does not entail <tt> &(*it1) == &(*it2) </tt>
- helper member function \p release() that clears internal hazard pointer.
After \p release() the iterator points to \p nullptr but it still remain valid: further iterating is possible.
+ During iteration you may safely erase any item from the set;
+ @ref erase_at() function call doesn't invalidate any iterator.
+ If some iterator points to the item to be erased, that item is not deleted immediately
+ but only after that iterator will be advanced forward or backward.
+ @note It is possible the item can be iterated more that once, for example, if an iterator points to the item
+ in array node that is being splitted.
/// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the map
There are several specializations of \p %MultiLevelHashSet for each \p GC. You should include:
- <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_hp.h></tt> for \p gc::HP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_dhp.h></tt> for \p gc::DHP garbage collector
- - <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_intrusive_MultiLevelHashSet_rcu "RCU type". RCU specialization
+ - <tt><cds/container/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu "RCU type". RCU specialization
has a slightly different interface.
template <
does not entail <tt> &(*it1) == &(*it2) </tt>
- helper member function \p release() that clears internal hazard pointer.
After \p release() the iterator points to \p nullptr but it still remain valid: further iterating is possible.
+ During iteration you may safely erase any item from the set;
+ @ref erase_at() function call doesn't invalidate any iterator.
+ If some iterator points to the item to be erased, that item is not deleted immediately
+ but only after that iterator will be advanced forward or backward.
+ @note It is possible the item can be iterated more that once, for example, if an iterator points to the item
+ in array node that is being splitted.
event_counter m_nSlotConverting; ///< Number of events when we encounter a slot while it is converting to array node
event_counter m_nArrayNodeCount; ///< Number of array nodes
+ event_counter m_nHeight; ///< Current height of the tree
void onInsertSuccess() { ++m_nInsertSuccess; }
void onSlotChanged() { ++m_nSlotChanged; }
void onSlotConverting() { ++m_nSlotConverting; }
void onArrayNodeCreated() { ++m_nArrayNodeCount; }
+ void height( size_t h ) { if (m_nHeight < h ) m_nHeight = h; }
void onSlotChanged() const {}
void onSlotConverting() const {}
void onArrayNodeCreated() const {}
+ void height(size_t) const {}
namespace details {
template <typename HashType, typename UInt = size_t >
using hash_splitter = cds::algo::split_bitstring< HashType, UInt >;
+ struct metrics {
+ size_t head_node_size; // power-of-two
+ size_t head_node_size_log; // log2( head_node_size )
+ size_t array_node_size; // power-of-two
+ size_t array_node_size_log;// log2( array_node_size )
+ static metrics make(size_t head_bits, size_t array_bits, size_t hash_size )
+ {
+ size_t const hash_bits = hash_size * 8;
+ if (array_bits < 2)
+ array_bits = 2;
+ if (head_bits < 4)
+ head_bits = 4;
+ if (head_bits > hash_bits)
+ head_bits = hash_bits;
+ if ((hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits != 0)
+ head_bits += (hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits;
+ assert((hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits == 0);
+ metrics m;
+ m.head_node_size_log = head_bits;
+ m.head_node_size = size_t(1) << head_bits;
+ m.array_node_size_log = array_bits;
+ m.array_node_size = size_t(1) << array_bits;
+ return m;
+ }
+ };
} // namespace details
} // namespace multilevel_hashset
There are several specializations of \p %MultiLevelHashSet for each \p GC. You should include:
- <tt><cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_hp.h></tt> for \p gc::HP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_dhp.h></tt> for \p gc::DHP garbage collector
- - <tt><cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_intrusive_MultiLevelHashSet_rcu "RCU type". RCU specialization
+ - <tt><cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu "RCU type". RCU specialization
has a slightly different interface.
template <
typedef cds::details::Allocator< array_node, node_allocator > cxx_array_node_allocator;
typedef multilevel_hashset::details::hash_splitter< hash_type > hash_splitter;
- struct metrics {
- size_t head_node_size; // power-of-two
- size_t head_node_size_log; // log2( head_node_size )
- size_t array_node_size; // power-of-two
- size_t array_node_size_log;// log2( array_node_size )
- };
- metrics const m_Metrics; ///< Metrics
+ multilevel_hashset::details::metrics const m_Metrics; ///< Metrics
array_node * m_Head; ///< Head array
item_counter m_ItemCounter; ///< Item counter
stat m_Stat; ///< Internal statistics
where \p N is multi-level array depth.
MultiLevelHashSet( size_t head_bits = 8, size_t array_bits = 4 )
- : m_Metrics(make_metrics( head_bits, array_bits ))
+ : m_Metrics( multilevel_hashset::details::metrics::make( head_bits, array_bits, sizeof(hash_type)))
, m_Head( alloc_head_node())
array_node * pArr = m_Head;
size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ size_t nHeight = 1;
while ( true ) {
node_ptr slot = pArr->nodes[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
nOffset += m_Metrics.array_node_size_log;
+ ++nHeight;
else if ( slot.bits() == flag_array_converting ) {
// the slot is converting to array node right now
f( val );
+ m_Stat.height( nHeight );
return true;
does not entail <tt> &(*it1) == &(*it2) </tt>: welcome to concurrent containers
- helper member function \p release() that clears internal hazard pointer.
After \p release() the iterator points to \p nullptr but it still remain valid: further iterating is possible.
+ During iteration you may safely erase any item from the set;
+ @ref erase_at() function call doesn't invalidate any iterator.
+ If some iterator points to the item to be erased, that item is not deleted immediately
+ but only after that iterator will be advanced forward or backward.
+ @note It is possible the item can be iterated more that once, for example, if an iterator points to the item
+ in array node that is being splitted.
