--- /dev/null
+ * drivers/input/touchscreen/ft5x0x_ts.c
+ *
+ * FocalTech ft5x0x TouchScreen driver.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 Focal tech Ltd.
+ *
+ * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+ * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *
+ * note: only support mulititouch Wenfs 2010-10-01
+ */
+#include <linux/input.h>
+#include <linux/input/mt.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/fcntl.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/timer.h>
+#include <linux/jiffies.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/ioport.h>
+#include <linux/input-polldev.h>
+#include <linux/i2c.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <linux/android_power.h>
+#include <mach/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/setup.h>
+#include <asm/mach-types.h>
+#include <asm/mach/arch.h>
+#include <asm/mach/map.h>
+#include <asm/mach/flash.h>
+#include <asm/hardware/gic.h>
+#include <mach/iomux.h>
+#include <mach/gpio.h>
+#include <mach/irqs.h>
+//#include <mach/rk29_iomap.h>
+#include <mach/board.h>
+//#include <mach/rk29_nand.h>
+//#include <mach/rk29_camera.h> /* ddl@rock-chips.com : camera support */
+#include <media/soc_camera.h> /* ddl@rock-chips.com : camera support */
+//#include <mach/vpu_mem.h>
+#include <mach/sram.h>
+#include <linux/earlysuspend.h>
+static struct early_suspend ft5306_power;
+#define MAX_POINT 5
+#define FT5306_IIC_SPEED 50*1000 //300*1000
+#define FT5X0X_REG_THRES 0x80 /* Thresshold, the threshold be low, the sensitivy will be high */
+#define FT5X0X_REG_REPORT_RATE 0x88 /* **************report rate, in unit of 10Hz **************/
+#define FT5X0X_REG_PMODE 0xA5 /* Power Consume Mode 0 -- active, 1 -- monitor, 3 -- sleep */
+#define FT5X0X_REG_FIRMID 0xA6 /* ***************firmware version **********************/
+#define FT5X0X_REG_NOISE_MODE 0xb2 /* to enable or disable power noise, 1 -- enable, 0 -- disable */
+#define SCREEN_MAX_X 800
+#define SCREEN_MAX_Y 480
+#define PRESS_MAX 255
+#define FT5X0X_NAME "ft5x0x_ts"//"synaptics_i2c_rmi"//"synaptics-rmi-ts"//
+#define TOUCH_MAJOR_MAX 200
+#define WIDTH_MAJOR_MAX 200
+#define PMODE_ACTIVE 0x00
+#define PMODE_MONITOR 0x01
+#define PMODE_STANDBY 0x02
+#define PMODE_HIBERNATE 0x03
+struct ts_event {
+ s16 cur_touch_id[MAX_POINT];
+ s16 last_touch_id[MAX_POINT];
+struct tp_event {
+ u16 x;
+ u16 y;
+ s16 id;
+ u16 pressure;
+ u8 touch_point;
+ u8 flag;
+struct ft5x0x_ts_data {
+ struct i2c_client *client;
+ struct input_dev *input_dev;
+ int irq;
+ struct ts_event event;
+ struct work_struct pen_event_work;
+ struct workqueue_struct *ts_workqueue;
+static struct i2c_client *this_client;
+#define FTS_PACKET_LENGTH 128
+static u8 CTPM_FW[]=
+#include "ft5406_app.i"
+typedef enum
+ [function]:
+ callback: send data to ctpm by i2c interface;
+ [parameters]:
+ txdata[in]: data buffer which is used to send data;
+ length[in]: the length of the data buffer;
+ [return]:
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: fail;
+static int fts_i2c_txdata(u8 *txdata, int length)
+ int ret;
+ struct i2c_msg msg;
+ msg.addr = this_client->addr;
+ msg.flags = 0;
+ msg.len = length;
+ msg.buf = txdata;
+ msg.scl_rate = FT5306_IIC_SPEED;
+ ret = i2c_transfer(this_client->adapter, &msg, 1);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ pr_err("%s i2c write error: %d\n", __func__, ret);
+ return ret;
+ [function]:
+ callback: write data to ctpm by i2c interface;
+ [parameters]:
+ buffer[in]: data buffer;
+ length[in]: the length of the data buffer;
+ [return]:
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: fail;
+static bool i2c_write_interface(u8* pbt_buf, int dw_lenth)
+ int ret;
+ ret=i2c_master_send(this_client, pbt_buf, dw_lenth);
+ if(ret<=0)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP]i2c_write_interface error line = %d, ret = %d\n", __LINE__, ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ [function]:
+ callback: read register value ftom ctpm by i2c interface;
+ [parameters]:
+ reg_name[in]: the register which you want to write;
+ tx_buf[in]: buffer which is contained of the writing value;
+ [return]:
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: fail;
+static bool fts_register_write(u8 reg_name, u8* tx_buf)
+ u8 write_cmd[2] = {0};
+ write_cmd[0] = reg_name;
+ write_cmd[1] = *tx_buf;
+ /*call the write callback function*/
+ return i2c_write_interface(write_cmd, 2);
+ callback: send a command to ctpm.
