ConstraintDependence constraintdependence;
ExactSize exactsize;
ArrayAnalysis arrayanalysis;
+ Sources sources;
public Termination(State state) {
predtoabstractmap=new Hashtable();
if (!Compiler.REPAIR)
for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++)
for(int i=0;i<state.vConstraints.size();i++)
+ sources=new Sources(state);
maxsize=new ComputeMaxSize(state);
exactsize=new ExactSize(state);
arrayanalysis=new ArrayAnalysis(state,this);
- /** This method generates a node for each conjunction in the DNF form of each constraint.
- * It also converts the quantifiers into conjunctions also - constraints can be satisfied by
- * removing items from the sets and relations they are quantified over */
+ /** This method generates a node for each conjunction in the DNF
+ * form of each constraint. It also converts the quantifiers into
+ * conjunctions also - constraints can be satisfied by removing
+ * items from the sets and relations they are quantified over */
void generateconjunctionnodes() {
Vector constraints=state.vConstraints;
// Constructs conjunction nodes
GraphNode gn=(GraphNode);
TermNode tn=(TermNode)gn.getOwner();
MultUpdateNode mun=tn.getUpdate();
+ for(int i=0;i<mun.numUpdates();i++) {
+ UpdateNode un=mun.getUpdate(i);
+ for(int j=0;j<mun.numUpdates();j++) {
+ Updates u=un.getUpdate(j);
+ if (u.getType()==Updates.ABSTRACT) {
+ Expr e=u.getLeftExpr();
+ boolean negated=u.negate;
+ if (e instanceof TupleOfExpr) {
+ TupleOfExpr toe=(TupleOfExpr)e;
+ if (negated) {
+ GraphNode agn=(GraphNode)abstractremove.get(toe.relation);
+ GraphNode.Edge edge=new GraphNode.Edge("requires",agn);
+ gn.addEdge(edge);
+ } else {
+ GraphNode agn=(GraphNode)abstractadd.get(toe.relation);
+ GraphNode.Edge edge=new GraphNode.Edge("requires",agn);
+ gn.addEdge(edge);
+ }
+ } else if (e instanceof ElementOfExpr) {
+ ElementOfExpr eoe=(ElementOfExpr)e;
+ if (negated) {
+ GraphNode agn=(GraphNode)abstractremove.get(eoe.set);
+ GraphNode.Edge edge=new GraphNode.Edge("requires",agn);
+ gn.addEdge(edge);
+ } else {
+ GraphNode agn=(GraphNode)abstractadd.get(eoe.set);
+ GraphNode.Edge edge=new GraphNode.Edge("requires",agn);
+ gn.addEdge(edge);
+ }
+ } else throw new Error("Unrecognized Abstract Update");
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Cycle through the rules to look for possible conflicts */
for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
+ void generatescopenodes() {
+ for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
+ Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
+ ScopeNode satisfy=new ScopeNode(r,true);
+ TermNode tnsatisfy=new TermNode(satisfy);
+ GraphNode gnsatisfy=new GraphNode("SatisfyRule"+i,tnsatisfy);
+ ConsequenceNode cnsatisfy=new ConsequenceNode();
+ TermNode ctnsatisfy=new TermNode(cnsatisfy);
+ GraphNode cgnsatisfy=new GraphNode("ConseqSatisfyRule"+i,ctnsatisfy);
+ consequence.put(satisfy,cgnsatisfy);
+ GraphNode.Edge esat=new GraphNode.Edge("consequencesatisfy"+i,cgnsatisfy);
+ gnsatisfy.addEdge(esat);
+ consequencenodes.add(cgnsatisfy);
+ scopesatisfy.put(r,gnsatisfy);
+ scopenodes.add(gnsatisfy);
+ ScopeNode falsify=new ScopeNode(r,false);
+ TermNode tnfalsify=new TermNode(falsify);
+ GraphNode gnfalsify=new GraphNode("FalsifyRule"+i,tnfalsify);
+ ConsequenceNode cnfalsify=new ConsequenceNode();
+ TermNode ctnfalsify=new TermNode(cnfalsify);
+ GraphNode cgnfalsify=new GraphNode("ConseqFalsifyRule"+i,ctnfalsify);
+ consequence.put(falsify,cgnfalsify);
+ GraphNode.Edge efals=new GraphNode.Edge("consequencefalsify"+i,cgnfalsify);
+ gnfalsify.addEdge(efals);
