#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
+#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
+#include <stdarg.h>
using namespace std;
typedef struct MethodCall {
// value and the arguments
void *localState; // The pointer that points to the struct that represents
// the (local) state
- vector<MethodCall*> *prev; // Method calls that are hb right before me
- vector<MethodCall*> *next; // Method calls that are hb right after me
- vector<MethodCall*> *concurrent; // Method calls that are concurrent with me
+ set<MethodCall*> *prev; // Method calls that are hb right before me
+ set<MethodCall*> *next; // Method calls that are hb right after me
+ set<MethodCall*> *concurrent; // Method calls that are concurrent with me
} MethodCall;
typedef MethodCall *Method;
-typedef vector<Method> *MethodSet;
+typedef set<Method> *MethodSet;
+typedef vector<int> IntVector;
+typedef list<int> IntList;
+typedef set<int> IntSet;
-typedef vector<int> IntList;
+/********** More general specification-related types and operations **********/
-#define NewSet new vector<Method>
+#define NewSet new set<Method>
#define CAT(a, b) CAT_HELPER(a, b) /* Concatenate two symbols for macros! */
#define CAT_HELPER(a, b) a ## b
The set here is a vector<MethodCall*>* type, or the MethodSet type. And the
item would become the MethodCall* type, or the Method type
-#define ForEach(item, set) \
+#define ForEach1(item, set) \
int X(i) = 0; \
for (Method item = (set)->size() > 0 ? (*(set))[0] : NULL; \
X(i) < (set)->size(); X(i)++, item = X(i) < (set)->size() ? (*(set))[X(i)] : NULL)
-inline MethodSet Subset(MethodSet set, string name) {
- MethodSet _subset = NewSet;
- ForEach (_m, set) {
- if (_m->interfaceName == name)
- _subset->push_back(_m);
- }
- return _subset;
+#define ForEach(item, container) \
+ auto X(_container) = (container); \
+ auto X(iter) = X(_container)->begin(); \
+ for (auto item = *X(iter); X(iter) != X(_container)->end(); item = ((++X(iter)) != \
+ X(_container)->end()) ? *X(iter) : 0)
+ The subset operation is only for the MethodCall set
+#define _M ME
+#define NAME Name(_M)
+#define LOCAL(field) Local(_M, field)
+#define VALUE(type, field) Value(_M, type, field)
-#define Size(set) (set->size())
+#define Subset(s, subset, condition) \
+ MethodSet original = s; \
+ MethodSet subset = NewSet; \
+ ForEach (_M, original) { \
+ if ((condition)) \
+ subset->insert(_M); \
+ } \
-#define Belong(set, method) (std::find(set->begin(), set->end(), method) \
- != set->end())
+/** General for set, list & vector */
+#define Size(container) ((container)->size())
-inline MethodSet Intersect(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) {
- MethodSet res = NewSet;
- ForEach (m, set1) {
- if (Belong(set2, m))
- res->push_back(m);
+#define _BelongHelper(type) \
+ template<class T> \
+ inline bool Belong(type<T> *container, T item) { \
+ return std::find(container->begin(), \
+ container->end(), item) != container->end(); \
+ }
+/** General set operations */
+template<class T>
+inline set<T>* Intersect(set<T> *set1, set<T> *set2) {
+ set<T> *res = new set<T>;
+ ForEach (item, set1) {
+ if (Belong(set2, item))
+ res->insert(item);
return res;
-inline MethodSet Union(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) {
- MethodSet res = NewSet(*set1);
- ForEach (m, set2) {
- if (!Belong(set1, m))
- res->push_back(m);
- }
+template<class T>
+inline set<T>* Union(set<T> *s1, set<T> *s2) {
+ set<T> *res = new set<T>(*s1);
+ ForEach (item, s2)
+ res->insert(item);
return res;
-inline MethodSet Subtract(MethodSet set1, MethodSet set2) {
- MethodSet res = NewSet;
- ForEach (m, set1) {
- if (!Belong(set2, m))
- res->push_back(m);
+template<class T>
+inline set<T>* Subtract(set<T> *set1, set<T> *set2) {
+ set<T> *res = new set<T>;
+ ForEach (item, set1) {
+ if (!Belong(set2, item))
+ res->insert(item);
return res;
-inline bool Insert(MethodSet set, Method m) {
- if (Belong(set, m))
- return false;
- else {
- set->push_back(m);
- return true;
- }
+template<class T>
+inline void Insert(set<T> *s, T item) { s->insert(item); }
+template<class T>
+inline void Insert(set<T> *s, set<T> *others) {
+ ForEach (item, others)
+ s->insert(item);
inline MethodSet MakeSet(int count, ...) {
va_start (ap, count);
res = NewSet;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- Method m = va_arg (ap, Method);
- if (!Belong(res, m))
- res->push_back(m);
+ Method item = va_arg (ap, Method);
+ res->insert(item);
va_end (ap);
return res;
+/********** Method call related operations **********/
+#define Name(method) method->interfaceName
#define Local(method, field) ((StateStruct*) method->localState)->field
#define Value(method, type, field) ((type*) method->value)->field
-#define Label(method) method->interfaceName
#define Prev(method) method->prev
