Summary: Now a subprocess can be reliably made a group leader -- good for job control.
Test Plan:
unit test, checked that the pgid test worked in bash, too (only OKAY_XXX is printed)
==> <==
test $(cut -d ' ' -f 5 /proc/$$/stat) == $$ && echo OKAY_XXX
==> <==
test $(cut -d ' ' -f 5 /proc/$$/stat) == $$ && echo OKAY_YYY
==> <==
test $(cut -d ' ' -f 5 /proc/$$/stat) == $$ && echo OKAY_ZZZ
Reviewed By:
Subscribers: net-systems@, njormrod, folly-diffs@, simpkins
FB internal diff:
Signature: t1:
// child has exited and can be immediately waited for. In all other cases,
// we have no way of cleaning up the child.
+ if (options.processGroupLeader_) {
+ // This is done both in the parent and the child to avoid the race where
+ // the parent assumes that the child is a leader, but the child has not
+ // yet run setprp(). Not checking error codes since we're deliberately
+ // racing the child, which may already have run execve(), and expect to
+ // lose frequently.
+ setpgid(pid_, pid_);
+ }
// Close writable side of the errFd pipe in the parent process
errFds[1] = -1;
+ if (options.processGroupLeader_) {
+ if (setpgrp() == -1) {
+ return errno;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
class Options : private boost::orable<Options> {
friend class Subprocess;
- Options()
- : closeOtherFds_(false),
- usePath_(false) {
- }
+ Options() {} // E.g.
* Change action for file descriptor fd.
+ /**
+ * Child will be made a process group leader when it starts. Upside: one
+ * can reliably all its kill non-daemonizing descendants. Downside: the
+ * child will not receive Ctrl-C etc during interactive use.
+ */
+ Options& processGroupLeader() {
+ processGroupLeader_ = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
* Helpful way to combine Options.
typedef boost::container::flat_map<int, int> FdMap;
FdMap fdActions_;
- bool closeOtherFds_;
- bool usePath_;
+ bool closeOtherFds_{false};
+ bool usePath_{false};
std::string childDir_; // "" keeps the parent's working directory
#if __linux__
int parentDeathSignal_{0};
+ bool processGroupLeader_{false};
static Options pipeStdin() { return Options().stdin(PIPE); }
closeOtherFds_ |= other.closeOtherFds_;
usePath_ |= other.usePath_;
+ processGroupLeader_ |= other.processGroupLeader_;
return *this;
+TEST(CommunicateSubprocessTest, ProcessGroupLeader) {
+ const auto testIsLeader = "test $(cut -d ' ' -f 5 /proc/$$/stat) == $$";
+ Subprocess nonLeader(testIsLeader);
+ EXPECT_THROW(nonLeader.waitChecked(), CalledProcessError);
+ Subprocess leader(testIsLeader, Subprocess::Options().processGroupLeader());
+ leader.waitChecked();
TEST(CommunicateSubprocessTest, Duplex2) {
checkFdLeak([] {
// Pipe 200,000 lines through sed