- static metrics make_metrics( size_t head_bits, size_t array_bits )
- {
- size_t const hash_bits = sizeof( hash_type ) * 8;
- if ( array_bits < 2 )
- array_bits = 2;
- if ( head_bits < 4 )
- head_bits = 4;
- if ( head_bits > hash_bits )
- head_bits = hash_bits;
- if ( (hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits != 0 )
- head_bits += (hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits;
- assert( (hash_bits - head_bits) % array_bits == 0 );
- metrics m;
- m.head_node_size_log = head_bits;
- m.head_node_size = size_t(1) << head_bits;
- m.array_node_size_log = array_bits;
- m.array_node_size = size_t(1) << array_bits;
- return m;
- }
array_node * alloc_head_node() const
slot.compare_exchange_strong( cur, node_ptr( to_node( pArr ), flag_array_node ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )
+ m_Stat.onExpandNodeSuccess();
return true;
size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
size_t nOffset = m_Metrics.head_node_size_log;
+ size_t nHeight = 1;
guards.assign( 1, &val );
assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
nOffset += m_Metrics.array_node_size_log;
+ ++nHeight;
else if ( slot.bits() == flag_array_converting ) {
// the slot is converting to array node right now
f( val, nullptr );
+ m_Stat.height( nHeight );
return std::make_pair( true, true );
--- /dev/null
+#include <functional> // std::ref
+#include <iterator> // std::iterator_traits
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/multilevel_hashset_base.h>
+#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
+#include <cds/urcu/details/check_deadlock.h>
+#include <cds/urcu/exempt_ptr.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/raw_ptr_disposer.h>
+namespace cds { namespace intrusive {
+ /// Intrusive hash set based on multi-level array, \ref cds_urcu_desc "RCU" specialization
+ /** @ingroup cds_intrusive_map
+ @anchor cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu
+ Source:
+ - [2013] Steven Feldman, Pierre LaBorde, Damian Dechev "Concurrent Multi-level Arrays:
+ Wait-free Extensible Hash Maps"
+ See algorithm short description @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_hp "here"
+ Template parameters:
+ - \p RCU - one of \ref cds_urcu_gc "RCU type"
+ - \p T - a value type to be stored in the set
+ - \p Traits - type traits, the structure based on \p multilevel_hashset::traits or result of \p multilevel_hashset::make_traits metafunction.
+ \p Traits is the mandatory argument because it has one mandatory type - an @ref multilevel_hashset::traits::hash_accessor "accessor"
+ to hash value of \p T. The set algorithm does not calculate that hash value.
+ @note Before including <tt><cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h></tt> you should include appropriate RCU header file,
+ see \ref cds_urcu_gc "RCU type" for list of existing RCU class and corresponding header files.
+ The set supports @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators "bidirectional thread-safe iterators"
+ with some restrictions.
+ */
+ template <
+ class RCU,
+ class T,
+ class Traits = multilevel_hashset::traits
+ class Traits
+ >
+ class MultiLevelHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< RCU >, T, Traits >
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc< RCU > gc; ///< RCU garbage collector
+ typedef T value_type; ///< type of value stored in the set
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Traits template parameter
+ typedef typename traits::hash_accessor hash_accessor; ///< Hash accessor functor
+ static_assert(!std::is_same< hash_accessor, cds::opt::none >::value, "hash_accessor functor must be specified in Traits");
+ /// Hash type deduced from \p hash_accessor return type
+ typedef typename std::decay<
+ typename std::remove_reference<
+ decltype(hash_accessor()(std::declval<T>()))
+ >::type
+ >::type hash_type;
+ //typedef typename std::result_of< hash_accessor( std::declval<T>()) >::type hash_type;
+ static_assert(!std::is_pointer<hash_type>::value, "hash_accessor should return a reference to hash value");
+ typedef typename traits::disposer disposer; ///< data node disposer
+ typedef implementation_defined hash_comparator; ///< hash compare functor based on opt::compare and opt::less option setter
+# else
+ typedef typename cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from<
+ hash_type,
+ traits,
+ multilevel_hashset::bitwise_compare< hash_type >
+ >::type hash_comparator;
+# endif
+ typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counter type
+ typedef typename traits::node_allocator node_allocator; ///< Array node allocator
+ typedef typename traits::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory model
+ typedef typename traits::back_off back_off; ///< Backoff strategy
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< Internal statistics type
+ typedef typename traits::rcu_check_deadlock rcu_check_deadlock; ///< Deadlock checking policy
+ typedef typename gc::scoped_lock rcu_lock; ///< RCU scoped lock
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR const bool c_bExtractLockExternal = false; ///< Group of \p extract_xxx functions does not require external locking
+ using exempt_ptr = cds::urcu::exempt_ptr< gc, value_type, value_type, disposer, void >; ///< pointer to extracted node
+ /// Node marked poiter
+ typedef cds::details::marked_ptr< value_type, 3 > node_ptr;
+ /// Array node element
+ typedef atomics::atomic< node_ptr > atomic_node_ptr;
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ enum node_flags {
+ flag_array_converting = 1, ///< the cell is converting from data node to an array node
+ flag_array_node = 2 ///< the cell is a pointer to an array node
+ };
+ struct array_node {
+ array_node * const pParent; ///< parent array node
+ size_t const idxParent; ///< index in parent array node
+ atomic_node_ptr nodes[1]; ///< node array
+ array_node(array_node * parent, size_t idx)
+ : pParent(parent)
+ , idxParent(idx)
+ {}
+ array_node() = delete;
+ array_node(array_node const&) = delete;
+ array_node(array_node&&) = delete;
+ };
+ typedef cds::details::Allocator< array_node, node_allocator > cxx_array_node_allocator;
+ typedef multilevel_hashset::details::hash_splitter< hash_type > hash_splitter;
+ typedef cds::urcu::details::check_deadlock_policy< gc, rcu_check_deadlock> check_deadlock_policy;
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ multilevel_hashset::details::metrics const m_Metrics; ///< Metrics
+ array_node * m_Head; ///< Head array
+ item_counter m_ItemCounter; ///< Item counter
+ stat m_Stat; ///< Internal statistics
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ /// Creates empty set
+ /**
+ @param head_bits: 2<sup>head_bits</sup> specifies the size of head array, minimum is 4.
+ @param array_bits: 2<sup>array_bits</sup> specifies the size of array node, minimum is 2.
+ Equation for \p head_bits and \p array_bits:
+ \code
+ sizeof(hash_type) * 8 == head_bits + N * array_bits
+ \endcode
+ where \p N is multi-level array depth.
+ */
+ MultiLevelHashSet(size_t head_bits = 8, size_t array_bits = 4)
+ : m_Metrics(multilevel_hashset::details::metrics::make(head_bits, array_bits, sizeof(hash_type)))
+ , m_Head(alloc_head_node())
+ {}
+ /// Destructs the set and frees all data
+ ~MultiLevelHashSet()
+ {
+ destroy_tree();
+ free_array_node(m_Head);
+ }
+ /// Inserts new node
+ /**
+ The function inserts \p val in the set if it does not contain
+ an item with that hash.
+ Returns \p true if \p val is placed into the set, \p false otherwise.
+ The function locks RCU internally.
+ */
+ bool insert( value_type& val )
+ {
+ return insert( val, [](value_type&) {} );
+ }
+ /// Inserts new node
+ /**
+ This function is intended for derived non-intrusive containers.