+ btcmd[in]: command code;
+ btPara1[in]: parameter 1;
+ btPara2[in]: parameter 2;
+ btPara3[in]: parameter 3;
+ num[in]: the valid input parameter numbers,
+ if only command code needed and no
+ parameters followed,then the num is 1;
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: io fail;
+static bool cmd_write(u8 btcmd,u8 btPara1,u8 btPara2,u8 btPara3,u8 num)
+ u8 write_cmd[4] = {0};
+ write_cmd[0] = btcmd;
+ write_cmd[1] = btPara1;
+ write_cmd[2] = btPara2;
+ write_cmd[3] = btPara3;
+ return i2c_write_interface(write_cmd, num);
+ [function]:
+ callback: read data from ctpm by i2c interface;
+ [parameters]:
+ buffer[in]: data buffer;
+ length[in]: the length of the data buffer;
+ [return]:
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: fail;
+static bool i2c_read_interface(u8* pbt_buf, int dw_lenth)
+ int ret;
+ ret=i2c_master_recv(this_client, pbt_buf, dw_lenth);
+ if(ret<=0)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP]i2c_read_interface error\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ callback: read a byte data from ctpm;
+ buffer[in]: read buffer;
+ length[in]: the size of read data;
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: io fail;
+static bool byte_read(u8* buffer, int length)
+ return i2c_read_interface(buffer, length);
+ callback: write a byte data to ctpm;
+ buffer[in]: write buffer;
+ length[in]: the size of write data;
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: io fail;
+static bool byte_write(u8* buffer, int length)
+ return i2c_write_interface(buffer, length);
+ [function]:
+ callback: read register value ftom ctpm by i2c interface;
+ [parameters]:
+ reg_name[in]: the register which you want to read;
+ rx_buf[in]: data buffer which is used to store register value;
+ rx_length[in]: the length of the data buffer;
+ [return]:
+ FTS_TRUE: success;
+ FTS_FALSE: fail;
+static bool fts_register_read(u8 reg_name, u8* rx_buf, int rx_length)
+ u8 read_cmd[2]= {0};
+ u8 cmd_len = 0;
+ read_cmd[0] = reg_name;
+ cmd_len = 1;
+ /*send register addr*/
+ if(!i2c_write_interface(&read_cmd[0], cmd_len))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*call the read callback function to get the register value*/
+ if(!i2c_read_interface(rx_buf, rx_length))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ callback: burn the FW to ctpm.
+ pbt_buf[in]: point to Head+FW ;
+ dw_lenth[in]: the length of the FW + 6(the Head length);
+ ERR_OK: no error;
+ ERR_MODE: fail to switch to UPDATE mode;
+ ERR_READID: read id fail;
+ ERR_ERASE: erase chip fail;
+ ERR_STATUS: status error;
+ ERR_ECC: ecc error.