+ consequencenodes.add(cgnfalsify);
+ scopefalsify.put(r,gnfalsify);
+ scopenodes.add(gnfalsify);
+ }
+ }
void generatescopeedges() {
for(Iterator scopeiterator=scopenodes.iterator();scopeiterator.hasNext();) {
for(int i=0;i<setdescriptors.size();i++) {
SetDescriptor sd=(SetDescriptor)setdescriptors.get(i);
- /* XXXXXXX: Not sure what to do here */
VarExpr ve=new VarExpr("DUMMY");
InclusionPredicate ip=new InclusionPredicate(ve,new SetExpr(sd));
DNFPredicate tp=new DNFPredicate(false,ip);
AbstractRepair ar=new AbstractRepair(tp, AbstractRepair.ADDTOSET, sd);
TermNode tn=new TermNode(ar);
Vector relationdescriptors=state.stRelations.getAllDescriptors();
for(int i=0;i<relationdescriptors.size();i++) {
RelationDescriptor rd=(RelationDescriptor)relationdescriptors.get(i);
- /* XXXXXXX: Not sure what to do here */
VarDescriptor vd1=new VarDescriptor("DUMMY1");
VarExpr ve2=new VarExpr("DUMMY2");
int compensationcount=0;
for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
Vector possiblerules=new Vector();
- /* Construct bindings */
- /* No need to construct bindings on remove
- Vector bindings=new Vector();
- constructbindings(bindings, r,true);
- */
for(int j=0;j<(r.numQuantifiers()+r.getDNFNegGuardExpr().size());j++) {
GraphNode gn=(GraphNode)scopesatisfy.get(r);
TermNode tn=(TermNode) gn.getOwner();
TermNode tn2=new TermNode(mun);
GraphNode gn2=new GraphNode("CompRem"+compensationcount,tn2);
UpdateNode un=new UpdateNode(r);
- // un.addBindings(bindings);
- // Not necessary
if (j<r.numQuantifiers()) {
/* Remove quantifier */
Quantifier q=r.getQuantifier(j);
} else {
+ /* Negate conjunction */
int c=j-r.numQuantifiers();
if (!processconjunction(un,r.getDNFNegGuardExpr().get(c))) {
GraphNode.Edge e=new GraphNode.Edge("abstract"+compensationcount,gn2);
+ /** This method generates concrete data structure updates which
+ * remove an object (or tuple) from a set (or relation).*/
int removefromcount=0;
void generateremovefromsetrelation(GraphNode gn,AbstractRepair ar) {
+ /* Construct the set of all rules which could add something to the given set or relation */
Vector possiblerules=new Vector();
for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
if (possiblerules.size()==0)
+ /* Loop through different ways of falsifying each of these rules */
int[] count=new int[possiblerules.size()];
while(remains(count,possiblerules,true)) {
MultUpdateNode mun=new MultUpdateNode(ar,MultUpdateNode.REMOVE);
for(int i=0;i<possiblerules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule)possiblerules.get(i);
UpdateNode un=new UpdateNode(r);
- /* Construct bindings */
- /* No Need to construct bindings on remove
- Vector bindings=new Vector();
- constructbindings(bindings, r,true);
- un.addBindings(bindings);*/
if (count[i]<r.numQuantifiers()) {
/* Remove quantifier */
Quantifier q=r.getQuantifier(count[i]);
+ /** This method increments to the next possibility. */
static private void increment(int count[], Vector rules,boolean isremove) {
for(int i=0;i<(rules.size()-1);i++) {
+ /** This method test if there remain any possibilities to loop
+ * through. */
static private boolean remains(int count[], Vector rules, boolean isremove) {
for(int i=0;i<rules.size();i++) {
int num=isremove?(((Rule)rules.get(i)).numQuantifiers()+(((Rule)rules.get(i)).getDNFNegGuardExpr().size())):((Rule)rules.get(i)).getDNFGuardExpr().size();
/** This method generates data structure updates to implement the
* abstract atomic modification specified by ar. */
int modifycount=0;
void generatemodifyrelation(GraphNode gn, AbstractRepair ar) {