+ The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
+ - create item with key only
+ - insert new item into the set
+ - if inserting is success, calls \p f functor to initialize \p val.
+ The functor signature is:
+ \code
+ void func( value_type& val );
+ \endcode
+ where \p val is the item inserted.
+ The user-defined functor is called only if the inserting is success.
+ The function locks RCU internally.
+ @warning See \ref cds_intrusive_item_creating "insert item troubleshooting".
+ */
+ template <typename Func>
+ bool insert( value_type& val, Func f )
+ {
+ hash_type const& hash = hash_accessor()( val );
+ hash_splitter splitter( hash );
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ size_t nOffset = m_Metrics.head_node_size_log;
+ array_node * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ size_t nHeight = 1;
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->nodes[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == flag_array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
+ pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
+ nOffset += m_Metrics.array_node_size_log;
+ ++nHeight;
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == flag_array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0 );
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ if ( pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) == slot ) {
+ if ( slot.ptr() ) {
+ if ( cmp( hash, hash_accessor()( *slot.ptr() )) == 0 ) {
+ // the item with that hash value already exists
+ m_Stat.onInsertFailed();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // the slot must be expanded
+ expand_slot( pArr, nSlot, slot, nOffset );
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty, try to insert data node
+ node_ptr pNull;
+ if ( pArr->nodes[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong( pNull, node_ptr( &val ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ))
+ {
+ // the new data node has been inserted
+ f( val );
+ ++m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onInsertSuccess();
+ m_Stat.height( nHeight );
+ return true;
+ }
+ // insert failed - slot has been changed by another thread
+ // retry inserting
+ m_Stat.onInsertRetry();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ /// Updates the node
+ /**
+ Performs inserting or updating the item with hash value equal to \p val.
+ - If hash value is found then existing item is replaced with \p val, old item is disposed
+ with \p Traits::disposer. Note that the disposer is called by \p GC asynchronously.
+ The function returns <tt> std::pair<true, false> </tt>
+ - If hash value is not found and \p bInsert is \p true then \p val is inserted,
+ the function returns <tt> std::pair<true, true> </tt>
+ - If hash value is not found and \p bInsert is \p false then the set is unchanged,
+ the function returns <tt> std::pair<false, false> </tt>
+ Returns <tt> std::pair<bool, bool> </tt> where \p first is \p true if operation is successfull
+ (i.e. the item has been inserted or updated),
+ \p second is \p true if new item has been added or \p false if the set contains that hash.
+ The function locks RCU internally.
+ */
+ std::pair<bool, bool> update( value_type& val, bool bInsert = true )
+ {
+ return do_update(val, [](value_type&, value_type *) {}, bInsert );
+ }
+ /// Unlinks the item \p val from the set
+ /**
+ The function searches the item \p val in the set and unlink it
+ if it is found and its address is equal to <tt>&val</tt>.
+ The function returns \p true if success and \p false otherwise.
+ RCU should not be locked. The function locks RCU internally.
+ */
+ bool unlink( value_type const& val )
+ {
+ check_deadlock_policy::check();
+ auto pred = [&val](value_type const& item) -> bool { return &item == &val; };
+ value_type * p;
+ {
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ p = do_erase( hash_accessor()( val ), std::ref( pred ));
+ }
+ if ( p ) {
+ gc::template retire_ptr<disposer>( p );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Deletes the item from the set
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ unlinks the item found, and returns \p true.
+ If that item is not found the function returns \p false.
+ The \ref disposer specified in \p Traits is called by garbage collector \p GC asynchronously.
+ RCU should not be locked. The function locks RCU internally.
+ */
+ bool erase( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return erase(hash, [](value_type const&) {} );
+ }
+ /// Deletes the item from the set
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ call \p f functor with item found, and unlinks it from the set.
+ The \ref disposer specified in \p Traits is called
+ by garbage collector \p GC asynchronously.
+ The \p Func interface is
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ void operator()( value_type& item );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ If \p hash is not found the function returns \p false.
+ RCU should not be locked. The function locks RCU internally.
+ */
+ template <typename Func>
+ bool erase( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ {
+ check_deadlock_policy::check();
+ value_type * p;
+ {
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ p = do_erase( hash, []( value_type const&) -> bool { return true; } );
+ }
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p ) {
+ f( *p );
+ gc::template retire_ptr<disposer>(p);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Extracts the item with specified \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches \p hash in the set,
+ unlinks it from the set, and returns \ref cds::urcu::exempt_ptr "exempt_ptr" pointer to the item found.
+ If the item with key equal to \p key is not found the function returns an empty \p exempt_ptr.
+ RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should NOT be locked.
+ The function does not call the disposer for the item found.
+ The disposer will be implicitly invoked when the returned object is destroyed or when
+ its \p release() member function is called.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ typedef cds::intrusive::MultiLevelHashSet< cds::urcu::gc< cds::urcu::general_buffered<> >, foo, my_traits > set_type;
+ set_type theSet;
+ // ...
+ typename set_type::exempt_ptr ep( theSet.extract( 5 ));
+ if ( ep ) {
+ // Deal with ep
+ //...
+ // Dispose returned item.
+ ep.release();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+ exempt_ptr extract( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ check_deadlock_policy::check();
+ value_type * p;
+ {
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ p = do_erase( hash, []( value_type const&) -> bool {return true;} );
+ }
+ return exempt_ptr( p );
+ }
+ /// Finds an item by it's \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by \p hash and calls the functor \p f for item found.
+ The interface of \p Func functor is:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ void operator()( value_type& item );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ where \p item is the item found.
+ The functor may change non-key fields of \p item. Note that the functor is only guarantee
+ that \p item cannot be disposed during the functor is executing.
+ The functor does not serialize simultaneous access to the set's \p item. If such access is
+ possible you must provide your own synchronization schema on item level to prevent unsafe item modifications.
+ The function returns \p true if \p hash is found, \p false otherwise.
+ The function applies RCU lock internally.
+ */
+ template <typename Func>
+ bool find( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ {
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ value_type * p = search( hash );
+ if ( p ) {
+ f( *p );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /// Checks whether the set contains \p hash
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by its \p hash
+ and returns \p true if it is found, or \p false otherwise.
+ The function applies RCU lock internally.
+ */
+ bool contains( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ return find( hash, [](value_type&) {} );
+ }
+ /// Finds an item by it's \p hash and returns the item found
+ /**
+ The function searches the item by its \p hash
+ and returns the pointer to the item found.
+ If \p hash is not found the function returns \p nullptr.
+ RCU should be locked before the function invocation.
+ Returned pointer is valid only while RCU is locked.