+E_UPGRADE_ERR_TYPE fts_ctpm_fw_upgrade(u8* pbt_buf, int dw_lenth)
+ u8 cmd,reg_val[2] = {0};
+ u8 buffer[2] = {0};
+ u8 packet_buf[FTS_PACKET_LENGTH + 6];
+ u8 auc_i2c_write_buf[10];
+ u8 bt_ecc;
+ int j,temp,lenght,i_ret,packet_number, i = 0;
+ int i_is_new_protocol = 0;
+ /******write 0xaa to register 0xfc******/
+ cmd=0xaa;
+ fts_register_write(0xfc,&cmd);
+ mdelay(50);
+ /******write 0x55 to register 0xfc******/
+ cmd=0x55;
+ fts_register_write(0xfc,&cmd);
+ printk("[TSP] Step 1: Reset CTPM test\n");
+ mdelay(10);
+ /*******Step 2:Enter upgrade mode ****/
+ printk("\n[TSP] Step 2:enter new update mode\n");
+ auc_i2c_write_buf[0] = 0x55;
+ auc_i2c_write_buf[1] = 0xaa;
+ do
+ {
+ i ++;
+ i_ret = fts_i2c_txdata(auc_i2c_write_buf, 2);
+ mdelay(5);
+ }while(i_ret <= 0 && i < 10 );
+ if (i > 1)
+ {
+ i_is_new_protocol = 1;
+ }
+ /********Step 3:check READ-ID********/
+ cmd_write(0x90,0x00,0x00,0x00,4);
+ byte_read(reg_val,2);
+ if (reg_val[0] == 0x79 && reg_val[1] == 0x3)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] Step 3: CTPM ID,ID1 = 0x%x,ID2 = 0x%x\n",reg_val[0],reg_val[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] Step 3: error CTPM ID,ID1 = 0x%x,ID2 = 0x%x\n",reg_val[0],reg_val[1]);
+ return ERR_READID;
+ //i_is_new_protocol = 1;
+ }
+ /*********Step 4:erase app**********/
+ if (i_is_new_protocol)
+ {
+ cmd_write(0x61,0x00,0x00,0x00,1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmd_write(0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,1);
+ }
+ mdelay(1500);
+ printk("[TSP] Step 4: erase. \n");
+ /*Step 5:write firmware(FW) to ctpm flash*/
+ bt_ecc = 0;
+ printk("[TSP] Step 5: start upgrade. \n");
+ dw_lenth = dw_lenth - 8;
+ packet_number = (dw_lenth) / FTS_PACKET_LENGTH;
+ packet_buf[0] = 0xbf;
+ packet_buf[1] = 0x00;
+ for (j=0;j<packet_number;j++)
+ {
+ temp = j * FTS_PACKET_LENGTH;
+ packet_buf[2] = (u8)(temp>>8);
+ packet_buf[3] = (u8)temp;
+ packet_buf[4] = (u8)(lenght>>8);
+ packet_buf[5] = (u8)lenght;
+ for (i=0;i<FTS_PACKET_LENGTH;i++)
+ {
+ packet_buf[6+i] = pbt_buf[j*FTS_PACKET_LENGTH + i];
+ bt_ecc ^= packet_buf[6+i];
+ }
+ byte_write(&packet_buf[0],FTS_PACKET_LENGTH + 6);
+ mdelay(FTS_PACKET_LENGTH/6 + 1);
+ if ((j * FTS_PACKET_LENGTH % 1024) == 0)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] upgrade the 0x%x th byte.\n", ((unsigned int)j) * FTS_PACKET_LENGTH);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((dw_lenth) % FTS_PACKET_LENGTH > 0)
+ {
+ temp = packet_number * FTS_PACKET_LENGTH;
+ packet_buf[2] = (u8)(temp>>8);
+ packet_buf[3] = (u8)temp;
+ temp = (dw_lenth) % FTS_PACKET_LENGTH;
+ packet_buf[4] = (u8)(temp>>8);
+ packet_buf[5] = (u8)temp;
+ for (i=0;i<temp;i++)
+ {
+ packet_buf[6+i] = pbt_buf[ packet_number*FTS_PACKET_LENGTH + i];
+ bt_ecc ^= packet_buf[6+i];
+ }
+ byte_write(&packet_buf[0],temp+6);
+ mdelay(20);
+ }
+ /***********send the last six byte**********/
+ for (i = 0; i<6; i++)
+ {
+ temp = 0x6ffa + i;
+ packet_buf[2] = (u8)(temp>>8);
+ packet_buf[3] = (u8)temp;
+ temp =1;
+ packet_buf[4] = (u8)(temp>>8);
+ packet_buf[5] = (u8)temp;
+ packet_buf[6] = pbt_buf[ dw_lenth + i];
+ bt_ecc ^= packet_buf[6];
+ byte_write(&packet_buf[0],7);
+ mdelay(20);
+ }
+ /********send the opration head************/
+ cmd_write(0xcc,0x00,0x00,0x00,1);
+ byte_read(reg_val,1);
