// maps a flat node to current partial results
private Hashtable<FlatNode, ClearingSummary> mapFlatNodeToClearingSummary;
+ private Hashtable<FlatNode, ReadSummary> mapFlatNodeToReadSummary;
// maps shared location to the set of descriptors which belong to the shared
// location
// when analyzing flatcall, need to re-schedule set of callee
private Set<MethodDescriptor> calleesToEnqueue;
- // maps heap path to the mapping of a shared location and the set of reading
- // descriptors
- // it is for setting clearance flag when all read set is overwritten
- private Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>>> mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet;
+ private Set<ReadSummary> possibleCalleeReadSummarySetToCaller;
public static final String arrayElementFieldName = "___element_";
static protected Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, FieldDescriptor> mapTypeToArrayField;
private Set<ClearingSummary> possibleCalleeCompleteSummarySetToCaller;
+ // maps a method descriptor to the merged incoming caller's current
+ // reading status
+ // it is for setting clearance flag when all read set is overwritten
+ private Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, ReadSummary> mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary;
private LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> sortedDescriptors;
private FlatNode ssjavaLoopEntrance;
this.mapTypeToArrayField = new Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, FieldDescriptor>();
this.LOCAL = new TempDescriptor("LOCAL");
this.mapDescToLocation = new Hashtable<Descriptor, Location>();
- this.mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet =
- new Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>>>();
+ this.possibleCalleeReadSummarySetToCaller = new HashSet<ReadSummary>();
+ this.mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary = new Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, ReadSummary>();
+ this.mapFlatNodeToReadSummary = new Hashtable<FlatNode, ReadSummary>();
public void definitelyWrittenCheck() {
ClearingSummary result =
- System.out.println("\n\n#RESULT=" + result);
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = result.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>) iterator.next();
- SharedStatus state = result.get(hpKey);
- Set<Location> locKeySet = state.getLocationSet();
- for (Iterator iterator2 = locKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- Location locKey = (Location) iterator2.next();
- if (!state.getFlag(locKey)) {
- printNotClearedResult(result);
- throw new Error(
- "Some concrete locations of the shared abstract location are not cleared at the same time:");
- }
- }
+ String str = generateNotClearedResult(result);
+ if (str.length() > 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "Following concrete locations of the shared abstract location are not cleared at the same time:\n"
+ + str);
- private void printNotClearedResult(ClearingSummary result) {
+ private String generateNotClearedResult(ClearingSummary result) {
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> keySet = result.keySet();
+ StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>) iterator.next();
SharedStatus status = result.get(hpKey);
Pair<Set<Descriptor>, Boolean> pair = map.get(locKey);
if (!pair.getSecond().booleanValue()) {
// not cleared!
- System.out.println("Concrete locations of the shared location '" + locKey
+ str.append("- Concrete locations of the shared location '" + locKey
+ "' are not cleared out, which are reachable through the heap path '" + hpKey
- + "'");
+ + ".\n");
+ return str.toString();
private void sharedLocationAnalysis() {
- System.out.println("READ SHARED=" + mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet);
+ System.out.println("READ MAP=" + mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary);
// methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.clear();
// methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(sortedDescriptors.peekFirst());
if (!completeSummary.equals(prevCompleteSummary)) {
- ClearingSummary summaryFromCaller = mapMethodDescriptorToInitialClearingSummary.get(md);
- // System.out.println("###");
- // System.out.println("# summaryFromCaller=" + summaryFromCaller);
- // System.out.println("# completeSummary=" + completeSummary);
- // System.out.println("# prev=" + prevCompleteSummary);
