+++ /dev/null
-#include "alloyenc.h"
-#include <string>
-#include "signatureenc.h"
-#include "structs.h"
-#include "csolver.h"
-#include "boolean.h"
-#include "predicate.h"
-#include "element.h"
-#include "signature.h"
-#include "set.h"
-#include "function.h"
-#include "inc_solver.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include "cppvector.h"
-using namespace std;
-#define alloyFileName "satune.als"
-#define solutionFile "solution.sol"
-AlloyEnc::AlloyEnc(CSolver *_solver):
- Interpreter(_solver)
- output.open(alloyFileName);
- if(!output.is_open()){
- model_print("AlloyEnc:Error in opening the dump file satune.als\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if(output.is_open()){
- output.close();
- }
-void AlloyEnc::dumpAllConstraints(Vector<char *> &facts){
- output << "fact {" << endl;
- for(uint i=0; i< facts.getSize(); i++){
- char *cstr = facts.get(i);
- writeToFile(cstr);
- }
- output << "}" << endl;
-int AlloyEnc::getResult(){
- ifstream input(solutionFile, ios::in);
- string line;
- while(getline(input, line)){
- if(line.find("Unsatisfiable.")== 0){
- return IS_UNSAT;
- }
- if(line.find("univ") == 0){
- continue;
- }
- if(line.find("this/AbsBool<:value") == 0 || line.find("this/AbsElement<:value=") == 0){
- const char delim [2] = ",";
- char cline [line.size()+1];
- strcpy ( cline, line.c_str() );
- char *token = strtok(cline, delim);
- while( token != NULL ) {
- printf( " %s\n", token );
- uint i1, i2, i3;
- if (3 == sscanf(token,"%*[^0123456789]%u%*[^0123456789]%d%*[^0123456789]%u", &i1, &i2, &i3)){
- model_print("Signature%u = %u\n", i1, i3);
- sigEnc.setValue(i1, i3);
- }
- token = strtok(NULL, delim);
- }
- }
- }
- return IS_SAT;
-void AlloyEnc::dumpFooter(){
- output << "pred show {}" << endl;
- output << "run show for " << sigEnc.getAlloyIntScope() << " int" << endl;
-void AlloyEnc::dumpHeader(){
- output << "open util/integer" << endl;
-void AlloyEnc::compileRunCommand(char * command, size_t size){
- snprintf(command, size, "./run.sh timeout %u java -Xmx10000m edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.ExampleAlloyCompilerNoViz %s > %s", getTimeout(), alloyFileName, solutionFile);
-string AlloyEnc::negateConstraint(string constr){
- return "not ( " + constr + " )";
-string AlloyEnc::encodeBooleanLogic( BooleanLogic *bl){
- uint size = bl->inputs.getSize();
- string array[size];
- for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
- array[i] = encodeConstraint(bl->inputs.get(i));
- string op;
- switch (bl->op){
- case SATC_OR:
- op = " or ";
- break;
- case SATC_AND:
- op = " and ";
- break;
- case SATC_NOT:
- op = " not ";
- break;
- case SATC_IFF:
- op = " iff ";
- break;
- op = " implies ";
- break;
- case SATC_XOR:
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
- switch (bl->op) {
- case SATC_OR:
- case SATC_AND:{
- ASSERT(size >= 2);
- string res = "( ";
- res += array[0];
- for( uint i=1; i< size; i++){
- res += op + array[i];
- }
- res += " )";
- return res;
- }
- case SATC_NOT:{
- return "not ( " + array[0] + " )";
- }
- case SATC_IFF:
- return "( " + array[0] + op + array[1] + " )";
- case SATC_XOR:
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
-string AlloyEnc::encodeBooleanVar( BooleanVar *bv){
- BooleanSig * boolSig = sigEnc.getBooleanSignature(bv);
- return *boolSig + " = 1";
-string AlloyEnc::processElementFunction(ElementFunction* elemFunc, ElementSig *signature){
- FunctionOperator *function = (FunctionOperator *) elemFunc->getFunction();
- uint numDomains = elemFunc->inputs.getSize();
- ASSERT(numDomains > 1);
- ElementSig *inputs[numDomains];
- string result;
- for (uint i = 0; i < numDomains; i++) {
- Element *elem = elemFunc->inputs.get(i);
- inputs[i] = sigEnc.getElementSignature(elem);
- if(elem->type == ELEMFUNCRETURN){
- result += processElementFunction((ElementFunction *) elem, inputs[i]);
- }
- }
