduleAnalysis.getSchedulingsIter();
- int index = 0;
- while(it_scheduling.hasNext()) {
- Vector<Schedule> scheduling = (Vector<Schedule>)it_scheduling.next();
- scheduleSimulator.setScheduling(scheduling);
- int tmpTime = scheduleSimulator.process();
- if(tmpTime < processTime) {
- selectedScheduling.clear();
- selectedScheduling.add(index);
- processTime = tmpTime;
- } else if(tmpTime == processTime) {
- selectedScheduling.add(index);
- }
- scheduling = null;
- index++;
- }
- }
- System.out.print("Selected schedulings with least exectution time " + processTime + ": \n\t");
- for(int i = 0; i < selectedScheduling.size(); i++) {
- System.out.print((selectedScheduling.elementAt(i) + 1) + ", ");
- }
- System.out.println();
- // Close the streams.
- try {
- stdout.close();
- System.setOut(origOut);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- origOut.println("Redirect: Unable to close files!");
- }
+ Vector<Integer> selectedScheduling = scheduleSimulator.simulate(schedulings);
if(state.MULTICORE) {
- //it_scheduling = scheduleAnalysis.getSchedulingsIter();
- //Vector<Schedule> scheduling = (Vector<Schedule>)it_scheduling.next();
Vector<Schedule> scheduling = scheduleAnalysis.getSchedulings().elementAt(selectedScheduling.firstElement());
- BuildCodeMultiCore bcm=new BuildCodeMultiCore(state, bf.getMap(), tu, sa, scheduling, scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum(), pa);
+ BuildCodeMultiCore bcm=new BuildCodeMultiCore(state,
+ bf.getMap(),
+ tu,
+ sa,
+ scheduling,
+ scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum(),
+ pa);
scheduling = null;
- static class TaskInfo {
- public int m_numofexits;
- public int[] m_exetime;
- public double[] m_probability;
- public Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>> m_newobjinfo;
- public int m_byObj;
- public TaskInfo(int numofexits) {
- this.m_numofexits = numofexits;
- this.m_exetime = new int[this.m_numofexits];
- this.m_probability = new double[this.m_numofexits];
- this.m_newobjinfo = new Vector<Hashtable<String, Integer>>();
- for(int i = 0; i < this.m_numofexits; i++) {
- this.m_newobjinfo.add(null);
- }
- this.m_byObj = -1;
- }
- }