- // System.out.println("# changed!\n");
mapMethodDescriptorToCompleteClearingSummary.put(md, completeSummary);
// results for callee changed, so enqueue dependents caller for
mergeSharedLocationAnaylsis(completeSummary, summarySet);
- if (md.getSymbol().startsWith("decodeFrame")) {
- System.out.println("#");
- System.out.println("# method=" + md);
- System.out.println("XXXXX summarySet=" + summarySet);
- System.out.println("XXXXX completeSummary=" + completeSummary);
- System.out.println("#");
- }
return completeSummary;
- private void sharedLocation_nodeActions(MethodDescriptor caller, FlatNode fn,
- ClearingSummary curr, Set<FlatNode> returnNodeSet, boolean isSSJavaLoop) {
+ private void sharedLocation_nodeActions(MethodDescriptor md, FlatNode fn, ClearingSummary curr,
+ Set<FlatNode> returnNodeSet, boolean isSSJavaLoop) {
TempDescriptor lhs;
TempDescriptor rhs;
if (!lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("neverused")) {
- readLocation(curr, rhsHeapPath, getLocation(rhs), rhs);
- writeLocation(curr, lhsHeapPath, getLocation(lhs), lhs);
+ readLocation(md, curr, rhsHeapPath, getLocation(rhs), rhs);
+ writeLocation(md, curr, lhsHeapPath, getLocation(lhs), lhs);
// callee's parameters. so just ignore it
NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(srcHeapPath.getList());
- // if (!fld.getType().isArray() && fld.getType().isImmutable()) {
- // addReadDescriptor(fldHeapPath, getLocation(fld), fld);
- // } else {
- // if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatFieldNode) {
- // mapDescToLocation.put(lhs, getLocation(fld));
- // readLocation(curr, fldHeapPath, getLocation(fld), fld);
- // } else {
- // fldHeapPath.add(fld);
- // }
- // mapHeapPath.put(lhs, fldHeapPath);
- // }
if (!fld.getType().isArray() && fld.getType().isImmutable()) {
Location loc;
if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatElementNode) {
// array element read case
- loc = mapDescToLocation.get(rhs);
NTuple<Descriptor> newHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
for (int i = 0; i < fldHeapPath.size() - 1; i++) {
if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
fld = (FieldDescriptor) desc;
fldHeapPath = newHeapPath;
- readLocation(curr, fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ loc = getLocation(fld);
+ readLocation(md, curr, fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
} else {
loc = getLocation(fld);
- readLocation(curr, fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ readLocation(md, curr, fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
} else {
NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(lhsHeapPath.getList());
if (fld.getType().isImmutable()) {
- writeLocation(curr, fldHeapPath, getLocation(fld), fld);
+ writeLocation(md, curr, fldHeapPath, getLocation(fld), fld);
Descriptor desc = fldHeapPath.get(fldHeapPath.size() - 1);
if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
fld = (FieldDescriptor) argHeapPath.get(argHeapPath.size() - 1);
argHeapPath = newHeapPath;
- writeLocation(curr, argHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ writeLocation(md, curr, argHeapPath, loc, fld);
} else {
MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
FlatMethod fmCallee = state.getMethodFlat(mdCallee);
Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
- // TypeDescriptor typeDesc = fc.getThis().getType();
FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(mdPossibleCallee);
addDependent(mdPossibleCallee, // callee
- caller); // caller
+ md); // caller
// if changes, update the init summary
// and reschedule the callee for analysis
if (!calleeInitSummary.equals(prevCalleeInitSummary)) {
- // System.out.println("#CALLEE INIT CHANGED=" + mdPossibleCallee);
- // System.out.println("# prev=" + prevCalleeInitSummary);
- // System.out.println("# current=" + calleeInitSummary);
- // System.out.println("#");
if (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.contains(mdPossibleCallee)) {
// contribute callee's writing effects to the caller
mergeSharedLocationAnaylsis(curr, possibleCalleeCompleteSummarySetToCaller);
- if (fc.getMethod().getSymbol().startsWith("decode")) {
- System.out.println("XXXXX callee " + fc + " summary="
- + possibleCalleeCompleteSummarySetToCaller);
- System.out.println("XXXXX curr=" + curr);
- }
private void updateWriteEffectOnReferenceField(ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath) {
- // DEBUG!