+ printk("[TSP] Step 6: ecc read 0x%x, new firmware 0x%x. \n", reg_val[0], bt_ecc);
+ if(reg_val[0] != bt_ecc)
+ {
+ return ERR_ECC;
+ }
+ /*******Step 7: reset the new FW**********/
+ cmd_write(0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,1);
+ mdelay(100);//100ms
+ fts_register_read(0xfc, buffer, 1);
+ if (buffer[0] == 1)
+ {
+ cmd=4;
+ fts_register_write(0xfc, &cmd);
+ mdelay(2500);//2500ms
+ do
+ {
+ fts_register_read(0xfc, buffer, 1);
+ mdelay(100);//100ms
+ }while (buffer[0] != 1);
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
+int fts_ctpm_fw_upgrade_with_i_file(void)
+ u8* pbt_buf = 0;
+ int i_ret;
+ pbt_buf = CTPM_FW;
+ i_ret = fts_ctpm_fw_upgrade(pbt_buf,sizeof(CTPM_FW));
+ return i_ret;
+unsigned char fts_ctpm_get_upg_ver(void)
+ unsigned int ui_sz;
+ ui_sz = sizeof(CTPM_FW);
+ if (ui_sz > 2)
+ {
+ return CTPM_FW[ui_sz - 2];
+ }
+ else
+ return 0xff;
+static int ft5306_init_touchid(s16 touch_buf[], unsigned len,s16 init_val)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<len;i++){
+ touch_buf[i] = init_val;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/*read the it7260 register ,used i2c bus*/
+static int ft5306_read_regs(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, u8 buf[], unsigned len)
+ int ret;
+ ret = i2c_master_reg8_recv(client, reg, buf, len, FT5306_IIC_SPEED);
+ return ret;
+/* set the it7260 registe,used i2c bus*/
+static int ft5306_set_regs(struct i2c_client *client, u8 reg, u8 const buf[], unsigned short len)
+ int ret;
+ ret = i2c_master_reg8_send(client, reg, buf, (int)len, FT5306_IIC_SPEED);
+ return ret;
+static void ft5306_queue_work(struct work_struct *work)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *data = container_of(work, struct ft5x0x_ts_data, pen_event_work);
+ struct tp_event event;
+ u8 start_reg=0x0;
+ u8 buf[32] = {0};
+ int ret,i,offset,points;
+ ret = ft5306_read_regs(data->client,start_reg, buf, 6*MAX_POINT+1);
+ ret = ft5306_read_regs(data->client,start_reg, buf, 7);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(&data->client->dev, "ft5306_read_regs fail:%d!\n",ret);
+ enable_irq(data->irq);
+ return;
+ }
+ points = buf[2] & 0x07;
+ memset(&event, 0, sizeof(struct tp_event));
+ ft5306_init_touchid(data->event.cur_touch_id,MAX_POINT,-1);
+// dev_info(&data->client->dev,
+// "ft5306 multiple report points = %d :\n",points);
+ for(i=0;i<points;i++){
+ offset = i*6+3;
+ event.x = (((s16)(buf[offset+0] & 0x0F))<<8) | ((s16)buf[offset+1]);
+ event.y = (((s16)(buf[offset+2] & 0x0F))<<8) | ((s16)buf[offset+3]);
+ event.id = (s16)(buf[offset+2] & 0xF0)>>4;
+ event.flag = ((buf[offset+0] & 0xc0) >> 6);
+ event.pressure = 200;
+ if(event.x<=SCREEN_MAX_X && event.y<=SCREEN_MAX_Y && event.id < MAX_POINT){
+// dev_info(&data->client->dev,
+// "ft5306 multiple report event[%d]:x = %d,y = %d,last_id = %d,cur_id = %d,flag = %d,pressure = %d\n",
+// i,event.x,event.y,data->event.last_touch_id[event.id],event.id,event.flag,event.pressure);
+ input_mt_slot(data->input_dev, event.id);
+ data->event.cur_touch_id[event.id] = event.id;
+ if(data->event.last_touch_id[event.id] != event.id){
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, event.id);
+ data->event.last_touch_id[event.id] = event.id;
+ }
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_POSITION_X, event.x);