+ Usage:
+ \code
+ typedef cds::intrusive::MultiLevelHashSet< your_template_params > my_set;
+ my_set theSet;
+ // ...
+ {
+ // lock RCU
+ my_set::rcu_lock
+ foo * p = theSet.get( 5 );
+ if ( p ) {
+ // Deal with p
+ //...
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+ value_type * get( hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ assert( gc::is_locked());
+ return search( hash );
+ }
+ /// Clears the set (non-atomic)
+ /**
+ The function unlink all data node from the set.
+ The function is not atomic but is thread-safe.
+ After \p %clear() the set may not be empty because another threads may insert items.
+ For each item the \p disposer is called after unlinking.
+ */
+ void clear()
+ {
+ clear_array( m_Head, head_size() );
+ }
+ /// Checks if the set is empty
+ /**
+ Emptiness is checked by item counting: if item count is zero then the set is empty.
+ Thus, the correct item counting feature is an important part of the set implementation.
+ */
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return size() == 0;
+ }
+ /// Returns item count in the set
+ size_t size() const
+ {
+ return m_ItemCounter;
+ }
+ /// Returns const reference to internal statistics
+ stat const& statistics() const
+ {
+ return m_Stat;
+ }
+ /// Returns the size of head node
+ size_t head_size() const
+ {
+ return m_Metrics.head_node_size;
+ }
+ /// Returns the size of the array node
+ size_t array_node_size() const
+ {
+ return m_Metrics.array_node_size;
+ }
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ class iterator_base
+ {
+ friend class MultiLevelHashSet;
+ protected:
+ array_node * m_pNode; ///< current array node
+ size_t m_idx; ///< current position in m_pNode
+ value_type * m_pValue; ///< current value
+ MultiLevelHashSet const* m_set; ///< Hash set
+ public:
+ iterator_base() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : m_pNode(nullptr)
+ , m_idx(0)
+ , m_pValue(nullptr)
+ , m_set(nullptr)
+ {}
+ iterator_base(iterator_base const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : m_pNode(rhs.m_pNode)
+ , m_idx(rhs.m_idx)
+ , m_pValue(rhs.m_pValue)
+ , m_set(rhs.m_set)
+ {}
+ iterator_base& operator=(iterator_base const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ m_pNode = rhs.m_pNode;
+ m_idx = rhs.m_idx;
+ m_pValue = rhs.m_pValue;
+ m_set = rhs.m_set;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator_base& operator++()
+ {
+ forward();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator_base& operator--()
+ {
+ backward();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator ==(iterator_base const& rhs) const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return m_pNode == rhs.m_pNode && m_idx == rhs.m_idx && m_set == rhs.m_set;
+ }
+ bool operator !=(iterator_base const& rhs) const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ protected:
+ iterator_base(MultiLevelHashSet const& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx, bool)
+ : m_pNode(pNode)
+ , m_idx(idx)
+ , m_pValue(nullptr)
+ , m_set(&set)
+ {}
+ iterator_base(MultiLevelHashSet const& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx)
+ : m_pNode(pNode)
+ , m_idx(idx)
+ , m_pValue(nullptr)
+ , m_set(&set)
+ {
+ forward();
+ }
+ value_type * pointer() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert(gc::is_locked());
+ return m_pValue;
+ }
+ void forward()
+ {
+ assert( gc::is_locked());
+ assert(m_set != nullptr);
+ assert(m_pNode != nullptr);
+ size_t const arrayNodeSize = m_set->array_node_size();
+ size_t const headSize = m_set->head_size();
+ array_node * pNode = m_pNode;
+ size_t idx = m_idx + 1;
+ size_t nodeSize = m_pNode->pParent ? arrayNodeSize : headSize;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (idx < nodeSize) {
+ node_ptr slot = pNode->nodes[idx].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ pNode = to_array(slot.ptr());
+ idx = 0;
+ nodeSize = arrayNodeSize;
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now - skip the node
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (slot.ptr()) {
+ // data node
+ m_pNode = pNode;
+ m_idx = idx;
+ m_pValue = slot.ptr();
+ return;
+ }
+ ++idx;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // up to parent node
+ if (pNode->pParent) {
+ idx = pNode->idxParent + 1;
+ pNode = pNode->pParent;
+ nodeSize = pNode->pParent ? arrayNodeSize : headSize;
+ }
+ else {
+ // end()
+ assert(pNode == m_set->m_Head);
+ assert(idx == headSize);
+ m_pNode = pNode;
+ m_idx = idx;
+ m_pValue = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void backward()
+ {
+ assert(gc::is_locked());
+ assert(m_set != nullptr);
+ assert(m_pNode != nullptr);
+ size_t const arrayNodeSize = m_set->array_node_size();
+ size_t const headSize = m_set->head_size();
+ size_t const endIdx = size_t(0) - 1;
+ array_node * pNode = m_pNode;
+ size_t idx = m_idx - 1;
+ size_t nodeSize = m_pNode->pParent ? arrayNodeSize : headSize;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (idx != endIdx) {
+ node_ptr slot = pNode->nodes[idx].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ pNode = to_array(slot.ptr());
+ nodeSize = arrayNodeSize;
+ idx = nodeSize - 1;
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now - skip the node
+ --idx;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (slot.ptr()) {
+ // data node
+ m_pNode = pNode;
+ m_idx = idx;
+ m_pValue = slot.ptr();
+ return;
+ }
+ --idx;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // up to parent node
+ if (pNode->pParent) {
+ idx = pNode->idxParent - 1;
+ pNode = pNode->pParent;
+ nodeSize = pNode->pParent ? arrayNodeSize : headSize;
+ }
+ else {
+ // rend()
+ assert(pNode == m_set->m_Head);
+ assert(idx == endIdx);
+ m_pNode = pNode;
+ m_idx = idx;
+ m_pValue = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <class Iterator>
+ Iterator init_begin() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1);
+ }
+ template <class Iterator>
+ Iterator init_end() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size(), false);
+ }
+ template <class Iterator>
+ Iterator init_rbegin() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ template <class Iterator>
+ Iterator init_rend() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1, false);
+ }
+ /// Bidirectional iterator class
+ template <bool IsConst>
+ class bidirectional_iterator : protected iterator_base
+ {
+ friend class MultiLevelHashSet;
+ protected:
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR bool const c_bConstantIterator = IsConst;
+ public:
+ typedef typename std::conditional< IsConst, value_type const*, value_type*>::type value_ptr; ///< Value pointer
+ typedef typename std::conditional< IsConst, value_type const&, value_type&>::type value_ref; ///< Value reference
+ public:
+ bidirectional_iterator() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {}
+ bidirectional_iterator(bidirectional_iterator const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : iterator_base(rhs)
+ {}
+ bidirectional_iterator& operator=(bidirectional_iterator const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator=(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bidirectional_iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator++();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bidirectional_iterator& operator--()
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator--();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ value_ptr operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return iterator_base::pointer();
+ }