- // System.out.println("UPDATE WRITE REF=" + heapPath);
- // Descriptor d = heapPath.get(heapPath.size() - 1);
- // boolean print = false;
- // if (d instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- // FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) d;
- // if (fd.getSymbol().equals("si")) {
- // System.out.println("UPDATE PREV CURR=" + curr);
- // print = true;
- // }
- // }
// 2. if there exists a tuple t in sharing summary that starts with
// hp(x) then, set flag of tuple t to 'true'
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = curr.keySet();
- // if (print) {
- // System.out.println("UPDATE CURR=" + curr);
- // }
+ }
+ private void bindHeapPathReadSummary(FlatCall fc, FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod, ReadSummary curr) {
+ ReadSummary boundSet = new ReadSummary();
+ // create mapping from arg idx to its heap paths
+ Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ if (fc.getThis() != null) {
+ // arg idx is starting from 'this' arg
+ NTuple<Descriptor> thisHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(fc.getThis());
+ if (thisHeapPath == null) {
+ // method is called without creating new flat node representing 'this'
+ thisHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ thisHeapPath.add(fc.getThis());
+ }
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor arg = fc.getArg(i);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = computePath(arg);
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(i + 1), argHeapPath);
+ }
+ Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
+ int offset = 0;
+ if (calleeFlatMethod.getMethod().isStatic()) {
+ // static method does not have implicit 'this' arg
+ offset = 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
+ mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i + offset), param);
+ }
+ // binding caller's read effects to callee's params
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ if (argHeapPath != null) {
+ // if method is static, the first argument is nulll because static
+ // method does not have implicit "THIS" arg
+ TempDescriptor calleeParamHeapPath = mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ // iterate over caller's writing effect set
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = curr.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>) iterator.next();
+ // current element is reachable caller's arg
+ // so need to bind it to the caller's side and add it to the
+ // callee's summary
+ if (hpKey.startsWith(argHeapPath)) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> boundHeapPath = replace(hpKey, argHeapPath, calleeParamHeapPath);
+ boundSet.put(boundHeapPath, curr.get(hpKey));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // merge into callee's previous read set
+ ReadSummary calleeSummary = mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.get(calleeFlatMethod.getMethod());
+ if (calleeSummary == null) {
+ calleeSummary = new ReadSummary();
+ mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.put(calleeFlatMethod.getMethod(), calleeSummary);
+ }
+ Set<ReadSummary> inSet = new HashSet<ReadSummary>();
+ inSet.add(boundSet);
+ mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(calleeSummary, inSet);
+ // contribute callee's read summary into the caller's current summary
+ ReadSummary boundCalleeEfffects = new ReadSummary();
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ if (argHeapPath != null) {
+ // if method is static, the first argument is nulll because static
+ // method does not have implicit "THIS" arg
+ TempDescriptor calleeParamHeapPath = mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ // iterate over callee's writing effect set
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = calleeSummary.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>) iterator.next();
+ // current element is reachable caller's arg
+ // so need to bind it to the caller's side and add it to the
+ // callee's
+ // init summary
+ if (hpKey.startsWith(calleeParamHeapPath)) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> boundHeapPathForCaller = replace(hpKey, argHeapPath);
+ boundCalleeEfffects.put(boundHeapPathForCaller, calleeSummary.get(hpKey));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ possibleCalleeReadSummarySetToCaller.add(boundCalleeEfffects);
private ClearingSummary bindHeapPathOfCalleeCallerEffects(FlatCall fc,
if (calleeCompleteSummary != null) {
ClearingSummary boundCalleeEfffects = new ClearingSummary();