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, event.y);
+// dev_info(&data->client->dev,"new last_id=%d,cur_id = %d\n",data->event.last_touch_id[event.id],
+// data->event.cur_touch_id[event.id]);
+ }
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAX_POINT;i++){
+ if(data->event.last_touch_id[i] != data->event.cur_touch_id[i]){
+// dev_info(&data->client->dev,"release id=%d: last_id=%d,cur_id = %d\n",i,data->event.last_touch_id[i],
+// data->event.cur_touch_id[i]);
+ data->event.last_touch_id[i] = data->event.cur_touch_id[i];
+ input_mt_slot(data->input_dev, i);
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, data->event.cur_touch_id[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (points == 0) {
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, 0);
+ input_report_key(data->input_dev, BTN_TOUCH, 0);
+ input_sync(data->input_dev);
+ enable_irq(data->irq);
+// dev_info(&data->client->dev, "ft5306 touch release\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ event.x = (s16)(buf[3] & 0x0F)<<8 | (s16)buf[4];
+ event.y = (s16)(buf[5] & 0x0F)<<8 | (s16)buf[6];
+ event.pressure =200;
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_X, event.x);
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_Y, event.y);
+ input_report_abs(data->input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, event.pressure);
+ input_report_key(data->input_dev, BTN_TOUCH, 1);
+ //dev_info(&data->client->dev, "ft5306 single report event:x = %d,y = %d\n",event.x,event.y);
+ input_sync(data->input_dev);
+ enable_irq(data->irq);
+ return;
+static irqreturn_t ft5306_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *ft5x0x_ts = dev_id;
+ //printk("ft5306_interrupt\n");
+ disable_irq_nosync(ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ if (!work_pending(&ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work))
+ queue_work(ft5x0x_ts->ts_workqueue, &ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work);
+ return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int ft5306_suspend(struct i2c_client *client, pm_message_t mesg)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *ft5x0x_ts = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ struct ft5306_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
+ if (pdata->platform_sleep)
+ pdata->platform_sleep();
+ disable_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ return 0;
+static int ft5306_resume(struct i2c_client *client)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *ft5x0x_ts = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ struct ft5306_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
+ enable_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ if (pdata->platform_wakeup)
+ pdata->platform_wakeup();
+ return 0;
+static void ft5306_suspend_early(struct early_suspend *h)
+ ft5306_suspend(this_client,PMSG_SUSPEND);
+static void ft5306_resume_early(struct early_suspend *h)
+ ft5306_resume(this_client);
+static int __devexit ft5306_remove(struct i2c_client *client)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *ft5x0x_ts = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
+ free_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq, ft5x0x_ts);
+ input_unregister_device(ft5x0x_ts->input_dev);
