public void run() {
Barrier barr=new Barrier("");
int mynumthreads, mytid, P, myx0, myx1, myy0, myy1;
atomic {
+ short[] off = new short[2];
+ off[0] = getoffset{MMul, btranspose};
+ off[1] = (short) 0;
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul, off);
+ off[0] = getoffset{MMul, a};
+ off[1] = (short) 0;
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul, off);
+ off[0] = getoffset{MMul, c};
+ off[1] = (short) 0;
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul, off);
mmul.setValues(tid, numthreads);
offsets[0] = getoffset{MMul, btranspose};
offsets[1] = (short) 0;
offsets[2] = (short) 0;
- offsets[3] = (short) 15;
+ offsets[3] = (short) 7;
offsets[4] = (short) y0;
offsets[5] = (short) (y1 - y0 -1);
System.rangePrefetch(mmul, offsets);
offsets[0] = getoffset{MMul, a};
offsets[1] = (short) 0;
offsets[2] = (short) 0;
- offsets[3] = (short) 15;
+ offsets[3] = (short) 7;
offsets[4] = (short) x0;
offsets[5] = (short) 15;
System.rangePrefetch(mmul, offsets);
double lb[][][]=mmul.btranspose;
int M=mmul.M;
//Use btranspose for cache performance
- int ll=8;
+ int ll=4;
for(int q=0;q<P;q++,ll++) {
double ra[][]=la[q];
double rb[][]=lb[q];
double rc[][]=lc[q];
- if ((ll&15)==0) {
+ if ((ll&7)==0) {
offsets2[0] = (short) (ll);
- if((ll+16)>P) {
+ if((ll+8)>P) {
int lx=P-ll-1;
if(lx>0) {
offsets2[1]=(short) lx;
offsets2[2] = (short) y0;
offsets2[3] = (short) (y1 - y0 -1);
- System.rangePrefetch(lb, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.btranspose, offsets2);
offsets2[2] = (short) x0;
offsets2[3] = (short) 15;
- System.rangePrefetch(la, offsets2);
- System.rangePrefetch(lc, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.a, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.c, offsets2);
} else {
- offsets2[1]=(short) 15;
+ offsets2[1]=(short) 7;
offsets2[2] = (short) y0;
offsets2[3] = (short) (y1 - y0 -1);
- System.rangePrefetch(lb, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.btranspose, offsets2);
offsets2[2] = (short) x0;
offsets2[3] = (short) 15;
- System.rangePrefetch(la, offsets2);
- System.rangePrefetch(lc, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.a, offsets2);
+ System.rangePrefetch(mmul.c, offsets2);
- } //end of inner for
- }//end of outer for
+ } //end of inner for i
+ }//end of outer for q
}//end of atomic
}//end of run
int delta=numthreads;
int start=tid;
for(int q = start; q < P; q+=delta) {
for(int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
double ai[] = global new double[M];