- string op;
- switch(function->op){
- case SATC_ADD:
- op = ".add";
- break;
- case SATC_SUB:
- op = ".sub";
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
- result += *signature + " = " + *inputs[0];
- for (uint i = 1; i < numDomains; i++) {
- result += op + "["+ *inputs[i] +"]";
- }
- result += "\n";
- return result;
-string AlloyEnc::operatorPredicateConstraint(CompOp op, ElementSig *elemSig1, ElementSig *elemSig2){
- switch (op) {
- return *elemSig1 + " = " + *elemSig2;
- case SATC_LT:
- return *elemSig1 + " < " + *elemSig2;
- case SATC_GT:
- return *elemSig1 + " > " + *elemSig2;
- default:
- ASSERT(0);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef ALLOYENC_H
-#define ALLOYENC_H
-#include "classlist.h"
-#include "signatureenc.h"
-#include "interpreter.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-class AlloyEnc: public Interpreter{
- AlloyEnc(CSolver *solver);
- virtual ~AlloyEnc();
- virtual void dumpFooter();
- virtual void dumpHeader();
- virtual void compileRunCommand(char * command , size_t size);
- virtual int getResult();
- virtual void dumpAllConstraints(Vector<char *> &facts);
- virtual string negateConstraint(string constr);
- virtual string encodeBooleanLogic( BooleanLogic *bl);
- virtual string encodeBooleanVar( BooleanVar *bv);
- string encodeOperatorPredicate(BooleanPredicate *constraint);
- virtual string processElementFunction(ElementFunction *element, ElementSig *signature);
- virtual string operatorPredicateConstraint(CompOp op, ElementSig *elemSig1, ElementSig *elemSig2);
--- /dev/null
+#include "alloyinterpreter.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "signatureenc.h"
+#include "structs.h"
+#include "csolver.h"
+#include "boolean.h"
+#include "predicate.h"
+#include "element.h"
+#include "signature.h"
+#include "set.h"
+#include "function.h"
+#include "inc_solver.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include "cppvector.h"
+using namespace std;
+#define ALLOYFILENAME "satune.als"
+#define ALLOYSOLUTIONFILE "solution.sol"
+AlloyInterpreter::AlloyInterpreter(CSolver *_solver):
+ Interpreter(_solver)
+ output.open(ALLOYFILENAME);
+ if(!output.is_open()){
+ model_print("AlloyEnc:Error in opening the dump file satune.als\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if(output.is_open()){
+ output.close();
+ }
+void AlloyInterpreter::dumpAllConstraints(Vector<char *> &facts){
+ output << "fact {" << endl;
+ for(uint i=0; i< facts.getSize(); i++){
+ char *cstr = facts.get(i);
+ writeToFile(cstr);
+ }
+ output << "}" << endl;
+int AlloyInterpreter::getResult(){
+ ifstream input(ALLOYSOLUTIONFILE, ios::in);
+ string line;
+ while(getline(input, line)){
+ if(line.find("Unsatisfiable.")== 0){
+ return IS_UNSAT;
+ }
+ if(line.find("univ") == 0){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(line.find("this/AbsBool<:value") == 0 || line.find("this/AbsElement<:value=") == 0){
+ const char delim [2] = ",";
+ char cline [line.size()+1];
+ strcpy ( cline, line.c_str() );
+ char *token = strtok(cline, delim);
+ while( token != NULL ) {
+ printf( " %s\n", token );
+ uint i1, i2, i3;
+ if (3 == sscanf(token,"%*[^0123456789]%u%*[^0123456789]%d%*[^0123456789]%u", &i1, &i2, &i3)){
+ model_print("Signature%u = %u\n", i1, i3);
+ sigEnc.setValue(i1, i3);
+ }
+ token = strtok(NULL, delim);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return IS_SAT;
+void AlloyInterpreter::dumpFooter(){
+ output << "pred show {}" << endl;
+ output << "run show for " << sigEnc.getAlloyIntScope() << " int" << endl;
+void AlloyInterpreter::dumpHeader(){
+ output << "open util/integer" << endl;
+void AlloyInterpreter::compileRunCommand(char * command, size_t size){
+ snprintf(command, size, "./run.sh timeout %u java -Xmx10000m edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.ExampleAlloyCompilerNoViz %s > %s", getTimeout(), ALLOYFILENAME, ALLOYSOLUTIONFILE);