RelationDescriptor rd=(RelationDescriptor)ar.getDescriptor();
+ // construct set of possible rules
Vector possiblerules=new Vector();
for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
if (possiblerules.size()==0)
+ // increment through this set
int[] count=new int[possiblerules.size()];
while(remains(count,possiblerules,false)) {
MultUpdateNode mun=new MultUpdateNode(ar,MultUpdateNode.MODIFY);
for(int i=0;i<possiblerules.size();i++) {
Rule r=(Rule)possiblerules.get(i);
UpdateNode un=new UpdateNode(r);
- /* No Need to construct bindings on modify */
int c=count[i];
if (!processconjunction(un,r.getDNFGuardExpr().get(c))) {
+ /** Generate concrete data structure update to add an object(or
+ * tuple) to a set (or relation). */
+ static int addtocount=0;
+ void generateaddtosetrelation(GraphNode gn, AbstractRepair ar) {
+ for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
+ Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
+ /* See if this is a good rule*/
+ if ((r.getInclusion() instanceof SetInclusion&&
+ ar.getDescriptor()==((SetInclusion)r.getInclusion()).getSet())||
+ (r.getInclusion() instanceof RelationInclusion&&
+ ar.getDescriptor()==((RelationInclusion)r.getInclusion()).getRelation())) {
+ /* First solve for quantifiers */
+ Vector bindings=new Vector();
+ /* Construct bindings */
+ if (!constructbindings(bindings,r,false))
+ continue;
+ //Generate add instruction
+ DNFRule dnfrule=r.getDNFGuardExpr();
+ for(int j=0;j<dnfrule.size();j++) {
+ Inclusion inc=r.getInclusion();
+ UpdateNode un=new UpdateNode(r);
+ un.addBindings(bindings);
+ /* Now build update for tuple/set inclusion condition */
+ if(inc instanceof SetInclusion) {
+ SetInclusion si=(SetInclusion)inc;
+ if (!(si.elementexpr instanceof VarExpr)) {
+ if (si.elementexpr.isValue()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(si.elementexpr,0);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ } else {
+ /* We're an add to set*/
+ System.out.println("Rule: "+r);
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath rap=arrayanalysis.analyzeExpr(r,si.elementexpr);
+ System.out.println("Attempting perform array add");
+ SetDescriptor set=sources.setSource(si.getSet())?
+ sources.getSourceSet(si.getSet()):null;
+ if (set==null)
+ continue;
+ System.out.println("Non-null source set");
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath ap=arrayanalysis.getSet(set);
+ if (rap==ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath.NONE)
+ continue;
+ System.out.println("A");
+ if (!rap.equal(ap))
+ continue;
+ System.out.println("B");
+ if (!constructarrayupdate(un, si.elementexpr, rap, 0))
+ continue;
+ System.out.println("C");
+ }
+ } else {
+ VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)si.elementexpr).getVar();
+ if (vd.isGlobal()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(si.elementexpr,0);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (inc instanceof RelationInclusion) {
+ RelationInclusion ri=(RelationInclusion)inc;
+ if (!(ri.getLeftExpr() instanceof VarExpr)) {
+ if (ri.getLeftExpr().isValue()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(ri.getLeftExpr(),0);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ } else {
+ /* We don't handly relation modifies */
+ if (ar.getType()==AbstractRepair.MODIFYRELATION)
+ continue;
+ /* We're an add to relation*/
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath rap=arrayanalysis.analyzeExpr(r,ri.getLeftExpr());
+ SetDescriptor set=sources.relsetSource(ri.getRelation(),true /* Domain*/)?
