// this analysis generates a disjoint reachability
// graph for every reachable method in the program
- public DisjointAnalysis( State s,
- TypeUtil tu,
- CallGraph cg,
- Liveness l,
+ public DisjointAnalysis( State s,
+ TypeUtil tu,
+ CallGraph cg,
+ Liveness l,
ArrayReferencees ar
) throws java.io.IOException {
init( s, tu, cg, l, ar );
- protected void init( State state,
- TypeUtil typeUtil,
- CallGraph callGraph,
- Liveness liveness,
+ protected void init( State state,
+ TypeUtil typeUtil,
+ CallGraph callGraph,
+ Liveness liveness,
ArrayReferencees arrayReferencees
) throws java.io.IOException {
// modify rg with appropriate transfer function
analyzeFlatNode( d, fm, fn, setReturns, rg );
- /*
if( takeDebugSnapshots &&
d.getSymbol().equals( descSymbolDebug ) ) {
- debugSnapshot(og,fn);
+ debugSnapshot( rg, fn );
- */
// if the results of the new graph are different from
// the current graph at this node, replace the graph
// any variables that are no longer live should be
// nullified in the graph to reduce edges
- // NOTE: it is not clear we need this. It costs a
- // liveness calculation for every method, so only
- // turn it on if we find we actually need it.
- // rg.nullifyDeadVars( liveness.getLiveInTemps( fmContaining, fn ) );
+ //rg.nullifyDeadVars( liveness.getLiveInTemps( fmContaining, fn ) );
TempDescriptor lhs;
// such as, do allocation sites need to be aged?
rg.merge_diffMethodContext( rgContrib );
- }
- /*
- FlatMethod fm = (FlatMethod) fn;
- for( int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i ) {
- TempDescriptor tdParam = fm.getParameter( i );
- assert rg.hasVariable( tdParam );
- }
- */
+ }
} break;
case FKind.FlatOpNode:
ReachGraph heapForThisCall_cur = rg.makeCalleeView( fc,
fmCallee );
+ try {
+ heapForThisCall_old.writeGraph( "old_"+fc+"TO"+mdCallee, true, false, false, false, false, false );
+ heapForThisCall_cur.writeGraph( "cur_"+fc+"TO"+mdCallee, true, false, false, false, false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
if( !heapForThisCall_cur.equals( heapForThisCall_old ) ) {
+ System.out.println( fc+"TO"+mdCallee+" not equal" );
// if heap at call site changed, update the contribution,
// and reschedule the callee for analysis
addIHMcontribution( mdCallee, fc, heapForThisCall_cur );
} // end switch
+ // dead variables were removed before the above transfer function
+ // was applied, so eliminate heap regions and edges that are no
+ // longer part of the abstractly-live heap graph, and sweep up
+ // and reachability effects that are altered by the reduction
+ //rg.abstractGarbageCollect();
+ //rg.globalSweep();
// at this point rg should be the correct update
// by an above transfer function, or untouched if
// the flat node type doesn't affect the heap
rg.writeGraph( "COMPLETE"+d,
true, // write labels (variables)
true, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
- false, // prune unreachable heap regions
+ true, // prune unreachable heap regions
false, // show back edges to confirm graph validity
true, // hide subset reachability states
true ); // hide edge taints
try {
rg.writeGraph( "IHMPARTFOR"+d+"FROM"+fc,
true, // write labels (variables)
- true, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
- false, // prune unreachable heap regions
+ false, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
+ false, // prune unreachable heap regions
false, // show back edges to confirm graph validity
true, // hide subset reachability states
true ); // hide edge taints
- /*
- // insert a call to debugSnapshot() somewhere in the analysis
- // to get successive captures of the analysis state
- boolean takeDebugSnapshots = false;
- String mcDescSymbolDebug = "setRoute";
- boolean stopAfterCapture = true;
- // increments every visit to debugSnapshot, don't fiddle with it
- // counter increments just after every node is analyzed
- // from the body of the method whose symbol is specified
- // above.
- int debugCounter = 0;
- // the value of debugCounter to start reporting the debugCounter
- // to the screen to let user know what debug iteration we're at
- int numStartCountReport = 0;
- // the frequency of debugCounter values to print out, 0 no report
- int freqCountReport = 0;
- // the debugCounter value at which to start taking snapshots
- int iterStartCapture = 0;
- // the number of snapshots to take
- int numIterToCapture = 300;
- void debugSnapshot(ReachabilityGraph og, FlatNode fn) {
- if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture ) {
- return;
- }
- ++debugCounter;
- if( debugCounter > numStartCountReport &&
- freqCountReport > 0 &&
- debugCounter % freqCountReport == 0 ) {
- System.out.println(" @@@ debug counter = "+debugCounter);
- }
- if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture ) {
- System.out.println(" @@@ capturing debug "+(debugCounter-iterStartCapture)+" @@@");
- String graphName = String.format("snap%04d",debugCounter-iterStartCapture);
- if( fn != null ) {
- graphName = graphName+fn;
- }
- try {
- og.writeGraph(graphName,
- true, // write labels (variables)
- true, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
- true, // prune unreachable heap regions
- false, // show back edges to confirm graph validity
- false, // show parameter indices (unmaintained!)