+ value_ref operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ value_ptr p = iterator_base::pointer();
+ assert(p);
+ return *p;
+ }
+ template <bool IsConst2>
+ bool operator ==(bidirectional_iterator<IsConst2> const& rhs) const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return iterator_base::operator==(rhs);
+ }
+ template <bool IsConst2>
+ bool operator !=(bidirectional_iterator<IsConst2> const& rhs) const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ protected:
+ bidirectional_iterator(MultiLevelHashSet& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx, bool)
+ : iterator_base(set, pNode, idx, false)
+ {}
+ bidirectional_iterator(MultiLevelHashSet& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx)
+ : iterator_base(set, pNode, idx)
+ {}
+ };
+ /// Reverse bidirectional iterator
+ template <bool IsConst>
+ class reverse_bidirectional_iterator : public iterator_base
+ {
+ friend class MultiLevelHashSet;
+ public:
+ typedef typename std::conditional< IsConst, value_type const*, value_type*>::type value_ptr; ///< Value pointer
+ typedef typename std::conditional< IsConst, value_type const&, value_type&>::type value_ref; ///< Value reference
+ public:
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : iterator_base()
+ {}
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator(reverse_bidirectional_iterator const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : iterator_base(rhs)
+ {}
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator& operator=(reverse_bidirectional_iterator const& rhs) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator=(rhs);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator--();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator& operator--()
+ {
+ iterator_base::operator++();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ value_ptr operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return iterator_base::pointer();
+ }
+ value_ref operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ value_ptr p = iterator_base::pointer();
+ assert(p);
+ return *p;
+ }
+ template <bool IsConst2>
+ bool operator ==(reverse_bidirectional_iterator<IsConst2> const& rhs) const
+ {
+ return iterator_base::operator==(rhs);
+ }
+ template <bool IsConst2>
+ bool operator !=(reverse_bidirectional_iterator<IsConst2> const& rhs)
+ {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ private:
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator(MultiLevelHashSet& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx, bool)
+ : iterator_base(set, pNode, idx, false)
+ {}
+ reverse_bidirectional_iterator(MultiLevelHashSet& set, array_node * pNode, size_t idx)
+ : iterator_base(set, pNode, idx, false)
+ {
+ iterator_base::backward();
+ }
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef implementation_defined iterator; ///< @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators "bidirectional iterator" type
+ typedef implementation_defined const_iterator; ///< @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators "bidirectional const iterator" type
+ typedef implementation_defined reverse_iterator; ///< @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators "bidirectional reverse iterator" type
+ typedef implementation_defined const_reverse_iterator; ///< @ref cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators "bidirectional reverse const iterator" type
+ typedef bidirectional_iterator<false> iterator;
+ typedef bidirectional_iterator<true> const_iterator;
+ typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<false> reverse_iterator;
+ typedef reverse_bidirectional_iterator<true> const_reverse_iterator;
+ ///@name Thread-safe iterators
+ /** @anchor cds_intrusive_MultilevelHashSet_rcu_iterators
+ The set supports thread-safe iterators: you may iterate over the set in multi-threaded environment
+ under explicit RCU lock.
+ RCU lock requirement means that inserting or searching is allowed but you must not erase the items from the set
+ since erasing under RCU lock can lead to a deadlock. However, another thread can call \p erase() safely
+ while your thread is iterating.
+ A typical example is:
+ \code
+ struct foo {
+ uint32_t hash;
+ // ... other fields
+ uint32_t payload; // only for example
+ };
+ struct set_traits: cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ struct hash_accessor {
+ uint32_t operator()( foo const& src ) const
+ {
+ retur src.hash;
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc< cds::urcu::general_buffered<>> rcu;
+ typedef cds::intrusive::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu, foo, set_traits > set_type;
+ set_type s;
+ // ...
+ // iterate over the set
+ {
+ // lock the RCU.
+ typename set_type::rcu_lock l; // scoped RCU lock
+ // traverse the set
+ for ( auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i ) {
+ // deal with i. Remember, erasing is prohibited here!
+ i->payload++;
+ }
+ } // at this point RCU lock is released
+ /endcode
+ Each iterator object supports the common interface:
+ - dereference operators:
+ @code
+ value_type [const] * operator ->() noexcept
+ value_type [const] & operator *() noexcept
+ @endcode
+ - pre-increment and pre-decrement. Post-operators is not supported
+ - equality operators <tt>==</tt> and <tt>!=</tt>.
+ Iterators are equal iff they point to the same cell of the same array node.
+ Note that for two iterators \p it1 and \p it2 the condition <tt> it1 == it2 </tt>
+ does not entail <tt> &(*it1) == &(*it2) </tt>: welcome to concurrent containers
+ @note It is possible the item can be iterated more that once, for example, if an iterator points to the item
+ in an array node that is being splitted.
+ */
+ ///@{
+ /// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the set
+ iterator begin()
+ {
+ return iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1);
+ }
+ /// Returns an const iterator to the beginning of the set
+ const_iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1);
+ }
+ /// Returns an const iterator to the beginning of the set
+ const_iterator cbegin()
+ {
+ return const_iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1);
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ iterator end()
+ {
+ return iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size(), false);
+ }
+ /// Returns a const iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ const_iterator end() const
+ {
+ return const_iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size(), false);
+ }
+ /// Returns a const iterator to the element following the last element of the set. This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ const_iterator cend()
+ {
+ return const_iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size(), false);
+ }
+ /// Returns a reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ reverse_iterator rbegin()
+ {
+ return reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the first element of the reversed set
+ const_reverse_iterator crbegin()
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ /// Returns a reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ reverse_iterator rend()
+ {
+ return reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1, false);
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1, false);
+ }
+ /// Returns a const reverse iterator to the element following the last element of the reversed set
+ /**
+ It corresponds to the element preceding the first element of the non-reversed container.
+ This element acts as a placeholder, attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
+ */
+ const_reverse_iterator crend()
+ {
+ return const_reverse_iterator(*this, m_Head, size_t(0) - 1, false);
+ }
+ ///@}
+ protected:
+ //@cond
+ template <typename Func>
+ std::pair<bool, bool> do_update(value_type& val, Func f, bool bInsert = true)
+ {
+ hash_type const& hash = hash_accessor()(val);
+ hash_splitter splitter(hash);
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ array_node * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.head_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size);
+ size_t nOffset = m_Metrics.head_node_size_log;
+ size_t nHeight = 1;
+ while (true) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.array_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size);
+ pArr = to_array(slot.ptr());
+ nOffset += m_Metrics.array_node_size_log;
+ ++nHeight;
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0);
+ value_type * pOld = nullptr;
+ {
+ rcu_lock rcuLock;
+ if ( pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) == slot ) {
+ if ( slot.ptr()) {
+ if (cmp(hash, hash_accessor()(*slot.ptr())) == 0) {
+ // the item with that hash value already exists
+ // Replace it with val
+ if (slot.ptr() == &val) {
+ m_Stat.onUpdateExisting();
+ return std::make_pair(true, false);
+ }
+ if (pArr->nodes[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong(slot, node_ptr(&val), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+ // slot can be disposed
+ f(val, slot.ptr());
+ pOld = slot.ptr();
+ m_Stat.onUpdateExisting();
+ goto update_existing_done;
+ }
+ m_Stat.onUpdateRetry();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // the slot must be expanded
+ expand_slot(pArr, nSlot, slot, nOffset);
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty, try to insert data node
+ if (bInsert) {
+ node_ptr pNull;
+ if (pArr->nodes[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong(pNull, node_ptr(&val), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ // the new data node has been inserted
+ f(val, nullptr);
+ ++m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onUpdateNew();
+ m_Stat.height(nHeight);
+ return std::make_pair(true, true);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_Stat.onUpdateFailed();
+ return std::make_pair(false, false);
+ }
+ // insert failed - slot has been changed by another thread
+ // retry updating
+ m_Stat.onUpdateRetry();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ continue;
+ } // rcu_lock
+ // update success
+ update_existing_done:
+ if ( pOld )
+ gc::template retire_ptr<disposer>( pOld );
+ return std::make_pair(true, false);
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ template <typename Predicate>
+ value_type * do_erase( hash_type const& hash, Predicate pred)
+ {
+ assert(gc::is_locked());
+ hash_splitter splitter(hash);
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ array_node * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.head_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size);
+ while (true) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.array_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size);
+ pArr = to_array(slot.ptr());
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0);
+ if ( pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) == slot ) {
+ if (slot.ptr()) {
+ if (cmp(hash, hash_accessor()(*slot.ptr())) == 0 && pred(*slot.ptr())) {
+ // item found - replace it with nullptr
+ if (pArr->nodes[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong(slot, node_ptr(nullptr), memory_model::memory_order_acquire, atomics::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return slot.ptr();
+ }
+ m_Stat.onEraseRetry();
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ value_type * search(hash_type const& hash )
+ {
+ assert( gc::is_locked() );
+ hash_splitter splitter(hash);
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ array_node * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.head_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size);
+ while (true) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ nSlot = splitter.cut(m_Metrics.array_node_size_log);
+ assert(nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size);
+ pArr = to_array(slot.ptr());
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0);
+ // protect data node by hazard pointer
+ if ( pArr->nodes[nSlot].load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) != slot) {
+ // slot value has been changed - retry
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ else if (slot.ptr() && cmp(hash, hash_accessor()(*slot.ptr())) == 0) {
+ // item found
+ m_Stat.onFindSuccess();
+ return slot.ptr();
+ }
+ m_Stat.onFindFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ array_node * alloc_head_node() const
+ {
+ return alloc_array_node(head_size(), nullptr, 0);
+ }
+ array_node * alloc_array_node(array_node * pParent, size_t idxParent) const
+ {
+ return alloc_array_node(array_node_size(), pParent, idxParent);
+ }
+ static array_node * alloc_array_node(size_t nSize, array_node * pParent, size_t idxParent)
+ {
+ array_node * pNode = cxx_array_node_allocator().NewBlock(sizeof(array_node) + sizeof(atomic_node_ptr) * (nSize - 1), pParent, idxParent);
+ for (atomic_node_ptr * p = pNode->nodes, *pEnd = pNode->nodes + nSize; p < pEnd; ++p)
+ p->store(node_ptr(), memory_model::memory_order_release);
+ return pNode;
+ }
+ static void free_array_node(array_node * parr)
+ {
+ cxx_array_node_allocator().Delete(parr);
+ }
+ void destroy_tree()
+ {
+ // The function is not thread-safe. For use in dtor only
+ // Remove data node
+ clear();
+ // Destroy all array nodes
+ destroy_array_nodes(m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ void destroy_array_nodes(array_node * pArr, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ for (atomic_node_ptr * p = pArr->nodes, *pLast = pArr->nodes + nSize; p != pLast; ++p) {
+ node_ptr slot = p->load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ destroy_array_nodes(to_array(slot.ptr()), array_node_size());
+ free_array_node(to_array(slot.ptr()));
+ p->store(node_ptr(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void clear_array(array_node * pArrNode, size_t nSize)
+ {
+ back_off bkoff;
+ for (atomic_node_ptr * pArr = pArrNode->nodes, *pLast = pArr + nSize; pArr != pLast; ++pArr) {
+ while (true) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (slot.bits() == flag_array_node) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ clear_array(to_array(slot.ptr()), array_node_size());
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (slot.bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ while ((slot = pArr->load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire)).bits() == flag_array_converting) {
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ bkoff.reset();
+ assert(slot.ptr() != nullptr);
+ assert(slot.bits() == flag_array_node);
+ clear_array(to_array(slot.ptr()), array_node_size());
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ if (pArr->compare_exchange_strong(slot, node_ptr(), memory_model::memory_order_acquire, atomics::memory_order_relaxed)) {
+ if (slot.ptr()) {
+ gc::template retire_ptr<disposer>(slot.ptr());
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool expand_slot(array_node * pParent, size_t idxParent, node_ptr current, size_t nOffset)
+ {
+ assert(current.bits() == 0);
+ assert(current.ptr());
+ size_t idx = hash_splitter(hash_accessor()(*current.ptr()), nOffset).cut(m_Metrics.array_node_size_log);
+ array_node * pArr = alloc_array_node(pParent, idxParent);
+ node_ptr cur(current.ptr());
+ atomic_node_ptr& slot = pParent->nodes[idxParent];
+ if (!slot.compare_exchange_strong(cur, cur | flag_array_converting, memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed))
+ {
+ m_Stat.onExpandNodeFailed();
+ free_array_node(pArr);
+ return false;
+ }
+ pArr->nodes[idx].store(current, memory_model::memory_order_release);
+ cur = cur | flag_array_converting;
+ slot.compare_exchange_strong(cur, node_ptr(to_node(pArr), flag_array_node), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed)
+ );
+ m_Stat.onExpandNodeSuccess();
+ m_Stat.onArrayNodeCreated();
+ return true;
+ }
+ union converter {
+ value_type * pData;
+ array_node * pArr;
+ converter(value_type * p)
+ : pData(p)
+ {}
+ converter(array_node * p)
+ : pArr(p)
+ {}
+ };
+ static array_node * to_array(value_type * p)
+ {
+ return converter(p).pArr;
+ }
+ static value_type * to_node(array_node * p)
+ {
+ return converter(p).pData;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ };
+}} // namespace cds::intrusive
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\mspriority_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_hp.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\options.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\skip_list_dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\skip_list_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\multilevel_hashmap_hp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_rcu.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_michael_set_rcu_sht_lazy.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_hp.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_dhp_member.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_hp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_multilevel_hashset_dhp.cpp">\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
\ No newline at end of file