#define PREV ME->prev
// This auto-generated struct can have different fields according to the read
// state declaration. Here it's just a test example
typedef struct StateStruct {
- IntList *list;
+ int x;
} StateStruct;
// These auto-generated struct can have different fields according to the return
} Load;
int main() {
- Method ME = NULL;
- MethodSet set = NewSet;
- ForEach (m, Subset(set, "Store")) {
- IntList *l = Local(m, list);
- int ret = Value(m, Load, RET);
- string name = Label(m);
- }
- ForEach (m, Prev(ME)) {
- }
- int size = Size(PREV);
- bool flag = Belong(CONCURRENT, ME);
- flag = Belong(MakeSet(3, ME, ME, ME), ME);
+ set<int> *is1 = new set<int>;
+ set<int> *is2 = new set<int>;
+ list<int> *il1 = new list<int>;
+ list<int> *il2 = new list<int>;
+ il1->push_back(2);
+ il1->push_back(3);
+ is1->insert(1);
+ is1->insert(3);
+ is2->insert(4);
+ is2->insert(5);
+ MethodSet ms = NewSet;
+ Method m = new MethodCall;
+ m->interfaceName = "Store";
+ StateStruct *ss = new StateStruct;
+ ss->x = 1;
+ m->localState = ss;
+ Store *st = new Store;
+ st->val = 2;
+ m->value = st;
+ ms->insert(m);
+ m = new MethodCall;
+ m->interfaceName= "Store";
+ ss = new StateStruct;
+ ss->x = 2;
+ m->localState = ss;
+ st = new Store;
+ st->val = 0;
+ m->value = st;
+ ms->insert(m);
+ m = new MethodCall;
+ m->interfaceName= "Load";
+ ss = new StateStruct;
+ ss->x = 0;
+ m->localState = ss;
+ Load *ld = new Load;
+ ld->RET = 2;
+ m->value = ld;
+ ms->insert(m);
+ //Subset(ms, sub, NAME == "Store" && VALUE(Store, val) != 0);
+ Subset(ms, sub, NAME == "Store" && VALUE(Store, val) >= 0 && LOCAL(x) == 0);
+ cout << "Size=" << Size(sub) << endl;
return 0;
@InitVar: x = 0;
@Interface: Store
- LOCAL.x = val;
+@SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = val;
void store(int *loc, int val);
@Interface: Load
- IntegerSet *prevSet = new IntegerSet;
- for (m in PREV) {
- prevSet->add(m.LOCAL.x);
- }
- return prevSet->contains(RET);
- LOCAL.x = RET;
+ Subset(PREV, subset, LOCAL(x) == RET);
+ return Size(subset) > 0;
+@SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = RET;
int load(int *loc);
c. The C/C++ atomics (a slightly loose specification)
a slightly loose specification which basically states that a load can read from
any store that either immediately happens before it or concurrently executes.
----------- Specification ----------
-@DeclareVar: int x;
-@InitVar: x = 0;
-@Interface: Store
- LOCAL.x = val;
-void store(int *loc, int val);
// We define a struct called MethodCall to represent the data we would collect
// and communicate between the real execution and the checking process
// 3. Value(method, type, field)
#define Value(method, type, field) ((type*) method->value)->field
-// 4. Lable(mehtod)
+// 4. Name(mehtod)
#defien Lable(method) method->interfaceName
// 5. Prev(method)
// 7. Concurrent(method)
#define Concurrent(method) mehtod->concurrent
+---------- Specification ----------
+@DeclareVar: int x;
+@InitVar: x = 0;
+@Interface: Store
+@SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = val;
+void store(int *loc, int val);
@Interface: Load
// Auto generated code
// MethodCall *ME = ((SomeTypeConversion) info)->method;
- IntegerSet prevSet, concurSet;
- ForEach(m, PREV) {
- prevSet->insert(LOCAL(m, x));
- }
- ForEach (m, Subset(CONCURRENT, "STORE")) {
- concurSet->insert(Value(m, STORE, val));
- }
- return prevSet->contains(RET) || concurSet->contains(RET);
- LOCAL.x = RET;
+ Subset(Prev, readSet1, LOCAL(x) == RET);
+ if (Size(readSet1) > 0) return true;
+ Subset(Concurrent, readSet2, NAME == "Store" && VALUE(Store, val) == RET);
+ return Size(readSet2) > 0;
+@SideEffect: LOCAL(x) = RET;
int load(int *loc);
d. The C/C++ normal memory accesses
// The dequeuer doesn't dequeue from that enqueuer
@Commutativity: Enq <-> Deq (!_M2.RET || (_M2.RET && Enq.val != *Deq.res))
-@Interface: Enq
- LOCAL.x = val;
+@Interface: Enq
+@SideEffect: q->push_back(val);
void enq(queue_t *q, int val);
@Interface: Deq
// dequeue them
if (!RET) {
// Local state is empty
- if (Local.q->size() == 0) return true;
+ if (Local(q)->size() == 0) return true;
// Otherwise check there must be other concurrent dequeuers
- for (int i = 0; i < Local.q->size(); i++) {
- int item = (*Local.q)[i];
+ ForEach (item, Local(q)) {
// Check there's some concurrent dequeuer for this item
- bool flag = false;
- ForEach (m, Subset(CONCURRENT, "Deq")) {
- if (Value(m, Deq, RET) && *Value(m, Deq, res) == item)
- flag = true;
- }
- if (!flag) return false;
+ Subset(CONCURRENT, concurSet, NAME == "Deq" && VALUE(Deq, RET) &&
+ *VALUE(Deq, res) == item);
+ if (Size(concurSet) == 0) return false;
return true;
} else { // Check the global queue state
return q->back() == *res;
- if (RET)
- Global.q->back()
+ if (RET) q->pop_back();
bool deq(queue_t *q, int *res);