+ kfree(ft5x0x_ts);
+ cancel_work_sync(&ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work);
+ destroy_workqueue(ft5x0x_ts->ts_workqueue);
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, NULL);
+ unregister_early_suspend(&ft5306_power);
+ this_client = NULL;
+ return 0;
+static int ft5306_probe(struct i2c_client *client ,const struct i2c_device_id *id)
+ struct ft5x0x_ts_data *ft5x0x_ts;
+ struct input_dev *input_dev;
+ struct ft5306_platform_data *pdata = client->dev.platform_data;
+ int err = 0;
+ int ret = 0;
+ int retry = 0;
+ u8 buf_w[1];
+ u8 buf_r[1];
+ const u8 buf_test[1] = {0};
+ unsigned char reg_value;
+ unsigned char reg_version;
+ dev_info(&client->dev, "ft5x0x_ts_probe!\n");
+ if (!pdata) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "platform data is required!\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (pdata->init_platform_hw)
+ pdata->init_platform_hw();
+ if (!i2c_check_functionality(client->adapter, I2C_FUNC_I2C)){
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "Must have I2C_FUNC_I2C.\n");
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ ft5x0x_ts = kzalloc(sizeof(*ft5x0x_ts), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ft5x0x_ts) {
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ while(retry < 5)
+ {
+ ret=ft5306_set_regs(client,FT5X0X_REG_PMODE, buf_test,1);
+ if(ret > 0)break;
+ retry++;
+ }
+ if(ret <= 0)
+ {
+ printk("FT5306 I2C TEST ERROR!\n");
+ err = -ENODEV;
+ goto exit_i2c_test_fail;
+ }
+ buf_r[0] = 0xff;
+ err = ft5306_read_regs(client,FT5X0X_REG_PMODE,buf_r,1);
+ printk("read buf[FT5X0X_REG_PMODE] = %d\n", buf_r[0]);
+ input_dev = input_allocate_device();
+ if (!input_dev) {
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+ printk("failed to allocate input device\n");
+ goto exit_input_dev_alloc_failed;
+ }
+ ft5x0x_ts->client = this_client = client;
+ ft5x0x_ts->irq = pdata->irq_pin;
+ ft5x0x_ts->input_dev = input_dev;
+ set_bit(INPUT_PROP_DIRECT, input_dev->propbit);
+ set_bit(EV_ABS, input_dev->evbit);
+ ft5306_init_touchid(ft5x0x_ts->event.cur_touch_id,MAX_POINT,-1);
+ ft5306_init_touchid(ft5x0x_ts->event.last_touch_id,MAX_POINT,-1);
+ input_mt_init_slots(input_dev, MAX_POINT);
+ input_set_abs_params(input_dev,ABS_MT_POSITION_X, 0, SCREEN_MAX_X, 0, 0);
+ input_set_abs_params(input_dev,ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, 0, SCREEN_MAX_Y, 0, 0);
+ set_bit(ABS_X, input_dev->absbit);
+ set_bit(ABS_Y, input_dev->absbit);
+ set_bit(ABS_PRESSURE, input_dev->absbit);
+ set_bit(BTN_TOUCH, input_dev->keybit);
+ input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_X, 0, SCREEN_MAX_X, 0, 0);
+ input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_Y, 0, SCREEN_MAX_Y, 0, 0);
+ input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, 0, PRESS_MAX, 0 , 0);
+ input_dev->name = FT5X0X_NAME;
+ input_dev->id.bustype = BUS_I2C;
+ err = input_register_device(input_dev);
+ if (err) {
+ printk("ft5x0x_ts_probe: failed to register input device: \n");
+ goto exit_input_register_device_failed;
+ }
+ if (!ft5x0x_ts->irq) {
+ err = -ENODEV;
+ dev_err(&ft5x0x_ts->client->dev, "no IRQ?\n");
+ goto exit_no_irq_fail;
+ }else{
+ ft5x0x_ts->irq = gpio_to_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ }
+ //INIT_WORK(&ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work, ft5306_ts_pen_irq_work);
+ INIT_WORK(&ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work, ft5306_queue_work);
+ ft5x0x_ts->ts_workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue("ft5x0x_ts");
+ if (!ft5x0x_ts->ts_workqueue) {
+ err = -ESRCH;
+ goto exit_create_singlethread;
+ }
+ /***wait CTP to bootup normally***/
+ msleep(200);
+ fts_register_read(FT5X0X_REG_FIRMID, ®_version,1);
+ printk("[TSP] firmware version = 0x%2x\n", reg_version);
+ fts_register_read(FT5X0X_REG_REPORT_RATE, ®_value,1);
+ printk("[TSP]firmware report rate = %dHz\n", reg_value*10);
+ fts_register_read(FT5X0X_REG_THRES, ®_value,1);
+ printk("[TSP]firmware threshold = %d\n", reg_value * 4);
+ fts_register_read(FT5X0X_REG_NOISE_MODE, ®_value,1);
+ printk("[TSP]nosie mode = 0x%2x\n", reg_value);
+#if 0
+ if (fts_ctpm_get_upg_ver() != reg_version)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] start upgrade new verison 0x%2x\n", fts_ctpm_get_upg_ver());
+ msleep(200);
+ err = fts_ctpm_fw_upgrade_with_i_file();
+ if (err == 0)
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] ugrade successfuly.\n");
+ msleep(300);
+ fts_register_read(FT5X0X_REG_FIRMID, ®_value,1);
+ printk("FTS_DBG from old version 0x%2x to new version = 0x%2x\n", reg_version, reg_value);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printk("[TSP] ugrade fail err=%d, line = %d.\n",err, __LINE__);
+ }
+ msleep(4000);
+ }
+ //printk("client->dev.driver->name %s ,%d \n",client->dev.driver->name,ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ ret = request_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq, ft5306_interrupt, IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, client->dev.driver->name, ft5x0x_ts);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ dev_err(&client->dev, "irq %d busy?\n", ft5x0x_ts->irq);
+ goto exit_irq_request_fail;
+ }
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, ft5x0x_ts);
+ ft5306_power.suspend =ft5306_suspend_early;
+ ft5306_power.resume =ft5306_resume_early;
+ ft5306_power.level = 0x2;
+ register_early_suspend(&ft5306_power);
+ buf_w[0] = 6;
+ err = ft5306_set_regs(client,0x88,buf_w,1);
+ buf_r[0] = 0;
+ err = ft5306_read_regs(client,0x88,buf_r,1);
+ printk("read buf[0x88] = %d\n", buf_r[0]);
+ return 0;
+ i2c_set_clientdata(client, NULL);
+ free_irq(ft5x0x_ts->irq,ft5x0x_ts);
+ cancel_work_sync(&ft5x0x_ts->pen_event_work);
+ destroy_workqueue(ft5x0x_ts->ts_workqueue);
+ input_unregister_device(input_dev);
+ input_free_device(input_dev);
+ if (pdata->exit_platform_hw)
+ pdata->exit_platform_hw();
+ kfree(ft5x0x_ts);
+ return err;
+static struct i2c_device_id ft5306_idtable[] = {
+ { FT5X0X_NAME, 0 },
+ { }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, ft5306_idtable);
+static struct i2c_driver ft5306_driver = {
+ .driver = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = FT5X0X_NAME
+ },
+ .id_table = ft5306_idtable,
+ .probe = ft5306_probe,
+ .remove = __devexit_p(ft5306_remove),
+static int __init ft5306_ts_init(void)
+ return i2c_add_driver(&ft5306_driver);
+static void __exit ft5306_ts_exit(void)
+ printk("Touchscreen driver of ft5306 exited.\n");
+ i2c_del_driver(&ft5306_driver);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("FocalTech ft5x0x TouchScreen driver");