for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
- // for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
if (argHeapPath != null) {
private void computeReadSharedDescriptorSet() {
- Set<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorsToAnalyze = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
- methodDescriptorsToAnalyze.addAll(ssjava.getAnnotationRequireSet());
+ LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> descriptorListToAnalyze =
+ (LinkedList<MethodDescriptor>) sortedDescriptors.clone();
+ // current descriptors to visit in fixed-point interprocedural analysis,
+ // prioritized by
+ // dependency in the call graph
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.clear();
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorToVistSet = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ methodDescriptorToVistSet.addAll(descriptorListToAnalyze);
+ while (!descriptorListToAnalyze.isEmpty()) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = descriptorListToAnalyze.removeFirst();
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(md);
+ }
+ // analyze scheduled methods until there are no more to visit
+ while (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.isEmpty()) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.pop();
- for (Iterator iterator = methodDescriptorsToAnalyze.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) iterator.next();
FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(md);
- computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_analyzeMethod(fm, md.equals(methodContainingSSJavaLoop));
+ ReadSummary completeSummary =
+ computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_analyzeMethod(fm, (md.equals(methodContainingSSJavaLoop)));
+ ReadSummary prevCompleteSummary = mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.get(md);
+ if (!completeSummary.equals(prevCompleteSummary)) {
+ mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.put(md, completeSummary);
+ // results for callee changed, so enqueue dependents caller for
+ // further analysis
+ Iterator<MethodDescriptor> depsItr = getDependents(md).iterator();
+ while (depsItr.hasNext()) {
+ MethodDescriptor methodNext = depsItr.next();
+ if (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.contains(methodNext)) {
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(methodNext);
+ }
+ }
+ // if there is set of callee to be analyzed,
+ // add this set into the top of stack
+ Iterator<MethodDescriptor> calleeIter = calleesToEnqueue.iterator();
+ while (calleeIter.hasNext()) {
+ MethodDescriptor mdNext = calleeIter.next();
+ if (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.contains(mdNext)) {
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(mdNext);
+ }
+ }
+ calleesToEnqueue.clear();
+ }
- private void computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm,
+ private ReadSummary computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm,
boolean onlyVisitSSJavaLoop) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = fm.getMethod();
Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
- Set<FlatNode> visited = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
if (onlyVisitSSJavaLoop) {
+ Set<FlatNode> returnNodeSet = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
while (!flatNodesToVisit.isEmpty()) {
FlatNode fn = flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
- visited.add(fn);
- computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_nodeActions(fn, onlyVisitSSJavaLoop);
+ ReadSummary curr = new ReadSummary();
+ Set<ReadSummary> prevSet = new HashSet<ReadSummary>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
+ FlatNode prevFn = fn.getPrev(i);
+ ReadSummary in = mapFlatNodeToReadSummary.get(prevFn);
+ if (in != null) {
+ prevSet.add(in);
+ }
+ }
+ mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(curr, prevSet);
+ computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_nodeActions(md, fn, curr, returnNodeSet, onlyVisitSSJavaLoop);
+ ReadSummary readPrev = mapFlatNodeToReadSummary.get(fn);
+ if (!curr.equals(readPrev)) {
+ mapFlatNodeToReadSummary.put(fn, curr);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
- for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
- FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
- if (!visited.contains(nn)) {
if (!onlyVisitSSJavaLoop || (onlyVisitSSJavaLoop && loopIncElements.contains(nn))) {
+ ReadSummary completeSummary = new ReadSummary();