+ sources.relgetSourceSet(ri.getRelation(),true):null;
+ if (set==null)
+ continue;
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath ap=arrayanalysis.getSet(set);
+ if (rap==ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath.NONE||
+ !rap.equal(ap)||
+ !constructarrayupdate(un, ri.getLeftExpr(), rap, 0))
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)ri.getLeftExpr()).getVar();
+ if (vd.isGlobal()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(ri.getLeftExpr(),0);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(ri.getRightExpr() instanceof VarExpr)) {
+ if (ri.getRightExpr().isValue()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(ri.getRightExpr(),1);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ } else {
+ /* We don't handly relation modifies */
+ if (ar.getType()==AbstractRepair.MODIFYRELATION)
+ continue;
+ /* We're an add to relation*/
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath rap=arrayanalysis.analyzeExpr(r,ri.getRightExpr());
+ SetDescriptor set=sources.relsetSource(ri.getRelation(),false /* Range*/)?
+ sources.relgetSourceSet(ri.getRelation(),false):null;
+ if (set==null)
+ continue;
+ ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath ap=arrayanalysis.getSet(set);
+ if (rap==ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath.NONE||
+ !rap.equal(ap)||
+ !constructarrayupdate(un, ri.getRightExpr(), rap, 1))
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)ri.getRightExpr()).getVar();
+ if (vd.isGlobal()) {
+ Updates up=new Updates(ri.getRightExpr(),1);
+ un.addUpdate(up);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Finally build necessary updates to satisfy conjunction
+ RuleConjunction ruleconj=dnfrule.get(j);
+ /* Add in updates for quantifiers */
+ MultUpdateNode mun=new MultUpdateNode(ar,MultUpdateNode.ADD);
+ TermNode tn=new TermNode(mun);
+ GraphNode gn2=new GraphNode("UpdateAdd"+addtocount,tn);
+ if (processquantifiers(gn2,un, r)&&
+ processconjunction(un,ruleconj)&&
+ un.checkupdates()) {
+ mun.addUpdate(un);
+ GraphNode.Edge e=new GraphNode.Edge("abstract"+addtocount,gn2);
+ addtocount++;
+ gn.addEdge(e);
+ updatenodes.add(gn2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ boolean constructarrayupdate(UpdateNode un, Expr lexpr, ArrayAnalysis.AccessPath ap, int slotnumber) {
+ System.out.println("Constructing array update");
+ Expr e=null;
+ for (int i=ap.numFields()-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ if (e==null)
+ e=lexpr;
+ else
+ e=((DotExpr)e).getExpr();
+ while (e instanceof CastExpr)
+ e=((CastExpr)e).getExpr();
+ DotExpr de=(DotExpr)e;
+ FieldDescriptor fd=ap.getField(i);
+ if (fd instanceof ArrayDescriptor) {
+ // We have an ArrayDescriptor!
+ Expr index=de.getIndex();
+ if (!index.isValue()) {/* Not assignable */
+ System.out.println("ERROR:Index is assignable");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Updates updates=new Updates(index,i,ap,slotnumber);
+ un.addUpdate(updates);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
/** This method constructs bindings for an update using rule
* r. The boolean flag isremoval indicates that the update
* performs a removal. The function returns true if it is able to
return goodupdate;
- static int addtocount=0;
- void generateaddtosetrelation(GraphNode gn, AbstractRepair ar) {
- for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
- Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
- /* See if this is a good rule*/
- if ((r.getInclusion() instanceof SetInclusion&&
- ar.getDescriptor()==((SetInclusion)r.getInclusion()).getSet())||
- (r.getInclusion() instanceof RelationInclusion&&
- ar.getDescriptor()==((RelationInclusion)r.getInclusion()).getRelation())) {
- /* First solve for quantifiers */
- Vector bindings=new Vector();
- /* Construct bindings */
- if (!constructbindings(bindings,r,false))
- continue;
- //Generate add instruction
- DNFRule dnfrule=r.getDNFGuardExpr();
