--- /dev/null
+void *malloc(unsigned);
+void foundIt(void);
+typedef struct list {
+ struct list *Next;
+ int Data;
+} list;
+extern list ListNode1;
+list ListNode3 = { 0, 4 };
+list ListNode2 = { &ListNode3, 3 };
+list ListNode0 = { &ListNode1, 1 };
+list ListNode1 = { &ListNode2, 2 };
+int *ListDataPtr = &ListNode3.Data;
+list ListArray[10];
+ TODO: When we have getelementptr on globals
+list *ListArrElement = ListArray+4;
+list *ListArrElement2 = &ListArray[5];
+// Iterative insert fn
+void InsertIntoListTail(list **L, int Data) {
+ while (*L)
+ L = &(*L)->Next;
+ *L = (list*)malloc(sizeof(list));
+ (*L)->Data = Data;
+ (*L)->Next = 0;
+// Recursive list search fn
+list *FindData(list *L, int Data) {
+ if (L == 0) return 0;
+ if (L->Data == Data) return L;
+ return FindData(L->Next, Data);
+// Driver fn...
+void DoListStuff() {
+ list *MyList = 0;
+ InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 100);
+ InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 12);
+ InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 42);
+ InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 1123);
+ InsertIntoListTail(&MyList, 1213);
+ if (FindData(MyList, 75)) foundIt();
+ if (FindData(MyList, 42)) foundIt();
+ if (FindData(MyList, 700)) foundIt();
+//#include <stdio.h>
+int puts(const char *s);
+struct FunStructTest {
+ int Test1;
+ char *Pointer;
+ int Array[12];
+struct SubStruct {
+ short X, Y;
+struct Quad {
+ int w;
+ struct SubStruct SS;
+ struct SubStruct *SSP;
+ char c;
+ int y;
+struct Quad GlobalQuad = { 4, {1, 2}, 0, 3, 156 };
+typedef int (*FuncPtr)(int);
+#if 0
+unsigned PtrFunc(int (*Func)(int), int X) {
+ return Func(X);
+char PtrFunc2(FuncPtr FuncTab[30], int Num) {
+ return FuncTab[Num]('b');
+extern char SmallArgs2(char w, char x, long long Zrrk, char y, char z);
+extern int SomeFunc(void);
+char SmallArgs(char w, char x, char y, char z) {
+ SomeFunc();
+ return SmallArgs2(w-1, x+1, y, z, w);
+#if 1
+int F0(struct Quad Q, int i) { /* Pass Q by value */
+ struct Quad R;
+ if (i) R.SS = Q.SS;
+ //Q.SSP = &R.SS;
+ Q.w = Q.y = Q.c = 1;
+ return Q.SS.Y + i + R.y - Q.c;
+int F1(struct Quad *Q, int i) { /* Pass Q by address */
+ struct Quad R;
+#if 0
+ if (i) R.SS = Q->SS;
+ if (i) R = *Q;
+ Q->w = Q->y = Q->c = 1;
+ return Q->SS.Y+i+R.y-Q->c;
+int BadFunc(float Val) {
+ int Result;
+ if (Val > 12.345) Result = 4;
+ return Result; /* Test use of undefined value */
+int RealFunc(void) {
+ return SomeUndefinedFunction(1, 4, 5);
+extern int EF1(int *, char *, int *);
+int Func(int Param, long long Param2) {
+ int Result = Param;
+ {{{{
+ char c; int X;
+ EF1(&Result, &c, &X);
+ }}}}
+ return Result;
+short FunFunc(long long x, char z) {
+ return x+z;
+unsigned castTest(int X) { return X; }
+double TestAdd(double X, float Y) {
+ return X+Y+.5;
+int func(int i, int j) {
+ while (i != 20)
+ i += 2;
+ j += func(2, i);
+ return (i * 3 + j*2)*j;
+int SumArray(int Array[], int Num) {
+ int i, Result = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < Num; ++i)
+ Result += Array[i];
+ return Result;
+int ArrayParam(int Values[100]) {
+ return EF1((int*)Values[50], 0, &Values[50]);
+int ArrayToSum(void) {
+ int A[100], i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+ A[i] = i*4;
+ return A[A[0]]; //SumArray(A, 100);
+int ExternFunc(long long, unsigned*, short, unsigned char);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ unsigned i;
+ ExternFunc(-1, 0, (short)argc, 2);
+ //func(argc, argc);
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ puts(argv[3]);//"Hello world");
+ return 0;
+double MathFunc(double X, double Y, double Z,
+ double AA, double BB, double CC, double DD,
+ double EE, double FF, double GG, double HH,
+ double aAA, double aBB, double aCC, double aDD,
+ double aEE, double aFF) {
+ return X + Y + Z + AA + BB + CC + DD + EE + FF + GG + HH
+ + aAA + aBB + aCC + aDD + aEE + aFF;
+void strcpy(char *s1, char *s2) {
+ while (*s1++ = *s2++);
+void strcat(char *s1, char *s2) {
+ while (*s1++);
+ s1--;
+ while (*s1++ = *s2++);
+int strcmp(char *s1, char *s2) {
+ while (*s1++ == *s2++);
+ if (*s1 == 0) {
+ if (*s2 == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (*s2 == 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return (*(--s1) - *(--s2));
+ }
+ }