+ Set<ReadSummary> summarySet = new HashSet<ReadSummary>();
+ if (onlyVisitSSJavaLoop) {
+ // when analyzing ssjava loop,
+ // complete summary is merging of all previous nodes of ssjava loop
+ // entrance
+ for (int i = 0; i < ssjavaLoopEntrance.numPrev(); i++) {
+ ReadSummary frnSummary = mapFlatNodeToReadSummary.get(ssjavaLoopEntrance.getPrev(i));
+ if (frnSummary != null) {
+ summarySet.add(frnSummary);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // merging exit node summary into the complete summary
+ summarySet.add(mapFlatNodeToReadSummary.get(fm.getFlatExit()));
+ }
+ mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(completeSummary, summarySet);
+ return completeSummary;
- private void computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_nodeActions(FlatNode fn, boolean isSSJavaLoop) {
+ private void computeReadSharedDescriptorSet_nodeActions(MethodDescriptor caller, FlatNode fn,
+ ReadSummary curr, Set<FlatNode> returnNodeSet, boolean isSSJavaLoop) {
TempDescriptor lhs;
TempDescriptor rhs;
FieldDescriptor fld;
switch (fn.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatMethod: {
+ FlatMethod fm = (FlatMethod) fn;
+ ReadSummary summary = mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.get(fm.getMethod());
+ Set<ReadSummary> inSet = new HashSet<ReadSummary>();
+ if (summary != null) {
+ inSet.add(summary);
+ mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(curr, inSet);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case FKind.FlatOpNode: {
FlatOpNode fon = (FlatOpNode) fn;
lhs = fon.getDest();
NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
Location loc = getLocation(rhs);
- addReadDescriptor(rhsHeapPath, loc, rhs);
+ if (loc != null && ssjava.isSharedLocation(loc)) {
+ curr.addRead(rhsHeapPath, loc, rhs);
+ }
Location loc;
if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatElementNode) {
// array element read case
- loc = mapDescToLocation.get(rhs);
NTuple<Descriptor> newHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
for (int i = 0; i < fldHeapPath.size() - 1; i++) {
Descriptor desc = fldHeapPath.get(fldHeapPath.size() - 1);
if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
fld = (FieldDescriptor) desc;
+ loc = getLocation(fld);
fldHeapPath = newHeapPath;
- addReadDescriptor(fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ if (loc != null && ssjava.isSharedLocation(loc)) {
+ curr.addRead(fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ }
} else {
loc = getLocation(fld);
- addReadDescriptor(fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ if (loc != null && ssjava.isSharedLocation(loc)) {
+ curr.addRead(fldHeapPath, loc, fld);
+ }
} else {
// propagate rhs's heap path to the lhs
- case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode:
- case FKind.FlatSetElementNode: {
+ case FKind.FlatCall: {
+ FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
+ // find out the set of callees
+ MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
+ FlatMethod fmCallee = state.getMethodFlat(mdCallee);
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ setPossibleCallees.addAll(callGraph.getMethods(mdCallee));
+ possibleCalleeReadSummarySetToCaller.clear();
+ for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor mdPossibleCallee = (MethodDescriptor) iterator.next();
+ FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(mdPossibleCallee);
+ addDependent(mdPossibleCallee, // callee
+ caller); // caller
+ calleesToEnqueue.add(mdPossibleCallee);
+ // updates possible callee's initial summary using caller's read status
+ bindHeapPathReadSummary(fc, calleeFlatMethod, curr);
- if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
- lhs = fsfn.getDst();
- fld = fsfn.getField();
- } else {
- FlatSetElementNode fsen = (FlatSetElementNode) fn;
- lhs = fsen.getDst();
- rhs = fsen.getSrc();
- TypeDescriptor td = lhs.getType().dereference();
- fld = getArrayField(td);
- // write(field)
- NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
- NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(lhsHeapPath.getList());
- // writeLocation(curr, fldHeapPath, fld, getLocation(fld));
+ // contribute callee's writing effects to the caller
+ mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(curr, possibleCalleeReadSummarySetToCaller);
+ case FKind.FlatReturnNode: {
+ returnNodeSet.add(fn);
+ }
+ break;
- private boolean hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(NTuple<Descriptor> hp, Location loc, Descriptor d) {