- for(int j=0;j<dnfrule.size();j++) {
- Inclusion inc=r.getInclusion();
- UpdateNode un=new UpdateNode(r);
- un.addBindings(bindings);
- /* Now build update for tuple/set inclusion condition */
- if(inc instanceof SetInclusion) {
- SetInclusion si=(SetInclusion)inc;
- if (!(si.elementexpr instanceof VarExpr)) {
- if (si.elementexpr.isValue()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(si.elementexpr,0);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- } else
- continue;
- } else {
- VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)si.elementexpr).getVar();
- if (vd.isGlobal()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(si.elementexpr,0);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- }
- }
- } else if (inc instanceof RelationInclusion) {
- RelationInclusion ri=(RelationInclusion)inc;
- if (!(ri.getLeftExpr() instanceof VarExpr)) {
- if (ri.getLeftExpr().isValue()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(ri.getLeftExpr(),0);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- } else
- continue;
- } else {
- VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)ri.getLeftExpr()).getVar();
- if (vd.isGlobal()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(ri.getLeftExpr(),0);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- }
- }
- if (!(ri.getRightExpr() instanceof VarExpr)) {
- if (ri.getRightExpr().isValue()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(ri.getRightExpr(),1);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- } else
- continue;
- } else {
- VarDescriptor vd=((VarExpr)ri.getRightExpr()).getVar();
- if (vd.isGlobal()) {
- Updates up=new Updates(ri.getRightExpr(),1);
- un.addUpdate(up);
- }
- }
- }
- //Finally build necessary updates to satisfy conjunction
- RuleConjunction ruleconj=dnfrule.get(j);
- /* Add in updates for quantifiers */
- MultUpdateNode mun=new MultUpdateNode(ar,MultUpdateNode.ADD);
- TermNode tn=new TermNode(mun);
- GraphNode gn2=new GraphNode("UpdateAdd"+addtocount,tn);
- if (processquantifiers(gn2,un, r)&&
- processconjunction(un,ruleconj)&&
- un.checkupdates()) {
- mun.addUpdate(un);
- GraphNode.Edge e=new GraphNode.Edge("abstract"+addtocount,gn2);
- addtocount++;
- gn.addEdge(e);
- updatenodes.add(gn2);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
/** Adds updates that add an item to the appropriate set or
* relation quantified over by the model definition rule.. */
return true;
+ /** This method generates the necessary updates to satisfy the
+ * conjunction ruleconj. */
boolean processconjunction(UpdateNode un,RuleConjunction ruleconj){
boolean okay=true;
for(int k=0;k<ruleconj.size();k++) {
return okay;
- void generatescopenodes() {
- for(int i=0;i<state.vRules.size();i++) {
- Rule r=(Rule) state.vRules.get(i);
- ScopeNode satisfy=new ScopeNode(r,true);
- TermNode tnsatisfy=new TermNode(satisfy);
- GraphNode gnsatisfy=new GraphNode("SatisfyRule"+i,tnsatisfy);
- ConsequenceNode cnsatisfy=new ConsequenceNode();
- TermNode ctnsatisfy=new TermNode(cnsatisfy);
- GraphNode cgnsatisfy=new GraphNode("ConseqSatisfyRule"+i,ctnsatisfy);
- consequence.put(satisfy,cgnsatisfy);
- GraphNode.Edge esat=new GraphNode.Edge("consequencesatisfy"+i,cgnsatisfy);
- gnsatisfy.addEdge(esat);
- consequencenodes.add(cgnsatisfy);
- scopesatisfy.put(r,gnsatisfy);
- scopenodes.add(gnsatisfy);
- ScopeNode falsify=new ScopeNode(r,false);
- TermNode tnfalsify=new TermNode(falsify);
- GraphNode gnfalsify=new GraphNode("FalsifyRule"+i,tnfalsify);
- ConsequenceNode cnfalsify=new ConsequenceNode();
- TermNode ctnfalsify=new TermNode(cnfalsify);
- GraphNode cgnfalsify=new GraphNode("ConseqFalsifyRule"+i,ctnfalsify);
- consequence.put(falsify,cgnfalsify);
- GraphNode.Edge efals=new GraphNode.Edge("consequencefalsify"+i,cgnfalsify);
- gnfalsify.addEdge(efals);
- consequencenodes.add(cgnfalsify);
- scopefalsify.put(r,gnfalsify);
- scopenodes.add(gnfalsify);
- }
- }