+string AlloyInterpreter::negateConstraint(string constr){
+ return "not ( " + constr + " )";
+string AlloyInterpreter::encodeBooleanLogic( BooleanLogic *bl){
+ uint size = bl->inputs.getSize();
+ string array[size];
+ for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ array[i] = encodeConstraint(bl->inputs.get(i));
+ string op;
+ switch (bl->op){
+ case SATC_OR:
+ op = " or ";
+ break;
+ case SATC_AND:
+ op = " and ";
+ break;
+ case SATC_NOT:
+ op = " not ";
+ break;
+ case SATC_IFF:
+ op = " iff ";
+ break;
+ op = " implies ";
+ break;
+ case SATC_XOR:
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ switch (bl->op) {
+ case SATC_OR:
+ case SATC_AND:{
+ ASSERT(size >= 2);
+ string res = "( ";
+ res += array[0];
+ for( uint i=1; i< size; i++){
+ res += op + array[i];
+ }
+ res += " )";
+ return res;
+ }
+ case SATC_NOT:{
+ return "not ( " + array[0] + " )";
+ }
+ case SATC_IFF:
+ return "( " + array[0] + op + array[1] + " )";
+ case SATC_XOR:
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+string AlloyInterpreter::encodeBooleanVar( BooleanVar *bv){
+ BooleanSig * boolSig = sigEnc.getBooleanSignature(bv);
+ return *boolSig + " = 1";
+string AlloyInterpreter::processElementFunction(ElementFunction* elemFunc, ElementSig *signature){
+ FunctionOperator *function = (FunctionOperator *) elemFunc->getFunction();
+ uint numDomains = elemFunc->inputs.getSize();
+ ASSERT(numDomains > 1);
+ ElementSig *inputs[numDomains];
+ string result;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < numDomains; i++) {
+ Element *elem = elemFunc->inputs.get(i);
+ inputs[i] = sigEnc.getElementSignature(elem);
+ if(elem->type == ELEMFUNCRETURN){
+ result += processElementFunction((ElementFunction *) elem, inputs[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ string op;
+ switch(function->op){
+ case SATC_ADD:
+ op = ".add";
+ break;
+ case SATC_SUB:
+ op = ".sub";
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ result += *signature + " = " + *inputs[0];
+ for (uint i = 1; i < numDomains; i++) {
+ result += op + "["+ *inputs[i] +"]";
+ }
+ result += "\n";
+ return result;
+string AlloyInterpreter::operatorPredicateConstraint(CompOp op, ElementSig *elemSig1, ElementSig *elemSig2){
+ switch (op) {
+ return *elemSig1 + " = " + *elemSig2;
+ case SATC_LT:
+ return *elemSig1 + " < " + *elemSig2;
+ case SATC_GT:
+ return *elemSig1 + " > " + *elemSig2;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ALLOYENC_H
+#define ALLOYENC_H
+#include "classlist.h"
+#include "signatureenc.h"
+#include "interpreter.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+class AlloyInterpreter: public Interpreter{
+ AlloyInterpreter(CSolver *solver);
+ virtual ~AlloyInterpreter();
+ virtual void dumpFooter();
+ virtual void dumpHeader();
+ virtual void compileRunCommand(char * command , size_t size);
+ virtual int getResult();
+ virtual void dumpAllConstraints(Vector<char *> &facts);
+ virtual string negateConstraint(string constr);
+ virtual string encodeBooleanLogic( BooleanLogic *bl);
+ virtual string encodeBooleanVar( BooleanVar *bv);
+ string encodeOperatorPredicate(BooleanPredicate *constraint);
+ virtual string processElementFunction(ElementFunction *element, ElementSig *signature);
+ virtual string operatorPredicateConstraint(CompOp op, ElementSig *elemSig1, ElementSig *elemSig2);
#include "element.h"
#include "set.h"
#include "signature.h"
-#include "alloyenc.h"
+#include "alloyinterpreter.h"
#include "math.h"
SignatureEnc::SignatureEnc(Interpreter *inter):
#include "varorderingopt.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "alloyenc.h"
+#include "alloyinterpreter.h"
CSolver::CSolver() :
boolTrue(BooleanEdge(new BooleanConst(true))),
void CSolver::setAlloyEncoder(){
if(interpreter == NULL){
- interpreter = new AlloyEnc(this);
+ interpreter = new AlloyInterpreter(this);