+ private void mergeReadLocationAnaylsis(ReadSummary curr, Set<ReadSummary> inSet) {
- Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> mapLocToDescSet =
- mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet.get(hp);
- if (mapLocToDescSet == null) {
- return false;
- } else {
- Set<Descriptor> setDesc = mapLocToDescSet.get(loc);
- if (setDesc == null) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return setDesc.contains(d);
- }
+ if (inSet.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (Iterator inIterator = inSet.iterator(); inIterator.hasNext();) {
+ ReadSummary inSummary = (ReadSummary) inIterator.next();
+ curr.merge(inSummary);
- private void addReadDescriptor(NTuple<Descriptor> hp, Location loc, Descriptor d) {
+ private boolean hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(MethodDescriptor md, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
+ Location loc, Descriptor d) {
- if (loc != null && ssjava.isSharedLocation(loc)) {
- Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> mapLocToDescSet =
- mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet.get(hp);
- if (mapLocToDescSet == null) {
- mapLocToDescSet = new Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>>();
- mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet.put(hp, mapLocToDescSet);
- }
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = mapLocToDescSet.get(loc);
- if (descSet == null) {
- descSet = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
- mapLocToDescSet.put(loc, descSet);
+ ReadSummary summary = mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.get(md);
+ if (summary != null) {
+ Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> map = summary.get(hp);
+ if (map != null) {
+ Set<Descriptor> descSec = map.get(loc);
+ if (descSec != null) {
+ return descSec.contains(d);
+ }
- descSet.add(d);
+ return false;
return mapDescToLocation.get(d);
- private void writeLocation(ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp, Location loc, Descriptor d) {
+ private void writeLocation(MethodDescriptor md, ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
+ Location loc, Descriptor d) {
- // System.out.println("# WRITE LOC hp=" + hp + " d=" + d + " loc=" + loc);
SharedStatus state = getState(curr, hp);
- if (loc != null && hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(hp, loc, d)) {
+ if (loc != null && hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(md, hp, loc, d)) {
// 1. add field x to the clearing set
state.addVar(loc, d);
// 3. if the set v contains all of variables belonging to the shared
// location, set flag to true
- if (overwrittenAllSharedConcreteLocation(hp, loc, state.getVarSet(loc))) {
+ if (isOverWrittenAllDescsOfSharedLoc(md, hp, loc, state.getVarSet(loc))) {
state.updateFlag(loc, true);
- // System.out.println("# WRITE CURR=" + curr);
- private boolean overwrittenAllSharedConcreteLocation(NTuple<Descriptor> hp, Location loc,
- Set<Descriptor> writtenSet) {
+ private boolean isOverWrittenAllDescsOfSharedLoc(MethodDescriptor md, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
+ Location loc, Set<Descriptor> writtenSet) {
- Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> mapLocToDescSet =
- mapHeapPathToLocSharedDescReadSet.get(hp);
+ ReadSummary summary = mapMethodDescriptorToReadSummary.get(md);
- if (mapLocToDescSet != null) {
- Set<Descriptor> descSet = mapLocToDescSet.get(loc);
- if (writtenSet.containsAll(descSet)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
+ if (summary != null) {
+ Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> map = summary.get(hp);
+ if (map != null) {
+ Set<Descriptor> descSet = map.get(loc);
+ if (descSet != null) {
+ return writtenSet.containsAll(descSet);
+ }
- } else {
- return false;
+ return false;
- private void readLocation(ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp, Location loc, Descriptor d) {
+ private void readLocation(MethodDescriptor md, ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
+ Location loc, Descriptor d) {
// remove reading var x from written set
- // System.out.println("# READ LOC hp=" + hp + " d=" + d + " loc=" + loc);
- if (loc != null && hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(hp, loc, d)) {
+ if (loc != null && hasReadingEffectOnSharedLocation(md, hp, loc, d)) {
SharedStatus state = getState(curr, hp);
state.removeVar(loc, d);
- // System.out.println("# READ CURR=" + curr);
private SharedStatus getState(ClearingSummary curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {