for(Iterator it_methods=cd.getMethods(); it_methods.hasNext(); ) {
MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor);
FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(md);
- writeFlatIRGraph(fm,cd.getSymbol()+"."+md.getSymbol());
+ // make sure the graph name reflects the method signature so
+ // overloaded methods don't clobber one another
+ String graphName = cd.getSymbol()+"."+md.getSymbol();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i) {
+ graphName += fm.getParameter(i).getSymbol();
+ }
+ writeFlatIRGraph(fm, graphName);
// take symbols out of graphname that cause dot to fail
graphname = graphname.replaceAll("[\\W]", "");
- flatbw=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(graphname+"") );
+ flatbw=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("FLATIR_"+graphname+".dot") );
flatbw.write("digraph "+graphname+" {\n");
visited=new HashSet<FlatNode>();