public static boolean GENERATEPRECISEGC=false;
public static String PREFIX="";
public static String arraytype="ArrayObject";
- public static int count = 0;
public static int flagcount = 0;
Virtual virtualcalls;
TypeUtil typeutil;
public void generateFlatPrefetchNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatPrefetchNode fpn, PrintWriter output) {
- short[] arrayfields = null;
- Vector fieldoffset = new Vector();
- Vector endoffset = new Vector();
- Vector oids = new Vector();
- short offsetcount = 0;
- int tuplecount = 0; //Keeps track of number of prefetch tuples that need to be generated
- int i,j;
- if (state.PREFETCH) {
- output.println("/* prefetch */");
- output.println("; /* empty statement to avoid compiler error */");
- Iterator it = fpn.hspp.iterator();
- String oidlist = new String();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair);
- Integer statusbase = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(pp.base);
- /* Find prefetches that can generate oid */
- if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
- if(locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fpn).intValue()>0) { /* Inside transaction */
- generateInsideTransCode(fm,lb,output, pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
- } else {/* Outside Transaction */
- generateOutsideTransCode(fm,lb,pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
- }
- tuplecount++;
- } else if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.LOCAL) {
- generateLocalTransCode(fm,lb,pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount);
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- /*Create C code for numtuples */
- output.println(" int numtuples_" + count + " = " + tuplecount + ";");
- /*Create C code for oid array */
- output.print(" unsigned int oidarray_" + count + "[] = {");
- boolean needcomma=false;
- it = oids.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- if (needcomma)
- output.print(", ");
- output.print(;
- needcomma=true;
- }
- output.println("};");
- /*Create C code for endoffset values */
- output.print(" unsigned short endoffsetarry_" + count +"[] = {");
- needcomma=false;
- it = endoffset.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- if (needcomma)
- output.print(", ");
- output.print(;
- needcomma=true;
- }
- output.println("};");
- /*Create C code for Field Offset Values */
- output.print(" short fieldarry_" + count +"[] = {");
- needcomma=false;
- it = fieldoffset.iterator();
- while(it.hasNext()) {
- if (needcomma)
- output.print(", ");
- output.print(;
- needcomma=true;
- }
- output.println("};");
- /* make the prefetch call to Runtime */
- if(tuplecount > 0) {
- output.println(" prefetch((int) numtuples_"+count+ ", oidarray_"+count+ ", endoffsetarry_"+
- count+", fieldarry_"+count+");");
+ Vector oids = new Vector();
+ Vector fieldoffset = new Vector();
+ Vector endoffset = new Vector();
+ int tuplecount = 0; //Keeps track of number of prefetch tuples that need to be generated
+ if (state.PREFETCH) {
+ output.println("{");
+ output.println("/* prefetch */");
+ output.println("void * prefptr;");
+ for(Iterator it = fpn.hspp.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair);
+ Integer statusbase = locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb,fpn).get(pp.base);
+ /* Find prefetches that can generate oid */
+ if(statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.GLOBAL) {
+ generateTransCode(fm, lb, pp, oids, fieldoffset, endoffset, tuplecount, locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fpn).intValue()>0, false);
+ tuplecount++;
+ } else if (statusbase == LocalityAnalysis.LOCAL) {
+ generateTransCode(fm,lb,pp,oids,fieldoffset,endoffset,tuplecount,false,true);
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tuplecount==0)
+ return;
+ /*Create C code for oid array */
+ output.print(" unsigned int oidarray_[] = {");
+ boolean needcomma=false;
+ for (Iterator it = oids.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(;
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /*Create C code for endoffset values */
+ output.print(" unsigned short endoffsetarry_[] = {");
+ needcomma=false;
+ for (Iterator it = endoffset.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(;
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /*Create C code for Field Offset Values */
+ output.print(" short fieldarry_[] = {");
+ needcomma=false;
+ for (Iterator it = fieldoffset.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ if (needcomma)
+ output.print(", ");
+ output.print(;
+ needcomma=true;
+ }
+ output.println("};");
+ /* make the prefetch call to Runtime */
+ output.println(" prefetch("+tuplecount+", oidarray_, endoffsetarry_, fieldarry_);");
+ output.println("}");
+ }
+ }
+ public void generateTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrefetchPair pp, Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset, Vector endoffset, int tuplecount, boolean inside, boolean localbase) {
+ short offsetcount = 0;
+ int breakindex=0;
+ if (inside) {
+ breakindex=1;
+ } else if (localbase) {