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\mspriority_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_hp.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\options.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\skip_list_dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\skip_list_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\multilevel_hashmap_hp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\multilevel_hashset_rcu.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_michael_set_rcu_sht_lazy.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_hp.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_dhp_member.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_hp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_multilevel_hashset_dhp.cpp">\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>intrusive\multilevel_hashset</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
\ No newline at end of file
tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_hp.cpp \
tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_dhp.cpp \
+ tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp \
+ tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp \
+ tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp \
+ tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp \
+ tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp \
tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_refinable_hashset_avlset.cpp \
tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_refinable_hashset_list.cpp \
tests/test-hdr/set/hdr_intrusive_refinable_hashset_set.cpp \
+ set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpi.cpp\r
+ set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpb.cpp\r
+ set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_gpt.cpp\r
+ set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_shb.cpp\r
+ set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset_rcu_sht.cpp\r
CPPUNIT_MSG( s.statistics() );
+ template <typename Set, typename Hash>
+ void test_rcu(size_t nHeadBits, size_t nArrayBits)
+ {
+ typedef typename Set::hash_type hash_type;
+ typedef typename Set::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename Set::rcu_lock rcu_lock;
+ Hash hasher;
+ size_t const arrCapacity = 1000;
+ std::vector< value_type > arrValue;
+ arrValue.reserve(arrCapacity);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arrCapacity; ++i) {
+ arrValue.emplace_back(value_type());
+ arrValue.back().hash = hasher(i);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(arrValue.size() == arrCapacity);
+ Set s(nHeadBits, nArrayBits);
+ CPPUNIT_MSG("Array size: head=" << s.head_size() << ", array_node=" << s.array_node_size());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.head_size() >= (size_t(1) << nHeadBits));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.array_node_size() == (size_t(1) << nArrayBits));
+ // insert() test
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.empty());
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.insert(el));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.insert(el));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.empty());
+ // Iterator test
+ {
+ rcu_lock l;
+ typedef typename Set::iterator iterator;
+ for (iterator it = s.begin(), itEnd = s.end(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+ ++(it->nIteratorCall);
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nIteratorCall == 1);
+ el.nIteratorCall = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Const iterator test
+ rcu_lock l;
+ for (typename Set::const_iterator it = s.cbegin(), itEnd = s.cend(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+ (*it).nIteratorCall += 1;
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nIteratorCall == 1);
+ el.nIteratorCall = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Reverse iterator test
+ rcu_lock l;
+ for (typename Set::reverse_iterator it = s.rbegin(), itEnd = s.rend(); it != itEnd; ++it)
+ it->nIteratorCall += 1;
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nIteratorCall == 1);
+ el.nIteratorCall = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // Reverse const iterator test
+ rcu_lock l;
+ for (typename Set::const_reverse_iterator it = s.crbegin(), itEnd = s.crend(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
+ (*it).nIteratorCall += 1;
+ }
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nIteratorCall == 1);
+ el.nIteratorCall = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // update() exists test
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ bool bOp, bInsert;
+ std::tie(bOp, bInsert) = s.update(el, false);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nFindCall == 0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.find(el.hash, [](value_type& v) { v.nFindCall++; }));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nFindCall == 1);
+ }
+ // unlink test
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ for (auto const& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.unlink(el));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.contains(el.hash));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ for (auto const& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 1);
+ }
+ // new hash values
+ for (auto& el : arrValue)
+ el.hash = hasher(el.hash);
+ // insert( func )
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.insert(el, [](value_type& v) { ++v.nInsertCall; }));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nInsertCall == 1);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.insert(el));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.empty());
+ for (auto& el : arrValue)
+ el.nDisposeCount = 0;
+ s.clear();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ for (auto const& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 1);
+ }
+ // new hash values
+ for (auto& el : arrValue)
+ el.hash = hasher(el.hash);
+ // update test
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ bool bOp, bInsert;
+ std::tie(bOp, bInsert) = s.update(el, false);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.contains(el.hash));
+ std::tie(bOp, bInsert) = s.update(el, true);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ // erase test
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ el.nDisposeCount = 0;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.erase(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.erase(el.hash));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.insert(el));
+ }
+ // erase with functor, get() test
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ el.nDisposeCount = 0;
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ value_type * p;
+ {
+ rcu_lock l;
+ p = s.get(el.hash);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(p->nEraseCall == 0);
+ }
+ // This is single-threaded test with faked disposer
+ // so we can dereference p outside RCU lock section
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.erase(p->hash, [](value_type& i) { ++i.nEraseCall; }));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(p->nEraseCall == 1);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(p->nDisposeCount == 1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.contains(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.erase(el.hash));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nEraseCall == 1);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 1);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ // new hash values
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ el.hash = hasher(el.hash);
+ el.nDisposeCount = 0;
+ bool bOp, bInsert;
+ std::tie(bOp, bInsert) = s.update(el);
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == arrCapacity);
+ // extract test
+ for (auto& el : arrValue) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.contains(el.hash));
+ typename Set::exempt_ptr xp = s.extract(el.hash);
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(xp->nDisposeCount == 0);
+ xp.release();
+ {
+ rcu_lock l;
+ value_type * p = s.get(el.hash);
+ }
+ Set::gc::force_dispose();
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(el.nDisposeCount == 1);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!s.contains(el.hash));
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.size() == 0);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(s.empty());
+ CPPUNIT_MSG(s.statistics());
+ }
void hp_stdhash();
void hp_stdhash_stat();
void hp_stdhash_5_3();
void dhp_hash128_4_3();
void dhp_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpi_stdhash();
+ void rcu_gpi_stdhash_stat();
+ void rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3();
+ void rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpi_hash128();
+ void rcu_gpi_hash128_stat();
+ void rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3();
+ void rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpb_stdhash();
+ void rcu_gpb_stdhash_stat();
+ void rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3();
+ void rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpb_hash128();
+ void rcu_gpb_hash128_stat();
+ void rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3();
+ void rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpt_stdhash();
+ void rcu_gpt_stdhash_stat();
+ void rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3();
+ void rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3_stat();
+ void rcu_gpt_hash128();
+ void rcu_gpt_hash128_stat();
+ void rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3();
+ void rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ void rcu_shb_stdhash();
+ void rcu_shb_stdhash_stat();
+ void rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3();
+ void rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3_stat();
+ void rcu_shb_hash128();
+ void rcu_shb_hash128_stat();
+ void rcu_shb_hash128_4_3();
+ void rcu_shb_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ void rcu_sht_stdhash();
+ void rcu_sht_stdhash_stat();
+ void rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3();
+ void rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3_stat();
+ void rcu_sht_hash128();
+ void rcu_sht_hash128_stat();
+ void rcu_sht_hash128_4_3();
+ void rcu_sht_hash128_4_3_stat();