- true, // hide subset reachability states
- true); // hide edge taints
- } catch( Exception e ) {
- System.out.println("Error writing debug capture.");
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- if( debugCounter == iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture && stopAfterCapture ) {
- System.out.println("Stopping analysis after debug captures.");
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- */
// Take in source entry which is the program's compiled entry and
if( heapsFromCallers == null ) {
heapsFromCallers = new Hashtable<FlatCall, ReachGraph>();
+ mapDescriptorToIHMcontributions.put( d, heapsFromCallers );
return heapsFromCallers;
heapsFromCallers.put( fc, rg );
+ // get successive captures of the analysis state
+ boolean takeDebugSnapshots = false;
+ String descSymbolDebug = "addSomething";
+ boolean stopAfterCapture = true;
+ // increments every visit to debugSnapshot, don't fiddle with it
+ int debugCounter = 0;
+ // the value of debugCounter to start reporting the debugCounter
+ // to the screen to let user know what debug iteration we're at
+ int numStartCountReport = 0;
+ // the frequency of debugCounter values to print out, 0 no report
+ int freqCountReport = 0;
+ // the debugCounter value at which to start taking snapshots
+ int iterStartCapture = 0;
+ // the number of snapshots to take
+ int numIterToCapture = 300;
+ void debugSnapshot( ReachGraph rg, FlatNode fn ) {
+ if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ++debugCounter;
+ if( debugCounter > numStartCountReport &&
+ freqCountReport > 0 &&
+ debugCounter % freqCountReport == 0
+ ) {
+ System.out.println( " @@@ debug counter = "+
+ debugCounter );
+ }
+ if( debugCounter > iterStartCapture ) {
+ System.out.println( " @@@ capturing debug "+
+ (debugCounter - iterStartCapture)+
+ " @@@" );
+ String graphName =
+ String.format( "snap%04d",
+ debugCounter - iterStartCapture );
+ if( fn != null ) {
+ graphName = graphName + fn;
+ }
+ try {
+ rg.writeGraph( graphName,
+ true, // write labels (variables)
+ true, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
+ false, // prune unreachable heap regions
+ false, // show back edges to confirm graph validity
+ true, // hide subset reachability states
+ true );// hide edge taints
+ } catch( Exception e ) {
+ System.out.println( "Error writing debug capture." );
+ System.exit( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ if( debugCounter == iterStartCapture + numIterToCapture &&
+ stopAfterCapture
+ ) {
+ System.out.println( "Stopping analysis after debug captures." );
+ System.exit( 0 );
+ }
+ }
// anytime you might remove edges between heap regions
- // you must global sweep to clean up broken reachability
+ // you must global sweep to clean up broken reachability
if( !impossibleEdges.isEmpty() ) {
- abstractGarbageCollect();
- }
+ }
// if there was a strong update, make sure to improve
- // reachability with a global sweep
+ // reachability with a global sweep
if( strongUpdate || !impossibleEdges.isEmpty() ) {
- abstractGarbageCollect();
- }
+ }
addRefEdge( lnX, hrnNewest, edgeNew );
- abstractGarbageCollect();
- globalSweep();
// in this graph for efficiency with other operations
allocSites.add( as );
// if there is a k-th oldest node, it merges into
// the summary node
Integer idK = as.getOldest();
+ /*
try {
- rg.writeGraph( "calleeview", true, true, true, false, true, true );
+ rg.writeGraph( "calleeview", true, false, false, false, true, true );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
- /*
if( fc.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( "addSomething" ) ) {
System.exit( 0 );
// predicates efficiently
- public void abstractGarbageCollect() {
+ public void abstractGarbageCollect( Set<TempDescriptor> liveSet ) {
// calculate a root set, will be different for Java
// version of analysis versus Bamboo version
Set<RefSrcNode> toVisit = new HashSet<RefSrcNode>();
- Iterator<VariableNode> vnItr = td2vn.values().iterator();
- while( vnItr.hasNext() ) {
- toVisit.add( vnItr.next() );
+ // visit every variable in graph while building root
+ // set, and do iterating on a copy, so we can remove
+ // dead variables while we're at this
+ Iterator makeCopyItr = td2vn.entrySet().iterator();
+ Set entrysCopy = new HashSet();
+ while( makeCopyItr.hasNext() ) {
+ entrysCopy.add( makeCopyItr.next() );
+ }
+ Iterator eItr = entrysCopy.iterator();
+ while( eItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) eItr.next();
+ TempDescriptor td = (TempDescriptor) me.getKey();
+ VariableNode vn = (VariableNode) me.getValue();
+ if( liveSet.contains( td ) ) {
+ toVisit.add( vn );
+ } else {
+ // dead var, remove completely from graph
+ td2vn.remove( td );
+ clearRefEdgesFrom( vn, null, null, true );
+ }
// everything visited in a traversal is
HeapRegionNode hrn = hrnAllItr.next();
if( !visited.contains( hrn ) ) {
// heap region nodes are compared across ReachGraph
// objects by their integer ID, so when discarding
// garbage nodes we must also discard entries in