+ protectAgainstEvilTasks();
private void merge() {
+ private void protectAgainstEvilTasks() {
+ for( Pair<FlatNode, TempDescriptor> machinepair: bsm.getAllMachineNames() ) {
+ StateMachineForEffects sm = bsm.getStateMachine( machinepair );
+ protectAgainstEvilTasks( sm );
+ }
+ }
+ private void protectAgainstEvilTasks( StateMachineForEffects sm ) {
+ // first identify the set of <Alloc, Field> pairs for which this
+ // traverser will both read and write, remember the read effect
+ Set<Effect> allocAndFieldRW = new HashSet<Effect>();
+ for( Pair<Alloc, FieldDescriptor> af: sm.effectsMap.keySet() ) {
+ Integer effectType = sm.effectsMap.get( af );
+ if( (effectType & != 0 &&
+ (effectType & Effect.write) != 0
+ ) {
+ allocAndFieldRW.add( new Effect( af.getFirst(),
+ af.getSecond()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // next check the state machine: if an effect that initiates
+ // a transition is in the allocAndFieldRW set, then mark it
+ // as... POSSIBLY EVIL!!!!!
+ for( SMFEState state: sm.getStates() ) {
+ for( Effect effect: state.getTransitionEffects() ) {
+ if( allocAndFieldRW.contains( effect ) ) {
+ sm.addPossiblyEvilEffect( effect );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
protected FlatNode fn;
protected int id=0;
+ // We have a situation in which a task can start executing
+ // and "evil-ly" destroy the paths to all the objects it will
+ // access as it goes along. If this is the case, a traverser
+ // should know which effects these are, and if the traverser
+ // is ever running and detects that the task is also running,
+ // it should not continue (and therefore hold up any tasks that
+ // might come later, because now we might never be able to find
+ // the effects that should block later tasks). Should be rare!
+ protected Set<Effect> possiblyEvilEffects;
public StateMachineForEffects( FlatNode fnInitial ) {
fn2state = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SMFEState>();
effectsMap = new HashMap<Pair<Alloc, FieldDescriptor>, Integer>();
initialState = getState( startNode );
+ possiblyEvilEffects = new HashSet<Effect>();
public Set<SMFEState> getStates() {
return 0;
+ public void addPossiblyEvilEffect( Effect e ) {
+ possiblyEvilEffects.add( e );
+ }
+ public Set<Effect> getPossiblyEvilEffects() {
+ return possiblyEvilEffects;
+ }
public void writeAsDOT( String graphName ) {
graphName = graphName.replaceAll( "[\\W]", "" );
cFile.println(" if(traverserState=="+state.getID()+") {");
- printAllocChecksInsideState(state, taskOrStallSite, var, "ptr", 0, weakID);
+ printAllocChecksInsideState(smfe, state, taskOrStallSite, var, "ptr", 0, weakID);
cFile.println(" break;");
- public void printAllocChecksInsideState(SMFEState state, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
+ public void printAllocChecksInsideState(StateMachineForEffects smfe, SMFEState state, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
EffectsTable et = new EffectsTable(state);
boolean needswitch=et.getAllAllocs().size()>1;
if (needswitch) {
} else {
cFile.println(" if("+prefix+"->"+allocSite+"=="+a.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+") {");
- addChecker(a, fn, tmp, state, et, prefix, depth, weakID);
+ addChecker(smfe, a, fn, tmp, state, et, prefix, depth, weakID);
if (needswitch) {
cFile.println(" }");
cFile.println(" break;");
cFile.println(" }");
- public void addChecker(Alloc a, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, SMFEState state, EffectsTable et, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
+ public void addChecker(StateMachineForEffects smfe, Alloc a, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, SMFEState state, EffectsTable et, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
if (depth>30) {
System.out.println(fn+" "+state+" "+state.toStringDOT());
cFile.println(" for(i = 0; i<((struct ArrayObject *) " + prefix + " )->___length___; i++ ) {");