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_stdhash)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_stdhash_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_hash128)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_hash128_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_stdhash)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_stdhash_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_hash128)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_hash128_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_stdhash)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_stdhash_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_hash128)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_hash128_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_stdhash)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_stdhash_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_hash128)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_hash128_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_hash128_4_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_shb_hash128_4_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_stdhash)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_stdhash_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_hash128)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_hash128_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_hash128_4_3)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(rcu_sht_hash128_4_3_stat)
} // namespace set
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset.h"
+#include <cds/urcu/general_buffered.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h>
+#include "unit/print_multilevel_hashset_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ namespace {
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc<cds::urcu::general_buffered<>> rcu_type;
+ } // namespace
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_stdhash()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_hash128()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash128!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , ci::opt::less< hash_type::less >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_stdhash_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_hash128_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ ,co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef co::v::sequential_consistent memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::memory_model< co::v::sequential_consistent >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_stdhash_5_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpb_hash128_4_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ , co::less< hash_type::less >
+ , co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ }
+} // namespace set
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset.h"
+#include <cds/urcu/general_instant.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h>
+#include "unit/print_multilevel_hashset_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ namespace {
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc<cds::urcu::general_instant<>> rcu_type;
+ } // namespace
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_stdhash()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_hash128()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash128!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , ci::opt::less< hash_type::less >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_stdhash_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_hash128_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ ,co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef co::v::sequential_consistent memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::memory_model< co::v::sequential_consistent >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_stdhash_5_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpi_hash128_4_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ , co::less< hash_type::less >
+ , co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ }
+} // namespace set
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset.h"
+#include <cds/urcu/general_threaded.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h>
+#include "unit/print_multilevel_hashset_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ namespace {
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc<cds::urcu::general_threaded<>> rcu_type;
+ } // namespace
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_stdhash()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_hash128()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash128!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , ci::opt::less< hash_type::less >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_stdhash_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_hash128_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ ,co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef co::v::sequential_consistent memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::memory_model< co::v::sequential_consistent >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_stdhash_5_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_gpt_hash128_4_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ , co::less< hash_type::less >
+ , co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ }
+} // namespace set
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset.h"
+#include <cds/urcu/signal_buffered.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h>
+#include "unit/print_multilevel_hashset_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ namespace {
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc<cds::urcu::signal_buffered<>> rcu_type;
+ } // namespace
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_stdhash()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_hash128()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash128!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , ci::opt::less< hash_type::less >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_stdhash_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_hash128_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ ,co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_hash128_4_3()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef co::v::sequential_consistent memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::memory_model< co::v::sequential_consistent >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_stdhash_5_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_shb_hash128_4_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ , co::less< hash_type::less >
+ , co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ }
+} // namespace set
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_intrusive_multilevel_hashset.h"
+#include <cds/urcu/signal_threaded.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/multilevel_hashset_rcu.h>
+#include "unit/print_multilevel_hashset_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ namespace {
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc<cds::urcu::signal_threaded<>> rcu_type;
+ } // namespace
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_stdhash()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_hash128()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash128!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , ci::opt::less< hash_type::less >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_stdhash_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_hash128_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ ,co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 2);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_hash128_4_3()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef co::v::sequential_consistent memory_model;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::memory_model< co::v::sequential_consistent >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash128::make >(4, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_stdhash_5_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef size_t hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, size_t>::value, "set::hash_type != size_t!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ ,co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, std::hash<hash_type>>(5, 3);
+ }
+ void IntrusiveMultiLevelHashSetHdrTest::rcu_sht_hash128_4_3_stat()
+ {
+ typedef hash128 hash_type;
+ struct traits: public ci::multilevel_hashset::traits
+ {
+ typedef get_hash<hash_type> hash_accessor;
+ typedef item_disposer disposer;
+ typedef ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<> stat;
+ typedef hash128::less less;
+ typedef hash128::cmp compare;
+ };
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet< rcu_type, Item<hash_type>, traits > set_type;
+ static_assert(std::is_same< typename set_type::hash_type, hash_type>::value, "set::hash_type != hash_type!!!" );
+ test_rcu<set_type, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ typedef ci::MultiLevelHashSet<
+ rcu_type,
+ Item<hash_type>,
+ typename ci::multilevel_hashset::make_traits<
+ ci::multilevel_hashset::hash_accessor< get_hash<hash_type>>
+ , ci::opt::disposer< item_disposer >
+ , co::stat< ci::multilevel_hashset::stat<>>
+ , co::less< hash_type::less >
+ , co::compare< hash128::cmp >
+ >::type
+ > set_type2;
+ test_rcu<set_type2, hash_type::make>(4, 3);
+ }
+} // namespace set
<< "\t\t m_nExpandNodeFailed: " << s.m_nExpandNodeFailed.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nSlotChanged: " << s.m_nSlotChanged.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nSlotConverting: " << s.m_nSlotConverting.get() << "\n"
- << "\t\t m_nArrayNodeCount: " << s.m_nArrayNodeCount.get() << "\n";
+ << "\t\t m_nArrayNodeCount: " << s.m_nArrayNodeCount.get() << "\n"
+ << "\t\t m_nHeight: " << s.m_nHeight.get() << "\n";
static inline ostream& operator <<( ostream& o, cds::intrusive::multilevel_hashset::empty_stat const& /*s*/ )