+ for(;breakindex<pp.desc.size();breakindex++) {
+ Descriptor desc=pp.getDescAt(breakindex);
+ if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd=(FieldDescriptor)desc;
+ if (fd.isGlobal()) {
+ break;
- count++;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ breakindex++;
+ }
- /* Free heap memory */
- fieldoffset = null;
- endoffset = null;
- oids = null;
- }
+ if (breakindex>pp.desc.size()) //all local
+ return;
- public void generateInsideTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrintWriter output,PrefetchPair pp,Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset,Vector endoffset, int tuplecount){
- int i,j;
- short offsetcount = 0;
- String test = new String();
- Object newdesc = pp.desc.get(0);
- if(newdesc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor)newdesc;
- String oid = new String("(unsigned int) (" +
- generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + " != NULL ? " +
- generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->" + ((FieldDescriptor)fd).getSafeSymbol() +
- " : NULL)");
- oids.add(oid);
+ TypeDescriptor lasttype=pp.base.getType();
+ String basestr=generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb);
+ String teststr="";
+ boolean maybenull=fm.getMethod().isStatic()||
+ !pp.base.equals(fm.getParameter(0));
+ for(int i=0;i<breakindex;i++) {
+ String nextop;
+ Descriptor desc=pp.getDescAt(i);
+ if (desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd=(FieldDescriptor)desc;
+ nextop="->"+fd.getSafeSymbol();
+ lasttype=fd.getType();
} else {
- IndexDescriptor id = (IndexDescriptor)newdesc;
- String tstlbl = new String();
- for(i=0; i<id.tddesc.size(); i++) {
- tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(i), lb) + "+";
- }
- tstlbl += id.offset.toString();
- TypeDescriptor elementtype = pp.base.getType().dereference();
- String type="";
- if (elementtype.isArray()||elementtype.isClass())
- type="void *";
- else
- type=elementtype.getSafeSymbol()+" ";
- String oid = new String("(unsigned int) (" + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + " != NULL ? " +
- "((" + tstlbl+"< 0 || "+tstlbl+" >= "+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb) + "->___length___) ? 0 :"+
- "((" + type + "*)(((char *) &("+ generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb)+ "->___length___))+sizeof(int)))["+tstlbl+"]) : 0)");
- oids.add(oid);
- }
- for(i = 1; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- TypeDescriptor newtd;
- ClassDescriptor cd;
- String newfieldoffset;
- Object desc = pp.getDescAt(i);
- offsetcount++;
- if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(i-1);
- if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
- if((i-1) == 0) {
- newtd = pp.base.getType();
- cd = newtd.getClassDesc();
- } else {
- //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-2)).getType();
- cd = newtd.getClassDesc();
- }
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ cd.getSafeSymbol() +" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- } else {
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- }
- fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
- } else {
- String tstlbl = new String();
- for(j = 0; j < ((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
- }
- tstlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
- newfieldoffset = new String(tstlbl);
- fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
- }
+ IndexDescriptor id=(IndexDescriptor)desc;
+ nextop="[";
+ for(int j=0;j<id.tddesc.size();j++) {
+ nextop+=generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(j), lb)+"+";
+ }
+ nextop+=id.offset+"]";
+ lasttype=lasttype.dereference();
+ }
+ if (maybenull) {
+ if (!teststr.equals(""))
+ teststr+="&&";
+ teststr+="prefptr="+basestr;
+ basestr="prefptr"+nextop;
+ } else {
+ basestr+=nextop;
+ maybenull=true;
- if(tuplecount > 0) {
- int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
- short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
- endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
- }else {
- endoffset.add(offsetcount);
+ }
+ String oid;
+ if (teststr.equals("")) {
+ oid="((unsigned int)"+basestr+")";
+ } else {
+ oid="((unsigned int)("+teststr+")?"+basestr+":NULL)";
+ }
+ oids.add(oid);
+ for(int i = breakindex; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
+ String newfieldoffset;
+ Object desc = pp.getDescAt(i);
+ if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
+ FieldDescriptor fd=(FieldDescriptor)desc;
+ newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ lasttype.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+ fd.getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
+ lasttype=fd.getType();
+ } else {
+ newfieldoffset = "";
+ IndexDescriptor id=(IndexDescriptor)desc;
+ for(int j = 0; j < id.tddesc.size(); j++) {
+ newfieldoffset += generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
+ }
+ newfieldoffset += id.offset.toString();
+ lasttype=lasttype.dereference();
- flagcount++;
- }
+ fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
+ }
- public void generateOutsideTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrefetchPair pp, Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset, Vector endoffset, int tuplecount) {
- int i,j;
- short offsetcount = 0;
- String oid = new String(" (unsigned int) (" + generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb)+ ")");
- oids.add(oid);
- for(i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- TypeDescriptor newtd;
- ClassDescriptor cd;
- String newfieldoffset;
- Object desc = pp.getDescAt(i);
- offsetcount++;
- if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- if(i == 0){
- newtd = pp.base.getType();
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- } else {
- Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(i-1);
- if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
- if((i-1) == 0) {
- newtd = pp.base.getType();
- cd = newtd.getClassDesc();
- } else {
- //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-2)).getType();
- cd = newtd.getClassDesc();
- }
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ cd.getSafeSymbol() +" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- } else {
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getType();
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- }
- }
- } else {
- String tstlbl = new String();
- for(j = 0; j < ((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
- }
- tstlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
- newfieldoffset = new String(tstlbl);
- }
- fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
- }
- if(tuplecount > 0) {
- int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
- short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
- endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
- }else {
- endoffset.add(offsetcount);
- }
+ int base=(tuplecount>0)?((Short)endoffset.get(tuplecount-1)).intValue():0;
+ base+=pp.desc.size()-breakindex;
+ endoffset.add(new Short((short)base));
- public void generateLocalTransCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb,PrefetchPair pp,Vector oids, Vector fieldoffset,Vector endoffset, int tuplecount) {
- int i, j, k;
- short offsetcount = 0;
- Vector prefix = new Vector();
- prefix.add(generateTemp(fm,pp.base,lb));
- String tstlbl = new String("(" + prefix.get(0) + " != NULL ");
- for (i = 0; i < pp.desc.size(); i++) {
- Object newdesc = pp.desc.get(i);
- if(newdesc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor) newdesc;
- if(fd.isGlobal()){
- /* Field descriptor is global */
- String oid = new String(" (unsigned int) (");
- tstlbl += ") ? ";
- for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "->";
- }
- tstlbl += fd.getSafeSymbol() + ": NULL";
- oid += tstlbl+ " )";
- oids.add(oid);
- for(j = i+1; j < pp.desc.size(); j++) {
- TypeDescriptor newtd;
- String newfieldoffset;
- Object desc = pp.getDescAt(j);
- offsetcount++;
- if(desc instanceof FieldDescriptor) {
- Object prevdesc = pp.getDescAt(j-1);
- if(prevdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor){
- //FIXME currently handles one dimensional arrays
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(j-2)).getType();
- } else {
- newtd = ((FieldDescriptor) pp.getDescAt(j-1)).getType();
- }
- newfieldoffset = new String("(unsigned int)(&(((struct "+ newtd.getSafeSymbol()+" *)0)->"+
- ((FieldDescriptor)desc).getSafeSymbol()+ "))");
- } else {
- String indexlbl = new String();
- for(k = 0; k < ((IndexDescriptor)desc).tddesc.size(); k++) {
- indexlbl += generateTemp(fm, ((IndexDescriptor)desc).getTempDescAt(k), lb) + "+";
- }
- indexlbl += ((IndexDescriptor)desc).offset.toString();
- newfieldoffset = new String(indexlbl);
- }
- fieldoffset.add(newfieldoffset);
- }
- if(tuplecount > 0) {
- int tmp = (int) ((Short)(endoffset.get(tuplecount-1))).shortValue() + (int) offsetcount;
- short endoffsetval = (short) tmp;
- endoffset.add(endoffsetval);
- }else {
- endoffset.add(offsetcount);
- }
- tuplecount++;
- break; //break from outer for loop
- } else {
- tstlbl += "&& ";
- for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "->";
- }
- prefix.add(fd.getSafeSymbol());
- tstlbl += fd.getSafeSymbol() + " != NULL";
- }
- } else { /* if Index descriptor */
- String indexstring = new String();
- IndexDescriptor id = (IndexDescriptor) newdesc;
- if(i == 0) {
- indexstring = generateTemp(fm, pp.base, lb);
- } else {
- indexstring = ((FieldDescriptor)pp.getDescAt(i-1)).getSafeSymbol();
- }
- tstlbl += "&& ";
- for(j = 0; j < prefix.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += prefix.get(j) + "[";
- }
- indexstring += "[";
- for(j = 0; j < id.tddesc.size(); j++) {
- tstlbl += generateTemp(fm, id.getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
- indexstring += generateTemp(fm,id.getTempDescAt(j), lb) + "+";
- }
- tstlbl += id.offset.toString()+ "]";
- indexstring += id.offset.toString()+ "]";
- prefix. removeElementAt(prefix.size() -1);
- prefix.add(indexstring);
- tstlbl += " != NULL";
- }
- }
- }
public void generateFlatGlobalConvNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatGlobalConvNode fgcn, PrintWriter output) {
if (lb!=fgcn.getLocality())