- printRefSwitch(fn, tmp, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, state.transitionsTo(e), weakID);
+ printRefSwitch(smfe, fn, tmp, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, state.transitionsTo(e), weakID);
+ // only if we are traversing for a new task, not a stall site
+ if( (fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode) &&
+ smfe.getPossiblyEvilEffects().contains( e ) ) {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode evilTask = (FlatSESEEnterNode)fn;
+ detectPossiblyEvilExecution( evilTask,
+ evilTask.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf( tmp )
+ );
+ }
if (!first)
for(Effect e: et.getEffects(a)) {
if (!state.transitionsTo(e).isEmpty()) {
String childPtr = "((struct "+a.getType().getSafeSymbol()+" *)"+prefix +")->" + e.getField().getSafeSymbol();
- printRefSwitch(fn, tmp, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, state.transitionsTo(e), weakID);
+ printRefSwitch(smfe, fn, tmp, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, state.transitionsTo(e), weakID);
+ // only if we are traversing for a new task, not a stall site
+ if( (fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode) &&
+ smfe.getPossiblyEvilEffects().contains( e ) ) {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode evilTask = (FlatSESEEnterNode)fn;
+ detectPossiblyEvilExecution( evilTask,
+ evilTask.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf( tmp )
+ );
+ }
- private void printRefSwitch(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, int pdepth, String childPtr, String currPtr, Set<SMFEState> transitions, int weakID) {
+ private void printRefSwitch(StateMachineForEffects smfe, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, int pdepth, String childPtr, String currPtr, Set<SMFEState> transitions, int weakID) {
for(SMFEState tr: transitions) {
if(tr.getRefCount() == 1) { //in-lineable case
cFile.println(" "+currPtr+"= (struct ___Object___ * ) " + childPtr + ";");
cFile.println(" if (" + currPtr + " != NULL) { ");
- printAllocChecksInsideState(tr, fn, tmp, currPtr, pdepth+1, weakID);
+ printAllocChecksInsideState(smfe, tr, fn, tmp, currPtr, pdepth+1, weakID);
cFile.println(" }"); //break for internal switch and if
} else { //non-inlineable cases
+ private void detectPossiblyEvilExecution( FlatSESEEnterNode possiblyEvilTask,
+ int rcrRecordIndex
+ ) {
+ // We have a situation in which a task can start executing and
+ // "evil-ly" destroy the paths to some objects it will access as
+ // it goes along. If this is the case, a traverser should not
+ // continue and instead intentionally hold up any tasks that might
+ // come later, because now we might never be able to find the
+ // effects that should block later tasks. This should be rare!
+ cFile.append("// a possibly evil task has been detected!\n");
+ cFile.append("BARRIER();\n");
+ cFile.append("if( unlikely( record->common.unresolvedDependencies == 0 &&");
+ cFile.append( "BARRIER() &&");
+ cFile.append( "record->common.doneExecuting == FALSE ) ) {\n");
+ cFile.append(" // first abort this traversal, doesn't matter what the flag is because\n");
+ cFile.append(" // the traverser is not going to clear the task, it's already running...\n");
+ cFile.append(" int flag = LOCKXCHG32( &(record->rcrRecords["+rcrRecordIndex+"].flag), 0 );\n");
+ cFile.append(" \n");
+ cFile.append(" // just wait for the the task to retire...\n");
+ cFile.append(" while( record->common.doneExecuting == FALSE ) {\n");
+ cFile.append(" BARRIER();\n");
+ cFile.append(" }\n");
+ cFile.append(" \n");
+ cFile.append(" // and now its safe to release the traverser to clear other tasks\n");
+ cFile.append(" return;\n");
+ cFile.append("}\n");
+ }
private void setupOutputFiles(String buildir) throws FileNotFoundException {
cFile = new CodePrinter(new File(buildir + "RuntimeConflictResolver" + ".c"));
headerFile = new CodePrinter(new File(buildir + "RuntimeConflictResolver" + ".h"));